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book 1unit 3单选题

book 1unit 3单选题
book 1unit 3单选题

Unit 3 单选题

1.We ________ him to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen.

A.persuaded B.managed C.advised D.promised

2.I am ________ to set out as early as possible since time is limited.

A.decided B.determined C.minded D.suggested

3. His face looks ________, but I can't remember where I've met him.

A.familiar B.known C.similar D.alike

4. John is very ________. You can depend on him.

A.independent B.confident C.reliable D.stubborn

5. I'd love to join your visit to a local museum today, but I'm on a very tight ________—I've got a lot of work to do today.

A.schedule B.source C.attitude D.concern

6. Do what you think is right; never ________ what others say.

A.care for B.care of C.take care of D.care about

7. They ________ their minds to finish the work on time.

A.made up B.took up C.set up D.put up

8. ________the Greens moved to the country a year ago, they have been enjoying a better


A.Ever since B.Now that C.Even though D.Unless

9. It was in my hometown ________ I spent much of my childhood.

A.how B.which C.that D.where

10. You will be successful in the interview ________ you have confidence.

A.before B.once C.until D.though

11.Tom insisted what he said ________ true and we insisted that he ________ and have a look.

A.be; should go B.should be; would go

C.was; go D.was; would go

12. I’d prefer ______ in the office rather than _________ at home watching TV.

A. working; staying

B. working; stay

C. to work; stay

D. work; to stay

13. Being able to speak another language is a great _______ when you are looking for a job.

A. chance

B. diadvantage

C. advantage

D. fault

14. If she doesn’t want to go, nothing you can say will _______ her.

A. persuade

B. promise

C. invite

D. support

15. If you are buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get _______ for me?

A. one

B. such

C. this

D. that

16. We are happy that the project has been completed ahead of ________.

A.journal B.schedule C.altitude D.forecast

17.She is ________. I'm afraid she won't change her mind easily.

A.reliable B.stubborn C.fluent D.grateful

18.The weather ________ says it will be sunny tomorrow.

A.identity B.command C.insurance D.forecast

19.I am unable to ________ to school because my bike is broken.

A.settle B.graduate C.cycle D.pace

20. What is your attitude ________ this problem?

A.after B.under C.beyon d D.towards

21. They are the ________ who ________ Wuhan University and now are playing an important

part in our factory.

A. graduate; graduated

B. graduates; graduated

C. graduates; graduated from

D. graduate; graduated from

22.The boy insisted that he ________ old enough, and ________ the right to make his own choice.

A. was; be given

B. was; was given

C. be; give

D. is; given

23. To write a good article, you must first ________ your ideas very carefully.

A. organize

B. settle

C. report

D. speak

24. He stays up too late every night, ________ to catch up with his classmates.

A.determined B.being determined C.to determine D.determine

25. If you stand here, you'll get a better ________ of the river.

A.sight B.view C.scene D.scenery

26. No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when it is better ________ silent.

A. remain

B. be remaining

C. having

D. to remain

27. One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ______ my daughter heard cries

for help. A. after B. while C. since D. when

28. This machine is very easy ______. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.

A. operating

B. to be operating

C. operated

D. to operate

29. My money _________. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have

none in hand.

A. has run out

B. is running out

C. has been run out

D. is being run out

30. ----Why don’t we chooos that road to save time?

----The bridge to it ________.

A. has repaired

B. is repaired

C. is being repaired

D. will be repaired

31.I’ll go to the library as soon as I finished what I ________.

A. was doing

B. am doing

C. have done

D. had been doing

32. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ________.

A. takes off

B. is taking off

C. has taken off

D. took off

33. I’d grown _____ of the city and it was difficult to leave.

A. sure

B. terrified

C. tired

D. fond

35.It was on my way to school this morning_______ I picked up this wallet.

A. where

B. that

C. when

D. how

36.We have collected some food and clothes and they ______ to the flooded area by train next


