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必修3 Unit 2Healthy eating


1.Mary has been on a________(节食) for weeks but still hasn’t lost any weight.


2.He pushed against that big stone with all his________(力气).


3.There is a time________(限制):you must finish it in 30 minutes. 答案:limit

4.The two men in the fight________(怒目而视) at each other.


5.You will________(受益) a lot from morning exercises.


6.Don’t be particular about food.A________(平衡) diet is very important for health.


7.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of________(好奇).


8.We aim to offer good value and service to all our________(顾客).答案:customers

9.He thought that crying was a sign of________(软弱).


10.I have________(查阅) a number of law books in the British Museums.



1.a diet平衡膳食

2.lose 体重减轻;减肥

3.get with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

4.one’s living谋生

5.before 不久以后

6.be of对……厌倦、厌烦

7.win... 赢回;重新获得

8. a lie说谎

9.in 欠债

10.cut 削减;删节

11.put on 增加体重














________ could be________.



He could not ________ Y ong Hui ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________!

答案:have;getting away with telling people lies


________ ________ ________sit down and try a meal?

答案:Why don’t you

4.我的研究表明,你我两家所提供的都不是平衡膳食。According to my research,________ your restaurant ________mine offers a balanced diet.



Their balanced diets became________a success________before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.



________ ________you________a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu...

答案:I thought;were

diet n.日常饮食;vt.& vi.节食;使实施饮食疗法

教材原句P9:Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet? 每个人都要吃饭,但你的饮食是健康的吗?

be/go on a diet节食

put sb.on a diet控制某人饮食

a balanced diet均衡饮食

①Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.


②I really ought to go on a diet.I’ve put on so much weight since I gave up jogging.我真应该节食了。自从我放弃慢跑后,我的体重已经增加了这么多。

③The doctor put him on a diet after operation.


④No sugar in my coffee,please.I’m dieting.



—Would you like some more chicken?

—No,thanks.I am________________(正在节食) and I’m trying to______________(减肥).

答案:on a diet;lose weight

balance n.天平,平衡;结余;余额;v.平衡,权衡

教材原句P9:What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet.假如你的饮食不均衡会怎么样?

①Try to achieve a better balance between work and play.


②He lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs.


③Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet.许多人开始认识到他们应该均衡饮食。

④You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。2.完成句子

(1)It’s very important to ____________________(保持大自然平衡).However,at times it is disturbed,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

(2)I think it’s important to__________________(保持平衡) study and

a social life,so I’m going to join a few clubs.

答案:(1)keep the balance of nature(2)have a balance between curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲

教材原句P10:Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.


①There are some people who show great curiosity about other people’s affairs.有些人就是特别喜欢打听别人的事。

②Just out of curiosity,how much did you pay for your car?


③Children are naturally curious about everything around them.


④It is curious that he should have failed to win the race.


3.(2010·天津卷)People have always been________about exactly how life on earth began.

A.curious B.excited

C.anxious D.careful

解析:句意为:人们一直对世界上的生命起源非常好奇。形容词短语搭配be curious about 对……好奇;excited兴奋的;anxious 焦虑的;careful 认真的。

limit vt.限制;限定;n.界限;限度

教材原句P14:I don’t want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。

①I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.


②The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.


③In my opinion,you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip.在我看来,你们最好给这次旅行的费用定一个限度。

④This technique is useful but it has its limitations.


4.In my opinion,keeping dogs should not be banned,but________to certain areas.

A.limited B.limiting

C.to limit D.to be limited

解析:句意为:在我看来,不应该禁止养狗,但要限制在某些特定的区域。but后的句子补充完整为:but keeping dogs should be limited to certain areas。

strength n.[U] 力量,体力;n.[C] 长处,强项

教材原句P11:The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it provided plenty of energy-giving food.


build up one’s strength增强实力

strengthen vt.加强,增强

①Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.


②When we think of leadship,we often think of strength and power. 一想到领导才能,我们通常会想到实力和权力。

③He hasn’t got enough st rength to lift the box.


④Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.


5.(浙江高考)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only________one’s strength,but also develop one’s character.

A.bring up B.take up

C.build up D.pull up

解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。build up one’s strength增强体力,符合题意。bring up提出,养育;take up占去,继续;pull up(使)停下(住)。

benefit vt.使……受益,得益;n.好处,利益;优势

①We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。

②I am sure that everyone will benefit a lot from this activity.


③Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.


④Plenty of exercise every day is of great benefit to our health.


⑤The warning sign was put there for the benefit of the public.



(1)Many thousands of patients ____________________(受益于这种新的治疗) and recovered quickly.

(2)A large sum of money has been raised__________________(为了……的利益) the poorly-educated children in the mountainous districts.

