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Unit 1

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. write a focused topic sentence for the following subjects:

1) looking for jobs

A person can look for a job in several ways.

2) penguins

Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.

3) personality

One’s personality plays an important role in foreign language learning.

4) weather

Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.

4. Read the following paragraphs and write a topic sentence for each of them in the space provided.

Paragraph 1: All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions. Paragraph 2: There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.

Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.

5. Read the following paragraphs and 1) underline the topic sentence of each paragraph, and 2) mark out the sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph.

1) topic sentences

Paragraph 1: The world had enjoyed many benefits from the invetnion of the telephone. Paragraph 2: I had a terrible morning today.

2)sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph

Paragraph 1: Many people do not like writing letters to each other. And nowadays, the Internet has brought us more convenience.

Paragraph 2: I heard that he was also very strict with his own children.

6. Pick out the topic sentence from the following group of sentences and restore the logical sequence of the others and decide where to put the topic sentence.

Topic sentence: 5) Generally speaking, there are many attractions of living in a city.

Logical sequence of the sentences: 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2.

7. Put the following words and phrases in the blankets; each word and phrase can only be used once.

(1) First of all

(2) Secondly

(3) By and by

(4) In addition

(5) In short

8. Read the following paragraph and find out what techniques have been used to achieve coherence.

1) repetition of key words : junk food, students

2) use of transitional signals: for one reason, also, as a result, however

3) use of pronouns: they, their, this

Unit 2

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Here is a list of events in time order with a given topic sentence. Organize them into a coherent paragraph by using linking devices and making some necessary alternations.

Topic sentence: When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual.

1) , when 2) 3) As soon as 4) , 5) 6) Meanwhile, 7) Finally, 8) After 9), 10) and 11) Ad 12) , 13) Then 14) 15)

4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and completer the table.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

4, 10, 5, 12, 3, 7, 15, 9, 14, 2, 11, 8, 13, 6, 1

Topic sentence: My family spent two fun-filled days at Disney World last year.

Concluding sentence: Although we were very tired at midnight, we agreed that our two-day vacation at Disney World was one of the best we had ever had.

5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice.

(1) Then (2) morning (3) afternoon (4) Then

(5) After that (6) when (7) already (8) after

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. logical sequence of the sentence:

3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 5, 2

Relationship: Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical space.

4. Read the following passage and 1) underline the space signals in it; 2) discuss how effectively they help to achieve coherence.

1) in above in front of under through behind

2) The central focus is “a shocking experience.” To support the main idea, the writer uses a lot of descriptions and organizes these details according to the space relationship, and thus coherence is achieved.

5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.

(1) into

(2) crosses

(3) In the center of

(4) Outside

(5) inside

(6) On the front

(7) over

(8) down

(9) lined with

(10) At the rear

6. Disscuss in what order this paragraph is developed.

This paragraph is developed in a circular order, i.e. from east to north, and then to south

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Read the following passage and 1) decide in which pattern of process analysis it is organized; 2) complete the table.

1) Pattern: description with supplementary explanations.

2) the table

Steps of the process

Step 1 Wooden casks are first interconnected and then stacked in tiers.

Step 2 Young sherries are poured into the casks at the top wheras the mature sherries are drawn out of the casks at the bottom.

Step 3 Different sherries are constantly mixed up.

Result of the effort

Step 1 no

Step 2 One third of the content is drawn out of one cask in any one year.

Step 3 Special characteristics of the different sherries are maintained year after year.

4. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice.

(1) with

(2) while

(3) slowly

(4) Gradually

(5) with

(6) By this time

(7) Suddenly

8) final

(9) ending

(10) applause

5. Task One

The following paragraph is written according to the type of the exclusive description of process. Work in groups to identify 1) procedures of the festival in Japan; 2) linking devices that connect these procedures.

Procedures of celebrating the festival:

Step 1: Prepare and lay out food; make the special lanterns.

Step 2: Keep dancing and singing overnight.

Step 3: Throw the food and lanterns into a river or sea.

Step 4: Watch the lanterns drifting way.

Linking words and phrases that connect these procedures:

Firstly, also, afterward, then, signals the end

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Read the following two paragraphs and 1) decide in which pattern of examplification each one is organized; 2) complete the outline for paragraph B.

1) Paragraph A follows Pattern 2, which uses one extended example to illustrate the controlling idea. Paragraph B follows Pattern 1, which uses several examples to illustrate the topic sentence.

2)The outline for paragraph B:

Topic sentence: Working in an apple plant was the worst job I ever had.


1. First of all, the work was physically hard.

Specific details:

1) For ten hours a night, I took cartons that rolled down a metal track and stacked them onto wooden skids in a tractor trailer.

2) Each carton contained twelve 32-ounce cans or bottles of apple juice, and they were heavy.

2. The second bad feature of the job was the pay.

Specific details:

I was getting the minimum wage at that time, $1.25 an hour, plus a minimum of a nickel extra for working the night shift.

3. The worst feature of the apple plant job was the working conditions.

Specific details:

1) During work we were limited to two 10-minute breaks and an unpaid half-hour for lunch.

2) The steel floors of the trucks were like ice; the quickly penetrating cold made my feet feel like stone.

Concluding sentence: I felt humiliated by the poverty that forced me to do such a bitter job.

4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of exemplification the text is written.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

3, 6, 1, 8, 2, 4, 7, 5,

Pattern: It follows Patten 1 and uses many examples to illustrate the controlling idea.

5. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.

(1) For example

(2) Furthermore

(3) In still another instance

(4) Even

(5) his

(6) these

(7) contemporary

6. If you want to write a paragraph to prove that some of the laws in Masssachusetts seem

ridiculously funny in today’s world, pick out the effective examples you will use form among the listed seven examples.

Examples 2, 3 and 5 are relevant and specific. They are effective examples that can be used. Examples 1 and 7 are not specific, though relevant.

Examples 4 and 6 are completely irrelevant. They don’t refer to a Massachusetts law.

7. Read each group of the following examples, then write a topic sentence.

1) Topic sentence: I’ve never seen a girl as lazy as Arena.

2) Topic sentence: English teachers are applying different means to teach English language.

3) Topic sentence: Americans have been decreasing their working hours since the early 1900s.

4) Topic sentence: My father has been a generous man to his children.

