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第三部分 阅读理解
第三部分 阅读理解



My name is Helena. I am from Greece and I am an English student in London. Four other students are in my class. They are all European (欧洲人).

Carla is Italian. She is very beautiful. In Rome she lives alone,but in London she lives with me. She works for the government.

Yuri is from Russia. He likes studying English and playing football in his spare time. In Russia he is a bank manager and he lives with his wife. In London he lives alone.

Eric and Barbara are husband and wife. He is from Germany and she is from France. They are both doctors, but they like playing music in their spare time. They have got a flat in Frankfurt(法兰克福). He is 65 years old, but she is 42. They have got two children.

1. There are (B )students in Helena's class.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

2. Carla lives( C )in London.

A. alone

B. with her parents

C. with Helena

3. Yuri likes( A)in his free time.

A. playing football

B. playing music

C. playing with the children


In Britain the weather is very changeable(多变的). It often rains, but the sun sometimes shines too. The winters are quite cold, with an average(平均的) temperature of 5 degrees. It is colder(更冷) in the north of England and it often snows there, but in London it doesn't often snow. The summers are sometimes cool and sometimes warm, but the temperature doesn't usually go above 30 degrees.

It is often cloudy and there are sometimes grey(灰色的) skies for days or weeks. Foreigners think it is always foggy in England, but in fact(事实上) it is not often foggy now.

1. It (B) rains in Britain.

A. never

B. often

C. always

2.The average temperature of Britain is 5 degrees in ____A_____.

A. winter

B. autumn

C. summer

3. It is (C)in summer in England.

A. never cool

B. often cold

C. sometimes warm

4. It is often (A)in England.

A. cloudy

B. sunny

C. windy

5.Foreingers think it is always foggy in _____C______.

A. the north of England

B. London

C. England


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1st July. I would like to apply for the post of Technology Sales Representative in your company.

I am 28 years old and I am a graduate from Dangston University. I have a degree in Business Technology. I am working currently as a secretary in Polymer Ltd. In my current job I am responsible for arranging the presentations of the Technology Sales Representatives to foreign clients. I enjoy working in Business Technology, but I am now looking for the opportunity to develop my own skills and to be a Technology Sales Representative myself. I am interested in travelling and I am keen to use my language skills in your foreign companies. I speak French and German fluently. I am happy to live abroad for my work.

I am available for interview at any time in the next two weeks because I am on holiday. I am sending my CV with this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Jane Simson

(A)1. What would Jane like to apply for

A. The post of Technology Sales Representative.

B. The manager of Technology Sales Representative.

C. The worker of Technology Sales Representative.

(C)2. What does Jane like very much

A. She enjoys working in Medicine Technology.

B. She enjoys working in Computer Technology.

C. She enjoys working in Business Technology.

(C)3. Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks

A. Because she wants to get the job.

B. Because she wants to be a representative in that company.

C. Because she is on holiday. 短文4

The permanent employees get a salary every month, but because I am temporary I get my wages in cash every week. I don't get a lot of money, because I am a waiter—but the customers often give me tips. I am friendly to my customers because I hope they will be generous. Because I am temporary, I only get 6 an hour, and I don't get money when I don't work. I want to go to Italy to see my parents. But I haven't got enough money and I don't get holiday pay. It's a pity. Also, I don't get sick pay when I am ill. But I can work extra hours. I often do overtime at the weekend if the restaurant is busy. At Christmas the boss gives us extra money-a bonus. (B)1. How often do temporary employees get their pay

A. Every month.

B. Every week.

C. Every day.

(C)2. "Tip" is closest in meaning (意义) to _________.

A. bonus for extra work

B. gift money for friend's children

C. money for good service

(A) 3. What does the writer do

A. He serves customers in a restaurant.

B. He manages a small restaurant.

C. He trains restaurant staff.

(B)4 The writer ____________.

A. never works on Saturdays and Sundays

B. often works on Saturdays and Sundays

C. works every weekend

(A)5 The writer doesn't have enough money to ____________.

