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Quick Quizzes

1. The price elasticity of demand is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good

responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price.

The relationship between total revenue and the price elasticity of demand is: (1) when demand is inelastic (a price elasticity less than 1), a price increase raises total revenue, and a price decrease reduces total revenue; (2) when demand is elastic (a price elasticity greater than 1), a price

increase reduces total revenue, and a price decrease raises total revenue; and (3) when demand is unit elastic (a price elasticity equal to 1), a change in price does not affect total revenue.

2. The price elasticity of supply is a measure of how much the quantity supplied of a good responds to

a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity supplied divided

by the percentage change in price.

The price elasticity of supply might be different in the long run than in the short run because over short periods of time, firms cannot easily change the size of their factories to make more or less of

a good. Thus, in the short run, the quantity supplied is not very responsive to the price.

However, over longer periods, firms can build new factories, expand existing factories, or close old ones, or they can enter or exit a market. So, in the long run, the quantity supplied can respond substantially to the price.

3. A drought that destroys half of all farm crops could be good for farmers (at least those unaffected

by the drought) if the demand for the crops is inelastic. The shift to the left of the supply curve leads to a price increase that raises total revenue because the price elasticity is less than one.

Even though a drought could be good for farmers, they would not destroy their crops in the

absence of a drought because no one farmer would have an incentive to destroy his crops, since he takes the market price as given. Only if all farmers destroyed their crops together, for example through a government program, would this plan work to make farmers better off.

Questions for Review

1. The price elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to a change

in price. The income elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to changes in consumer income.

2. The determinants of the price elasticity of demand include how available close substitutes are,

whether the good is a necessity or a luxury, how broadly defined the market is, and the time

horizon. Luxury goods have greater price elasticities than necessities, goods with close

substitutes have greater elasticities, goods in more narrowly defined markets have greater

elasticities, and the elasticity of demand is higher the longer the time horizon.

3. An elasticity greater than one means that demand is elastic. When the elasticity is greater than

one, the percentage change in quantity demanded exceeds the percentage change in price. When the elasticity equals zero, demand is perfectly inelastic. There is no change in quantity demanded when there is a change in price.

4. Figure 1 presents a supply-and-demand diagram, showing equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity,


and the total revenue received by producers. Total revenue equals the equilibrium price times the equilibrium quantity, which is the area of the rectangle shown in the figure.

Figure 1

5. If demand is elastic, an increase in price reduces total revenue. With elastic demand, the quantity

demanded falls by a greater percentage than the percentage increase in price. As a result, total revenue declines.

6. A good with an income elasticity less than zero is called an inferior good because as i ncome rises,

the quantity demanded declines.

7. The price elasticity of supply is calculated as the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by

the percentage change in price. It measures how much the quantity supplied responds to

changes in the price.

8. The price elasticity of supply of Picasso paintings is zero, since no matter how high price rises, no

more can ever be produced.

9. The price elasticity of supply is usually larger in the long run than it is in the short run. Over short

periods of time, firms cannot easily change the size of their factories to make more or less of a good, so the quantity supplied is not very responsive to price. Over longer periods, firms can build new factories or close old ones, so the quantity supplied is m ore responsive to price.

10. OPEC was unable to maintain a high price through the 1980s because the elasticity of supply and

demand was more elastic in the long run. When the price of oil rose, producers of oil outside of OPEC increased oil exploration a nd built new extraction capacity. Consumers responded with

greater conservation efforts. As a result, supply increased and demand fell, leading to a lower

price for oil in the long run.

Problems and Applicat ions

1. a. Mystery novels have more elastic demand than required textbooks, because mystery

novels have close substitutes and are a luxury good, while required textbooks are a

necessity with no close substitutes. If the price of mystery novels were to rise, readers

could substitute other types of novels, or buy fewer novels altogether. But if the price of

required textbooks were to rise, students would have little choice but to pay the higher

price. Thus the quantity demanded of required textbooks is less responsive to price than

the quantity demanded of mystery novels.

b. Beethoven recordings have more elastic demand than classical music recordings in general.

Beethoven recordings are a narrower market than classical music recordings, so it's easy to

find close substitutes for them. If the price of Beethoven recordings were to rise, people

could substitute other classical recordings, like Mozart. But if the price of all classical

recordings were to rise, substitution would be more difficult (a transition from classical

music to rap is unlikely!). Thus the quantity demanded of classical recordings is less

responsive to price than the quantity demanded of Beethoven recordings.

c. Heating oil during the next five years has more elastic demand than heating oil during the

next six months. Goods ha ve a more elastic demand over longer time horizons. If the

price of heating oil were to rise temporarily, consumers couldn't switch to other sources of

fuel without great expense. But if the price of heating oil were to be high for a long time,

people would gradually switch to gas or electric heat. As a result, the quantity demanded

of heating oil during the next six months is less responsive to price than the quantity

demanded of heating oil during the next five years.

d. Root beer has more elastic demand than water. Root beer is a luxury with close

substitutes, while water is a necessity with no close substitutes. If the price of water were

to rise, consumers have little choice but to pay the higher price. But if the price of root

beer were to rise, consumers could easily switch to other sodas. So the quantity

demanded of root beer is more responsive to price than the quantity demanded of water.