答案:(1)have benefited from this new treatment(2)for the benefit of

get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚

教材原句P10:He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!

①If you cheat in the exam,you’ll never get away with it.


②For such a serious mistake he was lucky to get away with a fine.他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。

get across (使)被理解,(把……)讲清楚

get away (from)(从)……脱离,逃脱……

get rid of摆脱;除掉

get down to (doing) sth.开始认真地做某事

get in touch with与……取得联系

get on/along well with...与……相处得好,进展顺利

get over爬过……;克服(困难);从……中恢复过来

get through完成;花光(时间、钱等);通过;接通电话

③If we can get over present difficulties,then everything should be all right.


④They have a lot in common,so they get along well with each other. 他们有许多共同之处,因此他们相处很好。

⑤I called all day yesterday,but I couldn’t get through to you.


7.The child should be punished.You shouldn’t let him________telling


A.keep away from B.keep away with

C.get away from D.get away with

解析:keep away from远离;get away from逃离;get away with 侥幸成功;逃脱处罚。句意为:这孩子应受到惩罚。他撒谎你不应该不惩罚他。

答案: D

8.(2011·浙江温州十校联合体联考)I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we________fine.

A.get over B.stay up

C.get away from D.get along

解析:根据前面的“争吵”和转折词but判断,此处意为“现在我们相处得很好”。get along (with sb.)(与某人)相处。

答案: D

in debt负债

教材原句P14:He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.


be in heavy debt负债累累

be in debt to sb.欠某人债

be in sb.’s debt感激某人;欠某人的情

pay off all the debts还清债务(动作)

be out of debt不欠债(状态)

get/run into debt陷入债务

①Today,many developing countries are heavily in debt.


②Being out of debt makes Tom a light mood.


③The couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts.


④You saved my life;I am forever in your debt.


⑤We were poor but we never got into debt.



This country__________________(负债) for a year because of the financial crisis.Now things have improved a little.

答案:has been in debt

cut down削减;删节

教材原句P15:In this way,they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.


①The doctor advised the patient to cut down smoking.


②Our money is running out.We should cut down expenses.


cut in插话,让某人分享利润

cut up切碎;齐根切掉

cut out删除

cut off切断,中止

③It is impolite for children to cut in when their seniors are talking.孩子们在他们的长辈谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。

④Because of the terrible earthquake,the electricity of the city has been cut off.由于可怕的地震,城市里的供电被中断了。

10.(2010·安徽省重点中学高三检测)I was just talking to my old friend when Mary________.

A.cut in B.cut down

C.cut out D.cut up

解析:cut in插话。可根据talking to my old friend得出答案。

答案: A

11.Our teacher advised you to________the article that is too long so as to make it fit the space.

A.cut away B.cut through

C.cut up D.cut down

解析:根据too long和fit the space可知应选D项。cut down削减,

删节。cut away切去,走开;cut through抄近路通过;cut up切碎。答案: D

He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉!

(1)have sb.doing意为“允许某人做某事”时,常用于否定句


(2)have sb.do让某人做某事

(3)have sth.done遭遇不幸;让别人做某事;完成某事

(4)have sth.to do有事情要做

①I can’t have you speaking to your mother in a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。

②The teacher had his students reading English for half an hour.


③Don’t be worried.I’ll have Tom help you finish the work.


④—Can you go to watch the football match with me tonight?


—Sorry,but I have an important meeting to attend.


⑤I had my watch repaired because it didn’t work.


⑥The woman had her handbag robbed yesterday.


12.(2010·山东卷)I have a lot of readings________before the end of this term.

A.completing B.to complete

C.completed D.being completed

解析:句意为:本学期结束前我有许多阅读要完成。考查非谓语动词作定语。have sth.to do有某事要做,to do的逻辑主语需和主句主语一致;当不定式的逻辑主语与主句主语不一致时,可用have sth.to be done结构。

答案: B

Nothing could be better.









①It was not until then that I suddenly realized noboy was happier

than I was.直到那时我突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。

②Nothing in my life shook me so deeply as the first visit to China.


③You can never be too careful.你再怎么小心也不过分。

④—Did you sleep well last night?你昨夜睡得好吗?

—Never better,like a log.从没这么好过,睡得很死。

⑤Nothing is more precious than health.


13.(2011·安徽示范性高中联考二)—Did you have a good night’s sleep,sir?

—Oh,exactly.It was such a comfortable bed.I could never have________sleep.

A.a good B.the best

C.a better D.a best


答案: C

14.(2010·北京海淀模拟)—Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

—Yes.No one could perform________,I think.

A.well B.better

C.best D.the best


答案: B


spy on;throw it away;get away with;earn one’s living;win back;tell a lie;in debt;cut down

1.He didn’t________________________stealing and was put into prison.

