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Method Statement for piling work(冲孔桩)珠海PTA二期项目

Zhuhai PTA No. 2 Project



Method Statement for Piling Work



批准Approved by

审核Reviewed by

编制Prepared by

The Third Chemical Engineering Construction Company of China


APR 23, 2011





3、工程地质概况General Geological Condition

4、施工准备Construction Preparation

5、施工方法Construction Methods

6、施工质量保证措施Quality Ensure Measures

7、劳动力计划Manpower Mobilization Schedule

8、施工设备计划和桩机及备用材料计划Equipment Mobilization Schedule ,Layout of storage area for piling machine, spare material list etc

9、桩基工程施工进度计划Construction Schedule for Piling

10、安全风险分析评估Job Risk Assessment.


技术交底Technical information transferred to workers before work

泥浆池布置示意图(1)Layout of Mud Handling System(1)6092-BAO-DW-1432-01

桩机行走路线图(1)Machine Route for Piling Work(1) )6092-BAO-DW-1432-01

吊车、混凝土泵车站位图(2)Crane and concrete pump truck layout(2) 6092-BAO-DW-1432-01

现场桩机配电箱布置图(3) Layout of Site Power Distribution Panel(3)PTA2#-TCC-001

混凝土浇注示意图(4)Detailed Sketch for Concrete Casting (4)

水泵图片(5)Picture of slurry pump(5)

漏斗图片(6)Picture of Funnel(6)

护筒图片(7)Picture of leading and Protection Pipe(7)

导管图片(8)Picture of Concrete Casting Leading Pipe(8)


2.1《建筑桩基技术规范》JGJ94-94 Technical Code for Building Pile Foundations JGJ94-94

2.2《工程测量规范》GB50026-93 Surveying Code for Projects GB50026-93

2.3《建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范》GB50202-2002 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Foundation GB50202-2002 2.4《石油化工施工安全技术规程》SH3505-1999 Technical code for safety of construction in petrochemical Industry SH3505-1999 3、工程地质概况。General Geological Condition

岩土层性质和产状:Feature and attitude of rock or soil layers

3.1、密实填土(层号①) Manmade fill (Q ml)(Layer No.①)


The layer is a gravel plain fill layer. It is yellow-brown and grey-brown, locally brown-red. It is primarily composed of powdery clay with gravel and a few block stones which are moved from somewhere.


棕黄~浅黄~浅红,塑料~硬质塑料,高干燥强度,:Quaterna平整ry sea fluvial layer(Q m)(Layer No. ②)



Powdery clay with gravel (Layer No. ②): Yellow-brown, locally brown-red or grey-yellow. It is mainly composed of powdery clay and uneven siltstone gravel and weathered sandstone gravel. Very wet or saturated, plastic or rigid plastic, locally rigid state.



Gravel with clay (Layer No.②2): yellow-brown, grey-brown, the gravel component is mainly silication sandstone appearing as similar circle and ellipse. The diameter of the stone is generally 2~3cm.

3.3、残积层(Q el) (层号③):粉质黏土:黄褐色、灰白色,有粉砂岩风化残积成,除石英外其他矿物均已风化成土状。很湿~饱和,可塑-硬塑状态。

Residual soil layer(Q el)(Layer No. ③):the soil in the layer is powdery clay。Yellow-brown, grey-white; it is composed of residual weathered siltstone. Aside from quartz, other minerals have weathered to soil. Very wet, situated, plastic, rigid plasticstate. 3.4、泥盆系中统春湾组粉砂岩(D2ch)(层号④): Middle Devonian Chunwan Formation siltstone (D 2ch) (Layer④)


Wholly weathered siltstone (Layer④1): grey-white, yellow-brown, grown-red. The core is rigid soil column form. The component is mainly clay grain and a small quantity of quartz siltstone, the original rock structure is clear. Very wet or saturated, rigid plastic or rigid state.


Highly weathered siltstone (Layer④2): yellow-brown, grey-brown, grey-yellow, the cores are mainly soil intercalated with rock. A small quantity is gravel and rock intercalated with soil. The original rock structure is clear.

(2)中风化粉砂岩(层号④3)3:黄褐色、灰褐色、灰黄,岩芯较硬,质脆,岩芯成碎块状为主。Medium weathered siltstone (Layer④3): Yellow-brown, grey-brown, grey-yellow, the cores are relatively hard and fragile. They are mainly gravel.

4、施工准备Construction Preparation


Prepare and confirm access, water and power are available for construction. Get all required construction persons and mobilize them to site。



Select and mobilize 8 sets piling machines, required accessories and materials to site in accordance with designing requirement, geological report and construction master schedule. The piling machine will be mobilized two times and 4 sets each time. Loose components are transported into plant after inspection outside, machine will be assembled inside plant, (West side of plant piling area) and start work after assemble and final acceptance.


