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Unit l, Lesson A
Track 3-1-1
A Paula is ask:ing Leticia for help. What does she ask Leticia to do? Check the task..
Leticia: Hello?
Paula: IIi, Leticia. It's Paula.
Leticia: Hi, Paula. How are you'l Have you finished packing yet?
Paula: Almost.
Leticia: You must be excited. When's your flight?
Paula: Tomorrow. At 9 a.m. Listen, Leticia, I need your help.
Leticia: OK. What's up'l
Paula: W, ell, as you know, I'm going on vacation for two weeks. Do you think you could water my plants
while I'm away?
Leticia: Sure. No problem.
Paula: Great. They need water twice a week. There's one plant in the bedroom and one in the kitchen.
I.eticia: OK-- say, how about your dog? Should I feed her, too?
Paula: No, that's OK. J'm putting her in a kennel.
Leticia: All right, then, I'll water your plants---and---oh, how about the mail? Should I pick it up for you?
Paula: Actually, I've already asked the mailman to stop mail delivery. Thanks for asking, though.
Leticia: Well, have a great tripr
Paula: Thanks, Leticia. I really appreciate your help.
Leticia: My pleasure. Wait a second. I don t have any keys to your place.
Paula: ()h, that's right. Will you be home around 8 tonight'l
Leticia: Yeah, I think so.
Paula: OK, I'Il drop by-- I'II give you the keys then.
Leticia: OK! See you tonight. Bye!
Paula: Bye! Thanks again!
Track 3-1-2
B. I,isten again. Write P for Paula or I. for I,eticia.
Track 3-1-3
B. h4ina and Esther are preparing to leave on a trip. Listen to their conversation. W, hat is the problem?
Esther: We have to leave in thirty minutes. Have you finished packing?
Mina: Yes, I have --
Esther: You look worried. What's wrong?
Mina: I can't remember u here I put my passport.
Esther: ()h, no!
Mina: It's here somex\ here.
Esther: When did you last have it?
Mina: About ten minutes ago. Let me think-- Oh, there it is. I put it on the dresser.
Esther: What a relief!
Track 3-1-4
C. Lisr,en to two people talking about their traveling experiences. Pay att,ention to the expressions they
1. The funniest story of my traveling experience was when I came to the U.S. for the first time by myself.
They lost my luggage and I didn't speak a word of English.l had to use my hands to explain myself. People
understood what I meant and they helped me out.
2.1 have a lot of funny experiences on the airline as a flight attendant. But one of the funniest I could recall
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新世纪人学 f :英语视听说教程 3 WI )J原义
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was----there was this passenger who had a toupee and one of m}'f flight. att.endants was serving---l
think---she was serving food---and she had this trayf. And suddenly turbulence happened, and she lost
her balance---and her hand landed on the gu} 's head, who had a toupee. When she caught her balance
again, th

e toupee kind of shifted, so his sideburns were on his forehead. And I had to control m}r
laughter because you're not allowed to laugh--
Track 3-1-5
A. Look at the title of the listening passage. What do you think the speaker is going to talk about'l Check
your answer. Then listen to the passage to see if you were right.
Travel Today
Going solo is the way to gof
By D. Toor
How do you usually travel? Do you go with a close friend or a group of friends? Do you join a tour group?
Do you travel with your family?
IIave you ever imagined "going solo"? In the mid 1990s, it was estimated that 9 million Americans
were planning a summer vacation alone. Since then, the number of solo travelers has increased.
You may think that traveling alone would be scary or boring. Well, according to people who do it, that's
not exactl}: true. Solo travelers often have positive experiences: they make new friends, get to know
themselves better, and can make their own schedules.
There are many different things }-ou can do on a vacation alone. Some solo travelers use the time to
learn or practice a sport such as golf, mountain climbing, or scuba diving. Others go and stay on a ranch
and learn how r.o ride a horse. You can prer,end to be a cowboy or a cowgirl for a day!
You may not believe this, but some travelers like to study on their vacation. They even go to "vacation
college" at a university or join a research team as a volunteer worker. It's hard bLit satisfying work. You
can "play scientist" for a week or two while you help someone with their project.
For solo travelers of different ages and genders, there are many travel options, There are tours for
women only and for people over the age of 60. And, of course, there are trips for singles who are looking
for romance. ()ne company offers trips that focus on fine dining----there is time for sightseeing during
the day and for sharing a delicious meal with new friends at night.
The nexr. tie you take a trip some\\ here, xx hy don't you consider going solo?
