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1. 分析思路







如:The three pie charts respectively illustrate some data regarding the distribution in world spending, global population and consumption of resources.









如:The two pie charts reveal the variation in the global population and distribution between 1900 and 2000.


1. 数量联系:The world population quadrupled during the past century, from 1.5 to 6 billion.

2. 地区联系:Despite some changes in region distribution, Asia and Europe were still the two areas where the majority of people came from, altogether accounting for over 60% of the total.

当然,一些细节的内容也要详细说明,如其他地区的比例变化有升有降,新统计地区的出现。本图的主线是时间变化,考生可以将其转化成为线图。Conclusion:相关图表之间一般都有比较明显的联系,可以作为结尾段的总述,如:The majority of people were from Asia and Europe, where a decline in percentage can be found.




比例上升:There was a minimal growth in the proportion of coal and nuclear power, with the former from 22% in 1980 to 27% in 1990 and the latter 5% to 10% over the same course.

比例下降:An opposite change can be seen in the percentage of natural gas, oil and hydroelectric power.





Introduction:说明各饼图的联系,如:The three pie charts compare the market share of three products in some areas including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.


1. 相同点:A similar pattern can be found in the distribution of sales for Product X and Y. 两者的排序是一致的

2. 不同点:和Product X和Y相比,Product Z的市场分布比较均匀。Conclusion:总结异同点即可。


2. 相关句式



account for, hold, make up, take up, constitute, comprise, represent


percentage,proportion, share, 某些情况下可以用rate,如literacy rate


the majority of, most of, a consid erable number of, a minority of , just over…, slightly more than…/less than…, nearly half…等


分数与百分比的转化:one third, two fifths,one tenth

常见表达:a quarter, a half




— Asia accounts for almost a half of world population.

— Nearly 50% of people in the world come from Asia.

— The percentage of Asian in the world population is slightly less than a half. — Asia has the largest percentage of population in the world( approximately 50%).


在列举饼图数据时,为了防止单调枯燥,我们常常运用排序的方式进行说明:— China takes the lead in world population.

类似的表达还有“be leading, the majority, mostly, most等”

—Next comes food, whose percentage is higher than that of clothing.


— People seem to show no interest in reference books, which lies last in the percentage.

类似表达还有“fall behind other items, the lowest proportion”.


Heating rooms and water account for the largest proportion (52.5%) of the electricity used. Next come s the demand of ovens, kettles and washing machines, which makes up 17.5%. The electricity consumed for lighting, TV and radio equals to that for vacuum cleaner, food mixers and electric tools, representing 15%.



在描述不相关饼图时,由于各图之间联系不强,考生只需将各图表的要素做一定排序即可。以图一的第二个饼图为例:As can be seen from the second pie chart, Asia is where 57% of total population lives, followed by Europe and Americas, with 14% for each. There is 10% of population from Africa and the rest proportion goes to other regions.


It is apparent that people mainly relied on fossil fuel including oil, natural gas and coal. In particular, oil was still the major energy, despite a slight drop from 42% to 33% in 1980s. Natural gas and coal were the next two items, altogether constituting over half of total energy consumed. The former shows a 1% decline while the amount of latter climbed from 22% to 27%.


The reliance on nuclear power shows a double increase from 5% to 10% while the percentage of hydroelectric power kept steady at 5% during the same period.

因此,相关型饼图的分析思路就是:在多个饼图关注其中一项或是几大项,说明其在图中的比例特征,剩下的比例可以找出一定规律进行分析说明。参考句型如:The rest proportion can be divided among…


Accommodation and food were the two biggest items of expenditure. Altogether they constituted around 60% of the total students’ expenditure in all the three countries. The difference is that in country A and B accommodation spending exceeded food spending while the reverse was true for country C. The rest of students’ spending was divided among leisure, books and other items. Leisure spending constituted a larger percentage (around 20%) of student expenditure in both country A and country B, while in country C more money was spent on books (21%) than on leisure (12%).




