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Asymptotic Properties of Order Statistics Correlation

Asymptotic Properties of Order Statistics Correlation
Asymptotic Properties of Order Statistics Correlation

Asymptotic Properties of Order Statistics Correlation Coef?cient in the Normal Cases
Weichao Xu, Member, IEEE, Chunqi Chang, Member, IEEE, Y. S. Hung, Senior Member, IEEE, and Peter Chin Wan Fung
Abstract—We have previously proposed a novel order statistics correlation coef?cient (OSCC), which possesses some desirable advantages when measuring linear and monotone nonlinear associations between two signals. However, the understanding of this new coef?cient is far from complete. A lot of theoretical questions, such as the expressions of its distribution and moments, remain to be addressed. Motivated by this unsatisfactory situation, in this paper we prove that for samples drawn from bivariate normal populations, the distribution of OSCC is asymptotically equivalent to that of the Pearson’s product moment correlation coef?cient (PPMCC). We also reveal its close relationships with the other two coef?cients, namely, Gini correlation (GC) and Spearman’s rho (SR). Monte Carlo simulation results agree with the theoretical ?ndings. Index Terms—Bivariate normal, concomitant, delta method, transform, Gini correlation (GC), Kurtosis, order Fisher’s statistics correlation coef?cient (OSCC), Pearson’s product moment correlation coef?cient (PPMCC), ranks, relative ef?ciency, skewness, Spearman’s rho (SR).
MULTITUDE of methods have been proposed in the literature to measure the intensity of correlation between two random variables with a bivariate distribution. Among these measures the Pearson’s product moment correlation coef?cient [1]–[4] (PPMCC), Spearman’s rho [5] (SR), and Kendall’s tau [5] are perhaps the most widely used [6]. The Pearson’s coef?cient is appropriate mainly for indicating linear associations, while the other two rank-based coef?cients are invariant under increasing monotone transformations [5]. Recently, the present authors proposed a novel measure of correlation called order statistics correlation coef?cient (OSCC), which bridges the gap between Pearson’s coef?cient and the other two rank-based coef?cients [7], [8]. Theoretical analyses and extensive Monte Carlo experiments have shown that OSCC has properties including 1) robustness in the presence of noise, 2) small biasedness, 3) high sensitivity to changes in correlation between signals, 4) capability to detect accurately time-delay, 5) fast computational speed,
and 6) robustness under monotone nonlinear transformations. These desirable properties make OSCC a potentially useful alternative to the three classical correlation coef?cients [8]. However, the understanding of OSCC is far from complete due to the lack of knowledge on its distribution with respect to bivariate normal populations. Such knowledge is indispensable when one performs theoretical analyses of OSCC, such as the analytical expressions of its mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis, just to name a few. In order to gain further insight into OSCC, we derive in this paper the asymptotic distribution of OSCC when samples are drawn from a bivariate normal population with correlation (binormal model). We will also compare OSCC to PPMCC, since the latter has long served as a benchmark in the area of correlation studies. In other words, any other correlation coef?cients should preferably emulate the properties of PPMCC under the binormal model [9]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we give some basic de?nitions and several lemmas needed in this paper. In Section III, we prove that OSCC is asymptotically equivalent to PPMCC in terms of distribution and moments. In Section IV, we formulate and prove two theorems on the relationship between OSCC and the other two coef?cients. Section V is devoted to the applicability of the asymptotic theories to small samples based on simulation results. Finally, in Section VI, we draw our conclusion on the order statistics correlation coef?cient. II. PRELIMINARIES In this section, we give some basic concepts and lemmas concerning normal random variables and the associated order statistics. These prerequisites are necessary in order to establish our main results in the sequel. A. De?nitions 1) Order Statistics and Concomitants: Let denote independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data pairs drawn from a bivariate population with continuous joint cumulative distribution function (cdf). Sorting the data pairs in ascending order with respect to the magnitudes of , we get a sequence , where are of new data pairs termed the order statistics of and the associated concomitants [10]–[12]. is at the th position in the sorted 2) Ranks: Suppose that , the number is termed sequence the rank of and is denoted by . Similarly we can get the which is denoted by [5]. rank of
Manuscript received March 30, 2007; revised August 25, 2007. This work was supported in part by the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission under Grant ITS/109/02, in part by Hong Kong RGC under Grant N_HKU703/03, and in part by the University of Hong Kong under Small Project Grant 200507176052. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Patrice Abry. W. Xu, C. Chang, and Y. S. Hung are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: wcxu@eee.hku.hk; cqchang@eee.hku.hk; yshung@eee.hku.hk). P. C. W. Fung is with the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: hrspfcw@hkucc.hku.hk). Digital Object Identi?er 10.1109/TSP.2007.916127
1053-587X/$25.00 ? 2008 IEEE

B. Lemmas In the sequel, we use symbols , , , and to denote the mean, variance, covariance, and correlation coef?cient of (between) random variables, reif follows a spectively. We write and , normal distribution with if and follow a and bivariate normal distribution with , , , , and . Given these notations, we now list the following lemmas which are necessary to investigate the properties of OSCC under the binormal model. be i.i.d. data pairs Lemma 1: Let . from a standard bivariate normal population , , , Write and . Then (1) and (2) for being large. Lemma 2: Let , , Then, as large
From its de?nition in (6), it is easy to verify that OSCC and . However, as pointed out in is not symmetric in [8], a symmetric version can be de?ned as if symmetry is a critical feature in practice. The well-known PPMCC is de?ned as [2]
It is quite dif?cult and maybe impossible to derive the exact directly from (6). However, as demonstrated distribution of below, we can establish the asymptotic equivalence between and by writing as the summation of and a remainder term, whose mean and variance tend to zero with great rapidity. A. Mean and Variance of Under Binormal Model
Theorem 1: Let and be de?ned as in (6) and (7) with respect to i.i.d. sample pairs from a bivariate normal popula. Then, as tion with correlation . Write (8)
, be the same as in Lemma 1. Let , and .
and (9) is shift and scale invariant Proof: It has been shown that [7], [8]. Therefore, without any loss of generality, we assume in the following that the parent population is of the standard bivariate normal distribution, that is (10) . We also have Write assumption (10). Let and be shown from [10] that from the . It can (11) are independent of , the latter being mutually indewhere . Then can be written pendent with distribution as the quotient of [8] (12) and
(3) Lemma 3: Let i.i.d. sample lation be the order statistics of an drawn from a standard normal popu. Then, as large (4) where Lemma 4: Let Write for , . Then, as . be de?ned as in Lemma 3. , , and large (5) The proofs of these lemmas are provided in the Appendices. III. ASYMPTOTIC PROPERTIES OF OSCC UNDER BINORMAL MODEL Let be i.i.d. data pairs drawn from a bivariate normal population with correlation . As proposed in [7], [8], the OSCC is de?ned as
(13) Let and denote the numerator and denominator of (7), respectively. Let , , , and be de?ned as in Lemma 1. After some straightforward algebra, we have (14) (6) and (15)

