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One night, when I was eight , my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. “Sweetie, my company wants to 1me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling that you’ve done 2and allowing you to skip a grade(跳级), but you’ll have to 3your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher?”

She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled.

The question kept me 4for the rest of the night .I had sa id “yes” but for the first time, I realized the 5decisions adults had to make.

For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening I’d 6wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 7and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.

During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large 8apartment, I became 9how lonely my mother must have been in Brazil herself. It was then 10I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on 11family and work. 12difficult decisions, she used to tell me, you wouldn’t know whether you make the right choice, but you could always

make the best out of the situation, with passion and a 13attitude.

Back home , I 14myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she 15to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be 16. I learn how to take care of myself and set high but achievable 17.

My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the 18has really taught me. Sacrifices 19in the end. The separation between us has proved to be 20for me.

1.A. attract B. promote C. surprise D. praise

2.A. little B. much C. well D. wrong

3.A. leave B. refuse C. contact D. forgive

4.A. explaining B. sleeping C. wondering D. regretting

5.A. poor B. timely C. final D. tough

6.A. eagerly B. politely C. nervously D. curiously

7.A. patience B. presence C. intelligence D. Influence

8.A. Comfortable B. Expensive C. Empty D. Modern

9.A. Interested in B. aware of C. doubtful D. satisfied with

10.A. when B. where C. which D. that

11.A. abandoning B. balancing C. comparing D. mixing

12.A. Depending on B. supplied with C. Faced with D. Insisting on

13.A. different B. friendly C. positive D. general

14.A. criticized B. informed C. warned D. reminded

15.A. managed B. offered C. attempted D. expected

16.A. grateful B. energetic C. independent D. practical

17.A. examples B. limits C. rules D. goals

18.A. question B. experience C. history D. occasion

19.A. pay off B. come back C. run out D.

turn up

20.A. blessing B. gathering C. failure D.




The earth is dying before us yet we sit and watch. If the TV or the game system breaks, we run off to the stores to get it fixed immediately no matter what the cost. Why aren’t we willing to fix our earth? Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? Where shall we continue to live, until the end of time?

The earth is our home and cannot be replaced. We must take care of it. We have come up with so much technology that limits us instead of helping us. Take that game system we run to repair. What does it do? It occupies kids’ time! The earth has already given kids plenty of entertainment in the forms of fields and hills, forests and plains, water and land.

However, instead of using what the earth has given us, and helping kids by giving them exercise as they run around, we decide to ruin kids’ minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours, and make them ignore their homework and chores. We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help in any way!

We have already messed up this world, we have ruined the air, water, and animals that it has so willingly provided for us. We need to stop this destruction of life and bring back the world we had before. It will not be easy, but everybody can help! What about something as simple as turning the lights off when you leave a room? Recycling what can be recycled?

Picking up litter? Donating money to an environmental organization? None of these things are very hard. We can’t just always say, “Oh, the earth is a mess. Ah, well, those big companies that are polluting so much can stop and fix it.” Instead, we need to help out. It’s not only those big companies; it’s everyday things that we do too that are ruining the earth.

So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!

21.Why does the author mention televisions and game systems in Paragraph 1?

A. To make people better aware of the urgency to the protection of the earth.

B. To explore the great harm done to the earth by too much technology waste.

C. To show the relationship between overuse of those things with early death.

D. To remind people to spend less on them and use the saved money in a wiser way.

22.It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the author .

A. thinks we must take care of our irreplaceable home-----the earth

B. thinks running around in fields o ccupies too much of kids’ time

C. takes an extremely negative attitude to things like game systems

D. takes it for granted that technology gives kids plenty of entertainment

23.We can clearly feel that the author wrote this passage with deep_____

A. anger

B. emotion

C. sadness

D. Regret

24.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To criticize those big companies that ruin the earth

B. To ask people to save kids from the harm done by pollution.

C. To give kids plenty of entertainment in a clean environment

D. To call on people to stop ruining the earth


When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we’re hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education.