A. will transport

B. have transported

C. will be transported

D. have been transported


完形填空阅读理解首字母填空专题 一.完形填空(共11小题) 1.It is not rare to hear of a family who is keeping a young dog for a seeing﹣eye dog(导盲犬).However,it is (1)to hear of a family who is keeping a monkey for the Helping Hands Organization. The same as young dogs,young monkeys need to be socialized before they(2)be trained as human helpers.One difference is that monkeys live longer than dogs do.This means that a monkey's "childhood" is also (3)than a dog's.Monkeys may spend 4 to 6 years in a family(4)they are ready to begin training. After a monkey begins training,it usually takes about a year for it to learn enough tasks to be a good (5).When a monkey is learning a task,it is (6)with a treat.If the monkey makes a (7),it is not punished,it just does not get a treat for that task.One thing that monkeys need to learn is (8)to follow orders.For example,if a person wants to have the lights turned on,he or she might give the order "sun".The monkey will know what its owner(9)by the order and it completes the task.Then it will get a reward.Some monkeys can (10)learn how to use a computer. (1)A.common B.unusual C.important D.necessary (2)A.can B.will C.need D.must (3)A.sadder B.happier C.shorter D.longer (4)A.while B.after C.before D.when (5)A.teacher B.worker C.helper D.reporter (6)A.rewarded B.connected C.helped D.compared (7)A.difference B.mistake C.face D.wish (8)A.what B.when C.where D.how (9)A.hears B.sees C.does D.means (10)A.even B.ever C.yet D.still 2. You have probably heard the expression,"It's raining cats and dogs outside." It means that it's raining very hard but not that (1)cats and dogs are falling from the sky.(2),one day in June,1882,it really did rain (3)over Dubuque,Iowa.The frogs began falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a(4)storm. Hail is (5)when drops of rainwater are caught by heavy winds and are carried high up into the air.There the raindrops become (6).Many drops may freeze together to form (7)of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then (8)to earth.During the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds(9)small frogs from nearby ponds into the air along with raindrops.When some of these frogs became covered(10)ice,both hailstones and "frog﹣stones" fell onto the ground (1)A.blind B.real C.dead (2)A.And B.So C.However (3)A.cats B.frogs C.dogs (4)A.common B.terrible C.weekly (5)A.formed B.failed C.fixed


《教育学》期末考试试题: 一、选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1、教育目的不具有(B) A导向功能B激励功能C调控功能D评价功能 2、教育评价的核心是(B) A价值判断B价值引领C客观描述D增值探索 3、下列教学方法中以语言传递信息为主的方法是(A) A讲授法B演示法C实验法D研究法 4、教学活动的本质是(D) A课堂活动B实践活动C交往活动D认识活动 5、被称为现代“教育学之父”的教育家是(B) A夸美纽斯B赫尔巴特C杜威D赞可夫 6、学校管理的基本途径是(B) A教学活动B沟通C教劳结合D协调 7、我国学校教学工作的基本组织形式是(C) A个别教学B复式教学C班级授课D分组教学 8、“除数是小数的除法”,某老师把学生的回答的分12个馒头的计算板书出来12÷3=4(人),12÷2=6(人), 12÷1=12(人),12÷0.5=24(人),这一做法体现了(C) A巩固性原则B直观性原则C理论联系实际原则D因材施教原则 9、“活到老学到老”是现代教育(C) A大众性B公平性C终身性D未来性 10、学校管理的目标和尺度是(C) A经济收入B良好的公共关系C学校绩效D政治影响 二、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分) 1、广义教育包括____、____、____。(社会教育、家庭教育、学校教育) 2、教育目的规定了把教育者培养成什么样的人,是培养人的______,是对受教育者的一个总的要求。(质量规格标准) 3、影响学生发展的因素___、___、___(家庭,学校,同辈群体) 4、影响教师专业发展的因素______、______、______、______。(社会环境、学校文化、个人经历、自我更新) 5、教学是__________共同组成的双边活动。(教师的教和学生的学) 6、____是教学必须遵循的基本要求。(教学原则) 7、教师的素养包括_________(思想品德修养、知识结构、能力结构) 8、教育评价的功能是多种多样的,但从根本上说是两大功能____和____。(教育功能、管理功能) 9、____是教师专业情意发展成熟的标志。(专业情操) 10、____是制订课程标准的思维起点,也是制订课程标准的核心依据。(课程性质) 三、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) 1、教育:教育是培养人的一种社会活动,它同社会的发展人的发展有着密切联系从广义上说,凡是增进


《为人民服务》导学案 【导学目标】 1.学会4个生字,能正确读写“剥削、兴旺、解救、哀思、李鼎铭、司马 迁、彻底、鸿毛、送葬、乱蓬蓬、炊事员、重于泰山、轻于鸿毛、精兵简政、死得其所”等词语。 2.有感情地朗读并背诵课文,了解演讲稿的特点。 3.理解课文内容,受到革命人生观的启蒙教育。 4.初步掌握围绕主要观点分层论述的表达方法。 【导学重点】 理清文章思路,了解文章是怎样围绕中心论点论述的 【导学难点】 理解一些含义深刻的句子,以及复杂句子之间的关系。 【课前准备】 搜集课文背景资料。了解司马迁、毛泽东。 2.搜集为人民服务的典范。 【预习导航】 一、写作背景我先知:

抗日战争后期的延安正处在热火朝天的大生产运动中。毛泽东的勤务兵张思德为人憨厚朴实,工作任劳任怨,从不计较个人的得失,一心一意为着革命的利益和解放全中国的伟大事业而默默地奉献。为解决中央机关冬季取暖问题,他不幸牺牲。毛主席在他的追悼会上深情地说:“我们的队伍里到处是这样的人,普通、平常、像清凉山上的草一样,我们注意不到他们,往往也听不到他们的声音,可正是这些人支撑了我们的事业。”毛主席的这篇讲演发表时以《为人民服务》为题,这篇文章也成为共产党人行为准则和毛泽东思想的具体体现,在60多年后的今天,重温这段历史和这篇文章仍具有深刻的现实意义。 二、读一读、抄一抄,并听写以下词语,查工具书,理解以下词语意思。 剥削、兴旺、解救、哀思、李鼎铭、司马迁、彻底、鸿毛、送葬、乱蓬蓬、炊事员、重于泰山、轻于鸿毛、精兵简政、死得其所 三、读课文思考:说说课文围绕“为人民服务”讲了哪几方面的意思? 第一课时 一、课文导读


小学英语首字母填空试题(含答案)100 一、小学英语首字母填空 1. Man: Good morning. Can I help you? Boy: Yes, please. I want to b___1__ a walkman. I like listening to m__2____ very much. Man: Oh, I see. Look, this is a n___3___ one, I think. It’s 200 yuan. It’s a Japanese walkman. It’s very good. Boy: Oh, but I’d___4____ like it. Do you have C____5_____ walkmans? Man: Yes, we do. Boy: Can you s___6___ me that walkman? Man: Yes, h___7___ you are. Boy: Well, this walkman looks good. H____8__ m____9____ is it? Man: 100 yuan. Boy: Oh, sorr y. I’m a s___10___ and I don’t have much money. Man: How about this one? Only 50 yuan. Boy: That’s OK. I’ll take it. 1.buy 2.music 3.new 4.don’t 5.Chinese 6.show 7.here 8.How 9.much 10.student 2. In the USA, there are many fast restaurants. Fast food is one kind of take-away f_1____. It is very p__2____. The famous r___3____ are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s. You only give m___4___ to the person in the restaurant and then take the food a___5___ to eat outside, in the park or on the street, at work or in your own h__6___. Of c___7___, you can eat in the restaurant. M___8_ children like to go to KFC and McDonald’s b____9__ they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more A__10___ take-away food restaurants in China. 1. food 2. popular 3. restaurants 4. money 5. away 6. home 7. course 8.Many 9. because 10. American 3. Mr. Smith was walking on the street. A good-looking young woman met him and said, "Good evening". But Mr. Smith couldn't r 1 who she was. He didn't know her. He was much surprised and didn't know w 2 to say. Then the woman knew that she had made a mistake because it was very d 3 . So she said, "Oh,I'm sorry. When I first saw you, I thought you were the father of two of my children. " This time Mr. Smith was m 4 surprised. He looked at her when she walked b 5 . The woman didn't realize(认识到)that Mr. Smith didn't know she was a school teacher. 1.remember 2.what 3.dark 4.more 5.by


徐州职业技术学校德育期末考试试题 (医护班) 一.选择题(每题2分共计30分) 1.商品是用于交换的-----------。 A 劳动产品 B 产品 C 食品 D 现象 2. 商品的价值量与劳动生产率成-----------。 A 反比 B 正比 C 平比 D 比例 3. 商品的两个因素是----------和--------------。 A 价格价值 B 价值价值量 C 使用价值价值 D 价格价值量 4. 商品的使用价值是凝结在商品中的----------的人类劳动。 A 有差别 B 无差别 C 有分别 D 无分别 5. 商品的价值量是指-------------的大小。 A 价值 B 商品价值 C 价值量 D 价格 6. 商品经济的发展阶段,依次顺序是----------------。 A 小商品经济社会主义商品经济资本主义商品经济 B 资本主义商品经济小商品经济社会主义商品经济 C 社会主义商品经济小商品经济资本主义商品经济 D 小商品经济资本主义商品经济社会主义商品经济 7. 社会平均的劳动强度是指--------生产同样数量的产品所消耗的劳动量。 A 少数人的 B 大多数人的 C 同样人数 D 一部分人 8. 最早的货币是----------。 A 纸币 B 铜钱 C 金银 D 布币 9. 货币最初的两个基本职能------------。 A 价值尺度和流通手段 B 贮藏手段和支付手段 C 支付手段和世界货币 D 价值尺度和贮藏手段 10. 通货膨胀是指纸币的发行量超过了流通中所需要的数量,纸币就会----------, 引起物价上涨。 A 贬值 B 涨幅 C 涨值 D 流通 11. --------是人们对自己可支配收入消费方式的指导思想和态度以及对商品价值 追求的取向。 A 价值观 B 消费观 C 人生观 D 理性消费 12. 人们消费观念的变化,依次是------------。 A 理性消费感觉消费感性消费 B 感性消费理性消费感觉消费 C 感觉消费理性消费感性消费 D 理性消费感觉消费感性消费 13. 树立正确消费观应做到------------------。 A 提倡适度消费,反对奢靡浪费 B 物质消费与精神消费协调发展 C 改变落后的生活习惯,提高消费的科学性 D 发扬艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约的优良传统

