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机考作文大致分以下10类, 精选频率高的8类范文8篇, 议论文12篇, 书信通知等4篇,共计14篇,学会套用

作文要求80字, 系统会随时告诉你此时字数是多少,所以一定要写满80字, 最好是写到100字左右.

对于没有基础的考生, 如果遇见完全陌生的考题的话,就套用最后的万能范文,可以拿到3分以上.


★My teacher of English(我的英语老师)/ My Teacher in High School(我的高中老师)My Teacher / A (good) teacher to remember(我的老师/难忘的老师)/ My Favorite Teacher (我最喜欢的老师)/ My English teacher is Miss Wang. 我的英语老师是王老师。She is a beautiful lady. 她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes. 她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling. 她总是在微笑着。

Miss Wang is a good teacher. 王老师是一位好老师。She works very hard. 她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. 每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well. 她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells us what are the right things to do. 而且她还告诉我们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher. 她是慈母般的老师。She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us. 她把我们当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾我们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher. 这就是王老师,我最喜爱的老师。I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher. 我为有她这样的老师而感到幸运。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。

★My Best Friend(我最好的朋友)/ My Close Friend (我的好朋友)/ My best schoolmate(我的同学)/ My Classmates(我的同学)/ My best workmate(我最好的同事)

Li Xia is my best friend. 李霞是我最好的朋友。She is an English teacher. 她是位英语老师。She is a beautiful lady. 她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes. 她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling. 她总是在微笑着。

Li Xia is a good teacher. 李霞是一位好老师。She works very hard. 她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. 每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well. 她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells her students what are the right things to do. 而且她还告诉她的学生们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher. 她是慈母般的老师。She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. 她把学生当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾他们。She is so kind that everyone loves her. 她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is Li Xia, my best friend. 这就是李霞,我最好的朋友。I feel lucky to have her as my best friend. 我为有她这样的好朋友而感到幸运。I hope that we will be best friends forever. 我希望我们永远都是最好的朋友。

★My mother(我的母亲)/ The one I love most (我最爱的人)/ My Family(我的家庭)/ The man I love most in my life(最爱的人)/ My father(我的父亲)My beloved grandparents(我的祖父母)

My mother is an English teacher. 我的母亲是位英语老师。She is a beautiful lady. 她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes. 她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling. 她总是在微笑着。

My mother is a good teacher. 我的母亲是一位好老师。She works very hard. 她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. 每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well. 她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells her students what are the right things to do. 而且她还告诉她的学生们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher. 她是慈母般的老师。She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. 她把学生当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾他们。She is so kind that everyone loves her. 她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is my mother. 这就是我的母亲。I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her. 我为有她这样的母亲而感到幸运,我也很爱她。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her. 我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。

二类:计划类,如国庆计划安排,新年安排,假期安排等。只想要记忆范文并稍作改动,范文如下:★My Plan for the National Day Holiday(我的国庆假期计划)

The National Day Holiday is coming. 国庆假期要到了。It is a very important festival in China. 这是中国一个非常重要的节日。Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. 每个人对于国庆节都有自己的计划。I have a plan, too. 我也有一个计划。My plan is as follows: 我的计划如下.

First, I?ll take a good rest, as I?m always busy with my work. 首先,我要好好休息一下,因为我平时工作很忙。Second, I want to stay with my parents. I?m not usuall y together with them. 第二,我想陪陪父母。我并不是经常与他们在一起。Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don?t see each other often. 第三,我想见见一些亲戚朋友,因为我们现在不怎么有机会见面。Fourth, I want to give my room a god cleaning. 第四,我想好好打扫下房间。Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. 最后,我想为即将到来的考试学习下英语。

This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 这就是我对即将到来的国庆假期的计划。

可套用题目为:The Chinese New Year(中国新年),My Plan for the Spring Festival (我的春节计划), My plan for summer vacation(我的暑假计划)/ My travel plan(我的旅行计划)


★Why I study English?(我为什么学习英语?)/ 或者:Why do students like learning English? (为什么学生喜欢学习英语?) Why I Like Learning English (为什么我喜欢学英语)

English is an international language. 英语是一门国际性的语言。It is very useful. 它非常有用。I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语。And this is how I study English.我就是这样学习英语的。

First, I remember 30 English words every day. 首先,我每天背30个英文单词。Second, I go over the grammar points regularly. 第二,我定期复习语法要点。Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English. 第三,我阅读英文报纸的文章以及简单的英文小说。Fourth, I listen to English radio

programs and watch English TV programs. 第四,我听英语的广播节目,看英语的电视节目。Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies.最后,我听英文音乐,看英文电影。