One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college student s to get a bachelor’ s degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there’s a question: Would the quality of undergraduate(本科生)education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a “three-year degree” model.

I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum(课程) any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits(学分). In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly “throw out” one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist “diluting(稀释)” the quality of the education they offer.

In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it’ s not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to

help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns(实习生)in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University.

25.The first paragraph serves as a(n).

A.explanation B.comment C.definition D.introduction

26.In most US universities, .

A.college students are offered the co - op program

B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits

C.all students are required to finish four - year education before graduation

D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time

27.According to the passage, we can infer that 。

A.the author is a professor of a famous university

B.the author thinks the cost of a university education is too high for people to afford C.the author considers the university education quality very important

D.the author pays special attention to the all - round development of college students 28.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.It' s time to shorten the learning process

B.Best learning takes place over time

C.University education should be watered down

D.College education calls for reform


29.What can we infer from the conversation between the woman and the recorder at the beginning of the passage?

A.The woman felt ashamed to admit what her job was.

B.The recorder was impatient and rude.

C.Motherhood was not recognized and respected as a job by society.

D.The author was upset about the situation that mothers faced.

30.How did the female clerk feel at first when the author told her occupation?



31.How did the author feel when describing her job to the clerk?



32.Why did the woman clerk show more respect for the author?

A.Because the author cared little about rewards.

B.Because she admired the author's research work in the lab.

C.Because the author did something she had little knowledge of.

D.Because she thought the author did admirable work.


We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard (柜厨) outside a furniture shop.

It was tall and narrow. “Buy it, ” my wife said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof rack.

I’ve always wanted one like that.”

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was £20 poorer; and the cupboard was tied on the roof rack. It was six feet long and eighteen inches square, quite heavy too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake, I wonder?” In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.

“Right, sir, ” he said. “Do you need any more help?”

I was a bit puzzled. “Thanks, officer, ” I said. “You have been very kind. I live just on the


He was staring at our car, first at the flowers, then at the cupboar d. “Well, well, ” he said, laughing. “It’s a cupboard you’ve got there! We thought it was something else.”

My wife began to laugh. The truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a cupboard, but thanks again.” I drove h ome as fast as I could.

33.Other drivers thought the author and his wife were _______.

A. carrying a cupboard to the church

B. sending flowers to the


C. carrying nothing but a piece of furniture

D. going to attend a funeral at the


34.The police will be more polite to those who are _______.

A. driving in gathering darkness

B. in great sorrow

C. driving with wild flowers in the car

D. carrying furniture

35.What did the husband think of this matter?

A. It was very strange.

B. He took great pride in it.

C. He felt ashamed of it.

D. He was puzzled at it.



A.Be a good listener

B.Care about the details.

C.Strike up a conversation.

D.Make time for friendships.

E.Reach out to the newcomers.

F.Avoid causing inconveniences

G..Give your neighbors heelp

Develop Better Relationships with Neighbors

Good neighbors are a lot like electricity or running water:we

don’t know how much we depend on them until we don’t have

them. They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of

who we are both as an individual and as a member of the

community. H ere ’s how to develop your relationships with these

very important people in your life.

____36____ Often neighbors don’t even know each other’s names.

But it’s okay to be the one to break

the ice , even if you’ve lived next door for years.Most neighbor s

enjoy making a small talk with the

folks on the other side of the fence. So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say

hello. Ask how their kids are (whether they’re babies or in college), whether they could use an extra

cucumber from your garden, or what they think of the prices at the local supermarket.

_37._____ These days, the old Welcome Wagon is a thing of the past. But your new neighbors may

be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they’re far from home, and might appreciate a friendly face

bearing fresh-baked chocolate cakes. If they have kids, tell them where the children in the

neighborhood live. Recommend the best places to eat and shop. Invite them over for coffee or tea

when they get settled, give them your number, and point to your house as you say good-bye.