语文:上册第23课 绿色蝈蝈 导学案(有答案)

23、绿色蝈蝈 学习目标 1、速读课文,能用简洁的语言概述文章内容。 2、能体味文中的美词佳句,并说出其作用。 3、培养学生的阅读能力,激发学生探索科学奥秘的兴趣。 学习过程 前置作业 课前诵读: 《绿色蝈蝈》是法国著名昆虫学家法布尔写的一篇科学观察随笔。文章把绿色蝈蝈放在大自然的环境中介绍,介绍了它的外表特征、生活习性。 预习检测 1、给加点的字注音,根据注音写出汉字。 (1)篝.火()(2)wú桐()(3)shòu猎() (4)喧嚣.()(5)yīn哑()(6)静谧.() (7)cuàn夺()(8)螽.斯()(9)吮.吸() 2、根据下面的意思写出文中的词语。 (1)指动物中弱者被强者吃掉。() (2)看起来或听起来不很清楚;感觉不很明显。() (3)一点儿也不拖拉,干脆果断。() (4)形容非常地慌张,以致一点办法都没有。() 3、本文中运用了很多拟人的修辞手法,请找出两句并分析一下它们的作用。 (1)句子: 作用: (2)句子: 作用: 课堂探究 4、快速阅读课文,画出文中描写蝈蝈外表特征的句子。

5、文中除了介绍蝈蝈的外表特征外,还写了哪方面的内容? 6、你最喜欢文章中哪个段落?为什么? 7、你最喜欢哪些词语或句子?为什么? 8、请同学们灵活运用本文的写作特点(或语言生动,或运用拟人……等)说说自己喜欢的一种小动物。 9、通过学习本文,你学习到了哪些写作方法?有什么感想? 当堂检测 (一)指出下面句子中加点词语运用不当的一项。() A、他正在津津有味 ....地读着一本新近出版的小说 B、遇到意外事情,要镇定,不要惊.慌失措 ...。 C、军军找到了一种很好的方法来解决这个问题,确实起到了事半功倍 ....的效果。 D、绿色的蝈蝈啊,如果你拉的琴再响亮一点儿,那你就是比蝉稍逊一筹 ....的歌手了。(二)课内阅读 (1)在6月份,我捉了不少雌雄的蝈蝈关在我的金属网罩里。…… (2)清晨,我在门前散步,突然旁边的梧桐树上落下了什么东西…… (3)我笼里的囚犯的食物找到了,我用蝉来喂养它们。…… (4)为了变换食物的花样,我还给蝈蝈吃很甜的水果:…… (5)不是在任何地方都能吃到沾糖的蝉肉的,…… (6)这一切都说明蝈蝈喜欢吃昆虫,…… 1、第(1)自然段中划线的句子运用了什么样的表达方式?写的是什么内容?表达了作者怎样的思想感情?


《为人民服务》教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标:1.读懂文章,从而进一步弄清作者的演讲思路。 2.重点句段的理解。 3.朗读课文,背诵课文。 情感目标:培养学生“为人民服务”的意识 能力目标:1.让学生初步感知议论文的写作方法。 2.通过学习,扩展相关知识。 教学重点:1.找出文章的中心论点,弄清主席的演讲思路。 2.概括能力训练,读懂文章,归纳各段内容 教学难点:1.重点段落的理解。 2.理解议论文的写作方法。 教学对象:小学六年级 课前准备:1.搜集与课相关的资料、视频,制作ppt 2.学生提前预习 课时:第2课时 教学流程: 一:引入新课。

