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中考复习九 重点动词短语讲练

中考复习九 重点动词短语讲练
中考复习九 重点动词短语讲练








1. 动词+介词(+宾语)

此类结构相当于一个及物动词,可用于被动语态。常见的有look for (寻找),look after (照顾),ask for (请求),laugh at (嘲笑),hear of (听说),care for (喜欢),stand for (代表),wait for (等待)等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后,其中的介词一般不重读,重音一般都落在动词上。例如:

The hunter aimed at the lion and fired, but missed. 猎人对准狮子开了枪,但是没有打中。

I suggest that you attend to the most urgent matters and let the rest wait.


I think of you all the time. 我总是想起你。

All the new words were looked up. 所有的生词都查过了。

2. 动词+副词(+宾语)

此类短语动词中的副词一般要重读。常见的有give up (放弃),pick up (捡起;接某人),think over (仔细考虑),find out (查明;查出),hand in (上交)等。有的短语动词可用作不及物动词,有的可用作及物动词。用作及物动词的情况比较多,当宾语是名词时,它可以置于短语动词之后,也可以置于短语动词之中。但宾语为代词时,则只能置于短语动词之中。例如:Don’t talk back when I’m speaking to you. 我和你说话的时候不要还嘴。

He brought up his children strictly. 他管教孩子很严格。

He called the man up. (He called up the man.) 他给那人打了电话。

He called her up. 他给她打了电话。

3. 动词+副词+介词(+宾语)

常见的有get along with (进展),catch up with (追上)等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后边。此类短语动词只能用作及物动词,也称为“三词动词”,中间的副词要重读。例如:

The money their son spent in French added up to 5,000 dollars.


We have run out of all the money. 我们的钱都花光了。

All my freinds are looking forward to seeing you in Beijing now.


4. 动词+名词

常见的有take place (发生),make friends (交朋友)等。这类短语动词用作不及物动词。例如:

This story took place three years ago. 这个故事发生在三年前。

I like making friends with a lot of people. 我喜欢和许多人交朋友。

5. 动词+名词+介词(+宾语)

常见的有take care of (照顾),make use of (利用),pay attention to (注意),make fun of (取笑)等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后边。此类短语动词只能用作及物动词,短语动词中的名词前可以有形容词作定语。例如:

Please pay much attention to what the teacher says. 请特别注意老师说的话。

He takes good care of his elderly mother. 他悉心照顾年迈的母亲。

She always keeps an eye on her baby when she is doing the housework.


We must make full use of our time. 我们必须充分利用时间。

6. 动词+介词+名词

常见的有keep…in mind (牢记),learn …by heart (背熟),set…on fire (点火烧),get in touch (取得联系),go to bed (上床睡觉),put on weight (长胖)等。例如:

We have kept in touch with each other since we became friends in 2003.


Please learn all these by heart after class. 请课后把这些都背熟。


常见的有leave…open (让……开着),set…free (释放),cut…open (切开)等。这类短语动词中的形容词是宾语的补足语,宾语如果是名词,则宾语可放在形容词的前边,也可放在后边;宾语如果是人称代词或反身代词,则必须放在形容词前边。例如:

The prisoners were set free. 犯人获得自由。

He cut it open. 他把它切开。



1. 连系动词be构成的短语动词:

1)be made in 在……生产或制造


The red cars are made in Shanghai. 这些红色的小汽车是上海生产的。

2)be made of 由……生产或制造

表示由什么材料制造或者生产的,产品能够看出原材料,介词of的后面用名词作宾语。例如:This bridge is made of stones and wood. 这座桥是由木材和石头造的。(能够看出原材料)

3)be made from 由……生产或制造


语。例如:This kind of paper is made from the grass. 这种纸张是由草生产的。(不能看出原材料)


-Your kite looks very nice.

-It is _______ silk, and it is _______ Weifang.

A. made from;made of

B. made of;made from

C. made of;made in

D. made in;made from


答案是C。第一个空用短语动词be made of表示“风筝是由丝绸做的”,看得出原材料所以用介词of;第二个空用短语动词be made in和表示地点的名词连用表示在某地制作的。所以本题选择C。

2. 动词come构成的短语动词

1) come down 下来;落下

表示某人或者某物从某处落下来,和fall down是同义短语。例如:

The birds come down from the tree to pick some corns. 一些鸟从树上落下来拣谷物吃。

2) come along 来;随同

表示某人或者某物跟随来某个地方,同义短语是go along。例如:

You can come along to his party with me. 你可以随同我一起去参加他的晚会。

3) come to oneself 苏醒

表示人或动物又活过来的意思。come to的后面用反身代词。例如:

The boy came to himself after the doctor’s hard work.


4) come true 实现

come true经常表示某个人的梦想经过一番努力后而实现。例如:

The Chinese hundred years’dream of hosting the Olympic has come true at last.


5) come out 花开;发芽;出现;出来

come out经常表示“(花)开了、(树木)发芽了”,(某个事物)出现了。它也可以表示“某本书出版了”的意思。例如:

A lot of flowers come out when spring comes. 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。

My father’s novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。

6) come over 过来;顺便来访

come over经常表示某个人顺便拜访某人,不是经过计划,而是顺便或顺路拜访。例如:We often come over to our friends when we go out for a walk.


7) come in 进来

反义词短语是come out。例如:

—May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

—Come in, please. 请进!

8) come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快

come on在口语中经常用来表示催促、鼓励、安慰等,也可用来表示“加油”的意思,特别是在运动会上。例如:

Come on, my boy! I will give you something delicious to eat.


9) come up with 找到;提出

短语动词come up with表示某人经过思考想出解决问题的办法,和短语动词think of是同义短语。例如:

Who has come up with this good idea? 是谁想出这个好办法的?


-When will Han Han’s new book _____?

-Sorry, I don’t know. I am looking forward to his new book, too.

A. come on

B. come out

C. come in

D. come over


答案是B。本题是考查短语动词的用法,从句子的意思理解要用短语动词come out表示“出版”的意思。

3. 动词do构成的短语动词:

1) do one’s best 尽最大努力

do one’s best后面经常接动词不定式,意思是“尽某人的最大努力做某事”,和try one’s


You must do your best to learn English well. 你应该尽你最大努力学习好英语。

2) do well in 在……干得好

do well in中介词in后要用名词、代词或者动名词作宾语,同义短语是be good at。例如:My brother does better in playing soccer than Tom. 我的弟弟足球比汤姆踢得好。

3) do one’s homework 做作业


We often do our homework at home after dinner. 我们经常晚饭后在家做作业。

4) do some reading 阅读

此短语动词是由do+some+动名词构成,表示从事某项活动,类似短语还有do some shopping/ washing/ cleaning/ swimming等,这类短语与go +动名词(去从事某项活动)是同义短语,如:

do some shopping意思是“购物”,而go shopping意思是“去购物”。例如:

Our teacher asks us to do some reading every day. 我们的老师要求我们每天都要阅读。

5) do someone a favour帮某人忙

Can you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?

6) do with处置, 处理

What do you often do with the waste paper? 你们经常怎样处理废纸?