Bon voyage!
Track 3-1-6
B. I.isten again. What topics does the speaker mention about solo travel?
Unit l, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Dave: Before going on a trip I pay the bills, I empty the trash, and I give a house key to a friend.
Alejandra: Before I leave on a trip, I have to confirm travel plans and make sure that I have requested
a vegetarian meal.
Thallus: Before leaving for a long trip, I turn off the lights, I tLirn off m} heater, I gix-e my keys to my
roornmate, and I water my plant.
The funniest story of m}'r traveling experience was w hen I came to the U.S. for the first time
by myself. They lost my luggage and I didn't speak a word of English. I had to use my hands
to explain myself. People understood xvhat I meant and they helped me out.
My recent trip to Africa wa

s one of the most amazing trips of my life, This was my second
trip to Tanzania, Africa. We visited a lot of villages, some very remote that we had to travel
b} helicopter. In Tanzania, it's very different from America so there are no maps. So, even
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traveling in a helicopter, we didn't really know where xve were going to go. We didn't really
know the xillage names, so we just kind of had no destination and we got in the helicopter and
just flew around. And if we saw some animals or some rooftops of hut houses, we said, "Let's
go there" and we just kind of landed.
I have a lot of funny experiences on the airline as a flight attendant. But one of the funniest
I could recall xvas, there was this passenger xvho had a toupee and one of my flight attendants
was serving---l think---she was serving food---and she had this tray. And suddenly turbulence
happened, and she lost her balance---and her hand landed on the guy's head,who had a
toupee. When she caught her balance again, the toupee kind of shifted, so his sideburns were
on his forehead. And I had to control my laughter because you're not allowed to laugh--
City Living
Mexico----here we come!
Sun-hee: This is going to be a great trip! I've never been to Mexico, have you?
Mike: No, I haven't. IIave you finished everything?
Tara: Oh my gosh! Where's my bagfl
Sun-hee: (to tara) It s in the closet. (into phone) Of course! I'm the only one who's organized around
here. I ran errands all day and I'm ready---exhausted---but ready.
Mike: What did you have to do?
Sun-hee: (holds up ticket) Well, first I had to confirm my flight--
Claudia: My ticket! Where's my ticket? Have you seen it?
Sun-hee: (to Claudia) I saw it in the bathroom.
Claudia: The bathroom? Are you sure? So strange ... (holds up her ticket) Oh, you're right. Got it!
Sun-hee: (holds up traveler's checks)-- then I had to get traveler's checks--
Tara: Oh! My money! I've lost my wallet! (Sun-hee hands Tara her wallet) Whexv!
Sun-hee: (into phone)-- then I had to pay the electricity and phone bills, (to Tara) because someone
forgot-- (into phone) and then I had to change my voice mail message.
Claudia: My cell phone! I don t remember where I put my cell phone!
Sun-hee: (to Claudia) It's in the kitchen.
Claudia: (to self) The kitchen-- it's in the kitchen-- (holds up cell phone) Ta-dah!
Sun-hee: (into phone) These two----they're never prepared! What would they do without me?
Mike: Ilow true-- Iley, don't forget to unplug your TV and electrical stuff before you go.
Sun-hee: (holds up plug) Done.
Tara: Sun-hee! We're late! It's time to go!
Sun-hee: OK! Iley mike, I have to go. We're leaving for the airport.
Sun-hee, Tara and Claudia: Bye, :VIike!
Mike: Cool! Have a great trip girls! Bye.
Sun-hee: OK! Does everybody

have everything? Tickets?
Tara and Claudia: Yep.
Sun-hee: Bags'l
Tara and Claudia: Yep.
Sun-hee: Coats?
Tara and Claudia: Yep.
Sun-hee: Everything.
Tara and Claudia: Yep. Let's go!
Sun-hee: OK. Mexico----here we comef (all exit)
Tara and Claudia: (Sun-hee re-enters to get her ticket and traveler's checks) Now-- Mexico----here
we come!
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Unit 2, Lesson A
Track 3-2-1
A. Carson and Jenna are looking for a vacation rental home. Listen Circle the one they choose.
Jenna: OK, I think we have two choices. The first place is a little house. It's located in a fruit orchard.
Carson: Really?
Jenna: Yeah. And you can eat as much fruit as you want.. When it's in season, of course. Oh---but wait.
It sa}rs there's no air conditioner.
That's OK. It's on the rainy side of the island. It's cooler there. We can use a fan.