A. see his parents in Italy

B. see a doctor when he's ill

C. visit his friends during holidays


Helen's husband is Mark. Mark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter. The son's name is Andrew and the daughter's name is Joyce. Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter. So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren. Helen's granddaughter's name is Pam and her grandson's name is Dan. Andrew isn't married and he hasn't got any children. Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle. Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.

(B) 1.Who is Andrew

A. Andrew is Dan's father.

B. Andrew is Dan's uncle.

C. Andrew is Dan's grandfather.

(C ) 2. Who is Mark

A. Mark is Dan's father.

B. Mark is Dan's uncle.

C. Mark is Dan's grandfather.

(A) 3. Who is Tom

A. Tom is Dan's father.

B. Tom is Dan's uncle.

C. Tom is Dan's grandfather.

(A) 4. Who is Joyce

A. Joyce is Tom's wife.

B. Joyce is Helen's son.

C. Joyce is Andrew's sister-in-law.

(A) 5.Who is Pam

A. Pam is Andrew's niece.

B. Pam is Joyce's sister.

C. Pam is Helen's grandson,


Hi Xiaoyan,

You want to know about my gym.

The gym is "New You".The phone number is 020 791 1340. It's near Oxford Circus.

There's a swimming pool and there are a lot of classes. There is also a yoga class on Tuesday morning.(I go to it) and there are aerobics classes every evening. There is also a Tai Chi class. I don't know when. There are lots of running machines and weights machines, but there aren't any bicycles. There is a sauna, but there isn't a steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!

See you there


( C) 1. Jan goes to __________________.

A. aerobics classes every day

B. Tai Chi class every evening

C. yoga class on Tuesday morning

( B) 2. There are a lot of ___________ in the gym.

A. swimming pools

B. classes

C. trainers

( B) 3. There is the aerobics class in the gym ______________.

A. On Monday morning

B. in the evening

C. every day in the daytime (A) 4. There is a _________ in the gym.

A. sauna

B. steam room

C. bicycle

(B) 5. The ____________ is free in the gym.

A. steam room

B. cosmetics

C. sauna


Hi Joe,

How are you I'm sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here. I am having a wonderful time. I like my job – it is very interesting, and my colleagues are great. I love London –it's busy, noisy, crowded and exciting. The cinemas, theatres, pubs and restaurants are really nice, - but they're too expensive! I think the people in London are very friendly (surprise!) and I've got some new friends.

What the weather like in Shanghai Is it raining Here it's lovely! It isn't foggy! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It's very warm. (Surprise, surprise!)

And it is my birthday today.

But I am missing you all in Shanghai. COME AND VISIT!



(B )1. What does Xiaoyan stay in London for

A. She is having a holiday.

B. She is working.

C. She is visiting some of her colleagues.

(C)2. What are Xiaoyan's London colleagues like

A. They are very important.

B. They are very serious.

C. They are very nice.

( C)3. What does Xiaoyan think of London

A. She thinks it is relaxed.

B. She thinks it is cheap.

C. She thinks it is exciting.

( B)4. What does Xiaoyan think of people in London

A. She thinks they are interesting.

B. She thinks they are friendly.

C. She thinks they are surprising.

( A)5. What's the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter

A. It is warm.

B. It is foggy.

C. It is cloudy.


Hi Xiaoyan,

You want to know about my gym.

The gym is "New You".The phone number is 020 791 1340. It's near Oxford Circus.

There's a swimming pool and there are a lot of classes. There is a yoga class on Tuesday morning.(I go to it) and there are aerobics classes every evening. There is also a Tai Chi class,on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon between 2.00 and 3.00. There are lots of running machines and weights machines, but there aren't any bicycles. There is a sauna, but there isn't a steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics! The best time to come is in the evenings because there are a lot of trainers to help you. There are different ways to pay for the classes. You can pay by cash, credit or cheque.

