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Fastq_clean- version 1.0

Fei lab

Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research,

Cornell University,

Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853,

United States of America,

Jan 29, 2014

1.Quick start (5)

1.1 Requirements (5)

1.2 Begin with one example (6)

1.3 To clean the paired end sequencing data (7)

2.Parameters (9)

2.1 Required parameter (9)

2.2 Optional parameter (11)

2.3 R script-related options (12)

2.4 BWA-related options (14)

2.5 How to set R script-related parameters (15)

To users:

Fastq_clean is an optimized pipeline to clean the next generation sequencing (NGS) data (DNA-seq or RNA-seq) from the Illumina sequencer. Fastq_clean can also be used to clean the NGS data from other sequencers (e.g. 454), but needs some modification to reach the rest results. The software is available at https://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,/s/v7sjjmjo56r71k8bvqkv or https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,/s/1sjllrcD for users from china.

The copy right of this software is belonging to the Authors in this published paper[1]. Users can download and use it only for academic purposes with a requirement to cite our published paper. Any commercial use or distribution is not allowed. For any questions or error reports, please contact:

Mi Zhang

Email : zhangmi@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,

1Quick start

1.1 Requirements

1. This software is supposed to run on the linux system.

2. Perl need be installed, but usually is already pre-installed.

3. R/Bioconductor need be installed.

4. BWA (Version: 0.

5.7 -r1310) and Samtools (Version: 0.1.18) are included in the package.

To install R on the Linux system (Fedora or Ubuntu), please run the first or the second command line as below:

To install Bioconductor in the R environment, please run such command lines:

1.2 Begin with one example

Download fastq_clean-X.Y (X.Y is the version number of the software fastq_clean) from the website. Then, users can start with a published Chrysanthemum RNA-seq dataset including six data files and run such commands as below to learn how to use this software.

1. Download the software folder and rename the working directory “fastq_clean”:

2. Enter the working directory and change the system mode of it:

3. Decompress the database files:

4. Download six data files from the NCBI SRA database into the working directory and transform them into fastq format:

5. Run the pipeline to clean the six data files:

1.3 To clean the paired end sequencing data

In the sample dataset, six fastq files are from the forward end sequencing data. To clean paired end sequencing data, you must provide two fastq file list and run the pipeline twice for forward end sequencing and reverse end sequencing data.


There are four categories of parameters: required, optional, R script-related and BWA-related. Users can run the command line “./fastq_clean.pl” to see all the parameter description.

2.1 Required parameter


The fastq_clean program is designed to process input files in batch, so a text file should be provided to include a list of input file names (the first column) and the corresponding 3’ adapter sequences (the second column). The first column in the file list can only include the base names of the input files (see the figure 1) without suffix names.

Fig 1. The content of fastqfiles1.list

In the working directory, a file named “fastqfiles1.list”was included to

clean the sample dataset (see the figure 1). The 3’ adapter sequences are from TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kits, which covers more than 80% usage in RNA-seq and also used in some DNA-seq application. Users can simply replace the first column with their own data file names and replace the second column with their own adapter sequences to run this pipeline on their own data.

Fig 2. The arrangement of the working directory

The corresponding input files in the list must be included in the working directory with suffix name “.fastq”. All the input files must be the raw data from the sequencer. The raw data having lines of the same length should not be processed by any data clean programs.

2.2 Optional parameter


To run the R script to remove low quality, ambiguous and adapter bases in the input data. The default setting is to run the R script.


To run the Perl script to remove reads which can be aligned to the rRNA reference sequences.


If the parameter “rRNA_removal”is set, an rRNA reference database named rRNA_silva111.fasta in FASTA format should be provided in the folder $work_dir/databases.


To run the Perl script to remove reads which can be aligned to the virus reference sequences.

--virus _reference

If the parameter “virus_removal” is set, a virus reference database named vrl_genbank.fasta in FASTA format should be provided in the folder $work_dir/databases.

2.3 R script-related options


The name of a file containing a list of adapter pattern strings. There are two pattern files “patterns_forward”and “patterns_reverse”in the working directory. They are designed to remove some other contamination in the forward and reverse sequencing data after removing the low quality, ambiguous and adapter bases. These patterns are also from TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kits.