2. a. For business travelers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from

$200 to $250 is [(2,000 - 1,900)/1,950]/[(250 - 200)/225] = 0.05/0.22 = 0.23. For

vacationers, the price elasticity of demand when the price of tickets rises from $200 to

$250 is [(800 - 600)/700] / [(250 - 200)/225] = 0.29/0.22 = 1.32.

b. The price elasticity of demand for vacationers is higher than the elasticity for business

travelers because vacationers can choose more easily a different mode of transportation

(like driving or taking the train). Business travelers are less likely to do so since time is

more important to them and their schedules are less adaptable.

3. a. If your income is $10,000, your price elasticity of demand as the price of compact discs

rises from $8 to $10 is [(40 - 32)/36]/[(10 - 8)/9] =0.22/0.22 = 1. If your income is

$12,000, the elasticity is [(50 - 45)/47.5]/[(10 - 8)/9] = 0.11/0.22 = 0.5.

b. If the price is $12, your income elasticity of demand as your income increases from

$10,000 to $12,000 is [(30 - 24)/27] / [(12,000 - 10,000)/11,000] = 0.22/0.18 = 1.22. If

the price is $16, your income elasticity of demand as your income increases from $10,000

to $12,000 is [(12 - 8)/10] / [(12,000 - 10,000)/11,000] = 0.40/0.18 = 2.2.

4. a. If Emily always spends one-third of her income on clothing, then her income elasticity of

demand is one, since maintaining her clothing expenditures as a constant fraction of her

income means the percentage change in her quantity of clothing must equal her

percentage change in income. For example, suppose the price of clothing is $30, her

income is $9,000, and she purchases 100 clothing items. If her income rose 10 percent to

$9,900, she'd spend a total of $3,300 on clothing, which is 110 clothing items, a 10 percent


b. Emily's price elasticity of clothing demand is also one, since every percentage point

increase in the price of clothing would lead her to reduce her quantity purchased by the

same percentage. Again, suppose the price of clothing is $30, her income is $9,000, and

she purchases 100 clothing items. If the price of clothing rose 1 percent to $30.30, she

would purchase 99 clothing items, a 1 percent reduction. [Note: This part of the

problem can be confusing to students if they have an example with a larger percentage

change and they use the point elasticity. Only for a small percentage change will the

answer work with an elasticity of one. Alternatively, they can get the second part if they

use the midpoint method for any size change.]

c. Since Emily spends a smaller proportion of her income on clothing, then for any given price,

her quantity demanded will be lower. Thus her demand curve has shifted to the left.

But because she'll again spend a constant fraction of her income on clothing, her income

and price elasticities of demand remain one.

5. a. With a 4.3 percent decline in quantity following a 20 percent increase in price, the price

elasticity of demand is only 4.3/20 = 0.215, which is fairly inelastic.

b. With inelastic demand, the Transit Authority's revenue rises when the fare rises.

c. The elasticity estimate might be unreliable because it is only the first month after the fare

increase. As time goes by, people may switch to other means of transportation in

response to the price increase. So the elasticity may be larger in the long run than it is in

the short run.

6. Tom's price elasticity of demand is zero, since he wants the same quantity regardless of the price.

Jerry's price elasticity of demand is one, since he spends the same amount on gas, no matter what the price, which means his percentage change in quantity is equal to the percentage change in


7. To explain the fact that spending on restaurant meals declines more during economic downturns

than does spending on food to be eaten at home, economists look at the income elasticity of

demand. In economic downturns, people have lower income. To explain the fact, the income elasticity of restaurant meals must be larger than the income elasticity of spending on food to be eaten at home.

8. a. With a price elasticity of demand of 0.4, reducing the quantity demanded of cigarettes by

20 percent requires a 50 percent increase in price, since 20/50 = 0.4. With the price of

cigarettes currently $2, this would require an increase in the price to $3.33 a pack using

the midpoint method (note that ($3.33 - $2)/$2.67 = .50).

b. The policy will have a larger effect five years from now than it does one year from now.

The elasticity is larger in the long run, since it may take some time for people to reduce

their cigarette usage. The habit of smoking is hard to break in the short run.

c. Since teenagers don't have as much income as adults, they are likely to have a higher price

elasticity of demand. Also, adults are more likely to be addicted to cigarettes, making it

more difficult to reduce their quantity demanded in response to a higher price.

9. You’d expect the price elasticity of demand to be higher in the market for vanilla ice cream than for

all ice cream because vanilla ice cream is a narrower category and other flavors of ice cream are close substitutes for vanilla.

You'd expect the price elasticity of supply to be larger for vanilla ice cream than for all ice cream.

A producer of vanilla ice cream could easily adjust the quantity of vanilla ice cream and produce

other types of ice cream. But a producer of ice cream would have a more difficult time adjusting the overall quantity of ice cream.

10. a. As Figure 2 shows, in both markets, the increase in supply reduces the equilibrium price

and increases the equilibrium quantity.

b. In the market for pharmaceutical drugs, with inelastic demand, the increase in supply leads

to a relatively large decline in the price and not much of an increase in quantity.

Figure 2

c. In the market for computers, with elastic demand, the increase in supply leads to a

relatively large increase in quantity and not much of a decline in price.

d. In the market for pharmaceutical drugs, since demand is inelastic, the percentage increase

in quantity will be less than the percentage decrease in price, so total consumer spending

will decline. In contrast, since demand is elastic in the market for computers, the

percentage increase in quantity will be greater than the percentage decrease in price, so

total consumer spending will increase.

