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1. Society is a great class providing us with measureless information. While handling the information, we learn to distinguish between right or wrong and discriminate between beauty and ugliness.


2. No matter what you do or where you live, the quality of your attitude determines the quality of

your relationships—not to mention just about everything else in your life.


3. The stereotype of German humourlessness is believed to derive from their reputation for efficiency, punctuality and rationality, presumed to be at the expense of humour.


4. Dispense with the doctor by being temperate; the lawyer by keeping out of debt; the demagogue, by voting for honest men; and poverty, by being industrious.


5. We’d all like to be stronger. Whether that strength be physical, emotional or intellectual, most of us have an area in which we’d like to improve and have others admire.


6. How can I call myself an intellectual if I can't write and publish words as I wish?


7. New research continues to emphasize the importance of mind wandering for learning.


8. We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.


9. She has come up with a charity for her company to sponsor in Africa, and suddenly claimed that the meaning was back in her job.


10. This proves that, with commitment and determination, all obstacles can be overcome.


11. They were lonely and sad people, all three of them, and they would not make one another less sad, but they could, with great care, make a world that would accommodate their loneliness.


12. The building can accommodate all of the offshore workers and protect them from hurricane damage.


13. When food presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.


14. Some experts have suggested offering a course on food and nutrition in schools to inject health consciousness into children.


15. Many countries benefit from ongoing advice and assistance from international observers.


16. The program is aimed at changing the attitudes towards disabled students; to treat them with tolerance, respect and acceptance.


17. You must respect the rights of minorities and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise.


18. In every great faith and tradition one can find the values of tolerance and mutual understanding.


19. Food and petrol are frequent purchases and their prices tend to be less "sticky" than those for more durable goods.


20. The ultimate source of these rollercoaster movements was the Asian savings surplus.


21. There is definitely a combination of art and science that I never appreciated until having to do it.


22. With study and practice, almost anyone can do it with some level of proficiency, but most people don't learn how to think critically or analytically—nor are they even aware of its value.


23. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer.


24. Noticing a lot of children misbehaving, she says: "while it was obvious within five minutes that she was not going to be teaching at my school, I stayed for the full class period, both to be polite and also because I was fascinated with what I was seeing."


25. I always was fascinated with china, because I was born in europe, and for us, china had this fascination and mystery.


26. I became very fascinated with the relationship between sound and picture and the emotional effect it can have.


27. Including moderate portions of lean beef in your diet is beneficial in enhancing your memory because of its iron content.


28. Some scientists and campaigners in Paris hailed the results, if not as a triumph, then as a beacon of hope.


29. We wanted a warmer and more humane society, where people care for their fellow human beings, care for the less fortunate among us and take responsibility for each other and for future generations.


30. He arranged the takeout of his own stock in the company, which flattened the interest of uninformed minority shareholders.


31. Grey-haired farmers in battered waxed jackets complain about the government, the European Union and the weather.


32. Fans complain bitterly about the rising price of live music. Yet they keep paying for concerts. 粉丝们对演唱会门票的价格上涨大发牢骚,然而他们仍旧继续花钱去看。

33. They have warned the world to expect more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and this is what we are seeing.


34. No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions, simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them.


35. My firing was based not on performance but discrimination.


36. Because local officials' careers often depend on how well the economy in their jurisdiction is performing, there is an incentive for them to report positive figures.


37. The Iraqi people, he insists, will persist and overcome these attacks, and raise their voice to show and proclaim that they will not be silenced by terrorism.


38. Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature.


【考研重点词汇】boundary,dispute,temporary,nature(性质、属性)【翻译细节】加字法,将nature翻译为“某种性质的问题”;【优秀句型】Compared with......分词短语做比较状语。

39. While the contents of the documents may not have been surprising, the quantity of the disclosure was unprecedented —a huge and instantaneous release made possible in the age of the Internet.尽管此次批露的文件内容可能并不出人意料,但批露的数量却是史无前例的------在互联网时代使得这种大规模的瞬间(信息)释放成为可能。

【考研重点词汇】content,document(可做动词表示“如实记录”),the quantity of,disclosure (n.揭发、披露),unprecedented(adj.空前的、史无前例的),instantaneous(adj.瞬间的、即时的);【经典句型】while……,……(以逗号为分界线前后表示让步转折关系)

40. The mystery of what happens in our brains when we remember something is fascinating not only from a scientific perspective but also because the experience of recall can be so, well, memorable.


41. The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.


42. The best reading is that which leads us into this contemplative mood, and not that which is merely occupied with the report of events.