See you there


( B ) 1. When can you go to aerobics class in "New You"

A. On Monday morning

B. On Saturday evening

C. Everyday in the daytime.

( C ) 2.When does the Tai Chi class start

A. On Wednesday.

B. On Saturday afternoon.

C. At 2.00 pm on Wednesday and Saturday.

( B ) 3. What is free in the gym

A. Steam room.

B. Cosmetics

C. Sauna

( A ) 4. Why is it best to come in the evenings

A. Because there are a lot of trainers to help you.

B. Because there are less people.

C. Because there are more classes.

( C ) 5. How can you pay for the classes

A. By credit card.

B. By cash.

C. Both A and B. 短文9

Let me tell you about my new job. It's great. I work for Centre Company. They have an office in London. I am the Deputy Marketing Manager I am in charge of newspaper advertisements. Currently I am writing advertisements for the local newspapers, and I am visiting our customers to introduce myself.

I like working here, but I don't like traveling by tube. It's too busy! We start work at nine o' clock. There are some very nice colleagues, and I often eat lunch with them in the canteen. Lunch is from one o' clock to two o' clock. Then I finish work at 6 o' clock. My brother works near my office. He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pub in the evening-but at the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland.

( B ) 1. The writer works in _______________.

A. insurance

B. marketing

C. computers

( B ) 2. The writer _______________ new job.

A. doesn't like his

B. likes his

C. is looking for a

( C ) 3. The writer thinks the tube is too_____________.

A. noisy

B. slow

C. busy

(A ) 4. The writer works for about _______________ on weekdays.

A. 8 hours

B. 9 hours

C. 10 hours

( A ) 5. The writer and his brother________________.

A. sometimes see each other

B. never see each other

C. see each other every day


上海普陀区2018届高三政治二模试卷(带 答案) 2017-2018学年第二学期普陀区高三质量调研 思想政治试卷 一、选择题(共60分,每小题3分) 第1-16题,每小题只能选一个答案,选出正确答案得3分,错选的0分。 1.人民民主专政是工人阶级(经过共产党)领导的、以工 农联盟为基础的、在人民内部实行民主和对敌人实行专 政的国家政权。工人阶级的领导是我国人民民主专政国 家性质的 A.首要标志B.阶级基础C.社会基础 2.2017年9月1日下午,《中华人民共和国国歌法》获十二届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议表决通过,于2017年10月1日起施行。这是全国人大常委会依法行使A.决定权B.立法权C.监督权 3.读中央国家机关组织系统简表,空白方框中应填入的 国家机关是 A.国家主席 B.国务院总理 C.全国政协 4.党的十九大要求“把人民对美好生活的向往作为奋斗 目标”,这一要求表明

A.中共中央切实履行加强社会建设的职能 B.中国共产党代表最广大人民的根本利益 C.我国公民实际享有的政治权利更加广泛 5.普陀区某中学开展“模拟政协”活动,小政协委员们经过充分调研和讨论,提交了《关于移动摊位合法化和普及化的提案》的议案。中学生参加“模拟政协”活动A.实现了人民政协参政议政职能 B.扩大了中学生行使的民主权利 C.加深了对我国政治制度的理解 6.十九大报告在阐述民族宗教政策时指出:深化民族团结进步教育,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,加强各民族交往交流交融,促进各民族像石榴籽一样紧紧抱在一起,共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展。全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,坚持我国宗教的中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。我国实行上述政策是因为 A.少数民族地区享有管理本民族内部事务的权力 B.宗教信仰自由是我国少数民族地区群众的权利 C.中华民族伟大复兴离不开少数民族地区繁荣发展 7.某校学生在时事述评活动中,收集到我国政府对深化全球治理的建设性主张:尊重各国多样化发展道路;各国转变发展方式,发展绿色经济;各国共享发展机遇,共同应对发展中挑战;各国求同存异,实现共同安全。