11. a. As Figure 3 shows, in both markets the increase in demand increases both the equilibrium

price and the equilibrium quantity.

b. In the market for beachfront resorts, with inelastic supply, the increase in demand leads to

a relatively large increase in the price and not much of an increase in quantity.

c. In the market for automobiles, with elastic supply, the increase in demand leads to a

relatively large increase in quantity and not much of an increase in price.

d. In both markets, total consumer spending rises, since both equilibrium price and

equilibrium quantity rise.

Figure 3

12. a. Farmers whose crops weren't destroyed benefited because the destruction of some of the

crops reduced the supply, causing the equilibrium price to rise.

b. To tell whether farmers as a group were hurt or helped by the floods, you'd need to know

the price elasticity of demand. It could be that the additional income earned by farmers

whose crops weren't destroyed rose more because of the higher prices than farmers whose

crops were destroyed, if demand is inelastic.

13. A worldwide drought could increase the total revenue of farmers if the price elasticity of demand

for grain is inelastic. The drought reduces the supply of grain, but if demand is inelastic, the

reduction of supply causes a large increase in price. Total farm revenue would rise as a result. If there's only a drought in Kansas, Kansas’ production isn't a large enough proportion of the total farm product to have much impact on the price. As a result, price does not change (or changes by only a slight amount), while the output of Kansas farmers declines, thus reducing their income. 14. When productivity increases for all farmland at a point in time, the increased productivity leads to a

rise in farmland prices, since more output can be produced on a given amount of land. But prior to the technological improvements, the productivity of farmland depended mainly on the prevailing weather conditions. There was little opportunity to substitute land with worse weather conditions for land with better weather conditions. As technology improved over time, it became much easier to substitute one type of land for another. So the price elasticity of supply for farmland increased over time, since now land with bad weather is a better substitute for land with good weather. The increased supply of land reduced farmland prices. As a result, productivity and farmland prices are negatively related over time.


宏观24章答案 第二十四章生活费用的衡量 复习题 1 .你认为下列哪一项对消费物价指数影响大:鸡肉价格上升10% ,还是鱼子酱价格上升10% ?为什么? 答:当鸡肉和鱼子酱的价格都上升10%时,哪一项对消费物价指数的影响大要看哪一项在消费物价指数中的权数大些,权数大的商品价格上升对消费物价指数影响大. 2 .描述使消费物价指数成为生活费用一个不完善衡量指标的三个问题. 答:消费物价指数的目的是衡量生活费用的变动,但消费物价指数并不是生活费用的完美衡量指标。这个指数有三个广泛承认但又难于解决的问题. 第一个问题是替代倾向。当价格年复一年地变动时,它们并不都是同比例变动的:一些价格上升得比另一些高。消费者对这种不同价格变动的反应是少购买价格上升大的物品,多购买价格上升少或者甚至下降的物品。这就是说,消费者把那些变得昂贵的物品替代掉。但计算消费物价指数时假设一篮子物品是固定不变的。由于没有考虑到消费者替代的可能性,所以消费物价指数高估了从某一年到下一年生活费用的增加. 消费物价指数的第二个问题是新产品的引进。当引进了一种新产品时,消费者有了更多的选择。更多的选择又使每一美元更值钱,因此,消费者为了维持任何一种既定生活水平所需要的钱少了。但由于消费物价指数是根据固定不变的一篮子物品来计算,所以,消费物价指数并没有反映货币购买力的这种变动. 消费物价指数的第三个问题是无法衡量质量的变动。如果从某一年到下一年一种物品的质量变差了,那么,即使该物品的价格仍然不变,一美元的价值也下降了。同样,如果从一年到下一年一种物品的质量上升了,一美元的价值也上升了。劳工统计局尽其最大的努力来考虑质量变动。当篮子里一种物品的质量变动时,劳工统计局就要根据质量变动来调整物品的价格。实际上这是力图计算一篮子质量不变物品的价格。然而,质量变动仍然是一个问题,因为质量是很难衡量的. 3 .如果海军潜艇的价格上升了,对消费物价指数影响大,还是对GDP 平减指数影响大?为什么? 答:如果海军潜艇的价格上升了,对GDP 平减指数影响大。因为消费物价指数只反映了消费者购买的所有 139 物品与劳务的价格,GDP 平减指数却反映了国内生产的所有物品与劳务的价格。因为海军潜艇的购买者是政府,计人了政府购买中,所以它的价格上升对GDP 平减指数影响大. 4 .在长期中,糖果的价格从0 .10 美元上升到0 .60 美元。在同一时期中,消费物价指数从150 上升到3 00 . 根据整体通货膨胀进行调整后,糖果的价格变动了多少? 答:根据整体通货膨胀进行调整后,糖果的价格变动了0.4 美元. 5 .解释名义利率与真实利率的含义。它们如何相关? 答:名义利率是银行所支付的利率,真实利率是根据通货膨胀校正后的利率。名义利率、真实利率之间的关系可写为下式:真实利率=名义利率-通货膨胀率问题与应用 1 .假设素食国的居民把他们的全部收入用于花椰菜、球花甘蓝和胡萝卜。在2008 年,他们用200 美元买了100 个花椰菜、75 美元买了50 个球花甘蓝以及50 美元买了500 个胡萝卜。2009 年,他们用225 美元买了7 5 个花椰菜,120 美元买了80 个球花甘蓝,以及100 美元买了500 个胡萝卜. A .计算每年每种蔬菜的价格. 答:每年每种蔬菜的价格如下表所示 B .把2008 年作为基年,计算每年的CPI . 答:把2008 年作为基年,用来计算CPI 的一篮子物品包括100 个花椰菜,50 个球花甘蓝,500 个胡萝. 计算各年这一篮子物品的成本: 2008年:(100 × 2 美元)+(50× 1.50 美元)+(500×


