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v. p lan carefully how much of sth. will be needed (为...)作出安排

S he has learned how to budget her time carefully.


T he government has budgeted 10 million dollars for education spending.


vi. p lan the spending of money carefully制定预算

A s a student, you have to learn how to budget.


n. [C] the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on sth.预算

I t is important to balance one's budget.


T hey are preparing the company's advertising budget for 2007.



v. a sk sb. for an amount of money for a service 向...收费,要价

W e do not charge for delivery.


T he doctor charged us 400 dollars for a five-minute examination.



a. 1. quick to notice sth. 敏感的;敏锐的

D ogs have an acute sense of smell.


T he critical professional requires unusually acute observation.


2. very serious or severe严重的

T he president suffered acute embarrassment from this news.


H e felt acute pain on his back.



n. [C] (计时用的)沙漏

T he use of the hourglass dates back to almost two thousand years ago in




a. u nable to keep still because one is nervous, bored, or impatient 烦躁的;不


A fter one month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave.


T he children grew restless with the long wait.



ad. i n a restless manner; impatiently 烦躁地;不安静地

S he walked back and forth restlessly in her room.


H e moved about restlessly, lighting a cigarette.



vt. p ush sb. with the elbows 用肘推(或撞)人

H e elbowed me out of the way.


S he elbowed her way forward.


n. [C] the joint where the arm bends肘

H e sat with his elbows on the table.


H is arm was wrapped from the elbow to the fingers.



a. 1. (of behavior) rough; offensive 粗鲁的,无礼的

T he manager was offended by his abrupt reply.


T he head teacher is very abrupt with parents.


2. sudden and unexpected突然的,意外的

T he road is full of many abrupt turns.


H is abrupt departure surprised everyone.



a. b eginning; starting 开始的

H e left after the opening speech of the debate.


T he queen attended the opening night of the theatre.


n. 1. [C] an occasion when a new building, road, etc. is used for the first time, esp. one that involves a ceremony开业典礼;落成典礼

t he opening of a new highway


M any attended the opening of the new sports center.


2. [C] a position that is available in a business or firm空缺职位

T here are few openings in publishing for new graduates.


I'm trying to apply for an opening in an advertising firm.



a. d one regularly and in the same way 例行的;惯常的

E very day the work begins with the ritual greetings.


T hey made ritual apology and left.


n. [C, U] sth. done regularly and in the same way惯例

W ives make a ritual of their household duties.


I've wound up the clock so many times that it has become a ritual.



n. 1. [C, U] communication 交流

T he interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.


I f there was more interaction between the two, their problems would be solved.


2. [C, U] a process by which two or more things affect each other相互作用;


t he interaction of two medicines


T he interaction between different police forces would improve the rate of solving crimes.



n. 1. [C, U] general, usu. unspoken agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations 习俗;惯例

B y convention, the leader is always a man.


W earing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion.


2. [C] a meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc.会议;大会T hey hold the annual convention in July.


T he convention decided on a new rule.



n. 1. [U] time free from work or other duties; spare time 空闲,闲暇

W e've been working all week without a moment's leisure.


H e has some leisure from his studies.


2. [U] ease悠闲,安逸

A life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous.


A fter she retired, she lived in leisure at home.



a. w ithout hurrying 从容的;不匆忙的

w alk at a leisurely pace


H e walked at a more leisurely pace.



vt. j udge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of sb. or sth. 评价,评估

T hey assessed the value of the house at $600,000.


T hey say they can assess intelligence from these tests.



n. (pl.) all the objects, conditions, etc. that are around and may affect sb. or sth.; environment 周围的事物;环境

p leasant surroundings


T he new surroundings made the children very happy.



v. t ry to find out the truth about sth. 调查;探究

T he matter must be probed to the bottom.


S he tried to probe his mind to find out what he was thinking.


n. [C]探针(医生检查伤口用的钝头细长工具)

T he doctor lost the probe during the operation.



a. 1. relating to society and people's lives in general 社会的

G overnments have made efforts to improve women's social and economic



N ot least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men.


2. relating to meeting people and spending time with them社交的

S he often attends social gatherings.


H is reasons for calling were purely social.



ad. 与社会(或社交) 相关地

W e have known each other socially for a long time.


F or socially ambitious couples this is a problem.



vi. (of a clock or watch) make a short repeated sound (钟、表等)滴答响T he old clock ticked noisily.


M y watch doesn't tick because it's electronic.


n. [sing.] the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes(钟、表的)滴答声

T he continual tick of the clock got on my nerves.


