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21世纪大学实用英语第三册-Unit 2

21世纪大学实用英语第三册-Unit 2
21世纪大学实用英语第三册-Unit 2

Unit 2

Success is a choice

(21st Century Practical College English III)

I. Introduction

In this unit, the author tells us that the key to success is your own choice to work hard. Write the name of someone who you think is very successful in each of the following careers (职业). Think about these people’s personalities (个性) and experiences (经历). What important factors do you believe lead them to success? Now read the following text and see if your choice agrees with that of the writer.

II. Oral Discussion in Class

1. Who deserves victory according to Winston Churchill?

2. What must one do to realize his or her dream?

3. According to the writer, how were the Sistine Chapel and the first transcontinental(横贯大陆的) railroad constructed?

4. What is common to all great people and all great organizations?

5. Apart from the work ethic, what else can promise you success?

6. In the text, what does fool’s gold (愚人金) refer to specifically? Give an example of it.

7. What standard does the writer’s basketball team set for themselves?

8. Why does the writer believe that his team will win even in close games?

9. What kind of players would have problems working with the writer?

10. What advice does the writer give to people who want to succeed?

11. Why does the writer say that success is a choice?

III. Intensive Reading (Text A)

A.Related Background Information

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) (丘吉尔)

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill became one of the greatest statesmen in world history. Churchill reached the height of his fame as the heroic prime minister of Great Britain during World War II. He offered his people only “blood, toil, tears, and sweat”as they struggled to keep their freedom. Churchill also was a noted speaker, author, painter, soldier, and war reporter.

(From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)

The Sistine Chapel (西斯廷大教堂)

The Sistine Chapel is a famous chapel in the palace of the Vatican in Rome. It was erected by Pope Sixtus IV in 1473. The chief papal ceremonies take place in this chapel. The chapel is also where the cardinals vote for a new pope. Canonizations and other ceremonies are held in St. Peters Basilica.

The Sistine Chapel is a simple building, 134 feet (41 meters) long by 44 feet (13 meters) wide, and 85 feet (26 meters) high. But it has on its walls and ceiling some of the greatest art ever produced in the Western world.

Brilliant artists of the late 1400’s decorated the walls with paintings that tell the stories of Moses and Christ. On the ceiling are Biblical stories painted by the great artist Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. The stories tell the history of the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the flood. On the wall above the altar is The Last Judgment, a painting 60 feet (18 meters) high and 30 feet (9 meters) wide. Michelangelo worked on The Last Judgment between 1536 and 1541.

(From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)

The first transcontinental railroad in the US

In the early 1860’s, the United States government decided to extend rail lines across the country. The proposed route roughly followed the 42nd parallel from Omaha, Nebraska, to Sacramento, California. Eastern rail lines were to be extended westward from Chicago to meet the new railroad at Omaha. Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Act in 1862. The act gave two companies responsibility for building the railroad. The Union Pacific was to start laying track westward from a point near Omaha. The Central Pacific Railroad was to lay track eastward from Sacramento. Congress granted both railroads large tracts of land and millions of dollars in government loans.

Work began on the Central Pacific track in 1863 and on the Union Pacific in 1865. The railroads faced the gigantic task of crossing the rugged Rockies and the towering Sierra Nevada. To obtain the necessary labor, the Central Pacific hired thousands of Chinese immigrants to work on the railroad. Thousands of European immigrants worked on the Union Pacific. On May 10, 1869, the tracks of the two railroads finally met at Promontory, Utah. North America became the first continent to have a rail line from coast to coast. (From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)

The Depression

Depression is a deep, extended slump in total business activity. Buying and selling drop during a depression, causing a decline in production, prices, income, and employment. Money becomes scarce. Many businesses fail, and many workers lose their jobs. A depression can hit an industry, a region, a nation, or the world.

In history, the Great Depression was a worldwide business slump of the 1930’s. It ranked as the worst and longest period of high unemployment and low business activity in modern times. The Great Depression began in October 1929, when stock values in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of stockholders lost large sums of money. Many of these stockholders were even wiped out. Banks, factories, and stores closed and left millions of Americans jobless and penniless. Many people had to depend on the government or charity to provide them with food. (From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)

B. Difficult Sentences and Structure

1.Any other promise of achievement is fool’s gold. (para. 4)


Fool’s gold 原意是酷似黄金的黄铁(铜)矿,在这里喻指骗人的东西。

2.The bottom line: Nothing meaningful or lasting comes without working hard at it (para. 7)

这是一个由nothing ... without ... 构成的双重否定句,语气强烈。

3.In close games, when the pressure intensifies and the margin between who wins and who loses can be

as thin as an eggshell ...: (para. 12)

when 引导了两个定语从句,即the pressure intensifies和the margin between who wins and who loses can be as thin as an eggshell。

4.Success is not a lucky break. It is not a divine right. It is not an accident of birth. (para. 16)



C. Key Words

1.rally: v. come or bring together again for a shared propose or effort 重新集合,重整

【典型例句】The general rallied his tired soldiers and they drove the enemy back.