where (16) (17) (18) and (19)
From (7), (18), and (19), it is obvious that and . Then we have
(27) Substituting (3) and (25) into (27) gives (28) from which and together with (3), (23) we have
Now we can write (20) By a similar procedure it follows that and denote the numerator and denominator of (20), Let respectively. It follows from the Delta method [13] that Substituting (29) and (30) into (21) and letting (21) and (30) yield (31) By virtual of the Cauthy–Schwarz inequality [14] as well as the results of (3) and (24), it follows that (29)
(22) , , To evaluate (21) and (22), it is suf?cient to ?nd , , and , whose orders of magnitude are determined by , , , , and . The asymptotic means and variances of , , and are provided by Lemma 2. Now we focus on the orders of and in the following. Taking expectation of (17) and applying the properties of as well as some elementary inequalities yield
(32) and similarly (33) Then we have from (28) and (33) that
(23) where the last step follows from Lemma 3. By Lemma 3, Lemma 4, and some elementary inequalities, we have (34) Given (3), (32)–(34), and applying the Cauthy-Schwarz inequality again, we have (35) (24) Similarly, we can obtain It follows directly from (35) and (36) that (25) and (37) A substitution of (29), (30), and (35)–(37) into (22) leads to (38) (26) whence the result. and (36)

Remark 1: Since and tend to zero as , it follows from [15] that converges in probability to 0, which . On the other hand, it is well known that is denoted by . Then from [16] we have , namely, is an asymptotic consistent estimator of with respect to the bivariate normal population. . It follows directly from (38) Remark 2: Write . By the Chebyshev inequality [13], that for any positive we have . This shows how the probability of falling in can be made arbitrarily close to unity by choosing suitably. In other words, we can write (39) as well as (40)
, we have
(46) By an argument similar to that given in Remark 2, it follows that (47) with probability arbitrarily close to unity. The proof is then concluded by substituting (39) and (47) into (46) and neglecting the higher order in?nitesimal terms. Given Theorem 2 and the results of Hotelling [17], we can summarize the asymptotic mean, variance, skewness, and kurfor large as tosis of (48)
B. Asymptotic Distribution of OSCC Having proven Theorem 1 above, we are capable of ?nding the asymptotic distribution of OSCC based on the relation (41) It can be shown that [1]. Then we have (42) Recall that also decreases to zero as becomes large. is negligible for suf?ciently large Then the residual term [15]. In other words, when is large enough, the distribution is dominated by the distribution of , whose density of function is, for any
(49) (50) (51) which are measures of location, scatter, symmetry, and longtailedness of the distribution [15]. D. Relative Ef?ciency of to
Since both and are unbiased estimators of for large, we can compare the performance of the two estimators by means of the relative ef?ciency (RE), which can be de?ned as [18]
(52) It follows obviously from Theorem 2 that RE approaches 100% as becomes suf?ciently large. E. Fisher’s -Transform It can be shown that, when is large [16] (53) where the symbol “ ” reads “coverges in probability to” [15], and estab[16]. The asymptotic equivalence between lished above allows us to assert that (54) for large. However, as pointed out in [13], the use of the relations (53) and (54) is not recommended to test a hypothetical nonzero value of due to the slow convergence speed of (and ) to normality and dependence between the standard hence
(43) where [2].
C. Convergence Rate of the Moments of OSCC Theorem 2: Let
. Then (44)
for Proof: For Theorem 1 that
being suf?ciently large. and large, it follows from [8] and

error and . In one of his pioneering papers [3], Fisher introduced the extremely useful transformation (55) and showed that (56) with great rapidity. Write that . Then we can expect
(57) is also true from the continuous mapping theorem [16]. IV. RELATIONS WITH OTHER COEFFICIENTS It can be shown that OSCC is closely related to two other coef?cients, namely, SR and Gini correlation (GC) and denote [10], [19]. Let and , respectively. Then the the ranks of following two relationships hold. Theorem 3: The order statistics correlation coef?cient of , where denotes the ranks Spearman’s rho. for Proof: It follows obviously that . Substituting these into (6), we have (58) Now we evaluate the numerator respectively, as follows: and denominator of (58),
Fig. 1. Illustration of convergence speeds of E (e ) and V (e ) against n = 20; 30; . . . ; 100 and  = 0:1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, respectively. Note that the legends of (C) and (D), which are the same as those of (A) and (B), are not plotted for the purpose of clarity.
V. NUMERIC RESULTS In this section, we investigate the applicability of our asymptotic theories developed in previous sections for small samples. Monte Carlo experiments are performed for samples of size . The number of trials is set to for the purpose of accuracy. A. Convergence Rates of Fig. 1 illustrates the convergence speeds of and versus the sample size with an increment in each step. The relationships between the decreasing rates of and and the magnitude of are also revealed by , 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, respectively. curves associated with It can be observed that with increase of , the magnitudes of and decrease downward with quite fast speed. The and are less than and , respecvalues of tively, for even as small as 30. As for the effect of on the and behave rather differently. convergence rates, In Fig. 1(A), we can see that for any ?xed , increases . On the with at ?rst, but the relation reverses after relates negatively to other hand, as shown in Fig. 1(B), in a consistent manner, that is, the larger the intensity of , the lesser the values of for any ?xed . Fig. 1(C) and (D) and depict respectively the ratios against for , 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9. We can observe that the curves of are already approximately horizontal when is small, suggesting converges to constant values with great speed. On the that other hand, the convergenc speed of is rather slow, especially and . However, despite the magnitude of when , all curves of become level when . These observations verify our theoretical results of (8) and (9) established by Theorem 1.
(59) and (60) Substituting (59) and (60) into (58), we have (61) which is the expression of the Spearman’s rho [5]. Theorem 4: The OSCC of the ranks of and the values of is the sample Gini correlation. by in (6) yields Proof: Replacing (62) which is the sample Gini correlation [19].

= 20, 50, 100
(w ) AND (r )
(w ) AND (r )
B. Comparative Results for Moments of
and shown that GC and SR can also serve as estimators of . For convenience, let and denote SR and GC, respectively. Then the four estimators are (63) (64) (65) (66) where comes from [19] and from [5]. Having (63) – (66), we are able to compute the relative ef?ciencies of OSCC, GR, , and ) to Pearson’s coef?cient and SR (notations by means of the ratios of to the variance of each of the other three respective estimators. with respect to Fig. 2(A) shows the increasing trend of . It also reveals the negative relationsample size ship of the convergence speed of to . It can be observed that despite the negative effect of , all four curves stand above and approach 98% when . Fig. 2(B) 96% for , , and for and . compares We only compare , and in the null case due to except for . It can the lack of theoretical results of for , sugbe easily seen that gesting the advantage of OSCC over GC and SR. Moreover, , [20] and it follows that for [5] as . In other words, and can never approach 100% no matter how large is. On the can be made as close to 100% as possible by other hand,
Table I lists the observed mean values and from the Monte Carlo simulations for , , , respectively. to is It can be seen that 1) the convergence speed of consistently, 3) for most cases, quite fast, 2) is even smaller than that of , and the biasedness of 4) despite few exceptions, the biasedness of is negative with small and positive with large . and In Table II, we present the simulation results of together with theoretical values from (49). Unlike , the convergence speeds of is rather slow. However, it and is less appears that the difference between and negligible for . Therefore, noticeable for by (49) for . it would be safe to approximate can be considered asymptotic in A sample size of practice. Tables III and IV contain, respectively, the observed and theand oretical values of skewness and kurtosis with respect to . It can be seen that although their convergence speeds to (50) and behave compaand (51) are much slower, rably with increase of and . In other words, we do not conand sider that there are signi?cant differences between as far as convergence rates of their skewness and kurtosis are concerned. C. Comparative Results of Relative Ef?ciency Study As mentioned in Section III-D, both and are eligible as estimators of the population correlation . Besides, it has been