___38._______ Return anything that you borrow from a neighbor, such as tools, in good repair and as

soon as you’ve finished with them. Replace anything that belongs to your neighbor that you, your

children, or your pets break or soil. Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. Such

random acts of consideration will have your neighbors

talking — and the talk will be good.

_____39_____ If you value a friendly relationship with your neighbors, spend time with them. What better way

to meet your neighbors than to invite them to an informal barbecue, pool party, or holiday open

house? Better yet, you might even consider throwing a get-together in their honor. Deliver the

invitations in person to everyone who lives on your street and chat with each for five minutes before

moving on to the next house. This way, you will get an idea of what your neighbors are like so that

you can plan for appropriate food and music.

____40_______ In a good relationship, it’s really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail

for the elderly neighbor when there is a heavy rain. When your neighbor forgets to take in his rubbish

cans, roll them back into his yard. If you’re truly concerned, you’ll know when your neighbor needs

some cheering up — a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when

it’s needed. All it takes to develop

your relationship with neighbors is the respect for their feelings.


The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop(主教) in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey(西敏寺):

When I was young and free and my__41_(imagine) had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world.__42. _ I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I __43._ (short) my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But __44._,too, seemed immovable.

As I grew __45._ my twilight years (晚年), in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family,those __46._(close) to me, __47._also, they would have __48_ of it.And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I __49._ (change) my family.

From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able __50._(better) my country and, who knows, I may have

even changed the world.









It has been years after I said goodbye to my childhood,but an amusing event will never be forgotten.

My parents were too much busy to look after me well,so my grandparents took care of me before I started schoo1.One

day Grandma was about to cook then she found there wasn’t enough salt.So 1 was sent to the shop in our neighboring

village.I ran along the road happily,leave the flowers waving in the wind and the dragonflies flying around me.But I had no

time to look at it.

I got what I asked the moment the money changed hands.Thinking that Grandma was waiting,I made the best of my leg

on the way back。As I was flying home,I tripped over a rock on a road.

“Alas!Where is my bag of salt?”was the first thought that flashed in my mind,“I hope it was not torn!”

But the bag was in fact about two or three metres away,widely open.The salt had gone everywhere!



























【解析】通过文章主旨及第一段最后一句“Where shall we continue to live, until the end of time?”和第二段第一句“The earth is our home and cannot be replaced. We must take care of it.” 可知作者在让人们意识到保护地球的紧迫性。故选A。



【解析】根据第二段中“It occupies kids’ time!” 和“we decide to ruin kids’ minds with game systems that glue them to the screen for hours, and make them ignore their homework and chores. We have polluted this earth by making these things which do not even help in any way!”可知作者对诸如游戏系统都持有极其否定的态度。故选C。



【解析】A. anger 生气;B. emotion感情; C. sadness 悲伤;D. regret遗憾。通过文章中作者的疑问句和感叹句例如:Why aren’t we willing to fix our earth? Are our televisions and game systems more important to us than where we live? It will not be easy, but everybody can help! 可以得知作者写这篇文章带有深厚的感情。故选B。



【解析】A批评毁坏地球的那些大公司;B让人们拯救被污染危害的孩子;C在干净的环境里给孩子充分的娱乐;D号召人们停止毁坏地球。通读全文,并根据最后一段内容和最后一句“So stop and think about what you can do to make a difference to our world!”可知本文的主要旨在唤醒人们停止毁坏地球。故选D。






26.D 细节题。根据文章第三段的most universities already allow highly qualified students

to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits(学分). In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenl y “throw out”

one quarter of the required credits可知美国的著名大学允许优秀的学生提前毕业。故选D。

27.C 推断题。根据文章的最后一段可知作者更大学的资格教育很重要。故选C。

28.B 主旨题。A到了缩短学习程序的时候了;B最好的学习需要时间保证;C大学教



C篇【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类



29. C 判断题。根据文章第四段的We don’t list mother as an occupation判断社会不把母


30.A 细节题。A.Puzzled感到困惑的;B.Curious好奇的;C.Upset感到不安的;