Uint 6

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. To write a definition paragraph, the first step is usually to place the term in a class or category, and then describe what you think are the special features that distinguish the term from all the other members in the class. Now fill in the table by putting the terms in an appropriate category. Subject


Class: a form of government

Characteristics: in which power resides in the people (the electorate)


Class: a large, dog-like carnivorous mammal

Characteristics: with yellowish or brownish gray and coarse fur, erect pointed ears, and a bushy tail


Class: a style of music

Characteristics: that features improvisation and performance


Class: a kind of quality

Characteristics: not giving up even during rough times

4. Read the following definitions and discuss what problems each has and then improve them.

1) ,2) The expression “is where” and “is when” should not be used to begin the main part of a definiton. The linking verb “is” should be followed by a noun, a pronoun or an adjective. Improved: 1) A stadium is a structure or building in which sports spectaculars are held.

2) Socialism is a theory or system of community organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production, capital, land and so forth, in the community as a whole.

3) This is a circular definition, a practice of defining a term with the term itself.

Improved: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy of light to produce compounds, such as sugar and starch, from a number of substances including water and carbon dioxide.

4) The subject is defined in a language equally or more complex than the original.

Improved: surreptitious means “secret.”

5) Exemplification is mistaken for definition; the examples are good for clarification, but they do not define.

Improved: Political conservatives are people who are dedicated to preserving the existing conditions, such as William F.Buckley, Jr., and Pat Robertson.

6) It is a generalization rather than a precise definiton, for the concept is defined with characteristics without being first put under a class or category.

Improved: Hearing aids are a kind of device which enables deaf people to hear sounds such as

normal speech.

5. Task One

Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences to form a well-ordered definition. Logical sequence of the sentences: 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6,

Task Three

Read again the sentences in the arrangement you have established and fill in the following blanks. -- The purpose of the paragraph is to explain a Spanish word which has no exact English equivalent.

-- The two main characteristics of machismo are courageous behavior and earthy sexuality.

-- Also is the transitional word that leads you from the first characteristic to the second one.

6. Following are a topic sentence and some supporting points for a paragraph that defines “rudeness.” Please plan out and write the secondary supporting details using the methods you have learned in this unit to develop the definition.

Unit 7

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Read the following passage and 1) decide in which pattern of cause and effect it is organized;

2)complete the table.

1) pattern: single effect and multiple causes.

2) causes

(1) got drunk at the party

(2) had taken the drug of Accutane

(3) adolescent depression


Bart Jr’s suicide

4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of cause and effect the text is written.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5,

Pattern of cause and effect:

single effect and multiple causes.


Task one. The following paragraph is written in a cause-and-effect pattern. Work in groups to identify 1) the topic under discussion; 2) points covered in terms of cause and effect.

Topic: Society itself may be producing the distortions of personality, mental illness, and emotional instability.

1)society’s compartmentalizing

2)society’s competitive demands

3) inability to rebel


Distortions of personality, etc.

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Complete the following outlines for paragraps of classification. Keep in mind the principles of classification.

1) Topic: University Students’ Entertainment

Topic sentence: Uni versity students’ entertainment can be divided into three categories according to where it takes place.


a) entertainment at home

b) enterainment on campus

c) entertainment elsewhere

2) Topic: Roles of Young Married Women in Society

Topic sentence: The average young married woman in today’s society has her life divided into three different roles.


a) the role of life

b) the role of mother

c) the role of self

3) Topic: Neighbors

Topic sentence: Neighbors fall into three categories according to their different attitudes towards you.


a) those who are friendly

b) those who are indifferent

c) those who hate you

5. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and complete the outline.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

7, 3, 10, 9, 1, 5, 8 ,4, 2 ,11, 6,

Subject: Christmas gifts

Topic sentence: Christmas gifts can be divided into three groups, according to their after-Christmas fate.


a) those that are welcomed and put into use very soon

b) those that are halfway between being hated and loved

c) those that you banish as soon as possible.

Concluding sentence: By New Year’s Day, you have either used, stored or disposed of each of your Christmas gifts.

6. Put the following words and phrase in the blanks; each word and phrase can only be used once.

(1) types

(2) Though

(3) Finally

(4) however

(5) Even though

(6) Before

(7) third

(8) If

(9) Then

(10) these

Part III Follow-up exercises

3. Read the following paragraph and 1) decide in which pattern of comparison and contrast it is organized; 2) complete the table.

Pattern: point-by-point

Subject 1: Western Homes


Room function: Each room has its own function.

Table: Each home has several tables for different functions.

Door: Western homes have fixed, hinged doors.

Subject 2: Japanese Homes


Room function: One room serves all the functions.

Table: One low table serves all the purposes.

Door: Japanese homes have lightweight sliding doors.

4. Restore the logical sequence of the following sentences and decide in which pattern of comparison and contrast the text is written.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 1

Pattern of comparison and constrast: subject by subject

5. Put the following words in the blanks; some can be used twice.

(1) similar

(2) although

(3) difference

(4) identical

(5) again

(6) while

(7) But

(8) difference

(9) consistency

(10) completely

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. The following incomplete paragraph leads you to make your own generalization. On the basis of the examples given, write a conclusion of the paragraph.

General Statement: The enormous importance of television news had started the process of change in the printed press.

5. Presenting sufficient details to develop a generalization is one of the basic concerns in paragraphing. The use of a three-level outline is usually helpful. Please complete the outline by arranging the ideas given in the box and providing supporting details.

A. Programs on TV tend to have a high level of maturity.

(1) fostering maturity at early age or hindering maturity

(2) misleading children to imitating scenes on TV

B. TV serials or dramas may oversimplify complex social and psychological problems.

(1) enjoying simple-minded soap operas and stereotyped characters

(2) giving a false picture of reality

C. Informative and cultural programs are frequently interrupted by vulgar advertising.

(1) too many commercials

(2) an insult even to the intelligence of a moron

Generalization: In brief, it is harmful and damaging for children to watch too much television.

6. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; some can be used twice while some may not be used.

(1) Thus

(2) When

(3) also

(4) however

(5) Moreover

(6) indeed

(7) also

(8) Yet

(9) and

(10) Thus

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Analyze the following sketch and decide how the character is described.

The description centers on one trait of personality: Uncle Amo’s being ordinary and average in life.

4. Read the following passage and 1) find out how many techniques appear in it and which of them stands out; 2) complete the table.

There are obviously three methods used: comparison (1), generalization (2,4), and cause-effect (3).

The one that stands out is generalization.

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Choose some of the following subjects and turn them into thesis statements. Pay attention to

4. Read the following composition carefully and then point out the details that are not relevant to the thesis statement.