Exercise 1

This is a bar chart which describes the general trend of heart attacks per year in the USA. It shows the difference between men and women at three different ages——29 to 44,45 to 64 and more then 65. First, we can clearly see that man is more strongly associated with heart disease than woman no matter what age they are. But then, when we compare man with themselves in their different ages, we can know men’s risk of heart attacks is seem similar with women’s. That is to say, men’s risk of heart disease tends to get worse as they get older both men and women.

Exercise 2

US Spending Patterns 1966 – 1996

The two Pie charts tells the changes of man’s Spending Patterns in 1966 and 1996. In 1966, food account for the largest proportion (44%) of the Spending Patterns. Next comes the demand of cars, which makes up 23%. The rest of spending Patterns was divided among Furniture ,Petrol, Restaurants,Books and Computers,which account for 10%, 9%, 7%, 6% and 1% of the Spending Patterns. As can be seen from the second pie chart, Cars is where 45% of Spending Patterns, followed by Food and restaurants, with 14% for each. There is 10% of Spending Patterns from Computers. The Spending Patterns for petrol equals to that for Furniture, representing 8%. Books accounts for about 1%, compared with 1966, which drops five percent.


英语口语考试通用语句 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom正在做…..,突然,他听到或看到….,他迅速……,….. 感谢….(或道歉…..) Tom was lying on the beach. Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. The boy was saved. His parents thanked him again and again. 模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做….,有人在做…. 有人…… It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. 模板归纳(三):室内突发事件篇 Tom was sleeping in bed Suddenly, he heard the fire alarm and saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. He quickly jumped out of bed and dialled 119. The firemen arrived. He helped the firemen put out the fire.

模板归纳(四):室内平铺直叙篇: 例文1: He was looking for books. He found some books. He went to the librarian and borrowed them. She said he can keep them for 10 ten days. 例文2: He was doing his homework. His father was reading the newspaper. His mother was cooking. Dinner was almost ready. 模板归纳(五):描写人或物 It’s my bedroom.


中考英语看图写句子专项练习 Jim T om 1.Jim,good,but,T om 2.Jack,worker,since1990 3.happy,because,grad uate 1._______________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________ 4.fly,river,yesterday https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c79813245.html,e back,cook 6.often,go,with 4._______________________________________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________________________________ 6._______________________________________________________________________________ 7.factory,pour,waste,river8.often,noodle,lunch9.Mr Green,work,car 7._______________________________________________________________________________ 8._______________________________________________________________________________ 9._______________________________________________________________________________


小学英语看图说话 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

一、动物篇 二、人物篇 三、水果篇 四、季节篇 1.Look! This is a cat. It’s black and brown. Her eyes are big. Her ears are big, too. Her nose is small, Her tail(尾巴) is very long. Her favorite food is fish. She is two years old. She can run fast. She is very cute. I like cat very much. 2.I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. Look. This is my father. He is 35 years old. He is a doctor. And this is my mother. She is 33 years old. She is a teacher. I love my family. 3.From this picture, we can see many fruits. For example(例如), peach, banana, lemon, cherry, grape, pear and watermelon. (还可以介绍每种水果的颜色哦) My favorite fruit is grape. It is purple and it is sweet. Do you like grape 4.Look at the picture, it’s snowy. We can see a tree, a snowman, a boy and a girl. The tree is big and green. The boy and the girl are very happy, they are making a snowman. They like winter, I like winter, too. Do you like winter? 5.五、节日篇 六、运动篇 七、地点篇 八、 6.In this picture, we can see an old man.