144 WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new In the News box on ―The Tax Debate ‖ has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus. the meaning and causes of the deadweight loss from a tax. why some taxes have larger deadweight losses than others. how tax revenue and deadweight loss vary with the size of a tax. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 8 is the second chapter in a three-chapter sequence dealing with welfare economics. In the previous section on supply and demand, Chapter 6 introduced taxes and demonstrated how a tax affects the price and quantity sold in a market. Chapter 6 also described the factors that determine how the burden of the tax is divided between the buyers and sellers in a market. Chapter 7 developed welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapter 8 combines the lessons learned in Chapters 6 and 7 and addresses the effects of taxation on welfare. Chapter 9 will address the effects of trade restrictions on welfare. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to apply the lessons learned about welfare economics in Chapter 7 to the issue of taxation that was addressed in Chapter 6. Students will learn that the cost of a tax to buyers and sellers in a market exceeds the revenue collected by the government. Students will also learn about the factors that determine the degree by which the cost of a tax exceeds the revenue collected by the government. 8 APPLICATION: THE COSTS OF TAXATION


南开大学经济学院本科2010级经济学原理期末考试(B 卷) 专业: 姓名 学号 成绩 任课教师: 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共30分) < 1、关于生产可能性边界,以下不正确的是:( ) A 、 生产可能性边界是一个国家利用资源所能生产出的最大商品集合的边界。 B 、 生产可能性边界的斜率代表了增加某种商品产出的机会成本。 C 、 生产可能性边界凹向原点是因为资源的稀缺性。 D 、 生产可能性边界随着技术进步而向右移动。 2、对一种奢侈品征税,很可能使税收负担( ) A 、 更多的落在买者身上 B 、 、 C 、 更多的落在卖者身上 D 、 在买者和卖者之间平等的分摊 E 、 完全落在买者身上 3、假设可以购买三个一样的鼠标。买者1愿意为一个鼠标支付60元钱,买者2愿意为一个鼠标支付50元钱,买者3愿意为一个鼠标支付40元钱。如果鼠标的市场价格是50元钱,将卖出多少鼠标,这个市场的消费者剩余值是多少( ) A 、 将卖出一个鼠标,消费者剩余值为60元钱 B 、 将卖出三个鼠标,消费者剩余值为0元 C 、 将卖出三个鼠标,消费者剩余值为10元 D 、 将卖出两个鼠标,消费者剩余值为10元 ; 4、如果一个竞争企业的产量翻了一番,它的总收益( ) A 、 翻一番 B 、 翻了一番还多 C 、 翻了不到一番 D 、 不能确定,因为物品价格可能上升或下降。 5、在能供给整个市场的产量时,其平均总成本一直下降到最小的企业称为( ) A 、 完全竞争者 B 、 自然垄断 C 、 政府垄断

E、受管制的垄断 6、垄断竞争企业在长期内经济利润为零,是因为:() A、市场上存在许多卖者。 B、虽然产品有差异,但产品之间的差异不够大。 C、企业可以无成本的自由进入与退出市场。 D、以上都是。 7、在以下商品中,提高价格最有可能使生产者的收入提高的商品是:() A、粮食。 B、》 C、高档服装。 D、汽车。 E、手机。 8、下列哪个事件影响了2010年中国的国内生产总值GDP() A、2010年中国人的家庭劳动 B、2010年中国公司在海外承包的大型建设工程 C、2010年在中国的一家钢铁公司为另一家在中国的造船厂生产的特种钢材。 D、2010年在中国的一家汽车公司把生产出来的汽车封入库存,以便明年旺季销售。 . 9、X与Y两种商品的价格分别由去年的10元与2元上涨至今年的11元与元,如果一个篮子是由4个X和10个Y组成的,那么以去年为基期,今年的通货膨胀率是() A、10% B、15% C、20% D、25% 10、下列情况中可能会降低社会的失业率的是() A、政府组织公共培训计划 B、政府提高最低工资水平 C、工会为其会员争取更高的工资待遇 D、| E、企业实行效率工资 11、下列不属于中央银行货币政策工具的是() A、公开市场操作 B、法定准备金 C、贴现率 D、发行或回购国债 12、假定货币供应量是万亿,真实GDP是5万亿,物价水平是2,货币流通速度则是()