This is how I study English. 我就是这样来学习英语的。As a result, I?m more and more interested in English and my English has improved greatly. 结果,我现在对英语更感兴趣了,英语也有了很大的进步。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better. 如果我继续不断练习的话,我的英语将会变得越来越棒。

可套用题目为:Self-study (自学)/How to achieve success of distance learning(如何在远程学习中获得成功,(My) School life(我的学校生活)(同my first year in college大学生活的第一年)/ My Study Plan(学习计划),How to learn English well?(如何学好英语?)/My english study(我的英语学习),How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies(如何克服英语学习中的困难),Never Give Up(永远不要放弃),My Study Plan 我的学习计划,My Dream 我的理想,My Hobbies我的爱好,Why I Like Learning English 为何我喜欢英语


★Television/About Television(电视)

TV plays the vital role in ours life. 电视在我们生活中扮演重要角色。TV can be seen everywhere in our daily life. 电视在我们生活中随处可见。Almost each family has one TV set. 每个家庭都有电视。However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything, and TV is no exception.然而每件事都有他的两面性,电视也不例外。

TV has its advantages. 电视有它的优点。TV is very important to help me to get information and knowledge.电视能帮我获取信息Various TV programs make me get to know the world and help me with my studies.丰富的电视节目让我不断的了解世界帮助我学习。

However, TV also has its disadvantages.然而电视也有缺点。Watching too much TV program can waste a lot of time. 看太多电视浪费时间Some programs are boring and useless, and they can bring us bad information.有些节目无聊没用,并且会给我们带来坏的信息。

So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.总之,一个硬币有它的两面,我们要选择好的那面。

可套用题目为:The Computer电脑/The Digital Products(数码产品),About Internet(论因特网),My Favorite TV program最爱的电视节目,On money(关于金钱)/ Money is not everything(金钱不是万能的)/Can Money Buy Happiness?(钱能带来快乐吗),Private Cars in China 中国私家车/ Buy a car or not?(买不买车?)/ On private cars(关于私家车),Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone(手机的利与弊)/My Opinion on Cell Phones(我对于手机的想法),On TV Ads(论电视广告)/My view on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements(广告的负面影响)


★Do physical execise(锻炼身体)/About physical exercise(体育锻炼)/ The sports activities I like best(我最喜欢体育活动) / sports

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. 每个人都想在这个世界上获得快乐。There is famous saying: …life lies on exercise?.俗话说生命在于运动So exercise can help you live longer and more healthily.运动可以让你的生命延续活的更快乐。

First, exercise is good for us to build our bodies. 首先,运动能够迁建身体。It makes the heart beat faster and make us stronger. 让心脏跳动加快促使我们强壮。Sports can also make us eat more than usual which contributes to our bodies.运动能让我们比平时吃的更多让身体强壮。

Second, exercise can make us happy. 第二,运动能让我们快乐。Some sport like basketball is interesting.有些运动比如篮球很有意思So playing basketball can bring us into happiness. 所以打篮球能带给我们快乐。

Third, exercise can help us get rid of our bad habits.第三,运动可以帮我们改掉坏习惯。We will not be lazy after a period of exercise.一段时间的运动之后我们就不再懒惰。

In a word, exercise is important, helpful and absolutely necessary.总之,运动很重要,很有用也绝对必要。可套用题目为:Health and Wealth健康与财富,My Favorite Sport(我最喜爱的运动)//My favorite form of entertainment(我最喜欢的娱乐形式)/ 或者:My Favorite Hobby(我喜欢的爱好),Ways to keep fit (保持健康的方法)/How to keep healthy(如何保持健康)/ Health and eating habits(健康及饮食习惯),My Hobbies(我的爱好)/ My Interests(我的兴趣爱好)/ How I spend my spare time(我如何度过闲暇时光)/My Favorite Hobby(我最喜欢的爱好/ My hobby(我的爱好)/ My activities in leisure time(我的休闲生活)/Sports(运动),My Favorite Food(我最喜欢的食物),My Favorite TV program最爱的电视节目,My Ideal Job(我理想的工作)/ The Job I Like(我喜欢的工作),My Favorite Book(我最喜爱的书)/ The Book I Like Best(我最爱的一本书),My favorite means of getting information(我最喜爱的获取信息的手段),The Sports Activities I Like Best(我最爱的体育运动)