The politician rallied his supporters. 这位政治家将自己的支持者们召集起来。

2.deserve: vt. be sth. or have done sth. for which one should receive (a reward, special treatment, etc.); be

entitled to; be worthy of 应受(奖赏、特殊待遇等),应得,值得

【搭配】deserve well of sb.应该受到某人好的待遇;deserve ill of sb.应该受到某人坏的待遇;

【联想】deserts n. 应得到的事物deservedly ad. 应得地

【典型例句】She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力,应得到奖赏。

Criminals deserve punishment. 罪犯应受惩罚。

You have been working all day —you deserve a good rest.


It hardly deserves to be called by such a name. 它几乎不配叫这个名字。

3.achievement: n. action of achieving; thing done successfully, esp. with effort and skill 达到,完成,实现;


【搭配】scientific achievements 科学成就;academic/scholarly achievement 学习成绩/学术成就;a brilliant achievement in war 辉煌的战绩;rejoice in one’s achievement 为某人的成就而高兴;a great sense of achievement巨大的成就感; heroic / academic / scientific achievements英雄业绩/ 学习成绩/ 科学成就

【辨异】achievement指不顾困难,连续努力所取得的成就,尤其是在科技方面的成就;conquest “征服”,含有完全把对方压倒的意思;performance“学业成绩,执行,表演”;success指个人在事业和名利上的成就,强调得到了满意的结果;triumph指光荣的、卓越的胜利,强调胜利的喜讯,后面常跟介词over;victory“胜利,战胜”,指在比赛、竞争、战胜中获得的胜利。

【典型例句】He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement.


4.pointless: a. with little or no sense, aim or purpose无意义的;没有目的的

【搭配】point at瞄准(= point towards);point out指出;beside the point和手头的事无关的;in point有关系的,相关的;in point of就…而言;关于……;make a point of特别注意;stretch a point破例;to the point切题的,切中的有关正在讨论的事件的;on/upon/at the point of正要……

之际;keep/speak to the point 讲正题,不离题;come to the point 回到正题;at all points 在各方,充分地;in point of fact 事实上;point to 表明;to the point of 到达……程度,简直可说是;a pointless activity / life / story 毫无意义的活动/生活/故事

【典型例句】I was on the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.


It’s pointless to argue. 争论是没有意义的。

5.sweat: 1. n. natural moisture which comes through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid, working hard, etc.

汗,汗水v. produce sweat; be anxious or worried about; work hard 出汗;为... 着急;为... 担心;干得汗流浃背,拼命干

【搭配】sweat blood拼命工作;sweat out出一身汗以去掉(某种疾病);sweat it out

忍受……到底;no sweat轻易的

【典型例句】The young medical student hated watching his first operation, but he had to sweat it out.


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,anization: n. organized group of people 组织,机构

(a) a non-profit organization非盈利机构

(b) WHO (World Health Organization) 世界卫生组织

7.ethic: n. system of moral principles; rules of conduct伦理标准;道德规范,行为准则

(a) We all need an ethic by which to lead our lives. 我们都需要一种道德标准来指引我们的生活。

(b) social/medical ethic社会道德/ 医德

8.intense: a. strong or great, esp. in quality or feeling; extreme强烈的,剧烈的;极度的

【搭配】intense anger盛怒;intense competition激烈的竞争;intense effort极大的努力;intense heat 酷热;intense interest 浓厚的兴趣;intense jealousy极端的嫉妒;intense pain 剧痛;intense life紧张的生活;intense longing渴望;instense study认真的探究;intense person感情丰富的人;instense devoting to duty认真负责; intense happiness/heat/interest深深的喜悦/ 滚滚热浪/ 浓厚的兴趣【典型例句】The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him. 音乐激起了他强烈的思乡情绪。

9.effort: n. attempt using all one’s powers 努力

【搭配】spare no effort不遗余力;pool our efforts共同努力;make / exert efforts (an effort) to 努力做;redouble one’s efforts加倍努力;be an effort to费劲


【典型例句】The directors’ efforts to improve the comprehensive management in the company have been very effective.董事们为改进公司的全面管理做出的努力是卓有成效的。

The teacher spent much effort on the slow students.老师在反应慢的同学身上花了很多功


All our efforts ended in failure. 我们所有的努力都以失败而告终。

You’d better make an effort to improve your handwriting. 你该花点功夫练练字了。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,promise: n. (act of) settling an argument or difference of opinion by each side agreeing to some of the

demands of the other; agreement reached in this way妥协;和解;折中;妥协方案,折中办法

【搭配】compromise proposal 折中建议;compromise with sb. on sth.在某方面同某人妥协;make a compromise with 与……妥协;compromise of principle 原则上的让步;compromise sb.’s reputation 损害某人的名誉;strike compromise达成妥协;work out /agree on /reach /come to a compromise 达成妥协;reject a compromise拒绝妥协;be compromised by因……遭到危险


【典型例句】He asked more than I was willing to pay,so we compromised on a price in between the two.