Low quality bases below this parameter will be trimmed from both ends of reads. The default value is 20, which is the most common used in quality control.


The low quality region from the 5' end of reads. The default value is10. The

“region_5Len”, “region_3Len”, and “n_Cutoff”are optimized for the illumine 100bp sequencing technology.


The low quality region from the 3' end of reads. The default value is 20.


After low quality bases trimmed, the reads containing "N" with a number above this parameter will be removed. The default value is 2.


A mismatch ratio between adapters with the 3' ends of reads. The default value is 0.1.


Reads with the length shorter than this parameter will be removed. The default value is 25.


Number of reads processed in each iteration to limit the memory usage. The default value is 5e5.

2.4 BWA-related options

--max_dist Maximum edit distance [1]

--max_open Maximum number of gap opens [1]

--max_extension Maximum number of gap extensions [1]

--len_seed Take the first INT subsequence as seed [36]

--dist_seed Maximum edit distance in the seed [1]

--thread_num Number of threads (multi-threading mode) [8]

This pipeline uses the BWA program[2] to align reads to the virus or rRNA reference sequences. To call the BWA program in the command line, six parameters (“n”, “o”, “e”, “l”, “k”,“t”) need be set and renamed by (“max_dist”, “max_open”, “max_extension”, “len_seed”, “dist_seed”, “thread_num”). For detailed description of those parameters, users can see the online manual of the program BWA (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,/bwa.shtml).

2.5 How to set R script-related parameters

The “region_5Len”, “region_3Len”, and “n_Cutoff” parameters (see 2.3) are optimized for the illumine 100bp sequencing technology. For seq data of other length, users must set these parameters by themselves. Table 1 provides some recommended parameters for user’s convenience.

Table 1. parameters for seq data of different length

3Runtime Errors

Input file having line of different length

Error in replaceLetterAt(seqs, at, letter) :

'x' must be rectangular (i.e. have a constant width)

1. Xu, Y., et al., Transcriptome sequencing and whole genome expression profiling of

chrysanthemum under dehydration stress. BMC Genomics, 2013. 14(1): p. 662.

2. Li, H. and R. Durbin, Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Bioinformatics, 2009. 25(14): p. 1754-1760.


U SER’S M ANUAL Project or System Name U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Month, Year

Revision Sheet Revision Sheet

I have carefully assessed the User’s Manual for the (System Name). This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the HUD System Development Methodology. MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION - Please check the appropriate statement. ______ The document is accepted. ______ The document is accepted pending the changes noted. ______ The document is not accepted. We fully accept the changes as needed improvements and authorize initiation of work to proceed. Based on our authority and judgment, the continued operation of this system is authorized. _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE Project Leader _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE Operations Division Director _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE Program Area/Sponsor Representative _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE Program Area/Sponsor Director

Calibre user manual

Calibre user manual ● 初始Calibre 環境: 先 copy .cdsinit 在terminal 下鍵入Source .cdsinit ,即完成calibre 的環境設定了。之後再進入icfb 下的 layout view ,找尋calibre 的連結即可使用。 ● 使用Calibre : 選擇virtuoso 進入layout view 之後,在其tool bar 上可以看到一個Calibre 的連結,選項中有DRC 、LVS 以及PEX (即LPE 功能) ,依所須之功能選擇之。 (1) DRC 選擇DRC 之後會出現一大一小兩個視窗,小的是每次操作路徑設定,可設定可不設定。大的視窗為主要控制設定視窗。分別介紹如下: 設定每次檔案操作起始路徑。亦可不做任何設定,直接關掉此視窗。待至下方主要操作視窗下再做路徑設定。

Main Window 設定以Rule、Inputs、Outputs為主,通常皆以預設執行即可 設定完成後,選Run DRC即可操作。 Rules:Kick ”…” to browser Rules file & Run Directory Kick “View” to view & edit rules file Input:由layout 連結過來,點選import from layout,calibre將會自動將layout 檔成gds檔。此外Calibre 有預設的file name,以cell name.calibre.gds命名。 原則上不須更改任何設定,以其預設操作即可。亦可自已命名。