Tom has bought a house. He has asked a building company to turn it into the house of his dreams ! Activity 1 → Match the words with the pictures. 1. take the rubbish away 2. dig a swimming-pool 3. paint the gate 4. cut down a tree 5. deliver a sofa 6. plant flowers 7. build a garage 8. mow the lawn 9. replace the fence 10. repair the roof Activity 2 → What are the workers doing at the moment ? Make sentences. A man is repairing the roof. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Activity 3 → The builders have now finished. What have they done ? Look at the house and make sentences. They have repaired the roof. ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… Activity 4 → And your bedroom ? your house ? What changes have you made recently ? Write four sentences in the present prefect. We have painted the kitchen yellow. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


关于复赛小学组“看图说话”环节的攻略 一. 评分标准 “看图说话”部分满分50分: ※对图片上的内容进行全面、正确的描述,35分; ※结合图片内容和自身经历,能谈及更多的内容,并抒发自己的感想,15分。 注:如不能独立对图片进行描述,但能回答评委针对图片内容进行的提问, 20分。 二. “看图说话”内容说明 总的来说,大部分图都包括角色(人物,动物,物品等),场景和角色行为几个因素,按语文上的说法也可以称之为时间,地点,人物,事件几个要素。 选手应当首先从以下这几个方面来观察一幅图: 角色 1. 图片中有(些)什么?——人物,动物,食物,生活用品,家具,… 2. 这些事物的特征?——数量,颜色,服饰,形状,位置,… 角色行为 5. 这些人或物在做什么?——发挥自己的想象力 6. 行为的结果和影响怎样?——好,不好,(不)可爱,(不)快乐,(不)累, 场景 3. 在什么地方?——海滩,公园,房间内,操场,教室,医院,商场… 4. 场景中所呈现的天气,时间怎样?——晴,阴,雨,雪,冷,热,早晨, 中午,下午,晚上 但是根据年级的不同,在各个因素设置上难易度不同,要求也不一样。下面我们分年级段按照例图进行讲解: 前言 口语本身不需要很严谨的语法结构和逻辑关系,大多是一些简单句的罗列。但是,作为网上的书面辅导,以下所写的范文例句还是不得不比较书面化,选手们看着也许会觉得比较难。我们的建议是:只抓思路和方法,不要过于关注语法和句式。

如图一 图片上有什么? 鸟 bird (表述公母对一年级选手而言过难,可以用自己会的boy, girl 表示)特征是什么? 数量:2只 two birds 颜色:1只红色 one red bird (one bird is red) 1只蓝色 one blue bird (one bird is blue)很漂亮 very beautiful 服饰:绿色的蝴蝶结 green bowknot (这个词可能有些难) 位置:站在树上 stand in a tree 行为,它们在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想) 1. 他们站在树上,谈恋爱。 They stand on the tree. They love each other. 2. 他们在亲吻,他们相爱了。They are kissing. They love each other. 3. 他们在谈论… … 。(编一段对话) The blue bird says:“ My dear,I love you.” The red bird says:“ I love you too.” … 等等。选手们可能会有更丰富的想象。 行为的结果怎样呢? 他们很幸福 They are very happy 场景描述 这幅例图没有直接的场景,可以不描述。 但是为了得高分,可以设想一些简单的场景信息,加以叙述 比如:天气sunny and warm ,时间 Saturday morning


看图写句子 一.一般现在时(主语+ 频度副词+ V原/Vs/es + 时间/地点) 1. often, home __________________________________________________________________________ 2. usually, work ________________________________________________________________ 3. Lily, once a week _________________________________________________________________ 4. often, after school ___________________________________________________________________ 二.现在进行时(主语+ be V-ing + 时间/地点) 1. Jane, now ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Look, now ___________________________________________________________________ 3. she, music _____________________________________________________________________ 4. he, now____________________________________________________________________ 三.一般过去式(主语+ V过去式+ 时间/地点) 1. play, yesterday ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. have, last night _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jane, sing, just now _____________________________________________________________________ 4. born, in 1973 __________________________________________________________________________