问题与应用 1.描写下列每种情况所面临的权衡取舍: A.一个家庭决定是否买一辆新车。 答:如果买新车就要减少家庭其他方面的开支,如:外出旅行,购置新家具;如果不买新车就享受不到驾驶新车外出的方便和舒适。 B.国会议员决定对国家公园支出多少。 答:对国家公园的支出数额大,国家公园的条件可以得到改善,环境会得到更好的保护。但同时,政府可用于交通、邮电等其他公共事业的支出就会减少。 C.一个公司总裁决定是否新开一家工厂。 答:开一家新厂可以扩大企业规模,生产更多的产品。但可能用于企业研发的资金就少了。这样,企业开发新产品、利用新技术的进度可能会减慢。 D.一个教授决定用多少时间备课。 答:教授若将大部分时间用于自己研究,可能会出更多成果,但备课时间减少影响学生授课质量。E.一个刚大学毕业的学生决定是否去读研究生。 答:毕业后参加工作,可即刻获取工资收入;但继续读研究生,能接受更多知识和未来更高收益。2.你正想决定是否去度假。度假的大部分成本((机票、旅馆、放弃的工资))都用美元来衡量,但度假的收益是心理的。你将如何比较收益与成本呢?? 答:这种心理上的收益可以用是否达到既定目标来衡量。对于这个行动前就会作出的既定目标,我们一定有一个为实现目标而愿意承担的成本范围。在这个可以承受的成本范围内,度假如果满足了既定目标,如:放松身心、恢复体力等等,那么,就可以说这次度假的收益至少不小于它的成本。3.你正计划用星期六去从事业余工作,但一个朋友请你去滑雪。去滑雪的真实成本是什么?现在假设你已计划这天在图书馆学习,这种情况下去滑雪的成本是什么?请解释之。 答:去滑雪的真实成本是周六打工所能赚到的工资,我本可以利用这段时间去工作。如果我本计划这天在图书馆学习,那么去滑雪的成本是在这段时间里我可以获得的知识。 4.你在篮球比赛的赌注中赢了100美元。你可以选择现在花掉它或在利率为55%的银行中存一年。现在花掉100美元的机会成本是什么呢? 答:现在花掉100 美元的机会成本是在一年后得到105 美元的银行支付(利息+本金)。 5.你管理的公司在开发一种新产品过程中已经投资500万美元,但开发工作还远远没有完成。在最近的一次会议上,你的销售人员报告说,竞争性产品的进入使你们新产品的预期销售额减少为300万美元。如果完成这项开发还要花费100万美元,你还应该继续进行这项开发吗?为了完成这项开发,你的最高花费应该是多少?? 答:还应该继续这项开发。因为现在它的边际收益是300 万美元,而边际成本是100 万美元。为了完成这项开发我最多能再花300 万美元。只要边际收益大于边际成本,就有利可图。 6.魔力饮料公司的三位经理正在讨论是否要扩大产量。每位经理提出了做出这个决策的一种方法:哈利:我们应该考查一下我们公司的生产率——每个工人生产的加仑数——将上升还是下降。 罗恩:我们应该考查一下我们的平均成本——每个工人的成本——将上升还是下降。 赫敏:我们应该考查一下多卖一加仑饮料的额外收益,大于还是小于额外的成本。你认为谁对?答:我认为赫敏提出的决策方法正确。因为只有多卖一加仑饮料的额外收益大于它的额外成本时,多卖一加仑饮料才是有利可图的。理性人应该考虑边际量。 77.社会保障制度为65岁以上的人提供收入。如果一个社会保障的领取者决定去工作并赚一些钱,他(或她)所领到的社会保障津贴通常会减少。 A.提供社会保障如何影响人们在工作时的储蓄激励? 答:社会保障的提供使人们退休以后仍可以获得收入,以保证生活。因此,人们不用为不能工作时的生活费而发愁,人们在工作时期的储蓄就会减少。


WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new Case Study on Left-Digit Bias has been added and a new In the News feature on "Can Brain Science Improve Economics" has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to examine problems caused by asymmetric information. the market solutions to asymmetric information. why democratic voting systems may not represent the preferences of society. why people may not always behave as rational maximizers. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 22 is the last chapter in the microeconomics portion of the text. It is the second of two unrelated chapters that introduce students to advanced topics in microeconomics. These two chapters are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. The purpose of Chapter 22 is to give students a taste of three topics on the frontier of microeconomic research. The first topic addressed is asymmetric information , a situation when one person in an economic relationship has more relevant knowledge than the other person does. The second topic is political economy , the application of economic tools to the understanding of the functioning of government. The third topic addressed is behavioral economics , the introduction of psychology into the study of economic issues. 22 FRONTIERS OF MICROECONOMICS