My brother ______ at all. So my parents are very angry with him.

A. do the homework

B. do his best

C. doesn’t do his homework

D. doesn’t his homework


答案是C。句意是“我弟弟根本不做作业,所以我的父母非常生气。”,用短语动词do his homework的否定形式,所以选择C。

4. 动词fall构成的短语动词:

1) fall asleep 入睡

短语动词fall asleep是由动词+形容词构成,asleep是作表语的形容词,同义短语是go to


We all fell asleep quickly after working for a long time.


2) fall behind 落后;落在……后面

短语动词fall behind是动词+介词构成。例如:

You will fall behind your classmates if you miss a lot of lessons.


3) fall off 从……掉下

短语动词fall off中的off可以是副词,也可以是介词,意思是“脱离”,可以直接接宾语。例如:

My brother falls off from a big tree. 我的弟弟从一棵大树上掉下来。

4) fall down 倒下;跌倒;跌下

短语动词fall down是由动词+副词构成。表示从某处落下,要加from。例如:

The baby falls down when she runs to her mother. 这个婴儿朝妈妈跑去时跌倒了。

How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?



Study hard or you may _______ your classmates.

A. fall off

B. fall into

C. fall down

D. fall behind

【答案与解析】答案是D。fall behind表示“落后”的意思。句意:努力学习,否则的话你可能落后于你的同学。

5. 动词get构成的短语动词:

1) get down 下来;落下

get down是由动词+副词构成。例如:

The price of the house will get down next year. 房子的价格明年会下来的。

2) get on 上车

get on由动词+介词构成,它的反义词短语是get off表示“下车”。例如:

We saw him get on the bus just now. 我们刚才看到他上车了。

3) get to 到达

短语动词get to由动词+介词构成,介词to的后面接表示地点的名词。如果接副词,要去掉to。例如:

Please give me a call when you get to Beijing. 当你到达北京的时候请给我打个电话。

When will you get there? 你什么时候到那里?

4) get up 起床

When do you usually get up in the morning? 你通常在早上什么时候起床?

5) get back 回来;取回

get back由动词get+副词back构成,如果宾语是代词,要放在back前。例如:

Please buy some bananas for me when you get back. 当你回来的时候,请给我买一些香蕉。

I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。

6) get off 下来;下车

get off的反义词短语是get on。例如:

Don’t get off until the bus has stopped. 车停稳再下车。

7) get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽

get on well with sb.的同义短语是get along well with sb. 例如:

We get on well with the people there when we work in that village.


How are you getting on with your classmates? 你和你的同学相处得怎么样?

8) get married 结婚


My sister got married last month. 我的姐姐上个月结婚了。

9) get ready for为……做准备

We are getting read for the coming exam. 我们正在为即将到来的考试做准备。

10) get / be tired of对……感到厌倦

The children will get tired of the book in 10 minutes. 十分钟后孩子们厌倦了这本书。


Don’t ______ the bus until it stops at last, or it is very dangerous.

A. get on

B. get up

C. get off

D. get to


答案是C。句意:不要下车直到它停下来,否则非常危险。本题是考查短语动词get off 表示下车的意思,所以选择C。

6. 动词give构成的短语动词:

1) give up 放弃

短语动词give up后要用名词或动名词形式作宾语。例如:

My father has already given up smoking. 我的父亲已经放弃吸烟了。

Don’t give up learning English although it is a little hard.


2) give a concert 开音乐会

短语动词give a concert的意思是“开音乐会、举办音乐会”,和短语动词hold a concert 是同义短语。例如:

We will give a concert in the hall tomorrow. 我们明天在大厅里举办音乐会。

3) give away 赠送、捐出

The teachers give away their money to the poor students.


4) give off 散发、发出

The sun gives off light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。


As a student, you should _______ drinking wine too much quickly.

A. give out

B. give up

C. give off

D. give away


答案是B。句意:作为一名学生,你应该尽快放弃过多喝酒。give up doing something 表示“放弃做某事”。

7. 动词go构成的短语动词:

1) go on 继续

表示继续做某事要go on doing something或go on with something,with后面接名词或代词。

go on to do something意思是“接着做另一件事”。例如:

Go on reading English please. 请继续读英语。

After writing the new words, the teacher taught us a song.


2) go home 回家

这个短语是由动词go和副词home构成,中间不用to。而表示上学的短语动词是go to school,去睡觉的短语动词是go to bed,名词前面用to。例如:

We often go home directly after school. 放学后我们经常直接回家。

4) go over 过一遍;仔细检查

短语动词go over和动词review是同义词。例如:

You must go over all your lesson before the exam. 考试前你一定要把所有的功课复习一遍。

5) go shopping 去买东西

go boating 去划船

go fishing去钓鱼

go hiking去徒步旅行

go skating去滑冰

这些短语动词都是由动词go和动词的-ing形式构成的,即go doing表示去做某事的意思,相当于短语动词do some +动词-ing。例如:

Would you like to go fishing with me after school? 放学后你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗?

6) go straight along 沿着……一直往前走

短语动词go straight along是由动词go和副词straight+介词along构成,经常用来指路。


Go straight along this road, and you will see the hospital.


7) go ahead先走;向前走;去吧;干吧


—May I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?

—Go ahead. 打开吧。

8) go in for参加;从事于;酷爱

I don’t go in for loud popular music. 我不喜欢喧闹的流行音乐。

9) go on a diet实行节食

I’m going on a diet, so I would like some vegetables. 我在节食,所以我想要点蔬菜。

10) go on a picnic去野餐

We are going on a picnic if it’s fine tomorrow. 明天天气好的话,我们就去野餐。


My father has left. Let’s ______ playing computer games. I won just now.

A. go for

B. go over

C. go on

D. go out


答案是C。句意是:我爸爸已经离开了,咱们继续玩电脑游戏吧。刚才我赢了。go on doing something表示“继续做某事”的意思。


1) look for 寻找

短语动词look for是由动词look+介词for构成,表示“寻找”的动作。如果要表示寻找的结果,要用find,意思是“找到”。例如:

—What are you looking for in my room? 你在我的房间里寻找什么?

—I can’t find my football. Have you seen it? 我找不到我的足球了。你看到了吗?

2) look out 留神; 注意

短语动词look out的意思是“当心、留神、注意”,由动词look和副词out构成,相当于短语动词becareful。另外短语动词look out的意思是“向外看”。例如:Look out! The car nearly hit you just now. 当心!刚才那辆车差点撞着你。

He looked out of the window and found a man in the garden. 他向窗外看,发现花园里有个人。

3) look over 仔细检查

The doctor looked over the baby and found nothing wrong with him.


4) look up向上看;抬头看;查阅、查字典

We looked up and saw a beautiful bird in the tree.


He often looks up some information on the internet.