43. This sight promotes the sort of contemplative state that suits a visit to the Art Museum.


44. She's known for her philanthropic work in the community.


45. Like other nations, the United States uses tax revenues to maintain a government, to furnish common services and to implement social policy and economic objectives.


46. We shall be pleased if you will furnish us with your quotation for this product.


47. The answer is that those troublesome traits don't really characterize adolescence; they're just what we notice most because they annoy us or put our children in danger.


48. Mistakes can be enormously valuable, but when you look to others to pay for your mistakes, then you deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn from them.


49. Since limits on minimum fish size and total catch vary from region to region, according to the health of the local piscine population, fishing boats often lie about the location of their catches.


50. Don't be surprised if answers from upper program management teams vary from those of practitioners at lower layers.


58. For the most part, these same forces have been a boon, so far, to Americans who have a good education and exceptional creative talents or analytic skills.


59. They help airlines and other big oil consumers to hedge against rising prices, and so to reduce risk—a massive boon amid the economic turmoil.


60. As long as you can see a spark of miracle in that person, this person can be your biggest inspiration and your teacher. (n.)


61. All this will even out over time, but in the meanwhile this is going to spark some tension and some disagreement. (v.)


62. By the way they listen to you or speak with you, a spark of the true you suddenly enters your awareness and you feel joyful and inspired after having been with them. (n.)


63. Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.


64. They are selfless and would not do something for financial or material gain if they knew that it would have a negative effect on your life.


65. This Utopian dream is far beyond the range of possibility.


66. America must wake up and recognise the mutual advantages of collaboration, and understand where it must compete.


67. I noticed that sometimes we forget about our individuality and try to blend in with our surroundings.


68. She expresses her individuality through her clothes.


69. Try to avoid being subjective and one-sided when looking at problems.


70. You should not rest your argument upon subjective and groundless conclusions.


71. As a young person grows up, he has an ample opportunity to acquaint himself with the way of life in his community.


72. To acquaint with this background helps to have a deeper understanding of the essence of America’s foreign policy and its future trends.


73. An enduring feature of human nature is if there’s something of interest near us, we generally look at it.


74. He had to spell out the plan in detail to persuade the investors.


75.Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society.


76.Some scientists have tried to prove that homosexuality is natural, others that it’s a genetic deformity.


77. The important thing is to take an unbiased approach, and consider the facts and figures in your evaluation, rather than going on personal preference.


78. I can always sense peace and harmony from those landscape paintings.


79.His action speaks well for his good quality.


80. In no case can we cheapen the quality of products.


81.We like to see the show go out on top rather than continue without some of our favorite characters.


82. He is a potent ruler.他是一个强有力的统治者。

83.A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available.


84. He produced his potent argument at the meeting.


85. The Shanghai stock market had surged by 35%, a potent sign that much of the money was being poured into shares rather than invested more directly.


86. My family lives a comfortable but not especially extravagant life, and while there are certainly some material things we‘d yet like to acquire, we’re well set with the basics and more.


87.They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.


88. Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 30 years’ salary for a worker.


89. Without correct leadership, the enthusiasm of the masses cannot be sustained.


90. Who can deny his stature as the world’s greatest cellist?


91. China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.


92. He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.


93. Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids.


94. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition.


95. He stood without moving a muscle, unable to believe what his eyes saw so plainly.


96. While these people are hard to find, they are worth their weight in gold once you find them.


97. He gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complains.


98. I could never bring myself to associate with such a man.


99. Doing this not only fulfills a sacred obligation to our children and grandchildren, but also provides an opportunity to stimulate economic growth.


100.It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all that is in it, and to find, if he is able, common factors which underlie and account for the facts that he knows.

科学家要做的事就是积累有关宇宙和宇宙中的一切事物的知识, 而且要是可能的话, 找出那些既能构成科学家所知事实的基础, 又能解释这些事实的共同因素。

101. Many people when they fall in love look for a little haven of refuge from the world, where they can be sure of being admired when they are not admirable, and praised when they are not praiseworthy.


102. These companies represent the essence of the American spirit ——the promise that anyone can succeed in this country if you have a good idea and the determination to see it through.


103. You can start now to tune in to your own physical, social and spiritual needs.


104. We do try to learn from our mistakes ——that is a big component of our annual strategy and programme review process.


105. Washing up or changing clothing before a meal has been a ritual in cultures around the world for centuries, as is saying a prayer or blessing.


