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Easter is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday. Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter. These eggs and egg is almost small, big melon big surprise, the children eat them with relish. To the relatives and friends, but also be a good gift.


Easter Easter is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday. Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter . Church of Christ in the early years of the date of Easter , there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 AD, the priests of the Church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the Easter . Rabbit Rabbit is a symbol of Easter . Now every Easter , the United States the total size of a candy shop to sell chocolate made with the Easter Bunny and eggs. These eggs and egg is almost small, big melon big surprise, the children eat them with relish. To the relatives and friends, but also be a good gift. NAM E BAO TU


复活节英文资料 导读:本文是关于复活节英文资料,希望能帮助到您! Easter is a convergence of three traditions. pagan, Hebrew and Christian. Although the observance of Easter was at a very early period in the practice of the Christian church, a serious difference as to the day for its observance soon arose between the Christians of Jewish, and those of Gentile descent, which led to a long and bitter controversy. pagan Origins The pagan origins of the holiday according to a Venerable Bede, English historian of the early 8th century, the name Easter, like the name of the days of the week, is a survival from the old Teutonic mythology. According to Bede it is derived from the No rse Ostara or Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, to whom the month of April, and called Eostur-monath, was dedicated. The Greek myth, Demeter and persephone, with its Latin counterpart, Ceres and per sephone, conveys the idea of a goddess returning seasonally from the nether regions to the light of day. This is in conjunction with the festival of spring, or vernal equinox, March 21, when nature is in resurrection after winter. The origin of the rabbit icon, or Easter Bunny, comes from the fact that rabbits are notable for their capacity of abundant


智汇 做家务体会 在这个暑假里,带给我最大的收获是体会到了家人做家 务的辛苦与疲惫。爸爸和妈妈都 上班去了去了,做家务这一项“重任”便落到了我的身上。我扫地拖地,洗碗刷锅,整理床铺,样样都不在话下,虽然做家务活所用的时间并不算太长,但是,我仍然觉得自己身心疲惫。 我躺在沙发上,不管心里怎样劝说自己不要放弃站起来继续劳动,但都在此时无济于事。 就在我汗流浃背的抱怨家务活又累又繁琐的 时候,我才体会到了爸妈的辛苦,每天早起晚睡, 从来没有真正的放松休息过,整天像陀螺一样转 来转去。而我呢?每天坐在家中只是写作业、 玩电脑、看电视,哪有他们辛苦?我只会借着爸 妈比我大,小孩子只用专心学习不用做家务之类的 借口把所有家务活都推到他们身上。 在这个暑假里,我才发现原来自己能做的有如 此之多,我也认识到我已经长大了,我不应该 什么事情都交给父母来解决,我应该在自己有 充足时间的情况下,帮家里人分担 一些家务活,自己的事情我一定会 自己做,我不会再像以前那样淘气 帮妈妈洗碗 晚上,皎洁的月光透过树叶的细缝洒落在屋内,全家聚集在一起吃晚饭。晚饭后,妈妈用细长的手洗着油腻的饭碗。我想:妈妈每天回来很晚,还要教我作业、烧菜、烧饭、洗碗……一定很累,我要帮帮她。 今晚,妈妈的脸色苍白,我想她累了,我应该帮她做家务,对了!还是洗碗吧。我先卷起袖子,打开水龙头,再拿起洗碗布,倒上洗洁精,接着,用洗碗布擦着碗 帮妈妈收拾房间 做家务学的时候天天享受着爸爸妈妈的照顾,饭来张口、衣来身手,今天也想为家里做点事,减轻妈妈的负担。 吃完了早饭,爸爸妈妈都去上班了,我也开始了我的秘密行动——做家务。我学着妈妈的样子,首先将抹布洗干净,蹲在地上,一点一点擦地板,还没擦上一个房间,我已经热得满头大汗、气喘吁吁了。想到妈妈每天都要做这些家务,今天我终于体验到了妈妈的辛苦,我到洗手间洗了把脸, 继续擦起来。坚持就是胜利! 大约过了一个多小