5) look after照顾; 照看

和take good care of是同义短语。例如:

My mother is looking after the baby now. 我的妈妈在照看这个婴儿。

6) look at看;观看

此短语是由动词look和介词at构成,后面要接宾语,表示“看”这一动作,与短语动词have a lookat是同义短语。例如:

Please look at the blackboard and read after me. 请仔细看黑板并跟我读。

7) look like看起来像

此短语是由动词look和介词like构成,后面要接宾语,与短语动词be like是同义短语,但是look like更强调外表给人的感觉。例如:

The baby looks like her mother very much. 这个婴儿非常长得像他的妈妈。

8) look forward to 期待着


Everybody in my class is looking forward to watching the football match.



2. You can ________ this new word in the dictionary if you want to know its meaning.

A. look up

B. look for

C. look over

D. look after


答案是A。本题是考查短语动词的用法,look up是“查字典”的意思。

9. 动词make构成的短语动词:

1) make one’s way to往……走去


Our teachers made their way through the students in the hall to the office.


2) make room for给……腾出地方


—Can you make room for your mother? 你能给你的妈妈腾个地方吗?

—But there is no room here. 但这里没有地方了。

3) make up one’s mind下决心


They make up their mind to help the poor boy. 他们下决心帮助那个贫穷的男孩。

4) make fun of拿…...开玩笑

Don’t make fun of the poor boy. 不要取笑那个可怜的孩子。


There are too many people here, so I can’t _______ for you.

A. take a room

B. make a room

C. take room

D. make room


答案是D。从句意思理解考查短语动词make room for somebody的用法,其中room是不可数名词,表示“空间、地方”的意思。

10. 动词put构成的短语动词:

1) put on上演;穿上;戴上



My father put on his coat and went out. 我的爸爸穿上他的大衣就出去了。

Put it on, please. Let me see if it fits you. 请穿上它,让我看看它是否合适。

2) put up挂起;举起


The boy put up his hand and asked some questions. 那个男孩举起手问了一些问题。

Could you put up the picture? 你把这幅画贴上好吗?

3) put down放下(某物);写下

He put down his pen and began to listen to the teacher. 他放下钢笔开始听老师讲课。

Put down my telephone number please. 请记下我的电话号码。

4) put away把某物收起来

—Jim, put away your books. 吉姆,把你的书收起来。

—OK. I will put them away in a minute. 好的。我马上就收好它们。

5) put off推迟

The meeting will be put off because of the weather. 会议因为天气将被推迟。


The flight to Guangzhou had to be ______ because of the heavy snow.

A. put up

B. put away

C. put off

D. put down


答案是C。本题是考查短语动词的用法,put off和be构成被动语态表示“被推迟”的意思。

11. 动词take构成的短语动词:

1) take off 脱掉衣服

这个短语还有“起飞”的意思。反义短语是put on。例如:

My mother took off her coat and began to cook. 我妈妈脱掉他的大衣开始做饭。

When will the plane take off? 飞机什么时候起飞?

2) take out 取出

“从……取出某物”可以用“take something out of …”。例如:

Please take out a piece of paper. 请取出一张纸。

He took a book out of his bag. 他从包里拿出一本书。

3) take care of照顾;照料;注意

这个短语和look after是同义短语。take good care of 意思是“好好照顾”。例如:

The little girl always takes good care of her sick mother.


4) take part in参加(活动)

Who will take part in the speech contest in your class? 你们班谁将参加讲演比赛?

5) take the place of取代;代替

Mr. Green will take the place of Miss Gao to be our English teacher.



It’s too cold in the lab. You’d better not ______ your coat.

A. put away

B. put on

C. take off

D. take away


答案是C。句意:实验室里太冷了,你最好不要脱掉大衣。take off意思是“脱掉”。注意空白处前面的not。易误选B。

12. 动词talk构成的短语动词:

1) talk about谈论有关……

They were talking about their plan when I got there.


2) talk with/ to somebody和某人交谈

这个短语是由动词talk和介词with/ to构成,介词with的后面一般用名词或者人称代词


Who will talk with me? 谁将和我交谈?


-Do you know the young woman who your father is ______?

-Oh, she is our new English teacher. They are _______ my English homework.

A. talk about; talk to

B. talk to; talk of

C. talking with; talking about

D. talking about; talking with


答案是C。第一空用talk with,表示“与某人谈话”;第二空用talk about,表示“谈论有关……”。从句子情景可知,时态是现在进行时,所以选C。

13. 动词turn构成的短语动词:

1) turn on 打开电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等

Please turn on the TV. I want to watch the football match. 请打开电视,我想看足球赛。

2) turn off 关上电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等

He turned off the lights and went to bed. 他关上灯上床睡觉了。

3) turn down关小;调低

经常用来表示把收音机或者电视机等的声音关小、调低。反义短语是turn up。例如:Please turn down the TV. I am doing my homework.



It’s too noisy here. Please ask her to _______ the music a little.

A. turn down

B. fall down

C. shut down

D. come down


答案是A。本题是考查短语动词的用法,从句意理解是用短语动词turn down表示“调低音量”的意思。

14. 动词think构成的短语动词:

1) think of认为;想起

What do you think of my article? 你认为我的文章怎么样?

2) think about考虑有关……

They are thinking about their work. 他们正在考虑他们的工作。

3) think over仔细考虑

Please think it over and tell me your decision. 请认真考虑一下,告诉我你的决定。


—What do you ______ China?

-I like it very much.

A. think of

B. think over

C. think about

D. think to


答案是A。句意:你感觉/ 认为中国怎么样?本题是考查短语动词think of的用法,表示“认为”,所以本题选择A。


1. 动词短语的固定搭配用法不清楚。

Everybody in my class is looking forward to watch the football match.

〔解析〕本题考查look forward to 的用法,这里的to是介词,后接名词或代词,如果接动词要用动词-ing形式。所以改watch为watching形式。

2. 相似动词短语意义容易混淆。

Put off the fire before going to bed.

〔解析〕本题考查put相关短语的用法,put off(推延),put out(扑灭)…所以这里的off 应改为out。

3. 要准确牢记中考常用动词短语的意义和用法。如:

break down

Their car broke down on the way to the airport.

break out

The war broke out in 1945.

bring up 多用于被动

He was born here, and was brought up in New York.

call on

Several friends called on me last night.

care for

a) Would you care for a cup of tea while you are waiting?

b) They cared for the patients at the hospital.

carry on

He decided to carry on his journey in spite of the trouble.

carry out

carry out a plan/ an experiment/a study/duty

come across

It was on Sunday morning that I came across Sam at the gate of the park.

come to

It comes to $20.

depend on

a) Children depend on their parents for almost everything.

b) I think you are the only person I can depend on.

feel like

When they arrived, they felt like drinking some hot tea.

1.The population of the world ______ still ______ now.(2010 北京)

A.has;grown B.is;growing C.will;grow D.is;grown 〔解析〕


2.Why not ______ your teacher for help when you can’t finish _______it by yourself?

(2010 黑龙江)

A.ask;write B.tell;writing C.ask;writing D.telling;write 〔解析〕

答案是C。句意:当你自己完成不了写作时,为什么不请老师帮忙呢? Why not后跟动词原形,意为“为什么不……”,是提建议的一种表达方法;ask sb. for sth. 向某人寻求某物;finish doing sth.做完某事。故选C。

3.—Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work?

