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No more than

No less than

He doesn't know less than you do.

He doesn't know more than you do.

6. But his(politician) primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. (2006)

A business man is expected to conform with rules of conduct, which are the moral code governing his activity.

7.It is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and

industry, and that this in turn

rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.

A b c

A is bound up to b

B rests on b

Hinge on

Bank on

Be based on

Bond bind

Bound boundary

Harsh winter will bring about a higher consumption of fuel, which, in turn, will add to the living costs of a family.

Agricultural and industrial efficiency as well as economic strength of a country to a certain extent could be attributed to the efforts of scientists.

Bring sth under control

8. The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present,makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.

One of the prominent features of social sciences lies

in its emphasis on first-hand data.

9.Aristotle, whose natural science dominated the Western thought for two thousand years, believed that man could arrive at an understanding of reality by reasoning from the self-evident principle that everything in the universe has its proper place,

hence one can deduce that objects fall to the ground because that’s where it belongs.

The self-evident principle points out that objects fall to the ground because that’s wher e it belongs.

10. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of

self-respect. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one’s fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety

and stress, the very cause of unhappiness and illness.

Most possibly our unhappiness and illness arise from our urge to rival others.

Indicate imply


11. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feelings in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their abilities. It is implied in t he sentence that most people in our society attach importance to the equality in education in spite of the children’s racial background.

12.If its message were merely confined to information --- and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the color

of a shirt is subtly persuasive --- advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.

With..., it's more likely to ...

; it's less likely to....

The author thinks that it is quite possible for advertising to focus more on information than on persuasion.

13.The paid manager acting for the company, was in more direct relation with the men and their demands,

but even he had seldom that familiar knowledge of the workmen which employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family

According to the sentence, in old family business,

the workmen were in such close relation with the employer that they demanded more.

14. What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real. Whether it is real that business men are in charge of productivity revolution is still at issue. Conjunction conjecture

Junction coalition

There is a discrepancy between a and b

15.There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a “disjunction between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.

We should never do without...

We should afford to overlook...

We should never fail to do...

The official statistics fail to reflect the substantial progress in productivity.

16. Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. That college is not the only proper destination for young people has begun to gain acknowledgement.

17. And when fifty years ago “being employed” meant working as a factory laborer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education,

holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. The author seems to suggest that today’s employees acquire more skills than those in the past.

18.People engaged in normal daytime work will have a high temperature during the hours of wakefulness and a low one at

nigh t; when they change to night work the pattern will only gradually go back to match the new routine and

the speed with which it does so parallel s, broadly speaking, the adaptation of the body as a whole, particularly in terms of performance.

We can learn from the sentence that whether a person adapts well to different work shifts can be measured by his body temperature.


Remove barriers to his career development Remove tumor from the patient Sth is far removed from reality Nothing is further from the truth

19.It also means that when individual family members or the family as a whole move

away from a community, the person or the family is removed from the pressures of relatives, friends, and community institutions for conventionality and stability.

Constitute vt.

Institute vt n.

Institution n.

Social institutions

It can be implied in the sentence that the departure from the former community is not necessarily /not really harmful to family members. Notice vt

Take notice of...

Pay tribute to...

20. Oxford lays claim to being encyclopedic =diversified on content whereas Longman distinctly concentrates on the language and

culture of the English-speaking world. The Oxford dictionary can

therefore stand/bear more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Longman publication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world.

The author believes that the content of Oxford dictionary is more culturally biased.

21. This separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple-mindedness as he sees it-of citizens, social workers, doctors, law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime ,punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform.

The sentence suggests that detectives tend to be not so much tolerant of criminal as are other people in the society.

22. The role of eye contact in a conversational exchange between two

Americans is well defined: s peakers make contact with the eyes of their listener for about one second, then glance away as they talk; in a few moments they re-establish eye contact with the listener or reassure themselves that their audience is still attentive, then shift their gaze away once more.

We learn from the sentence that a brief eye contact is meant to ensure the concentration of both listeners and speakers.

23.The impact of physical attractiveness on females can be tremendous, making it easier, for example, for the more attractive to get jobs where they are in the public eye. On another note, though, there is enough literature=documentation now for us to

conclude that attractive women who aspire to managerial positions do not get on as well as women who may be less attractive. Correlate with

Correspond to correspond with

The sentence suggests that there is a strong correlation between physical attractiveness of females and the chance that they become executives in a company.

24. Surprisingly, one thing that rarely works is mouthwash, which can mask bad breath odor with its own smell, but the effect lasts no more than an hour, with, though, some mouthwashes claiming to kill the bacteria responsible for bad breath.