106. Winter is setting in and the population is facing food and fuel shortages.


107. Television has displaced film as our country’s most popular form of entertainment.


108. When we have free gaps of time, the lure of the Internet, television, the refrigerator, or text messaging seem to fill this time before we even contemplate what we are doing.


109. His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.


110. Downloads are set to expire 24 hours after being viewed and are not available to the public.


111. They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit.


112. They tried their best to run away from controversial issues.


113. In this age of instantaneous global communication, when criminal activity knows no bounds, our enforcement work must extend beyond our own borders.


114. She stretched money to keep within a budget.


115.She had an unshakable faith in human goodness and natural honesty.


116.I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill.


117. Youngsters decamp as soon as they can to work in towns near and far, leaving their ageing parents to till the soil.


118. Some groups of consumers are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology.


119. They’ve picked up a really nasty infection from something they’ve eaten.


120. Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes and villages.


121. Each subject can be completed in about 15 minutes and is available at no charge to anyone with an Internet connection anywhere in the world.


121. The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the prime minister's future.


122.They have a remarkable ability to live through, delay or entirely escape a host of diseases that kill off most of their peers.


123.There’s a really good chance that in your most prized experiences, you’re doing, not just thinking about doing.


124.To be environmentally friendly, the couple chose to go on bikes instead of fancy automobiles to their wedding reception.


125.He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.


126.If you aren’t an avid reader, it may feel hard to get started, but as you keep reading, you’ll find it more and more fun, at least I did.


127.A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.


128.The damage has not only been to the air the Chinese breath or the water in our rivers, but also to its reputation across the world.


129.One cannot do that if he or she is afraid to speak out and say unpopular things; nor can one weigh all of the options unless other people, with differing views, are free to express their beliefs. 一个人如果不敢讲话,不敢说不受人欢迎的事,那么他或她就不能履行自己的职责;而且,除非让持不同意见的人自由表达他们的观点,人们也无法对所有的可能性作出权衡。

130.Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen.


131.On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications.


132.Some expressed reservations about the authenticity of the video, but the vast majority dismissed his analysis and claimed that the video was authentic.


133.He was fully aware of the provenance of these treasures.





Text 1 (家用机器人照顾儿童)

Text 2 (发现119号元素)

Text 3 (海盗谈判中的经济学)

Text 4 (网络匿名设计师)

Text 5 (如何面对年迈的宠物)

Text 6 (月球旅游产业)

Text 7 (股票与人类基因的关系)

Text 8 (与天气预测相关的金融衍生品)

Text 9 (比特币)

Text 10 (3D打印技术)

Text 1 (家用机器人照顾儿童)

Modern families摩登家庭

Chips off the old block机器人也能像监护人一样照顾孩子

Tracking children has never been easier.Nice for parents, not for privacy


(Jan 12th 2013 | fromthe print edition)

Paul Wallich usually walks his small son to the bus stop a stone’s thro w from their Vermont home. But he can use a robot too: a football-sized drone, hovering several metres off the ground,

follows a beacon stashed in the little boy’s school bag.A smartphone strapped to the device beams back video.


Few parents areas handy as that, but even Luddites like the idea of keeping an electronic eye on the young. An early offering, in 2003, was Wherify, a tracking device which locks to a child’s wrist. Devices invented since then protect autistic children, who easily get lost, or into danger.Youngsters on Canadian farms wear radio tags on bracelets to signal their proximity to adults operating heavy machinery.


Longer battery life and miniaturisation are making tracking cheaper and more practical. The easiest way is to use smartphones. Many mobile operators offer child-tracking at extra cost, but the number of free tracking applications is growing fast. Life360 rocketed from 1m registered users in 2010 to nearly 26m now. Berg Insight, a research firm, reckons that 70m Americans and Europeans will be tracking family members by 2016.

随着电池寿命的延长,追踪装置向微型化发展,追踪变得越来越廉价、实用。最简便的追踪方法就是使用智能手机。许多移动通信公司都提供追踪孩子的增值服务,但目前免费追踪应用程序的数量正在激增。Life360的注册用户已从2010年的100万激增至了目前的近2600万。一家名为Berg Insight的研究公司预计,到2016年,追踪家庭成员的美国人和欧洲人将达7000万。

These services and devices can provide children’s location, or send alerts about their behaviour: when they return home, or stray beyond an agreed boundary, or go out late. Speed detection reveals when somebody is in a vehicle—and whether it is breaking the speed limit.