上海高考英语阅读理解技巧 幻灯片2 教学内容 体裁分析能力训练 分析题干能力训练 猜词能力训练 猜答案能力训练 幻灯片3 摒弃不良的阅读习惯。 1.“指读” 2.“声读” 3.“译读” 4.“回读” 5.“析读” 6.“参照读” 7.“视幅过窄” 8.“毛病”(bad habits): 教学过程中,发现学生在阅读时常做些不利于阅读的坏动作。有的同学晃头、颠腿、转笔、听音乐、咬指头、趴在桌子上、揪头发等等。 幻灯片4 体裁分析能力 高考英语考试中阅读理解的文章一般有这样几种文体,即记叙文、描写文、说明文、应用文和论述文。不同的文体有不同的段落组织方式和脉络层次。 记叙文往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、what、where、why与how。 描写文通过细节的描写以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。 说明文多见于科普文章,用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。 幻灯片5 论述文的阅读难在这种文章处处都渗透作者的个人观点、态度。阅读论述文应该从文体的写作和结构特点入手. 文章的结构往往容易把握,用主题句开门见山。作者往往通过信号词(signal words或transitional words)和关联词(referents来组织段落、文章.对信号词的迅速反应和对关联词的准确判断是至关重要的;要特别注意区分作者的观点与文章里所提到的人物的观点,同时注意作者所使用的表示赞同、反对等感情色彩的词汇。 体裁分析能力 幻灯片6 细节类问题的命题方式有以下几种: 1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information


一 七q ī巧qi ǎo 板b ǎn 今j īn 天ti ān 表bi ǎo 姐ji ě到d ào 我w ǒ家ji ā玩w án ,送s ?ng 给g ěi 我w ǒ一y í份f an 礼l ǐ物w ù,是sh ì一y ì盒h ?色s a彩c ǎi 美m ěi 丽l ì的d e 七q ī巧qi ǎo 板b ǎn 。 七q ī巧qi ǎo 板b ǎn 真zh ēn 好h ǎo 玩w án ,可k ě以y ǐ训x ùn 练li àn 我w ǒ们men 多du ō动d ?ng 脑n ǎo 筋j īn 。开k āi 始sh ǐ,我w ǒ要y ào 表bi ǎo 姐 ji ě 教ji ào ,我w ǒ跟g ēn 着zhe 一y í块ku ài 一y í块ku ài 拼p īn 。后h ?u 来l ái ,自z ì己j ǐ用y ?ng 心x īn 地d ì想xi ǎng ,拼p īn 出ch ū许x ǔ多du ō不b ù同t ?ng 的d e 图t ú案àn 来l ái 。我w ǒ会hu ì自z ì己j ǐ拼p īn 出ch ū小xi ǎo 屋w ū,还h ái 会hu ì拼p īn 帆f ān 船chu án 和h ?花hu ā朵du ǒ。想xi ǎng 不b ú到d ào 这zh a小xi ǎo 小xi ǎo 的d e 七q ī块ku ài 板b ǎn 子z ǐ,可k ě以y ǐ有y ǒu 那n à么m e 多du ō的d e 变bi àn 化hu à呢n e ! 1. 短文有( )节,请标上小节号。 2. 第二节有( )句话,请给每句话标上序号。 3. 根据短文内容,把答案填在横线上。 (1) 表姐送给我的生日礼物是一盒 。 (2)玩七巧板可以 我们多动脑筋。 (3)七块板子可以拼出许多不同的 的图案来。 (4)后来,我 地想,拼出了小屋、帆船和花朵。 (5)表姐送给我的生日礼物真是很 。 4. 填量词(填序号)。 ①盒 ②朵 ③间 ④块 ⑤份 (1)七巧板共有七( )小板子。 (2)我用七巧板拼了一( )屋子。 (3)哥哥买了一( )糖果给弟弟。 (4)哥哥教弟弟把那些糖果平均分成两( )。 (5)我买了几( )花送给妈妈。



历年上海高考英语阅读汇总120篇 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(第1-12页)第Ⅱ卷(第13页)两部分。全卷共13页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(共110分) I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversations, a question will be asked about what said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about is, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 1:30 p.m. C. At 2:00p.m. D. At 2:30p.m. 2. A. At a tailor’s B. At a laundry. C. At a clothing store.