Fig. 2. Relative ef?ciency of w . (A) relationship of (B) comparison of RE , RE and RE when  = 0 TABLE V OBSERVED AND THEORETICAL VALUES OF E (z
n and .
) AND E (z )
Fig. 3. Empirical distributions of w , z , r , and z from populations having correlation 0 and 0.8 when the sample size n = 30. (A) Histograms of w . (B) Histograms of z . (C) Histograms of r . (D) Histograms of z . It can be observed that the two distributions of w are far from normal for n = 30. On the contrary, both the two distributions of z are roughly normal with nearly equal variances. Moreover, the distributions of w and z are very similar to their respective counterparts even when n is as small as 30.
) AND V (z )
Fig. 3 shows the property of variance-stabilization of Fisher’s transform. In Fig. 3(A) are plots of the histograms of ( ) from populations with correlations 0 and 0.8; Fig. 3(B) . For comparison, shows the corresponding histograms of and are also presented in the histograms with respect to in Fig. 3(C) and (D), respectively. The two distributions of Fig. 3(A) are drastically distinct in both their modal heights and forms — the one being symmetrical, the other highly skewed. On the other hand, in Fig. 3(B) the two distributions do not differ greatly in height and are approximately the same in form. Beand are very similar to their sides, the distributions of respective counterparts even when is as small as 30. This justo in ti?es to some extent the fast convergence rate of terms of distribution. VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS
choosing suf?ciently large. This is ensured by the asymptotic equivalence established in Section III. D. Distribution of Fisher’s -Transform In Table V, we tabulate the expectations of the transformed values , and the asymptotic theoretical excorresponding to , 50, 100. We pression is consistently greater than for all can see that . Furthermore, the biasedness of is more noticeable as large. However, the difference between and can be considered nonsigni?cant for . In Table VI, we summarize the observed variance values and from the experimental data. For comparison, the are also provided in the last row. theoretical values of is consistently larger than , It can be seen that 1) is approximately independent of for , and 3) 2) the difference between and are less noticeable for and negligible for .
In this paper, we have investigated the properties of the order statistics correlation coef?cient proposed previously by the present authors. Theoretical derivations and simulation results suggest that the new coef?cient is asymptotically equivalent to the Pearson’s product moment correlation coef?cient in the sense of distribution as well as moments in the normal cases. The new coef?cient also has close relationship with the other two correlation coef?cients, namely, Spearman’s rho and Gini correlation. The advantages of the order statistics correlation coef?cient over Pearson’s and other correlation coef?cients have been discussed in [7] and [8]. The results in this paper further justify that the order statistics correlation coef?cient can be used as an alternative to Pearson’s coef?cient in correlation analysis. APPENDIX I PROOF OF LEMMA 1 Proof: It is well known that the normality holds under linear transformations of normal random variables [13]. There-

fore, and , which are linear transformations of normal and , must follow a bivariate normal random variables and the distribution. Recall that i.i.d. assumption, we have
(77) From (2) it follows that
(67) that is, . and are asymptotically normal It can be shown that is also normally distributed as [13]. Therefore, large. From Wishart’s formulae [21], we have (68) (69) and (70) Given (68)–(70) and by the Delta method, we have (71) We have shown in Lemma 1 that large. Then we have For brevity, let is independent of
(78) Applying some basic identities together with (68), (70), and (78), we have
(79) . It has been known long ago that [13]. Hence
(80) as
and (72) Since, by de?nition, , then (73) Noticing that arrive at and , we ?nally Substituting (81) and (82) into (80) leads to (74) and (75) thus completes the proof. thus establishing the lemma. APPENDIX III PROOF OF LEMMA 3 Proof: Write be the cdf of and On the other hand, from (1) it follows that
APPENDIX II PROOF OF LEMMA 2 Proof: From (1) in Lemma 1 we have (76)
and . Let . It follows [10] that, as (84)

It can be easily shown that Writing into (84) yield
, with being the pdf of [10]. and substituting the expression of
Substituting (91) into (89) leads to (92) Write from the L’Hospital’s Rule that . Then it follows directly
(85) We can prove that the function is nondecreasing over by verifying the nonnegativity of its derivative, as
(93) Applying the L’Hospital’s Rule once more, we have
(86) is a compact notation of . Write . Now we show that when is ?x, . Noticing that , we have, for odd
(94) Then, for being suf?ciently large (95) whence the result. APPENDIX IV PROOF OF LEMMA 4
(87) and for even
Proof: The relationship between moments and cumulants gives [22]
(96) denotes the cumulants. It has been shown that [23] as large (97)
(88) It is easy to verify that both and are left Riemann sums over . Therefore, and are of underestimations of since is nondecreasing over , that is, for any ?x . Write . We have
Hence, it is suf?cient to study the orders of the summations of the remaining two terms, which are of order [23]. It follows that , , and (say) [13]. Substituting these identities into , we have (96) and ignoring the terms
(98) (89) Let . We ?rst prove that . Now we show that , as Applying the Cauthy–Schwarz inequality yields Recalling from Lemma 3 that have . , we then
(99) thus completes the proof. (90) REFERENCES Then we have and hence (91)
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Chunqi Chang (M’06) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2001. He is currently a Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong. His main research interests include statistical signal processing theories and methods and their applications to biomedical engineering and computational molecular biology.
Y. S. Hung (M’88–SM’02) received the B.Sc. (Eng.) degree in electrical engineering and the B.Sc. degree in mathematics from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and the M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. He was a Research Associate with the University of Cambridge and a Lecturer with the University of Surrey, Surrey, U.K. In 1989, he joined the University of Hong Kong, where he is currently an Associate Professor and the Head of the department. His research interests include robust control systems theory, robotics, computer vision, and biomedical engineering. Dr. Hung was a recipient of the Best Teaching Award in 1991 from the Hong Kong University Students’ Union. He is a chartered engineer and a fellow of IET and HKIE.
Peter Chin Wan Fung received the B.Sc. (Phys.) degree, the B.Sc. degree (special hons) in radio astronomy, and the Ph.D. degree in radio astronomy from the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. In 1999, he became the ?rst Chair Professor of Medical Physics with the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is also an Honorary Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong, where he works on multidisciplinary projects. He has been with the University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, and Stanford University, Stanford, CA. During the early 1970s, he joined the University of Hong Kong and became the Personal (Chair) Professor of Physics in 1984 and the Director of the Centre for Materials Science in 1992. He has published around 280 articles in international reviewed journals. His current research interests include the areas of biophysics, medicine, and signal processing.