SAP用户操作培训手册 财务会计模块 最终用户培训手册 SAP项目组编制 2002年12月 版本号: 目的.......................................................... 必备条件...................................................... 1.目的: .................................................... 2.适用范围: ................................................ 3.文件内容概述: ............................................ 4.具体内容 .................................................. 操作步骤: .................................................... 单个创建成本中心....................................... 单个对成本中心进行更改................................. 单个显示成本中心内容................................... 单个删除成本中心....................................... 单个显示成本中心被修改的记录........................... 集中更改成本中心内容................................... 集中显示成本中心....................................... 集中删除成本中心....................................... 集中快速创建成本中心(简要信息)....................... 创建成本中心组......................................... 更改成本中心组......................................... 显示成本中心组......................................... 成本中心计划........................................... 手动成本重过帐......................................... 重过帐行项目........................................... 查询成本中心报表:实际/计划/差异....................... 目的 本教程的目的是使最终用户掌握对成本中心维护业务的操作管理 必备条件


USER MANUAL 嵌入式电源模块 用户手册

COMPACT SYSTEM 9 前言 欢迎您使用由本公司研发生产的嵌入式电源模块,模块为一体化设计,整机性能稳定,实用性强。 声明 1. 规格书详细描述了嵌入式电源模块的各项性能,在对电源模块进行各项操作前,请用户仔细阅读本规格书,遵守相关行业的安全规范。对于操作不当或者超出本规格书规定之使用条件导致产品损坏,本公司概不负责。 2. 我公司有权利在不通知客户的情况下更改手册的内容。 安全守则 高压 交流引入线为高压工作线路,操作过程一定要确保交流输入断电,操作过程中对不许动用的开关要加上临时禁止标识牌。 注意 交流线路端子接点及其它不必要的裸露之处,要充分绝缘。 注意 上电之前必须接地。 严禁在雷雨天气下进行高压、交流电操作

——用户手册 8

——用户手册 8

COMPACT SYSTEM 9 七、其他特性 项目 指标要求 性能 机器噪音 输入电压和输出电压电流范围内,距离电源前、后、左、右1米,距离上、下1.5米,电源的噪音应小于55dB(A) 通过 MTBF 100,000H 通过 振动 5~9Hz ,振幅3.5mm ,9~200 Hz ,加速度10m/s2,3轴向,每个方向扫频振动5次(3*50分钟),电源不损坏。 通过 冲击 半正弦波,加速度为20G ,脉冲宽度为11ms ,X 、Y 、Z 三方向,各三次 通过 防尘 有一定的防尘功能 通过 气味 无异味或有害性气体 通过 第三章 外形图及接口定义、告警指示 一、整机外形图 整机尺寸:深(290mm )*宽(482.6mm )*高(89mm ) 二、安装尺寸图


非接触式应变位移测量分析系统 用户使用手册 (中文版) 北京天禾沐电子技术有限责任公司 Tangram Electronic Engineering 北京市海淀区花园路六号应物会议中心B座339室邮编:100088 电话:(010)82034475 62061100 传真:(010)62061101 Eail:Bai.hua@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,

目录 1简介 (1) 2安装 (2) 2.1视频测量仪软件的安装/升级 (2) 2.2许可证密匙加密狗 (4) 2.3启动视频测量仪应用程序软件 (4) 3连接摄像机与电压输入/输出模块 (5) 3.1摄像机 (5) 3.2电压输入/输出模块 (7) 4快速启动指南 (8) 4.1连接相机和电压输入/输出模块 (8) 4.2启动视频测量仪的应用程序 (8) 4.3 视频输入的配置 (8) 4.4选择目标点 (9) 4.5选择进行何种测量 (10) 4.6 执行测量 (11) 5如何使用视频测量仪 (13) 5.1 概况 (13) 5.2 步骤 (14) 5.3 保存和装载配置 (21) 5.4测量结果文件 (22) 5.5 存档 (22) 5.6 选项与设置 (23) 6 选择好的目标点 (30) 6.1不同的目标点类型 (30) 6.2 目标点大小 (31) 6.3参考点的位置 (32) 7 照明、镜头与相机的设置 (33) 7.1 获得最佳照明 (33) 7.2选择合适的镜头 (33) 7.3 安装摄像机 (34) 7.4 设置快门速度和光圈 (35) 8 将信号连接到电压输入/输出模块 (36) 8.1 模拟输入 (36) 8.2 数字输入 (37) 8.3 模拟输出 (37) 8.4 数字输出 (37) 9 使用外触发源 (38) 9.1 为什么使用外触发源 (38) 9.2 如何配置外触发 (38) 10 转换像素为实际物理单位 (39) 10.1 采用一个已知的距离 (39)