31.B 细节题。A.Angry生气的;B.Calm平静的;C.Unconfident没信心的;D.Annoyed

感到厌烦的。根据文章第十段的Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, "I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn't), in the lab and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out).说明作者当时心情很平静。故选B。

32.D 推理题。根据文章文章的倒数第五段There was an increasing note of respect in

the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out.可推断the clerk 开始尊重作者,并认为作者做着令人羡慕的工作。故选D。


33.D。解析:细节题,根据第三段In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers

seemed unusually polite that evening可知所有的司机都给自己让路,说明他们误认为作者带着和箱子是去参加葬礼。故选D。

34.B。解析:推断题,根据第四段的The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they

passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church以及后面的We thought it was something else可知警察误认为作者在办丧事,处于悲痛之中,故选B。













44.it替代前文中的to change only my country。

45.into表示“长成”用grow into。



48.none have none of (=refuse to accept)意为“不接受,不理睬”。

49.would have changed与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。

50.to better固定搭配:be able to do。


I said goodbye to my childhood,but an

It has been years after

sin ce

amusing event will never be forgotten.

My parents were too much busy to look after me well,so my grandparents took care of me before I started school.One day

Grandma was about to cook then


she found there wasn’t enough salt.So 1 was sent to the shop in our neighboring village.I ran along

the road happily,leave


the flowers waving in the wind and the

dragonflies flying around me.But I had no time to look at it



I got what I asked


the moment the money changed hands.Thinking that Grandma was waiting,I made the best of

my leg


.on the way back.As 1 was flying home,I tripped over a rock on a road.

“Alas! Where is my bag of salt?”was the first

thought that

what flashed in my mind,“I hope it was


not torn!”

But the bag was in fact about two or three metres away.widely


open.The salt had gone everywhere!


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.


八年级英语下册期末检测试题及答案 初中八年级期末考试英语试卷 第I卷选择题50分听力部分(共10分)一、听对话,根据所给 问题,选择相应的图画,每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. Where have the astronauts been to? ( ) 2. What animal has been sent into space? ( ) 3. How much money has the project raised? ( ) 4. Which sport does Mike prefer? ( ) 5. How is the woman going to Hangzhou? 二、听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 6. What are they doing now? A. They are having a class at school. B. They are making a phone call. C. They are talking in a restaurant. ( )7. Why didn’t Liu Mei go to school today? A. Because she was too late. B. Because her mother was ill. C. Because she had an accident. ( ) 8. When and where did the accident happen? A. On her way to school yesterday morning. B. On her way home yesterday afternoon. C. On her way to school this morning. ( )9. What was the weather like yesterday afternoon? A. It was fine. B. It was windy. C. It was rainy. ( ) 10. Who took her to see the doctor? A. Nobody. B. Her father. C. Her mother. 请打开第II卷,看第一大题听力试题。该试题需要在第II卷第一大题的相应位置上作答。 语言知识运用部分(共25分)三、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)请你从四个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最恰当的选项。 ( ) 11. It is not my mother’s sweater, __________ sweater is black. A. She B. He C. His D. Her ( ) 12. My teacher ___________ to Hainan by plane in three days. A. will go B. goes C. went D. go ( ) 13. D arning doesn’t ________ his homework after supper. He watches TV. A. does B. do C. / D. doing ( ) 14. ― What are you going to do this afternoon, Jack? ― I am going to play ____________ football. A. a B. the C. / D. an ( ) 15. Which is ___________, the sun, the moon or the earth? A. as big as B.


