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题目Unit 7 What does he look like ?时间2012年5月2 课时 1 年级学科七年级英语教者张玉新课型新课










2. 用what…l ook like句型询问某人的长相3.描述人的身体及外貌




一自主学习8 预习:

词汇:hair ,straight ,tall ,height ,thin , heavy, build , like, always

短语:look like , medium build ,medium height,long hair, be heavy 句型:----What does he look like ?

----He is tall .\He has curly hair


二合作探究(1)看图学习短语,结合句型What does he look like ?熟读新词并掌握准确发音.

(2)Match the words with the people in the picture .

(3)Make conversations like this :

What does your friend look like ?

She is of medium build , and she has long hair.

三交流展示对话训练(谈论一下你新交的朋友或最好的朋友的相貌衣着吧!)Example: A : Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five ?

B: What does she look like?

A: She has long hair and big eyes.

B: Is she tall?

A: No, she?s tall.

B: I think I know her. She always wears a red dress and white shoes.

A: Yes , that?s her. Her name is Nancy.

Describe someone in the class .Ask your classmates to guess who you?re describing.

四总结归纳拓展提升(1)通过这节课,我们学会描述自己及别人的相貌,be 和has 的用法。以及用what…look like句型询问某人的长相

(2)1.What does he look like? 他长什么样? 用来询问某人的身材或长相,即外貌,其结构为“What +do/does +主语+look like?”

【拓展】如果询问人的性格、人品时,多用What be(am/is/are)…like?—What?s he like? 他是个什么样的人呢?

—He?s friendly and kind. 他友好善良。

2. She is of medium build,and she has long hair. 她身材适中,留着长发。

表示某人中等身材或中等个头时,其构成为“sb +be +of +medium build/height”。表示“某人长着或留着发”时,则只能用has/have, 其构成为“主语+have/has +…hair”。(“be +形容词”强调某人是……样子的外形”,常用于描述大概的体形、身高等。而,“have/has +名词”结构强调某人具有的相貌特征,常用于描述五官、相貌等。)

3. tall 和short

tall adj. “身材高大的”;short adj. “短的”,其反义词为long,也可表示“矮的”,其反义词是tall.

【拓展】1.tall 和high

tall一般强调细长行,高度远超过宽度,可指身材的高度,一般用于人和动物,形容人、树、动物等的“高”。其反义词是short. A tall boy 一个高个男孩 a tall tree 一棵高树

high多指物的高,不指人的高或抽象的高。指物价、速度、温度、品质等方面的高。其反义词为low. A high mountain 一座高山high fever 高

烧high prices 高价


2. She always wear a red dress and white shoes.

她总是穿着一件红色的连衣裙和一双白色的鞋子。句中的动词wear意为“穿着;戴着;留着”,强调状态;put on意为“穿上,戴上”,强调穿的动作。例如:Mr Wang is wearing a black jacket today.王先生今天穿着一件黑色的夹克衫。

It?s cold outside.Please put on your coat.外面很冷,请穿上你的外套


1.Her hair is short,but my hair is____.

2.Your father is thin,but my father is____.

3.My brother isn?t tall.He?s____.

4.Kate has straight hair,but Jane has_________hair.5.Her eyes aren?t big.They?re_____.


1.His father____medium build.…

2.Mr Brown____thin and tall.

3.Tom____short hair.

4.My friend_____big eyes.

5.Tina_____medium height and thin.




6.Medium build___________7short straight hair___________


1.My sister has long hair and big eyes. (对划线部分提问)i

______ ______ your sister______ _______?

2.He wears a yellow sweater.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______he _____?

3.She has long black hair.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ she _____ long black hair?

4.Jenny is tall.She has curly hair.(合并成一句)

Jenny is tall_____ _____hair.

5.I think I know her.(改为否定句)

I _____ _____ I know her.


1.What ______ your friend ______ (look) like ?

2.She is of medium ______ (high).

3.She______ (be) of medium build.