答案:get away with

2.He has been heavily ________________beca use of his sister’s illness.

答案:in debt

3.Being unable to speak English,he found it hard to________________________in Canada.

答案:earn his living

4.Never think you will not be found out when you______________________.

答案:tell a lie

5.He was sent to________________the enemy’s military bases during the war.

答案:spy on

6.—Are you sure these measures can________________ on the number of traffic accidents?

—Yes,I am.

答案:cut down

7.This is the best chance for you to go abroad.Don’t ______________________.

答案:throw it away

8.The seventeen-year-old girl is determined to________________the gold medal in four years.

答案:win back


1.(2009·重庆卷)With the world changing fast,we have something new________with all by ourselves every day.

A.deal B.dealt

C.to deal D.dealing

解析:句意为:随着世界的快速变化,我们每天都有新的问题要独自处理。本题考查的是不定式作定语,have something to do,动词do逻辑上的主语是we,也就是句子的主语。

答案: C

2.(2010·东城练习二)Every year,Tom remembers to have some flowers________to her mother on her birthday.

A.send B.sent

C.sending D.being sent

解析:本题考查非谓语动词。have something done表示某事被做。答案: B

3.—Excuse me sir,where is Room 301?

—Just a minute.I’ll have Bob________you to your room.

A.show B.shows

C.to show D.showing

解析:此题考查动词have的用法。have sb.do sth.命令或安排某人做某事。

答案: A

4.—Has John repaired his washing machine?

—He had it________,because he was so busy.

A.to repaired B.repair

C.repaired D.to be repairing

解析:句意为:约翰修好他的洗衣机了吗?——他让别人修的,因为他太忙了。have sth.done让某事被做。

答案: C

5.(上海春招)If we have illegal immigrants________in,many local workers will lose their jobs.

A.came B.coming

C.to come D.having come

解析:考查have的用法。句意为:如果我们让非法移民不断涌入,很多当地工人就会失业。此处是have sb.doing sth.结构,表示“让某人一直做某事”。

答案: B



1.(2011·河北唐山模拟)—What do you think of the film Avatar?

—It________be better.I even want to see it twice.

A.won’t B.couldn’t

C.shouldn’t D.mightn’t

解析:考查情态动词。句意为:——你觉得电影《阿凡达》怎么样?——再好不过了,我甚至想看第二次。can’t/couldn’t与比较级连用,表示“再也没有更……的了”。类似的用法还有“I couldn’t agree more.(我完全同意。)”

答案: B

2.(2011·东北三校联合模拟)—Mum,would you please buy me an MP5 player?

—If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation,you ________have one as a reward.

A.must B.need

C.would D.shall


部编版2020届高三英语模拟考试试题(二) 新人教 版

2019级高考模拟考试试题(二) 英语 注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2、回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3、考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the woman do next Saturday? A. Attend a birthday party. B. Sing in a concert. C. Stay at home. 2. What does the woman want the man to do? A Buy her a newspaper. B. Take a picture of her. C. Stop following her. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a bookstore. 4. Where will the woman go first? A. To the bathroom. B. To the beach. C. To the bank. 5. What does the woman mean? A. The man forgot to do his hair. B. The man needs to buy a new mirror.


高一地理必修三期末测试题 一、选择题(下列选项中,只有一个是正确答案。每小题2分,共60分。) 读“中国西北地区局部图”,完成1~4题。 1.图中有明确区域边界的是 A.库布齐沙漠 B.土默川平原 C.呼和浩特市 D.阴山山脉 2.河套平原从“地固泽卤,不生五谷”发展成为“塞外粮仓”主要是由于该地 A.地质条件稳定 B.年降水量增多 C.灌溉条件改善 D.黄河水量减少 3.河套平原农业可持续发展面临的主要问题是 A.湿地破坏 B.森林锐减 C.水土流失 D.土壤盐渍化 4.造成河套平原和长江中下游平原耕作制度不同的 主要自然因素是 A.土壤 B.海拔 C.水 D. 热量 黄淮海流域有2亿多人口不同程度存在饮水困难,工 农业发展受到严重制约。我国南水北调中线一期工程计划 于2014年底通水,该工程将大大缓解黄淮海地区的用水 紧张状况。下图为南水北调中线示意图。读图回答5~6 题。 5.下列有关南水北调中线工程的影响,叙述正确的是 A.提高汉江下游的防洪压力 B.有利于提高晋煤水运的能力 C.有利于解除海河流域的洪涝灾害