★My expectation of the long-distance education(对远程教育的期望)Now, I am a student in Shanghai TV university, in other words, I am a distance learner. 现在我在上海电大学英语。换言之,我是一名远程学习者。I have a lot of expectations on my distance education. 对远程教育,我有许多期待。Firstly, I hope to improve my spoken English. 第一,我希望可以提高我的英语口语。I work in a foreign invested company, My boss is a foreigner, I need to talk with him in English every day, So I would like to improve my spoken English very much. 我在外企上班,老板是外国人,每天我都需要和他用英语交谈,所以我非常想要提高英语口语。Secondly, I hope to improve my English writing ability. 第二,我希望提高英语写作能力。I need to receive and answer emails in English every day, but I don?t know many English words. 每天我都需要收发英语邮件,我词汇量不大。

These above are my expectations of the long-distance education. 以上这些是我对远程教育的期望。

可套用题目为:How to achieve success of distance learning(如何在远程学习中获得成功),The course I

hate most of the long-distance education(我最讨厌的远程教育课程)/ Difficulty in Studying English英语学习的困难,My Favorite course(我最喜欢的课程)/ The course I like best of the long-distance education (我最喜欢的远程教育课程)


★书信类范文A letter to friend

May 1st, 2014

2014年5月1日Dear Tom, 亲爱的汤姆.

Haven?t heard from you for some time! 很久没收到你的来信了。How are you doing? 你还好么?Everything is fine with me except that the final examination is getting nearer and nearer and I?m busy preparing for it. 我一切都挺好,只是期末考试越来越近了,我现在忙着准备复习迎考。

I?ve got some problems in my English study, especially in grammar. 我英语学习有些问题,尤其是语法方面。My teacher recommended me a grammar book. 我的老师向我推荐了一本语法书。The book is called Advanced English Grammar. 这本书叫做《高级英语语法》。But it is not sold here in my town. 但我这里没有卖的。Since you are in Beijing, could I you buy one for me? 既然你在北京,不知我能不能麻烦你帮我购买一本呢?I?d be very grateful if you could help me. 如果你能帮我这个忙的话,我将不胜感激。

We haven?t seen each other since last time we met. 自从上次相逢,我们再也未曾相见。I hope that you will visit my hometown again sometime if possible. 希望你如果有可能的话找个时间再来我家乡看看。So much has changed that you could barely recognize it! 它的变化很大,你几乎都认不出来了!And it would be great to be together with you once again. 而且,如果能与你再次相聚,真是太好了。

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 盼复。

Best wishes! 祝好!




(1).选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容. 1.说明你想旅游的地点;2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。

(2).假如你是李明,遗失了一本书。你应包括下列内容. 1.书在哪里遗失的;2.这本书对你很重要;3.拾到者应该如何和你联系。

(3).你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容. 1.接到朋友的来信;2.你对旅游的安排计划及理由;3.表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。

(4).一封信 1.告诉对方你要从大学毕业。2.询问对方近况。3.问问能否在暑假聚会。

(5). 了解对方毕业后的情况。2.你的近况。3.邀请对方方便时来访。

(6). 了解对方近来的情况。 2.通知对方同学将在元旦举行聚会。3.请对方参加。

(7). 了解对方最近的学习情况。2.你的学习情况。3.请对方说说提高英语水平的经验。

(8). 你的近况。2. 请对方帮你购买英语语法书。3. 邀请对方方便时来访。


★范文My Favorite Book我最喜爱的一本书

My favorite book is My Childhood. 我最喜欢的书是《童年》。The reasons are as follows. 原因如下。

Firstly, it brings me happiness. 首先,它给我带来快乐。It always cheers me up when I am in a bad mood. 在我忧郁时,它总能让我舒展笑颜。

Secondly, I learn a lot from it. 第二,我从中学到了很多知识。It contains a lot of information about life and the world. 它包含很多人生和世事的哲理。It teaches me many new things. 教会了我很多新知识。

Thirdly, it makes me stronger. 第三,它让我更强大。It helps me find confidence in myself. 它让我找到了自信。With confidence I overcome all the difficulties I meet. 拥有了自信,我克服了种种艰难困阻。

Fourthly, it helps me realize my self worth. 第四,它让我实现自我价值。It enables be to find my place in life. 它帮我找到了人生的位置。I learn how to set a goal, work continuously towards the goal and embrace the future. 我学会了如何制定目标,不断努力,拥抱未来。

To sum up, I like My Childhood best. 总而言之,我最喜欢《童年》。

可套用题目有:My Favorite Food(我最喜欢的食物)/My Favorite Means of Transportation最喜爱的交通方式/My Favorite Season我最喜爱的季节/My Favorite TV Show最喜爱的电视节目/My Favorite Way to Get Information我最喜爱的获得信息的方式/My Favorite Job我最喜爱的工作/My Favorite

Long-distance Education Course我最喜爱的远程教育课程/My Favorite Sport我最喜欢的体育运动

九类:议论文, 本部分分为2个题目, 可以直接背范文, 也可以套用万能模板表达看法.