You're probably right-- Say. It looks pretty basic. No washing machine or dryer-- not even a
Oh no! What are we going to do without a TV?
That's terrible!
Jenna: Very funny. I'm just letting you know about the place.
Carson: I know. What's our second choice?
Jenna: It's on the opposite side----the sunny side----of the island. Very fancy place with a big
swimming pool. It s onl}: three blocks from the ocean.
Carson: Who needs a swimming pool? I mean, it's only three blocks.
Jenna: I see your point. VVell, the pool area also has barbecue grills, beautiful gardens'-
Carson: You like the second place better. I can tell.
.Jenna: Well, it does have everything. Washing machine, dryer, TV, VCR, frying pan'*'
Carson: All we need is a toothbrush and a swimsuit-- Let's go with the second choice.
Jenna: OK. I'II call them right now and reserve it. I can t wait to go!
Track 3-2-2
B. Listen again. Write l if the sentence describes the first place. Write 2 if it describes the second place.
Track 3-2-3
C. Andy is thinking about buying a house. Marcus is showing him the house. Listen and underline the words
used to describe the house.
Marcus: This is the living room.
Andy: lt s nice and roomy.
Marcus: Yes. There's a lot of room. It's a two-bedroom house. One bedroom is upstairs.
Andy: I see. What s that building?
Marcus: That's a shed. It's used for storing tools.
Andy: (Jreat. I like to garden. I need a place for my tools.
Marcus: That's good. Shall we go outside and look at the backyard?
Andy: OK!
Track 3-2-4
D. Listen to two people describing their dream home. Pay attention to the expressions used for
describing a house.
1. I want my dream house to be by a lake with a big yard. I want to have three bedrooms, and a big lix ing
room"' family room"' kitchen area so I can have parties and ex-eryone can be together.
2. If I could have anything in my dream house I would like to have a high-tech stove.
Track 3-

B. Listen to the passage "Creating spaces." Then read these statements about Fredrick Law Olmsted and
his projects. Write T for true or F for false.
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Creating spaces
Jin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in Califomia. She studies hard, "Of course, I came here
for the academics, she says. "But it doesn't hurt that the campus is so beautiful. I walk arormd sometimes
just to relax."
Alejandro Vega, a banker in Nevr York City jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. "I
never get bored. The park is so big. I can alu-ays find a different path with a new view."
Niagara I;alls was on Ross Howard's list of places to visit in upstate New York. "The footpaths allow
you to get a wonderful viexv. You can even feel the spray from the falls on your fac.e."
What do these three places-- - - Stanford University, Central Park, and Ixiagara Falls Sr.ate Park- - --all
have in common? They were all landscaped by Frederic:k Law Olmsted. Olmsted (1822-1903) has been
called the "father of landscape architecture,"
In the 1800s, more and more people were moving to the cities. Some communitv leaders became
worried about the quality of life. They began a beautification campaign.
In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in Neu York City. Olmsted and his partner, Cavert
Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product---- the first landscaped public park in the
United States. Today, no trip to Nexv York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.
Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, including Stanford University. In
the late 1860s, he joined the "Free Niagara" movement. VIembers of the movement wanted to preserve
the beauty of Niagara I;alls. Despite opposition and pressures from bLisiness to industrialize the area,
Olmsted and others resisted. Olmsted designed footpaths to gix-e visitors better views of the falls. In all
his work, Olmsted preferred to preserve the natural beauty of an area.
Today, there are pressures again to develop Niagara. On Goat Island, an island in Niagara Falls State
Park, there are now souvenir shops. There may be signs that sax. "I\o Littering," but there is still a lot of
trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Frederick J.aw Olmsted say to all
Track 3-2-6
C, Listen again. Find words in the passage that are related in form to the ones below.
Unit2, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Vly dream home
Jennifer: Iwant my dream house to be by a lake with a big yard. Iwant to have three bedrooms, and a big
living room---family room---kitchen area so I can have parties and everyone can be together.
Calum: I'd like to have a big swimming pool and a large garden so I could eat outside.
Dennis: If I could have anything in rny dream house I would like to have a high-tech stove.
VIartin: Of

course a 52-inch plasma TV vould be nice.
Alejandra: I woulcl love to have a veranda---a wide veranda---where I can sit during the evenings and
read books and xxratch the sun set.
V. Iartin
At my work I'm not allowed to smoke. Anyone who smokes needs to go outside.
I work for the phone company and we're not allowed to give out personal information about
our customers.
