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广东开心版四年级上册英语教案 Review1(1)

Unit 4 Review 1


Language:Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Who’s she? She’s my grandmother. What’s that? It’s a stapler. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Can I have a peach? Sure . Here you are. Can I have a balloon? No, sorry.

Sounds and words:/s/,/z/,/эz/,/ju:/,/u:/

Vocabulary: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, week, go, use, have, borrow, buy, watch, call, listen, cooks, eats, play, reads, washes, touches, music, humans, unicorn, huge, cucumber, ice cube, balloon, spoon, suit, boots, soup, glue

Materials: Picture Cards 1—24,chalk/marker, Draw, cut and play! WB p.70, scissors, weekly schedule WB p.50


Getting ready

1. Point to various pictures.

T: What are they saying?

Using the book

1. T: Now let’s listen.

2. Ss draw lines from the letters to the corresponding pictures.

Getting ready

1. Hold up picture cards 9—15.

2. Have Ss say the words.

Using the book

1. T: Draw lines from the letters to the days.

2. Play the tape.

Getting ready

1. Put up three Picture Cards from Unit 1—3 on the board.

2. Ask S1 to come to the board.

3. Make a sentence about one of the Picture Cards.

T: Circle the picture.

Using the book

1. Point to the pictures in the boxes.

2. T: Listen to the tape. Circle the correct pictures.

Getting ready

1. Write: cooks, Tuesday, balloon, plays and washes on the board.

2. Write a word from the Sounds and words sections in Units 1—3 on the board, e.g. Music.

3. T: which word has the same sound?[Ss: Tuesday.]

4. Draw a line from Tuesday to music.

Using the book

1. Point to the words in the boxes.

T: connect the words that have the same sounds.

Getting ready

1. Write oo, u, u-e, ou and s at the top of the board.

2. Write b ts and m sic on the board.

3. Ask for a student volunteer to come to the front.

4. T: (point to oo.) Can you say this? [S1(/u:/).]

5. T: Where does it go?(Point to the words at the bottom of the board.)

6. Have S1 draw a line from the letters to b ts.

7. T: /u:/. Boots. Repeat. Boots. [Ss: Boots.]

Using the book

1. T: Look at the pictures, listen and write.

2. Play the tape.


Draw, cut and play!(WB p.70)

Ss draw a picture in each box. Then Ss cut their cards apart and choose one card. T say the word and listen for another with the same sound. T demonstrates by holding the card ice cube and giving a student the card humans. T and S1 walk around the room in different directions, calling out their words. T cups his/her ear with one hand, pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1. They sit down together, showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1. They sit down together ,showing the class their cards. Then all Ss play.

Weekly schedule( WB P. 50)

Put Ss in pair s. They interview each other to complete each other’s

weekly schedules. T demonstrates with a student volunteer, e.g. What do you do on Monday?S1 answers I play basketball on Monday. Ss write single words on the schedule, eg. basketball.


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