★Honesty is the Best Policy (诚实乃上策)

There is an English proverb which says “honesty is the best policy.” It tells us the important of honesty. What?s the meaning of this saying? In my opinion, it means if you are honest to others, they will be honest to you. But if you lie to others, they will lie to you in return. For example, if you always lie to your friends, then you will have a habit of telling lies. When one day they know the truth, they will not trust you any longer. And you will lose all your friends in a near future.

★Money is Not Everything (驳金钱万能论)

Nowadays, some people think that money is everything. They think money is the most important thing in the world. They believe that they can get anything with money. But I don?t think so. Although money can buy a lot of things we need, there are a lot of wonderful things in the world that can?t be bought with money. For example, knowledge can?t be bought with money. One can?t be rich in knowledge unless he/she studies hard. And as everybody knows, time can?t bought with money, either. No one can turn the wheel of time backwards. Once it goes by, it will never come back.



Dear Amy,

Thank you for your invitation to your home last night. I enjoyed the food very much. I will hold a small party to celebrate my birthday on Nov 12th, and I will invite a lot of friends to have dinner at my home, would you like to join us? Oh, there will also be a band to perform live music. I think it will be an exciting dance. Please be sure to come. I am looking forward to your coming.


Cynthia ★明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum), 由你(班长)通知全体同学。Fellow students,

Tomorrow we will visit the Science Museum on foot. Therefore we are going to gather at the school gate at 8 o?clock.

Please listen and watch carefully in the museum so as to write down something interesting. You are not allowed to shout loudly and take photos in the museum. Please take a pen and a notebook with you. On Monday

of next week you are required to hand in a visiting report on the museum.

Thank you!


Dear Teacher,

Thanks for reading my asking for a sick leave. I went home by bike after school yesterday. Unfortunately, I fell from my bike and got injured badly. Then, I was sent to hospital by a kind-hearted citizen in time. And the doctor suggested I stay in bed for three days and have a good rest in order to make my injury recover quickly. Therefore, please allow me to be absent from class. And after three days, I would go to school.

Yours sincerely

Zhang Lin ★假如你叫李华,你的同学正在开展一场讨论,主题是学生要不要参加体育锻炼。

Dear Editor,

I?m writing to tell you about a discussion we?ve had about whether the students should take physical exercise.

60% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day, such as doing morning exercise, playing table tennis and playing basketball, but not spend too much time on them. Exercise builds their body

and reduces lots of diseases.

On the other hand, 40% of the students believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it makes people feel tired. After having sports, they are too excited to study and it?s possible to be hurt in sports.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua


I think (此处抄写作文题目) is an interesting topic. 我认为(作文题目)是一个有趣的话题。

Many people around me are talking about this.我周围的许多人都在谈论这个。

In my opinion, we should understand 此处抄写作文题目like this. 在我看来,我们应该明白(作文题目)是这样的。

First, 此处翻译题目中的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关的句子两到三个凑数,如果能做适当的修改更好。

Second, 此处翻译题目中的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关的句子两到三个凑数,如果能做适当的修改更好。

In conclusion, let?s pay more and more attention to this together from now on.



大学英语B级考试应用文写作 (一)通知: (1)Sb. are requested/ required to do sth. (have a meeting/ attend a lecture) in/ at sp. (in the meeting room) on next Friday, October 15, at 10p.m. to do sth (to discuss the English teaching method) (2)There will be sth. (a meeting of …/a lecture by sb.) in / at sp. At 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 8, 2010. The subject of sth. (the meeting / lecture) is… (3)All the people / Everyone must attend it. (4)It is hoped that all the people / everyone will attend it. / No absence is allowed. (二)电话留言: Sb. has just rung up, saying that…

Please wait for him in your office or you can ring him back if the time doesn’t suit./ isn’t suitable. His phone number is 1234567. You can calll him at 1234567. (三)请假条: It seems that I have got a headache / I have caught a bad cold. I hope I can have two days / two weeks off. I am looking forward to your kind answer. / Thank you in advance for your consideration. I appreciate your understanding.