英语期中测试卷 时间:60分钟总分:100分第一部分单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 1. —Will you go swimming with me this weekend? —______. A. All depend B. It depends C. It depends on D. All depends on 2. Some of the doctors are paid almost ______ as the nurses. A. twice as much B. much as twice C. as much twice D. as twice much 3. The government has to close those small factories to prevent the water of the river ______. A. polluting B. from polluting C. from being polluted D. polluted 4. _______ by thick bamboo and high forest, the ancient city hadn’t been discovered until the 1990s. A. Surrounding B. Surround C. Surrounded D. Having surrounded 5. It’s a specially protected area. People are not_____ to cut down trees and hunt animals. A. permited B. allowing C. advised D. permitted 6. The girl who is studying at the art college has a_______ for music and dance. A. gift B. present C. power D. strength 7. ----My teacher punished me this morning. ----Why? You’ve done nothing wrong, _____ I can see. A. as long as B. as far as C. as well as D. as soon as 8. My parents don’t allow _______time________ nothing. A. to waste;to do B. wasting;to do C. to waste;doing D. wasting;doing 9. ______ I’m well again, I can go on with my work. A. Even if B. As though C. Ever after D. Now that 10. There is a man _______ himself Mr Li waiting for you. A. called B. calls C. calling D. call 11. His parents were _____at the ______ news that he failed the exam again. A. disappointed, disappointing B. disappointed, disappointed C. disappointing, disappointing D. disappointing, disappointed 12. He ______ at once when I promised to help him. A. cheered up B. gave up C. lighted up D. turned up 13. _____ surprised me most was that we had met each other here before. A. That B. It C. Which D. What 14. It’s based on the idea _____ all people are created equal, _____ is accepted by most people. A. that; that B. which; which C. which; when D. that; which 15. Word came ______ our duties would be changed. A. that B. which C. whether D. when


诸城一中慈海复读学校英语学科模拟题 2020.3 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干 净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Some of the greatest scientists of all time are women who have made important discoveries in a variety of contributions.Our list fields in science.Several of their contributions throughout history are even more than men’s of the most famous female scientists below are organized in order of popularity so you can read about the advancements that they made. Marie Curie(1867-1934) Famous For:Work on radioactivity Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman to win this award in two fields: Physics and Chemistry.She discovered polonium and radium and her work helped with the creation of X-rays. Jane Goodall(1934) Famous For:Primate(灵长类)studies JaneGoodall is known world-wide for her groundbreaking studies on primates.She is considered as the top expert on chimps in the world and is perhaps best known for her45-year study on the social lives of theseanimals in Tanzania. Rita Levi-Montalcini(1909-2012) Famous For:Nerve growth studies Rita Levi-Montalcini was a neurologist(神经病学家)who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986for her findings in Nerve Growth Factor(NGF).She was the first Nobel prize winner to live past her100th birthday. Lise Meitner(1878-1968) Famous For:Work on radioactivity and nuclear physics Lise Meitner was a key member of a group that discovered nuclear fission(裂变).One of her colleagues,Otto get the award is considered to be a huge error by Hahn,was given the Noble Prize for this work.That Meitner didn’t the Nobel committee.


欢迎共阅人教版八年级英语期末考试题及答案 八年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单项填空(共25小题,每题1分,计25分) 1.What____you______atthistimeyesterday? A.did;do B.are;doing C.were;doing 2.Shedidn’tgohome.Ididn’tgohome,_______. A.too B.also C.either 3.Heaskedme_____areportcard. A.write B.writing C.towrite 4.TheteachersaidIcoulddobetter_____English. A.in B.at C.for 5.Thankyoufor______mewithmyhomework. A.help B.helps C.helping 6.____iseasyforachildtowakeupandknowwheretheyare. A.It B.That C.This 7.I’msurehewill_____passtheexam. A.can B.isableto C.beableto 8.____eyeexercises____good_____youreyes. A.Doing;are;for B.Do;is;for C.Doing;is;for 9.Theriverisverydirty.______peoplewanttoswiminit.