D.带动沿线地区的经济结构调整 6.黄淮海地区水资供需矛盾突 出的原因是 ①人口稠密,经济发达,需水量 大 ②降水较少,径流量不足 ③地面硬化,降水利用率低 ④水资的污染浪费严重 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 美国农业生产布局最主要的特 征是农业生产地区专门化,其具体表 现就是形成了一个个农业带,如右图所示。据此回答7~8题。 7.对美国农业区域专门化起决定作用的因素是 A.追求生态效益 B.追求经济效益 C.便利的交通条件 D.完善的制度、法规 8.有关美国农业生产地区专门化的叙述,正确的是 A.F处为地中海气候夏季高温干燥,光合作用强,棉花带分布在此 B.A处为乳畜带,这里是温带海洋性气候有利于多汁牧草的生长 C.B为小麦带,北部由于冬季较长,种植冬小麦,中部则种植春小麦 D.C、D、G分别是玉米带、棉花带、亚热带作物带 我国平均每年有20个天然湖泊消亡。统计表明,湖北省20世纪50年代共有湖泊1 052个,有“千湖之省”的美誉,而目前只剩下83个。昔日“八百里洞庭”水面缩小四成,由我国第一大淡水湖退居第二。西部一批烟波浩渺的大湖相继消亡,湖泊逐渐向盐湖、干盐湖方向发展。阅读上述文字,完成9~10题。 9.使“八百里洞庭”退居我国第二大淡水湖的主要原因是 ①围湖造田②上游水土流失严重③蒸发和下渗④引水灌溉 A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.①④ 10.湖泊环境恶化后,造成水灾频发的原因是 A.湖泊水对河水的补给量减少 B.湖泊的调蓄功能降低 C.水土流失加剧 D.水资减少 陕西榆林地区“乌金(煤)遍地”,资源丰富,该地“村村点火,处处冒烟”,被人们戏称为“黑三角”。据此回答11~12题。 11.在资开发初期,当地适合发展 A.食品工业 B.高耗能工业 C.农产品加工工业 D.高技术工业


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.


第二章第一节通过神经系统的调节 1、神经调节的基本结构和功能单位是。 神经元的功能:接受刺激兴奋,并兴奋,进而对其他组织产生效应。 神经元的结构:由细胞体、树突(短)、轴突(长)构成。后2者合称为神经纤维神经元的种类: 2、反射: 定义:是神经系统的基本活动方式。是指在参与下,动物体或人体对环境变化作出的应答。 非条件反射:先天性就有的,低级的神经中枢(脑干、脊髓)参与完成, 是一种低级的神经活动,如: 反射种类条件反射:在非条件反射的基础上,经过后天的学习和训练形成的,高级神经中枢 (大脑皮层)参与完成,是一种高级的神经活动。如:3、:是反射活动的结构基础和功能单位。 ():感觉神经末稍和与之相连的各种特化结构,感受刺激产生兴奋 () 组成():在脑和脊髓的灰质中,功能相同的神经元细胞体汇集在一起构成() ():运动神经末稍与其所支配的肌肉或腺体 反射弧的组成和各部分的结构特点、功能等归纳为下表: 树突 细胞体 轴突 神经末梢

兴奋传导反射弧结构 结构特点功能结构破坏对功能 的影响 感受器↓ 传入神经↓ 神经中枢↓ 传出神经↓ 效应器感受器感觉神经末梢的特 殊结构 将外界刺激的信息转化 为神经的兴奋 传入神经感觉神经元将兴奋有感受器传至神 经中枢 神经中枢调节某一特定生理 功能的神经元群 对传入的兴奋进行分析 与综合 传出神经运动神经元将兴奋由神经中枢传至 效应器 效应器传出神经末梢和它 所支配的肌肉或腺 体等 对内外刺激做出相应的 反应 相互联系:反射弧中任何一个环节中断,反射均不能发生,必须保证反射弧结构的完整性完成反射的条件:、。 4、兴奋在神经纤维上的传导 (1)兴奋: (2)兴奋是以的形式沿着传导的,这种电信号也叫。 (3)兴奋的传导过程:静息状态时,细胞膜电位→受到刺激,兴奋状态时,细胞膜电位为→兴奋部位与未兴奋部位间由于电位差的存在形成局部电流(膜外:未兴奋部位→兴奋部位;膜内:兴奋部位→未兴奋部位) (4)兴奋的传导的方向:,所以兴奋在神经纤维上的传导是的。 5、兴奋在神经元之间的传递: (1)神经元之间的兴奋传递就是通过实现的 突触:包括、、 (2)兴奋的传递方向:由于神经递质只存在于的 内,所以兴奋在神经元之间 (即在突触处)的传递是的,只能是:→ → (上个神经元的→下个神经元的或) (3)兴奋传递过程的信号转化:→ → (4)神经递质的种类:、 (5)神经递质的作用: (6)神经递质的去向:、、 6、神经系统的分级调节


