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? 1—12的基数词

? 13—19均由3—9加后缀-teen构成


? 13 thirteen 17 seventeen 14 fourteen 18 eighteen 15 fifteen 19 nineteen16 sixteen ? 20—90等十位数均由2—9加后缀-ty构成


? 20 twenty 60 sixty 30 thirty 70 seventy 40 forty 80 eighty 50 fifty 90 ninety ? 21—29由十位数20加个位数1—9构成,中间须有连字符“-”,其他十位数依此类推。

? 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 22 twenty-two 42 forty-two

23 twenty-three 53 fifty-three 24 twenty-four 64 sixty-four

25 twenty-five 75 seventy-five 26 twenty-six 86 eighty-six

27 twenty-seven 97 ninety-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine


? 100 a/one hundred 200 two hundred

706 seven hundred and six 125 a/one hundred (and) twenty-five

341 three hundred (and) forty-one 987 nine hundred (and) eighty-seven


? 1100 eleven hundred 1500 fifteen hundred 1900 nineteen hundred


? 1000 a/one thousand

2000 two thousand 3000 three thousand

5700 five thousand seven hundred 6900 six thousand nine hundred

1248 a/one thousand two hundred (and) forty-eight 3133 three thousand one hundred (and) thirty-three (此处hundred之前不可用a)


? 10,000 ten thousand 20,000 twenty thousand


? 1,000,000 a (one) million

2,000,000 two million

3,000,000 three million


? 6千万 sixty million

5亿 five hundred million

80亿 eight thousand million (等于美国英语eight billion)

3百亿 thirty thousand million(等于美国英语thirty billion)

1千亿 a/one hundred thousand million(等于美国英语a/one hundred -billion)



a man in his fifties 50多岁的男人

? hundred,thousand,million表示不确定数目时,须用复数形式,常后接of短语。如意义清楚时,其后的of短语可省去。

? His coat is worth hundreds of dollars.他的大衣值好几百美元。

Thousands of people observed the ship leaving the harbour.数以千计的人观看了轮船离港的情形。

Hundreds of thousands are homeless. 几十万人无家可归。

? hundred,thousand,million,billion等词前有具体数词或several时,须用单数。

? There are three hundred and sixty-five students in this school.这所学校有365个学生。

? dozen(十二)和score(二十)等表示数字的词也按以上规则处理。

? I have told you dozens of times. 我已跟你说过几十次了。

Dozens of police arrived as the hoodlums closed in on him.几个恶棍逐渐将他团团围住时,几十个警察到了。

I bought two dozen bottles of wine.我买了24瓶酒。

I walked several score of miles.我走了好几十英里。


? During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在70年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。

He was somewhere in his sixties.他大约60岁了。


? The five-year-old boy can dress himself.那个5岁的孩子自己能穿衣服了。

My teacher is a seventy-year-old woman.我的老师是一位70岁的老妇人。


? 1—19的序数词

? 1st first 11th eleventh

2nd second 12th twelfth (twelf加th) 3rd third 13th thirteenth

4th fourth 14th fourteenth 5th fifth 15th fifteenth(fif加th)

6th sixth 16th sixteenth 7th seventh 17th seventeenth

8th eighth 18th eighteenth(eight后只加h) 9th ninth 19th nineteenth(nin加th) 10th tenth


? 20th twentieth

30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth

70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th nintieth


? 21st twenty-first 32nd thirty-second

43rd forty-third 54th fifty-fourth

65th sixty-fifth 76th seventy-sixth

87th eighty-seventh 98th ninty-eighth


? 201st two hundred and first




? 1/3 读作a/one third 3/4 读作three quarters 或three fourths 1/2 须读作a/one half

不读作one second


? 1/2 读作one over two

2/3 读作two over three 3/4 读作three over four 11/20 读作eleven over twenty

27/253 读作twenty-seven over two

hundred (and) fifty-three

?整数与分数之间须用and连接。 5(1/2) 读作five and a half

7(5/6) 读作seven and five sixths

?分子与分母之间还可加in或out of,分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词。

? 1/10 one in ten

4/5 four in five

1/10 one out of ten



? 1.25 读作one point two five

3.745 读作three point seven four five



? 0.5% 读作 (nought) point five percent

5% 读作five percent

20% 读作 twenty percent

300% 读作three hundred percent


? thirty percent 30% sixty-five percent 65%


? 3+2=5 读作Three plus two equal(s) five.