1) For example, some people don’t like to stay at home after work.

2) I once stopped drinking for a while.

3) The world we live in is changing every day.

4) And the price of tobacco has been going up on the international market.

5) A lot of people have successfully given up smoking now.

5. Read the following composition carefully and answer the following questions.


1) What is the thesis statement? And where is it?

The thesis statement is “there are minor differences between them in three areas.” It is the second sentence in the first paragraph.

2) What is the function of each of the paragraphs in terms of organizational pattern? And what

3) How does the composition achieve coherence?

By repetition of key words: difference, British English, American English.

By using transitional words and phrases: in terms of, in addition to, second, third, generally speaking.

6. Complete the following two tasks.

Task One

Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word or phrases.

(1) usually

(2) often

(3) Since

(4) on the other hand

(5) also

(6) but

(7) Although

Task Two

Unit 13

Part III Follow-up Exercises

3. Tell which of the following sentences use the technique of “telling” and which use the technique of “showing” in narrating what happened.

Sentences that tell: 1, 3, 6

Sentences that show: 2, 4, 5

5. Rearrange the following sentences in a chronological order to tell a story.

Logical sequence of the sentences:

8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 12, 4, 11, 10

6. Put the following words and phrases in the blanks; change the form where necessary. Some can be used more than once.

(1) While

(2) in the morning

(3) in the evening

(4) While

(5) until

(6) while

(7) before

(8) at six o’clock

(9) As soon as

(10) Unfortunately

(11) What’s more

(12) After

(13) the next morning

(14) later

(15) Luckily

(16) until

(17) at last




一.绪论 1.文章的原意是什么? 错综复杂的色彩或花纹,“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章。”合起来就是文章。现在文章指有意义的文字制作。写作是人类个体性的创造性精神劳动。原因:写作学研究写作主体制作文章的基本规律和科学方法,而制作文章本身是一种复杂的创造性脑力劳动;思维的创造性是人类独有的,所有的科学发明和文学艺术莫不源于此,写作也正是如此。 2.写作的含义是什么? 人类个体性的创造性精神劳动.人们运用书面语言反映事物、表情达意、交流思想的一种重要方式。 3.近几年兴起的新的写作形式有哪些? 网络文学、网络blog、电子邮件、短信写作、短信小说等,呈现出写作的网络化趋势。 4.写文章有基本的规律可循吗? 作文章在有法和无法之间。无法是在学会了技巧之后又抛弃了技巧的一种大境界,成熟境界。(“无所谓有,无所谓无”。有:基本的,规律的,个性的。无:缺某一则无)有 5.中国文化与汉语写作有怎样的关系? 中国文化乃汉语写作之根,如果我们不研究中国文化,不能深刻理解我们的文化渊源,我们就会把人物事态简单化,我们就不会写出具有深刻文化底蕴的文章。我们就不会中西比较,就不会有鉴别才有研究,有鉴别才有个性。我们要继

承优良,摒弃糟鉑,弘扬壮大我中华民族文化。 6.暨南大学珠海学院的建筑风格是怎样的? 总体风格:中式。表现在:(1)中国典型的皇家园林坐落风格,坐南向北,依山傍水;(2)封闭式,有围墙;(3)主建筑深藏不露,只有干道延伸。 建筑风格:西式(如小罗马广场)。但又大众普通化,有浓郁东方韵味。 第一章材料 1.积累材料的第一步是什么?(观察) 2.观察生活应注意哪两个方面?(应注意要全面、精细、抓住特点、经常培养) 3.有意感受与无意感受区别何在? 无意感受是主体随意的,没有自觉的目的,也没有意识到本身努力而获得的一种意外感受;而有意感受是主体自觉的、有预定目的的感受,它受主体意识和动机控制,是主体对客体刺激的集中注意。 4.科学家是否像文学家一样需要感受能力?请举例说明. 是;如印度物理学家拉曼乘船经过地中海时,为美丽的大海陶醉,他透过观察到的自然现象,认定深蓝色的海水是因光散射引起的,由此他发现了“拉曼效应“。 5.大学生应该怎样读书? 要有计划、有重点、联系实际的读书。 6.精读指的是怎样的阅读状态和效果?(不考) 精读是按顺序一字不漏地对阅读材料的仔细阅读,要透彻理解所读内容,并在阅读时加强联想、分析、评价等思维活动,要体会其情景,判断其真伪优劣。精读能培养我们的读书能力,让我们读出字里行间的语意,加深我们对文章的理


第九章{概念)1、现实型文学:也称为现实主义文学。是一种侧重以写实的方式再现客观现实的文学形态。它的基本特征是:再现性和逼真性。 2、理想型文学:一种侧重以直接抒情的方式表现主观理想的文学形态。它的基本特征是:表现性和虚幻性。 3、象征型文学:侧重以暗示的方式寄寓了审美意蕴的文学形态。它的基本特征是:暗示性和朦胧性。 4、诗:词语凝练、结构跳跃、富有节奏和韵律。高度集中地反映生活和抒发思想感情的文学体裁。 5、小说:通过完整的故事情节和具体的环境描写,以塑造人物为中心来反映社会生活的文体。 6、剧本:侧重以人物台词为手段,集中反映矛盾冲突的文学体裁。 7、散文:一种体裁广泛、结构灵活,注重抒写真实感受、境遇的文学体裁。广义的散文是既包括诗歌以外的一切文学作品,也包括一般科学著作、论文、应用文章。狭义的散文即文学意义上的散文,是指与诗歌、小说、剧本等并列的一种文学样式,包括抒情散文、叙事散文、杂文、游记等。文学散文是一种题材广泛,结构灵活,注重抒写真实感受、境遇的文学体裁。 8、报告文学:以真人真事基础上塑造艺术形象,及时反映现实生活的文学体裁。 (思考题)1、谈谈象征型文学与现实型文学、理想型文学的区别象征型文学是寄寓意蕴,以变形描写来拟人(物)的形象,是现代派文学,来表现哲理的。 现实型文学是再现生活重视细节描写,虚构而见不出虚构,表现现实主义反映生活本质的。 理想型文学是表现理想以夸张幻想来再造的虚构幻想的形象表现浪漫主义的反映理想。 或(现实型与理想型文学的意义就在其形象自身,而象征型文学突出文学形象的意义的超越性;现实型文学是通过对生活现象的直接描绘反映现实,理想型文学往往以直抒胸臆的方式表现情感态度。而象征型文学则偏以间接的方式去暗示客观规律和主观感受;象征型文学淡化具体时间与空间,突出了朦胧性。) 2、诗歌、小说、散文、剧本的基本特征 诗歌的基本特征是:1、(高度的概括);2强性大(强烈的抒情性) 3、音乐性(停顿、平仄和押韵) 小说的基本特征:1.深入细致的人物刻画 2、完整复杂的情节叙述 3、具体充分的环境描写 散文的基本特征:1、选材广泛,现实性很强 2、形式自由,手法多样 3、形聚,构思精湛(形散:选材五光十色,联想自由驰骋,手法多种多样,结构灵活多变;神聚:立意深远,一线串珠。)4、真人真事,事情实感。 剧本的基本特征:1、浓缩地反映现实生活,人物事件事件、地点高。2、尖锐紧张的戏剧冲突 3、人物台词要个性化口语并富有动作性。(个性化语言要符合人物的思想性格、身份地位教养;口语化既有意境又有潜台词;动作性:人物语言要传达内在的动作心理活动;引起更多的外部动作,推动情节的发展到新的层面。) 第十章{概念}1典型作为文学形象的高级形态之一。是文学言语系统中显