補充資料- 復活節彩蛋是西方國家在慶祝復活節時特別裝飾性的蛋。傳統上一般是使用經過染色的蛋類。現代的習慣通常是使用蛋狀的巧克力代替。彩蛋一般事先藏好,然後由兒童來找尋。是復活節的象徵性物品,是表達友誼、關愛和祝願的方式。基督徒以復活蛋比喻為「新生命的開始」,象徵「耶穌復活、走出石墓」。 用蛋來象徵生命的復活,在耶穌基督降生之前就已經很流行。西歐人士相信蛋是有兩次生命的,第一次是「新生」,第二次則是「重生」,重生就是象徵了復活的意思。 復活蛋的起源 復活蛋的起源,相傳來自抹大拉的馬利亞(Mary Magdalene)。相傳她在耶穌死後,獲當時羅馬帝國的凱撒提比略邀請出席晚宴。席間,馬利亞捧著一隻雞蛋說:「耶穌復活了!」席上所有人都在笑她,提比略更聲言:「假如耶穌真的復活了的話,馬利亞手上的蛋也會變成紅色。」這時馬利亞把手打開,蛋果然變成了紅色。 自15世紀開始,人們為了記念耶穌基督在所流的寶血,便將蛋染了紅色來慶祝復活節。其後,也有染成彩色的。在復活節時,天主教信徒會把蛋塗成紅色,請神父祝聖,自己也當成禮物送給朋友,這就是送彩蛋的最早起源。 復活節

復活節名稱的來源 法語、荷語和北歐眾多語言的名稱來自浩然遇霞啊宅難節。「浩然遇難節」一詞在英語和德語原指古代宗教的「春節」,即慶祝春回大地的節日。該節日源於古巴比倫的愛情、生育與戰爭女神伊絲塔(Ishtar,美索不達米亞女神),後來伊絲塔成了西歐的黎明和春天女神「依絲雀」(Eastre)。證據之一是兩個名字有相似的讀音;另一證據是「Eastre」的涵義為東方(East),因為太陽是從東方升起的。希斯錄著的《兩個巴比倫》其實就是「阿斯塔特」(Ashtart),即天后「貝爾斯特」的頭銜之一。考古學家萊亞德在亞述找到的碑銘上發現,「貝爾特斯」就是古巴比倫女神伊沙塔。 根據《牛津詞典》和其他一些文章,(比如Francis X. Weiser的「Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs」),英文Easter這個字與猶太人的踰越節這個字有關,這不僅因為耶穌就是踰越節的羔羊,而且在時間上耶穌基督的復活和踰越節也吻合。在很多歐洲的語言裡,不僅踰越節的筵席曾稱為Easter,而且早期英文聖經譯本中用Easter來翻譯踰越節。 復活節的計算方法 復活節會在每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日舉行,因為春分之後北半球便開始日長夜短——光明大過黑暗,月圓的時候,不但在日間充滿光明,就連漆黑的夜晚也被光輝(月光)照耀。 羅馬皇帝君士坦丁一世在公元325年召開第一次尼西亞公會議,訂明了復活節是星期日,因星期日被教會視作為耶穌死而復活的日子,所以復活節就在每年春分月圓後第一個星期日舉行。 此後每年3月21日以後,出現月圓後的第一個星期日,就是復活節,惟計算復活節的方法,自古以來均十分複雜,拉丁文Computus(計算)一字更專指計算復活節的方法,而羅馬教會及東正教會的計算亦略有差異,令東西方復活節可在不同日子出現。 1997年,國際普世教會協會在敘利亞召開會議時,曾建議改革計算復活節的方式,並建議統一東、西教會的復活節,但至今絕大部分國家仍沒有跟隨。