使用说明书 User manual 感谢阁下信任本公司的产品,为了使您能更愉快地使用该设备,请在使用前务必仔细阅读此说明书。 Thank you for using the products,in order to make you more happy to use this equipment,please read this manual carefully before you use. 产品功能图示 Product function diagram 电源输入孔 The power input hole 耗材导入口 Import and export LCD 显示屏 LCD display 调温开关 Temperature control switch 调速开关Speed control switch 退丝按键Wire back button 送丝按钮Wire forward button 喷嘴加热头Integrated nozzle heating head 挂钩Hook

规格定义及电气参数Specifications and parameters: 出料方式:热熔挤压堆积成型Discharging mode:hot melt extrusion molding 成型方式:三维成型 Molding:three-dimensional molding 打印范围:无限定 Print range:Unlimited 吐丝速度:可调 Spinning speed:adjustable 温度:60℃-245℃可调 T emperature:60℃-245℃adjustable 设备工作电压:12V2A Working voltage:12V2A equipment 喷嘴直径:0.7mm The nozzle diameter:0.7mm 耗材直径:1.75mm Filament diameter:1.75mm 特征 Characteristic: ·LCD屏能显示耗材种类、速度、温度、警告信息 LCD display can directly show the information like filament type,speed level,temperature, warning,more humanized display interface. ·支持ABS和PLA Support shift between PLA and ABS ·2A供电,能耗低 Max working current is2A,lower energy consumption ·人体工学设计,注重用户感受 Human engineering design,Pay attention to the user experience ·点触式调速调温,智能切换材料所需温度 Smart program control,simplifies use,intelligent filament replacement are used for the first time,this makes the user more convenient,more secure to change and replace the filament. 警告! Warning! 1.此设备适用于8岁以上儿童和成人使用。儿童需要在成人监护下方可使用。 This equipment is suitable for children over8years of age and adult use.Children need to be used in the adult guardianship. 2.此设备前段笔尖及附近为高温危险区域,最高温度在245℃左右,因此严禁用手触摸或用 笔尖触碰其他物品。 The equipment for high temperature near the anterior tip and dangerous region,the highest temperature at245℃,therefore no pen touch other objects by hand touch. 3.严禁用异物塞入进料孔。 It is strictly prohibited to use foreign body into the feed hole.


Vilar IP Camera VS-IPC1002 User’s Manual Index 1INTRODUCTION.............................................................................- 1 - 1.1W ELCOME TO THE V ILAR IP C AMERA (1 1.2P ACKAGE C ONTENTS (1 1.3I DENTIFY VS-IPC1002 (2 1.3.1VS-IPC1002Views....................................................................- 2 - 1.3.2Indication and Operation..........................................................- 4 - 2FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES........................................................- 10 - 2.1B ASIC F UNCTIONS (10 2.2A DVANCED F EATURES (10 3SYSTEM REQUIREMENT...............................................................- 11 -4SETUP PROCEDURE......................................................................- 12 - 4.1VS-IPC1002P OWER &N ETWORK C ONNECTION (12 4.2R OUTER/S WITCH/H UB/X DSL M ODEM C ONNECTION (13 4.3U SE IPC AM S EARCH T OOL TO SETUP VS-IPC1002 (14 4.4V IEW V IDEO ON W EB B ROWSER (16 4.5S ETUP VS-IPC1002 ON W EB (22 4.6M OUNTING THE VS-IPC1002 (22


