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[磁带录音材料—听力原文和翻译]2015人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册(三年级起点)(单元5 unit 5)

Unit Five 第五单元
Whose dog is it? 它是谁的狗?

Hey! Whose dog is this? 嘿!这是谁的狗?
Oh, it's mine. 哦,是我的。
He's sleeping. 它在睡觉。
He's very tired. 它很累。
Wow! What a beautiful painting. 哇!好漂亮的画。
Is it yours? 是你的吗?
No. It's his. 不是。是他的。
What's that? 那是什么?
It's a rabbit. 是一只兔子。
It's mine. 它是我的。
I see. 我知道了。
Why is it jumping? 它为什么跳?
It's playing with its friends. 它是在和它的朋友们玩。
Whose carrots are these? 那些胡萝卜是谁的?
The carrots are theirs. 胡萝卜是它们的。

A Let's try 试一试
Listen and tick. 听,打勾。
Which is John's picture? 哪一幅画是约翰的?

A: The school art show is great! 学校的美术展很棒!
B: Yes, I like this picture. 是的,我喜欢这幅画。
The trees are beautiful. 那些树很美。
A: Whose picture is it? 它是谁画的?
B: It's John's. 是约翰。
A: What about the one over there? 那边那幅画怎么样?
I like the blue colour. 我喜欢那蓝色。
B: That's mine. 那是我画的。

Let's talk 谈话

Chen Jie: The yellow picture is mine. 那幅黄颜色的画是我的。
Are these all ours? 这些都是我们画的吗?
Mike: Yes, they are. 是的。
Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. 哇!北京的那幅画很美。
Whose is it? 谁画的?
Mike: It's Zhang Peng's. 张鹏画的。
Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai, too. 看!还有一幅上海的画。
Mike: It's Yifan's. 那是一凡的。
Chen Jie: Oh, yes! It's his. 哦,是的,是他的。

Ask and find out. 问,并找出来。

Let's learn 学习

Look! That's my dog! 看!那是我的狗!
Yes! It's your dog. 是的,它是你的狗。
The dog is yours. 狗是你的。

your dog - yours 你的狗 — 你的
his dog - his 他的狗 — 他的
her dog - hers 她的狗 — 她的
their dog - theirs 他们的狗 — 他们的
It's our dog. 它是我们的狗。
The dog is ours. 狗是我们的。
our dog - ours 我们的狗 — 我们的
Zoom's dog Zoom的狗
my dog - mine 我的狗 — 我的

Let's spell 拼写
Read, listen and chant. 读,听,唱。

long 长
sing 唱歌
ring 响铃
young 年轻

think 想,思考
ink 墨水
trunk 象鼻;树干
pink 粉色

Let's chant 一起唱

I think I can sing, 我想我会唱,
I think I can sing, 我想我会唱,
I think I can sing a song. 我想我会唱一首歌。
I think I can sing, 我想我会唱,
I think I can sing, 我想我会唱,
A song that is not too long. 唱支不太长的歌。
I think I can sing,
I think I can sing,
I think I can sing a song.
I think I can sing,
I think I can sing,
A song that is not too long.

Now it's your tu

rn. 现在轮到你唱了。
Read, write and listen. 读,写,听。

trunk 象鼻;树干
song 歌曲
ring 响铃
think 想,思考
sing 唱歌
thing 事情
drink 喝
pink 粉色
thank 谢谢
morning 早上,上午
long 长的
bank 银行
Look, listen and write. 看,听,写。
Zoom is eating. Zoom在吃东西。
John is jumping. 约翰在跳。
Zip is drinking. Zip在喝。
Sarah is singing. 萨拉在唱歌。

B Let's try 试一试
Listen and tick. 听,打勾。
Where is the dog? 狗在哪儿?

A: Chen Jie, where is Fido? 陈洁,费多在哪儿?


Let's talk 谈话

(Sam is at Chen Jie's home.) (山姆在陈杰家。)
Sam: Where is Fido now? 费多现在在哪儿?
Chen Jie: He's in the kitchen. 它在厨房。
Sam: Is he drinking water? 它在喝水吗?
Chen Jie: No, he isn't. 不是。
He's eating. 它在吃东西。
Sam: Can I play with him now? 我现在可以和它玩吗?
Chen Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park? 可以。你能带它去公园吗?
Sam: Of course! Fido, come here! 当然了!费多,过来!
Fido: Woof, woof! 汪汪!