4.There ______ (be) a little bit time.

5.What ______ (be) your father ______ (do) now?


1.Jim his father .= Jim his ather


2. Do you ____Jim ? _____ _____ he _____ ______?


3.He ______ _______ _______ ________ ,and he _____ _____ ______. 他中等体型,留着短发。

4.She a red dress and white shoes


5.I think it a good book.我认为这不是本好书

6. Li Ming likes and computer games.







题目Unit 7 What does he look like ?时间2012年5月3日课时 2 年级学科七年级英语教者张玉新课型新课














一自主学习8 预习:

一.词汇:1.队长______2.受欢迎的________ 3.笑话_______4 决不______ 5.停止_______ 6.棕色的_______ 7.人,人物_________ 8.金黄色的________ 9.队,组__________ 10.少许_________.

二.词组:1.篮球队的队长_________ 2.中等个儿___________3.有点儿安静___________ 4.讲笑话___________5.停止谈话___________ 6.棕色的卷发___________7.喜欢读书___________ 8.下国际象棋___________ 三.句型:1.王林是篮球队的队长。





二合作探究8 读对四个同学的描述,把他们同图片连接起来。



三交流展示10 (1)对话训练(学生A把方框中的名字写在图画中的人物旁边,学生B提问并找出这些人。)

Example: A :What does Paul look like ?

B:He?s tall and he has brown hair.


四总结归纳拓展提升8 (1)学生归纳后,老师进行补充。

(2)1.Wang Lin is very popular.王琳非常受欢迎。Popular adj.通俗的;流行的;受欢迎的。


popular music 流行音乐

2.She?s good-looking but she?s a little bit quiet.她很漂亮,但是有点儿内向。(1)good-looking adj.“好看的,美貌的”,是合成词,【拓展】它可以作定语,也可以作表语。Eg:(a).She is good-looking .

(b)She is a good-looking girl.(2)a little bit “有点儿”,也可以说成a little 或a bit,都表示“有点儿,一点儿”。

【拓展】(a)在作状语时,三者可以通用,但a little bit 比后两者所表示的程度稍弱一点。

Eg: Today is a little \ a bit \ a little bit cold.

(b)a little 与bit 在修饰名词作定语时,用法有所不同.a little 后面可以直接跟不可数名词,而 a bit 需先加of 再跟不可数名词。

Eg:There is a little / a bit of water in the galss.

3.Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.徐倩爱讲笑话。

tell jokes 说笑话。【拓展】tell a story 讲故事; tell a lie.说谎

4.She never stops talking ! 她总是讲个不停!

(1)never adv.“从不,永不:,其反义词是always.

(2)stop v “停止,阻止,拦住”

Eg: (a) Let?s stop to have a look.咱们停下来看看吧。

(b)A man stopped me on my way to school.在我上学的路上,一个人拦住我。

【拓展】stop doing sth 与stop to do sht.

Stop doing sth 表示“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,既不做某事了,是动名词作宾语。

We stopped talking .我们停止说话。

Stop to do sth. 表示“停下来做某事”指停止原来做的事情,开始做另一件事情,动词不定式作目的状语。

We stopped to talk. 我们停下来说话。

5.He likes reading and playing chess.他喜欢读书、下棋

play chess 意为“下棋”。play 后接表示比赛、游戏的名词时,这些词前一般不加冠词,但play 后接表示西洋乐器名称的词时,这些词前要加冠词the .

Eg(a) I want to play cards with my friends after supper.

(b)He often plays the guitar on Sundays.

五达标检测10 一.单词拼写

1.My brother is medium b____.

2.Her hair is short and c_____ .

3.Ping pong ball is very p________in our schoo1.4.Tom is a good student and he is n________late for school.5.She has big eyes and long black hair.She is g___.6.My father isn?t thin.He?s very h____.


1.Nobody_________ (like) studying all day.

2. Tom and his classmates__________ (play) basketball

3. Our English teacher is medium ___________ (high).

4. Let?s stop___________ (talk ) and do our homework。


1、---_______?---He is very tall.