The effect on mouthwash on breath odor is unproven and negligible.

25.Many public school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home schoolers, perceiving their actions as the ultimate slap in the face for public education and a damaging move for the children,

whereas home schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging

shortcoming s that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herd-like approach to teaching children. According to the sentence, home schoolers charge that the inherent shortcomings of public schools ar e damaging.


Fill in the missing words in the statement after each paragraph by summing up what you read: (one word one blank)

例1: Sustainable development is applied to just

about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basis assumptions

behind it or the way the concept is put to use. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure o f progress without a proper appreciation of historical and culture perspectives.

People invariably judge progress in agriculture by its sustainability

例2: We have learned much about the foolish idea of excluding people on the presumption of ethnic inferiority.But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all.I’m not talking about requiring people t o learn English or to

adopt American ways: those things happen pretty much on their own.But as arguments about immigration heat up the campaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader questions about assimilation, about how to ensure that people, once outsiders, don’t forever remain marginalized within these shores.

The author thinks it is time that we prevented the new immigrants from being _____.

Excluded marginalized

例3: American tourists, however, shouldn’t expect any relief soon.The dollar lost strength they way many marriage break up --- slowly, and then all at once. And currencies don’t turn on a dime. So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted by

the increasingly pathetic dollar, cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England. There, the dollar is still treated with a little respect.

According to the paragraph, the dollar depreciated, and its value will not increase _____.

例4: We have a full-blown prestige panic; we worry that there won’t be enough prizes to go around. Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever.Underlying the hysteria is the belief that

scarce elite degrees must be highly valuable.

A is based on b

A 结果 b 原因

A arise from b

The more b... The more a Underlie

B underlies a

Underlying a is the idea/myth that...

Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts.All that is plausible and mostly wrong. W e haven’t found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters.

The author contends that it’s unreasonable/irrational/ridiculous for parents to urge children to apply to a prestigious university.

例5: In December, Mortimer Zuckerm an wrote a column in U.S. News & World Report, which he

owns.“Our nation’s core bargain with the middle class is disintegrating,”lamented the 117th-richest man in America.

Grieve mourn deplore lament

“Most of our economic gains have gone to people at the very top of the income ladder. Average income for a household of people working age, by contrast, has fallen five years in a row.” He noted that “Tens of millions of Americans live in fear that a major health problem can reduce them to bankruptcy.”

According to the paragraph, the imbalance in the distribution of wealth in America to some extent worsened /escalated

例6: It’s often said t hat only the rich are getting


冲刺题(2)·答案 第一题:古人云:“好船者溺,好骑者堕”,兴趣爱好可能也会害人,请谈谈你的看法。 【参考答案】 “好船者溺,好骑者堕”的意思是喜欢划船的人常会被水淹,善于骑马的人多会被摔伤,比喻有一定爱好的人,往往容易疏忽大意,反而遭到意外。人皆有爱好,除正常的工作之外,有一定爱好是热爱生活的体现。但关键是要把持好,不能因为爱好丢掉了责任,荒废了主业,损害了形象,甚至受制于他人。 春秋战国时期,鲁国宰相公孙仪喜欢吃鱼。于是便有许多人买鱼前来讨好他,但公孙仪从来都是拒而不受。公孙仪作为宰相,连一条小鱼都不“敢”接受,不少人对此不以为然,笑他“胆小”。然而,公孙仪拒鱼却有自己的道理:因为喜欢吃鱼,才不能接受别人行贿的鱼,否则从收一条鱼开始受贿,久而久之,胆子会越来越大,最后就有可能发展到因贪污受贿被免职坐牢,再也吃不到鱼。 公孙仪不收鱼,目的是长久地有鱼吃。由此看来,面对个人爱好也要慎重、克制、理智,否则当某个爱好让人沉溺其中而不能自拔时,就会变为戕害身心的洪水猛兽。在以后的工作和生活中,我也会谨慎面对爱好,把能在其中有所悟,有所得,有利于身心发展的爱好作为首选。而且,我也不会把个人爱好和工作混为一谈,甚至利用工作的便利满足自