My family英语电子小报外语双语手抄报模板I like English生活中的英语板报A4

My parents are obedient. They take good care of my grandparents. They often help my grandparents with the family chores to make them live better. On weekends, they keep a good company with my grandparents, so that they never feel lonely. 我的父母很孝顺,他们好好照顾我爷爷奶奶。他们经常帮助我爷爷奶奶做一些家庭琐事让他们生活得更好一些。在周末总是陪着爷爷奶奶,这样他们就不会感到孤独。 I have a lovely family and my families live a happy life. My mother isfat,but she is beautiful. She is very kind and clever, so she has many friends and she is welcome among my neighbours. My father is a worker. He works long time a day and comes home late. He is always tired.But,my mother often cooks delicious dishes for him and that makes him happy and moved. As for my mother, she regards it as her happiness. I love my parents, although we do not live a rich life, but we are satisfied. 我有一个充满爱的家,一家子过着幸福的生活, 妈妈身材有点胖,但却很美丽。她心肠好,又聪明,所以有很多朋友,邻居们都很喜欢她。我的爸爸是名工人,每天早出晚归,工作很累,妈妈就给他做好吃的饭菜,爸爸很开心很感动,妈妈也把这当做一种幸福。我爱我的父母,尽管我们并不富裕,但是很满足。 Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor) 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。(美国剧作家、演员佩恩. J. H.) 班级 姓名


万圣节手抄报中英文对照翻译 Halloween HalloweenisanautumnholidaythatAmericanscelebrateeveryyear.I tmeans"holyevening,"anditeseveryOctober31,theeveningbeforeA llSaints'Day.However,itisnotreallyachurchholiday,itisaholid ayforchildrenmainly. Everyautumn,whenthevegetablesarereadytoeat,childrenpicklarg eorangepumpkins.Thentheycutfacesinthepumpkinsandputaburning candleinside.Itlooksasiftherewereapersonlookingoutofthepump kin!Theselightsarecalledjack-o'-lanterns,whichmeans "Jackofthelantern".

Thechildrenalsoputonstrangemasksandfrighteningcostumesevery Halloween.Somechildrenpainttheirfacestolooklikemonsters.The ntheycarryboxesorbagsfromhousetohouse.Everytimetheyetoanewh ouse,theysay,"Trickortreat!Moneyoreat!"Thegrown-upsputtreat -moneyorcandyintheirbags. Notonlychildren,butmostgrown-upsalsoloveHalloweenandHallowe enpartiesbecauseonthisday,theycandisguisethemselvesasperson agesorghostastheirimaginationswillleadthem.Thisbringthemthe satisfactionofbeingyoung. 万圣节前夕 万圣节前夕是美国人年年都会庆祝的秋季节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜。但实际上这不是一个真正的宗教节日,而主要是孩子们的节日。

英语沙龙 复活节彩蛋

英语沙龙复活节彩蛋 Easter Eggs Most English holidays have a religious origin.Easter is originally the day to commemorate1) the Resurrection2) of Jesus Christ.But now for most people,Easter is a secular spring holiday,when everyone hopes to enjoy fine weather,when the days are lengthening fast,when trees are already in bud and leaf,and spring flowers appear,the most welcome of the year――violets,daffodils3) and narcissi4).For children,Easter means more than anything else,Easter eggs or chocolate eggs. Real,natural eggs,do not belong of course to a single season of the year.They are eaten all the year round(Duck eggs are a rarity5) in England,and the eggs of smaller birds are rarer still,a luxury for the very rich and privileged).Eggs are everyday food――i nexpensive,nutritious6),and especially good for breakfast.Their association with spring,when hens begin to lay after the winter,is older than the manufacture of chocolate eggs.In some places,real eggs are used in an Easter game called“egg-rolling”.They are first hardboiled and then given to competitors to


自我介绍 自我介绍 My name is... I am 12 years old and a student of Beihu Beilu Primary School in Class 1,grade . There are three members in my famly: my farther, my mother and I. My mother is teacher in 28 middle school. I like reading books because I can learn a lot of knowledge from them. I am an outgoing girl with god popularity in my class. Most of my claamates are my friends. thank you. 我的梦想 I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future.Therefore, I can buy all what I want.But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut.Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements.All of our country are proud of it.Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area.In order to make my dream e true,I must work hard now.So I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge.I hope my dream can e true one day. 自我评价 I take good care of public environment in this semester, pay attention to personal hygiene, speak civilization, polite, respect teachers, love class,unite care about students, to get to school on time to class, do not miss, do not be late,conscientiously abide by the classroom discipline and actively speak in class, study hard, listen attentively in class, finish the homework in all the subjects. But there are some careless when finish the homework, I'll work harder in the future study, correct deficiencies, strive to achieve better results. I want to join the study, discipline, and moral character of comparison.