A、What does Li Pin look like?

B、What does Li Pin like?[来源:Zxxk

C、What is Li Pin look like?

D、What does Li Pin look?

2、She has _______ hair.

A、blue curly

B、short blonde

C、straight long

D、curly blonde long

3、---_________.---He is tall.

A、How is he?

B、What does he like?

C、What is he?

D、What does he look like?

4.My hobby is to play_____chess. A a B an C the D /

5.The boy _____ black hair ____ a blue coat.

A has,has

B with,in

C has , wears

D with, wears.


1、I watch TV every day.(就划线部分提问)


2、My dog runs fast.(改为否定句)


3、Gao Shan?s sister likes paying table tennis.(就划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________ 五.根据汉语完成句子

1.你弟弟长得怎么样?What does your brother ______ ______.

2.我妈妈是篮球队长。My mother is______ ______of the basketball team.

3.他觉得有点冷。He feels ______ ______ ______cold.

4.当老师进来时,他不说话了。He _____ _____when his teacher comes in.

六布置作业1 1.写一篇你最好朋友的外貌及爱好的短文




题目Unit 7 What does he look like ?时间2012年5月11日课时 3 年级学科七年级英语教者张玉新课型新课













一自主学习8 词汇:胡须________ 眼镜________

词组:流行歌手_________ 长的卷曲的头发________ 有趣的眼镜__________ 电影明星___________上个月___________




二合作探究8 把单词与相应的图片搭配起来


1________ has a beard 2 _________ has black hair 3 _______ wears glasses 4._________ has blonde hair



2.写出一个著名的演员,音乐家或者运动员的名字,然后描述他Eg: My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio.

He is tall and he has brown hair.


四总结提升知识拓展6 师生共同总结

1.beard n 胡须,是可数名词,其前可以用不定冠词a

Eg: The old man has a beard.

【拓展】beard 与mustache

(1)beard 是指“满脸的络腮胡子”。

This old man has a beard.这位老人留着大胡子

(2)mustache 是指“嘴唇上面小而短的胡子”

That young ma has a mustache.

2.long blonder hair 金黄色的头发

blonde adj 金黄色的,通常用来指头发的颜色。

The lovely boy has beautiful curly blonde hair.

多个形容词同时形容一个名词时,需遵循一定的规则:限定词(包括冠词物主代词、序数词、基数词)-- 描述性形容词(beautiful)--- 大小--形状—颜色—年龄或新旧- 材料或种类—来源—名词

五达标检测12 一.用所给词的适当形式填空

1.一What______you________(look) like?

一I______(be) tall and (have) long hair

2.My father is medium________ (high).

3.He sings very well and he is my favorite________ (music).

4.Mr Wang loves_________(tell)jokes.We all like him.

5.He always______(wear)a white T-shirt.

6.We?re tired.Let?s stop________(run).

7.She likes going________(shop).

8.Kate likes singing and________(dance).


( )1.My friend____thin and she____long curly hair.

A .is;is B.is;has C has;is D.has;has

( )2.Kate is tall______short straight hair.

A has B.is C with D.in

( )3.The boy_____his father.

A.look like B.is likes C be like D.is like

( )4.She is_____hungry,but there is only____food.

A.a bit of;a bit B.a little bit;a bit

C a little of;a bit of D.a little bit;a bit of

( )5.What does your friend look like?____________

A .He is a worker B.He is well C He is 20 years old D.He has curly hair

( )6.The man ______ is Jim?s father.

A in glasses B.with glass C with glasses D.on glasses

( )7.Frank likes playing_____chess.

A.the B.a C.an D./

( )8.Let?s stop______.The teacher comes in.

A to talk B.talking C.talk D.talks

六布置作业1 三.补全对话(每空一词)

A:Do you know I have a new friend 1___Class Three?

B:Sorry,I don?t know.What does she 2____like?

A:She 3____long hair and big eyes.