We reached a compromise between the two opinions. 我们把两种意见做了个折中。

11.evidence: n. information that gives a reason for believing sth. or proves sth.; indication or trace 根据;证据;


【搭配】in evidence可看见的,明显的,显眼的;bear / show / give evidence of证明, 说明,表明;

call in evidence 传某人出庭作证;give / present / produce evidence 作证,提出证据;evidence matter 凭证事项;evidence of debt 借据;evidence of payment 付款凭证;evidence title 所有权证明;on good evidence 依据充分的证据


【典型例句】The suspect’s fing erprints on the gun were the main evidence against him.


We all thought he did it, but we just lacked evidence. 我们都认为那是他干的,但缺乏证据。

There is evidence that someone has lived here. 有迹象表明曾有人在这里住过。

12.frost: n. dew or water vapor frozen into tiny white ice crystals that cover the ground, etc. when the

temperature falls below freezing-point 霜

(a) A hard frost fell last night. 昨晚结了一层厚霜。

(b) There seemed to be a slight frost in her reply.她的回答似乎有点冷淡。

13.shortcut: n. route that makes a journey, walk, etc. shorter; way of doing sth. more efficiently, quickly, etc.


(a) I took a shortcut across the field. 我抄近路穿过田野。

(b) If only there were a shortcut to finish all this work! 但愿有个简便的方法完成这些工作!

14.influence: 1. n. (the power to have an) effect on sb. or sth. without the use of direct force or command 影响

(力);2. vt. have an effect or influence on 影响

【搭配】have influence on…对……有影响;a man of great influence 很有势力的人;have influence over/ with sb 有左右某人的能力;exert influence on对……施加影响;exercise influence on/ upon sb 影响某人,对某人施加影响; positive/negative influence on sb. 对某人积极/消极的影响


【典型例句】China has greatly extended its influence in world affairs. 中国对国际事务有着巨大的影响。

Could you use your influence with him to get me a job?


Human activities have influenced the environment a lot.


Don’t let what others say influence you. 不要让别人的话左右你。

15.intensify: v. (cause to) become more intense or intensive加强;增强;加剧

(a)The wind intensified during the night. 晚上风力加强

(b)Our efforts must intensify if we want to win. / We must intensify our efforts if we want to win.


16.margin: n. blank space round the written or printed matter on a page; amount by which one thing is greater

than another 页边空白;差数;幅度

【搭配】leave a margin on the page页边留空;a wide / narrow margin大幅度/勉强地; pass the examination by a narrow margin勉强通过考试, 考试勉强及格; the margin between right and wrong 对与错之间的差距


【典型例句】You shouldn’t have written in the margin since the book belongs to the library.(CET-4:2003,6) 你不该在书的页边空白处乱写乱画,这本书是图书馆的。

Write your notes in the margin. 在页边记笔记。

The price leaves no margin for profit. 这样的价格没有利润可赚。

They won the game by a narrow margin. 他们以微弱的优势赢得了比赛。

17.perspiration: n. moisture given off by the body; sweat; process of giving off moisture through the skin汗;


【典型例句】His face was wet with perspiration.发现自己一点钱都没带时,汤姆看上去很尴尬。

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. (Thomas Edison)


18.opponent: n. person who takes the opposite side in a game, competition, etc. (比赛、竞争中的)对手,敌手

【典型例句】My opponents hope to see me defeated this time, but they will be surprised.


They are active opponents of human cloning. 他们是人类克隆的积极反对者。

19.variety: n. quality of not being the same, or not being the same all the time; number or range of different

things; a particular type; sort 变化;多样化;种种,多种多样;品种,种类


【搭配】a variety of多种多样的

【典型例句】His writing lacks variety. 他的文体缺少变化。

This is the most common variety of tea. 这是最普通的一种茶叶。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,mit : vt. do (sth. wrong or illegal); promise (oneself) to a certain cause犯(罪),做(错事、坏事);使(自


【搭配】commit a crime犯罪;commit a mistake /an error /theft /suicide犯错/做错事/偷窃/自杀;be committed to 致力于,交付于,被提交到;commit a letter to the fire 将信烧毁;commit oneself to a cause献身于事业;commit funds to a project 拨给一个项目专款;commit sb. to a mental hospital 将某人关进精神病院;commit a child to a relative’s care 把孩子交给亲戚照管;commit a poem to memory 记住一首诗;commit one’s thoughts to writing /paper把想法写下来;commit (oneself) to do /doing 承担……;commit oneself (on)表达个人的意见