T he ticks seem to be coming from that bag over there.



ad. a s a result 因此,所以

M y car broke down and consequently I was late.


I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little

to spend on food during the last few days of the holidays.



n. 1. [C] a machine or tool for a special purpose 器械,装置

H e made a device to make the door shut by itself.


A computer is a device for processing information.


2. [C] a way of doing sth.方法,手段

H er illness is only a device to escape seeing him.


B y various devices he was able to make a huge fortune.



n. [C] 传真;传真机

I'll send you a fax with the details of the meeting.


I'll send you the agreement by fax.



n. [C, U] (also e-mail) 电子邮件

N owadays people send far more emails than letters by post.


T hey keep in touch by email.



prep. t aking sth. into account; considering 如果考虑到

G iven the uncertainty over my husband's future I was left with little other



G iven the circumstances, you've done really well.



n. [C] a meeting 集会,聚会

I met him once or twice at family gatherings.


S oon afterwards, the gathering broke up and the guests took their leave.



n. [U] the quality of not showing or including personal feelings 不牵涉个人感情;


I t was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so

long as you could master its rules.


a. 1. using devices such as radios, televisions, computers, etc. 使用电子设备的

T his dictionary is available in electronic form.


I've only now become familiar with the benefits of electronic banking.


2. produced or operated by a flow of electrons电子的

a n electronic address book


a n electronic game



n. [sing., U] the importance of an event, action, etc. 重要性;重要意义

C ould you explain to me the significance of this part of the agreement?


F ew people realized the significance of the discovery.



vt. 1. carry out 进行;实施

c onduct an experiment


W e have been conducting a survey of the region.


2. act as the path for electricity, heat, etc.传导(电或热)

C opper conducts electricity well.


H e wasn't sure if rubber conducted electricity.


n. [U] the way sb. behaves行为,举止

T he prisoner was set free early because of good conduct.


N obody can stand such shameless conduct.



ad. m ore and more 日益;愈加

I ncreasingly, people are realizing that our basic problems are not economic



T he country became increasingly rich and successful.



n. [C] a formal meeting (正式)会议

T he Institute of Accountants is holding its conference in Edinburgh this year.


S he's an organizer of the International Conference on AIDS that the

university has every year.



n. [C] (通过电话、电视等手段召开的)远程会议

H olding a teleconference can save time and money.


T he technicians were busy preparing for today's teleconference.



vt. g et sth. that one wants 获得,得到

H e always manages to obtain what he wants.


F urther information can be obtained from our head office.



a. e xtremely good 极好的

T he sports center is superb.


T he view from my window is superb.



conj. i n contrast; while 然而;但是

H e earns $8,000 whereas she gets at least $20,000 every year.


S he is hard-working, whereas he is lazy.



a. r elating to post; sent by post 邮政的;邮寄的

D omestic postal services will be reviewed this year.



a. w orking well and without wasting time, money, or energy 效率高的

a very efficient secretary


L ighting is now more energy efficient.



a. n ot polite 无礼的,失礼的

I t would be impolite to leave in the middle of the meeting.


S he had no wish to appear impolite but there was something about the man that made her so.



vi. (of time) pass (时间)过去,逝去

T hree years have elapsed since we last met.


F our years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn't found a job.



a. (BrE skilful) having or showing ability to do sth. well 熟练的;有技巧的

H e is skillful at inventing excuses.


S oon they became very skillful in answering such questions.



n. [U] ( BrE skilfulness) 熟练;技巧

H e was admired by all for his skillfulness.


H is performance tonight speaks volumes for his skillfulness.



a. h aving the necessary ability, skill, knowledge, etc. 有能力的;能干的;胜任的

H e's not competent to look after young children.


M y secretary is perfectly competent, but she doesn't have much patience.



(BrE fulfil)

vt. 1. do what one must do履行;执行

f ulfill an obligation


A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.


2. achieve sth. one wanted to do实现;完成

I have fulfilled many of my youthful aims.


V isiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.



n. [sing., U] money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business 资本;资金

O ur return on capital has more than doubled since 2000.

2000年以来, 我们的投资收益翻了一番还多。

S ince the stock market crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by

selling new stock.


fall behind

move more slowly than other people so that one is behind them 落在...后面She hurt her ankle and fell behind the others.


His mother was chatting and didn't notice that he had fallen behind.


result in

make sth. happen; cause 导致;造成...的结果

Our efforts resulted in success.


If left untreated, the condition will eventually result in blindness.


run out

1. (of food, money, etc.) there is none left 用完;耗尽

Their supplies soon ran out.