同学们,你们看过雄壮的阅兵式吗?看过,有幸,没看过,遗憾。那壮观的场景真让人荡气回肠啊!值得一看。(播放阅兵式片断:同志们辛苦了,为人民服务)。 同学们听见解放军叔叔响亮有力的口号了吗?对!“为人民服务”,这口号从上个世纪走到了今天,它经久不衰、代代相传。这口号也是我们今天课文的题目!那么,这句话是谁提出的呢?是在什么情况下提出的?(毛泽东,张思德追悼会) 二:预习汇报。 (一)张思德是谁?大家预习过课文,查过资料?谁能用一句话说说张思德到底是谁。 (二)1、学生简介张思德生平及他是怎么牺牲的。 2、教师相机补充:张思德同志是一名警卫战士,那么普通,那么平凡,就连他的牺牲也不是什么特别的壮举,而我们的主席却参加他的追悼会并发表了重要讲话,这是多么高的荣誉,这是为什么呢?大家在阅读时可以思考和研究的问题。

3、学生简介毛主席即兴演讲《为人民服务》的由来及目的。 教师相机补充:是的,在长达半个小时的演讲中,毛主席根本没有看稿,条理清晰、字字珠玑、慷慨激昂,而且啊,时不时地还有手势和动作呢! 三:读课文,列提纲。 (一)毛主席没有看稿,是否意味着没作准备呢?(不是,肯定有准备)是的,主席才不打无准备之战,这演讲肯定已深思熟虑。 假如你就是主席,暂时的哦,为了明天演讲成功,围绕“为人民服务”你准备讲哪些内容呢?你会拟一份怎样的发言提纲呢?好吧,读书,拟提纲,要简单! (二)学生通过讨论,完成提纲 1、队伍宗旨:为人民服务 2、死的意义 3、不怕批评 4、互相关爱


M people like to travel by p , because it is fast. But I don’t like it because an airport(机场)is usually far f the city. You have to g there early and wait f hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late. Y ou can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes a fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I l traveling by train. I think trains are safe(安全的). Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are l for a train, you can catch another one .You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You c see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes(花费)a little more t . Water is very important to u . We must d water every day. We c live without water. Water is everywhere aroun d us. A home, w e use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook meals, to make drinks, to c our teeth, to have a bath(洗澡)and so on. A work, people use water to put out fires, to g vegetables, to make things in factories(工厂)and so on. We can s in the sea, too. However, there isn’t m water on the earth(地球). It is very valuable(宝贵的). We must s it. If we waste too much water, one day in the future, the l drop(滴)of water on the planet will be our tears(眼泪). Tom is a little boy, and he is only s years old. One day he w to the cinema. It was the first time for h to do that. He was late. He b a ticket( 票) quickly and ran into the cinema. But after two or three minutes( 分钟) he came out, bought a second ticket and ran into the cinema again. After a f minutes he came out again and bought a t ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and bought another (另一张) ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,”W do you buy so many tickets? How m friends do you meet?” Tom answered, “ No, I h no friends here. But a big boy always stops m at the door and tears ( 撕) my ticket.” Mr. Smith h a nice , blue coat. He l it very much , but his wife d not like it , because it is old .She often says ,”Give it t a poor man .” But Mr. Smith always says,”No, I like this coat .” Then a cigarette (香烟) falls on it and m a hole in it . Mr. Smith t it to a small tailor shop and says to the tailor , “Please make another coat l this one .” The tailor makes the coat very c . Then he lights ( 点燃) a cigarette and makes a hole in it in the s place. One night , a small green c to our planet. He was f another planet . The computer on his body said that there were many trees o our planet. The green visitor looked f water , his computer