No devices, so far, have full chaperone functions—such as revealing furtive movements in a stationary vehicle. But some providers do have ingenious extra features. The pocket-sized tracking beacons of Amber Alert GPS, a company based in Utah, carry a microphone to let parents eavesdrop. SecuraTrac, a Californian firm, has a product that disables a phone’s e-mail and text functions when it is moving: that stops boy-racers from typing while driving. Life 360’s maps

highlight the addresses of sex offenders.

到目前为止,还没有任何设备能完全替代监护人的功能,比如显示孩子是否在静止的车内有偷偷摸摸的举动。但一些供应商的确为人们提供了一些巧妙的额外功能。Amber Alert GPS是一家坐落于美国犹他州的公司,该公司生产的袖珍追踪信标台带有一个麦克风,家长能通过它实现窃听。总部位于加州的SecuraTrac公司生产的一款产品能在驾车时屏蔽电话的邮件和短信功能,这样就能防止年轻的赛车手在驾车时打字。而Life360则在地图上标出了性侵犯者的住址。

Parents in Japan and America are the keenest on such gizmos. Europeans, seemingly more relaxed about child safety and with more complex privacy laws, are less enamoured. Some European countries require minors’ consent for some kinds of surveillance. Child tracking appeals particularly to middle-class families in South American countries who worry about gang crime and kidnapping, says André Malm, ananalyst at Berg Insight.

对追踪装置最感兴趣的是日本和美国的家长,而欧洲人似乎在儿童的安全问题上没有这么紧张,再加上欧洲的隐私法较为复杂,因此他们并不是很喜欢这些玩意儿。在一些欧洲国家,要对未成年人进行一定程度的监视需要获得被监视人的同意。安德烈·马尔默是Berg Insight公司的分析师,他说,在南美一些国家,由于担心团伙犯罪和绑架,一些家庭尤其是中产阶级家庭对追踪儿童很感兴趣。

Public authorities are keen, too. Schools in Osaka began issuing radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to students in 2004. Sensors in school buildings read them to check pupils’ attendance and location (though not what they do off the premises). In Dubai the same technology notifies parents when their progeny get on or off school buses. In March last year 20,000 school children in the Brazilian city of Vitoria da Conquista had radio tags sewn into their uniforms to help detect truants.


In August 2012 two schools in San Antonio, Texas, embedded RFID tags inidentity badges belonging to their 4,200 students. These help administrators to count students who turn up to class but miss the morning register. Because funding is linked to daily attendance, the system enables schools to claim more taxpayer cash. On January 8th a court lifted an earlier injunction halting the expulsion of a child who refused to wear the badge on religious grounds (some Christians liken the devices to the Mark of the Beast, foreseen in the Bible). The family intends to appeal.


X marks the child对孩子进行定位追踪

But what about privacy? Enthusiasts say tracking means more freedom, notless. Parents who know they can easily find their children may be happier to let them roam. Teenagers are spared annoying phone calls. Daisy Ashford, a mother of children aged ten and eight who lives in Ashland, Virginia, says her children like the “James Bond” feel of their Amber Alert trackers. Her military family moves every 18months, making it hard to develop a protective network of friends and neighbours: the devices are “another set of eyes”.

那么隐私怎么办?追踪装置的支持者称追踪意味着更多的自由,而非受到束缚。家长如果知道自己可以轻松找到孩子,那么他们就会更乐意让孩子出去玩耍。孩子则可以摆脱家长打来的恼人电话。家住弗吉尼亚州阿什兰的黛西·阿什福德有两个孩子,一个10岁,一个8岁。她说她的孩子很喜欢Amber Alert追踪器,戴上它有一种“詹姆斯·邦德”的感觉。她们家是军官家庭,每18个月要搬一次家,因此很难在朋友、邻居间建立起孩子的保护网,而追踪装置就像“另一个监护人”一般。

Critics say tracking does not really protect children. Savvy kidnappers will dispose of phones or other devices (implantable tracking chips are, so far, the stuff of spy movies only). And strangers rarely attack children anyway: parents are the most likely murderers, and accidents are a far graver danger than assault.“Location tracking won’t stop your child falling into a river,” says Anne-Marie Oostveen, who studies surveillance at Oxford University. For fretful parents the new devices may just mean still more grounds for worry.