Look and say. 看和说。

Let's learn 学习

Oh, Fido is sleeping. 哦,费多在睡觉。
Yes. He's so cute! 是的,它真可爱。
Are these rabbits eating? 这些兔子在吃东西吗?
No. They're playing with each other. 没有,它们在一起玩。

climbing 爬
drinking 喝
eating 吃
playing 玩
jumping 跳
sleeping 睡

Read and write 读读写写

Robin at the Zoo 罗宾在动物园
Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. 萨拉和罗宾在动物园。
Robin is excited! 罗宾很兴奋!
What are you doing here, Robin? 罗宾你在这儿做什么?

I'm looking at a bear. 我在看熊。
I'm dancing like a bear. 我像熊一样跳舞。
I'm looking at the rabbits. 我在看兔子。
I'm eating like a rabbit. 我像兔子一样吃东西。

I'm looking at a tiger. 我在看老虎。
I'm running like a tiger. 我像老虎一样跑。
I'm looking at an elephant. 我在看大象。
I'm walking like an elephant. 我像大象一样走路。

I'm looking at a monkey. 我在看猴子。
I'm climbing like him. 我像它一样爬树。
I'm looking at a bird. 我在看鸟。
I like flying. 我喜欢飞。
I want to be a bird! 我想做一只鸟!

Robin, do you want to swim like a fish? 罗宾,你想要像鱼一样游吗?
No! No! I don't want to be a fish! 不!不!我不想当鱼!

Let's check 检查
Listen and number. 听,写序号。

1. Hi, Mrs Green. 嗨,格林太太。


Listen again and choose the right answers. 再听一次,选择正确答案。
1. Hi, Mrs Green.

What is Wu Yifan doing now? 吴一凡现在正在做什么?

C Story time 故事时间

Zip: Here comes a tiger. 来了一只老虎。
Zoom: Where is it? 在哪儿?
Zip: Shh. Be quiet. 嘘。安静。
Zoom: Ah-choo! 阿嚏!

Zip: Whose tail is that? 那是谁的尾巴?
It's running so fast. 它跑得真快。
Zoom: Is it the tiger's? 是老虎的尾巴吗?
Zip: Yes, it is. 是的。
I see two monkeys. 我看到两只猴子。
Zoom: Where are they? 在哪儿?
Zip: Shh. They're climbing. 嘘。它们在爬树。
Zoom: Wow! They're fast, too. 哇!它们也很快。

Zoom: What are they doing? 它们在干什么?
Zip: Why are they looking at us? 它们为什么看着我们?
Zoom: I don't know. 我不知道。
Zip: Look! They're taking pictures, too. 看!它们也在照相。
Zoom: That's cute. 真可爱。
They're copying us! 它们在学我们。

Songs in each unit 单元歌曲
Unit 5 第五单元
Animals, animals are everywhere
Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, 兔子和猴子和大象,
Pandas and tigers, too. 还有熊猫和老虎。
Some are climbing, 一些在攀爬,
some are jumping, 一些在跳,
Animals in the zoo. 动物们在动物园里。
Cats and monkeys and elephants, 猫和猴子和大象,
A dog, a rabbit, a bear. 狗,兔子,熊。
Some are eating, 一些在吃,
some are sleeping, 一些在睡,
Animals everywhere! 动物到处都是!
Now it's your turn. 现在轮到你来唱了。

Useful expressions 常用表达法
Unit 5 第五单元
The yellow picture is mine. 那幅黄颜色的画是我的。
Are these all ours? 这些都是我们画的吗?
Whose is this? 这是谁的?
It's Zhang Peng's. 是张鹏的。
Is he drinking water? 它在喝水吗?
No, he isn't. He's eating. 不是。它在吃东西。

Proverbs 谚语
Let sleeping dogs lie. (让睡觉的狗继续躺着)别惹是生非。

Words in each unit 单元词汇表
Unit 5 第五单元
mine 我的
yours 你(们)的
his 他的
hers 她的
theirs 他们的;她们的;它们的
ours 我们的
climbing (climb的-ing形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬
eating (eat的-ing形式)(正在)吃
playing (eat的-ing形式)(正在)玩
jumping (jump的-ing形式)(正在)跳
drinking (drink的-ing形式)(正在)喝(水)
sleeping (sleep的-ing形式)(正在)睡觉
each 每一;各个
other 其他的
each other 相互
excited 兴奋的;激动的
like 像......那样

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