初一下英语期中考试看图写句子专练 1. Kangkang, usually, ride 2. they, on foot 3. Sally, by subway, home,every day 4. Kate, take, zoo, ? 5. my father, never, work,by plane 1. Kangkang usually rides a bike to shool. 2. They often go to the park on foot. 3. Sally goes home by subway every day. 4. Does Kate take a bus to the zoo ? 5. My father never goes to work by plane. 6. often, after school 7. love…very much 8. play computer games, now 9. look, swim 10. have lunch, at the moment 6. I often play football with my friends after school. 7. She loves listening to music. 8. He is playing computer games now. 9. Look, they are swimming in the swimming pool. The boy is having lunch in the dining hall at the moment. 11. listen, sing 12. run, playground, now, ? 13. not, have an art class, now 14. often, he, watch TV, evening 15. like…best 11. Listen, she is singing songs. 12. Are they running on the playground now ? 13. We are not having an art class now. 14. He often watches TV in the evening. 15. I like history best. 16. car, house 17. not, guitar, the window 18. knife, desk, three 19. shoes, bed, any, ? 20. soccer, chair 16. There is a car in front of the house. 17. There isn’t a guitar near the window. 18. There are three knives on the desk. 19. Are there any shoes under the bed ? 20. A soccer is under the chair. 21. water, bottle 22. bird, tree / apples, tree 23. live in 24. library,corner 25. across from 21. There is a little water in the bottle. 22. There are some birds in the tree. / There are some apples on the tree. 23. I live in an apartment building. 24. The library is on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road. 25. The bookstore is across from the school. 26. how, get to, Xihu Park,? 27. which, way, train station,? 28. turn, second crossing 29. across, here 30. not, late 31. not, park 32. it’s good to… 26. Excuse me, how can I get to Xihu Park ? 27. Excuse me, which is the way to the train station ? 28. Turn left at the second crossing. 29. Go across the road here. 30. Don’t be late for class. 31. Don’t park your car here. 32. It’s good to help old people cross the road. 1


英语口语学习:英语高考的看图写话方法 看图写话是NMET书面表达经常采用的形式,它是一种检查学生观察理解能力及运用语言能力的形式。考生必须根据所示图片或图片组,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事,近年NMET书面表达均采用图画提示的书面表达形式,要求考生根据图画所表现的内容写一篇100字左右的短文。那么,如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 1.确定图画的内容要点 碰上这类试题,考生首先应仔细审题,看懂图片所表达的意思,根据图画内容整理出几个要点,再根据这些要点决定要采用的语言形式。如NMET 2000的高考试题中,书面表达部分题目是这样的:假设你是李华,在美国探亲,2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况,请根据图画写出报告,词数100左右,结尾已为你写好。 根据图画确定的内容要点是: (1)2000年2月8日发生了一起交通事故 (2)我走在公园路 (3)一位老人从街的另一边公园里出来 (4)一辆黄车开过来在公园路转弯 (5)黄车撞倒了老人并向西开跑 (6)我记住了车牌号是AC864,并送老人去医院 2. 直截了当,开门见山 开门见山就是文章写什么,开头就说什么,直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水,如NMET 98,写的是参观农场,开头就是:Today we visited a farm. 3.10句话左右组成文章

书面表达要求用100词左右写出含六个要点左右的短文,所以从近几年的高考英语答案看,一般都以10个句子组成一篇文章。若用较少于8句话来表达,则句子容易复杂冗长,容易失控;若用多于10句话来表述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感。 请看NMET 2000年的书面表达范文(8句话): (1)It was 7:15 on the morning of February8,2000. (2)I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.(3)Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third street and make a right turn into Park Road.(4)The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.(5)He fell with a cry. (6)The car didn't stop but drove at great speed heading west. (7)I noticed the driver was young woman and the plate number was AC864.(8)About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. 4.语言基本无误 (1)用有把握的句式 看图写话要用自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语和句型将题中所规定的内容要点加以表达,进而串联成文。在表达时句子宜短不宜长,应慎用分词或复合句,对拿不准的表达,可采用“回避”的方法,在不改变原有意思的前提下,改换另一种表达方式,但切忌中文式的英语,或根据英语语法人为地编造一些不地道的语言材料。如NMET 98高考作文是:5月3日,你参观了一个农场,请根据图画用英语写一篇日记。针对这篇文章的要点,我们就要使用以下有把握的句式,如: ①give somebody a warm welcome ②show somebody around ③How glad somebody was to do something ④have fun (in)doing something ⑤say goodbye to somebody