A.Afew B.Little C.Few 10.I’vebeen________forfivehours. A.skate B.skating C.skated 11.Therearemanytreeson______sideofthestreet. A.both B.every C.each 12.Theman_____glassesismyphysicsteacher. A.with B.has C.wears 13.Thereislittlemilkinthebottle,________? A.isit B.isthere C.isn’tthere 14.Howdidyoumakehim______? A.stoptalking B.tostoptalking C.stopstalking 15.Canyoutellus____? A.wheredoeshelive B.wherehelives C.wherehedoeslive 16.—Howdoyouusuallycometoschool? —_____myfather’scar. A.By B.In C.With 17.Theteachertoldthechildrenthattheearth____aroundthesun. A.moves B.moved C.wasmoving 18.---Whichdoyouprefer,orangesorapples? ---_______.I‘dlikebananas. A.Yes,both B.Neither,thankyou C.No,thanks


八年级下册英语第一单元练习题 一、完成下列短语。 感冒胃痛躺下看牙医 量体温做X-光检测在周末玩电脑游戏休息几次去看医生在路边下车 等待幸亏及时立刻 惹麻烦下次摔倒回家 休息流鼻血在……上敷药 使……惊讶的对……感兴趣被打伤/晒伤因为冒险切除 离开患有心脏病考虑 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.We are ________ (surprise) at the news. 2.The old man lived in the house _________ (die ) on a cold night. 3.He used to be a good doctor. He saved many _________(life) 4.He kept on ______ (work) though his leg hurt. 5.No one can be successful ___________ (with) hard work. 三、选择题。 1.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed __________ at the dancing party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 2. I’m feeling much better now so you ____________ call the doctor. A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t 3. Linda bought a house___________ a swimming pool. A. on B. in C. with D. from 4. ---Emma failed her exams. I think she should work harder. --- I agree. _________she does, she’ll get good grades. A. If B. Because C. Before D. Though 5. --- It’s too cold today. --- Yes, why don’t you __________ your coat? A. put on B. put up C. take off D. get on 6. I got up too late this morning so I went to school _________ breakfast. A. without B. through C. by D. for 7. ---- Were you at home at 9:00 last night? I called you but nobody answered. ----- Sorry, I _________ a shower at that time. A. take B. took C. was taking D. am taking 8. You have to leave now_________- so that you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. although 9. I’ m really ______________ all the time and I don’t have enough time to rest. A. happy B. busy C. excited D. relaxed 10. She’ outgoing. She never minds ______ to a boy. A. speak B. spoke C. speaking D. to open 11. Mr. Li asks the students ____________ in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim


九年级英语期中测试卷 (时间100分钟满分100分) 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 1.—Is Total Soccer weekly round-up of soccer? —Yes.It provides us with latest news on soccer. A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.the; 2.My mother is strict with me.She doesn't allow me to go outside to play football my homework is done.I have to do some reading at home instead. A.unless B.until C.before D.though 3.—Your grandfather looks very healthy. —he plays sports every day,he is very healthy. A.Because;so B.Since;though C.Because;/ D.Though;/ 4.—It's raining again.What bad weather! —Yeah.And it is reported that the terrible weather will for another week. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c218848203.html,st B.change C.take D.become 5.Jim has made this term that his parents will award him a new computer. A.such a great progress B.so great progress C.such great progress D.so a great progress 6.The old man had to sell his house even though it was his own wishes. A.above B.against C.with D.for 7.—No one would like to talk with Jack.Why? —Because he always excuses to cheat us. A.makes up B.dresses up C.puts up D.looks up 8.—I can't decide which film to watch. —you read the film review? A.Why not B.How about C.Why don't D.What about 9.—What did you say just now? —I said I would like some eggs and bread for breakfast. A.what B.if C.that D.whether 10.—Can I watch TV,Mum? —No,unless your homework. A.will be finished B.is finished C.will finish D.has finished 11.—I think necessary to work with friends and share different ideas.Do you agree? —Of course. A.it B.this C.that D.its 12.—There are so many policemen here.What happened? —It is said that a man a shop and took away many things. A.24-year-old;broke into B.24-years-old;broke into C.24-year-old;broke out D.24-years-old;broke out 13.—My brother has never been abroad.