Unit 1 Part III Follow-up Exercises 3. write a focused topic sentence for the following subjects: 1) looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. 2) penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects. 3) personality One’s personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. 4) weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages. 4. Read the following paragraphs and write a topic sentence for each of them in the space provided. Paragraph 1: All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions. Paragraph 2: There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday. Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly. 5. Read the following paragraphs and 1) underline the topic sentence of each paragraph, and 2) mark out the sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph. 1) topic sentences Paragraph 1: The world had enjoyed many benefits from the invetnion of the telephone. Paragraph 2: I had a terrible morning today. 2)sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph Paragraph 1: Many people do not like writing letters to each other. And nowadays, the Internet has brought us more convenience. Paragraph 2: I heard that he was also very strict with his own children. 6. Pick out the topic sentence from the following group of sentences and restore the logical sequence of the others and decide where to put the topic sentence. Topic sentence: 5) Generally speaking, there are many attractions of living in a city. Logical sequence of the sentences: 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2. 7. Put the following words and phrases in the blankets; each word and phrase can only be used once. (1) First of all (2) Secondly (3) By and by (4) In addition (5) In short 8. Read the following paragraph and find out what techniques have been used to achieve coherence. 1) repetition of key words : junk food, students 2) use of transitional signals: for one reason, also, as a result, however 3) use of pronouns: they, their, this


2016慕课毛概最全答案 第一章 1.1.马克思主义中国化的科学内涵 1 毛泽东在明确提出“使马克思主义中国化”的命题和任务是在 A、遵义会议 B、中共六届六中全会 C、中共七大 D、中共七届二中全会 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 得分:16.7分 2 在党的七大上,对“马克思主义中国化”、“中国化的马克思主义”两大科学命题加以阐释的党的领导人是 A、毛泽东 B、周恩来 C、邓小平 D、刘少奇 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 得分:16.7分 3 中国共产党确定毛泽东思想为指导思想的会议是 A、遵义会议 B、党的第七次全国代表大会 C、党的第八次全国代表大会 D、中共十一届六中全会 正确答案:B 我的答案:B 得分:16.7分 4 马克思主义中国化的理论成果的精髓是 A、实事求是 B、毛泽东思想 C、邓小平理论 D、“三个代表”重要思想 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 得分:16.7分 5 中国共产党在把马克思列宁主义基本原理与中国革命实际相结合的过程中,在学风问题上曾经反对过的主要错误倾向是

A、投降主义 B、经验主义 C、教条主义 D、冒险主义 正确答案:BC 我的答案:AC 得分:0.0分 6 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系都是中国化的马克思主义,它们都 A、体现了马克思列宁主义的基本原理 B、包含了中国共产党人的实践经验 C、揭示了中国革命的特殊规律 D、包含了中华民族的优秀思想 正确答案:ABD 我的答案:AB 得分:8.4分 1.2.毛泽东主义的科学内涵和形成条件 1 在毛泽东思想活的灵魂的几个基本方面中,最具特色、最根本的原则是 A、实事求是 B、群众路线 C、理论联系实际 D、独立自主 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 得分:20.0分 2 下面关于毛泽东思想的论述不正确的是pA、毛泽东思想是毛泽东同志个人正确思想的结晶 B、毛泽东思想是马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃的理论成果 C、毛泽东思想是中国革命和建设的科学指南 D、毛泽东思想是中国共产党和中国人民宝贵的精神财富 正确答案:A 我的答案:A 得分:20.0分 3 毛泽东思想的核心和精髓是 A、武装斗争 B、统一战线 C、党的建设 D、实事求是 正确答案:D 我的答案:D 得分:20.0分 4 毛泽东思想形成的标志是 A、实事求是 B、遵义会议