Autumn is coming, we are very happy, because it is harvest time. I decide to go hiking with my family .after the discussing we go to the park. I can see the butterflies flying in the sky .they are so pretty and lovely. I like them very much, so I am playing with them. This women is my grand mother, she is picking apples for us .the apple looks sweet and nice. We are looking forward to eat it .under the tree, they are my bothers, they are playing the Chinese chess. My sister and mother are chanting around the towel, on the towel there are hamburgers, peach, bananas, and a cup of water. If we are tired we can sit here have a rest and eat some food. I am happy to go hiking with my family, we enjoy the harvest time. It is a nice day! 秋天来了,我们都很高兴,因为这是收获季节。我决定要和家人一起去远足。经过讨论我们去公园。 我能看到蝴蝶飞在天空中。他们是如此漂亮和可爱。我很喜欢他们,所以我和他们一起玩。这个女人是我的妈妈,她正在摘苹果对我们的苹果看起来很甜美。我们期待着吃。树下,他们是我的兄弟,他们是中国象棋。我的姐姐和母亲是唱在毛巾,在毛巾有汉堡包,桃子,香蕉,还有一杯水。如果我们累了,我们可以坐在这里休息一下,吃一些食物。我很高兴,和家人一起去远足,我们享受收获时间。这是一个很好的一天。


深圳英语牛津版三年级(下)看图写话 班别: _____________ 姓名:_________________ Week 1. Color&tastes 小朋友,你们爱吃水果吗?它们是什么颜色?什么味道的呢?请给下面的水果涂上颜色,猜猜它们在说什么,并用英语写出5句话以上的描述。要求:语句通顺,无语法错误。 Week 2. Sounds 小熊猫盼盼刚来到深圳,它听到很多声音,但不知道这都是大城市的交通工具发出来的,请依照下图,用5句话以上的英语句子来介绍你认识的交通工具。 This is _____________________(水果名称) It ’s___________________(颜色和形状) It ’s____________________(味道) I like __________________(水果名称) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


看图说话 ?Then….After that….At last, (Finally…) ?In the morning….in the afternoon….in the evening…. ?fall ill…not feel well….go to see a doctor… hospital;…  ?fall off the bike…; send…to ?look over….; take some medicine…have a good rest… uting for help ?see sb.doing….;hear sb. Sho 看图说话的几种题材 1.某天的活动(学习、外出等) 2.助人为乐(拾金不昧、借伞、救人…等) 3.车祸 4.生病就医 5.节日 6.环保 7.其他 Tom is a middle school student. Today is Monday, he got up at about 6:30, and then he did some morning exercise. He went to school at 7:00. At school, he listened to teachers very carefully. After school, he played volleyball with his classmates. He had supper at about 7 o’clock in the evening. After supper, he did his homework. What a hard-working boy he was! helpful. …studies hard 本类型常用句型…is a middle school student. …. is kind and at school. Today is ….The weather was fine… In the morning….at noon…in the afternoon…in the evening…. Then… after that….at last…. What a hard-working boy/girl! What a busy day! What a wonderful/fun day!


看图写话(1) 看图写话(2) 看图写话(3) 看图写话(4) 看图写话(5) 看图写话(6) befondofthere,be,outside __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ collect,hobbyleavefor,yesterday _______________________________________________________________ ___ __________________________________________________________________ not,prevent,schoolbadbehavior __________________________________________________________________ make,China __________________________________________________________________ notallow,take,here _______________________________ ___________________________________ spaceship,control,computer _______________________________ _______________________________ ____ mean,can,park __________________________________________________________________ guide,introduce,hero __________________________________________________________________ bebusy,housework __________________________________________________________________ oughtto,before,meal __________________________________________________________________ big,than,cat __________________________________________________________________ robot,work,like,servant _______________________________ ___________________________________ Indian,eat,righthand __________________________________________________________________ hadbetter,more __________________________________________________________________ when,invent __________________________________________________________________ Mary,onSundays __________________________________________________________________ Tom,often,getup __________________________________________________________________ I,want,be,future __________________________________________________________________ attract,foreigners,everyyear __________________________________________________________________ travel,Canada,tomorrow __________________________________________________________________ go,hike,nextweekend __________________________________________________________________ enjoy,match,yesterday __________________________________________________________________ take,walk,yesterday __________________________________________________________________ usedto,listen __________________________________________________________________ watch,8:00,lastnight __________________________________________________________________ change,takeplace,China,last30ye ars __________________________________________________________________ Beijing,already,hold __________________________________________________________________ practice,speak,corner ______________________________________________________________morningexercise,healthy ___________________________________ communicate,by,chat,Internet _______________________________ _______________________________Michael,task,make __________________________________________________________________ world,over __________________________________________________________________ wrong,teenager,litter ___________________________________