—No,thanks.My father said he would ______ there on his way home.(2010 江苏) A.look for me B.pick me up C.let me down D.take after me 〔解析〕

答案是B。句意:——下班后我带你去购物中心怎么样?——不用,谢谢! 我爸爸说他回家时将会把我带到那里。

4.This type of MP4 is my favorite,but I can’t ______ it.(2010 吉林)

A.spend B.cost C.pay D.afford



5.I first met Lisa three years ago when we ____ at a radio station together.(2010 辽宁) A.have worked B.had been working

C.were working D.had worked



6.The classroom was so dirty.I decided ________.(2010 天津)

A.clean it up B.to clean it up C.clean up it


答案是B。句意:教室里非常脏,我决定把它打扫干净。decide to do sth.决定做某事。clean up当有代词作宾语时,通常把代词放在动词和副词之间。

7.In the class,Mr. Green asked us to stop ________.So we ________ to him immediately.(2010 上海)

A.talking;stop listening

B.to talk;stop listening

C.talking;stopped to listen



此处是考查stop doing sth.“停止做某事”和stop to do sth.“停下来做另外一件事”两个词组的区别以及动词的过去时态。

8.—What did your teacher say just now?

—Sorry,I don’t know.I ________ on the phone.(2010 重庆)

A.am talking B.talk C.was talking



9.—What do you know about Walt Disney?

—He ________ cartoons for newspapers.(2010 湖北)

A.sent B.wrote C.read D.drew


答案是D。句意:——你对Walt Disney了解多少?——他为报纸画卡通画。send送;write写;read读;draw画。

10._______ many students in China ever ________ to westerners before? (2010 江苏南京) A.Are;speaking B.Do;speak C.Did;speak D.Have;spoken 〔解析〕


11.Don’t let him ________ out alone at night.He is young and will be frightened.(2010 湖北黄冈)

A.go B.goes C.to go D.going


答案是A。句意:不要让他夜里独自出门。他还小,会害怕的。let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。故选A。

12.Old men here are ________ well in the home for the elderly and they are having a happy life.(2010 湖南长沙)

A.1ooked after B.looked over C.looked for D.looked down 〔解析〕

答案是A。句意:这里的老年人在养老院里受到无微不至的关怀,他们生活得很幸福。look after照顾;look over查看,检查;look for寻找;look down向下看。

13.—What should we do to fight A / H1N1 flu?

—We should wash hands often,avoid _____ to crowded places and so on.(2010 浙江杭州)

A.go B.going C.gone D.to go


答案是B。句意:——我们应该做些什么去抗击甲型H1N1流感呢?——我们应该经常洗手,避免去拥挤的地方等等。avoid doing sth. 避免做某事。

14.—I’m sorry I can’t find the library book.

—I’m afraid you have to ________ it.(2010 江西)

A.send for B.call for C.pay for D.wait for


答案是C。句意:——我很抱歉,我找不到从图书馆借的书了。——恐怕你要赔偿。send for派人去请;call for要求,号召;wait for等候。

15.The Earth Buildings of Nanning are so fantastic that they ________ lots of tourists every year.(2010 山西)

A.attract B.allow C.attack D.attend





1. Before Mozart was six, he _____ the violin, piano and organ.

A. carried

B. made

C. played

D. created

2. Last week I met my friend Li Ming but I forgot_____ his telephone number.

A. ask

B. asking

C. and ask

D. to ask

3. —Linda, I am very thirsty.

—Let’s go to the nearest supermarket _______ some drink, OK?

A. buy

B. bought

C. to buy

D. buying

4. Many trees and flowers ________ in our school last year,and they made our school a

beautiful garden.

A. plant

B. planted

C. have planted

D. were planted

5. My aunt isn’t here. She _______ Shanghai on business. She will be back in three


A. went

B. has gone to

C. has been to

D. will go to

6. —Dinner is ready. Help yourself!

—Wow! It ______ delicious. Could you please tell me how to cook it?

A. tastes

B. looks

C. sounds

D. feels

7. Remember to______ the lights when you leave your classroom.

A. turn on

B. turn off

C. turn up

D. turn down

8. A lot of meetings were_____ because of the dangerous disease.

A. turned off

B. set off

C. put off

D. taken off

9. A talk on developments in science and technology _____ in the school hall next week.

A. given

B. will be given

C. has been given

D. gives

10. Mrs. Liu is kind and always_____ her help to others.

A. shares

B. receives

C. makes

D. offers

11. —He _____ the English-Chinese dictionary for about twenty years, but it is still new.

—What a careful man!

A. has bought

B. has borrowed

C. has had

12. —Do you often clean your classroom?

—Yes. Our classroom ______ every day.

A. clean

B. cleans

C. is cleaned

13. Our parents often tell us not _____ alone in the river in summer.

A. swim

B. to swim

C. swimming

14. Mrs. Black doesn’t know if her American friend ________ to Heilongjiang. If he

______ here, she will meet him at the airport.

A. will come;comes

B. will come;will come

C. comes; will come

15. —Tom prefers ______ to ______.

—Let’s ask him to take part in our dancing club!

A. singing;dancing

B. dancing;singing

C. to sing;dance


(2010 江苏南京模拟)

Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in 1every large city. He has won fifteen Grammy Awards and for Emmys.

Perlman suffered a terrible disease which hurt his 2at four. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches (拐杖). But none of these 3him from playing the violin. As a young child, he took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his 4talent was recognized. At the age of thirteen he went to the United States to 5on television. His playing led him to the Juilliard School in New York.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be 6or joyful, loud or soft. But people say it is not the music 7that makes his playing so particular. They say he is able to show the joy he 8in playing, and the feelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has attended (出席) his performance will tell you it is exciting to watch him play. His face changes 9the music from his violin changes. He smiles and closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often 10dark when the music seems dark and


Itzhak Perlman has received many honours, and continues to receive honours for his music.

1.A.even B.almost C.only D.already

2.A.hands B.arms C.legs D.eyes

3.A.stopped B.moved C.protected D.got

4.A.common B.usual C.simple D.special

5.A.practise B.watch C.appear D.train

6.A.happy B.cheerful C.noisy D.sad

7.A.alone B.lonely C.alive D.available

8.A.touches B.feels C.develops D.achieves

9.A.as B.while C.and D.or

10.A.performs B.thinks C.looks D.sounds


(2010 安徽)

Living in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can also be confusing (令人迷惑的). A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as “yes”and “no”.

On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren’t paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked, “Do you have cold drinks?The woman there didn’t say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows(眉毛), which in Micronesia means “yes”.

Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, “Do you have cabbage today?”He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means no.

Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some people had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing~ He soon found out that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean “yes”or “no”.

1.These Americans teaching English in other countries found that they ________.

A.should go abroad for vacations

B.needed to learn foreign languages

C.should often discuss their experiences

D.had problems with communications

2.People in Micronesia show “yes”by ________.