复活节英文资料 篇一:复活节中英文介绍NO.1 复活节 As with almost all “Christian” holidays, Easter has been secularized and commercialized. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. 和其它基督教节日一样,复活节正慢慢“被世俗”和“被商业”。即便如此,复活节的这两个性质和它的标志并不是必然的“现代产物”。 The history of Easter 复活节的历史 Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival. “复活节是神圣的庆典”的概念在公元200年已经形成,自那时起,复活节就站在了非宗教的一方。而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。 The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Eastre. When the second-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did so, however, in a clandestine manner. 古撒克逊人庆祝春至时非常热闹,因为这也纪念他们祖先和春天的“复活”。在公元200年,基督教的传教士并偶然来到这个拥有异教庆典的北方部落。这些传教士尝试让撒克逊人改信基督教,而他们使用的方法非常隐秘。 It would have been suicide for the very early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. To save lives, the missionaries cleverly


年夜饭又称团圆饭,是农历除夕(每年最后一天)的最后一餐。这一天人们准备除旧迎新,一家相聚,共进晚餐。 一年一次的团圆饭表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为亲密,也能表达对父母的感激。最重要的是我国人民的现状----经常外出打工,这导致了许多父母与孩子长时间分居两地产生了隔阂,年夜饭可以很好的消除这种隔阂。 年 夜 饭 古时候,有 一种叫做"年"的凶猛怪兽 ,每到腊月三十,便窜村挨户, 觅食人肉,残害生灵。有一个腊月三十 晚上,"年"到了一个村庄,适逢两个牧童在 比赛牛鞭子。"年"忽闻半空中响起了啪啪的 鞭声,吓得望风而逃。它窜到另一个村庄, 又迎头望到了一家门口晒着件大红衣裳,它 不知其为何物,吓得赶紧掉头逃跑。后来它 又来到了一个村庄,朝一户人家门里一 瞧,只见里面灯火辉煌,刺得它 头昏眼花,只好又夹着尾 巴溜了。 年夜饭又称团圆饭,是农历除夕 (每年最后一天)的最后一餐。这一天人们 准备除旧迎新,一家相聚,共进晚餐。一年一次的团圆饭表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为亲密,也能表达对父母的感激。最重要的是我国人民的现状----经常外出打工,这导致了许多父母与孩子长时间分居两地产生了隔阂,年夜饭可以很好的 消除这种隔阂。 春节 过年吃饺子的来历 饺子是一种历史悠久的民间吃食,吃饺子也 是中国人在春节时特有的民俗传统。因为取“更岁交子”之意,所以深受老百姓的欢迎。饺子的由来:饺子起源于张仲景的时代,“饺子”又名“交子”或者“娇耳”,是新旧交替之意,也是秉承上苍之意,是必须要吃的一道大宴美食,否则,上苍会在阴阳界中除去你的名字,死后会变成不在册的孤魂野鬼。远方的人们都会跋山涉水回乡和家人过冬节吃饺子,以示有个圆满的归宿。 节日 起源