一、单项选择题(每小题只有一个符合题意的正确答案,请将你认为是正确答案的序号写在答卷纸上。本大题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1、价格是影响需求的最重要的因素,一般来说,价格和需求的变动成( B )。 A.成正方向变化 B.成反方向变化 C.不相关 D.完全等价 2、某消费者逐渐增加某种商品的消费量,直到实现效用最大化。在这一过程中,该商品的(C ) A.总效用和边际效用不断增加 B.总效用不断下降,边际效用不断增加 C.总效用不断增加,边际效用不断下降 D.总效用和边际效用不断减少 3、亨利花了一个小时购物并买了一件价值30美元的衣服,购买该衣服的机会成本是()。 A.一个小时 B.30美元 C.一个小时加30美元 D.一个小时加30美元的次优用途 4、整个行业只有唯一供给者的市场结构是()。 A.完全垄断市场 B.完全竞争市场 C.寡头垄断市场 D.垄断竞争市场 5、如果价格下降10%能使买者总支出增加1%,则这种商品的需求量对价格()。 A.富有弹性 B.具有单位弹性 C.缺乏弹性 D.其弹性不能确定 6、完全竞争市场上的企业之所以是价格接受者,是因为()。 A.它对价格有较大程度的控制 B.它生产了所在行业绝大部分产品 C.它的产量只占行业的全部产量的一个很小的份额 D.该行业只有很少数量的企业 7、假如某教授的年薪是20万元,若他从事其他的职业,最多只能得到3万元,那么,他所获得的经济租金为()。 A. 20万元 B. 17万元 C. 3万元 D.不确定 8、一年内在本国领土所生产的最终产品的市场价值总和被称为()。 A.国民生产总值 B.国内生产总值 C.国民生产净值 D.实际国内生产总值 9、政府的财政收入政策通过()对国民收入产生影响。 A.政府转移支付 B.政府购买 C.消费支出 D.出口 10、中央银行降低再贴现率,会使银行准备金()。 A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.以上都有可能 11、中央银行在公开市场卖出政府债券是企图()。 A.收集一笔资金帮助政府弥补财政赤字 B.减少商业银行在中央银行的存款 C.减少流通中基础货币以紧缩货币供给 D.通过买卖债券获取差价利益 12、如果某商品的需求收入弹性大于1,则该商品属于()。 A.高档品 B.必需品 C.低档物 D.生活用品 13、已知某消费者的收入是200元,商品X的价格是20元,商品Y的价格是6元。假定他打算购买7单位X和10单位Y,这时商品X和Y的边际效用分别是50和18,如要获取最大效用,他应该()。 A.停止购买 B.增购X,减少Y的购买量 C.增购Y,减少X的购买量 D.同时增购X、Y 14、国民生产净值等于国民生产总值减去()。 A.折旧 B.间接税 C.所得税 D.政府的转移支付 15、一般认为,只有在()市场上,企业的生产成本从长期来看才是最低的,市场机制才能实现资源的有效配置。 A.寡头垄断 B.垄断竞争 C.完全竞争 D.不完全竞争 16、现代西方宏观经济学的研究正式开始的标志是()。 A.《国富论》 B.《就业、利息和货币通论》 C.《经济学原理》 D.《经济学:原理、问题和政策》 17、如果其他各种条件均保持不变,当X商品的互补品Y商品的价格上升时,对X商品的需求:()。 A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.无法确定 18、在研究消费者行为时,我们需要假定消费者是追求效用最大化的和理性的,这是()假设。 A.社会人 B.经济人 C.复杂人 D.自我实现人

经济学原理 曼昆第五版英文答案Chapter21

than the substitution effect, Sam will save less for the future and increase consumption when young. 7. Because of this ambiguity, it is not clear how changing the way interest income is taxed will affect overall savings rates. SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS: Quick Quizzes 1. A person with an income of $1,000 could purchase $1,000/$5 = 200 pints of Pepsi if she spent all of her income on Pepsi or she could purchase $1,000/$10 = 100 pizzas if she spent all of her income on pizza. Thus, the point representing 200 pints of Pepsi and no pizzas is the vertical intercept and the point representing 100 pizzas and no Pepsi is the horizontal intercept of the budget constraint, as shown in Figure 1. The slope of the budget constraint is the rise over the run, or -200/100 = -2. Figure 1 2. Figure 2 shows indifference curves between Pepsi and pizza. The four properties of these indifference curves are: (1) higher indifference curves are preferred to lower ones because consumers prefer more of a good to less of it; (2) indifference curves are downward sloping because if the quantity of one good is reduced, the quantity of the other good must increase in order for the consumer to be equally happy; (3) indifference curves do not cross because if they did, the assumption that more is preferred to less would be violated; and (4) indifference curves are bowed inward because people are more willing to trade away goods that they have in abundance and less willing to trade away goods of which they have little.


曼昆《经济学原理》(第五版)习题解答 目录 第一章经济学十大原理1 第二章像经济学家一样思考7 第三章相互依存性与贸易的好处14 第四章供给与需求的市场力量22 第五章弹性及其应用31 第六章供给、需求与政府政策41 第七章消费者、生产者与市场效率50 第八章应用:赋税的代价58 第九章应用:国际贸易65 第十章外部性75 第十一章公共物品和公共资源84 第十二章税制的设计91 第十三章生产成本99 第十四章竞争市场上的企业109 第十五章垄断121 第十六章垄断竞争135 第十七章寡头143 第十八章生产要素市场153 第十九章收入与歧视162 第二十章收入不平等与贫困169 第二十一章消费者选择理论177 第二十二章微观经济学前沿187 第二十三章一国收入的衡量195 第二十四章生活费用的衡量204 第二十五章生产与增长210 第二十六章储蓄、投资和金融体系214 第二十七章基本金融工具221 第二十八章失业226 第一篇导言 第一章经济学十大原理 复习题 1.列举三个你在生活中面临的重要权衡取舍的例子。 答:①大学毕业后,面临着是否继续深造的选择,选择继续上学攻读研究生学位,就意味着在今后三年中放