Use survey controller to survey and install construction benchmarks based on the reference benchmark specified by owner (see sketch)。Lead the 6 axial control points from the benchmark and set out the pile location based on them。For the control points and pile location,it shall be subject to the inspection and acceptance of Owner site representatives。see sketch1


Get temporary construction power ready for temporary facilities and site piling works. For the layout of power distribution panel at site, please see attachment.(see sketch3)



After re-bar deliver at site,the inspection &acceptance by owner representative is mandatory and shall be conducted timely. At the same time, one group of samples shall be sent to laboratory to check bending intensity, pull resistance intensity, tensile ratio and cold bending performance for each type of re-bar, samples shall be taken from each batch of re-bar that total weight of re-bar is less than 60T


Re-bar cage will be fabricated in TCF area, and area must be ready and accepted by IPMT. For the location of re-bar fabrication shop,( please see attached sketch 3temporary facility plan).

4.7施工前,选择两个混凝土供应商并经业主和监理公司认可,并根据要求提供必要的资料。Before construction, qualification of supplier must be accepted by IPMT and Superintend Company. During construction, other documents shall be issued accordingly. To ensure continuous of concrete casting, at least two concrete prequalified suppliers shall be contracted. 5.施工方法Construction Methods

5.1施工工艺流程Construction Sequence

5.2施工操作方法Construction Methods and Procedure

5.2.1放线定位Surveying and Marking


Make the 6 axial line construction control benchmarks firstly according to piling layout drawing and bench mark provided by client, the axial line control benchmark must apply for inspection and get acceptance from CFCS and Owner Representative。Location of control benchmark, please see“Machine Route for Piling Work” see sketch1

5.2.2埋设护筒 Install Leading & Protection Pipe用5mm或8mm厚的钢板做三个护筒。直径800mm,高度1.5m,在上部留有300mmX300mm的溢浆口。(见图6)

8 pieces of leading and protection pipe are fabricated with steel plate with 5mm or 8mm thickness, height of the pipe is 1.5m with 1200mm diameter, at the top of each leading and protection pipe, there exist one 300mmX300mm mud leakage.(see 6)根据控制桩测放出桩位的精确位置,并用竹签标示,然后安放护筒,使护筒中心与桩孔中心位置重合,并采用水平尺找平使护筒垂直。

Survey the exact location of piles according to control points,mark the location with chopstick,then install the leading and protection pipe。Center point of the pipe shall be the center point of the pile。Ensure the verticality of the installed leading and protection pipe and measure the pipe verticality with horizontal ruler。在已测放的桩位处用手工挖出护筒位置,按已放出的护筒位置开挖出1000mm的圆坑,坑底应平整。

The inner diameter of the pipe is 1200mm. Mark the location of leading pipe on the basis of piling location marking, making a round hole with 1500 mm diameter manually, bottom of hole shall be proper compacted

and leveled。护筒埋设深度1.3m,顶部高出地面200mm左右。泥浆通过溢浆口流出经泥浆沟流入沉淀池和泥浆池进行沉淀和循环。(the size of mud leaked see

The depth of leading & protection pipe in soil is 1.3m, and 200mm shall be left above ground. Mud leaked from the pipe will drain into mud pond through mud trench.在护筒周围对称、密实均匀地回填原土。然后再复测护筒顶部中心与桩位中心之间的偏差和护筒垂直度偏差,要求桩位的中心与护筒的中心偏差不大于±50mm。

Backfill around leading & protection pipe evenly with original soil and properly compact. After backfilling, re-survey the differential between the pile center and the center of leading & protection pipe at the top. The differential shall be within ±50mm.。Verticality of leading and protection pile shall also be re-surveyed. 5.3冲击成孔 Punching hole


Set the pile driving machine and align the levelness of machine, make sure the hammer center is the center of the pile。It is required that the differential between the center of hammer and the center of the leading & protection pipe shall be within 20mm。Controlling difference through measuring distance between center of hammer and wall of piling casing。


During hole making, the hammer shall be arranged to punch with small height and high frequency at normal condition. While huge stone is met, hammer shall be arranged to punch by small height punch one time and big height punch one time continuously till the stone is broken.。

5.3.3桩入岩深度的判断Method of Judging Depth that Pile Drilling into the Rock根据入冲孔进尺速度的变化,判断持力层的深度。当进入持力层时冲击进速度将变慢。Judge the hole load bearing layer by drilling speed and drilling time。When coming into bearing stratum,the punching rate will slow down,从循环出的泥浆中采取岩样进行判断。判断是否达到设计深度。

Take sample from the mud circulated out to judge whether the depth reach requirement of designment. 第一根桩冲孔完毕后请监理勘察部门验孔见证,取样。

When the first hole start, it must be witness by CFCS and government “geological report” designe.