We must act quickly because time is running out.


2. use all of sth. and not have any left 用完;耗尽

We can see that the manager is running out of his patience.


The printer has run out of paper.


in a rush

in a hurry 匆忙地

I'm in such a rush that I can't stop.


Everybody is always in a rush to get ready in the mornings.


go with

exist or take place at the same time with sth. else 同时发生;伴随

Money does not always go with happiness.


Responsibility goes with becoming a father.


work at

put effort into sth. or doing sth. 致力于;从事

I've been working at my essay all day.


You will have to work at the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination.


in person

doing sth. by oneself 亲身;亲自

The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.


I had seen her before on TV, but she looked very different when I met her in person.


due to

because of sth. 由于

His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the way.


His hunger was due to not eating for the entire day.


pour into

give a lot of effort, money, etc. to sth. 大量投入(精力或金钱等)

They've poured thousands of dollars into developing the business.


A lot of his time was poured into his research.



高一英语必修二UNIT1单词与词组练习 一?单词拼写 1. She is an able girl and she ______________ (设计)all her dresses. 2. I _____________ (想象)he' s pretty happy. 3. She _____________ (搬走)the painting to ano ther wall. 4. He bought me a ______________ ()diam ond ring as a birthday prese nt. 5. The great hall was ______________ (装饰)with flowers. 6. Catheri ne works at the l ____________ post o 「ffice. 7. He lets his daughter ___________ (挑选)her own birthday present in the shop. 8. On arriving at the hotel , I approached 走近the r ______________ desk to check in. 9. He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of e ____________ . 10. Three children were r from the school for their bad behavior. 11. The gloves were ___________ (设计)for extremely cold climates. 12. The island is deserted , and the chanee of _______________ of the five ___________ of the shipwreck is slim.(survive) 13. _______________________ All of us were ________ at his really tale nt (才华)for music.(amaze) 14. Don' t f _______ that you can succeed without hard work. 1. Tom bought her a watch _________________________ her help.(以答谢她的帮助) 2. 那些男孩去找吃的东西 The boy went _______________________________ somethi ng to eat. 3. 那时候我们对刘翔比赛时摔倒的消息感到惊讶。 At that time we ___________________________ the n ews that Liu Xia ng fell off in the games. 4. _________________________________________________ 他在英语方面的进步很大,这令我惊讶。 , he has made great progress. 5. It is __________ _____________ a mile to the beach . 离海滨不至U—英里 6. 那本封面是绿色的书很值得一读。 The book whose cover is gree n is __________________________________ .


Tuck Verb 1.draw together into folds or puckers Synonym: gather pucker 2. fit snugly into e.g. insert your ticket into the slot tuck your shirttail in Synonym: insert 3. make a tuck or several folds in e.g. tuck the fabric Verdant Adj 1.characterized by abundance of verdure Spectacularly Adv 1. in a spectacular manner E.g. the area was spectacularly scenic Synonym: stunningly Awe-inspiring Adj 1. inspiring awe or admiration or wonder E.g. New York is an amazing city Synonym: Amazing awesome awful awing Lush Adj 1. Produced or growing in extreme abundance e.g. their riotous blooming 2. full of juice e.g. lush fruits 3. characterized by extravagance and profusion

e.g. a lavish buffet Synonym: lavish Quintessentially Adv. representing a perfect or typical example of something. Compact Adj 1. Closely and firmly united or packed together e.g. compact soil compact clusters of flowers 2. briefly giving the gist of something e.g. a short and compendious book a compact style is brief and pithy 3. having a short and solid form or stature E.g. a wrestler of compact build Synonym: Heavyset Verb 1. Squeeze or press together E.g. she compressed her lips the spasm contracted the muscle 2. make more compact by or as if by pressing E.g. compress the data Synonym: Compress pack together 3. Compress into a wad E.g. wad paper into the box 4. Have the property of being packable or of compacting easily E.g. this powder compacts easily Such odd-shaped items do not pack well Synonym: pack Stride Verb 1. Cover or traverse by taking long steps