【典型例句】Chairman refused to commit himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations. 主席拒绝在作必要的调查研究之前对这个有争论的问题表态。

Bruce has committed himself to support his brother’s children. 布鲁斯已承诺抚养他兄弟


Jenny is quite committed to her new job. 詹妮对自己的新工作十分投入。

21.concept: n. idea underlying sth.; general notion 观念,概念

【搭配】an abstract concept 抽象的概念; he concept of time 时间观念; New Concept English 新概念英语【典型例句】A small baby has no concept of right and wrong. 婴儿没有是非观念。

D. Key Phrases

1.according to: as stated or shown by; in a manner that is consistent with据... 所说;根据;按照

(a) The next train leaves at 9:00a.m. according to the timetable. 按照时间表,下一班火车上午9点开。

(b) According to the report, 70% of the high school graduates went to college.


2.as to:相当于about,是”关于”的意思。

(a) We are puzzled as to how it happened. 关于它是如何发生的,我们很迷惑

3.second-to-none: a. as good as the best 不亚于任何人的;首屈一指的;最好的

(a) Michael Jordan is really a second-to-none basketball player. 乔丹是不输给任何人的篮球运动员。

(b) a second-to-none solution最佳方案

(c) We offer second-to-none technical support. 我们提供最好的技术支持。

4.run through:be present in every part of (sth.)spread right through 普遍存在于,贯穿

(a) The qualities of diligence and perseverance ran through his whole life.


(b) It is a thread that runs through the story. 这是贯穿整个故事的一条线索。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,e to: concern 涉及;谈到

(a) John is a real master when it comes to bridge. 说起打桥牌,约翰可是个高手。

(b) When it came to the color of the car, the couple had totally different ideas.


6.live up to:achieve (what is expected, esp. high standards); put (one’s faith, principles, etc.) into practice 不


(a) I’m trying to live up to my family’s good name. 我努力保持我家族的好名声。

(b) Now that you’ve made the promise, you must live up to it. 既然你已许诺,就必须实践诺言。

(c) He failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 他辜负了父母的期望。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,e out on top:win; be successful; prove oneself superior to others获胜;获得成功;出人头地

(a) A university student came out on top in the speech contest. 一位大学生在演讲比赛中获胜。

(b) After years of hard work, he finally came out on top. 经过多年的努力,他终于取得了成功。

8. a variety of: many different 各种,种种

(a) These T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors. 这些T恤衫有各种颜色可供挑选。

(b) We can’t go on holiday for a variety of reasons. 我们因种种原因不能去度假。

9.live with: accept; tolerate 接受;容忍

(a) How can you live with such noise? 这么吵,你怎么忍受的了?

(b) I have to live with the fact that he’s gone forever. 我只得接受他一去不复返的事实。

10.in sight:visible 看得见,被看到

(a) I looked hard but nothing was in sight. 我努力去看,但什么也看不到。

(b) Usually puppies will eat anything in sight. 通常凡是看得到的东西小狗都要吃。

11.all out:using all possible strength and resources 竭尽全力;全力以赴

(a) The firemen went all out to put out the fire. 消防队员竭尽全力灭火。

(b) He was all out for the gold medal. 他全力以赴争取金牌。

E. Grammar Preview


Adjectives and Adverbs: the Comparative Degree and the Superlative Degree 形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成分规则和不规则两种。规则的形容词比较级构成是在词尾加词缀-er,或在词前加单词more;最高级构成是在词尾加词缀-est,或在词前加单词most,如:short - shorter - shortest, difficult - more difficult - most difficult。一般来说,单音节词末尾加-er和-est。单音节词以-e结尾,只加-r和-st。除少数以-y, -er, -ow, -ble结尾的双音节词末尾加-er和-est,多数双音节词和多音节词在词前加单词more或most,如:clever - cleverer - cleverest, beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful。规则的副词比较级和最高级的构成是:和形容词同形的副词构成方式与相应的形容词相同,以词缀-ly结尾的词要用more 或most,如:commonly - more commonly - most commonly, quickly - more quickly - most quickly(early中的-ly不是词缀)。不规则的形容词与副词比较级和最高级的构成要一个一个记,如:good/well - better - best, little - less - least, bad/badly - worse - worst, many/much - more - most, far - farther/further - farthest/farthest等。Complete the following conversation with the words in their proper forms.

A: Now, you’ve all been in Hastings (黑斯廷斯) about a month, haven’t you? Tell me, have you noticed any differences between your own country and England?

B: The climate’s different.

A: In what way? Is it ________ (warm) than it is in Italy?

B: Oh, no! It’s much ________ (cold)!