1、文章的本意是错综复杂的色彩或花纹。《周礼·考工记》“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章。” 2、写作:人类个体性的创造性精神劳动。写作运用语言反映事物、表情达意、交流思想,是重要的书面表达方式。 3、中国文化与汉语写作的关系:中国文化乃汉语写作之根,如果不研究中国文化,不能深刻理解其文化渊源,就会把人事物态简单化,就不会写出具有深厚文化底蕴的文章;就不会中西比较,就不会有鉴别才有研究,有鉴别才有个性。我们需要继承优良摒弃糟粕,弘扬壮大我中华民族文化。 4、材料积累:须观察、须感受、须勤读、须勤写。 5、观察生活应注意:①观察要全面---全面观察就是要对事物的全貌,事物发展的全过程,事物构成的各部分,以及这一事物与其他事物之间的关系,观察清楚。观察事物时,必须从头到尾,寻根究底,把它看全。不了解事物的全貌,就不可能进行概括。②观察要精细---细就是精细、仔细。观察事物,不宜粗枝大叶,跑马观花。也就是对事物作逼近的仔细的观察,目的是精确把握事物的细部和发现别人没有发现的东西。观察的细,才能写的细。③观察要抓住特点---抓住特点就是要捕捉这一事物与另一事物的不同之处。④观察能力在于培养---观察能力并非先天都有的,是可以通过长期的观察训练培养的。 6、有意感受与无意感受的区别:无意感受是指主体随意的,既没有自觉的目的,也没有意识到本身的努力而获得的一种意外的感受。作者怀着对生活的虔诚,将身心扑入生活之中,去感受他人他事他物,我们称之为“有意感受”。有意感受是主体自觉的、有预定目的感受。它受主体意识和动机控制,是主体对客体刺激的集中注意。 7、怎样读书:①有计划地读---要根据需要,制定长期的读书计划。②有重点的读---围绕喜欢的课程读深读透。③联系实际读书---围绕所开的课程去读书,根据自己水平的高低去读书,由浅入深。读书最好联系自己正在学习的课程,最好是边读边想,边想边读,定能从中受到启发,获得效益。 8、精读是按顺序一字不漏地对阅读材料的仔细认读。不仅要“学求其训,句索其旨”,透彻理解所读内容,而且要在阅读时加强联想、分析、评价等思维活动,能够体会其情景,判断其真伪优劣。不仅要一字不漏地读,并且要将标点符号读进去,从而读出字里行间的语意来。 9、资料采集包括定向摘录和随兴摘录;读书札记包括撮取要点和记述习得。 10、什么是思维?什么是思路?什么是思绪?什么是思想?①“思维是人脑借助语言所实现的对客观事物的间接反映。”从广义上考察写作行为,不论聚材取事、命题炼意、谋篇布局、定体选拔……即写作的每个环节,都有思维的活动。②写作的思路正是这种思维活动在不断推进中呈现的运动轨迹。从特点上看,它有内容、有形式、有顺序、有趋向。③“思绪”是指思想活动的头绪。它可以包括思路,也可以包括情绪。因此,思绪的外延要必思路大,用途也比较广。思绪之中,含有较多的情感因素;而思路则着重于思维活动的轨迹。④思想是指客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果,思想一种对于客观世界的理性认识。它既不同于思绪,因为它是指认识的整体而不是开端;它又不同于思路,因为它是指思考的结果而不是过程。 11、结构就是指文章内部的组织和构造。“结构”一词源于建筑术语,它指的是建筑物的内部构造,整体布局。文章包括开头、主体、结尾。 12、“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”,意思是说,开头要短小,精美,引人;中段要丰富,饱满,曲折;结尾要精悍,结实、有力。 13、文章开头的要求:一要落笔入题。就是说开头要与文章内容相通,尽快接触文章的本题。二要精彩动人。即开头要优美,精致,有光彩,有气势,先声夺人。 14、文章中段的写作:①一线穿珠法---即用一条线索把众多的材料有机地串结在一起。②有开有合法---即在主干事件的描述中,不时巧妙地穿插一些有关的内容,写得时放时收,有合有开。③欲擒故纵法---即文章开头之后,并不立即进入主要事件的叙述,而是把笔墨荡开去,酿成“千呼万唤”之势,然后欲写之事“始出来”,大笔浓妆,集中抒写。 ④张弛结合法---时缓时急,时高时低,时冷时热,时强时弱,变化多姿,文章才能波澜曲折,余味无穷。⑤还有浓淡相间法,正反对照法,突转的艺术,衬托的写法等等。 15、文章结尾的要求:①总结全文,加深主旨②展示未来,鼓舞斗志③饱含哲理,发人深省④委婉含蓄,余味无穷⑤其他。好的结尾如“豹尾”,刚劲有力,或者要像敲钟,使人觉得余音绕梁,不绝于耳。 16、语言是人类特有的一种社会现象,是人类最重要的交际工具和思维工具,是以语音为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律而构成的符号系统,具有任意性和线条性。语言是写作的工具,语言更是一个国家民族的根,语言体现着国家民族的文化。 17、语言与思维的关系:思想和语言是紧密联系,互为依存的。语言的背后是思维,不论是口头语言还是书面语言,都要受思想的领导和制约。思想的清晰决定语言的明确,思想的新意决定语言的新颖,语言是一种从属于思想的东西。另一面:思想是不能脱离语言而存在的。没有语言材料,没有语言的自然物质的赤裸裸的思想,是不存在的。


土木工程概论复习题汇总 一;填空题。 1.砖按生产工艺分烧结砖和非烧结砖。 2.砂一般分为天然砂和人工砂。 3.配置混凝土时应优先选用中砂。精品文档,超值下载 4.所谓灰是指石灰和石膏。 5.土木工程中使用的钢材是指线材和型材。 6.水泥按其用途及性能分为通用水泥、专用水泥、特性水泥。 7.普通混凝土是由水泥、粗骨料、细骨料、和水拌合,经硬化而成的一种人造石材。 8.绝热材料按其成分分为无机材料和有机材料。 9.将上部结构的荷载传给土地基,连接上部结构与地基土的下部结构称为基础。

10.常用工程地质测绘方法有相片成图法和实地测绘法。 11.通常把位于天然地基上,埋置深度小于5m的一般基础以及埋深度虽超过5m,但小于基础宽 度的大尺寸基础,统称为天然地基上的浅基础。 12.刚性基础通常由砖、毛石、素混凝土、和灰土等材料做成。 13.建筑物的基础分为刚性基础和柔性基础,钢筋混凝土基础属于柔性基础。 14.浅基础一般分为单独基础,条形基础、伐板基础和箱形基础、壳体基础。 15.埋置深度大于5米或大于基础宽度的基础,称为深基础。 16.桩按荷载传递方式分为端承桩和摩擦桩。 17.建筑物的基本构建可分为梁、板、柱、拱。 18.梁和板都是工程结构中的受弯构件。 19.梁按支撑方式可分为简支梁、悬臂梁和连续梁。 20.柱是工程结构中的受压构件。 21.框架结构承受竖向荷载能力强,但承受水平荷载能力差。 22.当前我国的公路等级按照其使用任务、功能和适应的交通量分为5个等级。 23.城市道路分为快速路、主干道、次干道、支路等四大类。 24.公路线路的类型及特点主要分为沿河线、越岭线、山坡线、山脊线等四大种类。 25.公路路面按其力学性质一般分为刚性路面和柔性路面等。 26.公路交通标志有三大类;指示标志、警告标志、禁令标志等。


科目一考试题库 (1073题完整版、含标准答案) 1、驾驶机动车在道路上违反道路交通安全法的行为,属于什么行为? A、违章行为 B、违法行为 C、过失行为 D、违规行为 答案:B 2、机动车驾驶人违法驾驶造成重大交通事故构成犯罪的,依法追究什么责任? A、刑事责任 B、民事责任 C、经济责任 D、直接责任 答案:A 3、机动车驾驶人造成事故后逃逸构成犯罪的,吊销驾驶证且多长时间不得重新取得驾驶证? A、5年内 B、10年内 C、终生 D、20年内 答案:C 4、驾驶机动车违反道路交通安全法律法规发生交通事故属于交通违章行为。 答案:× 5、驾驶机动车在道路上违反道路通行规定应当接受相应的处罚。 答案:√ 6、对未取得驾驶证驾驶机动车的,追究其法律责任。

