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Portfolio Selection by Markowitz’s

Portfolio Selection by Markowitz’s
Portfolio Selection by Markowitz’s


Portfolio Dictionary Definitions: 1. a. A portable case for holding material, such as loose papers, photographs, or drawings. b.The materials collected in such a case, especially when representative of a person's work: a photographer's portfolio; an artist's portfolio of drawings. 2.The office or post of a cabinet member or minister of state. 3. A group of investments held by an investor, investment company, or financial institution. Finance In finance, a portfolio is a collection of investments held by an institution or a private individual. In building up an investment portfolio a financial institution will conduct its own investment analysis, whilst a private individual may make use of the services of a merchant bank which offers portfolio management. Holding a portfolio is part of an investment and risk-limiting strategy called diversification. Management, Marketing In strategic management and marketing, a portfolio is a collection of products, services, or brands that are offered for sale by a company. In building up a product portfolio a company can use various analytical techniques including ? B.C.G. Analysis, ?contribution margin analysis, ?G.E. Multi Factoral analysis,and ?Quality Function Deployment. Typically a company tries to achieve both diversification and balance in their portfolio of product offerings.

BT学院 120考点Portfolio(7个考点)

Portfolio Management 2017 王老师和贾老师的CFA课堂

考点 Reading 考点 R40 Portfolio Management: An Overview ?投资者类别,不同投资者特点。 ?三步走plan-execution -feedback。 R41 Risk Management: An Introduction ?risk budgeting ?the categorization of types of risks ?methods of risk mitigation R42 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I ?Major return measurement and The portfolio standard deviation formula ?Minimum variance and efficient frontier ?CAL ?CAPM公式+假设+应用。 ?SML和CML的特点及对比 R43 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II R44 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction ?IPS中的Objective and constraints ?SAA和TAA

考点一投资者类别,不同投资者特点 □Portfolio perspective □The types of investment management clients □Characteristics of different types of investors


Portfolio在初中英语写作教学中的应用 摘要:英语写作是初中英语教学中听、说、读、写四种能力培养的重要能力之一,英语写作能力不高原因是多方面的,除了部分学生本身词汇量贫乏、语法基础不扎实以外,其教学模式单一也是原因之一。本文就英语写作过程中采用Portfolio的教学模式在写作教模式的实施特点和原则以及模式的实施过程作了详细的介绍。 关键词:Portfolio 英语写作英语教学 英语写作是初中英语教学中听、说、读、写四种能力培养的重要能力之一,每年中考写作比例占15—20分,谁的英语写作分数高,他的分数自然胜人一筹,每年在英语中考中,英语写作失分是比较大的。尽快提高学生的英语写作水平,已经成为英语教学中的面临的重要课题,英语写作能力不高原因是多方面的,除了部分学生本身词汇量贫乏、语法基础不扎实以外,其教学模式手段单一也是原因之一。传统的教学模式手段,完全是在教师的支配下完成的,教师教得很沉重,学生学得很苦闷,但往往收效甚微,似乎已经形成了一套固定的教学模式,已经养成了一稿定论的习惯。如何提高学生的写作积极性,进而激发他们的写作灵感和兴趣,如何充分发挥学生的主导作用,处理好教与学的关系,构建师生交流沟通的桥梁,这些都是每位英语教师必须思考的问题。基于以上种种原因,作者在高年级的英语写作教学中就利用Portfolio的教学模式作了尝试,普遍反应学生的写作能力有了一定程度的提高。 1 什么是Portfolio Portfolio中文意思是“学习档案袋”也叫“评价档案(Assessment Portfolio)”,指在某个过程中为达到某个目的所收集的相关资料的有组织呈现,通过这些资料和材料,可以展示事情的进展过程或者个人的成长经历。这种教学模式开始于上世纪80年代的美国,在国外教育实践中的应用迄今已有二十多年。建立Portfolio 的目的是要通过大量材料的收集和学生本人对材料的反思,客观而形象地反映出学生在某个特定阶段,比如一个学期,在英语学习方面的(包括语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略等)进步、成就及其问题,以增强学生的自信心,培养学生自我评价、自我反思的能力和自我教育的习惯。 2 Portfolio 在英语写作教学的重要性 Portfolio在英语写作教学中具有重要价值。首先,Portfolio模式是全面、合理评估学生成绩的重要手段。传统的终极性评价(如:期中、期末考试)无法全面体现学生在写作学习中的个体差异和风格,包括学习态度,学习兴趣,学习策略等;而Portfolio教学评估模式恰好弥补了这一不足。Portfolio可以为每个学生英语写作学习上进步的全过程提供持续的记录。便于教师随时了解学生的学习进步情况,因材施教。其次,Portfolio可以反映出学生对于语言学习的态度和观点,