Advertisements——广告 提纲: 1. 广告在生活中的作用 2. 广告的负面影响 3. 对待广告应采取什么态度 Sample: Information is spreading rapidly in today’s society. Taking a look around, you'll find advertisements appearing everywhere. They give us the latest news of sales and much information about goods. For a company or a factory, advertising may be the most effective means to let their products known. Meanwhile, advertisements can guide the customers. They may help us a lot before we make a choice. But sometimes, you may be misled to an unwise decision by advertisements. They exaggerate advantages that the goods may not have at all. Some credulous customers will regret having bought something of no use or of poor quality, only due to the tempting pictures and words. It is a waste of money. As a result, more and more people begin to lose their trust. The original effect of advertisements dies away. As we know, everything has two sides. Advertisements have no exceptions. Actually advertisements help us a great deal. But at the same time, the wrong use of them brings us loand trouble. So if all of us try our best to make good use of advertisements, we are sure that they will benefit us a lot and contribute much to the development of our society. The World Is Becoming Smaller and Smaller——世界变得越来越小 提纲: 1.种种现象说明世界变得越来越小


遗失启示 遗失启示 本人于本月8日下午在学校操场遗失书包,内有自行车钥匙、课本和字典。拾到者请交给本人,地址是4号楼202教室,不胜感激。 王林 2004年6月9日 Lost On the afternoon of the 8th of this month I lost my schoolbag on the playground because of my carelessness. Inside were several textbooks, a dictionary and a key to my bike. Would you please send it to me if you find it? My classroom is Room 202, Building 4. Many thanks. Wang Ling June 9th, 2004 通知一 说明:作为班长向全班同学作一个口头通知,在10月8日到人民公园去野餐,早晨7点30分在校门口集中,8点乘校车出发。 Words for reference: 野餐picnic;校车school bus Boys and girls, I have an announcement to make. Our class has decided to have a picnic on the 8th of October in People’s Park. We will gather at the school gate at 7:30 a.m. The school bus will leave at 8 a.m. I hope everyone in our class will join the trip. That’s all. Thank you. 通知二 明天晚上7点在学生礼堂举行国庆庆祝大会。我们邀请了著名的歌唱家作精彩表演。请学生们届时参加。欢迎老师们参与。 学生会 2004年9月29日 Notice There will be a party on the evening of September 30 in the Students’ Hall at 7 p.m. in celebration of the National Day. We have invited some famous singers to give performances. All students are required to be there on time. And we warmly welcome teachers to join us. Student Union September 29th, 2004 请假条 说明:根据所给信息以Jack Hopkins 的名义给Smith 教授写一张假条。 1、本人因患急性阑尾炎,于2004年6月9日住院

英语A B级作文模板

英语三级作文模板 1 对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。2.另一些人认为。。。3.我的看法。。。 The topic of X---(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason -----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, -------------(理由二). Moreover, ---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),--------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ----------------(我的观点). The reason is that --------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former latter is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(总结我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 2 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 3 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face the problem X, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with X, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For

2016年9月大学英语B机考作文题及范文 网考统考英语B万能模板

写作B 1、Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone The advantages of cell phones are so obvious that people can hardly live without them. However, cell phones have their disadvantages as well. Despite all these disadvantages, there is no denying that the cell phones have become an important part of our daily life. 2、My Plan for Spring Festival How time flies! Spring Festival will come soon. I have been expecting it for a long time! I plan to make a trip during Spring Festival. I will go to Qingdao, a famous city with beautiful views of the vast sea.I hope I will have a good time in Spring Festival. 3、My Favorite TV program My favorite TV program is news. There are some reasons for this. First, news is useful.Second, I get to know what is happening at home and abroad every day and keep up with times.Third, news introduces interesting people and things.For the reasons above, I watch TV for news every day. 4、The Sports Activities I Like Best My favorite sport is swimming. I started to like this sport the first time I jumped into a swimming pool. I like swimming best for several reasons.First, swimming can keep me fit.Second, swimming can enrich my life. Last but not least, when I feel upset, swimming can cheer me up. Swimming has become part of my life. 5、Physical Exercise Doing regular physical exercises is the key to a healthy life. The benefits are as follows. Firstly, physical exercise improves or maintains our health.Secondly, physical exercise improves mental health, helps prevent depression and promote or maintain positive https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ce9009399.html,st but not least, doing physical exercises together with other people is a good opportunity to make new friends. I like doing physical exercise in the fresh air such as roller-skating and swimming. 6、一则通知(参加科学博物馆) Fellow students, All the people in our class will visit the Science Museum tomorrow, Friday. We will gather together at the school gate at 8 a.m. We will go to the museum on foot. Please remember to bring a pen and a notebook so that we can write down the things we are interested in. When we visit the museum, please don’t take pictures, be sure to keep quiet, and listen and watch everything with great attention. Thank you! 7、Why I Study English I choose to learn English for several reasons.First, English has become a world-wide language. Second, most information is written in English. Third, if I can use English freely, I can go anywhere in the world without difficulties in communication. So I will catch every chance to practice English. 8、Where to Live Some people like to live in the city because city life is convenient in many aspects.However, other