高二第一学期地理必修三中段考试题 一、单项选择题(68分,每小题2分) 1、田纳西河流域的气候类型是() A、温带大陆性气候 B、温带季风气候 C、亚热带湿润气候 D、温带海洋性气候 2、下列说法正确的是() A、田纳西河是密西西比河上流程最长、流量最大的支流 B、田纳西河流域地形全为平原 C、田纳西河流域虽然降水少,但河床比降大,所以水能资源丰富 D、流域内有丰富的煤炭、铅锌等矿产 3、田纳西河流域的平原区,是美国农业带中的() A、乳畜带 B、小麦带 C、棉花带 D、畜牧和灌溉混合农业区 4、在“循环经济”模式下,可能发生下列哪种生产方式:() A、全球化生产 B、信息化生产 C、集聚生产 D、清洁生产 读下面两段材料,回答下面问题5、6题 我国水能蕴藏量约6.8亿千瓦,主要分布在西南地区。我国电力工业主要有水电和火电 两种形式,其中火电是主体。田纳西河流域可开发的水力资源达457万千瓦,目前装机 容量为414万千瓦,水力资源利用率约为90%。 5、我国河流开发中存在的问题() A、水电开发利用程度低 B、我国水能资源不丰富 C、由于我国用电量大,所以水力资源尽管开发率很高,但仍比火电少 D、我国可开发的水能资源数量少 6、田纳西河流域开发的核心是() A、河流的梯级开发 B、土地资源利用率及高耗能工业 C、旅游业开发 D、疏通河道 7、“缓坡修筑水平梯田,发展林果基地”,这样的护坡措施是() A、生物措施 B、工程措施 C、农业技术措施 D、生物、工程措施 在黄土高原的缓坡上修筑梯田是该区域综合治理的一项措施。读图,完成8、9题 8、梯田田埂的水平延长方向一般与() C、山谷走向基本一致 D、山脊走向基本平行 9、梯田的修筑,显著地改变了山坡的() A、形态 B、土壤类型 C、坡向 D、物质组成 10、决定自然区域差异的基本因素是() A、土壤和水文 B、地形和气候 C、土壤和植被 D、地形和植被 11、青藏铁路将经过三江源(长江、黄河、澜沧江之源)地区。下列关于该地区地理环 境特点的叙述,正确的是() A、山高坡陡,地势起伏大 B、太阳辐射强,日照时间长,热量充足 C、气温低,牧草矮,生态环境脆弱 D、积雪冰川多,水资源和水能资源丰富 12、GDP表示:() A、国内生产总值 B、国民生产总值 C、人均国民生产总值 D、工业生产总值 13、工业社会阶段,在石油资源基础上形成的主要工业区() A、鞍山 B、曼彻斯特 C、阿伯丁D匹兹堡


诸城一中慈海复读学校英语学科模拟题 2020.3 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Some of the greatest scientists of all time are women who have made important discoveries in a variety of contributions.Our list fields in science.Several of their contributions throughout history are even more than men’s of the most famous female scientists below are organized in order of popularity so you can read about the advancements that they made. Marie Curie(1867-1934) Famous For:Work on radioactivity Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman to win this award in two fields: Physics and Chemistry.She discovered polonium and radium and her work helped with the creation of X-rays. Jane Goodall(1934) Famous For:Primate(灵长类)studies JaneGoodall is known world-wide for her groundbreaking studies on primates.She is considered as the top expert on chimps in the world and is perhaps best known for her45-year study on the social lives of theseanimals in Tanzania. Rita Levi-Montalcini(1909-2012) Famous For:Nerve growth studies Rita Levi-Montalcini was a neurologist(神经病学家)who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986for her findings in Nerve Growth Factor(NGF).She was the first Nobel prize winner to live past her100th birthday. Lise Meitner(1878-1968) Famous For:Work on radioactivity and nuclear physics Lise Meitner was a key member of a group that discovered nuclear fission(裂变).One of her colleagues,Otto get the award is considered to be a huge error by Hahn,was given the Noble Prize for this work.That Meitner didn’t the Nobel committee.