身爱好,而是要让爱好正面促进工作,真正使自己的爱好成为提升能力、陶冶情操的渠道。 第二题:有人说,要做正确的事;有人说,要正确做事。请结合实际,谈谈你对这句话的理解。 【参考答案】 我认为这两种观点都有道理,做正确的事指的是“目标的选择”,要选择正确的“目标”,才能获得成功;正确做事指的是“做事的技巧和方法”,是技巧性的问题,做事情的时候要注意“做事的效率”。可以说做正确的事是正确做事的前提,正确做事是做正确的事的保障。 做正确的事追求的是方略,强调的是方向和效果;正确做事追求的是过程,强调的是执行和方法。只有方向对,事才可能对,再加上有效的方式方法,才有可能把工作做成功。记得曾看过这样一则寓言故事:一天,动物园的管理员发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了,工作人员一致认为是笼子的高度太低才导致袋鼠跑出来,后来他们将笼子的高度由10米加高至20米,第二天袋鼠还是跑了出来,他们又决定增 加10米的高度,没想到隔天袋鼠居然还是跑到了外面。工作人员大为紧张,决定将笼子加高到100米,但袋鼠依旧还是跑了出来。究其原因,原来是动物园的管理员一直忘记关门。这则故事告诉我们一个道理,方向错了,方法再正确也无法企及目标,正确做事必须要以做正确的事为前提。


B卷短文填空 一、解题步骤(3步:两读一查) 二、实战演练 1、【2019 成都】 Is it true that we British people have a different sense of humor from people in other countries?Let’s have a look at what we laugh at in 1 . To us British people, 2 and important people often cause laughter. It’s not just politicians(政客) who make us laugh, but anyone whose job is to tell other people what to do and who takes 3 too seriously. We laugh at the power, but also, pitifully, at anyone who is treated 4 . We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it’s even 5 . Our clowns(小丑) are often silly people doing silly things, while in America, they are often clever people doing clever things—and 6 at last. The fact that we laugh when other people might feel 7 is one of the strangest things to learn about British humor. We do have a strong sense of irony(反讽). After some terrible experience, we might say, “Not very 8 .” And we might say in the middle of a typhoon, “It’s a bit windy today”. Or “There is a tiny problem,” when something has gone 9 wrong. We don’t like to express strong feelings, but just “keep calm and carry on”. Another thing that can make it difficult 10 British humor is that we don’t always laugh or even smile when we say something funny. We often keep a straight face or use an unsmiling expression when we’re making a joke. Do you think the British sense of humor is special?


“一诊”将开考冲刺阶段掌握复习策略至关 重要 观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云像大海的波浪。有的孩子说“乌云跑得飞快。”我加以肯定说“这是乌云滚滚。”当幼儿看到闪电时,我告诉他“这叫电光闪闪。”接着幼儿听到雷声惊叫起来,我抓住时机说:“这就是雷声隆隆。”一会儿下起了大雨,我问:“雨下得怎样?”幼儿说大极了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比较观察,让幼儿掌握“倾盆大雨”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且

会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀―样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。兰州市中考第一次诊断考试将于4月8日至10日正式开考。本次全市范围内的统一“一诊”考试,将严格按照中考模式,根据试卷难易程度的百分比设计出题。每年的中考“一诊”考试成绩不仅学生和家长重视,学校也非常重视。这是因为许多学校在中考招生时,大多会参考“一诊”成绩来衡量学生的水平,也是录取学生的重要依据。记者将邀请“教培智囊团”专家成员兰州指南针英语学校校长武发平为中考生在复习考试及掌握冲刺策略方法方面支招解难。武校长表示,中考生“一诊”后的成绩,不论好赖,都不能定输赢,还要看之后正确的复习方法。 现象:焦虑症状频现六月即将到来,冲刺阶段的不断实战演练,模拟考试,让不少考生变得情绪紧张。考生们“状况多多”,有人睡不着、吃不下,有人情绪起伏、烦躁不安,也有人看上去淡定,实际“压力山大”,该怎么办?武校长说,考试越临近,考生的压力越大,睡眠越不好。最好是通过调节饮食和作息来帮助睡眠,比如睡前喝点牛奶、进行适量运动等。如果没有改善,可以在医生的建议下使用药物。而吃不下,情绪烦躁也是主要症状。对于孩子起起伏伏不太稳定的