答案:√ 7、对违法驾驶发生重大交通事故且构成犯罪的,不追究其刑事责任。 答案:× 8、造成交通事故后逃逸且构成犯罪的驾驶人,将吊销驾驶证且终生不得重新取得驾驶证。答案:√ 9、驾驶机动车在道路上违反交通安全法规的行为属于违法行为。 答案:√ 10、驾驶机动车应当随身携带哪种证件? A、工作证 B、驾驶证 C、 D、职业资格证 答案:B 11、未取得驾驶证的学员在道路上学习驾驶技能,下列哪种做法是正确的? A、使用所学车型的教练车由教练员随车指导 B、使用所学车型的教练车单独驾驶学习 C、使用私家车由教练员随车指导 D、使用所学车型的教练车由非教练员的驾驶人随车指导 答案:A 12、机动车驾驶人初次申领驾驶证后的实习期是多长时间? A、6个月 B、12个月 C、16个月 D、18个月 答案:B 13、在实习期内驾驶机动车的,应当在车身后部粘贴或者悬挂哪种标志? A、注意新手标志 B、注意避让标志


1、20世纪70年代,人们就已发现,高达50%的疾病或死亡因素与什么有关? 行为及不健康的生活方式 2哪一年在上海成立的精武体育会是当时影响最大,传播最广,维持时间最长的武术组织?1910 3.网球比赛的第一原则是什么? 增加进攻(这个不确定,是根据网球老师说的选的) 4. 网球比赛中要赢得一局比赛,必须比对手多赢几分才可以? 2分 5. 联合国报告认为什么将会是21世纪最严重的健康问题? 体质下降 6. 国际羽联在哪一年正式恢复了我国的合法席位后,开始了我国羽毛球运动的鼎盛时期。1981 7. 哪一个季节人体脂肪合成速度最快? 冬天 8. 哪一年被世界公认为现代足球的诞生日? 1863 9. 下列哪位运动员是新中国历史上第一个获得世界锦标赛冠军的运动员? 容国团 10.在哪届奥运会上,乒乓球成为正式比赛项目? 汉城奥运会 11.篮球规则规定,篮圈离地垂直高度为多少? 3.05米 12. 1895年,由美国人()发明了排球运动。 威廉·G·摩根

13,。有助于提高肌肉力量的训练方法有哪些? 卧推 14.下列不易于发展柔韧素质的练习时段或状态有哪些?(这个也不清楚,是看它字体颜色不一样)身体极其疲惫 15.20世纪50年代末期,巴西人创造了哪种阵型被誉为足球史上的第二次变革。 “四二四”阵形 16.曾经在NBA总决赛中受伤,坚持参加比赛最后获得冠军并取得最有价值称号的凯尔特人球星是()? 保罗皮尔斯 17.体育锻炼与传统心理治疗手段同样具有抗抑郁效能,是治疗抑郁症的()手段;体育锻炼治疗抗抑郁症的效果与药物相比比较()。 辅助;持久 18.在运动中不慎扭伤,下列做法不正确的是() 马上揉搓患处 19.20XX年伦敦奥运会羽毛球囊括多少枚金牌? 5 20.“让参与者成为享受运动,实现人生潜能的一代”是哪一个健康促进的愿景? 为动而生 21.减小肚皮应采用哪一类运动? 长时间低强度 22.棍多以抡、劈、扫、云等法为主,大多是横方向用力,动作幅度较大,其特点:一招一式虎虎生威,动如疾风骤雨,产生"棍打一大片"的效果。棍被称为() 百兵之首 23.作为当下盛行的舞蹈元素,以人体中段(腰、腹、臀部)的各种动作为主,具有阿拉伯风情的舞蹈形式是()。肚皮舞


智慧树知到《大学写作(山东联盟)》章节题 答案 智慧树知到《大学写作(山东联盟)》章节测试答案 第一章 1、一次完整的写作过程至少要包括两个过程,即()。 A.“想”和“写” B.“草稿”和“构思” C.“写”和“改” D.“搜集材料”和“构思” 答案:“写”和“改” 2、在创意写作理念中,自由写作的基本原则是()。 A.重视构思 B.不停顿 C.不思考 D.不修改 答案: 不停顿,不思考,不修改 3、理性训练和感性培养是提高写作能力的两个重要方面。 A.对 B.错 答案: 对 4、无论是虚构写作还是非虚构写作,都必须从写作实践中进行

学习。 A.对 B.错 答案: 对 5、所谓有表现力的文字就是多用好词好句,形容词比名词好,动词基本没有表现力。 A.对 B.错 答案: 错 6、从丰富个体体验来说,写作过程就好比一个人将个体经历体验了两次,会获得更深、更广的体验和感受。 A.对 B.错 答案: 对 7、白乐天《长恨歌》云:“峨嵋山下少人行,旌旗无光日色薄。”沈括指摘说:“峨嵋在嘉州,与蜀路全无交涉”,意思是说白居易在此诗中是犯了地理知识错误。请依据相关知识说明: 白居易诗歌中是根据( )原则进行写作的,而沈括则是根据( )原则进行了批评。 A.艺术真实,客观真实 B.艺术真实,理论真实 C.客观真实,想象真实

D.客观真实,理论真实 答案: 艺术真实,客观真实 第二章 1、叙述的目的是( )。 A.形成有意义的顺序 B.记流水账 C.再现一个画面 D.制造悬念 答案: 形成有意义的顺序 2、能够抓住主要特征简单勾勒,像电影的全景镜头,给人以整体印象的叙述方式是( )。 A.顺叙 B.倒叙 C.概叙 D.插叙 答案: 概叙 3、叙述时保持明确的倾向性是指( )。 A.像中心思想一样明确表达出来 B.用语言、细节、故事本身体现出来的 C.文章的开头就直接说出来 D.按照自然的时间顺序进行叙述 答案: 用语言、细节、故事本身体现出来的