C: Yes, I agree. It’s the ________ (cold) place I’ve ever been to in the summer. Brazil’s much ________ (warm). A: Yes… well… it’s been a ________ (bad) summer this year than usual. It’s not usually as ________ (cold) or as ________ (wet) as this —honestly! But apart from the weather, is there anything else you’ve noticed?

What about you, Ulla?

D: Well, the first thing I noticed was the streets. They’re not as clean as they are in Sweden. There’s a lot more litter (废弃物) everywhere.

A: What about the people themselves? Are they different?

B: Yes, they’re ________ (reserved) than Italians. They don’t show their feelings very much.

A: Do you think they’re friendly?

D: Yes, they are, in a way, but I don’t think they’re as ________ (friendly) as the people in Brazil — not in the same way, anyway.

A: What do you mean, Carlos?

D: Well, like Maria said, they’re ________ (reserved) than other peoples. More formal, perhaps.

E: I don’t think so. Germans are much ________ (formal). For example, when I first arrived, the family I’m staying with — Mr. And Mrs. Brown — told me to call them by their first names. That would never happen in Germany.

A: Yes, I see. What about the standard of living? Is it ________ (high) or ________ (low) than you expected? Answer:

warmer, colder, coldest, warmer, worse, cold, wet, more reserved, friendly, more reserved, more formal, higher F. Paragraph Analysis

G. Question for Discussion

1. Do you see evidence of fool’s gold in your everyday life, i.e. people trying to take shortcuts to succeed? G ive a few examples.

2. Hard work is definitely the key to success. Besides this, do you agree that luck also plays an important role in making a person successful? Why or why not?

IV. Practical Writing

Cover Letters (封面信)

Writing cover letters often seems like a particularly daunting task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you’ll soon be an expert at writing letters to send with your résumé.

A cover letter typically (代表性地) accompanies each résumé you send out. Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job interview and having your résuméignored (忽视,忽略), so, it makes good sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters.

A cover letter should complement, not duplicate your résumé. Its purpose is to interpret the data-oriented, factual résumé and add a personal touch. A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential (有潜能的) employer, creating a critical (必不可少的) first impression (第一印象).

All cover letters should:

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don’t send a résumé without a cover letter. Don’t make the reader guess what you are asking for; be specific(详细而精确的): Do you want a summer internship(实习期) opportunity, or a permanent(永久的) position at graduation; are you inquiring about future employment possibilities (就业机会)?

Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization —a flyer (广告传单) posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization. It is appropriate to mention the name of someone who suggested that you write.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé; the cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to elements of your background — education, leadership (领导能力), experience — that are relevant to a position you are seeking. Be as specific as possible, using examples.

Reflect your attitude, personality, motivation, enthusiasm, and communication skills.

Provide or refer to any information specifically requested in a job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or reference to an attached writing sample.

Indicate what you will do to follow up. In a cover letter, applicants often say something like “I look forward to hearing from you.” However, it is better to take the initiative to follow up, saying something like, “I will contact you in the next two weeks to see if you require any additional information regarding my qualifications.”

To be effective, your cover letter should follow the basic format of a typical business letter and should address three general issues:

★First Paragraph — Why you are writing

In some cases, you may have been referred to a potential employer by a friend or acquaintance. Be sure to mention this mutual contact, by name, up front since it is likely to encourage your reader to keep reading!

If you are writing in response to a job posting, indicate where you learned of the position and the title of the position. More importantly, express your enthusiasm and the likely match between your credentials and the position’s qualifications.

If you are writing a prospecting letter — a letter in which you inquire about possible job openings — state your specific job objective. Since this type of letter is unsolicited, it is even more important to capture the reader’s attention.

If you are writing a networking letter to approach an individual for information, make your request clear.

★Middle Paragraphs — What you have to offer

In responding to an advertisement, refer specifically to the qualifications listed and illustrate how your particular abilities and experiences relate to the position for which you are applying. In a prospecting letter express your potential to fulfill the employer’s needs rather than focus on what the employer can offer you. You can do this by giving evidence that you have researched the organization thoroughly and that you possess skills used within that organization. Emphasize your achievements and problem-solving skills. Show how your education and work skills are transferable, and thus relevant, to the position for which you are applying.

★Concluding Paragraph — How you will follow up

Restate your strong interest in the position or organization and your desire for a face—to-face meeting. Pave the way for the interview by indicating the action or steps you will take to initiate a meeting. If this is not appropriate, simply state that you look forward to hearing from the reader soon. Finally, express your appreciation for the reader’s time and consideration.

In some instances, an employer may explicitly prohibit phone calls or you may be responding to a blind want ad which precludes you from this follow-up. Unless this is the case, make your best effort to reach the organization. At the very least, you should confirm that your materials were received and that your application is complete.