Jennifer: We are not allowed to use our cell phones and we can't eat at our desks.
Dennis: In my house you can't smoke. And-- um"' as much as possible. You have to take your shoes
off at the door.
I'm not allowed to make noise at night w hen my roommates are sleeping.
Well, there are actually too many rules in my dormitor}- , so I'm not allowed to do a lot of things.
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For instance, I'm not allowed to play music that's too loud so that it might disturb other people.
I'm not allo\\ ed to smoke inside. I'm not alloxNed to have alcohol in the rooms"'
City Living
Imaginary Beach
Takeshi: I can't believe how hot it is out there. Why didn't we go to Hawaii with everyone else?
Vlike: Because we didn't have the money.
Takeshi: Well, why didn t we get an air conditioner'l
V. Iike: Hello? Same reason. And quit complaining! We'x e got air conditioning.
Takeshi: VIike, that's a box\l of ice and a fan.
Vlike: Takeshi, you've got to be more like me and use >rour imagination, then you too can have a beach
vacation. See'l (pulls down window shade with beach poster) Check our that gorgeous view.
Takeshi: Right, but not exactl} "realistic."
V. Iike: OK, come over here. Close your eyes. Feel that cool, ocean breeze.
Takeshi: \/Iike, that's the fridge.
VIike: Come on! I said, "lJse }-OLir imagination!" Now close }rour e}-es. Listen to the sound of the
seagulls-- (makes sound like a seagull) hear the children laughing-- (makes sound like children
laughing) Why, I think I can even smell a barbeque--(waves a package of hot dogs)
Takeshi: Raxv hot dogs?
Vlike: Don't worry. I'm going to cook them up on that grill over there.
Takeshi: VIike, you know you're not allowed to use a grill inside an apartment, right?
V. Iike: OK. I'II use the microwave r,hen.
Takeshi: A beach, with a microwave. Sure, Mike.
VIike: That's the beauty of "Imaginary Beach." We'x-e got a microwave oven, we'xe got a TV with a
remote control. Who could ask for anything more?
Takeshi: What about water? That's the main reason people go to the beach. What are you going to use
V. Iike:
for that? The bathtub?
Ivo. that'd be silly. Here we go! (turns on CD player) Feel the ocean mist-- (sprays water on
:VIike, that's for spraying plants, not me!
You know, the sound of the waves

, the ocean mist-- makes me want to surf.
Yeah, surf. (starts to fold up ironing board)
:VIike, no. you can t stand on that, you'II break it!
I\o, I vvon't. (stands on ironing board and pretends to surf) Look at me, dude---- I'm "hangin'
Yeah, cool. (takes cap off water bottle) Hey, "dude"! Watch out for that wave! (throws water in
Mike's face) Huh, I'm getting the hang of this "imagination" thing.
Very funny, very funny indeed! (chases Takeshi)
Unit 3, Lesson A
Track 3-3-1
A. Listen to Ellie and Lee's conversation. Circle the correct answers
Lee: Hi, Ellie.
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Ellie: Hi, Lee. How are you?
Lee: Good. Iley there. Brandon. Ile's so cute. And you're such a good mother.
Ellie: Thanks. Everyone says. "It's not alway-s easy with your first child." You knox\ , I agree with them.
I.ee: How old is he now?
Ellie: He just turned two a month ago.
Lee: Oh, no"' The "terrible twos." Right?
Ellie: Yep. It s so exhausting-- for both of us!
I.ee: Does he throw things around? And cry a lot more?
Ellie: Yes, exactly. Sometimes he hits me. I don't know. He was so well-behaved before.
Lee: It happens to most babies. They turn two and their personality changes.
Ellie: It sounds like you have some experience with "the terrible twos."
Lee: I certainly do. My children are five and eleven now. but I still remember when they were }-oung.
Ellie: What can I do?
Lee: Well, remember that it will pass"' it won't last forever. Try to be patient.
Track 3-3-2
B. I.isten again. Circle T for true or F for false.
Track 3-3-3
B. Listen to Peter and Sam's conversation. Underling Peter's plans.
Sam: What are you doing?
Peter: I'm applying for a driver's license.
Sam: Congratulations! What are you planning to do xvhen you get it?
Peter: Well, first, I'm going to take a trip.
Sam: Really'l Where'l
Peter: I'm going to visit my cousins in England.
Sam: Sounds like fun!
Peter: Yeah, and I'm planning to rent a car so I can get around.
Sam: That sounds great. Just be careful. They drive on the opposite side of the road there.