最后冲刺单选题300道(二) 1.在教育心理学领域中,研究最多、研究时间最长的部分是( ) A.教学过程 B.学习过程 C.评价过程 D.反思过程 2.教育心理学诞生的标志是( ) A.1868年乌申斯基《认识教育的对象》的出版 B.1879年冯特在莱比锡大学第一个心理学实验室的建立 C.1899年詹姆斯的《对教师的谈话》出版 D.1903年桑代克的《教育心理学》出版 3.现代教育史上,提出“结构主义”学说并倡导“发现学习”的教育家是( ) A.赞科夫 B.苏霍姆林斯基 C.皮亚杰 D.布鲁纳 4.所谓认知结构,就是学生头脑里的( )结构。 A.知识 B.情感 C.态度 D.认识 5.儿童形成初步运算结构,思维可以逆转,能够进行思维推理和群集运算。这是皮亚杰的认知发展阶段论的( ) A.感知运动阶段 B.前运算阶段 C.具体运算阶段 D.形式运算阶段 6.某教师在教学中注重学生旧知识的巩固,并积极引导学生将新旧知识加以联系。这位教师所遵循的学习理论主要是( ) A.认知结构学习论 B.建构主义学习理论 C.认知同化学习论 D.行为主义学习理论 7.根据奥苏贝尔的观点,掌握同类事物共同的关键特征的学习属于(

) A.代表学习 B.机械学习 C.命题学习 D.概念学习 8.很多科学家都在自己的研究领域内进行不懈的探索,他们的动机主要为( ) A.自我提高内驱力 B.认知内驱力 C.附属内驱力 D.外部动机 9.态度过于偏激会让一个人失去很多朋友,这体现了态度的( ) A.适应功能 B.自我防御功能 C.价值表现功能 D.认识或理解功能 10.学生意识到自己的历史使命,为了报答社会而努力读书。这属于( ) A.近景的直接性动机 B.近景的间接性动机 C.远景的直接性动机 D.远景的间接性动机 11.在教学过程中,教师运用多媒体教学手段模拟实物的形象,为学生 提供学习的感性材料。这属于( )。 A.模象直观 B.实物直观 C.言语直观 D.想象直观 12..通过列提纲或利用图形整合知识间的内在联系,形成新的知识结构的学习策略是( ) A.复述策略 B.精加工策略 C.组织策略 D.资源管理策略 13.下列词语中,符合体验性目标陈述方式的一组是( )


兰生复旦中学第一学期一模冲刺卷(1) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A. Doctor and patient B. Teacher and student C. Husband and wife D. Boss and secretary 8. A. It’s too hot there . B. Nobody else went there. C. They had no time. D. They couldn’t afford it. 9. A. Relaxed B. Disappointed C. Surprised D. Sad 10. A. $50 B. $75 C. $125 D. $175 11. A. Talking about Cinderella B. Introducing a book. C. Making up a story. D. Acting a play 12. A. Fruit B. Bread C. Yogurt D. Juice 13. A. She has these habits, too. B. The weather is always changeable. C. She doesn’t believe what the man has said. D. The man is sure to give up all the bad habits.


2019年注册会计师考试《会计》冲刺试题(2) 1.单选题 下列各项中,应作为其他权益工具核算的是()。 A、企业发行的以现金净额结算的看涨期权 B、企业发行的以普通股净额结算的看涨期权 C、企业发行的以普通股总额结算的看涨期权 D、企业发行的普通股股票 【答案】C 【解析】选项A、B,应作为金融负债核算;选项D,企业发行的普通股应增加“股本”及“资本公积——股本溢价”的金额,不作为其他权益工具核算。 2.单选题 甲公司为一家生产并销售电梯的公司,2018年2月5日,甲公司与乙公司签订合同,约定销售给乙公司5部电梯,并负责电梯的安装与检验工作,如果电梯不能正常运行,则甲公司需要返修,然后再进行安装和检验,直至电梯能正常运行。不考虑其他因素,下列会计处理的表述中正确的是()。 A、销售电梯构成单项履约义务 B、安装与检验服务构成单项履约义务 C、销售活动和安装与检验服务可明确区分 D、销售电梯和安装与检验服务构成单项履约义务

【答案】D 【解析】销售电梯活动和安装与检验服务高度关联,因此在合同层面是不可明确区分的,二者构成单项履约义务。 3.单选题 A公司2×17年12月申请某研发补贴。申报书中的有关内容如下:本公司于2×17年1月启动汽车混合燃料技术开发项目,预计总投资5000万元、为期3年,已投入资金3000万元。项目还需新增投资2000万元(其中,购置固定资产1000万元、场地租赁费100万元、人员费600万元、市场营销费300万元),计划自筹资金1000万元、申请财政拨款1000万元。2×18年1月1日,主管部门批准了A公司的申请,签订的补贴协议规定:批准A公司补贴申请,共补贴款项1000万元,分两次拨付。合同签订日拨付500万元,结项验收时支付500万元。A公司2×20年1月1日项目完工,通过验收。政府按照补充协议按期拨付款项。假定A 公司采用总额法核算该政府补助。不考虑其他因素,A公司2×20年计入其他收益的金额为()。 A、500万元 B、1000万元 C、333.33万元 D、166.67万元 【答案】A 【解析】企业取得针对综合性项目的政府补助,需要将其分解为与资产相关的部分和与收益相关的部分,分别进行会计处理;难以区分的,将政府补助整体归类为与收益相关的政府补助,视