room 6204 building 06 nanjing institute of technology, nanjing 211169 (025)86275001 email: name obective to obtain a challenging position in fashion design education 2010. 9-2014.7 dept.of fashion design and engineering of nanjing institute of jinling technology, b. e. academic main courses fashion dsign, product development, fashion managenent, marketing for clothing, wearable textile arts, fashion release organizeation, patter making, etc. skilled in use of cad designing software, adobe photoshop cs3, coreldraw x3, office 2000, windows 2000. english skills past cet-4 others: portfolio available upon request篇二:rational+portfolio+manager简介 rational portfolio manager: 随需应变的项目组合管理平台 本文将向您展示ibm rational portfolio manager的重要特性,您将体验ibm rational portfolio manager是如何支持随需应变的项目管理的。 项目管理已经成为现代企业普遍采用的管理方式。如何提高项目和项目组合管理的效率, 保持项目、人员和资产分配与企业商业战略的一致性无疑是最为重要的问题。为了使企业的 投资获得最大的回报,仅有先进的项目管理理论是不够的,没有优秀的工具支持,企业的价 值理念很难得到准确的贯彻。ibm rational portfolio manager就是您要寻找的工具,这是 一个企业级的项目组合管理平台,它将分散在各地的项目团队以及项目管理涉及的各个领域 内容集成在一个统一的框架中,并通过多维的可视化界面显示项目和项目组合的健康状况以 及与企业商业战略的一致性,为管理层的投资决策提供实时的支持。 本文将向您展示ibm rational portfolio manager的重要特性,您将体验ibm rational portfolio manager是如何支持随需应变的项目管理的。 1. rational portfolio manager简介 1.1 rational portfolio manager的功能 ibm rational portfolio manager (简称rpm)不仅是一个项目管理工具更是一个完整的 项目组合管理解决方案,它的功能覆盖项目组合分析、工作管理、财务管理、资源管理、范 围管理、文档管理、资产管理、合同管理以及客户和成本中心等各个领域。此外,rpm还强 调管理的效率,并提供了工作流程管理和实时的沟通协作机制。本文将着重介绍rpm的如下 特性: 1. 全方位可视化的项目组合分析 2. 工作管理 3. 集中式的人力资源管理 4. 财务管理 5. 时间和费用跟踪 6. 范围管理 7. 文档管理


Web下电子学习档案袋(e-Portfolio)在大学英语教学的使用介 绍 摘要:电子学习档案袋是指在信息技术环境下,学习者运用信息手段表现和展示其在学习过程中关于学习目的、学习活动、学习成果、学习业绩、学习付出、学业进步、以及关于学习过程和学习结果进行反思的有关学习的一种集 合体。它如何在大学英语的教学中使用,本将加以介绍。 关键词:大学英语电子学习档案袋 在大学英语的教学中,我们老师明显地感到:单是凭借课堂的时间和努力,是不足以“教好”学生的,英语确实是教师和学生共同努力才能取得一定的效果。有的教师说,即使老师讲出花来,学生不主动学习也是没有用的。老师起到的作用更应该是激励人和领路人。学生课后应该如何“学”?下什么功夫?怎么来和学生课内,课外互动?怎么能对学生有一个形成性评价?Web下电子学习档案袋(e-Portfolio)终于诞生了,比较完美地解决了这些问题。 电子学习档案袋是指在信息技术环境下,学习者运用信息手段表现和展示其在学习过程中关于学习目的、学习活动、学习成果、学习业绩、学习付出、学业进步、以及关于学习过程和学习结果进行反思的有关学习的一种集合体。它主要

用于考查学生运用所学知识所取得的成就,学生就成为选择档案袋内容的一个决策者甚至主要决策者,从而他们也就拥有了判断自己学习质量和进步的机会。因而,在考虑档案袋体系的开发时,其中允许学生反省和自我评定的可能性,是最为重要的。因此电子档案袋中强调学生电子作品及成绩的聚集、强调自我反省评价、教师及家庭的评价,是一种体现学习的主动性、社会性和情境性,体现学习是对学生自我成份和元认知发展的评价一种复杂的意义建构的过程,是符合建构主义的理论核心,是现代教育评价理论即多元评价理论的具体实践。 国外对电子学习档案袋学档进行较为全面的研究和阐 述的有美国University ofAlaska,Anchorage的Helen C.Barrett 博士等人。国外一般称为Electronic learning Portfolio,也有少数学者称为digital learning portfolio,e-learning portfolio。经过近20年的发展,目前美国已经成功地将电子学档运用于学校教育当中,其主要表现为以学生为中心,大多数由学生操作和管理在电子学档;以成长历程为线索,采用面向过程的评价方式;以记录内容为蓝本,作为一种自我反思的工具;以培养有个性的人才为宗旨,作为个人发展的坚实平台等几个特征。目前欧美国家把电子学档已经向公司、服务业等其他的领域扩展,电子学档在美国的应用已经相当普及,其发展对世界的影响也最大。