Unit I Write a passage in about 120 words, taking either of the following titles: 1)why I like to learn English 2)why I hate to learn English Sample Essay 1) Why I Like to Learn English I have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to (非常有动力去)master English. First of all, learning English us useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot, a good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions(翻译版). So I think I will work ever harder to learn English well. 2)Why I hate to learn English I have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize (记住)many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I don’t understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I don’t want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn’t need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So if I d on’t have to learn English. I would rather use the time I spend on English to do things I like. Unit 2 In about 100-120 words, write about a conflict you once had with your parents. You can start with either of the following opening. 1)I was very unhappy with my mother/father the other day….. 2)I was grateful (感激的) that my mother/father criticize me the other day…… Sample writing: 1)I was very unhappy with my father the other day. He must have called out to me for help with some housework, but I was so absorbed in reading(沉迷于,专注于、、、) that I didn’t hear him. He stepped into my room, apparently in anger, grabbed(抓起) my book and threw it on the floor. I got upset and insisted that he should pick it up and apologize to me. When he remained silent, I ran our and went off to play games with my friends in the neighborhood(家庭所在的街区). When it was turning dark, I saw my father looking around for me, he patted me on the head and walked back home with e, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. When I got home, I saw my book had “returned” to my reading table. 2)I was grateful that my mother criticized me that other day. I had been asking her for money to buy all kinds of things that my friends have-a new pair of shoes or some new clothes. Every time I was refused, I played the same trick(玩同样的把


课后作业习题 《数据库系统概论》课程部分习题及参考答案 第一章绪论(教材 41页) 1.试述数据、数据库、数据库系统、数据库管理系统的概念。 数据: 描述事物的符号记录称为数据。数据的种类有文字、图形、图象、声音、正文等等。数据与其语义是不可分的。 数据库: 数据库是长期储存在计算机内、有组织的、可共享的数据集合。数据库中的数据按一定的数据模型组织、描述和储存,具有较小的冗余度、较高的数据独立性和易扩展性,并可为各种用户共享。 数据库系统: 数据库系统( DBS)是指在计算机系统中引入数据库后的系统构成。数据库系统由数据库、数据库管理系统(及其开发工具)、应用系统、数据库管理员构成。 数据库管理系统: 数据库管理系统 (DBMS)是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件。用于科学地组织和存储数据、高效地获取和维护数据。DBMS主要功能包括数据定义功能、数据操纵功能、数据库的运行管理功能、数据库的建立和维护功能。 2.使用数据库系统有什么好处? 使用数据库系统的好处是由数据库管理系统的特点或优点决定的。 使用数据库系统的好处很多,例如可以大大提高应用开发的效率,方便用户的使用,减轻数据库系统管理人员维护的负担等。 为什么有这些好处,可以结合第 5题来回答。

使用数据库系统可以大大提高应用开发的效率。因为在数据库系统中应用程序不必考虑数据的定义、存储和数据存取的具体路径,这些工作都由 DBMS来完成。 此外,当应用逻辑改变,数据的逻辑结构需要改变时,由于数据库系统提供了数据与程序之间的独立性。数据逻辑结构的改变是 DBA的责任,开发人员不必修改应用程序,或者只需要修改很少的应用程序。从而既简化了应用程序的编制,又大大减少了应用程序的维护和修改。 使用数据库系统可以减轻数据库系统管理人员维护系统的负担。因为 DBMS在数据库建立、运用和维护时对数据库进行统一的管理和控制,包括数据的完整性、安全性,多用户并发控制,故障恢复等等都由DBMS执行。 总之,使用数据库系统的优点是很多的,既便于数据的集中管理,控制数据冗余,可以提高数据的利用率和一致性,又有利于应用程序的开发和维护。 3.试述文件系统与数据库系统的区别和联系。 文件系统与数据库系统的区别: 文件系统面向某一应用程序,共享性差、冗余度大,独立性差,纪录内有结构、整体无结构,应用程序自己控制。 数据库系统面向现实世界,共享性高、冗余度小,具有高度的物理独立性和一定的逻辑独立性,整体结构化,用数据模型描述,由数据库管理系统提供数据安全性、完整性、并发控制和恢复能力。 文件系统与数据库系统的联系是: 文件系统与数据库系统都是计算机系统中管理数据的软件。 5.试述数据库系统的特点。 数据库系统的主要特点有: 一、数据结构化 数据库系统实现整体数据的结构化,这是数据库的主要特征之一,也是数据库系统与文件系统的本质区别。 二、数据的共享性高,冗余度低,易扩充


机动车驾驶培训理论考试题库科目一500题[含答案] 一、单选题 1.山区道路车辆进入弯道前,在对面没有来车的情况下,应怎样做? A.应“减速.鸣喇叭.靠右行” B.可靠弯道外侧行驶 C.可短时间借用对方的车道 D.可加速沿弯道切线方向通过 答案:A 2.车辆在较窄的山路上行驶时,如果靠山体的一方不让行,应怎样做? A.向左占道,谨慎驶过 B.提前减速或停车避让 C.保持正常车速行驶 D.鸣喇叭催其让行 答案:B 3.驾驶车辆向右变更车道时,应提前开启右转向灯,注意观察,在确保安全的情况下,驶入要变更的车道。 答案:√ 4.雨天行车,遇撑雨伞和穿雨衣的行人在公路上行走时,应怎样做? A.以正常速度行驶 B.持续鸣喇叭示意其让道 C.加速绕行 D.提前鸣喇叭,并适当降低车速 答案:D 5.车辆在雪天临时停车时,应开启什么灯? A.前后雾灯 B.倒车灯 C.前大灯 D.危险报警闪光灯 答案:D 6.车辆在主干道上行驶,驶近主支干道交汇处时,为防止与从支路突然驶入的车辆相撞,应怎样做?