If you are applying from outside the employer’s geographic area you may want to indicate if you will be in town during a certain time frame (this makes it easier for the employer to agree to meet with you).

In conclusion, you may indicate that your references are available on request. Also, if you have a portfolio or writing samples to support your qualifications, state their availability.

V. Basic Reading Skills

在当今社会中,广告在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。人们通过广告找工作、购物、买车、租房等等。分类广告(Classified Ads)又称小广告(Small Ads),或在美国也称Want Ads,是报纸杂志中常见的一种广告。由于受到版面空间的限制以及刊登广告所需费用的影响,分类广告大量使用缩写词。而对于出现在网络上的报纸杂志或网站中的分类广告,这种版面空间的限制就少得多,广告内容也就详细得多。

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( 赵欣编)


21世纪大学英语第2册课后翻译答案【Unit1】 1、老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。 When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on. 2、两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。 Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it including a few celebrated professionals. 3、当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。

When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s it plunged the whole world into shock and grief. 4、在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。 After completing her second prime ministry she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty. 5、大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。After his failure in the election campaign Dr. Smith retired to a small village where he tried his hand at farming. 6、只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆里往事时就会感到心满意足的。 As long as you keep working hard all your life you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.



课后答案 1单元 TEXT A III https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming IV 1.going steady with Richard 2.in time 3.played into his enemy's hands 4.beyond her wildest dreams 5.hung on Michael's every word or hung on Michael's words 6.out of focus 7.feed on 8.the apple of Chris's eye 9.filed into the courtroom 10.poring over their collection V 1.most obvious:gaze,beam,widen 2.most obvious:betray,sigh,frown

3.most obvious:glorious,revelation,stump VI A 1.actress 2.empress 3.goddes 4.mistress 5.waitress 6.lioness 7.priestess 8.heiress B 1.Goddess 2.waitresses,actresses 3.Lionesses 4.mistresses VII a person who is taking an exam 应试者 one to whom something is referred, esp. for decision or settlement 裁判 a person who is appointed to a jo b or position 被任命者 a person who has been forced to leave his country, home, etc. and seek refuge 避难者,难民 the person to whom a letter, etc. is addressed 收件人


21世纪大学实用英语课文翻译及课后答案 Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点 佚名 作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。我害怕独自一人在外,因为我是第一次远离家人。这里周围都是我不认识的人,而他们也不认识我。我得和他们交朋友,或许还得在我要学的课程上跟他 们在分数上进行竞争。他们比我更聪明吗?我跟得上他们吗?他们会接受我吗? 我很快就认识到,我的生活现在就取决于我自己了。如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。 我必须调整花在学习上的时间和花在社交上的时间。我必须决定什么时候上床睡觉,什么时候吃什么,什么时候 喝什么,对什么人表示友好。这些问题我都得自己回答。 开始时,生活有点艰难。我在怎样利用时间上犯了错误。我在交朋友上花的时间太多了。我还在怎样选择大学里 的第一批朋友上犯了一些错误。 然而不久,我就控制住了自己的生活。我做到了按时上课,完成并交上了第一批作业,而且以相当好的成绩通过 了前几次考试。此外,我还交了一些朋友,跟他们在一起我感到很自在,我能把我担心的事告诉他们。我建立了 一种真正属于我自己的常规——一种满足了我的需要的常规。 结果,我开始从一个不同的视角看待我自己了。我开始把自己看作是一个对自己负责也对朋友和家人负责的人。 凡事自己做决定并看到这些决定最终证明是明智的决定,这种感觉很好。我猜想这就是人们所说的“成长”的一 部分吧。 我未来的生活将会怎样呢?在人生的这一阶段,我真的不能确定我的人生之路最终将会走向何方,我真的不知道 在以后的几年中我会做什么。但我知道,我能应对未来,因为我已经成功地跃过了我生命中的这一重要障碍:我 已经完成了从一个依赖家人给予感情支持的人向一个对自己负责的人的过渡。 Practice 5 1. smart 2. succeed 3. shortly 4. managed 5. share 6. fear 7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortable Practice 6 1. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up 6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. in addition Practice 7 1. how to play the game 2. where I wanted to go 3. whether they would accept him or not 4. what to do and how to do it 5. whom to love and whom not to 6. when he made that decision Practice 8 1. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests. 2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher. 3. We think of this place as our home. 4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life. Practice 9 1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people. 2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too. 3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control. 4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies. 5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs. 6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.