绵阳二诊复习冲刺训练 万有引力与航天 Microsoft Word 文档

绵阳二诊复习冲刺训练 万有引力与航天 ( )1.牛顿以天体之间普遍存在着引力为依据,运用严密的逻辑推理,建立了万有引力定律。在创建万有引力定律的过程中,牛顿 A .接受了胡克等科学家关于“吸引力与两中心距离的平方成反比”的猜想 B .根据地球上一切物体都以相同加速度下落的事实,得出物体受地球的引力与其质量成正比,即F ∝m 的结论 C .根据F ∝m 和牛顿第三定律,分析了地月间的引力关系,进而得出F ∝m 1m 2 D .根据大量实验数据得出了比例系数G 的大小 ( )2.天文学家新发现了太阳系外的一颗行星。这颗行星的体积是地球的4.7倍,是地球的25倍。已知某一近地卫星绕地球运动的周期约为 1.4小时,引力常量G =6.67×10-11N·m 2/kg 2,,由此估算该行星的平均密度为 A .1.8×103kg/m 3 B .5.6×103kg/m 3 C .1.1×104kg/m 3 D .2.9×104kg/m 3 ( )3.据报道,“嫦娥一号”和“嫦娥二号”绕月飞行器的圆形轨道距月球表面分别约为200km 和100km ,运动速率分别为v 1和v 2,那么v 1和v 2的比值为(月球半径取1700km ) A. 1918 D. 1819 ( )4.2008年9月25日至28日我国成功实施了“神舟”七号载入航 天飞行并实现了航天员首次出舱。飞船先沿椭圆轨道飞行,后在远地点343 千米处点火加速,由椭圆轨道变成高度为343千米的圆轨道,在此圆轨道上 飞船运行周期约为90分钟,如图所示。下列判断正确的是 A .飞船变轨前后的机械能相等 B .飞船在圆轨道上时航天员出舱前后都处于失重状态 C .飞船在此圆轨道上运动的角速度大于同步卫星运动的角速度 D .飞船变轨前通过椭圆轨道远地点时的加速度大于变轨后沿圆轨道运动的加速度 ( )5.英国《新科学家(New Scientist )》杂志评选出了2008年度世界8项科学之最,在XTEJ1650-500双星系统中发现的最小黑洞位列其中,若某黑洞的半径R 约45km ,质量M 和半径R 的关系满足M/R=C 2/2G (其中c 为光速,G 为引力常量),则该黑洞表面重力加速度的数量级为 A .8210m/s B .10210m/s C .12210m/s D .142 10m/s ( )6.据报道,2009年4月29日,美国亚利桑那州一天文观测机构发现一颗与太阳系其它行星逆向运行的小行星,代号为2009HC82。该小行星绕太阳一周的时间为3.39年,直径2~3千米,其轨道平面与地球轨道平面呈155°的倾斜。假定该小行星与地球均以太阳为中心做匀速圆周运动,则小行星和地球绕太阳运动的速度大小的比值为 A.1 33.39- B.1 23.39- C.3 23.39 D.23 3.3.9 ( )7.2009年2月11日,俄罗斯的“宇宙-2251”卫星和美国的“铱-33”卫星在西伯利亚上空约805km 处发生碰撞。这是历史上首次发生的完整在轨卫星碰撞事件。碰撞过程中产生的大量碎片可能会影响太空环境。假定有甲、乙两块碎片,绕地球运动的轨道都是圆,甲的运行速率比乙的大,则下列说法中正确的是 A. 甲的运行周期一定比乙的长 B. 甲距地面的高度一定比乙的高