室内设计作品集 portfolio


EDUCATION -Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture - Minor in Fine Arts Ohio University GPA: 3.25Athens, Ohio June 2012Art and Architecture in Paris - Architecture, Interior Design, and Art Criticism in the Visual Arts Paris, France December 2010Cross Cultural Collaborative Studio Interface Design With China - Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, and Marketing Group collaboration with students from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication to develop a prototype for a store.Athens, Ohio June-July 2010 WORK EXPERIENCE - Chicago, Illinois June - August 2011 Judy W. Gordon Interior Design Design Intern Rocky River, Ohio December 2008 - 2011HoneyBaked Ham Cashier Logan, Ohio June 2009 - September 2010 Camp Akita Counselor SKILLS - PC and Mac pro?cient, Auto-Cad, Google SketchUp, Revit, Adobe Creative Suite, Form-Z Render Zone Plus, Final Cut Express, Microsoft Of?ce XP , hand rendering INVOLVEMENT -2008 - 2012Ohio University Design Group Philanthropy Committee 2008 - 2012American Society of Interior Designers (Asid) Student Member 2008 - 2012International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Student Member 2007 - 2011Sigma Kappa Sorority Philanthropy Committee 2007-2009 Ohio University Club Tennis Printed portfolio and references available upon https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, bethvalerino@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, BETH VALERINO


“portfolio”的类型分析及其实施方法 摘要:本文通过文献分析方法,介绍了portfolio的起源和发展,在此基础上归纳总结出“portfolio”的类型,并分析出不同类型portfolio在学习活动中不同阶段的使用方法,并因此得出其实施步骤,最后对portfolio的评价量规进行了探讨。 关键词:portfolio;电子学档;学习评价;评价量规 1 “portfolio”的起源和发展 “portfolio”,又译为文件夹,是依据一定目的,收集反映学生学习过程中所做的努力、取得进步、最终成果以及学习反思的一整套资料,是对个人作品的系统收集。 从历史渊源来说,“portfolio”最早的内涵是学生的学习档案,它体现了“学习是个过程,对学习的评价也应该有过程评价”的思想。因为是在学习的同时进行评估,评估的结果不仅可以用于改善教与学,而且还可以为老师判断学生水平提供依据。美国心理学家、提出多元智能的加德纳(H.Gardner)认为,利用“portfolio”可以很好地评价其所提出的多元智能的学习历程,特别是对那些不能采用标准化测验测试的技能,如艺术类能力,因此将其引入哈佛教育学院“零点项目”。随着该项目在美国的推广,更多的学校和科目开始了解“portfolio”。而此时的“portfolio”收集包含的内容主要是物化的材料,包括:学生自己的学习计划(包括记录学习内容的笔记)、教师和同龄人的评价意见表、照片、录音带、录像带、搜集到的各种资料、日记和作文、信件、图画、调查采访的记录、报纸文摘剪辑、各种草稿以及完成作品等。 随着信息技术的发展,学习档案的形式与运用发生了重大的变化,其中最为明显的是电子学档的出现。关于电子学档,国外一般称为“electronic learning portfolio”,也有少数学者称为“digital learning portfolio”、“e leaming portfolio”。其实三种说法在本质上并无区别,而国内则较为统一称之为“e-portfolio”。 由于涉及教学情境的复杂性,目前国内外并无电子学档的统一定义,也没有统一的名称,国外有“portfolio”、“e-portfolio”、“electronic Learning Portfolio”、“digital learning portfolio”等。国内翻译过来的名称也有“成长记录册”、“学档”、“学习文件夹”等。也有将“portfolio”的内容电子化,称之为“电子学档”。(本篇论文中将统一使用“portfolio”与“e-portfolio”)。正如比尔—约翰逊(BillJohnson)的著作《表现评定手册》中所说的,“……尽管学习档案应用广泛,但如果要求五个不同的教师给档案下定义,你很可能得到五个不同的答案——其中每一个都没有‘错’。” 国外一般认为学习档案是学生作品有意识的集合体,包括学生在选择内容、判断优劣的标准和学生自我反思等方面的参与,用来展示学生一个或多个领域的