unit1 单词和短语

Unit1 单词和短语 红色字体要求背诵 单词 hamburger n.[C]汉堡包 fry炸薯条.v. 炸;煎 cultural adj.文化(上)的 symbol n.[C]象征;标志(物) southern adj.南方的;属于南方的 arch n.[C]圆拱;拱形物 danger n.[U]危险 destroy vt.毁坏;破坏 damage vt.损坏;损害n.[U]损坏; 损害 earthquake n. [C]地震 *resident n.[C]居民;定居者adj.居住(在某地)的 public n.公众;大众;民众adj.1.公共的;公用的2.公众事务的 location n.[C]位置;场所 drive-thru n.[C]免下车餐馆:免下车银行 inspector n.[C]检查员;督察员 structure n.1.[C]建筑物;结构体2.IC;U]结构;构造 afford vt.买得起;担负得起 amount /a'maunt/n.[C;U]数额;数量;总数 claim /kleim/v.1.声称;断言;宣称2.认领; 要求;索取(应得的权利或财物) actually adv.实际上 deny vt.否认;不承认 local adj.当地的;地方性的 historian n.[C]历史学家 explanation n.[C;U]解释;说明 rewrite vt.重写;修改 national adj. 1.国家的;民族的;国内的2.国有的;国立的; 国营的 register n.[C]名册;登记簿; 记录册v. 登记;注册 historic adj. 有重大历史意义的;历史性的 *abandon vt.放弃;中止 peace n.1.[和平;和平共处2.[U]平静;安宁 board n.1.[C]长而薄的木板2.[C]委员会;董事会vt.登上(船或其他公共交通工具) moment n. 片刻;瞬间 短语:Phrases and Expressions tear down 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁 in danger of 处于. 危险之中 agree with 同意;意见一致 line of thinking 思路;想法 can afford to do 花得起;有能力去做(某


冀教版七年级下Unit 1英语单词表trip n. 旅行,旅程 silk n. 丝,丝绸 road n. 路,公路 lead (led led) v.带领,指路 * Martin n.马丁(姓氏) note n. 便笺,笔记 chance n. 机会,运气 send (sent sent) v.寄,送 news n. 新闻,消息 exciting adj. 使人激动的 along prep. 沿着 kilometer n. 千米,公里 special adj.特殊的,特别的culture n. 文化 arrive v. 到达,抵达 * Terra Cotta Warrior 兵马俑 leave (left left) v.动身,出发,离开 * Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔 hit (hit hit) v.击,击中 ancient adj. 古代的,古老的 * drum n.鼓 ring (rang rung) v. 敲(钟),打,按(铃),鸣,响 bell n. 钟,铃 enjoy v. 喜欢,享受……的乐趣 dish n. 菜肴,盘,碟 tour n.& v. 旅游,游行 guide n. 导游,向导 * pit n. 坑,深坑,陷阱 move v. 移动,搬动 * sign n. 招牌,记号 group n. 群,组,团体 bridge n. 桥梁 cross v. 横跨,横穿 wide adj.宽的,广泛的 * cheese n. 干酪,奶酪 another adj. & pron.另外的,又一;另一个 * amazing adj. 惊奇的,惊人的 main adj. 主要的 sand n. 沙,沙地 * cave n. 洞窟,山洞 believe v. 相信 * Marco Polo 马可.波罗 * camel n. 骆驼

6A Unit1~7单元单词 词组 句型 语法的总结

Unit 1 Public signs 单词:(30’) cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹, question问题, public公共的, sign标志, mean意思是, bin箱子danger危险, must必须, away(离)开, grass草, off脱离,(离)开, cage笼子, quiet安静, noise噪声, know知道, conversation对话, complete完全的, smoke吸烟, litter乱丢, cycle骑自行车, back回, suddenly突然地, note钞票,纸币, match比赛, around在周围,四面, nearby附近的, keeper看守人, point指出, fine罚款, rubbish废物, 词组: 1. 禁止停车 No parking 2. 禁止吸烟No smoking 3. 禁止吃喝No eating or drinking 4. 禁止践踏 keep off the grass 5. 禁止乱丢杂物No littering 6. 禁止触摸 Do not touch 7. 安静Keep / Be quiet 8. 朝他走去 come up to him 9. 罚款5元 FINE ¥5 10. 在鸟笼上 on the birds’ cage 11. 指向 point to 24. 进去 go in 12. 只有四岁 only four years old 13. 有许多问题 have a lot of questions 14. 问问题 ask question 15. 公共标志 public signs 16. 禁止骑车 No cycling 17. 在危险中 in danger 18. 制造噪音 make noise 19. 散步take a walk 20. 走向纸币 walk to the note 21. 一个公园看守员a park keeper 22. 环顾 look around 23. 在草地上走 walk on the grass 25. 建筑物上的标志the sign on the building 26. 远离 stay away from 句型: 1. 这个标牌是什么意思?What does this sign mean? 它意指“危险”。It means “Danger”. 2.那个标牌什么意思? What does that sign mean? 它意指你不应该在草地上走。It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass. 3.它是什么意思?What does it mean? 它意指你应该远离建筑物。 It means you should stay away from the building. 4.我现在可以看电视了吗? Can I watch TV now? 不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。 No, you can’t. You should do your homework first. 5.杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。 Jack is only four years old, but he always has a lot of questions. 6.他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。 He is asking Ben some questions about public signs. 7.我可以进去吗?Can I go in? 不,你不可以。你必须远离这座建筑物。 No, you can’t. You should stay away from the building. 部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming; 如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch. 2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别 must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth. should(shouldn’t)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。