或Three and two are five.

10-2=8 读作Ten minus two is eight.

或Two from ten leaves eight.

9×6=54读作Nine multiplied by six is fifty-four.

或Nine sixes are fifty-four.

或Nine times six is fifty-four.

20÷10=2读作Twenty divided by ten is two.

或Ten into twenty goes two.

3∶2读作the ratio of three to two

12∶3=4读作The ratio of twelve to three equals four.

32读作three squared

33=27 读作Three cubed is twenty-seven.

X4=Y 读作The fourth power of X is Y.

=3 读作The square root of nine is three.

=3 读作The cubic root of twenty-seven is three.


? Three times six is eighteen.三乘六等于十八。

Twice two is four.二二得四。


? I have twice as many books as you do. 我的书是你的书的两倍。

The dining room was twice as big as the Tom's.这个餐厅是汤姆的餐厅的一倍大。This substance reacts four times as fast as that one.这种物质的反应速度是那种物质的4倍。


? We were opposed by a force twice the size of our own.我们遭到了比我们多一倍兵力的抵抗。

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍大。


? This building is twice higher than that one. 这栋建筑物比那栋高两倍。

This room is four times larger than that one.这个房间比那个房间大三倍。


? We produced more cars in 2000 than those in 1999 by twice. 我们2000年生产的小汽车是1999年的两倍。


? The length of the road is five times what it was ten years ago. 公路的长度是10年前的5倍。

The industrial output in the factory is more than three times what it was in 1990.这家工厂的工业产量是1990年的3倍多。


? My uncle is as old again as I am. 我叔叔的年龄比我大一倍。

This shirt cost me as much again as the last one I bought.这件衬衫比我上次买的那件贵一倍。

I have books as many again as you.我的书比你的多一倍。

The total output is double that of last year.总产量是去年的两倍。

It is more than double the 1986 figure.这个数字是1986年的两倍多。

The top-brand cigarettes are often sold at double the normal price here. 在这里名牌香烟的售价经常比正常高一倍。


? Population has increased by 300% in the past 30 years. 人口在过去30年内增加了300%。

Output of coal was four times as great as that of last year.煤产量比去年增加了3倍。



? Tens of thousands of people have been forced to abandon their homes and native villages since the warbroke out.自从这场战争爆发以来,几万人被迫背井离乡。

Life began on Earth millions of years ago.地球上的生命始于数百万年以前。

?用more than,over,beyond,above,more等来表示多于某个数目。

? In the city,more than 30,000 people marched protesting violence.在那个城市,有三万多人游行抗议暴力。

He has bought over thirty books just during this week.就在这周内他已买了30多本书。

There weren't beyond twenty people present.出席的人不超过20名。

This machine weighs above three tons.这部机器的重量超过三吨。

Fifty percent or more of the population there is illiterate.那里50%或更多的群众是文盲。

?用less than,under,below,nearly,up to等来表示小于或接近某数目。

? Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.小于90度的角叫锐角。He can not be under thirty years of age.他的年龄不会小于30岁。

He attached himself to the university where he worked nearly thirty years.他对那所大学依依不舍,因为他在那里工作了差不多30年。

He drove faster,watching the needle flick up to a hundred km.他把车越开越快,看着车速表上的指针跳到了100公里。

?用about,around,more or less,or,or so,some等表示在某数目左右。

? He died about three years ago.他大约在三年前就死了。

I'll be back at around 5 o'clock.5点左右我就回来。

It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。

The doctor spent four or five hours performing the operation.那医生花了四五个小时做这个手术。

His weight is seventy kilos or so.他的体重大约70千克。

He waited some 30 minutes.他等了大约30分钟。


? I will be back in two to three weeks. 我两到三周后就回来。

There were from 60 to 80 people present.出席的人数在60到80人之间。

I will come between seven and eight o'clock.我会在7点至8点之间来。



? 21世纪the 21st century

the twenty-first century

20世纪80年代1980s/1980's 读作 the nineteen


60年代the sixties


?公元前350年350 B.C. 读作three fifty B.C.

