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1.1.5 Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park 学案(鲁教版英语八年级下) (3)

Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park?检测题听力原文




1. Have you ever been to a supermarket?

2. I have decided to go to the zoo after school.

3. Donald Duck is one of the most famous characters in Disneyland.

4. I have drunk this brand tea for five years.

5. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country.


6. W: Have you ever been to an amusement park?

M: No, I haven’t. But I have been to a museum.

Q: Where has the man been?

7. W: When did you start to learn English, Tom?

M: Since I was 5 years old.

W: Oh, you have studied it for 10 years.

Q: How old is the boy now?

8. M: I have never been to the water park. What about you?

W: Me neither.

M: Let’s go there this afternoon.

W: Good idea.

Q: Where are they going this afternoon?

9. M: Linda, how many times have you been to the zoo?

W: Four times.

Q: How many times has Linda been to the zoo?

10. M: Have you ever traveled to another country?

W: No, I haven’t. What about you?

M: I went to Singapore last month.

Q: Where did the boy go last month?


M: Hi, Mary. Glad to see you again. How are you?

W: Hi, John. Glad to see you, too. I’m fine. Thank you. Where did you go during the summer holidays?

M: Well, I went to my hometown in Hainan Island. I visited my grandparents there.

W: Oh, they must be very happy to see you again.

M: Sure. What did you do, then?

W: My parents took my brother and me to a few cities in the south.

M: That would be very interesting. What cities did you visit?

W: We visited Guizhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai.

M: Oh! I think you were sure to have a good time.

W: Yes, we really enjoyed ourselves very much.


Hong Kong lies in the southeas t of China. It has an area of over 1,000 km2 and a population of over 6 million.

It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winte r in Hong Kong. The average temperature is 150 C in February and 280 C in July. It often rains during the months from May to September.

Hong Kong is known as The Pearl of the East. It is one of the largest trade centers in the world. Many foreigners have been living there for many years. Hong Kong will have an even better future.


1~5DAECB 6~10BCACA 11~15ABCBC 16. population 17. average 18. rains 19. is known as 20. foreigners

21. A have gone to sp.意为“去了某地”,表示某人不在现场;由主语he是第三人称单数可


22. C分数的表达法为“分子要用基数词,分母要用序数词,如果分子大于1,分母就要加s”。


23. B neither作主语时通常被视为单数,“is written”为一般现在时的被动语态。

24. D“Neither+助动词+主语”表示与上文存在相同的否定情况,由“have never been to”


25. C“Have you ever been to...?”的否定回答为“No, I haven’t.”。

26. B Me neither.“我也没有。”符合句意。

27. B argue with sb.“与某人争吵”。

28. B由答语知用how long来提问一段时间。

29. D find强调“找”的结果;have problems doing sth.“做某事有困难”。

30. A形容人口多,用large修饰population, largest为最高级。

31. D be away“离开”,用于现在完成时,与一段时间连用。left和arrived皆为瞬间动词,


32. C“It was...that...”为强调句,because表示原因。句意:正是因为我会讲法语才得到了


33. D“has helped”为现在完成时;help sb. do sth.“帮某人做某事”。

34. A考查动词不定式作表语的用法。

35. C由“four months ago”推知用一般过去时。

36. C联系上下文及从所给的四个选项看,选face最为合适。句意为“然而,当我们在其他


37. D由引导词where及下文的though表示转折和让步关系可知此处为“有一些地方仍然不


38. B联系上下文及so表示承接关系可知此处为“如果有一种语言能被世界上的任何地方


39. A联系下文可知此处句意为“Esperanto是在1887年被创造的,可能是世界上第一种真


40. D因languages在此句中是可数名词复数形式,故排除A、B两项。句意为“尽管有几种


41. B由下文的“拼写和发音也都很简单”以及所举的例子可知此处句意为“它的学习者


42. D由所举的例子“像honest中的h”可知此处指字母,故选D项。

43. A由后句“你可以没有任何困难地拼写它”说明不是“看到”,而是“听到”,故选A 项。

44. C由上句“The grammar is also as simple as possible...”可知此处句意为“……只有16种


45. B前后两句表示转折关系,用连词but,故选B项。

46. A在材料四中有句子“Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from

morning to evening.”可知选A。

47. D在材料二中有:成人每人50美元,儿童每人25美元。萨姆和他妻子为成人,5岁的女


48. A大卫的假期与材料一中的信息相符合,故选A。

49. C材料三中有句子“Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.”


50. C材料二中有:Take your camera;材料三中有:Put on your warm clothes; 材料四中有:

W ear your sun hat;只有选项C(雨伞)没有被提到,故选C。

51. C 由第一段中的“During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the

things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money.”可知,C项正确。

52. B 由第一段中的“In W estern countries, people didn’t use paper money until the 15th


53. D 文章的第三段主要讲述了节约用纸的方法,而D项并不属于节约用纸的方法,因此


54. C 通读全文,可知A、B、D三项均可在文章中找到出处,而从文章第一、二段可知,


55. A 本文主要讲述了如何节约用纸,所以A项做本文的题目最合适。

56. population句意为“那个国家大约有600万人口”。

57. temperature take one’s temperature “量体温”。

58. especially句意:我喜欢水果,特别是苹果。

59. discovered句意:你知道1492年谁发现了美洲大陆吗?

60. environment“a more natural environment”意为“一个更自然的环境”。

61. has, seen由before 知用现在完成时。

62. Has, spoken句意:她曾经跟外国人说过话吗?

63. have, traveled句意:我从未去过说英语的国家旅行。

64. has lived句意:他在厦门住了六年了。

65. to play it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动词不定式短语。

66. to, whenever67. Most, have, heard of68. see, walking around, all the time

69. almost, all the year round70. More, three quarters

71~75 BEFCG

On e possible version:

I’m an 18-year-old girl. My name’s Wang Ling. I want to be a tour guide. And I hope I can show foreigners around Beijing. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I’ve started taking English lessons a t Beijing Language School. I’ve been studying for more than a year. I’ve improved my listening skills and I speak English better than before. I’m sure I’ll be a good tour guide after I graduate.