高一英语上册Unit1重要单词词组汇总 Unit1必会习语 .hatissb.lie? hatdoessb.loolie? hatdoessb.lie? Hodoessblie/findsth? argueithsb.aboutsth因…和某人争执 enjoy/hatesth/doingsth so/nor/neither+系动/助动/情动+主语 Soitisith...;Itisthesaeith... beinto对…深感兴趣=beinterestedin;have/shointerestin befondof喜欢carefor;lie;enjoy; surftheinternet上网冲浪 allthetie一直总是 iaginethat...;iaginedoingsth iaginesbtobe想像某人是 cHUc’S FRIEND castaay抛弃 so…that…/such…that…如此…以致… Heassoexcitedthathecouldnotspea.

Soexcitedashethathecouldnotspea. Itassuchalovelydaythatedecidedtogoouting. Itassolovelyadaythatedecidedtogoouting. Itisausingthatsuchlittlebirdseatsouchfood. thePacificocean;theAtlanticocean; theIndianocean;thearcticocean; 0.survivethecrash在空难中幸存 1.adesertedisland荒岛 allalone独自=allbyoneself 区别:alone单独的;独自的lonely孤独的;寂寞的 3.huntfor搜寻寻找searchfor; .aefire生火 3.inorderto为了soasto;inorderthat;sothat .eventhough/evenif即使,纵然asif/asthough .treat…as/lie…把…当作regard...as...;thinof...as .sharesth.ithsb.与…分享sharesth分享 .careabout/for关心,照顾,喜欢 caretodosth愿意做;careforsbtodosth愿意某人做 care+从句愿意;介意 .shouldhavedone本来应该=oughttohavedone .aefriendsith与…交朋友


必修一unit 1单词 △survey n.调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.(upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm(…)down(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来have got to不得不;必须 concern javascript:;vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到; n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose [lu:s]javascript:;adj. 松的;松开的△vet n.兽医 go through经历;经受 △Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands n.荷兰(西欧国家) △Jewish javascript:;犹太人的;犹太族的

German javascript:;adj.德国的;德国人的; 德语的; n.德国人;德语 △Nazi n.纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 set down记下;放下;登记 series javascript:;n.连续;系列 a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 △Kitty n. 基蒂(女名) outdoors javascript:;adv.在户外;在野外△ spellbind javascript:;vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;on purpose javascript:;故意in order to为了…… dusk javascript:;n. 黄昏;傍晚 at dusk在黄昏时刻 thunder javascript:;vi. 打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声 entire javascript:;adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地power n. 能力;力量;权力 face to face面对面地 curtain javascript:;n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布dusty javascript:;adj.积满灰尘的


人教版八年下册 Unit 1 解 matter n.事件;(、考等的);vi. 要,重要;有重大影响;有重要性复数matters 去式mattered 去分mattered 在分mattering 三:matters sore adj.疼痛的;使人心的;怒的;n.(肌肤的)痛,; 形复数:sores adv.sorely 疼痛地;非常;烈地n .soreness 悲;痛苦; sore throat 咽喉痛 sore eyes 眼痛 have a sore throat 嗓子疼 stomachache n.胃痛,腹痛; 形复数:stomachaches have a stomachache胃痛;肚子疼 foot n.脚;底部;脚步 vt.走,踏; vt.& vi. 算,,共; 形复数 feet 去式 footed 去分: footed 在分: footing 三: foots on foot 步行;在行中 at the foot of 在?(山)脚下;在?的下部 under foot adv. 在地面;在脚底 neck n.,脖子;衣;海峡;vt.使; 形复数: necks 去式 necked 去分 necked 在分 necking 三: necks stomach['st?m?k]n.胃;腹部 throat [θr??t] n.咽喉;喉 fever['fi:v ?] n. 怎表达某人生了什么病 (1)当主第三人称数,“ have要”改“ has。” (2)当表示疾病的名以元音音素开,冠“ a要” “ an。” 句型构表达“某人生了什么病”的句型构: sb.+have/has+a/an+病痛名称.重点解析在此句型中, have 表示“生病”,后常跟表示疾病的名,是很常的法,常用于口。 其他常的表示“生了?? 病”的短如下: have a cold 感冒, have a fever , have a toothache 牙疼, have an earache耳疼,have a flu 得了流行性感冒, have a stomachache胃疼。 知拓展除了have之外,有一些也可以表示“生了?? 病”。 (1)take, catch 均可以表示“生病”且有“感染”之意。美国人多用take,英国人用 catch。例如: Tom takes cold easily. 姆易患感冒。 His baby catches scarlet fever他.的孩子得了猩。 (2)get 常作“生病” ,后接表示疾病的名。例如:My uncle gets a flu. 我叔叔得了 流行性感冒。 lie vi. 躺;;位于;展vt.n. 言;位置lie in 在于?;lie down 躺下 lain,laid,lied,lay,lying的区 lie 去式去分在分1)躺lay lain lying 2)lied lied lyinglay 1)下蛋laid laid laying2) 放置 laid laid laying rest