Track 3-3-4
E. Liscen to one person talking about his childhood and another talking about his future plans. Pay
attention to the expressions they use.
1. When I was a child my family and I moved to a new town where I had to make new friends and
assimilate to a new environment.
2. I plan to retire in my old age, like about 70, maybe somewhere in Europe. But before chat-- like as
early as maybe about 50 years old, I'd like to pur up my own restaurant and-- um"' see how that goes.
Track 3-3-5
B. T,isten to the passage "Coping with life's stressors." Then compare the information in the passage with
your answers in A.
Coping with life's stressors
by Dr. Judy Palmer
Let's face it: Life is stressful. Stressful events in ou

r lives are called "stressors." Some of them are nunor,
such as uncomfortable air conditioning or a loudly ringing telephone. Others are more serious. Such as the
death of a spouse. That event tops the list as life's most stressful event.
You might be surprised to learn about the top 20 life stressors. Getting a divorce, for example, is
number 2 0n the list. Ancl not all stressors are unhappy events. Pregnancy is a happy time for most
families. It may also cause stress. Pregnanc.y is right below retirement on the list of life's major stressors.
We can t avoid stress, but we can do something about it. Listen to three people talking about t.heir
responses to stress in their lives.
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新世纪人学英语视听说教程 3听 }J原文
Tina Vega, 16
Last year was horrible! Vlyf family moved to another town. I had to change schools and say good-bye to
all my friends. It was really tough. I felt so lonely in my new school. But then one day I decided to enjoy
my' life: I smiled at everyone and Ijoined the soccer club at school. Now I have new friends. I like my new
Frederick Cho,42
Life is unpredictable. Three weeks ago I lost my job. I was upset for the first week. I couldn't do
anything. Noxv I'm looking for a new job. It's not good to sit around the house, I exercise every day and I'm
healthier than I've been in years.
Ilazel Greene, 80
My husband and I got married in 19',0. he died five years ago. For the first two years I w as depressed.
I missed him so much because we did everything together. But noxv I'm feeling better. I think it's important
to stay active and positive. I read a lot and do volunteer work.
Track 3-3-6
C. Listen again. Drau lines to complete each person's story.
Unit 3, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Turning points
Kevin: When I was a child my family and I moved to a new town where I had to make new friends and
assimilate to a new environment.
VIiyuki: I came to the United States w hen I vx as eight---- that was a big event in my life. I had a very
difficult time getting accustomed to being here and-- um"' but within three, four years I had
learned F.nglish and I just started speaking and I adjusted.
Alejandra: When I was a teenager I went to this-- um"' camp in Brazil. At the camp there were
thirty-three people from different countries. And this was a turning point in my life because it
helped me learn about different cultures anci that has helped me in w hat I do today and that is
work as an international student advisor.
In the future--
Dennis: I plan to retire in my old age, like about 70, maybe somewhere in Europe. But before that.*.
like as early as mavbe about 50 years old, I'd like to put up my own restaurant and---um-- see
how that goes.
I don't plan

on getting married for a very long time, maybe 29---30? I can't even think about
having kids yet.
I may get married in the future, I'd like to have kids someday, but I don t know-- we'll see.
In my lifetime one of the things that I w ould like to see is the end of wars. I'd like to see men
at peace with each other.
City Living
(jo with the flow
Claudia: So, when do you start your new job?
Roberto: I'm not sure. I mav start as soon as next month.
Claudia: \\TOWf
Roberto: Yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun.*. expert I'll have to learn how to use that new software
program I told you about.
Don't worr}. I'm a software expert, I'II help y'ou figure it out.
Thanks. IIey,w hat about your job? Your boss was transferred to the Asian office. Are you
going to get promoted?
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Claudia: I might-- might not. It's not a big deal.
Roberto: Iluh?
Claudia: I've been thinking lately,I don't plan on working my whole life. Someday, maybe in five years
or so, I'm going to quit my job and get out of this stressful life. You know, relax. Have some
Oh. What are you planning to do?
I'm definitely going to travel-- I might even move to another country, maybe work as a
volunteer---- I could even start a new career! Maybe one where I can hilp people-- or help
the world. What about you? What are your plans?
Well, I've pretty much got everything planned already, right up to m}r retirement.
Yep. I'm going to work hard and save as much money as possible until I'm about 30---31. then
I'm going to become the Vice President of Finance, and then the CEO by the time I'm 40--
ma}.fbe 45.