2011~2012学年度第一学期11级《德育》期末考试试卷(B卷)与参考答案 班级学号姓名总分 (考试形式:闭卷时间:90 分钟) 一、默写《弟子规》的相关语句。(共10分,每题2分) 1、长者立,______,长者坐,______。 2、______,如事父,______,如事兄。 3、兄道友,______,兄弟睦,______。 4、斗闹场,______,邪僻事,______。 5、______,及时还,______,借不难。 二、看拼音,选择正确的文字。(每小题2分共20分) 1、父母教,须jìng听A、敬B、近() 2、出必告,fǎn必面A、反B、返() 3、事虽小,勿shàn为A、擅B、善() 4、兄道友,弟道gōng A、恭B、公() 5、言语忍,fan自泯A、愤B、忿() 6、冬则温,勿则qìng A、清B、庆() 7、háo泣随,挞无怨A、号B、嚎() 8、骑下马,乘下jūA、驹B、车() 9、路遇长,疾趋yīA、揖B、衣() 10、xi?僻事,绝勿问A、邪B、斜() 三、请给下列各句选择正确的理解。(每小题2分共20分) 1、用人物,须明求。() A、用别人的东西,一定要事先讲清楚。B、用别人的东西,要去求别人。C、用别人的东西,自己明白就好。 2、朝起早,夜眠迟。() A、早上早起,晚上一两点才睡。B、早上早起,晚上早睡。C、早上早起,晚上安顿好父母再睡。 3、路遇长,疾趋揖。() A、路上遇到长辈,慢吞吞的过去打招呼。B、路上遇到长辈,快速向前问好。C、路上遇到长辈,快点跑开。 4、新年快到了,父母要带你去置办新衣,你应该做到() A、衣贵洁,不贵华。上循分,下称家。B、冠必正,纽必结。袜与履,俱紧切。 C、置冠服,有定位。勿乱顿,致污秽。 5、张刚与好朋友李杰因为一句口角,最后大打出手。如果你用《弟子规》中的经文劝说他们化解矛盾,你会用() A、兄弟睦,孝在中。B、言语忍,忿自泯。C、尊长前,声要低。 6、陆绩怀橘对应的时弟子规中哪句话。() A、物虽小,勿私藏。B、事虽小,勿擅为。C、亲所好,力为具。 7、当你的朋友请求与他一同去酒吧时,你应该() A、答应他B、不做声C、拒绝 8、海神妈祖的故事体现了弟子规中的哪句话。() A、称尊长,勿呼名。B、事诸父,如事父。C、尊长前,声要低。 9、事诸兄,如事兄。() A、对待各位朋友,好像对待哥哥一样。B、在别人的兄长手下做事,就如同在自己的兄长手下做事一样。C、对待堂兄表兄和他人的兄长时,也应像对待自己的兄长一样。 10、德有伤,贻亲羞。() A、品德上有缺欠,会让自己感到羞愧。B、父母的品德上有缺欠,会感到羞愧。 C、在德行上有缺欠,就会使父母感到羞愧。 四、将下列《弟子规》中的语句翻译成现代文。(共25分,每题5分) 1、或饮食,或坐走,长者先,幼者后。 2、兄道友,弟道恭,兄弟睦,孝在中。 3、置冠服,有定位,勿乱顿,致污秽。 4、身有伤,贻亲忧,德有伤,贻亲羞。


23 绿色蝈蝈 【学习目标】 1.通过课文学习,了解作者从哪些方面描写蝈蝈这种昆虫。 2.学会筛选信息,体味文章生动活泼的语言,感受法布尔的情怀 3.养成对大自然的热爱之情。 【学习重点】:学会快速阅读课文帅选信息并概括文章内容。 【学习难点】:学习作者妙趣横生、生动活泼的笔法,了解作者对生命的尊重与热爱。 【学法指导】 1.先朗读课文,解决生字词读音。 2.精读一遍教材《绿色蝈蝈》内容,用红色笔进行勾画出你认为精彩的词句; 3.再针对预习案二次阅读教材并回答问题,有疑问的用红笔标出; 【知识链接】 1.走近作者 法布尔,法国著名昆虫学家。1823年12月22日,出生于法国南部阿韦龙省圣雪翁村一户农民家中。四岁左右,因家庭贫困被送到祖母家生活,从此迷上了大自然中的花草虫鱼。七岁回到父母身边开始上学。求学期间,法布尔家为生计所迫,几度迁居,少年法布尔也不得不出门做工谋生,致使中学无法正常读下来。他靠自学考取了沃克吕兹省阿维尼翁市的师范学校,毕业后做了二十几年的中学教师。他一面做教师一面利用业余时间做动植物观察记录。31岁时凭两篇优秀论文获得博士学位。1875年开始写作《昆虫的故事》第一卷,到1910年,他年过86岁时,第十卷问世。2.了解《昆虫的故事》 本文选自《昆虫的故事》。是一部严谨的科学著作,但不故作深刻。他并不局限于仅仅真实记录下昆虫的生活,而是以人性观对照虫性,并以虫性反映社会人性。更重要的是整部作品充满了对生命的关爱之情,充满了对自然万物的赞美之情,使这部描写微小的昆虫的书成为人类获得知识、趣味、美感和思想的鸿篇巨著。 第一课时 【学习目标】 1.通过课文学习,了解作者从哪些方面描写蝈蝈这种昆虫。 2.学会筛选信息,体味文章生动活泼的语言,感受法布尔的情怀。 一【自主学习】 1.①写出加点字的拼音:(金牌学案71页自主学习二)