或three hundred

and fifty B.C.

1900年1900 读作nineteen hundred

2001年2001 读作two thousand and one


? 1月 January (Jan.) 7月 July (Jul.)

2月 February (Feb.) 8月 August (Aug.)

3月 March (Mar.) 9月 September (Sept.)

4月 April (Apr.) 10月 October (Oct.)

5月 May 11月 November (Nov.)

6月 June (Jun.) 12月 December (Dec.)


? 1949年5月4日写作May 4,1949

读作May the



或the fourth of May

nine-teen forty-nine



?9∶00读作nine o'clock (或nine)

Church begins at nine (o'clock).礼拜仪式九点开始。


?9∶05读作five past nine

或nine five

9∶15读作fifteen past nine

或 a quarter past nine

或nine fifteen

9∶30读作half past nine

或nine thirty


?9∶40读作twenty to ten

或nine forty

9∶45读作fifteen to ten

或 a quarter to ten

或nine forty-five

9∶55读作five to ten

或nine fifty-five

? am,pm要与表示时间的数字连用,置于数字之后。相应的短语有时可置于名词前作定语。? He checked off at 5 pm.他下午5点钟下班。

Office hours are from 9 am to 5 pm.办公时间从上午9点到下午5点。

The 8 am train from London arrived at the station.上午8点从伦敦开来的列车进站了。?注意:



③am,pm不可与in the morning,in the afternoon连用,以免重复。第四章介词第四章介词


初一年级英语数词知识点讲解 知识点总结 数词分为基数词和序数词两种; (一)基数词在英语中表示数目的词称为基数词。 1.基数词的构成 (1)1-20 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,el even,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty (2)21-99 先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间加连字符。 23rarr;twenty-three,34rarr;thirty-four, (3)101-999先说“几百”,再加and,再加末两位数或末位数; 586rarr;five hundred and eighty-six,803rarr;eight hundred and three (4)l,000以上,先从右往左数,每三位数加一个“,”,第一个“,”前为thousand.第二个“,”前为million,第三个“,”前为billion,然后一节一节地表示。

9,785rarr;nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five 6,260,309rarr;six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine 750,000,000,000rarr;seven hundred and fifty, billion 2.基数词的用法 (1)表示数量 Eg. 一 How many books would you like? 一I would like two. (2)表示号码 eg.My phone number is 6887789. (3)表示时间 eg.I watch CCTV News at seven oclock every evening. (4)表示“十”的数词的复数可以表示人的岁数或年代。 eg. He is in his early thirties.他有三十来岁(31-34岁): This took place in the 1930s.这事发生在二十世纪三十年代; (5)表具体数字时,hundred,thousand,million用单


七年级英语语法----时态讲解及其练习 一、一般现在时 定义:表示经常、反复发生的动作,经常存在的状态或者习惯性动作(有时间规律发生的事情)的一种时间状态。(很拗口,但要学会就必须深刻体会,so please 将其狂读3遍) 具体用法 1、表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。(always, usually, often, sometimes, every day\ morning\ night\ evening\afternoon\week,) e.g. I go to school at 8:00 every morning. 2 表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征和状态及喜好等。 e.g She is 11 years old . I don’t like English. She can speak English well. 3表示客观事实和普遍真理。 e.g The earth moves around the sun. 基本结构构成 含有be(am、is 、are)动词的用法 肯定句:I am+其它 You \ they\ we are +其它 She \he \ it+is +其它 否定句:I am not+ 其它。 You \ they\ we are not +其它 She \he \ it+is +not +其它 一般疑问句及回答: Are you +其它? 肯定回答:yes, I am. 否定回答:no, I am not. Are you\ they\ you+ 其它? 肯定回答: yes,we \they are. 否定回答:no, we \they are not. Is she\ he \it+其它? 肯定回答: yes,she \he \it is. 否定回答:no,she \he \it is not. 从上面结构中你能总结出be动词的用法吗?单数________,复数_________ ;我用_________,你用__________ ,______________-连着她他它。 含实义动词的结构:肯定句: 主语(I, we, you,they,)+动词原形+其它。