B:Is she tall?

A:No,she is _____4

B:I think I know 5____.She?s good-looking and kind of thin.

A:Yes,that?s her.Her name is Ann


(1)Mr.Green is tall and thin(就划线部分提问)

______ _______ Mr.Green look like?

(2)He has curly brown hair.(改为一般疑问句)

______ he ______curly brown hair?

(3)They read English.(改成现在进行时)

They ______ ______ English.

(4)The pop singer has a new book.(改为否定句)

The pop singer______ ______ a new book.

(5)She always wears a red shirt.(改为否定句)

She ______ ______ a red shirt.


do wear look curly with

Do you remember the pop singer 1 funny glasses and long 2 hair ? Well , now he has a new 3 . He doesn?t 4 glasses any more .”I don?t think he?s so great ”says Ruth from New York .”But my mom 5





题目Unit 7 What does he look like ? 时间

2012年5月14日课时 4 年级学科七年级英语教者张玉新课型新课





能力目标:1).能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像.2). 能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这些词组及句型描述别人的外表,提高写作水平.

情感目标:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣.






一自主学习8 词汇:记住、牢记________ 歌唱家_______说,讲____________ 没有人______________ 流行音乐___________

词组:一个新形象________ 戴着滑稽眼镜留着长卷发的流行歌手______________________________________________ 不在__________ 来自纽约___________去购物___________

句子:1. 我认为他不怎么样。2. 我可以去购物,没有人认出我

3. 你记得约翰尼·迪安。那位戴着滑稽眼镜、留着长卷发的流行歌手吗?

二合作探究8 1.把3a翻译下来,翻译时注意英语与汉语的区别,并且把这篇短文读熟。


三交流展示10 1、给大家介绍一下你家庭中的一员。


四总结提升知识拓展7 1师生共同总结

1.Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?


句中的动词remember意为“记得,记起”,后常接名词、代词、不定式、动名词作宾语,但remember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”,remember doing sth.意为“记得曾经做过某事”。

例如:Do you remember her name? 你记得她的名字吗?

Remember to close the windows when you leave.当你离开的时候,记着要关上户。

I remember locking the door.我记得已经锁门了。

2.I don't think he?s so great.我认为他不怎么样。

在英语中,I think,I believe,I guess引导的宾语从句进行否定时,常转移到主句,即对I think,I believe,I guess进行否定。


I don?t think you are right.我认为你不对。

I don?t believe you can do it.我相信你不会做这件事。

3.I can go shopping.and nobody knows me.


go shopping意为“购物”,有时也说do some shopping;nobody是不定代词,意为“没有人”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,类似的不定代词还有somebody,anybody和everybody。例如:

My mother likes going shopping.我妈妈喜欢购物。

Somebody is waiting for you.有人在等你。

五达标检测11 一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

1. Tom is new here . N____knows him.

2. Do you like her new l___?

3. The man w___ a big nose is Tom?s un cle.

4. “You are very cool,” Mary s____.

5. I?m sory I can”t r____ your name.


1.She has____ (短短的卷发).

2.What does he______ (看起来像)?

3.Miss Gao _____(总是穿)a red dress.

4.Kate is a_____ (漂亮的女孩).

5.She never ____(停止谈话).


1. I want to be a______(sing) when I get up

2. Nobody ____(know ) the heavy man over there.

3. Who is the girl with ______(glass) on her nose?

4. Please remember______(post)the letter when you go to the post office.

6. Our Chinese teacher is very ______(friend)


Dear editor,

I am a school girl.I write to you in order to make new friends.I?m a Grade

8 student called Zhao Aijia.I come here to Beijing with my parents.I?m medium height.I have curly hair and it?s black and short.1 wear glasses and

I?m not thin or heavy.I like singing。dancing and drawing pictures.My blue jeans match my yellow T-shirt well,and they make me look smart.I like talking to my friends。And SO do my old friends.Because everything here is new to me and it?s the winter vac ation.I hope you can introduce some girls to me or introduce me to the other girls.Thank you a lot.