金融工程讲义 第三讲 投资组合(portfolio)理论基础

第三讲 投资组合(portfolio)理论基础 一.单个资产的收益和风险 1.期望收益(expected return) 数学期望(mathematical expectation)的定义: 若离散型随机变量X 的可能值为),2,1( =i x i ,其概率分布为 {}i i p x X P ==, ,2,1=i 则当: ∞<∑∞ =i i i p x 1 时,称X 的数学期望存在,并且其数学期望记作EX ,定义为: i i i p x EX ∑∞ ==1 对于风险资产而言,其未来的收益是一个随机变量。在不同的经济条件下,这个随机变量将取不同的值,而每一种经济条件的出现都有其概率。把资产收益的不同取值乘以不同经济条件出现的概率,就能够对该资产未来的收益做出估计。 用公式表示为: i n i i i i r p p p r E ∑ =---=1 1 1 )( 式中,i r 为该资产收益的第i 状态的取值;i p 为资产收益取值i r 的概率;)(r E 为该资产的期望收益。 例题:已知某种证券在市场状况较好的情况下的投资收益率为45%,在市场状况较差的情况下的投资收益率为-15%,又已知未来市场状况转好的可能性为60%,市场状况转坏的可能性为40%,则该证券的期望收益为多少? %2121.006.027.0%)40%15(%60%45)r (E ==-=?-+?= 练习题:假设某种证券资产在A 情况下的收益率为35%,在B 情况下的投资收益率为15%,在C 情况下的投资收益率为-20%。A 、B 、C 三种情况发生的概率分别为20%,50%和30%,求这种证券资产的预期收益。 2.收益的方差(Variance) 方差(variance)和标准差(standard deviation)的定义: 设X 为一个随机变量(random variable),其数学期望EX 存在,则称EX X -为X 的离差(deviation),进一步,如果2 )(EX X E -也存在,则称2 )(EX X E -为随机变量X 的方差,记作DX 或VarX ,并称DX 为X 的标准差。


INTRODUCTION The portfolio include ten exercise, contains different types of exercises, such as listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar. Many of these exercises from the Chinese college entrance examination, because I think that these exams include a lot of knowledge in high school,they are very useful and can help us to learn English.

Exercise 1 ( Essay and Words) The author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before. The Sampler In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision. I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case. "Now there's one old gentleman, for instance," she told me, "he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what's more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it." She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest. "Why, that's the very gentleman I've been telling you about," whispered the shop girl." Just watch him now." And then turning to him:" Would you like to sample them, sir? Here's spoon for you to use." The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only braking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief. "This is quite good." "This is not bad either, but a little too heavy." All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might eventually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding. Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said: "Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure." He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

(1952 JF) Portfolio Selection_Markowitz 资产组合理论经典文章

Portfolio Selection Harry Markowitz The Journal of Finance,Vol.7,No.1.(Mar.,1952),pp.77-91. Stable URL: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html,/sici?sici=0022-1082%28195203%297%3A1%3C77%3APS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-1 The Journal of Finance is currently published by American Finance Association. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use,available at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html,/about/terms.html.JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides,in part,that unless you have obtained prior permission,you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles,and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal,non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work.Publisher contact information may be obtained at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html,/journals/afina.html. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world.The Archive is supported by libraries,scholarly societies,publishers, and foundations.It is an initiative of JSTOR,a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in technology.For more information regarding JSTOR,please contact support@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html,. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, Mon Sep301:12:502007

C# 、 VB 在PDF中创建文件包(Portfolio)

C#/https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, 在PDF中添加文件包(Portfolio) PDF文件包(Portfolio)允许用户将多种不同类型的文件如Word、Excel、PDF、PowerPoint和图片等集合到一个PDF文件中,用户可以打开、更改PDF文件包中的单个文件。添加文件包时,可支持创建文件包时并直接将文件添加到文件包;或者创建文件包的同时创建文件夹,并将文件添加到文件夹。 环境准备:程序中需要使用到PDF类库工具(Spire.PDF for .NET hotfix6.5.15及以上版本)下载后,解压,将Bin文件夹下的dll文件添加引用到VS程序。如下效果: 1. 创建文件包时直接添加文件 C# using Spire.Pdf; using System;

{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //创建数组 String[] files = new String[] { "sample.pdf", "sample.docx", "sample.xlsx", "sample.txt", "sample.pptx" }; //创建PdfDocument实例 PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(); pdf.LoadFromFile("test.pdf"); //创建PDF文件包并添加文件 for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { pdf.Collection.AddFile(files[i]); } //保存文档 pdf.SaveToFile("PortfolioWithFiles.pdf", FileFormat.PDF); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("PortfolioWithFiles.pdf"); } } } https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, Imports Spire.Pdf

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PORTFOLIOS PORTFOLIO 01 Unt harum dolorem simos sum utemquam, consequae delis explaut rerrum, ut dolo omni henda parciant acernamus dolor as que pere sinihictium faceate nus. ALEX SMITH Web Developer Alex Smith @Alex Smith Alexsmith SmithAlex ABOUT Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. CONTACT Address :013,Tlpark Street West Java. Phone : 012 345 6789 012 567 9876 Email :yourmail@web.co m Site : https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c213944245.html, AWARDS WEB DESIGN AWARD At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebumclita kas. UI/UX AWARD At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebumclita kas.

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