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译林版英语 6上 U2 知识点精讲(非常全)

6下Unit 2 知识点精讲

1) 就用what a/an;是不可数名词或可数名词复数,


2a/an/the/my/your/this/that/T om’s等等乱七八糟的东西,想都不用想,直接用how就OK了。如:

例句1:What a boy he is! 他是个多么好的男孩啊!

/ \


例句2:boys they are! 他们是多么好的男孩啊!

/ \


例句3:weather it is! 多么冷的天气啊!

/ \


例句4:the boy is! 这男孩多好啊!

/ \



例:How well he plays the guitar! 他吉他弹得多好啊!



How fast Liu Xiang runs

打油诗一首: 感叹句往后看,就用what a或what an;



1.多么糟糕的一天!What a day! = (What a bad day! /What a terrible day!)

2.九月二十日--- 20th September (读法:the twentieth of September )

September 20th ( 读法:September the twentieth )

日期的表示方法:the + 日子(序数词)+ of + 月份/ 月份+ the + 日子(序数词)

在7月5日:on the fifth of July/ July the fifth

在3月18日:on the eighteenth of March/ March the eighteenth (在具体日期前,用“on”) 3.晴朗的sunny 名词sun 太阳,多云的cloudy 名词cloud 云

多雨的rainy 名词/动词rain, 多风的windy 名词wind 风

表示天气的句型:It is + 形容词。(Ii is sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.)

4.在早上in the morning; 在下午in the afternoon; 在晚上in the evening; 在夜里at night

5.我,苏海和迈克Su Hai, Mike and I (英文一般把I 放在最后)

6.去公园go to the park (go 的过去式went)

7.乘自行车by bike (by 表示乘是表示一种方式,在句中是状语,前面一定要有动词)

乘自行车去公园go to the park by bike= ride a bike to the park

乘公交车去上学go to school by bus= take a bus to school

步行去购物中心go to the shopping centre on foot= walk to the shopping centre

8.There be 句型结构:There be + 某物/某事+ 某地/某个时间。(there be翻译成“有”)

9.一场鹦鹉表演a parrot show;在公园里in the park

10.一些有趣的鹦鹉some interesting parrots

对…感兴趣be interested in + 名词/动词ing

考点:interested的主语通常是人,interesting 的主语通常是物

I am interested in swimming. The book is very interesting.

11.天气变的….. The weather become ….

12.把风筝高高地放起fly kites high (high 在此是副词,“高地”,修饰fly)

13.我们在天空里把风筝高高地放飞。We fly kites high in the sky.

14.在天空中in the sky


It’s time (for sb) to do sth.

It’s time (for sb) for + 名词/动词ing

16.带来bring bring和take的区别

bring :把某物带来某地bring …to… (从远处带到近处)

take :把某物带去某地take… to …( 从近处带到远处),take 通常和away 连用,take…away 17.一些饺子,一些面包与蜂蜜和一些饮料some dumplings, some bread and honey and some

drinks (bread 和honey 为不可数名词)

18.我们看见一些蚂蚁在面包和蜂蜜上。We see some ants on the bread and honey.

19.吃我们的午饭eat out lunch

20.我们不能吃我们的午饭。We could not eat our lunch. (could是can 的过去式,为情态动词,后


21.乌云black clouds

22.我们很饿,浑身都湿了。We were hungry and wet.

23.下雨了。It rained. / It rains./ It is raining.

24.整天all day

25.吃早饭have breakfast 吃午饭have lunch 吃晚饭have dinner

26.挑三张卡pick three cards (挑,选pick)

27.Well done!


29.我亲爱的my dear

30.改日another day 改日再来come again another day

31.想要玩want to play

32.遇到某人,见到某人meet sb (meet动词,后面人称代词用宾格)

33.看起来很难过look sad (look看起来,为系动词,后跟形容词)


34.怎么了?/发生什么事了?What’s the matter?= What’s wrong?

35.弄丢了我的新风筝lose my new kite

36.出什么事了?/发生什么事了?What happen ed?

37.爬山一座山丘climb up a hill (hill小山丘,mountain山,山岭)

38.飞得太高fly too high

39.抓住它hold onto it

40.飞走fly away

41.在小山附近near the hill

42.我在小山附近找到它。I found it near the hill.

43.你为什么会有它?Why do you have it?

44.在周一早上on Monday morning( 星期前只用on)

45.上周日last Sunday

46.和你的家人或朋友with your family or friends

47.在你的日记里in your diary

48.举行野餐have a picnic

49.看一场电影watch a film

50.做家务do the housework

51.语音ear字母组合在单词里的发音为[??],类似汉字“一饿”, dear, hear, near, year


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