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世界顶级奢侈品100品牌排行 ——吕润整理 1.Bentley宾利/主要产品:车 2.BurjAl-Arab伯瓷/主要产品:酒店 3.Rolex劳力士/主要产品:腕表 4.Chanel香奈尔(夏奈尔)/主要产品:时装、香水 5.EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛/主要产品:化妆品 6.Tiffany蒂芬尼/主要产品:珠宝 7.Mercedes梅塞德斯(奔驰)/主要产品:轿车 8.Gianniversace范思哲/主要产品:时装 9.LouisVuitton路易威登/主要产品:皮具、箱包 10.Hennessy轩尼诗/主要产品:高级干邑 11.AmericanExpress美国运通/主要产品:旅行信用卡 12.JohnnieWalker尊尼获加/主要产品:威士忌 13.Prada普拉达/主要产品:时装、眼镜 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/cc9111485.html,ncome兰蔻/主要产品:化妆品 15.Chivas芝华士/主要产品:威士忌 16.FourSeasons四季酒店/主要产品:酒店 17.FERRARI法拉利/主要产品:车 18.Bose博士/主要产品:音响 19.BMW宝马/主要产品:轿车、摩托 20.Armani阿玛尼/主要产品:时装 21.Moet&Chandon酩悦香槟/主要产品:香槟酒 22.CalvinKlein卡尔文.克莱恩/主要产品:内衣、香水 23.Rolls-Royce劳斯莱斯/主要产品:名车 24.TagHeuer豪雅表/主要产品:腕表 25.Harley.Davidson哈雷戴维森/主要产品:摩托 26.RalphLauren拉尔夫劳伦/主要产品:时装 27.EmiratesPalace酋长宫殿/主要产品:酒店 28.HiltonGroup希尔顿集团/主要产品:酒店 29.RemyMartin人头马/主要产品:名酒 30.Absolut绝对伏特加/主要产品:伏特加


第六部分文件管理 1、文件系统的主要目的就是( )。 A、实现对文件的按名存取 B、实现虚拟存储 C、提供外存的读写速度 D、用于存储系统文件 2、文件系统就是指( )。 A、文件的集合 B、文件的目录集合 C、实现文件管理的一组软件 D、文件、管理文件的软件及数据结构的总体 3、文件管理实际上就是管理( )。 A、主存空间 B、辅助存储空间 C、逻辑地址空间 D、物理地址空间 4、下列文件的物理结构中,不利于文件长度动态增长的文件物理结构就是( )。 A、顺序文件 B、链接文件 C、索引文件 D、系统文件 5、下列描述不就是文件系统功能的就是( )。 A、建立文件目录 B、提供一组文件操作 C、实现对磁盘的驱动调度 D、实现从逻辑文件到物理文件间的转换 6、文件系统在创建一个文件时,为它建立一个( )。 A、文件目录 B、目录文件 C、逻辑结构 D、逻辑空间 7、索引式(随机)文件组织的一个主要优点就是( )。 A、不需要链接指针 B、能实现物理块的动态分配 C、回收实现比较简单 D、用户存取方便 8、面向用户的文件组织机构属于( )。 A、虚拟结构 B、实际结构 C、逻辑结构 D、物理结构 9、按文件用途来分,编译程序就是( )。 A、用户文件 B、档案文件 C、系统文件 D、库文件 10、将信息加工形成具有保留价值的文件就是( )。 A、库文件 B、档案文件 C、系统文件 D、临时文件 11、文件目录的主要作用就是( )。 A、按名存取 B、提高速度 C、节省空间 D、提高外存利用率 12、如果文件系统中有两个文件重名,不应采用( )。 A、一级目录结构 B、树型目录结构 C、二级目录结构 D、A与C 13、文件系统采用树型目录结构后,对于不同用户的文件,其文件名( )。 A、应该相同 B、应该不同 C、可以不同,也可以相同 D、受系统约束 14、文件系统采用二级文件目录可以( )。 A、缩短访问存储器的时间 B、实现文件共享 C、节省内存空间 D、解决不同用户间的文件命名冲突


Please supply us with the following sample of product: *Packaging: The goods shall be packed suitable for air/inland transportation. *Deliver as soon as possible; *Please send an order confirmation by e‐mail ; *Please place our order number on the invoice; *The packing list should indicate the weight of a balk and the quantity of bales; *Please send the following files by e-mail for our customs clearance and inspection: Purchase Order PO20180117 Xi'an Hardis Import and Export TradingCo.,Ltd. Purchase Date : NO.114,No.1 Fengcheng Road, Purchaser: Weiyang District, Xi’an City,Shaanxi Province, China. Mobile:+86 - Tel:+86‐29‐ Page 1/2 E‐mail: Purchase from: Delivery Address: Fitzgerald Industries International Xi'an Hardis Import and Export TradingCo.,Ltd. 30 Sudbury Road, Suite 1A N, No.1 Building, Acton, MA 01720 South Area of XianFeng Garden, USA. East Section of NO.1 FengCheng Road, T: Weiyang District, Xi ’an City, Shaanxi Province, E: China. W: T: +86‐29‐ M:+86- E‐mail: SKU Product Name Catalog Quantity Unit Price(USD) Amount(USD) CRP protein 30‐AC05PP 5mg Sample Complement 3 antiserum 88R-7581 5mg Sample Complement 4 antiserum 20C-CR2019SP 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin A antiserum 20C-CR6043SP 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin A antiserum 31C-CP1034I 5mg Sample Immunoglobulin G antiserum 20C-CR6050SP 5mg Sample Goat anti Human IgM antibody (mu chain) 41-XG59 5mg Sample Premium for express delivery(USD) Total (USD) :


世界著名奢侈品大全 路易威登:Louis Vuitton,简称LV,创始于1854年,以做工精细华美的旅行箱包闻名于世,产品包括皮件、皮箱、旅行用品、男装女装、笔、手表等。一百五十余年来,路易威登精致、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”广受推崇,深得各国名流喜爱。2004年LV在香港举办新产品发布会,模特章子仪一身服饰价值76万美元,合人民币六百余万元。在中国大陆专卖店中,一只拉杆旅行箱售价超过人民币18000元,如果买普通旅行箱,可以买两百个如果,买成大米,可以买八吨 万宝龙:Mont Blanc,又译作蒙邦、勃朗峰,经典书写工具的代名词,与奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、马克(Mark)共称为德国“3M”。 品牌创始于1906年,产品包括名贵腕表、优质皮具、男士时尚配饰等,用户包括伊丽莎白女王、肯尼迪总统、罗马教皇和大作家海明威等社会名流。该公司有一款皇家钻石墨水笔,镶有4810颗碎钻,售价人民币约120万元。普通款的圆珠笔售价2300余元,如果买普通的圆珠笔,可以买4000支;如果买面包,