5.3.4采用测绳测量孔深,用设计桩长和进入持力层的深度两项指标控制桩长. 当进入持力层时冲击进速度将变慢。发现速度变慢时,测量孔深H1,以后在强风化岩每隔4小时测量一次孔深,(H2、H3、、H4······Hn),入岩深度为H,H=Hn-H1直到H达到设计要求的7m或9m。。

Measure the depth of hole by calibrated rope。Control the pile length by design length and the length of coming into the bearing rock。When coming into bearing stratum,the punching rate will slow down,

at the finding time, measure the depth of hole with cablirated rope and record the depth named H1, after then, measure one time every 4 hours and record as H2, H3….Hn, till Hn-H1 reaches 7m or 9m according to design requirement.


Mud ditches were cut in sit (please see“Machine Route for Piling Work”),Fabricating the mud using bentonite. see sketch1.

5.4钢筋笼制作、运输、安放(见钢筋笼制作、运输、安放方案) Fabrication and Installation of Re-bar Cage Please refer to MS-PTA2-PILE-002 “Method Statement for Re-bar Cage Fabrication”


Fabricate and check re-bar cage according to drawing size and construction specification strictly。


Re-bar cage will be fabricated one time, before fabrication, Steel bar shall be straightened and rust shall be cleaned。A group of connection shall be apply for inspection for every 300 points of connection to ensure the quality.



Re-bar cage will be hoisted and installed by crane, the installation shall be slowly and stably. While obstruction is met during installation, raise the cage by some distance and rotate slowly, then install again. The cage has to pull out and hole shall be cleaned again for the re-installation of cage if above measures is useless. It shall be prohibited to install re-bar cage by strong force。(Risk and control measure about fabrication 、transportation and installation of rebar cage see JHA)


Before re-bar cage installation, a group of concrete blocks shall be installed externally to the cage every 1m to ensure the thickness of protection concrete layer at the top of re-bar (50mm×50mm×50mm). Thickness of the protection concrete layers shall not be less than 50mm in any point。

5.5下导管 Concrete Leading Pipe Installation for Concrete Casting (危害控制措施见危险性评价。Risk and control measure see the JHA )

5.5.1导管直径为φ250mm,下导管前准确量每节长度并做好记录,要求总长度大于孔深0.5m。Diameter pipe for concrete casting isφ250mm,measure length of every section exactly and make a record before piping installation, the total length of the pipe shall be 0.5m longer than the depth of the hole。

5.5.2导管使用前要试拼装,并把内外清洗干净,确保内壁光滑,下孔前必须进行密封性能测试。Before using of concrete casting leading pipe, clean work shall be done to ensure clean and smooth of pipe inner wall, pre-assemble shall be done. Before put the pipe in hole, seal performance test shall be carried out.


Pipes for concrete casting are connected by quick connectors with threads at both sides, at connection, rubber gasket shall be installed to ensure good sealing performance.

5.6清孔 Secondary Hole Cleaning。


Connecting the concrete leading pipe and slurry pump with plastic flexible pipe, send water or watery mud into hole by circulation, till proportion of mud is within 1.15~1.2. Measure the thickness of deposit by rope with a steel block at one end, measure the depth before and after hole cleaning, and the difference is the thickness of the deposit mud thickness.

5.7浇注混凝土 Concrete Casting (Risk and control measure see JHA)


Concrete will be cast by concrete pump truck. After concrete delivery to site, check the concrete mixing time before concrete casting to ensure that concrete is cast before preliminary set. Measure concrete slump with instrument, slump of concrete shall be between 180-220. Attached sketch shows the concrete casting method。It take 45min to complete pen pile ,and three concrete truck transport concrete。

5.7.2采用导管法水下灌注混凝土,导管距孔底距离为300mm~500mm。并在漏斗内设置隔水板,隔水板放置在漏斗底部,首盘混凝土装满漏斗后,用卷扬机提起隔水塞。 (见附图4)。

Concrete is cast by leading pipe under water, and the distance between the bottom of pipe and the bottom of hole is 300mm~500mm。 Funnel will be used for concrete casting, at the bottom of funnel, a steel baffle will be installed, after funnel is filled with concrete, pull out the baffle with winch to allow concrete falling down. Please see attached “Detailed Sketch for Concrete Casting,see sketch 4.