英语四级作文万能模板及范文(多种版) Argumentation型 1)some, others, I 型 (1)模版一 There is no consensus among the people as to the view of _________ (主题). Some people hold the idea that __________ _____________ (观点A). A case in point is that _____________ ________________ (支持观点A的例子). On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. According to them, ______________ (观点B). The most typical example is that __________ (支持观点B的例子). Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclin ed to agree with the latter. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is m ore convincing. (2)模版二 ___________ (主题) is a common occurrence in our lives. T he attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Som e people tend to ______________ when they are asked ______ ___________ (观点A) because _______________________ (支持观点A的原因). The most typical example is that ______________


三级B写作总结 考点要求:主要考察应用性段落或短文的写作。要求考生能运用所学的词汇和语法写出简短 的短文:能用英语填写表格,套写便函。简历等。 出题形式:题目中会给出一段汉语说明,要求根据说明书写、套写或填写一篇符合某种应用 文体或实用性的段落或短文,包括:名片贺卡通知便条邀请函及回函个人简历私人信 函招聘广告等。 应用文格式 1.便条:便条是一种简单的书信形式,内容简要,文字紧凑,称呼格式化。便条多数为本 人留言,或托人转交,常用便条有请假条和留言条两种。便条包括的内容:收条人,留 条人,目的,时间。 英文便条一般包括四个部分:日期、称呼、正文和署名。 Sample 8th Augest Dear Mary, I came here to see you because I have something urgent to consult with you, but you’ve hap to be out. I shall be grateful if you can find time to contact me with a call as soon as possible. Richard 译文:玛丽,我来看你,恰遇你外出。我有急事和你商量。请尽快找个时间和我联系。谢谢 你。 理查德 8月8日 2. 通知(告示) (Notice) 布告式通知要注意的几点内容: ⑴上方居中写上Notice或NOTICE以引人注意。 ⑵正文的下面右下角写通知单位名称或人名。 ⑶发出通知的日期放在中文的左下角。 ⑷正文内容简洁,说清通知内容以及进行活动的时间地点以及参加活动的对象。 ⑸通知时间地点可运用“There be”句型eg. There will be a sales meeting in Room 302 ,at 4:00p.m. on 15th January.或 A sales meeting will be held ,尽可能不用第一人称We shall hold a sales meeting,(误) Sample 通知 应广大学生的要求,学生会邀请著名公司(BSCompany)中国公司的人力资源部Human Resources Department 经理Mrs Tailor来校为全体学生讲座。 内容:如何为应聘面试做准备 时间:5月22日晚7:00-8:30 地点:多媒体(Muti-media)教学大楼320教室 希望广大学生,特别是即将毕业求职的学生前往听讲 Notice Mrs Tailor, manager of Human Resources Department of Human Resoures Department of BSC Company,the famous multinational company in the world, will give a lecture on Preparation


高等学校英语应用能力考试(b级) 作文真题 (2017-2011) 2017年12月(B级) Part V Writing(25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the Field Trip Report according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请根据所给信息,完成下列《现场考察报告》。 写报告人:李俊杰 接受报告人: 王晓林 送交报告日期:2017年12月24日 考察地点: JUK工厂 考察时间:自2017年12月4日至2017年12月8日 参加考察人员:李俊杰及其团队成员 内容要点: 为了了解水污染问题,我们去JUK工厂参观一周,我们了解了污染的主要来源。工程师们向我们介绍了几种废水处理的方法。这次参观对我们的研究工作很有帮助。 words for reference: 废水处理waste water treatment Field Trip Report Report to: Mr /Ms.(1) Report from: Mr /Ms.(2) Date :(3) Trip destination:(4) Trip period: from December 4.2017 to(5) Participants: Li Junjie & His team members Summary ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 Field Trip Report Report to: Mr/Ms.(1)Wang Xiaolin Report from: Mr/Ms.(2)Li Junjie Date:(3) December 24th, 2017 Trip destination:(4)JUK Factory Trip purpose: to know the water pollution Trip period: from December 4.2017 to(5)December 8, 2017 Participants: Li Junjie & His team members


大学英语B级考试作文范文 报名一般都在每年的四月,十月中旬左右。考试是在每年的六月,十二月中旬左右。 PartⅠListening Comprehension (15minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue,there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the4choices marked A),B),C)and D)given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A)Yes,thank you,and you? B)Nice to meet you! C)It's good. D)The same to you. 2.A)Yes,I did. B)No,I didn't. C)It was a waste of time. D)It lasted two hours. 3.A)I can manage it myself. B)You . C)Please do it for me. D)A pound of tomatoes,please. 4.A)No,that's not good. B)Yes,it is. C)It doesn't matter. D)So do I. 5.A)The fifth. B)March,6th. C)Friday. D)365days.