A.nodding heads B.raising eyebrows

C.shaking heads D.saying “no”

3.Tom misunderstood his class at first because

A.he did not know much about Indian culture

B.he didn’t explain everything clearly enough

C.some students didn’t understand his questions

D.he didn’t know where the students came from

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to(根据)this passage?

A.In Bulgaria, nodding heads means no.

B.Jan taught English on a Pacific island.

C.Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.

D.In India, only shaking heads means “YES”.

5.The passage is mainly about________.

A.body language in foreign restaurants

B.class discussion in Indian schools

C.miscommunication in different cultures

D.English teaching in other countries




2.D。解析:考查forget to do与forget doing的区别。forget后用不定式结构表示动作并未发生,


3.C。解析:不定式“to buy”在句中作目的状语,句意为“让我们去最近的超市买些饮料好吗?”故


4.D。解析:主语为many trees and flowers所以要用被动语态,时间是last year故用一般过去时态


5. B。解析:由“她三天后将要回来”可知“她去上海出差了”。“去了”用have/has gone to或

have/has been to,但have/has gone to强调去了还没回来,而have/has been to强




7.B。解析:句意为“当你离开房间时请记得关灯。”“关闭”用turn off。turn on打开,

turn up调大,turn down关小。故选B。


off“拖延,延期”。turn off “关掉”;set off “出发;动身”;

take off “脱掉”。

9.B。解析:此题考查被动语态。由时间状语“next week”确定为一般将来时的被动语态:

will be + done。

10.D。解析:本题考查短语offer sth.to sb.“给某人提供某物”,故选D。



12.C。解析:本题考查被动语态的用法。classroom作主语,因此要用被动语态,由时间every day可


13.B。解析:tell sb.(not) to do sth.意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”,tell后用不定式作宾语





15.B。解析:考查固定用法。prefer+动名词+ to+动名词,意为”比起……更喜欢……”它用来肯定



[语篇解读]本文介绍了Itzhak Perlman是如何从一个残疾的小男孩成长为一个伟大的音乐家。

1.B 从前文的“a citizen of the world”可知他几乎在每个大城市都表演过。

2.C 从下句“he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches”可知他的腿受过伤。

3.A 此题考查stop sb. from doing阻止某人做某事。

4.D common普通的;usual平常的;simple简单的;special特别的。从上下文可知应选D。

5.C 13岁时他开始在电视上表演。

6.D 从上下文可知此题应填joyful的反义词,故sad最合适。

7.A 从下文可知:不仅仅是音乐使他的表演特别,他还能在音乐中表达他的喜怒哀乐。

8.B 由上句解析可知。

9.A 当as连接两个短动作时,可以解释为:一边……,一边……

10.C dark是形容词,故排除A和B项,而D项意思不符题意。



1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句话“They decided that miscommunications were always

possible...”可知这些在其他国家教英语的美国在与人交流方面有些困难,故选D 项。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句话可知Micronesia的人们通过向上挑眉毛来表示“是”。故选


3.A 细节理解题。根据第四段可知Tom老师最初误解自己的学生的原因是对印度的当地文化了解不足,


4.A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句话(在Bulgaria这个国家点头意味“不”的意思)可知答案为A


5.C 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知,本文主旨是介绍不同文化带来的误解。故选C项。

[长难句]They decided that miscommunications were always possible,even over something as simple as“yes”or“no”.他们认定误解总是可能的,即使是像“是”和“不”这样简单的事情。miscommunication导communication有相反的意义,可以理解为“误解”。


中考中考英语总复习动词短语中考题集锦 一、动词 1. Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy_____ over 10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave out D. gave away 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:黄晓明和天使宝贝在2015年为帮助贫困的人捐了10000000多元。gave up放弃;gave off发出,散发;gave out分发;gave away赠送,捐赠。所以选D。 2._________your dream, and then you will make it come true one day. A. Look up B. Keep away from C. Take back D. Stick to 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:坚持你的梦想,你总有一天会实现它。Look up查阅;Keep away from远离;Take back取回,拿回;Stick to坚持。根据句意,故答案为D。 【点评】考查短语动词。注意掌握掌握短语动词的意义和用法。 3.— Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasn't he? — Of course. He by people all over the world. A. was looked at B. was looked up to C. was looked for D. was looked down 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——Michael Jackson被称为流行音乐之王,是不是?——当然。他被全世界的人们尊敬。look at: 看一看,look up to: 尊敬,look for:寻找,look down: 瞧不起,根据语境可知答案,故选B。 【点评】考查动词短语。牢记四个动词短语的词义。 4.—Who reached the station on time? —I ! In fact, I arrived there 5 minutes earlier. A. was B. reached C. did D. do 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】问句的谓语动词为行为动词reach的过去式,故在作简短回答时,需要借助助动词did.故选C。句意是:—谁按时到达了车站?—我!实际上我提前五分钟就到了那里。 【点评】本题考查助动词的使用。 5.This pair of shoes hand,and it very comfortable.


短语类型参考答案 主备:刘治科审阅签字:时间:2020-8-20 姓名:短语结构练习(二) 一、请说出下列短语的结构类型。 红旗飘舞(主谓短语)北京立交桥(偏正短语)谈骨气(动宾短语) 七根火柴(偏正短语)听潮(动宾短语)愚公移山(主谓短语) 古朴优美(并列短语)狼吞虎咽(并列短语)藤野先生(偏正短语) 精通时事(动宾短语)翻检一番(后补短语)热烈鼓掌(偏正短语) 勤劳简朴(并列短语)发表成绩(动宾短语)革命征程(偏正短语) 性格和蔼(主谓短语)光明前途(偏正短语)打扫教室(动宾短语)花鸟鱼虫(并列短语)精力充沛(主谓短语)文艺节目(偏正短语) 十个少年(偏正短语)改善关系(动宾短语)朝车站(介宾短语) 二、指出下列短语的结构类型 1、风俗习惯(并列) 2、变化规律(偏正) 3、历史悠久(主谓) 4、整修一新(后补) 5、交头接耳(并列) 6、思维敏捷(主谓) 7、废寝忘食(并列) 8、前程远大(主谓) 9、全神贯注(主谓) 10、襟怀坦白(主谓)11、挥手之间(偏正) 12、愚公移山(主谓) 13、竞选州长(动宾) 14、销售计划(偏正) 15、色彩缤纷(主谓) 16、交通规则(偏正) 17、风和日丽(并列) 18、激动不已(后补)