数词 I.定义与分类 数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词,如one, five, ten, thirty, sixty-five 等;表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词,如first, sixth, tenth, twenty-first 等。数词用法相当于名词和形容词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语等。 II. 基数词 1. 英语中没有“万”这个读数单位,要表示汉语中的“万”,英语需借用thousand一词,如“一万”用“十个千”表示(ten thousand),“十万”用“一百个千”表示(one hundred thousand)。 2. 用作基数词单位的hundred, thousand, million, billion 通常不带复数词尾-s,但若用于表示数百、数千、数百万这样的泛指,则用复数。如: About two thousand people died in the earthquake. 大约有两千人在地震中丧生。Thousands of people go to the seaside every year. 每年成千上万的人到海滨去。 3. 表示整十的基数词用复数形式可以表示人的大约岁数或年代。如: He is in his early twenties. 他才二十出头(from 。 This took place in the 1930s. 这事发生在20世纪30年代。 III. 序数词 1. 许多序数词是由相应的基数词后加词尾-th构成的,如four / fourth,six / sixth,ten / tenth,sixteen / sixteenth,但是nine变为序数词是ninth,而不是nineth。 2. twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth 等表示整十的序数词,由相应的基数词将词尾y改为ie,再加-th 构成。 3. first, second, third 通常可缩写为1st, 2nd, 3rd。凡是以th结尾的序数词可缩写为“基数词+th”:4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 60th, 128th等。 4. 非整十的多位数,将个位数变成序数词即可:twenty-first(第21),thirty-sixth(第36),ninety-ninth(第99),three hundred and sixty-fifth(第365)等。 5. hundred, thousand, million 等序数词形式为hundredth, thousandth, millionth 等。 6. 序数词前通常要用定冠词,但表示考试或比赛等的名次时,通常可省略其前的定冠词。如: My room is on the second floor and his on the third. 我的房间在三楼,他的房间在四楼。 He was (the) third in the exam. 他考试得了第三名。 注:有时序数词前不用定冠词,而用不定冠词,表示次第在原有基础上的增加。如:We’ll have to do it a second time. 我们得再做一次(from 。 序数词前用定冠词和不定冠词的区别在于:定冠词表特指,不定冠词表泛指,有类似another 的意思,但比another 的意思更明确。 IV. 分数、倍数、小数和百分数 1. 分数。 (1)分数由基数词和序数词构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子超过“1”时,分母用复数。如: two thirds=2/3 three fifths=3/5 注:1/2 通常读作 a [one] half,一般不读作a second;1/4 可读作 a [one] fourth,也可读作 a [one] quarter。


初中英语数词 讲解 数词分为基数词和序数词两种。表示数目或数量多少的词叫基数词;表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。 一、基数词 1.基数词就注意以下几点: (1)几十几的基数词的十位数与个位数之间要用连字符“-”连接。如: eighty-five 85 twenty-six 26 (2)三位数的基数词须在百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间用and连接。如:three hundred and sixty-five 365 two hundred and six 206 (3)基数词的复数形式。当基数词hundred,thousand,million,billion等词前有详尽数词或several修饰时,必须用单数。如: several hundred year“s ago几百年前 two thousand students两千个学生 2.基数词的分外用法: (1)表示“几十年代”或“几十岁”时,用逢十的基数词的复数形式。如:in the 1990“s 20世纪90年代 i n one“s twenties在某人20多岁时 (2)用在习语中。如: in twos and threes三三两两地

二、序数词 序数词应注意的几点事项: 1.多位数的基数词变成序数词时,只需将末位基数词变成序数词,前边的基数词不变。 如: forty-two 42 forty-second第42 nine-hundred 900 nine-hundredth第900 2.当序数词用阿拉伯数字表示时,必须在数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。如:21st第21 32nd第32 3.序数词前大凡要用定冠词the,如果序数词前用a或an时,则表示“又一;再一”(没有详尽范围的限制)。如: Though he had failed twice,he wanted to try a third time. 尽管他已失败了两次,他还想再试一次。 The little monkey had had three apples,and he wanted to eat a fourth one.那只小猴子已经吃了3个苹果,他还想再吃一个。 三、分数和百分数 1.分数 (1)分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如: one fifth五分之一 one tenth十分之一 (2)当分子大于1时,分母用序数词的复数。如:


初一英语语法讲解--冠词的用法 冠词是一种虚词,用在名词或名词词组的前面,表示名词是特指还是泛指。冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词两种形式。不定冠词有 a, an。定冠词有 the. 其中, a 用在发音以辅音开头的名词之前, 而 an 则用在发音以元音开头的名词之前。不定冠词的用法: 1) 表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用 不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。 I gave him a book yesterday. 我昨天给了他一本书。 I have got a ticket. 我有一张票。 There is a tree in front of my house. 我的屋前有一棵树。 2) 表示人或事物的某一种类, 强调整体, 即以其中的一个代表一类。 A horse is useful to mankind. 马对人类有用。 A bird can fly. 鸟会飞。 3) 不定冠词用在事物的"单位"前,如时间, 速度, 价格等意义的名词之前,表示 "每一"。 We often go to school two times a day. 我们常常一天两次去学校。 I went to the library once a week at least. 我一星期至少去一次图书馆。 4) 不定冠词用来指某人某物,但不具体说明任何人或任何物。 A boy came to see you a moment ago. 刚才有一个小孩来找你。 I got this tool in a shop. 我在商店买的这件工具。 We need a car now. 我们现在需要一辆车。 5) 不定冠词用于某些词组。 a few 几个 a little 有点 She has a few friends in this city. 她在这个城市中有几个朋友。 There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有点牛奶。 定冠词的用法。 1) 定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物。 The bag in the desk is mine. 桌子里的书包是我的。 Is this the book you are looking for? 这是你要找的书吗? Do you know the man in back? 你知道穿黑色衣服的人是谁吗? 2) 定冠词用来指上文中已提到过的人或事物。 I bought a book from Xinhua book-shop. The book costs 15 yuan.


一、选择题 1.---If your parents wanted to have a ______ child, would you agree? ---Of course. But they should make it in _____ yeas’ time. A.second; second B.two; two C.second; two D.two;second 2.—How do your students improve their English writing? —Well, about ______________ of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class. A.two fifth B.two fifths C.second five D.two five 3.﹣Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here? ﹣Sure. I visited this city three years ago so this is my _________ time here. A.first B.second C.third 4.---I am going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan. ---Oh, really? Taiwan is ______ a beautiful island that ______ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year. A.so; thousands B.so; thousands of C.such; many thousand D.such; thousands of 5.Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes. A.five thousand of B.five thousand C.thousand of D.five thousands of 6.— They will need __________ volunteers for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition (国际园艺博览会) in Qingdao. —Let’s go and join them. A.thousand of B.thousands of C.three thousand of D.three thousands 7.—How long is the bridge? —About ______ long. A.two thousand meter B.two thousand meters C.two thousands meter D.two thousands meters 8.I hear ____ foreign students will come to our school and they are in the ____ grade. A.eight, eighth B.eight, eight C.eighth, eighth 9.I’ve told him of that ______, but he always forget it. A.a hundred time B.hundred times C.hundred of times D.hundreds of times 10.This is our _______ school year, we are going to graduate in two months. A.third B.three C.the third 11.______of the students in our class ______ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A.Two-fifths, are B.Second-fifths, are C.Two-fifths, is D.Second-fifths, is 12.Nearly ________of the American children get money from their part-time job. A.two third B.two three C.two thirds D.second third