D. At a supermarket. 3. A. Customer and cashier. B. Waitress and diner. C. Secretary and manager D. Husband and wife 4. A. They are in high demand. B. They are inexpensive. C. They are not available. D. They are awful. 5. A. He did better than expected. B. He failed the maths exam. C. He used to be a top student D. He answered only 10% of the questions 6. A. Interesting B. Relaxing C. Unfinished D. Disappointing 7. A. He has to wait for someone else B. He has to fix the seat first. C. There is something wrong with the car D. The woman must fasten the seat belt. 8. A. She won the first prize B. She was glad to hear the news. C. She did not attend the contest


One【2019届上海市虹口区高三英语一模试题】 Section B Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) There aren’t many actors around the world who have enough self confidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe that was why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said she’d be happy to be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur. Of course he turned her down and it was probably a good thing. It’s difficult to imagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, her decision doesn’t seem to have done her career any harm. She has gone on to make a string of hits, including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The English Patient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat. Success in the United States has not been so easy for other foreign stars. Gerald Depardieu is a good example. Since his first film in 1967, his filmography(影片集锦) lists 172 acting credits. But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. While some of his films have been popular in the US, they have usually been French films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card, directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts (分配同一类型角色) its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While some reviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance. While Monsieur Depardieu has n’t received the recognition he would have liked in the United States, one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in 2000 and a year later in Y tu mama tambien. Since then he has appeared with hometown hero, Brad Pitt in Babel and, under the direction of top producer and director, Jim Jarmusch, he starred in Limits of Control. He hasn’t picked up an Oscar yet, but he


2017年上海秋季高考语文试卷及参考答案 一积累应用10分 1.按要求填空。(5分) (1)此地有崇山峻岭,___________,又有清流激湍,映带左右。(王羲之《兰亭集序》) (2)___________,献愁供恨,玉簪螺髻。(辛弃疾《___________·登建康赏心亭》) (3)柳永《雨霖铃》中“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节”两句,直抒胸臆,感情深厚;陆游《书愤》中也有直抒胸臆的一联是“________________,__________________”。 2.按要求选择。(5分) (1)小明做事马虎,他想写一句话来警醒自己,以下句子合适的一项是()。(2分) A.愚者千虑,必有一得。 B.一屋不扫,何以扫天下? C.患生于所忽,祸起于细微。 D.勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 (2)填入下面语段空白处的词句,最恰当的一项是()。(3分) 吴人的祖先很会唱歌,这是人所共知的。_________________,而且被民间文艺工作者收集保存。可是吴地的舞蹈呢?我们祖先的那种伴有呜呜歌声的舞蹈哪里去了呢? A.吴歌、白茅山歌从古到今都有人会唱 B.吴歌、白茅山歌有人从古到今都会唱 C.有人从古到今都会唱吴歌、白茅山歌 D.从古到今都有人会唱吴歌、白茅山歌 二阅读70分 (一)阅读下文,完成第3-7题。(16分) 常识和理论 ①依据我们的常识,桌面是光滑的,物理学的理论却告诉我们,桌子由原子组成,原子之间有空隙,桌面其实坑坑洼洼。很多人疑惑:理论和常识冤家碰头时,我们是该相信理论还是该坚守常识呢? ②其实,理论和常识很难笼统地拿来比较。因为平时说的“常识”一词,所称的内容十分繁杂。鲸鱼是一种鱼,这份常识保存在“鲸鱼”这个词里,但鲸鱼是哺乳动物,这也是大家都知道的常识。太阳东升西落是常识,而地球围着太阳转也是常识。为了区分,我们把“鲸鱼是哺乳动物”“地球围着太阳转”这一类常识称作“科学常识”。本文要讨论的常识,是指来自日常经验的常识而非科学常识。“常识”这个词也不能指称错误的东西,错误与否不以科学为判断标准,而以日常经验为标准,一旦发现某些原本相信的东西不符合日常经验,我们也就不再称之为“常识”。 ③常识是由正常情况培养起来的。我们看到水往低处流、火焰向上窜,那就