19、禁止吸烟(动宾) 20、辛勤耕耘(偏正) 21、巍峨挺立(并列) 22、不断发生(偏正)23、气氛热烈(主谓) 24、继往开来(并列) 三、下列各组短语分别以哪组类型短语为主,其中不同的短语各是哪个,属于什么类型短语。 1、A、祖国万岁 B、品质优良 C、天气晴和 D、思想品质 E、成绩好 2、A、看了两眼 B、打扫教室 C、洗得干净 D、热了起来 E、扔出去 3、A、十分伟大 B、我的书包 C、小声地说 D、追歼敌人 E、很热闹 4、A、讲解语法 B、讲述清楚 C、种植玉米 D、制造火箭 E、听故事 5、A、用圆珠笔(写)B、对于我们 C、按照习惯 D、必然产生 E、被大雨(淋) 6、A、报纸杂志 B、调查研究 C、身体健康 D、严肃认真 E、读和写 答案:1、ABCE主谓,D是并列 2、ACDE是后补,B是动宾 3、ABCE是偏正,D是动宾 4、ACDE是动宾,B是后补 5、ABCE是介宾,D是偏正 5、ABDE是并列,C是主谓 四、比较判断短语类型 经济发展(主谓)历史悠久(主谓)描写景物()市场繁荣(主谓) 发展经济(动宾)悠久历史(偏正)景物描写(主谓)市场的繁荣(偏正) 表达见解(动宾)我的弟弟(偏正)我国文学(偏正)小说散文(并列) 表达的见解(偏正)我和弟弟(并列)我国的文学(偏正)小说和散文(并列)


look短语look for寻找;look after照顾;look over查看;look forward to渴望,向往,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语;look at看着;look up抬头看,在…查找;look up to尊敬;look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if/though看起来好像;look through透过……看,翻阅,浏览;look into调查;look out当心;look out of往…外看look about [around]环顾四周look back 回顾,回想look on旁观, 看作,当作(与as 连用) put短语put off推迟,put on穿上;上演;put away把…暂时收起来,储存……备用;put up举起,建造,张贴;put out扑灭;put down写下;放下;put aside把…搁在一边;put back放回put…into把…放入put one’s heart into全神贯注 turn短语turn down把音量开小一点;拒绝;turn up把音量开大一点;出现;turn round/around回头;turn over 翻开;翻转;turn to朝向;变成;求助于;turn…into…把…变成…;turn into变成;turn out结果证明是;turn away 把脸转过去turn to sb转向某人turn out结果是turn on 打开(电灯等) turn off 关(电灯等) turn over (使)翻过来turn against背叛turn back折回,往回走turn around旋转,转过身来 call短语call at拜访,后接地点;call on拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召;call back回电话;call in 叫来;call up打电话,使回忆起;call for叫某人同往某处,要求;call off取消 be短语be friendly/kind to对…友好;be fed up with对…厌烦;be different from与…不同;be afraid of害怕;be popular with受…欢迎;be fond of喜欢,爱好;be interested in对…感兴趣;be surprised at对…惊讶;be satisfied/content/pleased with对…满意;be proud of对…感到自豪;be strict with对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be good to对…有好处;be good at擅长于…;be sure of/about对…有把握;be divided into被分成;be made up of由…构成;be angry with对某人生气;be busy with忙于;be full of/filled with装满了;be late for…迟到;be covered with覆盖着;be familiar with对…熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说是熟悉的;be famous/known for因…著名;be famous/known as作为…有名 get短语get on/along (well) with与某人相处(融洽),在…进展(顺利);get up起床;get on上车(船、飞机、马);get off下车(船、飞机、马);get back回去;get back to回到;get away离开,逃脱;get down 下来;get home到家;get into进入,陷入;get out (of) (从…)出去;get to到达get together聚会;get in收割get through通过,度过,完成get hold of获得,取得get over越过,恢复,克服get ready for为…作准备get up起床get used to习惯于


高中英语重点动词短语归纳 一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple. LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician... 3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life.=He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load. 6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people. 7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food.11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12.be engaged to与……订婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor. 13.be about to do sth.正要做…… 1 was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stopped me. 14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于 He is fit to do the work. These books are not fit for children. 15.be worth doing值得做…… The film is worth seeing again. 16.be proud of以……而自影骄傲 I am proud of being a Chinese. 17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于…… My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city 18.be content to do sth./with…甘愿于 干……;满足于…… I am content with your work this time. 19.be content with对……感到满意 You should be content with what you have 20.be up to应由……,轮到…… It's up to her to answer the question. 21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作 Is this valuable painting meant for me? 22.be connected with与……有联系 He was also connected with the government. 23.be crazy about对……狂热 Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop. 二、动词break构成的短语动词 1.break out爆发 The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937. 2.break in打断;闯入 Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money. 3.break into闯入;破门而入 They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。dead. 4.break away from脱离 Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union. 5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧 毁;分解 We are sorry to arrive late.but the car broke down. 6.break through突破 The marchers broke through the line of the police. 7.break off折断;中断;断绝 Let’s break off for half an hour and have some tea. 8.break up驱散,拆散 The police broke up the crowd. 三、动词carry构成的短语动词 1.carry on进行 He had learned enough English to carry on a conversation 2.carry out执行;进行 They were carrying out an important experiment. 3.carry away拿走 Please carry these desks away. 4.carry off夺走,抢走 Some unknown man carried off the prize 四、动词call构成的短语动词 1.call on拜访某人,号召 We will call on Mr.Li tomorrow. We are called on to help those in trouble. 2.call at拜访某地 I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in 3.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物) Success called for hard work. call for a doctor去请医生 4.call in 请来;收回 Mother is badly i11.so call in a doctor at once. 5.call up打电话;征召;回想起 I called Tom up and told him the news. In most countries men are called up at the age of 18. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a

中考英语 专题练习动词及动词短语练习题(含答案)

中考英语专题练习动词及动词短语练习题(含答案) 1、Jone’s parents advised him ________ aloud to improve his poor pronunciation. A.not to read B.to read C.read D.reading 2、Wow! The meat in the plate produced a nice smell.It must ______ delicious. A.smell B.look C.taste D.feel 3、---As far as I know, China is getting better at making high-technology products. ---- That’s right, people around the world can hardly avoid ________ products made in China. A.buying B.to buy C.to buying D.buy 4、At first, the students discussed the questions all in English, but after a while, they ______speaking in Chinese. A.gave up B.picked up C.turned up D.ended up 5、The expert advised me ourselves our work. A.to be strict in; with B.be strict in; with C.to be strict with; in D.strict with; in 6、Tom has difficulty Chinese, so he often asks me advice. A.to understand, with B.understanding, of C.to understand, for D.understanding , for 7、Mozart had a amazing gift for art and his music is well worth ____________. A.being listened B.listen to C.listening D.listening to 8、 A.connecting, from B.connecting, to C.connects, from D.connects, to 9、—Why do you look so sleepy in class, John? —Sorry, sir.I _____ to watch a football match last night. A.kept up B.made up C.stayed up D.put up 10、My sweater is _____ China.It’s _____ wool(羊毛). A.made of; made of B.made from; made from C.made in; made from D.made in; made of 11、We are sure that scientists will ____a way to solve the difficult problem. 12、---- Don’t______, my children.Keep working on and you will be successful. ---- Thank you, Mrs Wang.We’ll try our best. A.put up B.turn off C.work out D.give up 13、 A.make B.making C.makes D.made 14、--- Spud Webb’s story proved that you can do almost anything if you never _________. ---I can’t agree with you. A.stay up B.give up C.put up D.get up