可以买3000个。 罗特斯:Lotos,全球最贵的眼镜供应商,品牌创始于1872年,产品包括手表、眼镜和珠宝等。该公司的眼镜全部由手工制作,一般只为订单生产。最贵的一副眼镜上镶了44颗钻石,售价约50万欧元,合人民币500余万元,买主为瑞士的一名女士。除此之外,还有售价约10万、20万欧元不等的高价眼镜。在北京一家眼镜店的柜台上,该公司的产品极受欢迎,最便宜的一副眼镜标价35000元,相当于30台24寸国产彩电,如果买成猪肉,可以买7000余斤。 宾利:Bentley,又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。宾利轿车最为人称道的是其出色的手工艺和苛刻的选材,每辆轿车至少需用400张优质牛皮,约合15头牛,所需木材均选用上等胡桃木树瘤。宾利728加长版售价888万元,旗舰版的雅致Mulliner728售价1188万元,这款车在中国的销量居全球第一,仅购置税就相当于一辆奔驰S320,车上的一副手动窗帘的价值约人民币17万元,如果买普通窗帘,可以买17000米,相当于两座珠穆朗玛峰;如果买棉衣,可以买4000件。


/bin:是binary的缩写,这个目录是对Unix系统习惯的沿袭,存放着使用者最经常使用的命令。如:ls,cp,cat等。 /boot:这里存放的是启动Linux时使用的一些核心文档。 /dev:是device的缩写.这个目录下是任何Linux的外部设备,其功能类似Dos下的.sys 和Win下的.vxd。在Linux中设备和文档是用同种方法访问的。例如:/dev/hda代表第一个物理IDE硬盘。 /etc:这个目录用来存放任何的系统管理所需要的配置文档和子目录。 /home:用户主目录,比如说有个用户叫sina,那他的主目录就是/home/sina,说到这里打个岔.您现在应该明白,在我们访问一些个人网页。如:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/cc9111485.html,/sina的时候,sina就是表示访问 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/cc9111485.html, 站点中的用户sina的用户主目录.假如这个网站的操作系统是Linux,那就是表示/home/sina。 /lib:这个目录里存放着系统最基本的动态链接共享库,其作用类似于Windows里的.dll文档。几乎任何的应用程式都需要用到这些共享库。 /lost+found:这个目录平时是空的,当系统不正常关机后,这里就成了一些无家可归的文档的避难所。对了,有点类似于Dos下的.chk文档。 /mnt:这个目录是空的,系统提供这个目录是让用户临时挂载别的文档系统。 /proc:这个目录是个虚拟的目录,他是系统内存的映射,我们能够通过直接访问这个目录来获取系统信息。也就是说,这个目录的内容不在硬盘上而是在内存里啊。 /root:系统管理员,也叫终极权限者的用户主目录。当然系统的拥有者,总要有些特权啊。/sbin:s就是Super User的意思,也就是说这里存放的是一些系统管理员使用的系统管理程式。 /tmp:这个目录不用说,一定是用来存放一些临时文档的地方了。 /usr:这是个最庞大的目录,我们要用到的很多应用程式和文档几乎都存放在这个目录了。具体来说: /usr/X11R6:存放X-Windows的目录。 /usr/bin:存放着许多应用程式. /usr/sbin:给终极用户使用的一些管理程式就放在这. /usr/doc:这就是Linux文档的大本营. /usr/include:Linux下研发和编译应用程式需要的头文档在这里找. /usr/lib:存放一些常用的动态链接共享库和静态档案库. /usr/local:这是提供给一般用户的/usr目录,在这安装软件最适合. /usr/man:是帮助文档目录. /usr/src:Linux开放的源代码,就存在这个目录,爱好者们别放过哦! /var:这个目录中存放着那些不断在扩充着的东西,为了保持/usr的相对稳定,那些经常被修改的目录能够放在这个目录下,实际上许多系统管理员都是这样干的.顺便说一下,系统的日志文档就在/var/log目录中. /usr/local/bin 本地增加的命令 /usr/local/lib 本地增加的库根文件系统 通常情况下,根文件系统所占空间一般应该比较小,因为其中的绝大部分文件都不需要, 经常改动,而且包括严格的文件和一个小的不经常改变的文件系统不容易损坏。 除了可能的一个叫/ v m l i n u z标准的系统引导映像之外,根目录一般不含任何文件。所有其他文件在根文件系统的子目录中。

Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO)电子版(中英文版)

Date Issued: September , 2011 To: Attention: Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO) Buyer Ref. No.: We, ( importer name) , as buyer, hereby confirm with full legal and corporate responsibility and under penalty of perjury that we are ready, willing and able to enter into a contract for the purchase of the commodity specified below, that funding is available any import/export permits needed to fulfill this purchase have been obtained. Specification: Product Packing: Quantity Total: MT(+/-5%) or more Shipping Schedule: The 1st shipment will be MT and the next 11 months of supply will be MT/Month. Delivery schedule to be given by the buyer. Delivery: Within days of receipt of payment instrument at seller’s Bank counter. Origin: Price: USD per MT (will be given in the soft corporate offer) Product Destination:Port of China Inspection: SGS or like company shall at the port of loading confirm weight and that the product conforms to the following specifications. Inspection at port of discharge by buyer at buyer’s expense. Payment: Terms can be transferable or non transferable, non-divisible DLC, OR BG Performance Bond: 2% issued by seller’s bank. Buyer Banking Details: Name of the Bank: Bank Account No: Bank Account Name: Bank SWIFT Code:


Documents and Settings是什么文件? 答案: 是系统用户设置文件夹,包括各个用户的文档、收藏夹、上网浏览信息、配置文件等。补:这里面的东西不要随便删除,这保存着所有用户的文档和账户设置,如果删除就会重新启动不能登陆的情况,尤其是里面的default user、all users、administrator和以你当前登陆用户名的文件夹。 Favorites是什么文件? 答案: 是收藏夹,存放你喜欢的网址。可以在其中放网址快捷方式和文件夹快捷方式,可以新建类别(文件夹)。 Program Files是什么文件? 答案: 应用软件文件夹装软件的默认路径一般是这里!当然里面也有些系统自身的一些应用程序Common Files是什么文件? 答案: Common Files. 这个文件夹中包含了应用程序用来共享的文件,很重要,不能乱删除Co mmon Files这个文件是操作系统包扩系统程序和应用程序Common Files是应用程序运行库文件数据库覆盖了大约1000多个最流行的应用程序的插件,补丁等等文件夹com mon files里很多都是系统文件,不能随意删除,除非确定知道是干什么用的,没用的可以删掉。不过就算删掉了有用的东西,也没大的关系,顶多是某些软件用不了,不会造成系统崩溃。 ComPlus Applications是什么文件? 答案: ComPlus Applications:微软COM+ 组件使用的文件夹,删除后可能引起COM+ 组件不能运行 DIFX是什么文件? 答案: 不可以删除,已有的XML数据索引方法从实现思想上可分为两类:结构归纳法和节点定位法.这两种方法都存在一定的问题,结构归纳法的缺点是索引规模较大而且难以有效支持较复杂的查询,而节点定位法的主要缺点是容易形成过多的连接操作.针对这些问题,提出了一种新的动态的XML索引体系DifX,它扩展了已有的动态索引方法,采用一种动态的Bisimil arity的概念,可以根据实际查询需求以及最优化的要求动态决定索引中保存的结构信息,以实现对各种形式的查询最有效的支持.实验结果证明DifX是一种有效而且高效的XML索引方法,其可以获得比已有的XML索引方法更高的查询执行效率. Internet Explorer是什么文件? 答案: 不用说了,肯定不能删除,IE,浏览网页的! Kaspersky Lab是什么文件? 答案:卡巴斯基的文件包,这个是卡巴的报告,在C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP6\Report 的更新文件中有很多repor t文件很占地