第一单元 Text Comprehension II. 1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief. 2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems. 3. His sister-in-law?s painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas. 4. The blank whiteness of the c anvas made him feel he didn?t know where to begin. This nervousness was not typical of Churchill, who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person. 5. Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight, and he could now see that he need not fear his “adversary”. 6. He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter, just as he was a great politician. 7. It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter. 8. Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur; they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist. 9. No, she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one. 10. He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him. This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely, misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people. V ocabulary III. 1.artistic 2.overcome 3.infinite 4.plunged 5.mission 6.camgpain 7.revived 8.distract 9.accustomed 10.retreat 11.precaution 12. disastrous IV. 1. delighted with 2. bore fruit 3. kept Clementine company 4. rely on 5. take refuge 6. awaken people to 7. pay the price 8. chanced upon; dated from 9. tried his hand at 10. fell upon; came to her rescue Word Building V. 1. broadens the mind 2. weakened 3. sweeten Diet Coke 4.hardens 5. strengthen 6. deepen your understanding of the course materiall 7. sharpen the kitchen knives 8. reddened 9. brighten; quickens 10. lightened VI. 1. lucky 2. wealthy 3. tasty 4. icy 5. wavy 6. smelly 7. sleepy 8. noisy (smelly is also plausible) 9. healthy 10. sunny Structure VII. 1. Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in shanghai, many foreign visitors leave


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册) Vocabulary III Unit 1 1.Do you think that making music and art compulsory subjects in schools would reduce some children’s enjoyment of them ? 2.Bob’s one of those people who relish risk and danger—he’d be bored in a safe , steady job. 3.Elizabeth is certainly enough to succeed in her career ; she just doesn’t have enough confidence in her own abilities. 4.I’m sorry you’re in trouble , but as you made your decision on your own you’ll just have to face the consequences. 5.Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams , but they also worry that with them there would be too little incentive for students to work hard. 6.The teacher accidentally hit the boy’s hand with an eraser and was henceforth known as “Dead-Eye Bean”. 7.If I had money , I’d invest it all in Internet companies. 8.Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to consciously perceive. 9.He’s always had a passion for books. If he could work in library, it would be a dream come true. 10.Look at those three whispering in the corner again ----they’re scheming something , I just don’t know what! Unit2 1. In a healthy relationship, the partner’ strengths and abilities complement each other, rather than being identical. 2. Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors not indispensable to the production of a successful film , but they help!


21 世纪大学英语 2 答案【篇一:《21 世纪大学英语》第二册课后翻译答案】 p class=txt>unit1 老伴60 多岁中风去世时,那位72 岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。 when his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on. 两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。 last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in london. many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professionals. 当20 世纪80 年代中期,7 名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。 when seven astronauts died in the challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief. 在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。 after completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. she came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty. 大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。 after his failure in the election campaign, dr. smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming. 只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆里往事时就会感到心满意足的。 as long as you keep working hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction. 我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则很快就为时太晚了。we must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection, or it will be too late. 那位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻而被撤职。如果早知会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以不同的方式行事了。


Unit 1 1. 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对“是什么”感兴趣,而且也对“为什么”和“怎么会”感兴趣。 As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 2. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 3. 你最好把这本书放在你15岁儿子找不到的地方。 You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on it. 4. 这故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it. 5. 成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 6. 你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的? How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course? 7. 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 Work ing hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities counts for much more. 8. 她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. Unit 2 l. 在谈及美国英语和英国英语的差别时,他说:“美国和英国毕竟是两个不同的国家。”Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.” 2. 史密斯教授鼓励他的学生独立思考。他常说:“即使你们对我提出质疑或者完全不同意我的看法,我也同样高兴。” Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. “I am just as happy,” he often says, “even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.” 3. 我们请他参加我们关于流行音乐的谈话,但他一参加进来就引入一个新的话题,谈起了上周的NBA决赛。 We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 4. 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。 The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 5. 自我们的收音机停止生产后,我们已转产移动电话。 Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones.


Unit 3 Before Watching: 1) please 2) available 3) any singles 4) with a single bed 5) a double 6) a double bed 7) a suite 8) any vacancies 9) reserve 10) book 11) a reservation 12) have a rvservatlon 13) at the front 14) at the rear 15) you have 16) with a view of the beach 17) a wake-up call 18) the rates 19) room service 20) by 21) checkout 22) credit cards While Watching: 1) a uniform / a receptionist 2) a badge 3) on his mobile phone

4) dressed up 5) a magnetic card 1) May I help you 2) make a reservation 3) on October 10th 4) on the 14th 5) in all 6) with a single bed 7) spell your last name 8) My phone number 9) I got it 10) have a reservation 1) I'll check 2) is that 3) with a view of the lake 4) a wake-up call 5) will that be 6) accept a Visa card 7) Is breakfast included 8) Breakfast is served 9) the magnetic card 10) Have a nice stay 1) make a reservation 2) plans to 3)on the afternoon of October 10th 4) for four days 5) with a view of the lake