高三英语模拟试题 总分120分,时间100分钟 班级: ______ 姓名: ______ 总分: ______ 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Research found that when people share their efforts and knowledge, the ______ is greater than the total of their efforts as individuals. A. procedure C. ownership D. revenue 22. A lake project, which will be a landmark construction of the city, ______ on land that only one year ago was mostly farmland. A. is built B. was built C. has been built D. is being built A. in which B. to which C. from which D. by which 24. Teachers would like students to think and discuss problems in groups but they don’t tolerate ______ in class. A. they talk B. them to talk C. them talked D. their talking 25. ---What if I cancel my files by accident? --- Our standard advice: before you do anything, ______ your data. A. back up B. polish up C. hold up D. step up 26. ---How was your trip to the mountains? ---Turned out to be ______ relaxing. Though we made it to the top, we caught a sudden storm and got wet to the skin. A. more than B. nothing but C. all too D. anything but A. what it is that B. why it is that C. what is it D. why is it 28. Many believe that whoever makes a great advancement in art or science ______ the same in any other if chance had thrown it in his way. A. would do B. could do C. would have done D. would be doing 29. I have kept the school club poster ______ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my first year of


南充十二中八年级英语下册第一次月考试题 (总分:100分时间:90分钟) 班级姓名成绩 一、根据句意和首字母提示完成句子(10分) 1.Thelittlegirlistooyoungtolookafter___________.(她自己) 2.IhavetoseeadentistbecauseIhavea_________(牙疼) 3.Weallknowthe__________(重要性)ofstudyingEnglishwell. 4.InEurope,peopleeatwithforksand_________(刀). 5.Let 6. 7. 8. 9.Ican ()10._Whydidtheysetupthisorganization? --__________disabledpeople. A.Help B.tohelp C.HelpingDHelped ()11.Heisill.Heshould______andrest.Heshouldn’t______outtoplay. A.liedown,go B.liesdown,goes C.liesdown,go D.liedown,goes ()12–Helooksunhappy? --Let’s____________ A.cheerhimup B.helpedouthim C.lookhimafter D.angrywithhim ()13.Lisacutherfingerjustnow.Sheshouldputa_______onit. A.medicine B.X-ray C.bandage ()14.–Couldyoudo____________forme,please?--Yes,withpleasure.


精品资料欢迎下载金凤区第六小学六年级英语测试卷 Listening Part (40分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出相符合的一项,并将其编号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. A. went B. when C. where ( )2. A. went hiking B. went fishing C. went swimming ( )3. A. When B. Where C. What ( )4. A .happy B. angry C. sorry ( )5. A .shorter B. smaller C. bigger ( )6. A. get. B. win C. won ( )7. A .ill B. sick C. sad ( )8. A. drinking hot water B. drinking cold water C. drinking orange juice ( )9. A. She has a toothache. B. She has a headache. C. She has a cold. ( )10. A. How long is your book? B. How long is your ruler? C. How heavy is your fish? Ⅱ. 听录音,判断句子与图片是否与录音内容相符,正打√,误打×。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. Tom is sad because he is sick. ( ) 7. My throat is sore. ( ) 8. Mike is happy today. ( ) 9. We went to Guangzhou by train last week. ( ) 10. When you’re sick, you must have a rest. Ⅲ. 听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答句,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1. A. Tom is very angry. B. I’m five. C. I’m fine. ( )2. A. No, they do. B. Yes, they did. C. No, we didn’t. ( )3. A. She goes to Shanghai. B. She did the homework. C. She is watching TV. ( )4. A. I am 164cm. B. I am 47kg. C. I wear size37. ( )5. A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am happy. Ⅳ. 听录音,根据录音内容把句子补充完整,每空一词。(5分) 1.I am much ___________than you. 2.Tom _________ his uncle yesterday. 3.How does Amy feel? She’s _________. 4.Did you go fishing last weekend? No, I ______ hiking. 5.John ________ TV with his father last Friday. Ⅴ. 听短文或对话,判断下列句子的内容是否与录音内容相符,正打√,误打×。(5分)( )1. Mike isn’t from China. ( )2. Mike went to Beijing on the weekend. ( )3.Mike went to Kunming by plane. ( )4.Mike didn’t go to Guangzhou. ( )5Mike likes China. Writnig Part (60分) I.按要求改写下列单词。(10分) 1.sad(反义词) 2.did(原形) 3.heavy(比较级) 4.play(过去式) 5.thin( 比较级) 6.have(第三人称单数形式) 7.go(过去式) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c218848203.html,e(现在分词) 9.foot(复数) 10.centimeter(简写) Ⅱ.Look and choose.(请你为下列图片选择正确的句子)(10分)