中考常考的动词短语 1. come in 进来 come on 来吧加油赶快 come out 出版 come over 顺便来 come true 实现 come from 来自 come up with 提出找出 2.cut down 削减;砍倒 cut up 切碎 cut off 切断切下来 3. fall down倒下跌倒 fall off 从…掉下来 fall asleep 睡觉入睡 fall behind 落后输给某人 fall into 落入陷入 fall in love with 爱上… 4.give up doing 放弃give in 上交; 屈服give out 发放give away 赠送 5.get up 起床get on 上车 get off 下车get to 到达 get back 取回get over 克服(困难)get out 出去get together 相聚 get married 结婚get on/along with 相处 6.hand in 上交hand out 发放分发 hand up 举手shake hands 握手 7.go home 回家go back 回去 go out 外出go over 仔细检查go off 发出响声go to bed 入睡 go on doing/ to do 继续go for a walk 散步 8.have a rest休息 have a cold/a cough / a headache/ a fever / a toothache / a stomachache 患感冒/咳嗽/头疼/发烧/牙疼/胃疼 have trouble/difficulties/problems/fun doing 做…有麻烦/困难/问题/愉快 have a good / great time 过得愉快9.look at 看一看look after 照顾 look like 长得像look for 寻找 look out 小心look over 仔细检查 look up 查阅look through 浏览 look forward to doing 盼望期望 10.make sure 确信 make faces 做鬼脸 make mistakes (a mistake) 犯错误 make a noise 吵闹 make a decision 做决定 make phone calls 打电话 make up one’s mind 下决心 make friends with sb. 交朋友 11.set off 出发动身启程 set up建立 set out 出发动身(同set off) 12. do one’s best 尽最大努力 do one’s homework 做作业 do well in 擅长 do the chore 做家务 do exercises 做运动 13.put on 穿上put off 推迟 put up 粘贴举起put out 扑灭 put away 把…收好put down 放下;写下 14. take out 取出take care of 照顾 take away 拿走take after 长得像 take place 发生take notes 记笔记 take photos 照相take part in 参加 take pride in 对…感到自豪/骄傲 take off 脱下;飞机起飞 15.think about 考虑 think of 想起;认为 think over 仔细考虑 16.hear of (间接)听说 hear about 听说 hear from 收到…的来信 17.write down 写下write to sb给某人写信


人教版中考英语九年级英语动词短语试题和答案 一、动词 1.—What's the meaning of"One Belt and One Road"? —Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语.句意"﹣﹣‘一带一路'是什么意思?﹣﹣让我在新字典中查一下单词."look at看.look for寻找.look after照顾.look up查阅.根据题干第一句﹣What's the meaning of"One Belt and One Road"?﹣﹣"一带一路"是什么意思?可知回答应该是﹣﹣让我在新字典中查一下单词.只有D选项符合题意.故选D. 2.Mr.Wang often encourages us________close to nature and enjoy its beauty. A. get B. getting C. to get D. got 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:王先生经常鼓励我们靠近大自然享受它的美。encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事,故选C。 【点评】考查固定短语。牢记encourage短语的用法。 3.Not having __________ her daughter abroad for a long time, the mother was very worried. A. heard of B. heard from C. learned from 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:很长时间没有国外女儿的……,妈妈很担心。A.听说; B.收到……来信;C.向……学习,结合句意选B。 【点评】考查动词短语词义。 4.We should keep the windows ________ in order to let the fresh air in. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】keep sth. +形容词,使某物处于……的状态。句意:我们应该让窗户__让新鲜空气进来。根据句意应选择形容词open开着的。故选A。 【点评】考查keep sth. +形容词结构。


初中英语常见动词短语归纳A)动词+ 介词 agree with同意......的意见(想法);符合 base on以......(为)根据 listen to听...... get to到达...... fall off (从......)掉下 help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事) knock at /on敲(门、窗) laugh at嘲笑 learn ... from ...向......学习 live on继续存在;靠......生活

look after照顾,照看 look at看;观看 look for寻找 look like看起来像 pay for (sth.)付钱;支付 point at指示;指向 point to指向...... prefer to ...宁愿(选择);更喜欢 quarrel with (和某人)吵架 regard ... as ...把......当作......;当作 stop ... from阻止......做...... talk about说话;谈话;谈论

talk with与......交谈 think about考虑 think of认为;想起 B)动词+ 副词 ask for请求;询问 carry on坚持下去;继续下去 cut down砍倒 clean up清除;收拾干净 come down下来;落 come along来;随同 come in进来 come on来吧;跟着来;赶快

come out出来;出现;(花)开;发(芽) come over过来;顺便来访 drop off放下(某物);下车 eat up吃光;吃完 fall behind落在......后面;输给别人 fall down跌倒;从......落下 find out查出(真相) get back回来;取回 get down下来;落下;把......取下来 get off下来;从......下来 get on上(车) get up起床


附录:近几年高考重点考查的动词短语 1.以a开头的动词为中心的词组 adapt to/adjust to 适应 agree about对……有相同的看法。 agree on就……达成协议; agree to同意,赞成(观点,看法等); agree with同意某人意见(接sb.);与……相适应/一致; appeal to向……呼吁,恳求;诉诸;求助于 appeal to 吸引 apply for申请;请求 apply to适用于;向……申请(或要求) attach…to…将……系在……;使隶属/附属于……,将……缚在…… attach importance to 关注,注重 attach to粘贴 be admitted to/into获准进入……,被……录取 be absorbed in埋头于……,专心于…… be accustomed to(=get used to=be used to)习惯于…… be addicted to沉迷于/沉溺于……,迷恋…… 2.以break为中心的词组 break away from脱离,逃离,打破 break down vt. 破坏,粉碎,瓦解;vi.出故障,抛锚;衰弱 break in闯进,打断;使顺服 break into(后面要接宾语)闯入;强行进入 break off 打断,断绝,折断,突然终止 break out爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 break up vt.开垦,破碎;解散,分解;vi.结束;断绝关系,(婚姻关系)破裂break through 突破,克服,挤过去 3.以build为中心的词组 build on / upon 建立在……上,依赖,指望 build up增强,增加,增进;建成,振兴 4.以bring为中心的词组 bring about导致,引起,促使 bring back 带回,使回忆,使恢复 bring down 使下降,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring out 拿出,公布,发表,出版,生产 bring up 抚养,养育,培养,使停止 5.以call为中心的词组 call at 访问(某地),停泊在 care about关心,在乎 call for 需要,要求,接(某人), call in 召集,收集,请入,引入 call off 取消,下令停止 call on 拜访(某人),号召 call out 大声喊,唤起


2018年九年级中考英语专项练习--动词及动词短语练习题 1、Jone’s parents advised him ________ aloud to improve his poor pronunciation. to read read 2、Wow! The meat in the plate produced a nice must ______ delicious. 3、---As far as I know, China is getting better at making high-technology products. ---- That’s right, people around the world can hardly avoid ________ products made in China. buy buying 4、At first, the students discussed the questions all in English, but after a while, they ______speaking in Chinese. up up up up 5、The expert advised me ourselves our work. be strict in; with strict in; with be strict with; in with; in 6、Tom has difficulty Chinese, so he often asks me advice. understand, with , of understand, for , for 7、Mozart had a amazing gift for art and his music is well worth ____________. listened to to 8、The high-speed railway _________ Shanghai _________ Nanjing makes our travel faster and more comfortable. , from , to , from , to 9、—Why do you look so sleepy in class, John? —Sorry, _____ to watch a football match last night. up up up up 10、My sweater is _____ ’s _____ wool(羊毛). of; made of from; made from in; made from in; made of 11、We are sure that scientists will ____a way to solve the difficult problem. up up with up up


