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I was wondering/I was thinking/I was hoping/I wanted to/the reason I'm her e等


窃以为”,听到后请直接理解为我现在想要如何即可。请看实例(TPO 19 C1):[听力原文]


Yeah, I can see how that might do the trick. But, anyway, what I wanted to ask was, when you started talking about game theory. Well, I know a little bi t about it, but I am not clear about its use in biology.


1. Why does the man go to see the professor?

A. To ask for help in choosing a topic for his term paper

B. To ask the professor to explain how to complete an assignment

C. To ask about a point raised in a recent lecture

D. To offer to help the professor with her research project

原文中出现了what I wanted to ask was,考生应当知晓主旨即将给出,认真听后面的内容就可以拿分,重点内容是

but I am not clear about its use in biology.我们可以看到,抓住了信号词和后面的重点内容,即便之前的部分内容听得不好,也不会影响将此题做对。此题答案为C。

★lecture请注意下面的三种情况:①文章中教授的设问句;②标准的lecture 主旨句型:today I am going to talk about或者today I am going to discuss;

③开头处的第一个but.请看实例(TPO 2 L2):


Today we'll continue talking about

useful fibers, and we'll begin with a fiber that's commonly known as "Manila hemp."


1.What aspect of Manila hemp fibers does the professor mainly discuss in th

e lecture?

A. Similarities between cotton fibers and Manila hemp fibers

B. Various types of Manila hemp fibers

C. The economic importance of Manila hemp fibers

D. A use of Manila hemp fibers

考生听到Today we'll continue talking about就应该意识到出题点到来,需要用笔或者大脑记住其后重要的信息useful fibers,与选项进行核心词比对即可确认D为正确选项。





请看实例(TPO19 L4):


A great example of that, that vision in portraiture, is Cecilia Beaux. Cecilia Be aux was born in 1854, and after learning to paint and studying with several i mportant artists of the time, Beaux became known as one of the best portrai t painters in the United States. She was very successful. She even had portra its of the wife and children of Theodore Roosevelt, while he was president. S o hedid not get much more prestigious than that.……Yeah, she really stood o ut back in the 1800s. And today, she is still considered one of the greatest p ortrait painters of her time, male or female. In fact, she was the first full-tim e female instructor at the PennsylvaniaAcademy of the Fine Arts, and she wa s a full member of the National Academy of Design. These are pretty importa nt institutions, so, yeah, she definitely made headway for women artists.


2. What evidence does the professor cite to illustrate Cecilia Beaux's reputati on as an artist? Click on 2 answers.

A. The instructors that she studied art with

B. Her role in professional art organizations

C. Her connection with an important politician's family

D. The features of her work that the Impressionists imitated



考生在听力、口语、阅读和写作的课上肯定学到过无数表示转折的词,多到无以计数,多到让大家高瞻仰望,不过在这里只给大家提炼四个重要的转折词,它们是ETS出题所钟爱的,它们分别是:but, however, actually, in fact.

请看实例(TPO16 L3):


Now I would have thought the bigger the tree, the farther the beaver would be willing to travel for it. That would make sense, right? If you're going to tr avel far, make the trip worth it buy bringing back most wood possible. But a ctually, the opposite is true. Beavers will cut down only large trees that are c lose to the water.They will travel far only to cut down certain small trees tha t they can cut down quickly and drag back home quickly.


4. What does the professor say about the cutting down of large trees?

A. Beavers generally prefer cutting down large trees to small trees.

B. Beavers generally do not travel long distances to cut down large trees.

C. Beavers will not cut large trees of certain species.

D. Beavers use large trees mainly for the purpose of building shelters.



同样地,各位在各种书上和培训课程中见到过浩如烟海的表示因果关系的词或者词组,这里依然为大家提炼这么几个ETS钟爱有加的考点词,它们是:because/because of /the reason is/ that's why/account for/so.请看实例(TPO2 L2):


Now, why was that? Well, the main reason was that steel cables degrade ver y, very quickly in contact with salt water.If you've ever been to San Francisc o, you know that the Golden GateBridge is red. And it's red because of the zi nc paint that goes on those stainless steel cables.


4.Why does the professor mention the Golden Gate Bridge?

A. To demonstrate a disadvantage of steel cables

B. To give an example of the creative use of color

C. To show that steel cables are able to resist salt water

D. To give an example of a use of Manila hemp

文段中划线的句子是自问自答表因果,句意大体意为:steel cables一和盐水接触便迅速腐蚀。题目问的是因果后面的内容,此部分内容是验证划线部分内容的。据此,我们可以选出A为正确答案。


在考试中遇到最多的就是for example, for instance, take, like, say这几个了。考生要讲例子的核心词记下来,并且要努力听出这个例子是为谁服务的,为什么要举这个例子,那么题目无论怎么考我们都不用害怕。请看实例(TPO2 C1):[听力原文]


Hmm . . . something just came into my mind and went out the other side.