弃参加工作、赚工资和积累社会经验的机会;②在学习内容上也面临着很重要的权衡取舍,如果学习《经济学》, 就要减少学习英语或其他专业课的时间;③对于不多的生活费的分配同样面临权衡取舍,要多买书,就要减少在 吃饭、买衣服等其他方面的开支。 2.看一场电影的机会成本是什么? 答:看一场电影的机会成本是在看电影的时间里做其他事情所能获得的最大收益,例如:看书、打零工。 3.水是生活必需的。一杯水的边际利益是大还是小呢? 答:这要看这杯水是在什么样的情况下喝,如果这是一个人五分钟内喝下的第五杯水,那么他的边际利益很 小,有可能为负;如果这是一个极度干渴的人喝下的第一杯水,那么他的边际利益将会极大。4.为什么决策者应该考虑激励? 答:因为人们会对激励做出反应,而政策会影响激励。如果政策改变了激励,它将使人们改变自己的行为, 当决策者未能考虑到行为如何由于政策的原因而变化时,他们的政策往往会产生意想不到的效果。 5.为什么各国之间的贸易不像一场比赛一样有赢家和输家呢? 答:因为贸易使各国可以专门从事自己最擅长的活动,并从中享有更多的各种各样的物品与劳务。通过贸易 使每个国家可供消费的物质财富增加,经济状况变得更好。因此,各个贸易国之间既是竞争对手,又是经济合作 伙伴。在公平的贸易中是“双赢”或者“多赢”的结果。 6.市场中的那只“看不见的手”在做什么呢? 答:市场中那只“看不见的手”就是商品价格,价格反映商品自身的价值和社会成本,市场中的企业和家庭 在作出买卖决策时都要关注价格。因此,他们也会不自觉地考虑自己行为的(社会)收益和成本。从而,这只“看 不见的手”指引着千百万个体决策者在大多数情况下使社会福利趋向最大化。 7.解释市场失灵的两个主要原因,并各举出一个例子。 答:市场失灵的主要原因是外部性和市场势力。 外部性是一个人的行为对旁观者福利的影响。当一个人不完全承担(或享受)他的行为所造成的成本(或收益) 时,就会产生外部性。举例:如果一个人不承担他在公共场所吸烟的全部成本,他就会毫无顾忌地吸烟。在这种 情况下,政府可以通过制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的规章制度来增加经济福利。 市场势力是指一个人(或一小群人)不适当地影响市场价格的能力。例如:某种商品的垄断生产者由于几乎不 受市场竞争的影响,可以向消费者收取过高的垄断价格。在这种情况下,规定垄断者收取的价格有可能提高经济 效率。 8.为什么生产率是重要的? 答:因为一国的生活水平取决于它生产物品与劳务的能力,而对这种能力的最重要的衡量度就是生产率。生


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.


2005年秋季学期《经济学原理》期末试题 注意:请全部用中文回答(留学生可用英文)。试卷的答案必须写在答题册上才有效,请记住在答题册上写下姓名和学号。 Good luck! 一、判断题(判断并必须说明理由,可以用文字或图形。每题5分,共40分) 注意以下各题中出现的斜体字部分是已知条件,不用做出判断。 1.垄断厂商的定价总是选择在其需求曲线缺乏弹性(即需求价格弹性小于1)的地方。 错。垄断者选择在弹性大于1的地方生产。参见作业第15章第13题答案。 2. 如果一个行业的企业的定价在边际成本以上,经济学家就认定存在市场势力。小王这么说,一个行业所有的企业的成本情况都相同,且利润都等于零,那么该行业一定不存在市场势力。请判断小王的说法。 不对,垄断竞争企业的长期利润等于零,但是存在市场势力(定价高于边际成本)。 3.由于存在边际产量递减,所以企业的长期平均总成本曲线最终会向上弯曲。 不对,边际产量递减是短期平均成本曲线向上弯曲的原因。长期平均成本曲线向上弯曲的原因是规模不经济。 4.虽然某垄断厂商所面临的需求曲线从D1变为D2,但是有可能该厂商所生产的产品数量不变。请用图形来说明你的判断(不用图形,即使判断正确也扣3分)。 正确。如下图: 5.价格歧视虽然增加了垄断者的利润但是也都对经济效率带来了无谓损失。 错误,完全价格歧视就没有任何效率损失。 6.在完全竞争的情况下所有的农民采用新技术降低了小麦的生产边际成本(随着边际成本的 P Q D2 D1 MR1 MR2 MC P2 P1

降低,平均成本也会向下移动),结果小麦的供给上升,价格下降,由于小麦的需求缺乏弹性,那么农民的收入下降,这就是“谷贱伤农”。既然情况如此,为什么每个农民都希望发明新技术来降低边际成本呢?小王的解释是对于每个农民来讲,采用新技术是其优势战略,所以出现了斜体字部分所描述的那种“谷贱伤农”情况;小张的解释是每个农民都采用新技术是一种纳什均衡状况,但不是优势战略均衡状况。小张的说法正确,小王的说法错误。错误。根据题中的条件可以知道采用新技术是每个农民的优势战略。理由是当其他农民都不采用新技术时,采用新技术(正利润)要好于不采用新技术(利润为零);当其他农民都采用新技术时,采用新技术(利润为零)也要好于不采用新技术(亏本)。 7. 一个完全竞争行业处于长期均衡,然后政府决定对于该行业的每个企业(注意只要进入该行业即可获得补贴)给予一次性的补贴(即补贴与产量无关)。给予补贴后,该行业再一次达到长期均衡。小王认为,补贴并达到长期均衡后,补贴前就已经在该行业的边际企业的产量将下降。 正确,因为补贴使得平均成本下降(边际成本不会变化),每个原有企业获得正利润,吸引其他企业进入,市场价格下降,原有的边际企业就会沿着边际成本减少产量。 8.当对一个完全竞争行业进行价格上限管制(该价格上限低于市场均衡价格)时,达到长期均衡后,该价格上限等于边际企业的边际成本,同时也等于该企业的最低平均总成本。 正确。限制性价格上限低于市场均衡价格,使得一部分企业退出市场。达到长期均衡后,边际企业的经济利润等于零。即限制性价格上限等于边际成本,也等于最低平均成本。 二、选择题(每题3分且只有一个正确答案。共30分) 1.Accounting profit is equal to (i) total revenue – implicit costs. (ii) total revenue – opportunity costs. (iii) economic profit + implicit costs. A. (i) only B. (iii) only C. (i) and (ii) D. None of the above are correct. 2. Because each oligopolist cares about its own profit rather than the collective profit of all the oligopolists together, A. they are unable to maintain the same degree of monopoly power enjoyed by a monopolist. B. each firm’s profit always ends up being zero. C. society is worse off as a result. D. All of the above are correct. 3. As new firms enter a monopolistically competitive market, profits of existing firms A. rise and product diversity in the market increases. B. rise and product diversity in the market decreases. C. decline and product diversity in the market increases. D. decline and product diversity in the market decreases. 4.垄断厂商的边际成本曲线是MC=8,该厂商所面临的需求曲线是P=40-Q,其中P代表价格,Q代表数量。下面哪个产量使得该垄断厂商的利润最大: A 32 B 16