Unit 1 Public signs 单词: 堂(表)兄弟问题 公共的 标志 意思是危险 必须 (离)开 草 不接近 笼子 安静 噪声 某事 快地 总是 吸烟 丢,扔 骑自行车 停放 突然地 钞票,纸币 比赛 在周围,四面 附近的 看守人 指出 罚款 废物 垃圾箱 词组: 1.禁止停车 2.禁止吸烟 3.禁止吃喝 4.禁止践踏草坪 5.禁止乱丢杂物 6.禁止触摸 7.安静8.朝他走去 9.罚款5元 10.在鸟笼上 11.指向 24.进去 12.只有四岁 13.有许多问题 14.问问题 15.公共标志 16.禁止骑车 17.在危险中 18.制造噪音 19.散步 20.走向纸币 21.一公园看守员 22.环顾 23.在草地上走 25.建筑上的标志 26.远离 27.禁止拍照 28.穿绿色衣服 29.穿红色连衣裙 的女孩 30.作为早餐 31.握手 32.再试一次 33.一张十元钞票 句型: 1.这个标牌是什么意思?它意指“危险”。 2.那个标牌什么意思?它意指你不应该在草地上走。 3.它是什么意思?它意指你应该远离建筑物。. 4.我现在可以看电视了吗?不,你不可以。你应该先做你的家庭作业。 5.杰克只有四岁,但他总是有许多问题要问。 6.他正在问本一些有关公共标志的问题。 7.我可以进去吗?不,你不可以。你必须远离这座建筑物。 部分语言点解析 1.动词如果在No后表示禁止做某事,动词要用ing形式,如:No swimming; 如果前面是don’t 或者do not后面跟动词原形,如:Do not touch. 2.must, would, should (shouldn’t), can,may的区别 must 表示必须一定做到的事情;would表示想要做的事情,would like to do sth. should(shouldn’t)表示应该或不应该;can表示能够,会做某事;may表示可以或允许做某事。must, should shouldn't, can, may都是情态动词,后面都跟动词原形。 Unit 2 Ben’s birthday 词组: 1.本的生日 2.一起回家 3.十月16号 4.拜访某人 5.谈论某事 6.和某人谈话 7.日本卡通片8.作为一个生日礼物 9.举行生日聚会 10.祝你生日快乐! 11.等会儿看 12.脱掉你的鞋 13.吹灭蜡烛 14.在本的生日聚会上’ 15.通过电话 16.马上到,就要来了 17.做张生日贺卡 18.一张纸 19.在海湾 20.中国的新年 21.在日历上 22.马上,立刻 23.一张纸 24.写信息 25.一大早 26.在4月五日 27.在三月 28.把它对折 句型: 1)今天几号?今天是九月二十三号。 2)你何时过生日?我的生日是十月十八号。 3)你想要什么东西作为生日礼物?我想要一个日本卡通片的光盘。 5)你们经常举行生日聚会吗? 6)本正和他的家人讨论关于他的生日聚会的事。 8)本正在吹灭蛋糕上的蜡烛。 9)阿拉丁正脱掉他的戏服。 部分语言点解析 (1)I’d like =I would like 我想要某物== I want… I’d like to = I would like to 我想要做某事== I want to … would like 想要的意思。可用于表示邀请,后面如果加动词用would like to +动词原形例 1 I’d like some balloons. →Would you like some balloons? =I want some balloons . →Do you want some balloons ?