看图说话 ——语言知识向能力转化的有效途径 看图说话是语言课堂中常用的一种活动形式。它形式简单易操作,更是一种将知识转化为能力的有效途径。 一、看图说话的作用和功能 1.看图说话可以培养学生用英语进行思维的能力 语言能力和思维能力相互作用、相辅相成。学生语言能力的发展是其思维能力发展的重要前提,而思维能力的发展又可以促进言语的表达。学生要开口说,首先要考虑说什么,怎么说。 看图说话的过程实际上也是一个思维的过程,学生要将自己听到的、看到或读到的语言信息输入大脑,经过认知、对比、分析、理解、记忆、推理、归纳等一系列的思维活动,对语言进行加工,然后用英语表达出来。这一过程实际上是知识与能力的相互转化,是新旧知识的相互融和,是对语言知识的应用。 2.看图说话可以提高学生的英语口语能力 语言是交际的工具。因此,在课堂教学中多给学生提供进行创造性语言活动的机会,有助于提高学生口语能力。学生在看图说话过程中将自己看到、听到和读到的新知识、新内容、新结构经过思维加工,用自己的语言口头表达出来,进行口语实践,掌握了新知识的同时也提高了口语表达能力。 3.看图说话可以拓展学生创新思维的能力 儿童是培养创新思维的最佳时期。在看图说话训练中,可以让学生结合自己所学知识展开联想,对课本内容进行再造加工。学生可以充分发挥想象,深入角色,用英语表达自己的想法。 二、看图说话的操作方式及运用 1.创设情景,进行表演性看图说话

小学生注意力不稳定,因此如果一堂课围绕几幅呆板的图进行讨论,学生很快就会失去兴趣。 此时教师再创设一个与图片类似的情景,配上音乐和道具,学生又可以活跃起来。比如教学人教版小学课本第二册Lesson 23时,笔者先呈现一幅动物园的图让学生描述,然后笔者在教室的前、后、左、右四面墙上都贴上动物的图片让学生边看图边进行对话。学生很自然地运用到了“Hi. Let’s go to the zoo. What’s this / that? Can you spell it, please? Can you see a tigerover there? Let’s go and see? Good bye!”等语言。学生在自然的语言环境中得到更多的锻炼,将所学知识直接运用于交际活动中,促进语言知识的迅速转化。 2.教师设疑让学生进行复述式看图说话 看图说话时,教师可以设计一些疑点启发学生思维。例如:教学人教版初中英语第一册Lesson63时,可以这样处理: T: Who’s that man behind his mother? S: He’s Jim’s uncle (Jim’s mother’s brother)(学生根据问题顺藤摸瓜,主动参与,还未进行到“操练”那一步,就能自如流畅地用英语复述课文了。) 然后教师继续设疑:Can you talk about the picture of your family?(学生获得更多的空间进行自主交流。) 教师用自己的一勺水,引出了学生的一桶水,以至无穷之水。 3.发挥学生的想象,进行拓展性看图说话 在看图说话时,教师可以不规定形式,让学生自由发挥。例如:教学JEFC 第一册Lesson 74时,教师可以只提供一个开头:----What can I do for you? ----I’d like some cakes.学生已经有了一定的语言基础,因此可以两人一组,充分发挥想象力把对话拓展开来。这种练习把学生从书本上引导到生活中来,实现了从知识向技能的转化。 4.通过猜谜进行创造性看图说话

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