DataScraper用户手册 DataScraper是什么 DataScraper是信息提取工具包GooSeeker中的一个工具,是Web页面信息抓取工具,利用MetaStudio生成的指令文件,对指定页面的信息进行连续抓取,并将信息存储在DataStore服务器上。 DataScraper同普通的网络爬虫不同,怎样爬行网络、提取什么信息、怎样存储结果等是在指令文件指导下进行的。 指令文件分成两类: ●工作流指令文件:指导DataScraper怎样爬行网络,例如,是否持续爬行、是否提 取信息等。当前此类文件需要手工编写,下文详细讲解。 ●信息提取指令文件:指导DataScraper怎样提取信息和线索等。此类文件由 MetaStudio生成,在《MetaStudio简明操作手册》中讲解。

DataScraper界面介绍 整个界面分成四个区: ●菜单条:位于顶端。 ●主题列表区:位于左上栏,用于浏览或者查询主题。 ●浏览器窗口区:位于右上栏,用于显示当前正在提取的页面。 ●信息输出区:位于下栏,用于显示信息提取中遇到的问题。 DataScraper基本操作方法 提取Web页面信息的基本步骤是:

1.使用MetaStudio定义目标页面的信息提取规则,生成指令文件。在《MetaStudio 简明操作手册》中说明。 2.编写工作流指令文件。在下一章讲解。 3.浏览和查询主题。 在主题列表区点鼠标右键菜单“List”可以列出所有主题,也可以在列表下方的输入窗口中输入要查询的主题名(支持通配符*),回车后查询匹配的主题。 4.对选定的主题进行信息提取。 在主题列表区点鼠标右键菜单“Crawl”,填写需要连续爬行的线索数量,提交后,系统将开始网络爬行和信息提取。 注意:请预先估计一下爬行一个线索需要的时间,然后输入合适的连续爬行线索数。经测试观察,DataScraper可能有轻微的内存泄露,如果处理器性能较差,经过24小时 运行,内存泄露能够被察觉;如果处理器性能较高,例如双核酷睿,内存泄露不易察觉。 内存泄露原因暂时无法确定,关闭DataScraper和Firefox浏览器后内存释放。 建议:持续网络爬行不要超过24小时。 DataScraper工作原理 DataScraper的核心是个工作流引擎,顺序调度工作流指令文件中定义的处理器。系统还提供一个全局的上下文容器,供处理器交换数据或者获得控制指令。 每个处理器的框架是一样的,对外接口有: ●从上下文容器获得其他处理器或者系统产生的数据。 ●向上下文容器输出数据供其他处理器使用。 ●从上下文容器中获得系统和其他处理器发出的控制指令,例如,是否停止整个工作 流、是否跳过本处理器等等。一个最重要的控制指令是令牌,令牌决定了工作流中处理器的调度。每个处理器被调度时要检查令牌,判断自己应该怎样运行,在向下一处理器传递令牌时可以修改令牌的内容。 如果需要开发DataScraper工作流处理器,请参照《GooSeeker技术手册》和《DataScraper程序员手册》。


March 1, 2010 Revision 0.7 i

THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Except for a limited copyright license to copy this specification for internal use only, no license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to implementation of information in this specification. Intel does not warrant or represent that such implementation(s) will not infringe such rights. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. This document is an intermediate draft for comment only and is subject to change without notice. Readers should not design products based on this document. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright ? 2008 - 2010 Intel Corporation. ii March, 2010

代谢组学软件:XCMS usermanual

Last Update: 30 AUG 2012 XCMS Online Usage Instructions Overview XCMS Online is an innovative platform with an intuitive graphical interface which allows users to easily upload and process LC/MS data for untargeted metabolomics profiling. XCMS Online provides a complete metabolomics workflow including feature detection, retention time correction, alignment, annotation and statistical analysis. To facilitate the usage, predefined parameter sets for different instrument setups (e.g. HPLC/QTOF, UPLC/QTOF, HPLC/Orbitrap) can be selected. Customized settings can be created from these templates. Results can be browsed online in an interactive, customizable table that shows feature statistics, EICs, box plots, and putative METLIN ID’s for each metabolite. All results including the images may also be downloaded as a zip file for offline analysis. You will need a user account to use the system however user accounts are free and only require a valid e-mail address to register. To process datasets using XCMS Online you will need to create a job which involves uploading the datasets, defining parameters and submitting the job. You will be notified of your job status, including errors/warnings that you can correct prior to resubmitting a job. After processing is complete, you will be notified via e-mail that your results are ready for review.