Zhao Aijiao 1.Zhao Aijia?s hair is curly,black and long.( )

2.She is medium height and medium build.( )

3.She likes singing,dancing and drawing pictures.( )

4.She wears a red T shirt and blue jeans.( )

5.She comes from Beijing in the winter vacation.( )

Mr Black is an American , but he is in Canada now. He is a tall man with funny glasses. He works in a big city but lives in a town far away. He lives on the twentieth floor of a building . Every morning he gets up early. Then he gets into the early bus.It usually takes him about two hours to get to the factory by bus.Then he gets off the bus and walks in t the workshop quickly. He starts his work at eight in morning.

1.Mr Black is from ____________ A American B English C Canada .

D America

2.The city is not ________ to the town. A far B away C near D from

3.Mr Black lives on the ______ floor of the building

A twelfth

B twenty

C twentieth

D twentith

4.How ling does it take him to get t the factory from his home?

A One hour

B Two hour

C one and a half hours

D About 120 minutes

5.When does he start his work in the morning ?

A at eihth.

B About at seven

C At eight

D At eight to eight.


A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Six?

B:What ________ she look like ?

A:She ________ long hair and big eyes.

B:_________ she tall?

A:No, she ________ .She is of medium ____________.

B:I think I_______ her. She always wears a pair of ______ on her nose.

A:Yes, that?s her. Her_______ is Anna.

作业1.背诵3a 短文




题目Unit 7 What does he look like ? 时间


课时 5 年级学科七年级英语教者张玉新课型自我检查













一自主学习8 1、用第一部分的词造句。



二知识拓展提升10 1.形容词的定义






She has long hair.她有长长的头发。


The TV show is very interesting.这个电视节目很有趣。


Please keep your eyes closed.请闭上你们的眼睛。







a big new white wooden house 一座新的白色的大木屋。

beautiful long black hair 美丽的长长的黑发


a black and white sweater 一件黑自相间的毛衣

三达标测试15 一.单项填空(20分)

( )1.Miss Gao_____very young.

A sees B.1ooks C looks like D.watches

( )2.Han Mei is a beautiful girl_____long hair.

A. in B.on C with D.of

( )3.Why does Joe look so ____today ?

Because she has go t an “A” in her English test.

A.exciting B.sad C.happy D.angry

( )4. ____ is watching TV.Let?s turn it off.

A. Somebody B.Anybody C. Nobody D.Everybody

( )5.一There goes the bell.

--It?s time for class.Let?s stop ____

A.talk B.to talk C.talking D. not talk

( )6.A: What does your sister look like?

B: __________________________

A. She?s a teacher B.She?s fine C. She?s twenty D.She?s medium height

( )7.一What does your friend look like?

一He___heavy and___big eyes.

A .is;is B.has;has C.is;has D.has;is

( )8.Our Chinese teacher always___ a black jacket.

A.wears B.puts on C.wearing D.put on

( )9.Remember___a pen for me on your way home.

A.buy B.to buy C. buying D.buys

( )10.There is____milk in the cup.It?s ____hot.

A. a 1ittle;a bit B.a bit;a little

C .a little bit;a bit of D.a bit:a bit of

( )11.I?m too tired.Let?s stop____a rest(休息).

A. having B.to have C.has D.had

( )1 2.Nobody____how to play the computer game.

A. knows B.know C to know D.knowing

( )13.My uncle likes to____jokes.

A. speak

B. say C.tell D.talk

( )14. Do you know I have a friend____ Class Three?

A.on B.at C.in D.of

( )15.____does your friend look like?

A.What B Why C Which D.When

( )16.He often plays jokes____others.

A.in B.with C.on D.at

( )1 7.The girl____glasses is____red.

A.with;with B.with:in C . in;in D.in;with

( )18.She is good-looking____she?s a bit quiet.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )19.What does your sister look like?