统考英语b作文范文英语b级考试作文万能句子 How is it going?最近怎么样? I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信. I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信. Wait for your good news 等待你的好消息 I hope to receive your early reply\x09 我希望不久能收到你方早日答复\x09 With best wishes to you and yours\x09 致以最美好的祝福向你及你的家人\x09 With the season's greetings\x09 献上节日的问候与\x09

With best wishes for your suess and happiness\x09 衷心地祝你成功和幸福\x09 正如硬币的正反面,...\x09 As the toss,... 也有积极的一面和消极的一面\x09 Also have positive and negative\x09 近来,.\x09 Recently,...\x09 的问题已经成为人们瞩目的焦点\x09 The problem has bee the focus the attention of the people\x09 随着.\x09

As...\x09 的快速增长,.\x09 The rapid growth of...\x09 在日常生活中已经变得越来越重要\x09 In daily life has bee more and more important\x09 因此,不难得出结论\x09 Therefore,may safely draw a conclusion\x09 综上所述,我们得出如下结论\x09 To sum up,we draw a conclusion\x09 这一难题,是任何人都不可能避免的,但只要处理得当,我们就会\x09


大学英语B统考作文范文40篇(建议背诵) 英语II(1)期末考试和大学英语A、B网考都有作文题,怎样写好英语作文是学员经常思考的问题。下面提供英语作文范文40篇,建议大家认真阅读,反复揣摸,最好能背下来。熟话说,“熟能生巧”。一份耕耘必有一份收获。 英语作文范文1 Cleaning Up Our Environment——清洁我们的环境 提纲: 1.随处可见的环境污染 2.怎样才能使环境清洁 3.你的看法 Sample: The sky looks grey; the rivers become black; the grass is covered with plastic bags. You will easily get your hair and shoes dirty while walking along the streets, and the air smells terrible. That is our environment now. That is the world we live in. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can hardly escape from pollution. But is there anything we common people can do about it? Yes, there is much that we can do. We can throw rubbish not on the ground, but in garbage cans; we can help to publicize the importance of environment preservation; we can write letters to our friends on ordinary paper instead of sending cards, because 4,000 cards amount to one tree, and trees are important to better our environment. Moreover, we can encourage the government to punish the. act of pollution. When the sky is blue again, the rivers become clean, and the grass is always green, we will live a healthier and happier life. 英语作文范文2 Does the Internet Provide Too Much for People?——因特网可以给人们提供更多的东西吗? 提纲: 1.人们对因特网作用的认识 2.因特网的利与弊 3.我们应如何利用网络信息 Sample: With the development of computers, the Internet has become widely used. It is just like information net that has covered the world. When a great deal of information is exchanged on the Internet almost every second, some people are worried that it provides too much for people. To know it clearly, we should look at both sides of the Internet.