12. 为人民服务(教师用) 【学习目标】 1、了解演讲词的一般特点。 2、培养逻辑思维和概括文章主要内容的能力。 3、树立正确的人生观,努力做到全心全意为人民服务。 4、有感情地朗读课文,背诵第二段及自己喜欢的其它段落。 【学习重点】 理解课文中含义深刻的语句。 【学习难点】 了解课文中论述的各个层次与全心全意为人民服务这个中心思想之间的关系。 【知识链接】 1、“为人民服务”(中南海新华门,党中央国务院办公所在地的正门。) 2、“三个代表”: ①始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求。 ②始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向。 ③始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。 “三个代表”的主要目的就是最广大人民的根本利益,核心内容就是为人民服务。 3、背景知识和张思德的主要事迹。 抗日战争期间,中国共产党领导下的八路军、新四军在对敌作战不断取得胜利的同时,各解放区都开展了大生产运动,对支援战争、减轻群众负担、巩固和扩大解放区起到了巨大的作用。八路军战士张思德(属中共中央警卫团)在陕北安塞县山中烧炭,1944年9月5日因炭窑崩塌而牺牲。9月8日中共中央直属机关为悼念张思德同志召开大会,毛泽东同志在追悼会上发表了著名的讲演《为人民服务》。当时,抗日战争正处在十分艰苦的阶段,有许多困难需要克服。毛泽东主席针对这一情况,讲述为人民服务的道理,号召大家学习张思德同志完全、彻底地为人民服务的精神,团结起来,打败日本侵略者,争取抗战的最后胜利。 4、常见论证方法及作用。 ①举例论证:通过举具体的事例加以论证,从而使论证更具体、更有说服力。答题格式:使用了举例论证的论证方法,举……(概括事例)证明了……(如果有分论点,则写出它证明的分论点,否则写中心论点),从而使论证更具体理会有说服力。 ②道理论证:通过讲道理的方式证明论点,使论证更概括更深入。答题格式:使用了


A The population of the Earth is growing faster. It is i 1 that we look after the Earth because we need it! The Earth g 2 us a lot of things. We also give the Earth a lot, but some of the things are not g 3 In nature, when something dies, other animals and plants get food f 4 it. Every animal or plant gives food for other animals or plants. H 5 , animals can?t get food from many of the things that we …give? the Earth. Animals and plants can?t e 6 metal, plastic and glass. These things will stay in the ground for many, many years. Some rubbish is very d 7 for plants and animals. In some places, many animals live t 8 . One animal makes food for many more animals. If we put rubbish and chemicals in the water, the plankton(浮游生物) can d 9 . If there isn?t any plankton, many animals have nothing to eat. So what can we do? Don?t l10 any rubbish in the countryside! Don?t make so much rubbish! B Of all the things we eat and drink,water is the m 1 important. The human body can go w 2 food for a long time,but two o 3 three days without water could make people d 4 . A lot of people don?t understand how m 5 water the human body needs t 6 work well and many people don?t drink enough,especially in h 7 weather. Most people drink w 8 they are thirsty but in fact they need more water,especially when they take e 9 . A man?s body is 65 to 75 percent of w 10 . If we don?t have enough water, we fell tired and may become ill. C Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious p 1 in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was s 2 . , most of my classmates did not like to be w 3 him because his hands and shirts were always d 4 . I tried to let him know the importance of being c 5 by 39 him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand. One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc.w 6 saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West w 7 his hands and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. .Finally , Marc u 8 Miss West?s love has given me a good example to follow when I am doing my job. I always remember to teach my students by s 9 them the right w 10 to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up. D April 27 is a special day in Britain. It?s c 1 Take Our Daughters to Work Day. On that day thousands of girls have a day __2__ and go with one of their parents to their work places. By doing this, it can teach girls more about the society(社会) w 3 they live. Now the girls can have a c4 look at what their parents are doing. This may help them