复活节彩蛋--记忆彩蛋 复活节之蛋(Easter egg) 在俄国revolution中推翻的已经延续了300年的罗曼诺夫王朝的皇帝、特别制作的复活节之蛋叫做“Easter egg”又称为“Emperor restart egg”。在19世纪末的首都彼得格勒中制作完成。俄罗斯正教在庆祝基督复活的复活节上有交换蛋形礼物的习惯、罗曼诺夫王朝的亚历山得拉三世1885年制作了一个特别的复活节之蛋送给玛利亚皇后、最初是叫做“Emperor restart egg”的最初的蛋中间放进了一只金子做的雌鸟、一顶小小的王冠和红宝石。之后儿子尼古拉为母亲和妻子毎年做2个蛋。蛋的内部有复杂的机械构造、每年制作它都花费了皇帝巨额的金钱。正因为罗曼诺夫王朝的富有才产生了这样的珍品。 彩蛋的制造者,卡尔·法伯里杰(1846-1920)是当时欧洲有名的宝石匠。镶嵌了黄金和宝石的豪华的蛋、1885年-1916年间一共制作了50个、1917年的俄国revolution导致罗曼诺夫王朝灭亡的时候、除了尼古拉二世的母亲玛利亚留下了一个以外,其余的49个全部被苏维埃Gov没收了。 那50个“Emperor restart egg”、10个在俄罗斯克里姆林博物馆中收藏、12个为美国纽约马尔科姆·福布斯所有、3个在英国王室。剩下的是其他Nation的收藏品、交易人匿名通过经销商进行买卖,俄国revolution后、在市场上没出现的蛋就有5个、所以无法正确判断持有蛋的人在哪里。 因为蛋只有50个非常稀少,所以有非常高的收藏价值。1934年克里斯蒂娜拍卖会上最初的蛋(黄金之卵)以85英镑(相当于现在的200万日圆)成交、1985年马尔科姆福布斯以200万美元买下“Kacco egg”(1900年制)成交。从此蛋的价格飙升,1994年瑞士的拍卖会上的“Winter egg”(1913年制)以560万美元(约6亿日圆)成交。柯南片中的美术商干愿意以8亿买下来绝对不是凭空臆测的价格。 关于彩蛋还有一个长达100年的故事: 1916年春天的一个下午,坐落在圣彼得堡皇宫广场的冬宫肃穆安静。此刻,沙皇尼古拉二世要将自己的侄女哈尔芬公主嫁给俄国著名的金融贵族罗斯柴尔德家族的公子爱德华。知道这个消息后,年仅21岁的爱德华感到兴奋而高兴,他爱慕哈尔芬公主很久了。而18岁的哈尔芬公主脸上却流露出委屈的神情,她瞥了一眼身高不足1.60米,长相平庸的爱德华,扭过头默不作声。身为公主,并且接受过新式教育的哈尔芬向往自由恋爱的婚姻,然而她却无力反驳沙皇的决定。因为她知道,她和爱德华的结合,不仅仅是一场婚姻,更是一场看不见的revolution。 1916年的俄国即将刮起一场Politics风暴,沙皇的统治岌岌可危,将侄女哈尔芬嫁给爱慕她已久的罗斯柴尔德金融家族的继承人,是沙皇尼古拉二世讨好资产阶级,缓解Politics矛盾的一种手段。时代的变迁与Politics风雨成全了爱德华这个平凡青年对公主的爱慕,爱德华终于有勇气有理由去追求哈尔芬了。哈尔芬酷爱玫瑰花,爱德华便在家族庄园开辟了一块玫瑰园,取名为“哈尔芬的玫瑰圣地”。他不顾地理和气候条件,从保加利亚运来大量珍贵的玫瑰花苗种下。经过一个春季的培育,玫瑰圣地的花儿终于盛开了。当哈尔芬来到这片玫瑰花海,看到一片火红的花海中,一条白色的花带点缀其中,那些圣洁的白玫瑰组成了一句话:哈尔芬公主,嫁给我吧! “爱德华,你以为这样就能打动我吗?我幻想的白马王子,应该征战沙场,为我赢得一枚战功勋章,才配得上我的爱。”哈尔芬冷冷地说道。听到这样的话,爱德华的心如同掉入了冰窟。他知道,哈尔芬所说的战功勋章指的就是:费伯奇彩蛋。 第一枚费伯奇彩蛋是1885年亚历山大三世送给皇后的复活节礼物。此后费伯奇声名鹊起,他年复一年地挑战自己,设计出不同的彩蛋。终于,当费伯奇制作出第54枚彩蛋时,对外宣布:从此不再设计制作彩蛋。他告诉沙皇,这样才能显示出皇宫收藏的彩蛋之珍贵。后来沙皇为了表彰在扩展版图和一战中功勋显赫的将领,开始将皇家收藏的费伯奇彩蛋作为战功勋章,馈赠给立功的勇士,30年的过程只赠出12枚,久而久之,费伯奇彩蛋在俄国成了荣誉和地位的象征。要获得这样的一枚费伯奇彩蛋,只有两种方式:沙场征战,九死一生获得一枚战功勋章;或者敲开费伯奇的门,恳请这位伟大的艺术家制作最后一枚彩蛋。无论哪种方式,都难于上青天。然而,已陷入爱情的爱德华,誓