初二英语期末练习题 I.单项选择 ()01 My brother is engineer,and he works at university in Shanghai. A. a; an B. the; an C. an;a D. an; the ()02 (金华中考)——Jim, if you have to do, what about helping me in the garden? ——OK, Mom. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ()03 ——If you're tired and stressed out, you should ——Yes, I think it's relaxing for us. A. study hard B. go to the dentist C. listen to light music D. stay out late ()04 To save the environment,people should plant

trees,and use water. A. more; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. less; more ()05(无锡中考)——is the world Cup held?——Every 4 years. A. How soon B. How often C. When D. Where ()06(乐山中考)——Would you be so kind as to your music?I am preparing for tomorrow's speech. ——Sure. Sorry to disturb you. A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on ()07 Mrs.Black expects with the school headmaster about her son. A. talking B. to talk C. talked


V .单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Liu Jing ' s mother is very kind and she often speaks __________ a kind way. A. for B. by C. in D. of ( )22. Her own twelve pictures sold very well, _______ to friends and family. A. usually B. Mostly C. Hardly D. recen tly ( )23. I don ' t like this house with only two small bedrooms. Let ' s ask for ______ . A. one B. ano ther C. the other D. others] ( )24. — Susan, I went to the 31st International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin. —Really? I have ______ heard about it. A. already B. ever C. n ever D. yet ( )25. I forgot to take the _______ with me to Portugal, so I didn ' t take any photos. A. camera B. alarm C. report D. record ( )26. Sally is in terested in En glish. Her teacher en couraged her _____ i t well. A. learn B. learni ng C. to lear n D. learned ( )27. —Lin da, is that man your En glish teacher Mr. Huang? | —No, it can ' t be him. He _________ Beijing for training. A. has gone to B. has bee n to C. was in D. goes to ( )28. About ________ of the stude nts in that village go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. A. two fifth B. two fifths C. sec ond five D. sec ond fives-1 ( )29. The car is five years old but is in almost ______ con diti on. A. poor B. perfect C. serious D. typical ( )30. As soon as the iPhone 6 came out, _______ people couldn ' to way:one. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )31. I got there early so that I _______ others ' ideas about the pla n before the meet ing bega n. A. in troduced B. protected C. collected D. con trolled ()32. When I left the hospital, the doctor said to me, "Don' t be worried. You ' ll be all right in _______ days. ” A. a couple of B. a kind of C. a piece of D. a bit of ()33. —What is the best time of day for us _________ you? —Oh, any time is OK. A. visit B. to visit C. visit ing D. visited ( )34. Health experts _______ t hat lots of people would have flu this win ter because the weather is unu sual. A. discussed B. promised C. feared D. advised ()35. —I haven ' t been to the Bird ' s Nest. What about you? — ______ . I am pla nning to go there this weeke nd. A. Me too B. Me neither C. So did I D. Neither did I W .完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的 最佳答案。

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