世界十大奢侈品牌标志LOGO欣赏 品牌一: 十大奢侈品LOGO之--FENDI芬迪 创始人:Adele Fendi,设计师:Karl Lagerfeld,发源地:意大利 成立年份: 1925年,产品线:皮具、时装、鞋履、香水、珠宝首饰 品牌故事:芬迪是在一战后以皮草起家的,以一流的毛皮类服装而著名。作为一个苦心经营的家族企业,芬迪是唯一不由男性经营的公司。Karl Lagerfeld是该家族的好朋友,曾以戏剧性的毛皮时装设计为FENDI赢得全球声誉使FENDI成为奢侈品的代名词。

GUCCI 古琦 创始人:Guccio Gucci,设计师:Guccio Gucci 发源地:意大利,成立年份: 1923年 产品线:服饰、泳装、成衣、服装鞋帽、时装、珠宝首饰、香水 品牌故事:GUCCI的创始人是一位叫做GUCCIO GUCCI的意大利青年。1994年Tom Ford上任创意总监后,将传统品牌改变为崭新的摩登形象,将这个百年历史的米兰品牌推向另一个高峰,成为年轻一族时尚的经典代表。 1. 竹节手柄:GUCCI的竹节包取材于大自然,所有的竹子都从中国及越南进口,大自然材料以及手工烧烤技术成就其不易断裂的特点。2. 马术链:在20世纪初的意大利马匹是主要代步工具,因此制造马具的人比较多,GUCCI是其中的佼佼者。系着马匹的马术链也是GUCCI的发明。这个著名的细节设计,除了因为美观,也是对过去马术时代的一个缅怀。GUCCI镶有马术链的麂皮休闲鞋已是鞋类历史上的一个典范,连美国的大都会博物馆都收藏了一双呢。

十大奢侈品LOGO之--CELINE赛琳 CELINE赛琳,创始人:Michael kors 发源地:法国,成立年份:1945年,产品线:服饰、成衣 品牌故事:要为豪华与奢侈找一个踏实的根据地,CELINE就可以。从40年代创立品牌到90年代由MICHAEL KORS执掌设计,不论潮流如何变化,实用,一直是CELINE的座右铭。CELINE的服装华丽又实用,单品本身的质感符合“休闲华丽”这个看似矛盾的风格,而其皮件及配件从皮包、皮鞋到领带丝巾都在奢华的基础上突出实用主义。 1.“c”标志以及链状图案:一直是CELINE品牌的经典图案,在皮件的皮面图案或金属扣头以及丝巾、领带的图案织纹上都可以看到,也可以容易地帮助我们辩识LOGO。 2.“单座双轮马车”标志:是CELINE如马具般精致品质的象征,经常成为皮件与皮鞋上的金属装饰。


All Users文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』所有用户文件夹,里面里面包括系统缺省登录时的桌面文件和开始菜单的内容。『Win2000』在Win2000的系统目录中没有这个文件夹,Win2000将用户的信息放在根目录下的Documents and Settings文件夹中,每个用户对应一个目录,包括开始菜单、桌面、收藏夹、我的文档等等。 Application Data文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』应用程序数据任务栏中的快捷方式,输入法的一些文件等等。根据你系统中使用不同的软件,该目录中的内容也有所不同。 『Win2000』在Documents and Settings文件夹中,每个用户都对应一个Application Data 文件夹,同样每个用户由于使用的软件不同,目录内容也相同。 Applog文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』应用程序逻辑文件目录。逻辑文件是用来记录应用软件在运行时,需要调用的文件、使用的地址等信息的文件。要查看这些文件,用记事本打开即可。 Catroot文件夹: 『Win9x』计算机启动测试信息目录,目录中包括的文件大多是关于计算机启动时检测的硬软件信息。 『WinME』该文件夹位于系统目录的system目录中。 『Win2000』该文件夹位于系统目录的system32目录中。 Command文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』DOS命令目录。包括很多DOS下的外部命令,虽说都是些小工具,但真的很好用,特别是对于系统崩溃时。 『Win2000』这些DOS命令位于系统目录的system32目录中。 Config文件夹: 『Win9x/ME/2000』配置文件夹,目录中包括一些MIDI乐器的定义文件。 Cookies文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』Cookies又叫小甜饼,是你在浏览某些网站时,留在你硬盘上的一些资料,包括用户名、用户资料、网址等等。 『Win2000』每个用户都有一个Cookies文件夹,位于Documents and Settings文件夹的每个用户目录中。 Cursors文件夹: 『Win9x/ME/2000』鼠标动画文件夹。目录中包括鼠标在不同状态下的动画文件。 Desktop文件夹: 『Win9x/ME』桌面文件夹。包括桌面上的一些图标。 『Win2000』这个文件夹在系统目录中也存在,同时在Documents and Settings文件夹的每个用户目录中还有“桌面”文件夹。



For M/S : 华瑞益通 Name:Date: 本订单合同由买方和卖方共同签署,双方同意按本合同各项条款,买方购买且卖方出售合同规定的货物并提供相应服务。 The Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the Goods and provide services as covered and described hereunder. SECTION 1 - 供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY: You have discussed all technical requirements for this project and confirmed the compliance to the same. 卖方已经了解此项目的所有技术要求并确认完全满足所有要求: 序号Item 货物描述 Description / Scope of Supply 单位 Unit 数量 Qty 单价 Unit Price 总价 Total Prices According to (MR编号及设备名称) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Start-up and Commissioning Spare Included 7Inspection , testing and Factory Acceptance Certificate(FAT) Included 8Design, Drawing, Documentation and Manual(Required Quantity) Included 9Export Packaging Included 10Inland Transportation Included 11Commodity Inspection(if needed) Included 总价(至买方指定港口)


linux下各文件夹的结构说明及用途介绍: /bin:二进制可执行命令。 /dev:设备特殊文件。 /etc:系统管理和配置文件。 /etc/rc.d:启动的配置文件和脚本。 /home:用户主目录的基点,比如用户user的主目录就是/home/user,可以用~user 表示。 /lib:标准程序设计库,又叫动态链接共享库,作用类似windows里的.dll文件。 /sbin:系统管理命令,这里存放的是系统管理员使用的管理程序。 /tmp:公用的临时文件存储点。 /root:系统管理员的主目录。 /mnt:系统提供这个目录是让用户临时挂载其他的文件系统。 /lost+found:这个目录平时是空的,系统非正常关机而留下“无家可归”的文件就在这里。 /proc:虚拟的目录,是系统内存的映射。可直接访问这个目录来获取系统信息。 /var:某些大文件的溢出区,比方说各种服务的日志文件。 /usr:最庞大的目录,要用到的应用程序和文件几乎都在这个目录。其中包含: /usr/x11r6:存放x window的目录。 /usr/bin:众多的应用程序。