第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A If you frequently travel for business,Staybridge Suites offer you a range of home comforts.Four recent visitors to Staybridge Suites explain why they booked,what they enjoyed and what made them want to return. Claire Metcalf "The concept is great,but the staff are the ones who really make it."she says."It takes a lot of discipline to always be friendly,but the staff at Staybridge Suites do that.They genuinely care about you." Andrew Roberts "One of the best things is having my own kitchen.I often end up working late and I don't fancy eating in a restaurant on my own,so cooking for myself is a big drawcard." "The main thing for me is being able to cook and have my own little flat.The staff are amazing.It is great to be recognized by them,"he says. Pauline Robinson "What I love about it is the way that you are treated by the staff,"she says."Some of the staff have been there all that time and they do look after you well.As a woman staying on my own,it is reassuring that they look out for you,and recently when I was poorly they even brought things I needed to my room." Ryan Ruckledge "The fully﹣equipped kitchen is great.I always have a one﹣bed apartment so I have a separate kitchen and dining room and I'm able to relax and cook some meals.Eating out can feel a bit much when you do it day in and day out﹣it makes you hate what you do﹣and I don't want that. 21.What attracts visitors to Staybridge Suites A.A separate dining room.B.A one﹣bed apartment. C.A home from home.D.A lot of discipline. 22.Who think highly of the kitchen of Staybridge Suites A.Pauline Robinson and Ryan Ruckledge.B.Ryan Ruckledge and Claire Metcalf. C.Andrew Roberts and Ryan Ruckledge.D.Pauline Robinson and Claire Metcalf. 23.What does the underlined word ‘drawcard' in Paragraph 3 probably mean


高中地理必修三期末试卷 一、选择题 (一)单项选择题(共60分) 本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的,多选和不选均不得分。 1.以下按综合指标划分出来的区域有 A.干湿地区B.自然区C.高原区D.热带雨林区 2.关于区域的叙述,错误 ..的是 A.区域都具有一定的区位特征B.区域都有一定的面积和形状 C.区域都有一定明确的界线D.区域地理环境对区域发展有深刻的影响 3.决定我国自然地理环境差异的两个基本因素是 A.土壤和植被B.气候和地貌C.水文和土壤D.植被和水文 读图1“七个省级行政单位某种植被面积占全国该种植被面积的比例图”,回答4—5题: 4.该植被最有可能是 A.草原B.苔原 C.硬叶林D.针叶林 5.该植被分布区最普遍的环境问题是 A.酸雨B.固体废弃物污染 图1 C.土地沙化D.臭氧层破坏 水土流失是形成黄土高原千沟万壑自然景观的主要原因,每年流失的土壤约16亿吨,据此回答6—9题: 6.黄土高原水土流失严重,主要人为原因是 A.长期以来的毁林开荒B.过度放牧和过度樵采 C.土壤疏松,降水变率大D.干旱和大风现象 7.保持水土的根本措施是 A.平整土地B.修水平梯田C.深耕改土D.造林种草 8.黄土高原人地矛盾尖锐,关键问题在于 A.植被破坏B.人口过度增长C.贫困D.环境恶化

9.黄土高原地区可持续发展的基础是 A .经济可持续发展 B .社会经济持续发展 C .生态可持续发展 D .减少污水排放量 10.山西省产生生态环境问题的根源是 A .露天开采 B .矿区道路的铺设 C .开矿井巷道的建设 D .重化工业为主的产业结构 我国为了改善日益恶化的生态环境,建设了许多防护林体系,其中规模较大的是“三北” 防护林和长江中上游防护林。据此,回答11—12题: 11.“三北”防护林所起的主要的环保功效是 A .吸烟除尘 B .美化环境 C .防风固沙 D .净化空气 12.长江中上游防护林所起的生态作用是 A .涵养水源、保持水土 B .繁衍物种、维护生物多样性 C .调节气候、稳定大气成分 D .净化空气、吸烟除尘 据报道,我国江西省南部山区出现了大片的“红色荒漠”,据此判断回答13—14题: 13.“红色荒漠”形成的自然条件主要是 A .风蚀作用 B .水蚀作用 C .沉积作用 D .风化作用 14.“红色荒漠”形成的人为原因是 A .滥伐森林 B .开山取石 C .过度放牧 D .风化作用 图2是某地区的地形图,回答15—118题: 15.与长江三角洲、珠江三角洲等地区相比,图示平原地区成为商品粮基地的优势条件是 A .交通发达 B .单位面积产量高 C .水热条件好 D .人均耕地面积广 16.以下不属于...该商品粮基地特点的是 A .以国营农场的经营方式为主 B .粮食商品率处于较低水平 C .已经形成粮食作物的地区专业化生产 D .是我国农业机械化水平最高的地区之一 17.城市P 某家具厂生产的实木家具销往全国许多地方。影响该厂布局的主导因素是 130°E 图2