2021年上海市高考英语总复习:阅读理解 1.I believe in holding onto traditions because they helped our family flourish(兴旺)in a new country.But this concept is more concretely expressed this way:I believe in feeding monkeys on my birthday ﹣something I've done without fail for 35 years. In the Burmese jungle,monkeys are as common as pigeons.But in America,feeding monkeys means violating(违反)the rules. As a kid,I thought that was cool.I learned English through watching bad television shows and expected that I was the chosen warrior(勇士)sent to defend my family.Dad and I would go to the zoo early in the morning,just the two of us.When the coast was clear,I would throw my peanuts to the monkeys. I never had to explain myself until my 18th birthday.It was the first year I didn't go with my father.I went with my friends and arrived 10 minutes after the zoo gates closed."Please," I begged the zookeeper,"I feed monkeys for my family,not for me.Can't you make an exception?" "Go find a pet store," she said. If only it were so easy.That time,I got lucky.I found out that a high school classmate trained the monkeys for the movie Out of Africa,so he allowed me to feed his monkeys.Once a man with a pet monkey suspected that my story was aploy﹣that I was an animal rights activist(积极分子)out to liberate(释放)his monkey.Another time,a zoo told me that outsiders could not feed the monkeys without violating the zookeepers' collective bargaining agreement.Once in a pet store,I managed to feed a marmoset(狨)being kept in a birdcage.Another time,I was asked to wear a special suit to feed a laboratory monkey. It's rarely easy and,yet,somehow I've found a way to feed a monkey every year since I was born. (1)Why has the author fed monkeys all these years? A.To please his father. B.To develop a new hobby. C.To celebrate his birthday.


上海市浦东新区2017届高三政治4月教学质量检测(二模)试题 考生注意: 1.本场考试时间60 分钟。试卷共 5 页,满分100分,答题纸1页。 2.考生作答前,在答题纸指定区域填写好姓名,填涂好准考证号、座位号。 3.作答必须涂或写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的区域,在试卷上答题一律不得分。 4.用2B铅笔填涂选择题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题。 一、单项选择题(第1—16 题,选出正确选项得 3 分,选错得0 分。第17—20 题,选出最佳选项 得3分,选出次佳选项得2分,选错得0 分。共60 分。) 1.在政治生活中,处于核心地位的是 A.国家利益 B .国家主权 C .国家政权 2.来自上海的人大代表在全国人大会议期间,审议国务院总理的《政府工作报告》。这表明,人大代表 A.认真参与政治协商 B .积极行使国家权力 C .实践基层民主自治 3.推进司法体制改革,要紧紧牵住司法责任制这个“牛鼻子”,让审理者裁判,由裁判者负责,以至公无私之心,行正大光明之事。这强调的是 A.人民法院要公正司法 B.人民检察院依法监督 C.公安机关要严格执法 4.在公共文化服务内容提供上,要把政府送文化和群众要文化结合起来,即把政府的“送菜”和群 众“点菜”结合起来。让群众‘点菜’的根本原因是 A.政府履行公共服务的职能 B.政府需提高公共服务效率 C.政府的一切权力来自人民 5.2016 年 6 月以来,全国人大常委会先后多次审议《民法总则》草案,并且向社会全文发布,公 开征求意见。2017年3月15 日,《中华人民共和国民法总则》获十二届全国人大五次会议表决通过。 从民主与法制的关系看,材料表明 A.社会主义法制是社会主义民主的保障 B.社会主义民主是社会主义法制的基础 C.有法可依是社会主义法制的根本前提 6.以下举措直接促进各民族共同繁荣的是