第20章货币制度 1、为什么银行不持有百分百的准备金银行持有的准备金量和银行体系所创造的货币量有什么关系 参考答案: 银行不持有百分百的准备金是因为把存款用于放贷并收取利息比持有全部存款更有利可图。银行持有的准备金量和银行体系通过货币乘数所创造的货币量是相关的。银行的准备金率越低,货币乘数越大,所以银行存款的每一元钱可以创造更多的货币 2、考察以下情况如何影响经济的货币制度。 a、假设雅普岛的居民发现了一种制造石轮的简单方法。这种发现如何影响石轮作为货币的有用性呢并解释之。 b、假设美国某个人发现了一种仿造100美元钞票的简单办法。这种发现将如何影响美国的货币制度呢并解释之。 参考答案: a、如果有一种制造石轮的简单方法,雅普岛上的居民就会制造多余的石轮,只要每个石轮的货币价值大于制造它的成本。结果,人们会自己制造货币,于是就有太多的货币被制造出来。最有可能的是,人们会停止接受石轮作为货币,而转向其他资产作为交换的媒介 b. 如果美国有人发现了伪造百元面值美钞的简单方法,他们就会大量地生产这种假钞,而降低百元美钞的价值,结果可能是转为使用另一种通货。 3、伯列戈瑞德州银行(BSB)有亿美元存款,并保持10%的准备率。 a)列出BSB的T账户。 b)现在假设BSB的大储户从其账户中提取了1000万美元现金。如果BSB决定通过减 少其未清偿贷款量来恢复其准备率,说明它的新T账户。 c)解释BSB的行动对其他银行有什么影响 d)为什么BSB要采取(b)中所描述的行为是困难的讨论BSB恢复其原来准备金率的另 一种方法。 参考答案: a. BSB的T账户如下:: b. 当BSB的大储户提取了1000万美金现金,而BSB通过减少其未清偿贷款量来恢复其准备率,它的T账户如下:


Examine why people tend to use common r esour ces too much Consider some of the impor tant common r esour ces in our economy Consider some of the impor tant public goods in our economy Lear n t he def ini ng characteristics of public goods and common r esour ces Examine why private markets fail to pr ovide public goods See why the cost-benefit analysis of public goods is both necessar y and dif ficult An old song lyric maintains that “the best things in life are free.” A moment’s thought reveals a long list of goods that the songwriter could have had in mind. Na-ture provides some of them, such as rivers, mountains, beaches, lakes, and oceans.The government provides others, such as playgrounds, parks, and parades. In each case, people do not pay a fee when they choose to enjoy the benefit of the good.Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysis. Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets, where buyers pay for what they receive and sellers are paid for what they provide. For these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers. When goods are available free of charge,however, the market forces that normally allocate resources in our economy are absent. In this chapter we examine the problems that arise for goods without market prices. Our analysis will shed light on one of the Ten Principles of Economics P U B L I C G O O D S A N D C O M M O N R E S O U R C E S 225



经济学试题 一、选择题(本题共5分,每小题2分,共10分) 1、边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和() A. 大于 1 B. 小于1 C. 等于1 2、根据简单的国民收入决定模型,引起国民收入减少的原因是() A. 消费减少 B. 储蓄减少 C. 消费增加 3、在IS曲线不变的情况下,货币量减少会引起() A. 国民收入增加,利率下降 B. 国民收入增加,利率上升 C. 国民收入减少,利率上升 4、在LM曲线不变的情况下,自发总需求增加会引起()A.国民收入增加,利率上升 B. 国民收入增加,利率不变C.国民收入增加,利率下降 5、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致() A. 减少货币供给量,降低利率 B. 增加货币供给量,提高利率 C. 减少货币供给量,提高利率 二、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1、国民生产总值:

2、财政政策: 3、货币政策: 4、充分就业: 5、通货膨胀: 三、简答题(本题共10分) 1.说明经济增长的含义,指出名义经济增长和实际经济增长含义的不同。(6分)

2.指出可能对经济增长做出贡献的两种经济因素,并说明它们是如何对经济增长做出贡献的。(4分) 四、计算题(本题10分) 假定货币需求为L=0.2Y—4r,名义货币供给M=600,价格水平P=3,消费C=150+0.6YD,税收T=60,投资I=150—5r,政府支出G=80 (1)求IS和LM曲线 (2)求产品市场和货币市场同时均衡的利率、收入和投资

五、论述题(本题共10分) 试述通货膨胀的起因及应对方法

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