高三英语模拟试题 总分120分,时间100分钟 班级: ______ 姓名: ______ 总分: ______ 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Research found that when people share their efforts and knowledge, the ______ is greater than the total of their efforts as individuals. A. procedure C. ownership D. revenue 22. A lake project, which will be a landmark construction of the city, ______ on land that only one year ago was mostly farmland. A. is built B. was built C. has been built D. is being built A. in which B. to which C. from which D. by which 24. Teachers would like students to think and discuss problems in groups but they don’t tolerate ______ in class. A. they talk B. them to talk C. them talked D. their talking 25. ---What if I cancel my files by accident? --- Our standard advice: before you do anything, ______ your data. A. back up B. polish up C. hold up D. step up 26. ---How was your trip to the mountains? ---Turned out to be ______ relaxing. Though we made it to the top, we caught a sudden storm and got wet to the skin. A. more than B. nothing but C. all too D. anything but A. what it is that B. why it is that C. what is it D. why is it 28. Many believe that whoever makes a great advancement in art or science ______ the same in any other if chance had thrown it in his way. A. would do B. could do C. would have done D. would be doing 29. I have kept the school club poster ______ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my first year of


高三英语模拟考试试题(附答案) 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(共105分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号徐黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读—遍。 1.Where has the woman probably just been? A.To a bank. B.To a market. C.To a post office. 2.what is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Doctor and patient. C.Teacher and student. 3.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Keep silent. B.Buy a new cup. C.Speak the truth. 4.What does the man want to eat now? A.Strawberries. B.Chips. C.Cakes. 5.What time is it now? A.9:00. B.10:00. C.11:00. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A coat. B.A pair of socks. C.A pair of gloves. 7.What is the usual price? A.$15. B.$7.5. C.$5. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What does the woman think is beautiful? A.The beach. B.The blue water. C.The sound of waves. 9.What did the man do when he first saw the ocean?


高中地理必修三靖边七中12月月考卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 棉花耐旱、耐盐碱,喜光照。近年来,阿拉善高原采用滴管技术和机械化作业,种植早熟的棉花品种,并引种彩色面和有机棉。回答下列问题。 1.该地引种彩色棉、有机棉,主要是为了 A. 增强市场竞争力 B. 改善生态环境 C. 提高单位面积产量 D. 降低运输成本 2.该地发展棉花种植业面临环境问题可能是 A. 水土流失 B. 石漠化 C. 生物多样性增加 D. 土地荒漠化 3.该地发展棉花种植业面临的一些问题。其中,机械化作业可缓解的问题是 A.交通不便 B. 资金不足 C. 劳动力缺乏 D. 土地多盐碱 在一个国家工业化和城镇化的起步阶段,国家总的森林面积会逐渐减少随着工业化和城市化的进一步推进,国家森林面积减少的态势出现减缓直至停止,并开始转变为扩张,这个国家森林面积从减少转变为扩张阶段的土地利用变化过程被称成为“国家森林转型”。我国很多地区已经出现“国家森林转型”现象。据此回答下列问题。 4.在“国家森林转型”阶段,面积逐渐减少的土地利用类型是 A.林地 B.耕地 C.草地 D.建设用地 5.我国“国家森林转型”现象较明显的地区最可能是 A.东北平原 B.华北平原 C.内蒙古高原 D.东南丘陵 读“美国田纳西河流域的综合开发与治理示意图”,回答下列问题。 第1页共14页◎第2页共14页

6.为有效控制田纳西河流域的洪水灾害,田纳西河流域治理采取的主要措施是 A.兴建大坝,疏通河道 B.保护环境,发展旅游业 C. 建设和完善巨大航运网 D.发展畜牧业,改善气候 7.田纳西河流域工业走廊的形成,主要是因为 A.修大坝,使通航条件大为改善 B.旅游业带来经济收人 C.大规模的水电开发 D.田纳西河的水质改善 8.田纳西河流域综合治理给农业生产带来的好处是 ①扩大了耕地面积②稳定了灌溉水源 ③减轻了洪涝灾害④增加了土壤肥力 A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.①③ 下图中右为“江南丘陵某县农村生活用能构成图”,左为“该县农村秸秆利用方式比例图”。读图,回答下列问题。 9.该县农村这种生活用能构成状况可能带来的严重生态问题是 A.土地盐碱化 B.水土流失 C.酸雨危害 D.土地沙漠化 10.经过调整,该县把作物秸秆等农副产品主要用于发展农区畜牧业,这有利于 A.改善局地气候 B.保护农田作物 C.防止水土流失 D.综合利用资源 下表为长三角和珠三角地区的统计数据,据此回答下题。 第3页共14页◎第4页共14页


