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1.The Chartist Movement 宪章运动

2.Petition of Rights 权利请愿书

3.The People’s Charter 人民宪章

4.the Magna Carta (the Great Charter) 大宪章

5.Armada 无敌舰队

6.Stonehenge 史前巨石阵

7.Renaissance 文艺复兴

8.the policy of “flag follows trade”“国旗赶随商贸”

9.European Union 欧洲联盟

10.New Model Army 新模范军


1.Heptarchy(七国时代):During the Anglo-Saxon's time, Britain was divided into many kingdoms, among which there were seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. They were given the name of Heptarchy.

2.The Bill of Rights(权利法案):In 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.

3.The Open University: is a non-residential university. And it is open to all to become students. The University was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970. The University offers degree and other courses for adult students of all ages in Britain and the other member countries of the European Union. It uses a combination of specially produced printed texts, correspondence tuition , television and radio broadcasts and audio/ video cassettes.

4.Winston Churchill(温斯顿·丘吉尔):Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 194

5. He was defeated in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951.

5.The Hundred Years’ War(百年战争):It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453.The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the French refused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.

6.Privy Council(枢密院):Formerly the chief source of executive power. It gave the Sovereign private advice on the government of the country. Today its role is mainly formal, advising the Sovereign to approve certain government decrees and issuing royal proclamation. Its membership is about 400.

7.Black Death(黑死病):It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labor was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences.

8. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 (光荣革命): In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James II. James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious vies. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution.

9. The British Constitution(英国宪法):There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom. The British Constitution is not set out in any single document, but made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interpret statues.

10. Comprehensive schools(综合学校):State secondary schools which take pupils without reference to ability and provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in GB attend comprehensive school.

11. Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝):Alfred was a strong king of the wise men. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advise the king. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.

12. Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制):It is a form of government in which the monarch’s power is limited by Parliament. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy: the head of State is a king or a queen. In practice, the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign, by His or Her majesty’ s Government.

13.The Wars of Roses(玫瑰战争): They referred to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.

14.Whigs(辉格党): T he name of Whigs originated with the Glorious Revolution. It was known by the nickname. It was a derogatory name for cattle drivers. Loosely speaking, the Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists.

15. Queen Elizabeth II(伊丽莎白二世):The present Sovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center of many national ceremonies and the leader of society.

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