/usr/sbin:超级用户的一些管理程序。 /usr/doc:linux文档。 /usr/include:linux下开发和编译应用程序所需要的头文件。 /usr/lib:常用的动态链接库和软件包的配置文件。 /usr/man:帮助文档。 /usr/src:源代码,linux内核的源代码就放在/usr/src/linux 里。 /usr/local/bin:本地增加的命令。 /usr/local/lib:本地增加的库根文件系统。 通常情况下,根文件系统所占空间一般应该比较小,因为其中的绝大部分文件都不需要经常改动,而且包括严格的文件和一个小的不经常改变的文件系统不容易损坏。除了可能的一个叫/vmlinuz标准的系统引导映像之外,根目录一般不含任何文件。所有其他文件在根文件系统的子目录中。 1. /bin目录 /bin目录包含了引导启动所需的命令或普通用户可能用的命令(可能在引导启动后。这些命令都是二进制文件的可执行程序(bin是binary的简称,多是系统中重要的系统文件。 2. /sbin目录 /sbin目录类似/bin,也用于存储二进制文件。因为其中的大部分文件多是系统管理员使用的基本的系统程序,所以虽然普通用户必要且允许时可以使用,但一般不给普通用户使用。 3. /etc目录


让你知道C盘的每个文件夹代表什么,其作用是什么 C:\Program Files文件夹介绍 列出常见的几个文件夹: 1、C:\Program Files\common files Common Files (存放软件会用到的公用库文件) 安装一些软件会在里面产生文件夹 比如visual studio symentec antivirus gtk lib 等 他是一些共享资源,这里的共享是指,一个公司所出的一系列软件都需要用这里的文件 比如:vb vc 要用里面visual studio 文件夹下的文件 norton fire wall norton antivirus 等要用里面symentec shared文件夹下的文件acrobat reader photoshop 要用里面adobe 文件夹下的文件 公有文件不能删除 正常的话会有: Microsoft Shared MSSoap ODBC SpeechEngines System Direct X Common Files这个文件是操作系统包扩系统程序和应用程序 Common Files是应用程序运行库文件 数据库覆盖了大约1000多个最流行的应用程序的插件,补丁等等 文件夹common files里很多都是系统文件,不能随意删除,除非确定知道是干什么用的,没用的可以删掉。不过就算删掉了有用的东西,也没大的关系,顶多是某些软件用不了,不会造成系统崩溃。 另外也有说各种软件的注册信息也在里面。 2、C:\Program Files\ComPlus Applications ComPlus Applications:微软COM+ 组件使用的文件夹,删除后可能引起COM+ 组件不能运行 显示名称:COM+ System Application ◎微软描述:管理基于COM+ 组件的配置和跟踪。如果服务停止,大多数基于 COM+ 组件将不能正常工作。如果本服务被禁用,任何明确依赖它的服务都将不能启动。 ◎补充描述:如果 COM+ Event System 是一台车,那么 COM+ System Application 就是司机,如事件检视器内显示的 DCOM 没有启用。一些 COM+软件需要,检查你的C:\Program Files\ComPlus 3、C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information 发现这个网上一些解释的很含糊,说是用来存放部分软件安装信息的文件夹。比较准确的说


> 系统目录WINDOWS下主要文件夹简介 时间:2008-08-14 12:26来源:网络作者:未知点击:599次 WINDOWS系统目录下各个核心文件夹作用及用途介绍,详细完 ├—WINDOWS │ ├—system32(存放Windows的系统文件和硬件驱动程序) │ │ ├—config(用户配置信息和密码信息) │ │ │ └—systemprofile(系统配置信息,用于恢复系统) │ │ ├—drivers(用来存放硬件驱动文件,不建议删除) │ │ ├—spool(用来存放系统打印文件。包括打印的色彩、打印预存等) │ │ ├—wbem(存放WMI测试程序,用于查看和更改公共信息模型类、实例和方法等。请勿删除) │ │ ├—IME(用来存放系统输入法文件,类似WINDOWS下的IME文件夹) │ │ ├—CatRoot(计算机启动测试信息目录,包括了计算机启动时检测的硬软件信息) │ │ ├—Com(用来存放组件服务文件) │ │ ├—ReinstallBackups(电脑中硬件的驱动程序备份) │ │ ├—DllCache(用来存放系统缓存文件。当系统文件被替换时,文件保护机制会复制这个文件夹下的文件去覆盖非系统文件) │ │ ├—GroupPolicy(组策略文件夹) │ │ │ ├—system(系统文件夹,用来存放系统虚拟设备文件) │ ├—$NtUninstall$(每给系统打一个补丁,系统就会自动创建这样的一个目录,可删除) │ ├—security(系统安全文件夹,用来存放系统重要的数据文件) │ ├—srchasst(搜索助手文件夹,用来存放系统搜索助手文件,与msagent文件


苏丹 XXX 项目:PROVISION OF PCC SERVICE S FOR PROJECT 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ (2) 交货期 DELIVERY SCHEDULE All goods of the PO shall be delivered completely to the Carrier nomin ated by the Buyer no later tha n xxxxxxxxxxx. (3) 交货事项 DELIVERY POINT SECTION 3- 文件 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (1) 1套正本增值税专用发票, 增值税专用发票的内容必须与报关单相一致。卖方必须在收到 买方发出的开票通知后 7天内将此正本增值税专用发票提交买方经办人。 如果由于卖方不 能及时提交增值税专用发票或出具的发票不符合要求, 由此产生的损失由卖方承担, 买方 有权从货款中直接扣除。 One set of original Value Added Tax (VAT) Invoice(s) submitted by the Seller. The content of VAT Invoice(s) must be in accordanee with the Customs Declaration. The Seller shall submit the VA T In voices to the Buyer dur ing seve n (7) days after receiv ing the Buyer ' s Notice about the In voice issu ing. All the losses arise n from late submissi on or in correct ness of the VAT In voices shall be borne by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to deduct the corresp ondent losses directly from the payme nt un der the Con tract; (2) 3份正本和3份副本装箱单(中英文对照),装箱单要求详细注明订单号、 件号、货物名称、 规格尺寸、毛重、净重、包装类型。 3 origi nals of Pack ing List and 3 copies in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage, issued by the Manufacturer or the Seller with indication of PO No., package number, the name of Goods, specificati on. Package dime nsions and weight (net and gross), List of Items with qua ntity and tag Number t, type of pack ing; (3) 制造商签署的3份中英文对照的质量证书原件,3份正本检验报告原件。 Three (3) origi nal Quality Certificates and T est and In specti on Reports in both Chin ese and En glish Ian guage issued by the Manu facturer; (4) 1份由当地商检局出具的出境货物换证凭条 (单)。(如需商检,商检费用已包括在总价里) One original Inspection Certificate issued by local Import and Export Commodity In specti on Bureau of the P .R.Chi na; (5) 工厂验收测试(FAT )报告正本1份。 Certificate of factory accepta nee test. (6) 1份由买方出具的运输释放通知 Shipp ing Release Note issued by the buyer. (7) 1份由买方指定承运人签发的收货单原件。 One origi nal and two copies of Cargo Receipt issued by the Buyer appo in ted Freight Forwarder; (8) 卖方与合同签订后一周内提交报批图纸。 MR 、补遗等相关文件中规定的最终文件 ,包括图 纸、数据表、技术手册等相关文件的 9份硬拷贝和6份CD 软拷贝。 Other technical documents, including but not limited to the following, drawing, data sheets and tech ni cal manual in 9 hard copies and 6 CDs; 9套硬拷贝和6套软拷贝(CDs )的最终文件邮寄到买 方办公室。 项目合同编号 POJECT CONTRACT NO: P etro-Energy/ 合同货物必须在 XXXXXXXXXX 前交至买方指定的承运人处。 如果分批运输,则分批付 卖方应在两周内用特快专递方式将