Volume of concrete of first casting shall be more than 1.2m3to ensure more than 1.0 meter of leading pipe is embedded in concrete。Volume of the funnel is 2.3m3. see sketch4


Concrete shall be cast continuously, for the same pile, interval between concrete casting shall be less than 1.5 hours. and a person shall be assigned to measure the depth of concrete surface and length of leading pipe embedded in concrete. During concrete casting, record shall be made, and embedded length of leading pipe shall be adjusted timely to at least 2m in general. It shall be prohibited to raise the pipe above concrete surface。


During concrete casting, the supervison incharge calculate out the theoretical concrete volume according to pile length and give information to concrete supplier before cast. After first truck of concrete cast, measure the cast height of pile, and calculate out concrete that actual required for casting to the designed pile top elevation, give concrete supplier exact information to ensure that supplier can provide concrete to site without shortage or waste.(Supervisor in charge: day shift : NieZhiQiang, Night Shift: RenTianHai).


Control concrete consume volume for the last casting, actual top of the concrete shall be higher than the top 0.85m.of pile diameter, chipping the loose concrete, and ensure the strength of exposed top concrete can reach the design strength.

5.8桩保护及复测 Pile Protection and Re-survey。


Disturb to piles shall be avoided before the concrete strength of pile reaches design strength,reduce traffic and excavation in this area as much as possible, and carry out piling work according to sequence descripted in 9.3, and the min. distance between the two piles which will constuct in turn is 4m.

After excavation and before foundation work, surveyor shall be arranged ti survey actual location of each pile by level instrument, reecord and calculate the differentials against construction drawing. Finally, make as-built drawings for piling work.

6.施工质量保证措施Quality Ensure Measures





Establish the quality insurance system ,and quality will be controlled by A,B,C grades 。Assign dedicated quality inspection at site and make every inspector’s duty clearly to ensure they are responsible for their work。Piling engineer was responsible for quality。Note:A means checked by owner representative,B means checked by CFCS。


Only Material with quality certificate can be delivery to site , material shall be inspected while delivery to site, and material with defect shall be rejected. Material sample shall be tested according to specification, and un-qualified material shall not be used。


Before construction, workers shall be educated to make sure that they are very clear on technical and construction issues. Please see attached checklist


Tolerance of axial control pile location shall not be more than 10mm(see 《Code for engineering surveying》GB50026-93), and axial control pile must be inspected by TCC , accepted by owner representative。


Before hole punch, location of pile shall be exact surveyed and confirmed, and apply for acceptance by owner representative。


After hole punch, a dedicated person shall be assigned to test hole depth and mud parameters, etc. according to the specification and report to owner representative for their acceptance.


Leading pipe for concrete casting shall be set along the center of hole, during raising or putting down the leading pipe by crane, two workers shall be arranged to control the movement of pipe, purpose of this control is to prevent pipe conflict with re-bar cage. The speed of putting down piping or raising piping shall be very slow.


Concrete should be cast right after re-bar cage installation. To avoid hole collapse, the interval between re-bar cage installation and concrete casting shall be less than 4 hours and speed of concrete casting normally is 0.6m3/min.

6.9 成桩后的桩顶标高、钢筋笼顶标高,用水准仪测量确保符合设计和施工规范规定。

Before completion of each pile, it must be ensured that the elevation of pile top, elevation of re-bar cage top and thickness of concrete protection layer out of re-bar satisfy the design and specification requirement。Survey the elevation with level instrument and record.



Making concrete sample block:. One group (3 pieces) test cube shall be prepared for standard strength test. During concrete casting, samples of cubes will be taken randomly for test. Test Strength reports shall be incorporated into as-built document.

6.11质量控制标准:Allowable Tolerance Table for Quality Control


Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Foundation GB50202-2002


Technical Code for Building Pile Foundations JGJ94-2008


During the course of piling, besides the assurance of pile length, the following items should also be controlled: the pile coming into ④2 layer(highly weather shale) should be not less than 7m and P72~P83 pile coming into this layer should not be less than 9m; if it coming to④3 layer(medium weather shale), the pile foot coming into medium weather shale should be not less than 1m.(see 5.3.3), measuring way fot this is same as except interval of each measuring is 1 hour.

6.12特殊工艺关键控制点控制Control of Key Technical Points

6.13供应商必须经过业主代表和监理的考核合格,到场前,取膨润土样品送监理和业主现场代表检查。Bentonite will be used for the protection of the hole wall, supplier of bentonite and sample of bentonite must be approved by CFCS before use.


Put bentonite into mud pond before and carry out pre-mixing before work start, after hole punching work begin, bentonite will be mixed naturally by the running of slurry pump in the mud pond.

7、劳动力计划Manpower Mobilization Schedule

白班劳动力计划:Manpower mobilization schedule for day shift (7:00-15:00)

夜班劳动力计划:Manpower mobilization schedule for night shift (15:00-24:00)

夜班劳动力计划:Manpower mobilization schedule for night shift (24:00-7:00)


8.1设备计划Construction Equipment Schedule

8.2桩机及其他设备备件计划 Spare parts for piling machines

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