第二章第1节通过神经系统的调节 一、教材分析:本节内容是生命活动调节的第一节,因此在教材中占据了承上启下的重要的地位。但是本节课内容比较抽象,不直观,学生不易理解。因此要借助多媒体的辅助,观看神经冲动在神经纤维上的传到,及突触间的传递过程。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1.概述神经调节的结构基础和反射。 2.说明兴奋在神经纤维上的传导和在神经元之间的传递。 3.概述神经系统的分级调节和人脑的高级功能。 2.能力目标:能设计关于神经传导方向的实验 3.情感、态度和价值观目标:通过学习用过神经的调节,来体会生命活动调节的准确性,及复杂性 四、学情分析 我们的学生属于平行分班,但学生已有的知识和水平有差距,且本节课内容抽象,特别是兴奋的产生、传导过程,很难理解,最好借助多媒体,动画展示兴奋产生、传导的过程,有利于学生理解。 五、教学方法 1.多媒体动画展示。 2.学案导学:见后面的学案。 3.新授课教学基本环节:预习检查、总结疑惑→情境导入、展示目标→合作探究、精讲点拨→反思总结、当堂检测→发导学案、布置预习 六、课前准备 1.学生的学习准备:预习“通过神经系统的调节”把握神经调节的方式,神经调节的结构基础、反射弧的构成、突触、突触小体等基本概念;初步理解兴奋的产生、传导过程。2.教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课内探究学案,课后延伸拓展学案。3.教学环境的设计和布置:两人一组,多媒体教师教学。 七、课时安排:1课时 八、教学过程 (一)预习检查、总结疑惑 检查落实了学生的预习情况并了解了学生的疑惑,使教学具有了针对性。 (二)情景导入、展示目标。 导入:利用教材P16[问题探讨]导入新课 我们来看本节课的学习目标。多媒体展示学习目标,强调重难点。然后展示探究的问题,已经布置学生们课前预习了这部分,检查学生预习情况并让学生把预习过程中的疑惑说出来。 (三)合作探究、精讲点拨。 探究一:神经调节的结构基础和反射 教师设置下列问题引导学生讨论和思考: ⑴人和动物各器官系统的协调,以及对外界刺激作出反应主要是通过神经系统来完成的,那么神经调节的方式是什么呢? ⑵什么是反射?你能举出几个反射活动的实例吗?草履虫能够趋利避害,含羞草叶被触碰后会下垂,这属于反射吗?如果有人用针刺了你一下,你感到了疼痛,这属于反射吗?用针刺激离体蛙的腓肠肌,肌肉会收缩,这属于反射吗?


高三模拟考试英语试题 英 语(去掉听力部分,总分120分,时间100分钟) 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在答题纸规定的地方填写自己的班级、姓名、六位考号。 2.9:40停止答题,将答题纸拍照(要清晰,要拍全),上传给老师,最晚要在9:45之前上传完毕。 3.听力不做,不计入总分。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A .The woman's husband. B .The man feels annoyed. C .The woman's car. 2. How much more is needed for the new car? A .87,000 yuan. B .92,000 yuan. C .5,000 yuan. 3. Where does the woman find the key? A . On the table. B .In the drawer. C .On the icebox. 4. When will the two speakers be likely to meet? A .Thursday. B .Friday. C .Saturday. 5. What has happened to the house? A .The roof is missing. B .A storm damaged it. C .A tree fell onto the house. 第二节(共15小题;小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How will the man go to the museum? A .By bus. B .By taxi. C .On foot. 7. Where is the museum located? A .Behind Queen Mary Ave. B .At the end of Museum Drive. C .On the left of Queen Mary Ave. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Where does the conversation take place? A .On the phone. B .At a dentist's. C .At the meeting. 9. Which doctor did the man see last time? A .Dr. Williams. B .Dr. Robinson. C .Dr. Andrew. 10. W hat date is it today? A .January 14. B .January 12. C .January 11. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. W here will they go to have lunch? A .East Sunshine. B .West Sunshine. C .Test East Sunshine. 12. W hy does the woman know the restaurant? A .Because she has eaten out in the restaurant. B .Because she got news from their website. C .Because she was invited to taste dishes. 13. W hich of the following is the owner of the restaurant? A .Jenny. B .Mark. C .Judy. 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。 14. W hat resulted in Peter quitting his job? A .His boss is mean B .He had no chance to advance. C .The salary is low. 15. H ow many companies did Peter send out the resume to? A .Two. B .Twelve. C .Twenty. 16. W here does the man speaker want to work? A .Boston. B .Chicago. C .Seattle. 17. W hat suggestion does the woman give? A .Find a job working online. B .Contact the networking groups. C .By a new suit. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 18. W hat is the speaker mainly talking about? A .Three positives of traveling alone. B .His experience of adventure. C .His trip to Chicago during spring break. 19. W hat did the speaker do in the workshops? A .To visit the local people. B .To buy a beautiful earrings. C .To design a T-shirt. 20. H ow did the speaker build his confidence? A .Have some valuable conversations. B .Have no one to depend on. C .Set up a comfort zone. 第二部分 阅读(共20小题,每小题2.5分,共50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A If you have applied online to a position, you may check to see which step we have reached in our hiring process. 学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: ____________________________装____________________________________订_______________________________线____________________________________

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