21 世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)课后答案 TEXT A II 1.He defines greatness as the lasting contribution which a person makes or has made to human civilization. 2.The example of Churchill shows the importance of persistence and dedication in achieving greatness. 3.Firstborns and only children tend to make good leaders in times of crisis, but middle- born children are better peacetime leaders. 4.A 20th century politician should be an effective public speaker and a social person. 5.Intelligence seems to be less important than other factors, such as the ability to communicate effectively. 6.The ability to overcome traditional ways of thinking is also crucial. 7.They simply don’t devote the amount of time required. 8.The study showed that enjoying one ’ s work is the best form of motivation. 2 IV 1.chat 2.acknowledge 3.motivated 4.charcteristic 5.despite 6.influential 7.cited 8.obstacle 9.intrinsic 10.criteria 11.obsession 12.innate 13.contribution(s) 14.contemporary 15.submitted 16.morale V 1.left behind 2.rise 3.made history 4.were endowed with 5.put up with 6.going nowhere 7.ifocuses on 8.be built on 9.put in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,e up with 11.take charge 12.set...apart


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册)课后句子翻译答案(Unit 1~7) Unit 1 l汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。Tom (was) transferred to our school last year. He hung no Miss Y oung’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye. 2看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以弄语言表达的爱和骄傲。 Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in words. 3当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁。 Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams. 4在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张照片,可惜焦点都没对准。 On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding no fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus. 5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。 The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week. 6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎能克服贫穷? It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on. Without education, how can people ever overcome their poverty? 7大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解——没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。All of David’s classmates are completely stumped—no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.


第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册uni1答案 1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。 2.蒸汽机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要对。 6.吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册unit2答案 1. The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2. All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3. No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4. Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5. If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6. Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. 1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉、鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源,也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。 2.铁质储量为零时,你会觉得虚弱,疲乏无力,喘不过气,这是缺铁第三阶段的典型症状。 3. 耐力运动员,尤其是女性,经常会缺铁,如果增食肉类食物或服用铁质补剂,能够恢复到健康状态。 4.这位运动医学专家认为,感到劳累、工作效率差的人,最好食用牛肉、羊肉,它们含有最易被吸收的铁质。 5.铁质储量低的人应该去咨询医生,看看是否应通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。 6.一般说来,如果你忽视自己摄入的铁质含量,不在铁质储备失去之前注意警告信号,你会有危险。 第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第三册uni3答案

21世纪大学英语第一册 why they excel单词测验

1.be the best or better than others( ) 2.money saved,esp.in a bank( ) 3.which cause great sorrow( ) 4.expensive,costing a lot of money( ) 5.loss or giving up sth.of value,esp.for what is believed to be a good purpose( ) 6.danger;sth.that might have undesirable results( ) Place in a dangers situation( ) 7.deal successfully( ) 8.series or act of following one after another( ) 9.follwing each other closely( ) 10.收养孩子的 11.奖学金 12.have sth.because of( ) Have to pay for sth.already done or given( ) 13.still to be paid( ) 14.provide sb. with a strong need ,purpose or reason for doing sth( ) 15.move,esp.forward,in or like powerful waves( ) 16.form or make up( ) Formally establish or appoint( ) 17.act of establishing,making,or setting up;constituting( ) 18.allowed or limited by a political constitution( ) 19.a student who is always working( ) 20.fixed pattern which is believed to represent a type of person or event 21.lose,usu.for only a limited time Put in a unsuitable or wrong place 22.sb.who has been forced to leave their country for political reason or during a war 23.feel anger and dislike about 24.describe as belonging to a particular kind or class 25.small part of population which is different from others in race,religion


螀2 1 世纪大学英语第册课后习题参考答案 肅Unit1 薂Text A 螂Vocabulary 袀in 蒆https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c113252879.html,pulsory 2.relish 3.confidence 4.consequences 5.incentive 6.henceforth 7.invest 8.perceive 9.passion 10.scheming 芄1.going steady with Richard 2.in time 3.played into his enemy ' s hands 薁4.beyond her widest dreams 5.hung on Michael ' s every word 6.out of focus 羀7.feed on 8.the apple of Chris ' s eye 9.filed into the courtroom 10.poring over their collection 袇word Building 螂w 芀2.empress 3.goddess 4.mistress 5.waitress 6.lioness 7.priestess 8.heiress 聿2.waitress, actress 3.Lioness 4.mistress 芈四 蒄2.referee 裁判 3.appointee 被任命者 4.refugee 难民 5.addressee 收件人 6.trainee 受训者 7.escapee逃犯8.absentee缺席者9.payee 受款人 莃2.trainee 3.absentee 4.refugees 5.addressee 6.escapee 腿Structure 蒅区 膆1. Having too many work on the team slows our work down rather than speeding it up . 膂2. He wanted to make his living as a teacher rather than as a businessman. 艿3. In most modern societies women are treated as professorial equal rather than as servants.

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