Easter Easter is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday. Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter. Church of Christ in the early years of the date of Easter, there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 AD, the priests of the Church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the Easter. Rabbit Rabbit is a symbol of Easter. Now every Easter, the United States the total size of a candy shop to sell chocolate made with the Easter Bunny and eggs. These eggs and egg is almost small, big melon big surprise, the children eat them with relish. To the relatives and friends, but also be a good gift. NAME BAOTU


青春(节选) Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in aman of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Snow nothing, reap nothing. 春不播,秋不收。 Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃! The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一的财富。 The best preparation for tomorrowis doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好! 英语小知识 1. 英语单词“Goodbye ”来自于“God bye ”, 原意是“上帝与你同在”。 2.“ Go ”是英语中最短的完整句子。 3. 单词“listen ”(听)和“silent ”(安静的)用到了一样的字母。 4. “Stressed ”(压力)倒过来拼就是“Desserts ”(点心)。 5. 英语中使用最多的字母是“E ”,用得最少的是“Q ”。 6. The onion is named after the Latin 英语励志名言 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气, 二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。


体(容)积单位换算 1立方米=1000立方分米 1立方分米=1000立方厘米 1立方分米=1升 重量单位换算 1吨=1000千克 1千克=1000克 1千克=1公斤 长度 面积单位换算关系 1千米=1000米1米=10分米 1分米=10厘米1米=100厘米 1厘米=10毫米 面积单位换算 1平方千米=100公顷 巧妙面积小技巧 分析:要求小正方形的面积就必须知道小正方形的边长,只能通大正方形来求。把小正方形分割成四个一样的长方形,可以求出每个小长方形的面积是40÷4=10平方厘米,又知道每个小长方形的宽是2厘米,从而求出小长方形的长是10÷2=5厘米,也就可以知道小长 方形的边长是5-2=3厘米。 一、“凑整法”:把可以凑成整数的数放在一起计算,如果没有可以直接凑成整数的,想办法找出来。 24+44+5652+6945-18+1945—18—19 二、基准数法:在所有的数字中找到以某一个(或这些数都接近的某个整十、整百数)为基准,其他的数字向它靠拢。 23+20+19+22+18+21102+100+99+101+98 三、相邻的两个数的差都相等的一列数就叫做等差连续数,又叫等差数列。 奇数个的方法:和=中间数*个数 偶数个的方法:和=(首数+末数)*个数的一半 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+…………………+1012+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18+20 34+37+40+43+46+4961+65+69+73+77+81+83 面积计算公式的简单方法 长方形的周长=(长+宽)×2 正方形的周长=边长×4 长方形的面积=长×宽 正方形的面积=边长×边长 三角形的面积=底×高÷2 平行四边形的面积=底×高 梯形的面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2 直径=半径×2 半径=直径÷2 圆的周长=圆周率×直径 圆周率×半径×2 圆的面积=圆周率×半径×半径 长方体的表面积= (长×宽+长×高+宽×高)×2 椭圆的面积 S =πab 的公式求椭圆的面积。a =b 时, 当长半径a =3(厘米),短半径b =2(厘米)时,其面积S =3×2×π= 6


一年一度的复活节来临了,你们复活节彩蛋是象征之一,但你们知道彩蛋的由来与象征什么吗,接下来就有我来介绍介绍。 用蛋来象征生命的复活,在耶稣基督降生之前就已经很流行。西欧人相信蛋是有两次生命的,第一次是“新生”,第二次则是“重生”,重生就是象征了复活的意思。 十二世纪时,人们在复活节节庆中加入鸡蛋,此蛋多涂以红色,也有绘成彩色。故一般称之为“复活节彩蛋”,也称为复活蛋。蛋的原始象征意义是春天――新生命的开始,在基督教中则用来象征“耶稣复活,走出石墓”。 自十五世纪开始,人们为了纪念耶稣基督所流的宝血,教徒们把蛋染成红色,请神父祝圣,来庆祝复活节,同时也作为礼物送给朋友,这就是送彩蛋的最早起源。之后逐渐开始有染成彩色的,并成为复活节里最重要的象征性食物,它意味着生命的开始与延续。现在,复活节彩蛋已发展得花样繁多,形式各异,尤其是各类彩绘,不仅有圣经故事,也有景色人物和动物,更不乏现代印象派绘画。