That happens to me a lot, so I've come up with a pretty good memory mana gement tool. I carry a little pad with me all the time and jot down questions or ideas that I don't want to forget. For example, I went to the doctor with my daughter and her baby son last week and we knew we wouldn't rememb er everything we wanted to ask the doctor, so we actually made a list of five things we wanted answers to.


3.Why does the professor tell the man about the appointment at the doctor's office?

A. To demonstrate a way of remembering things

B. To explain why she needs to leave soon

C. To illustrate a point that appears in his report

D. To emphasize the importance of good health




especially, again, really, only, distinctive.如前所述,各位考生在听到这些提示词时,请集中精力听好其后所强调的具体内容。请看实例(TPO2 L3):[听力原文]

So how does all this relate to human happiness? Well, Aristotle asks: is there something that all human beings value . . . and value only intrinsically, for it s own sake and only for its own sake? If you could find such a thing, that wo uld be the universal final good, or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all h uman beings. Aristotle thought the answer was yes. What is it? Happiness. E veryone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end to be valued for itself and really only for itself.


3.Why is happiness central to Aristotle's theory?

A. Because it is so difficult for people to attain

B. Because it is valued for its own sake by all people

C. Because it is a means to a productive life

D. Because most people agree about what happiness is

教授的自问自答往往都是出题的要点,该文段内,教授多次使用了含义强调词来修饰一个核心概念:for its own sake/for itself,利用此核心词来比对选项,可以轻松得到B为正确选项。



that is/which is/you know/in other words/by this definition等等。请看实例(TPO2 L1):


Watson thought laryngeal habits . . . you know, from larynx, in other words, related to the voice box . . . he thought those habits were an expression of t hinking.


2.Why does the professor say this()

A. To give an example of a laryngeal habit

B. To explain the meaning of a term

C. To explain why he is discussing laryngeal habits

D. To remind students of a point he had discussed previously

这是一道重听题。文段中的"laryngeal habits"就是出现在屏幕上的奇葩生词,考生需留意后面是否有针对该名词的解释。我们可以听到,教授接连使用了you know, in other words等词,由此我们可以确定,教授的确是对该术语进行了替换性解释的。由此,我们可以得出B为正确答案。


托福听力考试很强调对不同事物或者一个事物不同时期的新旧比较,所以比较级、最高级、同向比较(如similar to/resemble)、反向比较等(unlike/instead of)等信号词考生要在考试中格外注意。请看实例(TPO6 L2):


Now another interesting thing about the Nightcap Oak is that it is…itreprese nts…er…a very old type…er…kind of tree that grew a hundred million years a go. Um, we found fossils that old that bear remarkable resemblance to the tr ee. So, it's a primitive tree. A…a living fossil you might say.


2. According to the professor, what led scientists to characterize the Nightca p Oak as primitive

A. It has no evolutionary connection to other trees growing in Australia toda y

B. It has an inefficient reproductive system

C. Its flower is located at the bases of the leaves

D. It is similar to some ancient fossils

该文段将古树和已经发现的化石进行了类比,不过采用类比的时候用了resemblance这个词汇,需要考生具备一定的词汇水平。根据文章与选项的名词比对,我们可以确定D为正确选项。此外,考生仔细观察可以发现,正确选项把resemblance替换为了similar to。





But you can. All of the library's databases and electronic sources can be acce ssed through any computer connected to the university network.

Student:Really?! I can't believe I didn't know that.


5. Why does the woman say this()

A. She had forgotten about the information

B. She is surprised she was not aware of the information

C. She is annoyed that the information was published only recently

D. She is concerned that the librarian gave her incorrect information



在此希望广大考生格外注意隐形并列词also,对于广大考生而言,没人不认识这个词,可杯具的地方往往在于,这个词出现在文章的时候,绝大多数考生都听而不理,因而错失考点,导致丢分。特别提醒各位考生,当这个词出现的时候,有可能是双选题等待着各位的。请看实例(TPO19 C2):



Why don't you visit our cafeteria's website? We list all our food suppliers. Yo u know, where we buy the food that we serve. And the site also suggests wa ys to make your overall diet a healthy one. You can also find some charts list ing fat and calorie content for different types of seafood, meat and the other major food groups.


5. According to the woman, what information can be found on the cafeteria's Web site? Click on 2 answers

A. Requirements for food to be certified as organic

B. Information on where the cafeteria food comes from

C. A list of the food choices offered to students for each meal

D. The nutritional content of specific foods


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