11(1)《德育》期末考试试卷A 班别 1111 姓名学号成绩 一、名词解释(每题3分,共6分) 1、诚信 2、依法治国 二、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、现代职业发展的趋势有、、、。 2、、、的职业素养是在职业学校学习的三大目标。 3、社会公德的基本要求是、、、和 。 4、人际交往的四个原则是、、、。 5、所谓自制力,是指个体能够完全、地控制自己的情绪,约束自己的、的品质。 三、单选题(每小题2分,共20分,答案填写在表格内) 1、科学技术是生产力,( )也是生产力,而且是推动社会进步和经济发展的重要因素。 A、操作技能 B、知识 C、创造发明 D、理论创新 2、学会主动适应不包括()。 A、认清环境的变化 B、一切由父母安排 C、既来之,则安之 D、增强自理能力3、作为学生,诚实守信体现在()。 A、以严谨的态度对待生活 B、不弄虚作假 C、同学朋友的要求都能满足 D、不说大话 4、对“小偷小摸”这种行为理解不正确的是()。 A、无所谓,又不是什么犯罪行为 B、是一种严重违反社会道德规范的行为 C、如果成为习惯,就会构成人格上的缺陷 D、极易引发青少年犯罪行为 5、一个人只有从内心深处真正认同、信任和信仰法律,才会自觉()法律的权威。 A、遵守 B、维护 C、敬畏 D、服从 6、下列不利于展现自身魅力的心理品质是()。 A、真诚守信 B、稳重宽厚 C、唯我独尊 D、机智幽默 7、“凡事预则立,不预则废”,是说做事情首先要有()。 A、预测 B、计划 C、目的 D、创造 8、每个公民都要以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,这是因为爱国主义是()。 ①民族精神的核心②推动我国社会历史前进的巨大力量③各族人民共同的精神支柱④激励全国人民团结奋斗的光辉旗帜 A、①② B、①②③④ C、①②③ D、②③④ 9、法国作家巴尔扎克说过:“苦难对于天才是一块垫脚石,对于能干的人是一笔财富,对于弱者是一个万丈深渊。”这句话的寓意是()。 A、经得起考验的人能从中得到锻炼 B、每个人都要经历挫折 C、挫折越多越好 D、挫折使人们事业成功 10、()是公民道德宣传日。 A、9月20日 B、9月25日 C、8月20日 D、8月25日


《绿色蝈蝈》导学案 【教学目标】 1.引导学生概括内容,体会文章生动传神的语言。 2.丰富学生的自然科学知识,激发学生的求知欲望。 ●作者简介 法布尔(1823-1915)法国著名昆虫学家、文学家,出身于农民家庭,从小生活比较贫困,靠业余自学,花了12年时间,先后取得双学士和博士学位,在中学教书20多年,同时业余时间对昆虫及植物进行了深入细致的考察和研究,发表过非常出色的论文,并将大量亲身观察所得写成了《昆虫记》,得到达尔文的肯定和帝国教育部的奖励。 著名的昆虫学家法布尔的《昆虫记》先后被翻译成50多种文字,直到一百年后的今天,还一次又一次引起轰动,这更是奇迹中的奇迹。为了更深刻地认识了解奇迹的创造者,我们在课外要阅读他的著作。 ●课文背景 作者写《昆虫记》并不局限于真实记录昆虫的生活,而是以人生观照虫性来反映社会人生,更重要的是整部作品充满了对生命的关爱之情和对自然万物的赞美之情,这部书从而成为人类获取知识、趣味、美感和思想的鸿篇巨制。 ●课文文体认识 本文是一篇有趣的自然科学小品文,同时也是一篇优美的散文,学习这篇文章,不仅要了解绿色蝈蝈的一些习性,学会概括文章要点,理清说明的顺序,并学会观察,用流畅的语言描写观察所得。 ●课文主旨概括 作者用生动形象的语言说明了绿色蝈蝈的声音和食物及习性,告诉人们要拥有一颗对生命的尊重和热爱之心。 【预习】 1、抄写课文后面读一读、写一写中的词语。本课词语较多,请计算你抄写用时。 2、给下列字注音、解词。 注音:狩.猎喑.哑静谧.篡.夺窸窣 ..篝.火 解释:喧嚣:弱肉强食: 惊慌失措:静谧: 喑哑:

3、绿色蝈蝈外表有哪些特征? 作者主要写了绿色蝈蝈的哪些习性? (用简洁的语言概括) 习性写了蝈蝈的和。 4、如果你喜欢绘画,请在下面画一只蝈蝈。简笔画也可以,卡通蝈蝈也不错哦。 【课堂学习】 1、课文在写蝈蝈之前先写了什么?为什么要这样写来引出蝈蝈这个说明对象呢? 2、说说蝈蝈的外部特征。 3、作者描写了蝈蝈的哪些生活习性?重点写了哪方面? 4、蝈蝈喜欢吃蝉的腹部,作者是如何研究这一问题的?对你有什么启发? 【课后作业】 检测题 1、判断下列说法的正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)以说明为主要表达方式,来解说事物的形状、性质、功用的文章叫说明文。( ) (2)《绿色蝈蝈》采用平实性的语言,为我们介绍了蝈蝈的特征和生活习性。( ) (3)蝈蝈和螳螂一样,都存在着同类相食的现象。() (4)《绿色蝈蝈》是英国著名昆虫学家法布尔写的一篇科学观察随笔。( ) 2、你最喜欢文章中哪个段落?为什么? 你最喜欢哪个词语或哪个句子?为什么? 3、课外阅读《昆虫记》,做读书笔记。