初一英语语法讲解资料 初一英语语法讲解,,冠词的用法 2010-10-02 15:00:56| 分类: 学习乐园 | 标签:in this is 名词 to |字号订阅 冠词是一种虚词,用在名词或名词词组的前面,表示名词是特指还是泛指。冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词两种形式。不定冠词有 , n。定冠词有 the. 其中, 用在发音以辅音开头的名词之前, 而 n 则用在发音以元音开头的名词之前。不定冠词的用法: 1) 表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。 I gve him book yesterdy. 我昨天给了他一本书。 I m reding n interesting story . 我在读一本有趣的故事书。 I hve got ticket. 我有一张票。 There is tree in ront o my house. 我的屋前有一棵树。 2) 表示人或事物的某一种类, 强调整体, 即以其中的一个代表一类。 horse is useul to mnkind. 马对人类有用。 bird cn ly. 鸟会飞。

steel worker mkes steel. 炼钢工人炼钢。 3) 不定冠词用在事物的"单位"前,如时间, 速度, 价格等意义的名词之前,表示 "每一"。 We oten go to school two times dy. 我们常常一天两次去学校。 I went to the librry once week t lest. 我一星期至少去一次图书馆。 The potto is sold t bout 30 en jin. 土豆卖三毛钱一斤。 4) 不定冠词用来指某人某物,但不具体说明任何人或任何物。 boy cme to see you moment go. 刚才有一个小孩来找你。 I got this tool in shop. 我在商店买的这件工具。 We need cr now. 我们现在需要一辆车。 She is ill, she hs to see doctor. 她病了,她得去看病。 5) 不定冠词用于某些词组。 ew 几个 little 有点 She hs ew riends in this city. 她在这个城市中有几个朋友。 There is little milk in the bottle.


数词讲解与练习 数词分为基数词和序数词。表示事物数目的词称为基数词,表示事物顺序的词称为序数词。 1.基数词(1000以内的基数词的读法 365—three hundred and sixty-five 505—five hundred and five 2.基数词变序数词的方法: eg. one—first two—second three—third eight—eighth nine—ninth twelve—twelfth twenty—twentieth twenty-one –-twenty-first 3.数词的应用: A、时刻表达法: a. 整点:基数词+ o’clock eg. It’s eight o’clock now. b. 几点几分: 1.直接表达法:先小时后分eg. 3:25 three twenty-five 2.间接表达法:先分后小时 1)(<30分钟)用past :分钟past 小时 eg. 3:25 twenty-five (minutes) past three 2) (>30分钟)用to:(60-分钟数) to (小时数+1) eg. 3:35 twenty-five (minutes) to four 3) 30分钟= half 15分钟= a quarter eg. 3:30 three thirty = half past three 3:15 three fifteen = a quarter past three. 3:45 three forty-five = a quarter to four B、日期表达法:月日,年(或日月年) 1949年10月1日: October1st , nineteen forty-nine =the first of October, nineteen forty-nine 2000年: the year two thousand =twenty hundred 2001年: twenty o one 3月1日: March the first = the first of March C、表编号: 第207房间:Room 207 第五课:Lesson 5 = the fifth lesson D、序数词与不定冠词(a; an)连用表―又一;再一‖ eg. You’ve done it three times. Why not try a fourth time? E、分数的表达:分子(基数)、分母(序数) eg. one third 三分之一two thirds 三分之二 注意:1.分子超过1时,分母加s 2.含分数的短语作主语由分数后的词决定谓语 eg.1)One third of the students are girls. 2)One third of the milk is mine. 3.分数的特殊形式 1)one third = a third 2)one fourth = a quarter three fourths = three quarters