词汇 【难度】☆【建议用时】8mins A. involved B. figures C. inevitably D. initiated E. appointed F. average G. transformed H. reasonable I. remarkably J. indications K. charge Long after the 2010 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still criticizing the unfair refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was __1__ to study the performance of some top referees(裁判). The researcher organized experimental matches which __2__ four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in __3__. Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the matches. When __4__ into a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a(n) __5__ high number. The researcher then studied the videotapes to have a detailed analysis of the matches, and __6__ are that the errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research __7__ show that the best distance is about 20 meters. There also seemed to be a (n) __8__ speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The __9__ speed for errors was meters per second. If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the World Cup, referees should be __10__ into the rule of keeping their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues. 【Keys】: EAKGI JBHFD B 【难度】☆☆【建议用时】10 mins During the initial stages of instructed L2 (the second language) acquisition students learn a couple thousand, mainly high frequency words. Functional language proficiency, however, __50__ mastery of a considerably large number of words. It is therefore __51__ at the intermediate and advanced stages of language acquisition to learn a large vocabulary in a short period of time. There is not enough time to __52__ the natural (largely incidental) L1 (the first language) word acquisition process. Incidental acquisition of the words is only possible up to a point, __53__, on account of their low frequency, they do not __54__ often enough in the L2 learning material. Acquisition of new words from authentic L2 reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction(演绎) is also not a __55__ for a number of reasons. There appears to be no __56__to intentional learning of a great many new words in a relatively short period of time. The words to be learned may be __57__ in isolation or in context. Presentation in bilingual(双语的)word lists seems an __58__ shortcut because it takes less time than contextual presentation and yields excellent short term results. Long term memory, __59__, is often disappointing so contextual presentation seems advisable. Any suggestions on how to use this in educational contexts should be based on a systematic __60__ of the two most important aspects of the L2 word learning problem, this is to say, selecting the relevant vocabulary (which and how many words) and creating the best conditions for the acquisition process. This article sets out to __61__a computer

2015年上海英语高考真题 阅读A及参考答案 精校版

2015年上海英语高考真题阅读A及参考答案精校版 Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Look to many of history’s cultural symbols, and there you’ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowman in the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dating all the way back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity’s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world. For example, snowmen were a phenomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through town to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion’s courtyard. The Miracle of 1511 took place during six freezing weeks called the Winter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in snowmen—an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government. Some were a reflection of people’s imagination. For the people of Brussels, this was a defining moment of artistic freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were dealing with damaging floods. If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don’t worry: I’ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland, celebrate the beginning of spring by blowing up a snowman. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, representing the passing of winter, the pile is lit. When the snowman explodes, winter is considered officially over—the quicker it is burnt down, the longer summer is said to be. 66. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages? A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies. B. People longed to see masterpieces of snow. C. Building snowmen was a way for people to express themselves. D. Building snowmen helped people develop their skill and thought. 67. “The heyday of the snowman” (paragraph 4) means the time when___________. A. snowmen were made mainly by artists B. snowmen enjoyed great popularity C. snowmen were politically criticized D. snowmen caused damaging floods 68. In Zurich, the blowing up of the Boogg symbolizes__________________. A. the start of the parade


上海高考英语题型训练: 阅读理解C 2020高三第一学期期末质量抽查 Section B Directions: Read the following three passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (C) 松江 The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts, pure, unprejudiced, objectively selected facts. But in these days of complex news it must provide mere: it must supply interpretation, the meaning of the facts. This is a very important assignment facing American journalists 一to make clear to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news understandable as community news, to recognize that there is no longer any such thing as "local” news, because any event in the international area has a local reaction in the financial market, political circles, in terms, indeed, of our very way of life. There is in journalism a widespread view that when you start an interpretation, you are entering dangerous waters, the rushing tides of opinion. This is nonsense. The opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall limit themselves to the “facts". This insistence raises two questions: What are the facts? A re the bare facts enough? As for the first question, consider how a so-called "factual" story conics about. The reporter collects, say, fifty facts; out of these fifty, his space being necessarily restricted, he selects the ten which he considers most important. This is Judgment Number One. Then he or his editor decides which of these ten facts shall make up the beginning of the article, which is an important decision because many readers do not proceed beyond the first paragraph. This is Judgment Number Two. Then the right editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one, where it has a large influence, or on page twenty four, where it has little. Judgment Number Three. Thus in the presentation of a so-called “factual” or ''objective”, s tory, at least three judgments are involved. And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which reporters and editors, calling upon their research resources, their general background, and their "news neutralism", arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news. The two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, arc both objective and subjective processes. If an editor is determined to give a prejudiced view of the news, he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation. He can do it by the selection of those facts that support his particular viewpoint. Or he can do it by the place he gives a story 一promoting it to page one or dragging it to page thirty. 63. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. If a reporter makes clear the facts he writes, he will no doubt get into trouble. B. Journalists must select facts objectively to make current events clear to the

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