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1、The old man and the sea

Ernest Hemingway Modernism Period Style: short, compact, direct prose and of dialogue world view: bold, forthright and rugged

individualism of the American spirit in action.

2、A Rose for Emily

Willianm Faulkner Modernism Period

Style: use diffcult words ,his sentences are long,the sentence structure complicated Narrator: first person, who is one of visitors for taxes

Feeling toward Emily: she is a victim of love,but her extreme behavior is horror. Timetable

Emily was a pure, weak and slim girl under the protection of her father

Father died, she seldom went out and sick for a long time

Homer came to her life. The two fell in love two female cousin visited her

She ordered a man’s toilet set in silver, bought a complete outfit of man’s clothing. He left.

She bought some poison. He came back , then disappeared again.

The aldermen’s visit. Colonel Sartoris’s decision to remit her tax

She gave lessons in china-painting

Colonel Sartoris died and Delegation of tax went to her house

Emily died and her funeral


James Joyce Modernism Period Style:his complex stream-of-consciousness writing style

4、Is He Living or Is He Dead

Mark Twain ( Samue Langorne Clemens) Realistic Period Style:humourous,oral colloquial,ironic.

Humourous : we should like him to die in ten days if he could get ready.

5、Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte Realistic Period

Style: use First person narrative, symbolism and effective images to convey the story. Character: strong, brave,wisdom, persuit equal.

6、A Tale of Two cities Charles Dickens Realistic Period

Style: use houses to symbolize the people who inhabit them. He utilizes vivd description, similes, metaphors, personification, and imagery to capture the essence of the character's personality and traits.

背诵It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

7、Pride and Prejdice

Jane Austen Romantic Period

Style:elegant and satirical,a mix of neoclassicism and romanticism

Charles Dickens

四大喜剧A Midsummer Night’s dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人As you like it 皆大欢喜Twelfth Night 第十二夜

四大悲剧Hamlet 哈姆雷特Dthello 奥赛罗King Lear 李尔王Macheth 麦克白

the story of promethens 普罗米修斯的火种谕旨灵感


the pillars of hercules 天涯海角herculean task 艰巨任务

mark herculean efforts 形容极尽最大努力heculeans' choice 抛弃安乐选择劳苦pandora's box潘多拉的盒子灾难之源潘多拉的女儿pyrrha皮拉和普罗米修斯的儿子丢卡里翁让石头创造的人类

juno高贵雍容的女人(hera赫拉)junoesque像朱诺般高贵优雅的junonian bird /peacock孔雀

Apollo 阿波罗(美男子)daphne达芙涅as shy as daphne(羞羞答答)

laurels月桂树(荣誉)poet laureate(桂冠诗人)

look to one's laurels确保名胜地位win one's laurels赢得荣誉

rest/sit/sit back on one's laurels(安于小成不求上进)


the golden fleece金羊毛(光亮美丽的头发) jason伊阿宋(负心男)to be a jason(负心薄幸)

让位条件he should hold it only dring the minority of Jason

Oedipus Complex 俄狄浦斯(恋母情结儿子对母亲无意识的眷恋,一种由恋母情结儿子对父亲无意识的嫉恨)

an apple of discords (不和的苹果不和之源)


The wooden horse of Troy (特洛伊木马从内部搞破坏的人或事或者为攻破敌人防线而隐藏其实力的事物)

a greek gift 带有阴险的目的

boldly 大胆地显眼地reed芦苇eggle 鹰potent sorceress法术高超的女巫Homer somrtinmes nodes 智者千虑必有一失

tendon危险区域nuptials 婚礼wedding ceremony tiller种地的人tresses 女人的长发

阿基里斯如何被射中Pairs discharged at him a poisoned arrow,which,guided by Apollo,wounded Achilles in the heel,the only vulnerable part about him.

ram 一个成年的公羊grew indifferent冷漠consecrated grove 小树林soothed 使平静。elope私奔entreat(beg sb seriously)乞求


The Holy Bible(圣经):前七个出于创世纪(Genesis),Samson出于士师记(Judge)。Sabbath 安息日

Sabbath was made for man ,not man for Sabbath.安息日是为人而设。喻不该死搬教条不能本末倒置

paradise 在新约中伊甸园的代称意为乐土、天国Garden of Eden 伊甸园。比


Fig leaves 无花果的叶子比喻遮羞布Adam and Eve 亚当和夏娃(寓)人类始祖Adam’s profession亚当的职业比喻园艺Curse of Adam 亚当遭诅咒比喻为生活奔波Serpent 蟒蛇诡计多端狡猾的Forbidden fruit禁果比喻因被禁而更想要得到的东西

By the sweat of one’s brow /in the sweat of one’s face 眉毛流汗比喻用血汗挣来凭勤劳谋生

Original sin 原罪指人类生而具有的作恶倾向

For dust you are, and to dust you shall return本是尘土仍要归于尘土比喻死亡逝世,归于自然

Return to dust 归于尘土比喻逝世死亡

Cain 该隐比喻骨肉相残谋杀者

Raise cain 惹恼该隐比喻大吵大闹

Have regard for 器重

Noah’s Ark 诺亚方舟比喻避难所藏身之处



Olive leaves and dove橄榄枝和鸽子比喻和平、和解

The tower of babel 巴别塔比喻混乱也比喻空想和空中楼阁

A perfect bable 不可收拾的混乱局面

A bable of sounds比喻令人头疼的喧哗和吵闹

A bable of controversy一阵乱哄哄的争吵

The depravity of Sodom 索多玛的罪恶

Sodom and Gomorrah 索多玛和蛾摩拉比喻罪恶之城

Curious as Lot’s wife如罗得妻子一样好奇比喻过分好奇

Lot entertains two angle 罗得接待两天使比喻款待贵宾

Apple of Sodom 索多玛的苹果比喻华而不实金玉其外败絮其中

Samson and Delilah 参孙(比喻大力士)和大利拉(比喻不忠的女人)Samson’s hair 参孙的头发比喻神力之源

Samson’s riddle by his wife is made known 参孙的妻子泄露谜底比喻埋下不和的种子

Delilah overcomes Samson 大利拉制服参孙比喻美人计以柔克刚

The LORD created heaven

The LORD created earth and seas

The LORD created lights to separate the day from night.

The LORD created living creatures in the waters and birds flying above the earth. The LORD created living creatures on the earth The LORD created man



宙斯:(罗马又称朱庇特Jupiter)Zeus 赫拉:(罗马又称朱诺Juno)Hera



阿忒弥斯:(罗马又称狄安娜Diana)Artemis ,月神,三处女神之一,又是狩猎之神、妇女之神,



阿瑞斯:(罗马又称玛尔斯Mars)Ares ,战神。阿瑞斯Ares,相对应于罗马神话的玛尔斯Mars 战神维纳斯的情人,宙斯和赫拉之子。





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