2019中考一模冲刺:快速提升数学成绩方法中考临近,中考复习也进入了关键时刻。各区现在四月底或五月初都要进行第一次模拟考试,这是中考前的练兵,也是检验每个学生前一段的复习效果,更是对自己考试成绩单全面排定。 数学学科中考注重考察数学的基础知识,基本技能和基本思想方法;考察数感、符号感、空间观念、统计观念、运算能力、发现问题和分析问题的能力,以及应用意识等。 回顾过去中考,试题立意从记忆知识型转向能力分析判断,尤其是创新应用能力,历年C级考点基本上全面覆盖。 知识要积累(不仅要积累正确知识,也要积累反面经验),不要因为简单而不重视,因为繁难而讨厌,一个很小的障碍就会是你不能前进。 扎实的基础知识,准确理解题的条件,发现与灵活应用定理、性质,是我们做好数学复习的关键,而一模之前抓好第一遍全面知识点的复习,做到查漏补缺,更是为综合题的复习及做好提升打下基础。 一题多解能沟通不同知识点之间的联系,开拓思路,培养发散思维能力,做题不能追求数量,要归纳,抓住基础解题规律,掌握基本的解题方法和技巧,也能更好做到知识的拓展与实际问题的应用。 在时间紧张的情况下,怎么复习效率高,数学怎么提分,总

的来说要注意劳逸结合,保持充沛的精力和体力,才能完成紧张的复习任务? 具体情况: (1)认真阅读中考说明中的各项要求,尤其是C级考点每年试题都会有变化,但总体保持稳中求变,变中求创新; (2)抓住基础,无论处于那一种水平的同学都要做到,只要会做的题,就要作对,否则高分不可得; (3)注意提高计算能力,尤其是有字母的代数式的运算能力; 宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 (4)数学思想是数学知识的精髓,在数学解题中起到观念性指导作用,数学方法是数学思想的具体体现是运用数学知识的工具。这是做综合题的突破口,但“综合题”绝不局限试卷的最后两道题,这有着丰富的内涵,这代表有一定的难度,


期末冲刺试卷(二) 一.单选选择. ( ) 1. -You look worried. Why? -The Boston Bombing(波士顿爆炸案)____________on April 15, 2013. A.happens B. takes place C. took place D. was happened ( ) 2.______the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day. A. If B. Because C. Although D. As ( ) 3. -Pardon?I didn't catch______. -I said Mo Yan's book sold very well in our school. A. what you said B. where you would go C. who you talked about D. what did you say ( ) 4. -Dick, ______I use your e-dictionary? -Sorry. I_______it. A. will; use B. may; am using C. may; use D. will; using ( ) 5. -Is Yao Ming very strong? -Yes. I think so. _______ basketball is good for his health. A. Play B. To play C. Playing D. To playing ( ) 6. There are many flowers and trees on______side of the Century Road. A. each B. every C. both D. all ( ) 7. Wang Yaping______into space on June 11, 2013. A. fly B. flies C. flew D. will fly ( ) 8. In the V oice of China, Wu Mochou sang well and Liang Bo did even______. A. well B. better C. more D. worse ( ) 9. It's very convenient (便利的) for us______ train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet. A. to buy B.of buying C.buying D.for buying ( )10. -What do you think of soap operas? - _________. But my mother likes them. A.I like them B.I enjoy them C.I can't stand them D.I don't agree


新课标2018年高考理综(物理)模拟试题 高考压轴冲刺卷 第I卷(必做,共42分) 一、选择题(本题包括7小题,每小题给出四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分) 1.(2015?浙江冲刺?2)如图所示,位于竖直平面内的圆与水平面相切于M点,与竖直墙相切于A点,C为圆的最高点.竖直墙上点B、D与M的连线和水平面的夹角分别为53°和37°.已知在t=0时,a、b、d三个球分别由A、B、D三点从静止开始沿光滑倾斜直轨道运动到M点;c球由C点自由下落到M点.则() A.a、b和d球同时到达M点

B.b球和d球同时到达M点 C.c球位移最大,最后到达M点 D.沿墙壁上任意一点到M点的光滑斜直轨道由静止下滑的物体,下落高度越低,用时越短 2.(2015?江淮名校第二次联考?2)如图2所示,轻质弹簧一端系在质量为m=lkg的小物块上,另一端固定在墙上。物块在斜面上静止时,弹簧与竖直方向的夹角为37o。,已知斜面倾角 =37o,斜面与小物块间的动摩擦因数μ=0.5,斜面固定不动。设物块与斜面间的最大静摩擦力与滑动摩擦力大小相等,下列说法正确是() A.小物块可能只受三个力 B.弹簧弹力大小一定等于4N C.弹簧弹力大小可能等于3N

D.斜面对物块支持力可能为零 3.(2015·第二次大联考【江苏卷】·8)三角传送带以1m/s的速度逆时针匀速转动,两边的传送带长都是2m,且与水平方向的夹角均为37°。现有两小物块A、B从传送带顶端都以1m/s的初速度沿传送带下滑,物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数均为0.5,下列说法正确的是() A.物块A先到达传送带底端B.物块A、B同时到达传送带底端 C.传送带对物块A、B均做负功D.物块A、B在传送带上的划痕长度不相同 4.(2015?金丽衢第二次联考?18)如图所示,在xOy坐标系中,x轴上关于y轴对称的A、C两点固定等量异种点电荷+Q、-Q,B、D两点分别位于第二、四象限,ABCD为平行四边形,边BC、AD分别与y轴交于E、F,以下说法正确的是()