A.提前减速.观察,谨慎驾驶 B.保持正常速度行驶 C.鸣喇叭,迅速通过 D.提前加速通过 答案:A 7.夜间驾驶车辆遇自行车对向驶来时,应怎样做? A.连续变换远.近光灯 B.不断鸣喇叭 C.使用远光灯 D.使用近光灯,减速或停车避让 答案:D 8.行车中超越同向行驶的自行车时,应怎样做? A.让自行车先行 B.注意观察动态,减速慢行,留有足够的安全距离 C.连续鸣喇叭提醒其让路 D.持续鸣喇叭并加速超越 答案:B 9.车辆通过凹凸路面时,应怎样做? A.低速缓慢平稳通过 B.依靠惯性加速冲过 C.挂空挡滑行驶过 D.保持原速通过 答案:A 10.行车中遇列队横过道路的学生时,应怎样做? A.提前加速抢行 B.停车让行 C.降低车速.缓慢通过 D.连续鸣喇叭催促 答案:B 11.行车中遇儿童时,应怎样做? A.长鸣喇叭催促 B.减速慢行,必要时停车避让 C.迅速从一侧通过 D.加速绕行


1计算之树中,通用计算环境的演化思维是怎样概括的?________。 A.程序执行环境—由CPU-内存环境,到CPU-存储体系环境,到多CPU-多存储器环境,再到云计算虚拟计算环境 B.网络运行环境---由个人计算机、到局域网广域网、再到Internet C.元器件---由电子管、晶体管、到集成电路、大规模集成电路和超大规模集成电路 D.上述全不对 正确答案:A

2计算之树中,网络化思维是怎样概括的________。 A.局域网、广域网和互联网 B.机器网络、信息网络和人-机-物互联的网络化社会 C.机器网络、信息网络和物联网 D.局域网络、互联网络和数据网络 正确答案: B

3人类应具备的三大思维能力是指_____。 A.抽象思维、逻辑思维和形象思维 B.实验思维、理论思维和计算思维 C逆向思维、演绎思维和发散思维 D.计算思维、理论思维和辩证思维 正确答案:B

4如何学习计算思维?_____。 A.为思维而学习知识而不是为知识而学习知识 B.不断训练,只有这样才能将思维转换为能力 C.先从贯通知识的角度学习思维,再学习更为细节性的知识,即用思维引导知识的学习 D.以上所有 正确答案:D

5自动计算需要解决的基本问题是什么?_______。 A.数据的表示,数据和计算规则的表示 B.数据和计算规则的表示与自动存储 C数据和计算规则的表示、自动存储和计算规则的自动执行D.上述说法都不正确 正确答案:C

6计算机器的基本目标是什么? _______。 A.能够辅助人进行计算,能够执行简单的四则运算规则 B.能够执行特定的计算规则,例如能够执行差分计算规则等 C.能够执行一般的任意复杂的计算规则 D.上述说法都不正确 正确答案:C


一.绪论 1.文章的愿意是什么? 错综复杂的色彩或花纹,“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章。”合起来就是文章。 2.写作的含义是什么? 人类个体性的创造性精神劳动.人们运用书面语言反映事物、表情达意、交流思想的一种重要方式。 3.近几年兴起的新的写作形式有哪些? 网络文学、网络blog、电子邮件、短信写作、短信小说等,呈现出写作的网络化趋势。 4.写文章有基本的规律可循吗? 有 5.中国文化与汉语写作有怎样的关系? 中国文化乃汉语写作之根,如果我们不研究中国文化,不能深刻理解我们的文化渊源,我们就会把人物事态简单化,我们就不会写出具有深刻文化底蕴的文章。我们就不会中西比较,就不会有鉴别才有研究,有鉴别才有个性。我们要继承优良,摒弃糟鉑,弘扬壮大我中华民族文化。 6.暨南大学珠海学院的建筑风格是怎样的? 总体风格:中式。表现在:(1)中国典型的皇家园林坐落风格,坐南向北,依山傍水;(2)封闭式,有围墙;(3)主建筑深藏不露,只有干道延伸。 建筑风格:西式(如小罗马广场)。但又大众普通化,有浓郁东方韵味。 第一章材料 1.积累材料的第一步是什么?(观察) 2.观察生活应注意哪两个方面?(应注意要全面、精细、抓住特点、经常培养) 3.有意感受与无意感受区别何在? 无意感受是主体随意的,没有自觉的目的,也没有意识到本身努力而获得的一种意外感受;而有意感受是主体自觉的、有预定目的的感受,它受主体意识和动机控制,是主体对客体刺激的集中注意。 4.科学家是否像文学家一样需要感受能力?请举例说明. 是;如印度物理学家拉曼乘船经过地中海时,为美丽的大海陶醉,他透过观察到的自然现象,认定深蓝色的海水是因光散射引起的,由此他发现了“拉曼效应“。 5.大学生应该怎样读书? 要有计划、有重点、联系实际的读书。 6.精读指的是怎样的阅读状态和效果? 精读是按顺序一字不漏地对阅读材料的仔细阅读,要透彻理解所读内容,并在阅读时加强联想、分析、评价等思维活动,要体会其情景,判断其真伪优劣。精读能培养我们的读书能力,让我们读出字里行间的语意,加深我们对文章的理解。 7.古人有怎样的苦读故事?举一二例. 苏秦刺股、囊莹映雪。 8.读书笔记通常包括哪些内容? 提取的文章要点及自己的心得体会,当然也包括自己喜欢的文句。


c1驾照科目一模拟考试题库及答案 1、在道路上发生交通事故造成人身伤亡时,要立即抢救受伤人员并迅速报警。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 2、安装防抱死制动装置(ABS)的机动车紧急制动时,可用力踏制动踏板。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 3、装有ABS系统的机动车在冰雪路面上会最大限度缩短制动距离。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 4、发现前方道路堵塞,正确的做法是什么? A.按顺序停车等候 B.鸣喇叭示意前方车辆快速行驶 C.选择空当逐车超越 D.继续穿插绕行 正确答案是:A 5、夜间在道路上会车时,距离对向来车多远将远光灯改用近光灯? A.100米以内 B.50米以内 C.200米以外

D.150米以外 正确答案是:D 6、这个标志是何含义? A.两侧街道 B.干路先行 C.停车让行 D.单行路 正确答案是:B 7、这是什么操纵装置? A.倒车灯开关 B.刮水器开关 C.危险报警闪光灯开关 D.灯光、信号组合开关 正确答案是:D 8、这两辆车发生追尾的主要原因是什么? A.前车采取制动时没看后视镜 B.前车采取制动过急 C.后车超车时距离前车太近 D.后车未与前车保持安全距离 正确答案是:D 9、驾驶机动车在沙尘天气条件下行车不用开启前照灯、示廓灯和后位灯。 A.正确 B.错误

正确答案是:B 10、驾驶车辆通过人行横道线时,应注意礼让行人。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 11、下长坡时,控制车速除了刹车制动以外还有什么有效的辅助方法? A.挂入空挡滑行 B.利用发动机制动 C.关闭发动机熄火滑行 D.踏下离合器滑行 正确答案是:B 12、这个标志是何含义? A.向左绕行 B.连续弯路 C.向左急转弯 D.向右急转弯 正确答案是:C 13、这个标志是何含义? A.向右急转弯 B.向右绕行 C.连续弯路 D.向左急转弯 正确答案是:A

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