User Manual for TW64 Smart Wristband TW64智能手环使用说明书英文版

User Manual Dear Customers, Welcome to your smart wristband. The smart wristband, a device that measures your daily job and activity with quality products and services. With this device, you can actually experience the excellence and humanization design of the device. Bring you a pleasant and enjoyable life. Thanks for choosing us, we provide the particular instructions for better operating the products. Before using the products, please read the instruction first. If there is any misprint, please do understand. Thank you. 1 .Product Description With the high-end and well-designed appearance, the portable multifunctional smart wristband is perfect in: tracking steps, distance measurement, calorie consumption management, monitoring your sleep cycle, time displaying, waking you (for drinking, sitting for too long, waking

User manual

UM0462 User manual STM32? and STM8? Flash loader demonstrator Introduction The purpose of this document is to describe the STMicroelectronics STM32? and STM8? Flash loader demonstrator application that was developed to illustrate the System memory boot loader capabilities. This document details the prerequested hardware and software environments, as well as the use cases of the demonstrator software. November 2009Doc ID 13916 Rev 71/25 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c014394279.html,

Contents UM0462 Contents 1Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1Package contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1.1Software contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1.2Hardware contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3Flash loader demonstrator installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.1Software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.2Hardware installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2User interface description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3Command-line usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2/25 Doc ID 13916 Rev 7


AdView iOS SDK 开发者手册 v1.4.4

AdView iOS SDK 介绍 AdView iOS SDK是专为iOS开发者免费提供的移动广告优化工具,旨在帮助开发者轻松实现广告收益最大化。基于广告聚合的应用互推,帮助应用迅速扩大用户数。同时我们联合多家广告平台和应用商城,开通绿色通道服务,为广大开发者服务。 AdView iOS SDK 包含如下内容: 文件或目录名说明 AdNetworks AdView SDK 支持的广告平台开发包. AdView.framework AdView SDK 开发包. Resources AdView SDK 依赖的资源文件. SBJson部分广告平台依赖的 json-framework 源代码. TouchJSON部分广告平台依赖的 TouchJSON 源代码. JSONKit部分广告平台依赖的 JSONKit 源代码.

在项目中集成 AdView 在项目中集成 AdView 比较容易, 通常您按照以下步骤即可把 AdView 集成到您的项目中. 1.从网站获取 AdView SDK 开发包, 在 Finder 中解压. 您将在 Finder 中看到解压后的 AdView SDK. 如图所示. 2.在 Xcode 中打开您的工程. 在此以 AdView SDK 所附带的 AdViewHello 工程为例.

3.在 Finder 中把 AdViewSDK 目录拖到 AdViewHello 工程中. 4.在 Xcode 弹出的对话框中选中 “Copy items into destination group’s folder (if needed)”. 完成以后 AdView SDK 即已经添加到项目中. 如图所示. 5.AdView SDK 开发包附带了所有支持的广告平台. 但是不幸的是某些广告平台之间会有?一 些符号冲突. 所以您不得不忍痛割爱?一些广告平台. 这些广告平台的冲突主要有:


QTLNetwork-2.0 User Manual Software for Mapping QTL with Epistatic and QE Interaction Effects Jian Yang, Chengcheng Hu, Xiuzi Ye and Jun Zhu Copyright 2005-2006 ? Zhejiang University, China This software can be freely redistributed with non-commercial purpose and under the condition of no changes to the software and its related documents. No warranty of any sort is provided for use of the software.

Contents QTLNetwork-2.0 User Guide (1) 1. Introduction to QTLNetwork (3) 2. Installing QTLNetwork (3) 3. Running QTLNetwork (6) 4. Starting with QTLNetwork (7) 4.1. Data Format (7) 4.2. Create new project with map and data files (13) 4.3. Open the project with map, data and result files (21) 5. Interactive Visualization operations (22) 6. Config setting in the mapping computation (23) 6.1. General page (24) 6.2. Genome scan configuration page (25) 6.3. Significance level configuration page (25) 6.4. Output configuration page (26) 7. Graph setting (26) 8. Save pictures and reports (27) 8.1. Save pictures (27) 8.2. Save and understand the text reports (27)