奢侈品 世界十大品牌

简单汇总十大品牌: LV(louis viutton)路易威登(法) GIVENCHY纪梵希(法) HERMES爱马仕(法)CHANEL香奈儿(法) PRADA(MIU MIU)普拉达(意)VERSACE范思哲(意)GUCCI古奇(意大利)DOLCE GABBANNA(D&G)杜嘉班纳(意)BURBERRY巴宝莉(英)CARTIER卡地亚(瑞士)Ω OMEGA 欧米茄(瑞士)ROLEX劳力士(瑞士 十大奢侈品十大服装 唐纳?卡兰、Louis Vuitton、Chanel、范思哲、Dior、古驰、瓦伦蒂诺?加拉瓦尼、PRADA、GUESS、乔治?阿玛尼 珠宝 卡地亚、蒂芬尼、ENZO、Oxette、宝诗龙、Bulgari、御木本、Graff、Georgjensen、波米雷特 皮具 Louis Vuitton、Chanel、Dior、古驰、瓦伦蒂诺?加拉瓦尼、PRADA、乔治?阿玛尼、登喜路、芬迪、COACH 顶级名表 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/cc9111485.html,nger、积家、伯爵、江诗丹顿、劳力士、卡地亚、爱彼、万国、宝玑、百达翡丽 汽车 法拉利、Porsche、奔驰、宝马、莲花、宾利、凯迪拉克、菲亚特、奥迪、劳斯莱斯 豪宅 “三湖”别墅、曼德勒农场、“向往东方”的海滩、"燃点"的海滩、“拉?阿密提”、“迪奥”宫殿、纽约曼哈顿区的一座大厦顶楼三层、佛罗里达棕榈滩的“观光别墅” 化妆品 娇兰、兰蔻、娇韵诗、伊丽莎白?雅顿、奥伦纳素、雅诗兰黛、倩碧、资生堂、Dior、Chanel

高尔夫球具 登禄普、TaylorMade、阿迪达斯、耐克、Ben Hogan、Etonics、威尔森、马基高、Callaway、ping 眼镜 普拉达、奥克利、珠迪丝?雷伯、唐那?凯伦、圣罗兰、唐纳?卡兰、路易?威登、香奈尔、迪奥、卡地亚 名笔品牌 帕克、万宝龙、威尔?永锋、华特曼、卡地亚、犀飞利(sheaffer)、地球牌、奥罗拉、高仕、Montegrappa 皮鞋品牌 芬迪、古驰、迪奥、圣罗兰、费拉格慕、香奈尔、普拉达、蒂埃利?爱马仕、都彭、登喜路 名酒 绝对伏特加、轩尼诗、尊尼获加、芝华士、铭悦香槟、人头马、马爹利、百加得、家豪威士忌、尊荣极品威士忌 雪茄品牌 高斯巴、阿波罗、大卫杜夫、圣罗兰、丹纳曼、渥文、高雅、蒙坦尼而、宾治、百得佳士 顶级烟具 Zig-Zag、GIZEH、Colibri、登喜路、STANWELL、VAUEN、Mastro de Paja、Peter Matzhold、Savinelli、Chacom 打火机品牌

Word 目录功能

Word目录编排功能应用 录是一个文档中不可缺少的一部分,目录的内容通常都是 由各级标题及其所在页的页码组成,目的在于方便阅读者直接查询有关内容的页码。 目录编排是档案编研工作中必不可少的一项工作。如果用手工完成一个文档目录的建立,将是一件机械而容易出错的工作,因为您必须一字不错的将每个标题的内容照抄到相应的目录中,而且要将该标题所在页的页号正确无误地记录下来。当文档中的标题被修改后,您又必须手工更新目录的内容,稍有不慎,生成的目录就会题文不符。笔者在工作中使用Word目录自动编排功能,觉得方便又准确,在此介绍给同行,以供参考。 Word提供了根据文档中标题样式段落的内容自动生成目录的功能。您可以通过控制创建目录的标题级别数来控制目录的级别数。但文档中的标题一定要使用相应的标题样式,否则,Word就不能按标题样式自动创建目录。 Word共提供了9级目录格式,它们一般为“目录1”、“目录2”、“目录3”、……“目录9”。“目录1”的内容一般为“标题1”的内容,如文章的每一章的标题,参考文献、附录、索引等标题,但整个文档的大题目、目录标题的“目录”、前言的标题“前言”等不能作为“目录1”中的内容出现在目录1中。“目录2 ”的内容为“标题2”的内容,“目录3”为“标题3”的内容,以此类推。文档的目录一般只需要3级,最多不超过4级或5级。 一、目录的生成 目录的生成一般都在文档写作完成后才进行。其生成过程就是目录域的插入。要插入目录,首先要选择目录的插入点,一般都选择在

文档正文之前,并将光标定位到该插入点。具体操作步骤如下: 1、 选择?插入(I)?菜单中的〖分隔 符(B)〗命令后,屏幕上显示“分隔符” 对话框,右图所示,点击〖分页符〗中 的“下一页”选项,然后再单击?确定? 按钮。(主要功能是将目录与正文的页 码断开,即确保目录和正文的页码都分 别从“1”开始。) 2、 将光标 定位在分节符 前,选择?插入 (I)?菜单中的〖索 引和目录(D)…〗 命令后,屏幕上 显示“索引和目 录”对话框,如右 上图所示。 3、 激活〖目录(C)〗选项后,在〖格式(T)〗选项下选择合适的目录格式,并在对话框中部查看其预览效果。 4、 在〖显示级别(L)〗选项下输入不同数字以改变目录中包含的标题样式级别数目。 5、 单击?确定?按钮,就会将 目录添加到文档中。右图所示的是用 Word 自动生成的《科研成果简介)》 目录。 二、目录的更新 当对文档的标题作了修改之后, 自然需要对新文档的目录进行更新。如果用手工更新目录的话,就要