范文.My Plan for the National Day Holiday 国庆假期计划 The National Day Holiday is coming. It is a very important festival in China. Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. I have a plan, too. My plan is as follows: First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work. Second, I want to stay with my parents. I’m not usually together with them. Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often. Fourth, I want to give my room a god cleaning. Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 范文一.My Teacher 我的老师 My English teacher is Miss Wang. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Miss Wang is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells us what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher. I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher. I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her. 范文二.My Mother 我的母亲 My mother is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. My mother is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is my mother. I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her. I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her. 范文三.My Best Friend 我最好的朋友。 Li Xia is my best friend. She is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Li Xia is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Li Xia, my best friend. I feel lucky to have her as my best friend. I hope that we will be best friends forever. 范文.How I Study English 我是如何学习英语的 English is an international language. It is very useful. I like English very much. And this is how I study English. First, I remember 30 English words every day. Second, I go over the grammar points regularly. Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English. Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs. Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies. This is how I study English. As a result, I’m more a nd more interested in English and my English has improved greatly. Practice makes perfect. If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better. 范文About Television 关于电视 TV plays the vital role in ours life. TV can be seen everywhere in our daily life. Almost each family has one TV set. However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything, and TV is no exception. TV has its advantages. TV is very important to help me to get information and knowledge. Various TV programs make me get to know the world and help me with my studies. However, TV also has its disadvantages. Watching too much TV program can waste a lot of time. Some programs are boring and useless, and they can bring us bad information. So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one. 范文About Doing Physical Exercise关于体育锻炼 Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. There is famous saying: ‘life lies on exercise’. So exercise can help you live longer and more healthily. First, exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It makes the heart beat faster and make us stronger. Sports can also make us eat more than usual which contributes to our bodies. Second, exercise can make us happy. Some sport like basketball is interesting. So playing basketball can bring us into happiness. Third, exercise can help us get rid of our bad habits. We will not be lazy after a period of exercise. In a word, exercise is important, helpful and absolutely necessary. 范文.My Expectation of the Long-distance Education 我期望的远程教育 Now, I am a student in Shanghai TV university, in other words, I am a distance learner. I have a lot of expectations on my distance education. Firstly, I hope to improve my spoken English. I work in a foreign invested company, My boss is a foreigner, I need to talk with him in English every day, So I would like to improve my spoken English very much. Secondly, I hope to improve my English writing ability. I need to receive and answer emails in Englis h every day, but I don’t know many English words. These above are my expectations of the long-distance education. 范文书信 May 1st, 2010 Dear Tom, Haven’t heard from you for some time! How are you doing? Everything is fine with me except that the final examination is getting nearer and nearer and I’m busy preparing for it. I’ve got some problems in my English study, es pecially in grammar. My teacher recommended me a grammar book. The book is called Advanced English Grammar. But it is not sold here in my town. Since you are in Beijing, could I you buy one for me? I’d be very grateful if you could help me. We haven’t see n each other since last time we met. I hope that you will visit my hometown again sometime if possible. So much has changed that you could barely recognize it! And it would be great to be together with you once again. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes! Yours Alice ) My Dream(我的梦想)I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to drive. Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human being’s desire of “faster”. What’s more, driving a car can take me to any place I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not. A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable. With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music played, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air. I love this feeling very much The Job I Like(我喜欢的工作)I like to be a teacher. Three reasons have led me to choose this occupation. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world, which is the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I’m free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. All in all, the reasons above make me like teaching best My Family(我的家)There are seven people in my family. They're my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers and I. My father is a businessman. He's busy working everyday. My mother is a housewife. She cooks meals, washes clothes, and teaches us lessons everyday. One of my younger brothers is a junior high school student, and we go to the same school. My grandparents help my parents look after the youngest brother every day. We go to the movies every Sunday. How's your family? 你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1.接到朋友的来信; 2.你对旅游的安排计划及理由;3.表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。Dear Sam: I have just received your letter and know that you are going to come to China to see me. I am really excited by it. You know I miss you so much. In your letter, you mentioned your travel plan. I advise you to go to Beijing and Xi’an. There are many royal buildings in Beijing like Palace Museum, Summer Palace. Xi’an is typical of old China. There are lots of historical buildings there, especially those of Qin Dynasty. I hope you enjoy your stay in China. I am looking forward to your coming. Yours ever John 28) 选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容:1.说明你想旅游的地点;2.说明你为什么选择这个地点;3.描述你的旅行计划。Dear Amy, I plan to make a journey to Jiuzhaigou in Si Chuan province. It’s a beautiful place with fresh air, beautiful natural scenery like waterfall, lake and high mountains. Because many films and TV series have been made here, it is very famous. What’s more, I am very busy and exhausted this year, so I want to go for a relaxation. I plan to stay there for a week and travel with a tour group. I believe I will enjoy myself there. Regards Yours ever Tim 你的朋友邀请你参加他/她的生日聚会,告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请。你应包括下列内容:1.告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请;2.对对方的邀请表示感谢; 3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。Dear Lisa: Congratulations on your coming birthday. Thanks for your invitation, but I am sorry that I am afraid I am not able to attend your birthday party. You know, our company will hold an important meeting in our Paris branch to talk about the recent trouble appearing in business. I am the one who needs to make a presentation. I am terribly sorry for that. Anyway, I hope everything goes well in your birthday party. Remember to show me the pictures taken in the party when I come back from business trip. Bestregards! Yoursever Susan Living in a Big Family(我生活的大家庭)I live in a big family with 4 generations together. There are 5 people in my family. We share a 3-bedroom flat with each other. My grandparents have got retired and enjoy the love from the grandchild-me. My parents both work in a bank. I study in Fudan University and like the college life very much. Every weekday, we are busy with our own business. But on weekends, our whole family will gather together with Mum cooking delicious food. I love my family and enjoy living in a big family. 1

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