Unit 1 have taken so many stupid risks. 你有为你的家人多一点考虑,你就不会有那么多愚蠢的风险。 2. Due to the lack of an adequate(充足的) labor(劳动力) force(力), even 由于缺乏劳动力这个村的妇女甚至被迫在煤矿工作。 3. We went through lovely countryside with great mountains, some of them beautiful and green and wooded(树木繁茂的 荒野). 我们沿途经过风景秀丽的乡村,那里山峦起伏,有一些被森林覆盖,郁郁葱葱,风景宜人;另一些则是荒山秃岭,草木不生。 灰) from the furnace(火炉) with his bare hands. 清洁工脱下他的外套,开始用他的赤裸的双手擦去炉上的灰烬。 5. People in that area are already threatened(威胁) with environmental(环 境的 人们已经感受到环境破坏方面的威胁,因为有60%的森林已被破坏。

6. The auto(汽车 of private(私人的) cars this year due to the improved working efficiency(效率). 由于提高了工作效率,汽车公司已经看到了今年私家车产量大幅增加。 7. Under severe(严峻的、剧烈的) attack from enemy(敌人) aircraft(飞机), the troops(军队) were forced to(不得不 front. 在敌机的剧烈打击下,前面的部队被迫撤退。 8. When I came up to a giraffe(长颈鹿) lying on the grasses, I found that it had been killed with a spear(矛、标枪尖端浸过) poison. 当我到看一个长颈鹿躺在草,我发现它已经被带毒尖矛杀死。 9. He stayed eight days in an open boat with no food, and he was still alive; 他在无遮档的小船上呆了八天,又没有食物,还活下来了,这真是个奇迹。 10. Survival(n.生存) of the Fittest(adj.胜任的,优胜劣汰) is a(n)

7B Unit1 单词、词组和句子默写答案

7B Unit 1默写答案:单词 1.指南;手册;导游n. guide 2.为。。。领路;带路v. guide 3.旅行;旅游n. tour 4.旅游;旅行;参观v. tour 5.游客;旅游者n. tourist 6.鸽子n. pigeon / dove 7.原因;理由n. reason 8.合理的;明智的adj. reasonable 9.小河;小溪n. creek 10.堤岸n. bund 11.(用于大建筑物等的名称)大adj. grand 12.剧院n. theatre 13.植物园n. botanical garden 14.东方的;亚洲的adj. oriental 15.东方n. orient 16.珍珠n. pearl 17.世纪;百年n. century 18.科技;工艺;工程技术n. technology 19.观光;游览n. sightseeing 20.景色;风景n. view 21.天堂n. paradise / heaven 22.因此;所以adv. therefore 23.令人惊奇的adj. surprising 24.感到惊讶的adj. surprised 25.使吃惊;使感到意外v. surprise 26.吃惊n. surprise 27.地区;区域n. district 28.磁悬浮列车n. Maglev 29.国家的adj. state 30.(美国的)州;国家n. state 31.度假胜地n. resort 32.天文台n. observatory 33.购物中心n. plaza 34.乘船游览n. cruise 35.浮动的;不固定的adj. floating


高中英语必修三Unit1 单词(人教版) Unit 1 take place发生 beauty n. 美;美人 harvest n. & vt. & vi. 收获;收割 celebration n. 庆祝;祝贺 hunter n.狩猎者;猎人 starve vi. & vt. ( 使 )饿死;饿得要死 origin n.起源;由来;起因 religious adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的 △seasonal adj. 季节的;季节性的 ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗 △Obon n. (日本)盂兰盆节 △grave n. 坟墓;墓地 △incense n. 熏香;熏香的烟 in memory of纪念;追念 Mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) feast n. 节日;盛宴 △skull n. 头脑;头骨 bone n. 骨;骨头 △Halloween n. 万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕 belief n. 信任;信心;信仰 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰 trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt. 欺骗;诈骗 play a trick on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 poet n. 诗人 △Columbus Day 哥伦布日 arrival n. 到来;到达;到达者 △Christopher Columbus克利斯朵夫?哥伦布(意大利航海家)gain vt. 获得;得到 independence n. 独立;自主 independent adj. 独立的;自主的 gather vt. & vi. & n.搜集;集合;聚集 agriculture n. 农业;农艺;农学 agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的 award n. 奖;奖品 vt. 授予;判定 △ produce n.产品;(尤指)农产品 rooster n.雄禽;公鸡 admire vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 energetic adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的