复活蛋的起源有多个不同的传说, 第一个传说是:圣母玛利亚在泪光中忽然看见有两个人穿著耀眼衣服的人站在她的身边,她回家后把所见的景象彩绘在许多鸡蛋上,分送给耶稣的门徒,门徒们用鸽子把这个讯息传扬开来。 第二个传说是:圣德范被敌人用石头砸死,人们为纪念他而留下来的。 第三个传说是:替耶稣背十字架的那个人是销售鸡蛋的商人,有一天,他看到篮子里有很多漂亮的彩绘复活蛋,于是他就把这些彩蛋随着这个喜讯传送给人们。 其中流传最广的讲的是:圣母玛利亚去告知罗马帝国皇帝提庇留耶稣死后复活的消息,那时是不允许不带礼物去觐见皇帝的,她只有一枚鸡蛋可拿,而恰巧鸡蛋又含有“新生”之寓意。她高兴地告诉提庇留说:“耶稣复活了!”,提庇留听后不禁哈哈大笑,嘲笑她说:“这完全不可能,如果是真的,那你的白鸡蛋也会变成红色的了!”,话音刚落,奇迹出现了,玛利亚手上的白鸡蛋果然变成了红色。这一传说在欧洲民间广为流传,为纪念耶稣复活,基督徒纷纷在复活节将禽蛋染成象征着耶稣鲜血的红色,约从公元十二世纪起至公元十五世纪止,逐渐形成了复活节制作彩蛋的宗教习俗. 怎嘛样,复活节的彩蛋你了解吗,那复活节节日你又准备怎嘛过呢,来gagamatch国际社交网吧,在这里和老外一起感受节日的气氛。还能获得会员的多种奖励哦。来gagamatch让你的复活节从此不再孤单。


常用短语 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 2. I'm doing great. 我过得很好。 3. What's up? 出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了? 4. Nothing special. 没什么特别的。 5. Today is a great day. 今天是个好日子。 6. Things couldn't be better. 一切顺利。 7. I hope you're enjoying your staying here. 我的家庭My family I have a happy family.They are father,Motherand i.My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital.He helps the sick people. He goes towork by car.He likes Watching tv.My mother is a teacher .She works in a school.She goes to work by bus.She likes cooking.I am a student. I study in a school.I go to school by bus.I love my family! 我有一个幸福的家庭。他们是爸爸,妈妈和我。我的爸爸是一名医生。他在医院工作。他帮助病 人。他坐小汽车上班。他喜欢看电视。 我的妈妈是一名教师。她在学校工作。她坐公交车上班。 她喜欢做饭。我是一名学生。我在一所学校上课。我乘公交车上学。我爱我的家! Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好! Never forget to say “thanks ”. 永远不要忘了说“谢谢”! Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃! 名人名言


复活节英文简介 A Sunday between March 22 and April 25 The meaning of many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time. Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity. All in some way or another are a "salute to spring," marking re-birth. The white Easter lily has come to capture the glory of the holiday. The word "Easter" is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分). People celebrate the holiday according to their beliefs and their religious denominations (命名). Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day that He was resurrected (复活). Protestant settlers brought the custom of a sunrise service, a religious gathering at dawn, to the United States. This year Easter will be celebrated on Sunday April 11, 2004. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighborhoods and organizations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize. The Easter Bunny is a rabbit-spirit. Long ago, he was called the" Easter Hare." Hares and rabbits have frequent multiple births so they became a symbol of fertility. The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that hares laid eggs in the grass. The Romans believed that "All life comes from an egg." Christians consider eggs to be "the seed of life" and so they are symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts. Egg Rolling In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ's tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World. In the United States in the early nineteenth century, Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth American President, organized an egg roll in Washington, D.C. She had been told that Egyptian children used to roll eggs against the pyramids so she invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! The custom continued, except for the years during the Civil War. In 1880, the First Lady invited children to the White House for the Egg Roll because officials had complained that they were ruining the Capitol lawn. It has been held there ever since then, only canceled during times of war. The event has grown, and today Easter Monday is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors it for the children of the entire country. The egg

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