初一英语数词专项练习1 写出下列基数词和序数词。 1 2 3 5 9 12 13 20 71 22 二、 英汉互译。 第五单元 Lesson Eight 第59中学 五年级四班 Bus No.4 7:07 7+8=15 1994 年 352 Team Seven 第三行 第 5 小学 five little mice 三、 用括号内所给数词的正确形式填空。 83 28 34 36 one o eight 第六号房间 47 1. We are in Class (3) . 2. We have ___ ( 12) mon ths of the year. December is the ______ ( 12) one. 3. This is my____ ( 1) bag. 4. My birthday is Dec. ___ ( 21). 5. I have _____ ( 3) books. I like my ( 3) book. 四、选择题。 1. My gran dmother is ___ old. A. seve ntieth B. seve nty year C. seve nty years D. seve nties 2. ____ people visit this museum every day. A. Hun dred B. Hun dreds C. hu ndred of D. Hu ndreds of 3. There are two ____ people in the meeti ng room. A. hun dred B. hun dreds C. hun dreds of D. hun dred of 4. We can say the number 78,645 in En glish like this_______ . A. seve nty-eight thousa nd and six hun dred and forty-five B. seve nty-eight thousa nd six hun dred and forty five C. seve nty-eight thousa nd six hun dred and forty-five D. seve nty eight thousa nd six hun dred and forty-five 5. Mon day is the sec ond day, and __ .A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is fifth C. the sec ond day is Tuesday 6. The year 1999 "should be read A. nin etee n and nin ety-nine C. one thousa nd nine hun dred nin ety-nine 7. There are D. the sec ond day is Thursday (应该读作)The year _____ ." B. nin etee n nin ety-nine D. nin etee n hun dred and nin ety-nine mon ths in a year. December is the __ month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve 8. What ' the date today? It is_____ . A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4th 9. What is five and eight? A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen 10. What ___ is Lily in? She is in ___ . A. Row; row five B. Row; Row Five C. row; Row Five D. twelve; twelveth D. Fifteen D. row; row Five 最佳答案 数词专项练习 (一)

初中英语 数词专项练习(精选习题及答案解析)

数词习题精选 1. Which number is wrong? _______. () A. Ninety B. Ninteen C. Ninth D. Nineteenth 2. -How old is your daughter? () -_________. We had a special party for her _________ birthday last week. A. Ninth; ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; nine D. Nine; ninth 3. There are ____ students in our school. () A. four—hundred and forty—five B. four hundred and forty—five C. four hundreds and forty—five D. four hundred and forty five 4. The number 4,123 is read _______. () A. four thousand one hundred and twenty-three B.four thousand and one hundred twenty-three C. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-three D. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three 5.How do you say 15,858 in English? () A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight. C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight. 6. Tuesday is the _______ day of a week in English. () A. first B. second C. third D. Fourth 7. The students went out of the room___. () A. one by two B. one by one C. two by another D. one by the other 8. I've been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years. () A.a B.an C.the D./ 9. --- How soon will you finish your work? --- In about _______. () A. one and a half month B. one month and a half C. one and half a month D. a month and half 10. It took me ________ to find out the key to the drawer. () A. one and half hours B. one and a half hours C. one and a half hour D. one and half hour 11. Do you think there is any room for us ________ ? () A.two B. the two C. second D. the second 12. Which of the following is wrong? ________. () A. He is a fifteen-year-old boy. B. He is at the age of 15. C. He is a boy of 15. D. He is fifteen year old. 13.—How old is Steve? ()—He is ____________ and he has an ___________ sister. A. 13-year-old; 10 years old B. 13 years old; 11-year-old C. 13 years old; 10-years-old D. 13-years-old; 11-years-old 14. Their house is about ___ as big as ours. () A. times three B. three time C. time three D. three times 15.of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable. ()A.Two-thirds; is B. Two-thirds; are


七年级英语语法知识点汇总一.字母和音标 1.26 个英文字母:5 个元音字母 a, e, i, o, u (联系汉语拼音中的韵母排列顺序 快速记忆) 2.48 个国际音标:20 个元音组合,28 个辅音组合。重点辨别相似发音的元音 组合。如:[?] a China breakfast [e] ea head bread [ei] a name cake 二.十大词类 (一)名词