华育中学一模考冲刺训练(一) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) ( ) 26.Tu You you was awarded 2015 Nobel Prize for her contribution to health of mankind. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A) /priz/ B) /praiz/ C) /pris/ D) /prais/ ( )27. The fisherman’s wife said that she wanted to be _________ mayor of the city ? A) a B) an C) / D) the ( ) 28. “Do you want to see my ID card or my driver’s license?” “_____ will do.” A)Every B)Each C)Either D)Neither ( ) 29. You will find _______ important to learn a second foreign language. A) those B) that C) it D)this ( ) 30. A healthy diet is essential _______ everybody. You should care more about what


高考数学冲刺小题专项训练(2) 班级 学号 姓名 得分 一、选择题(共10题,每题只有一个正确答案,每题5分,共50分) 1.设集合{ }2 |x x x A =>,集合{B=|0}x x >,则B A 等于 A.}{ |1x x <- B.}{|0x x < C.}{|1x x > D.}{ |0x x > 2.函数2 2cos ()3 y x π =+ 的最小正周期为 A.2π B.π C. 2π D.3 π 3.等差数列 {}n a 中,1591,98,n a a a S ===为其前n 项和,则9s 等于 A.291 B.294 C.297 D.300 4.函数()2)f x x = ≤-的反函数为 A.1()f x x -=≥ B.1()f x x -= ≥ C.1()3)f x x -=≥ D.1()f x x -=≥ 5.“1x >”是“1 ||x x > ”的 A.充要条件 B.充分不必要条件 C.必要不充分条件 D.既不充分又不必要条件 6.若点(3,1)p -为题22(2)25x y -+=的弦AB 的中点,则直线AB 的方程是 A.20x y +-= B.270x y --= C.250x y +-= D.40x y --= 7.设,m n 是不同的直线,,,αβγ是不同的平面,有以下四个命题:① //////αββγαγ? ??? ;②//m m αββα⊥??⊥??;③//m m ααββ⊥??⊥??;④////m n m n αα? ???? ,其中,真命题是 A.①④ B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ 8.定义在R 上的函数()f x 既是奇函数又是周期函数,若()f x 的最小正周期是2,且当 (0,1)x ∈时,12 ()log (1)f x x =-,则()f x 在区间(1,2)上是 A.增函数且()f x 0> B.增函数且()f x 0< C.减函数且()f x 0> D.减函数且()f x 0< 9、设a b R ∈、,则()sin f x x x a b =++是奇函数的充要条件是 (A )0a b =. (B ) 0b a =. (C )2 2 0a b +=. (D )2 2 0a b -=. 10、设2 ()f x x ax b =++,且0(1)1f ≤-≤,1(1)3f ≤≤,则点(a ,b )在直角坐标系 aOb 平面上的区域的面积是


2021年高考模拟冲刺卷一(全国卷) 理科数学 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知复数1i z i -=(i 为虚数单位),则复数z 的虚部是( ) A .1 B .-1 C .i D .i - 【答案】B 【解析】 ∵1i z i -= 1 1i +=-1i =--, ∴复数z 的虚部是1-, 故选:B . 2.已知集合{ } 2 3100A x x x =--<,集合{} 16B x x =-≤<,则A B 等于( ) A .{} 15x x -<< B .{} 15x x -≤< C .{}26x x -<< D .{} 25x x -<< 【答案】B 【解析】 由{}()(){ }{ } 2 310025025A x x x x x x x x =--<=+-<=-<<, 所以{ } 15A B x x ?=-≤<, 故选:B. 3.某口罩厂一年中各月份的收入、支出情况如图所示(单位:万元,下列说法中错误的是(注:月结余=月收入一月支出)( )