A.She?s outgoing B.She would like some coffee

C.She likes painting D.She is medium height

( )20.A: What does the lady look like?

B: _______________________

( )A.She?s fine and well B.She?s really a nice

C. She?s tall and thin D.She likes wearing skirts


My good friend Tony 1 Canada.2 a middle school student.He?s fourteen years old.He 3 brown hair and big eyes.4 sister is Ann.She?s a student,5.But they aren?t in the same sch001.She?s tall and thin 6 long brown hair.She?s good-looking.7 father is a bank clerk(职员).He is medium build and has 8 big beard.He likes 9 sunglasses in summer.Tony?s mother is a nurse.She has long curly hair.She! 10 young.Now they live in Beijing,China.They all like China and Chinese people.

( )1.A is B.is from C.come from D.is a

( )2.A He?s B.His C. Her?s D.She?s

( )3.A.is B.have C.has D. there is

( )4.A. Him B.Her C. His D.He?s

( )5.A. also B.too C.either D.never

( )6.A.with B.and C.is D.has

( )7.A.Tony?s B.Tony C.Tonys? D.They

( )8.A .the B.a C. an D./

( )9.A .wearing B wears C.having D.to wearing

( )10.A. look B.is looking C. looks D.looking


1.My brother isn?t tall or short.He?s m ____ height.

2.Johnny Dean is a P____ rock singer.

3.Does he w____ glasses?

4.Her hair isn?t black.It?s b______,like gold.

5.He loves to tell jokes.He n______ stops talking.

6.The singer has l______ chair.

7.Jack is the c_______ of our school basketball team.

8.He isn?t ugly.He?s g______.

9. I a_____ go to school by bike.

10.Jay Chou is a famous s_______.


1.Helen is thin and medium height.(对划线部分提问)

_____ ______Helen______ ______?

2.I think Jack knows it.(改为否定句)

I____ _____ Jack____ it.

3.The boy is my brother.He has short straight hair.(合并为一句)

The boy ____short straight hair ___ my brother.

4.Mr Brown is not tall or short.(改为同义句)

Mr Brown is_____ ______.

5.She has long curly hair.(改为一般疑问句)

_____she_____long curly hair?





Can you ______ ______ with me?


____ _____ your teacher____ _____?

4.我认为他不那么帅。 5 …

I______he______ so handsome.


medium,quiet,blonde hair,funny,play basketball beard,


1.Li Ping isn?t____.She?s a little heavy.

2.Be_____.I can?t hear the teacher.

3.My little sister is very lovely.She has______.

4.Do you ______ the name of the new film ? I almost forget it.

5.My grandpa is a____ person.He likes to tell jokes.

6.Terry likes to_____,and he is the captain of the schoolteam.

7.My Chinese teacher has a____ build.

8.If you wear_____,you?ll see much clearer.

9.Mickey Mouse is very______ all over the world.

10.Do you know the man with_____?


Tom lives far away from town. One day he goes into a town to buy something in a shop. And after he buy s it, he goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table.When he looks around , he sees some old people put eyeglasses on before reading their books. So after lunch he goes to a shop to buy eyeglasses, too.He walks along the road,and soon finds a shop.

The man in the shop makes him try on (试戴) a lot of eyeglasses, but each time (每次)Tom says, “ No, I can?t read with them.”

The man becomes more and more puzzled (困惑). At last he says, “Excuse me , but can you read at all?” “No,I can?t !” Tom says . “ If I can read , do you think I will come here to buy eyegalsses?”

1.Tom meets some old people _____ A far away form town B in a shop C in

a restaurant D in the villae.

2.When does Tom go to a shop to buy eyeglasses ? A Before lunch B After lunch C On Monday D In the evening

3.Tom goes into a restaurant to _______ A have lunch B drink tea C take these old people?s eyeglasses off D by eyeglasses

4.In fact (事实上),Tom ______ A like eyeglasses B goes to the wrong shop

C can?t read at all

D knows the man in the shop.





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