高中英语选修7Unit1 课文语法填空及单词短语荟萃

选修七 ?Unit 1Living well 语法填空 MARTY’S STORY I am Marty Fielding, 1. ____ have a muscle disease that makes me very weak and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. 2. _________ (fortune), the doctors don’t know how to make me better, 3.____ I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. I used to climb trees, swim and so on. In fact, I used to dream 4._____ playing professional football and possibly 5. _______ (represent) my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests, 6. ____ I stayed 7. ____ nearly three months. One of my biggest problems is 8._____ I don’t look any different from other people. So sometimes when I got out of breath 9. _____ running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs, some children in my primary school would laugh. Every time I returned after 10. ___ absence, I felt stupid 11. ______ I was behind the others. My life is a lot easier at high school as my fellow students have accepted me. The few 12. ____ cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me 13. ______(annoy), and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life, finding many things I can do. My ambition is 14. ______ (work) for a firm 15. ____ develops computer software in the future. My life is busy, having no time to sit around 16. _____(feel) sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. To look after my pets properly takes me a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. In many ways my 17._______(disable) has helped me grow stronger 18. _____________ (psychology) and become more independent. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not 19. _________(satisfy), s o don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don’t ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them 20. __________(encourage) to live as rich and full a life as you do. Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1._________n.伤残;无力;无能→_________ adj.伤残的→_______v.使…残疾2.________ n.雄心;野心→________ adj.有雄心的;有野心的 →______________ adv.有野心地 3.__________ adj.有益的;受益的→________n.利益,好处;v. 有益于 4.________ n.缺席;不在某处→________adj.缺席的;不在的 →________ adj.出席的;到场的 5.________v.使……不悦;惹恼→________adj.颇为生气的 →________adj.令人生气的→__________n.烦恼 6.____________n.鼓励;奖励→__________ vt.鼓励→___________ adj.鼓舞人心的7.________ n.政治(学)→________adj.政治的;政治学的→________n.政治家8.________ n.协助;援助→________n.助手;助理→________v.帮助;援助9.___________ n.毕业;毕业典礼→________vi. 毕业→________adj.受教育的10.________n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性→___________adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 11. ________ vt. vi 使适应→____________ adj. 可适应的→____________n. 适应 12. _________ n. 行为,品行→____________ vt. 指挥,管理 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.换句话说___________________ 2. 适合_________________ 3.切去;省略;停止(做某事) _______________________ 4.上气不接下气_______________ 5.总而言之__________________ 6.闲坐着______________________


deviate preclude premier whereby civic patriotic clear-cut inhibit scholarly idiot bypass persecution misfortune glamor glamorous tragic spur optimism dedication commend uphold endeavor statesman diligent diligently pursuit ranch prestige circuit unprecedented nominate appoint abortion expend threat inward robust maintain slack transcend handicap feat 背离;偏离 阻碍;阻止 最重要的 借以 公民的 爱国的 明确的 阻碍;抑制 博学的 笨蛋 避开,越过 残害,迫害 不幸 魅力 极富魅力的 悲剧性的 刺激;激励 乐观 献身,奉献 表扬,表彰 支持,拥护 努力;尽力 政治家 勤奋的 勤奋地 追求;寻求 大牧场 声望;威信 场所;电路 空前的 提名;推荐 约定;任明 人工流产 花费 威胁;危害 内心的 坚定的 保持 松懈的;偷懒 超越;摆脱 缺陷,残疾 技艺;功绩 stricken prospective destined jockey celebrity indulge masterpiece aggravate scorn nonetheless renowned enterprise layout dubious dubiously straw expertise blunt bluntly bust adore persuasive cater overtime posture panel disciplined alleviate doom murmur frantic grin blink hoist flip eloquent eloquently rap mingle dazzle applause propel icon 受…侵袭的 患病的;受伤的 注定的;预定的 操作者 名人;出名 沉迷于 名着;典范 激怒;使恶化 鄙视;轻蔑 然而;不过 着名的 事业;企业 布局;安排 怀疑的 怀疑地 麦秆;吸管 专门知识 率直的 率直地 彻底的失败 疼爱;崇拜 有说服力的 满足,迎合 加班(时间) 姿势;态度 面板;评判小组 训练有素的 减轻;缓解 厄运;劫数 咕哝;低语 发疯似的 露齿笑 眨;闪烁 提起;提高 按;迅速翻转 雄辩的 口才流利地 猛敲;轻敲声 使混合 使倾倒;耀眼 鼓掌;掌声 驱使;导致 偶像;图标

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