A .上半年的平均月收入为45万元 B .月收入的方差大于月支出的方差 C .月收入的中位数为70 D .月结余的众数为30 【答案】C 【解析】 由图可得,上半年的平均月收入为 406030305060 456 +++++=万元,故A 正确 由图可得,月收入的方差大于月支出的方差,故B 正确 由图可得,112-月的月收入(单位:万元)分别为:40、60、30、30、50、60、80、70、70、80、90、80 所以月收入的中位数为: 6070 652 +=,故C 错误 由图可得,112-月的月结余(单位:万元)分别为:20、30、20、10、30、30、60、40、30、30、50、30 所以月结余的众数为30,故D 正确 故选:C 4.记n S 为等比数列{a n }的前n 项和,已知S 2=2,S 3=–6.则{a n }的通项公式为 A .(2)n n a =- B .2n n a =- C .(3)n n a =- D .3n n a =- 【答案】A 【解析】根据题意,设等比数列{}n a 的首项为1a ,公比为q ,又由22S =,36S =-, 则有()() 12 1 1216a q a q q ?+=??++=-??,解得12a =-,2q =-,则()2n n a =-,故选A . 5.若点P 在函数3()3f x x x =-+的图象上,且函数3 ()3f x x x =-+的图象在点P 处的切线平行于 直线21y x =+,则点P 的坐标为( ) A .(1,3) B .(1,3)- C .(1,3)和(1,3)- D .(1 )3-, 【答案】B 【解析】 设P 点坐标为(,)P m n ,则33n m m =-+


四级考前冲刺试题二 Care of Parents Also Means Taking Care of Finances Denise Egebrecht needed a break. It had been three years since her 86-year-old mother, Eleanor Schwartz, moved in with her and her husband in their home in Johnsburg, Ill. Mrs. Schwartz has Alz heimer’s disease (老年痴呆症) and has trouble moving around, so Mrs. Egebrecht helps her mother with her shower each day, makes sure she’s fed and takes her on small excursions (远足) to the mall in a portable wheelchair. The routine includes occasionally reminding her mother of what day it is and where she’s living. Mrs. Egebrecht does all this while also raising her 8-year-old daughter Jaqueline and juggling a full-time job. “My mom took care of me all of my life,” says Mrs. Egebrecht. “Of course I’m going to ta ke care of her now. She’ll live here as long as she’s able.” But money was an issue. For a time, Mrs. Egebrecht was out of work, having lost her job last year. Although her husband was still employed, without her salary she found it increasingly difficult to pay $180 a week for the adult day care center Mrs. Schwartz attends regularly. Then, through the Family Alliance office in her town, Mrs. Egebrecht heard about a $1,000 “respite care (临时看护)” grant sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Intended to give primary caregivers the break they so often need, the grant money must be used to pay for temporary substitute care, said Carol Steinberg, executive vice president of the Alzheimer’s Foundation. Mrs. Egebrecht applied for and received the grant, which meant her mother could continue to go to the adult day care center and Mrs. Egebrecht had time to find another job, which she has. Mrs. Egebrecht is one of the growing numbers of Americans facing the financial squeeze that can come from caring for elderly parents. About 30 percent of adult children in the United States contribute financially to their parents’ care, according to the Pew Research Center. On average these children pay $2,400 a year on everything from uncovered medical expenses to making sure the refrigerator is stocked each week. The money often goes to parents who diligently saved all their lives, but in the face of longer life spans and chronic illness, the savings just isn’t enough. With all of the overwhelming emotional an d medical aspects of caring for elderly parents, it’s natural to ignore the consequences of spending large amounts of money on them. But so often adult children end up ignoring their own savings and retirement accounts or, worse, go into debt, because they’re taking care of their parents, says Tim Casserly, a lawyer in Albany who specializes in issues of elderly care. And if you jeopardize (损害) your own finances now, you risk putting your children in the same tough spot down the line. One way out of this bind? Take full advantage of the hundreds of government and nonprofit programs and services geared to the elderly throughout the country. “There’s lots of help out there, but also lots of reasons why families don’t use it,” said Mr. Casserly. Some people may think their parents have too much money to qualify even though many of the programs are available to elderly people with incomes of more than $100,000. Or the parents may be too proud to accept help. What’s more, these services can be difficult and time-consuming to find. And it can be a challenge to deal with the paperwork and red tape, especially when you’re already overwhelmed by the daily demands of taking care of an older parent. To help make the search for help easier, here is expert advice and several resources that will help you find what you need to take care of your aging parents. THE FIRST STEP Have the hard talk. “So often I see clients who are in the middle of this situation but know very little about their parents’ finances,” said Henni F isher, a Brooklyn clinical social worker who specializes in geriatrics (老人病学). Your parents may be unwilling or unable to give details. Or you may be uncomfortable bringing up the subject. “It isn’t easy making the transition from the one being cared for to the one giving the care,” said Ms. Fisher. But you can’t put the conversation off any longer. Reassure your parents that you’re not trying to take control away from them. You’re simply trying to make sure that they have everything they need and that you understand everything they want.

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