a.专有名词和普通名词。专有名词指个别的人,事物,地点等专 有的名称,如 China, Gina. 普通名词如 table, chair. b.可数名词和不可数名词:可数名词有复数形式,如 an apple,two apples. 不可数名词一般没有复数形式,如 milk, bread, rice. [重点]可数名词的复数变形:有规则变化和不规则变化两种 规则变化: 1一般情况直接在词尾加“-s”,如: bag-bags, day-days, boy-boys, key-keys 等。○ 2以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的单词,要在词尾加“-es”, 如: bus- buses, watch-watches, ○ box-boxes 等。 3以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词,要变 y 为i 再加“-es”, 如:baby-babies, ○ country-countries, family-families 等。 4部分以 f (e)结尾的单词,要变 f (e)为“ves”,如:knife- knives, half-halves 等。○ 顺口溜:小偷(thief)的妻子(wife),为了自己(self)保命(life),站到架子上(shelf),用树叶(leaf)做的小刀(knife),将狼(wolf)劈 成了两半(half) 5以字母“o”结尾的单词,没有生命的加“-s”,有生命的加“- es”,如:○ zoo-zoos, photo-photos, tomato-tomatoes. 口诀:黑人(Negro)英雄(hero)爱在火ft(volcano)吃土豆(potato)西红柿(tomato) 不规则变化: 1 改变单数名词中的元音字母:○man-men, woman-women, foot- feet, tooth-teeth 等。 2 单、复同形:sheep-sheep, fish-fish,cattle-cattle,deer- deer, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 等。○ 3 其他形式如: mouse-mice, child-children,person-people,ox- oxen 等. 4、一些名词虽分单数、复数,但出现次数多的总是单数词 例:abscence; clothing; film; help; furniture 家具; machinery 机械; news; scenery 风景; sugar; traffic 交通 5、另一些名词则以复数词出现的机会较多 例:bellows 风箱; clothes; police; shorts 短裤; scissors 剪刀; spectacles 眼镜; shears 大剪刀 trousers 长裤; wages 工资


一、选择题 1.I didn’t know Miss Yang was years old until she told me about that. A.fifty B.fifties C.fiftieth 2.Two-child policy has been carried out. Most parents are planning to have their child. A.one B.two C.first D.second 3.–Hi, Kate! There are floors in this building. Which floor do you live on? –I live on the floor. A.twenty ; twelve B.twenty; twelfth C.twentieth; twelfth 4.—______________ do you read English newspaper? —At least ______________ a week. A.How long;one B.How often;twice C.How many;once D.How much;third 5.--Many young people came to Zhongshan in ______.When did he come to Shenzhen?---When he is an ______ boy,he came here with his parents. A.1980s; eight years old B.1980s; eight-year-old C.the 1980s; eight-year-old D.the 1980s; eight-years-old 6.—When did you start to collect stamps? —I got my ______ stamp when I was ______ years old. A.one, seven B.one, seventh C.first, seventh D.first, seven 7.So far, _______ of the students in our class _______ seen the film. A.three quarters; has B.two fifths; have C.three quarter; has D.two fifth; have 8.I hear ____ foreign students will come to our school and they are in the ____ grade. A.eight, eighth B.eight, eight C.eighth, eighth 9.This is our _______ school year, we are going to graduate in two months. A.third B.three C.the third 10.There are _______ people in the cinema. A.two hundred B.two hundreds C.two hundred of 11.—When is Mother’s Day? —It’s on ___________ Sunday in May. A.two B.the second C.twelve D.the twelfth 12.In our city, about ________ of people can get _________ yuan a month. A.three quarters; two thousands B.three quarter; two thousand C.three quarters; two thousand D.three quarter; two thousands 13.—How old is your grandpa? He looks energetic.


英语------数词 ▲掌握分数、时间、日期的表达法。 【复习要点 (一)基数词 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最基本的基数词如下表所示。 1 one 11 eleven 100 a hundred 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 1000 a thousand 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1,000,000 a million 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 10,000,000 ten million 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 100,000,000 a hundred million 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 1,000,000,000 a billion 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 说明: 1.13—19是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15的拼写是thirteen和fifteen。2.20—90由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意其中20—50的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。 3.其它非整十的两位数21—99是由整十位数加连字符“-”,再加个位数构成。如:81 eighty-one。 4.101—999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数。如:691 six hundred and ninety-one。 5.1000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。 如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千)和million(百万)来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand;1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousand million=a billion。6.多位数的读法: 1)1000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,”。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand(千),第二个间隔或逗号前是million(百万),第三个间隔或逗号前是a thousand million或a billion(十亿)。 2)每隔三位分段以后就都成了101—999。读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加and。如: 888,000,000读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。 基数词的用法: 1. 基数词在句中的作用 基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,在句中可作定语、主语、宾语(介宾)、表语、同

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