课题:语法复习专项训练 ——短语的类型及运用 课型:复习课 【复习目标】 1.能够准确判断短语的主要类型。 2.灵活运用短语知识解决问题。 【复习重、难点】灵活运用短语知识解决问题。 【教学方法】教师点拨,学生自主合作探究。 【课时安排】1课时 【教学过程】 一、导入复习,出示复习目标 (一)导课:同学们,词按照语法功能分为实词和虚词两大类,谁能说说实词和虚词各包括哪些?现在,老师给出词语,比一比,看一看,谁能快速判断出他们的词性: 学校、美丽、朗读、他们 治理、非常、自从、高傲 老师、提高、这样、第二 那么,词和词组合起来构成什么呢?今天我们一起来复习短语知识。(二)出示本节课教学目标 二、知识回顾 短语的类型: 并列短语、偏正短语、主谓短语、动宾短语、后补短语、介宾短语、“的” 字短语、复指短语等。 ◎并列短语 词与词之间是平等的联合,没有轻重主次之分。 两部分的关系是的关系。 名+名A报纸杂志城市乡村 动+动B调查研究交头接耳 形+形C光辉灿烂庄严肃穆 代+代D这样那样你和我 大屏幕出示词语,学生归纳并列短语的类型。 师点拨: 1、并列短语的构成词的次序一般前后可以互换位置,但有些并列短语是不能前后颠倒位置的,因为它有一定次序,如: 时间顺序:春、夏、秋、冬 大小顺序:省、市、县 年龄顺序:老、中、青 逻辑顺序:继承和发展接近文学和爱好文学 语言习惯:男女老少金银铜铁油盐酱醋 2、并列短语的词性一般要求词性相同,但个别也有不同,如: 姐姐和我(名词+代词)勤劳、勇敢、不怕苦(形+形+代) 学生小组合作,比一比,看哪个小组举得例子又多又好。 ◎偏正短语 由名词、动词或形容词与在它们前面起修饰限制作用的成分组成的短语。


中考英语常见动词短语及练习 1. break相关短语 break down出故障,坏了 My car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我的车出故障了。 break out爆发 A big fire broke out last night. 昨晚发生了火灾。 break into 闯入,破门而入 Someone broke into the room and stole a lot of things. 有人闯进了这个房间,偷了很多东西。break up 打碎,分手 Break up the chocolate and melt it. 把巧克力打碎然后融化。 They broke up. 他们分手了。 2. call相关短语 call up打电话 Don’t call me up at night. 不要在晚上给我打电话。 call out大喊 The boy is calling out in the room. 那个男孩正在房间里大喊。 call on 拜访某人 We call on our relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. 春节期间我们会走亲访友。call at 拜访某地 They called at Mr. Brown’s office last week. 上周他们去拜访了布朗先生的办公室。 call for 要求 This job calls for great patience. 这份工作要求足够的耐心。 call off 取消 They have to call off the flight because of the fog. 由于大雾,他们不得不取消本次航班。 相关短语 n下跌,落,降,传下来 一些鸟从树上落下来拣谷物吃。 n进来 请进! t出版,开花 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。 My father’s novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。 过来,快点 过来!我的孩子,我要给你一些好吃的东西。 g一道来,赶快 你可以随同我一起去参加他的晚会。 r走过来 我们经常在散步的时候顺便拜访朋友。 p走近 The cat came up and caught the mouse. 这只猫走了过来,抓住了那只老鼠。 k回来 你什么时候回来? m来自 他们俩都来自日本。 提出 是谁想出这个好办法的? 苏醒 The boy came to himself after the doctor’s hard work.


A ability [??b?l?t?] n. 能力nu;才能nc(常复) able [?e?b(?)l] a. 能够;有能力的absence [??bs?ns] n. 不在, 缺席absent [??bs?nt] a. 缺席, 不在 access [??kses] n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(计算机文件)nu accessible [?k?ses?b(?)l] a. 可到达的, 可接受的,易相处的) accomplish [??k?mpl??] v. 完成accomplishment n. 完成,实现nu; 本领,才艺;成就nc accuracy [??kj?r?s?] n. 准确, 精确nu accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 achieve [??t?i?v] vt. 达到, 取得achievement [??t?i?vm?nt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩nc;完成,达到nu acquire [??kwa??(r)] v. 获得, 得到acquisition [?kw??z??(?)n] n. 获得, 得到nu;获得物,添加物nc act [?kt] n. 行为,动作nc(指具体短暂的行动);法令, 条例v. (戏)表演, 扮演(角色), 演出(戏);行动, 做事 action [??k?(?)n] n. 行动(指抽象,持续的行为)active [??kt?v] a. 积极的, 主动的activity [?k?t?v?t?] n. 活动nc adapt [??d?pt] v. 使适应, 适合, 改编adaptation [?d?p?te??(?)n] n. 适应,改编nu;改编本nc adjust [??d??st] v.调整,调节,适应,习惯adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n. 调整, 适应admirable [??dm?r?b(?)l] a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的admire [?d?ma??(r)] v. 钦佩;羡慕admission [?d?m??(?)n] n. 准入, 接纳nu;承认nc make an admission admit [?d?m?t] vt. 承认, 准许(入场, 入学, 入会) adolescence [?d??'lesns] n. 青春, 青春期nu adolescent [?d??les?nt] n. 青少年nc;adj 青春的,青春期的 advertise [??dv?ta?z] vt. 为……做广告advertisement [?d?v??t?sm?nt] n. 广告nu nc advice [?d?va?s] n. 忠告, 劝告, 建议nu advise [?d?va?z] vt. 忠告, 劝告, 建 议 affect [??fekt] vt. 影响effect n. 影响,效应,结果,后果nc affection [??fek?(?)n] n. 喜爱, 钟爱nu;情感nc aggression [??ɡre?(?)n] n. 侵略nu;侵略行为nc aggressive [??ɡres?v] a. 侵略的; 咄咄逼人 agree [??ɡri?] v. 同意;应允agreement [??ɡri?m?nt] n. 同意, 一致nu;协定, 协议nc agricultural [?ɡr??k?lt??r(?)l] a. 农业的 agriculture [??ɡr?k?lt??(r)] n. 农业, 农学nu alcohol [??lk?h?l] n. 含酒精饮料, 酒nu alcoholic [?lk??h?l?k] a. 含酒精的n.酒鬼nc amuse [??mju?z] vt. (使人)快乐, 逗乐amusement [??mju?zm?nt] n. 娱乐nu; 文娱活动nc analyze/ `?nl,a?z / v. 分析analysis [??n?l?s?s] n. 分析, 分析结果