反对者称追踪并不能真正地保护小孩。精明的绑匪会扔掉手机和其他设备(到目前为止,只有间谍片里才会出现植入式的追踪芯片)。而陌生人又很少袭击儿童:最有可能谋杀小孩的是父母,而且比起攻击,意外所带来的后果更加严重。在牛津大学研究“监督”的Anne-Marie Oostveen说,“定位追踪无法防止你的孩子掉入河中”。对忧心忡忡的家长来说,新设备可能仅仅意味着更多的担忧。

The same technology also enables snooping on adults. In America mobile subscribers can buy location-tracking services for all users of a family phone plan. Some survivors of domestic violence say this makes it harder to escape. Parents use webcams to keep an eye on their children’s carers(generally legal, though the ethics of hidden cameras are contested, and covertly captured audio can break laws on wiretapping). A Saudi government agency that sends men text messages if their children leave the country also help strack wives.


Others fear that children who submit to tracking in schools will more readily accept state surveillance in adulthood. In August a coalition of American civil-rights outfits advised schools not to make such tracking mandatory. It termed the technology “dehumanising” and said that,

where it operates, sensors should be visible.


Small fixes can make tracking by parents more palatable, too. Services that help kids report their location, perhaps by “checking in” as they move around, calm anxious grown-ups with less annoyance for the young. An app called Glympse lets users share their location for a few minutes at a time; WalkMeHome, a Swedish appalso available in English, helps people share their whereabouts with trusted contacts any time they feel unsafe. A prototype tracker built by Microsoft substituted detailed locatio n data for broader descriptions (“at school”, “at home” or “at work”). Such humdrum messages maybe less fun than child-tracking drones—but they are also less alarming.


Text 2 (发现119号元素)

Modern alchemy 现代炼金术

Turning a line 开始新的一行

The race to extend the periodic table continues


One of the first inklings that chemistry has an underlying pattern was the discovery, early in the 19th century, of lithium, sodium and potassium—known collectively as the alkali metals. Though different from each other they have strangely similar properties. This was one of the observations that led a German chemist called Johann D?bereiner to wonder if all chemical elements came in families.

化学有一套内在规律;19世纪初锂、钠与钾(统称碱金属)的发现是让人对此隐约有所意识的最早事例之一。尽管它们不是同种元素,但其性质之近似简直不可思议。这是德国化学家乔安?德贝莱纳(Johann D?bereiner)猜想可将所有化学元素按族分类的实际根据之一。

It took decades to tease out the truth of D?bereiner’s conjecture, and thus to construct the periodic table—in which the alkali metals form the first column. And it took decades more to explain why the table works (it is to do with the way electrons organise themselves in orbit around atomic nuclei). But it is a fitting tribute to D?bereiner’s insight that, if all goes well, some time in the next few months will bring the creation of a new alkali metal, element number 119, by his countryman Christoph Düllmann of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. With that addition the table will do something which has never happened before. It

will grow a new row.

科学家证实德贝莱纳猜想的真实性并绘制元素周期表——碱金属是其第一列——花了好几十年。他们又研究了几十年来解释周期表能够说明问题的原因:这与围绕原子核旋转的电子的排布方式有关。但如果一切顺利,今后几个月中的某一天,位于德国达姆施塔特的GSI亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心的克里斯托弗?杜尔曼博士(Christoph Düllmann of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt)将创造一种新的碱金属,周期表第119号元素。这一成就由德贝莱纳的同胞完成,以此赞颂他当年的洞察力最恰当不过了。周期表将随着这一新元素的加入而出现新的一行,这是前所未有的。

Come in number 119 第119号元素来了!

An element’s atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus. These, despite being mutually repulsive because they are positively charged, are held together by a phenomenon called the strong nuclear force. Some of this force is also supplied by neutrons, which outnumber protons in most nuclei and have no electric charge. If, however, there are too many or too few neutrons in a nucleus, that nucleus becomes unstable—in other words, it is radioactive. And the vagaries of quantum physics mean that “too many” and “too few” sometimes overlap, and there is thus no stable isotope (or variant, with fewer or more neutrons) of a particular element.


This happens at two places—islands of instability, if you like—in the middle of the table. As a result technetium, element number 43, and promethium, 61, are always radioactive (and are not found naturally in detectable quantities). Further down the table, where nuclei get heavier and elements less familiar, instability happens more and more often. No element heavier than lead (number 82) has a stable isotope, and above number 92 (uranium) lifetimes are so short that these substances are almost non-existent in nature. Such “transuranic” elements can, however, be made artificially by the fusion of lighter ones. And that is precisely what Dr Düllmann intends to do in the case of element 119, by firing titanium atoms (number 22) at those of berkelium (97) and hoping some of them merge.


Making a new element is tricky. The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI’s particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium,

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