Yep. And vhen I'm 35 0r 36, I'm going to settle down, get married, and have some kids.
Oh yOU are, are you? You know that for a fact?
Well, it's not a fact---- yet. But really, if you want to succeed, you need to have clear-cut,
well-defined goals and aspirations.
I don't know, I think you should keep your options open. You know-- "go with the flow."
"Go with the flovv," eh? So you're not nervous about the promotion?
I didn't say that. It just won't be the end of the world if I don't get it. What about you? Are you
nervous about the new jobtl
Not really. I'm just going to "go xvirh the floxv," as long as the "floxv" follows my plan!
Track 3-4-1
A. Listen and
V. ale
Unit 4, Lesson A
circle the best headline for the news story you hear
(F): Well, Jim, our next story is a strange one, isn't it?
(M): Yes, Irene, it sure is. It surprised ever}rone. Almost 200 people on a two-week
holiday trip to Saint Martin became sick. They're calling it the "holidav cruise disease."
It sounds scary.

What caused it'l
The doctors aren't exactl}r sure, but they know it was something in the food the
passengers ate.
OK, gwe us the details.
All right, here's the story: ()n Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with :300
passengers on board. By Sunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded.
They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe
indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience.
Everyone was complaining. \./Iy stomach hurt so much I couldn't eat anything. It was
really terrible!
What's the situation now?
Well, the ship had to return home on Monday---- after only two and a half day-s at
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sea---- and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then.
F: Ilow are they doing now?
M: They're exhausted---- many haven't slept for 48 hours---- but the}'re doing fine.
F: That's good news. It's too bad they couldn't enjo>r their vacation.
M: Yes, it is. And that s the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back,
but the company doesn't want to refund the full amount.
I;: What's going to happen thedl
M: Nobody knows. I'II keep following the story, though, and I'II have more details for you
Track 3-4-2
B. Listen again. Put the events in the order that they happened.
Track 3-4-3
B. Chad is visiting the doctor. Listen to their conversation. Underline Cbad's Problems.
Chad: IIi, Doctor Park.
Doctor: Hi, Chad. How are you today'l
Chad: T\ot so great.
Doctor: W, hat seems to be the problem?
Chad: Well, I have a rash on my arm. I can't stop scratching it.
Doctor: Is there anything else'l
Chad: Yes. I have a slight fever.
Doctor: I see. Have you been in t,he xvoods recently?
Chad: Let's see"' I went hiking last week.
Doctor: Maybe an insect bit you. Please sit up here. Let's take your temperature.
Track 3-4-4
D. Listen to two people talking about how they dealt with their illness in their childhood. Pay attention to
the expressions they use.
1. When I was }-ounger and I had a sore throat my mother would always make me gargle with hot water
and salt. Surprisingly, it works.
2. I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really works.
Track 3-4-5
A. Listen to the passage "Surprising syndromes of modern life." Then list the names of the five
syndromes (medical conditions) mentioned.
Surprising syndromes of modem life
R4argaret's friend is taking a new job in a faraway city. She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her
home. But she can't. Margaret suffers from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone ()ver Syndrome). Her apartment

is messy and she's embarrassed by it. "I've never been a tidy person," she says. "I\4y best friend gave me
some good advice. He told me to get a maid."
Today it's so easy to get information-- and lots of it. We receive telephone calls all day long. People
expect a quick response to their faxes, text messages, and e-mail messages. I;or some people, it's too
much. They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so mLich information, they become paral}-zed
and can't think clearl}:. "I can't sleep at night because I worr}:," says Bahman, a college senior. "It's
Ilurry sickness is a straightforward name for dnother syndrome of modern life. "I'm always rushing.
get headaches a lot. Taking aspirin seems to help," says Mari, a mother of two and a part-time company
employee. Do you engage in "deskfast" (eating breakfast at your desk at work) more than once a week?
Then you, too, may suffer from hurry sickness!
We've all complained about having too much work to do. Well, now about not having enough work?
新世纪入学英语视听说教程 3 WI }J原义
Underload syndrome is caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that
}-ou're working. Steven works as a project manager. "I can finish my work in about four hours, but I'm
afraid to say anything about it. I don't want to be assigned too much work!" In severe cases, people with
this syndrome can get very bored and even became depressed.
Chances are you'xe experienced phone neck before. Another name for it would be "pain in the neck,"
because that's what people with this condition experience. Ilolding the phone between your neck and your
ear for a long time causes phone neck. A good long message is the suggested treatment for this
Track 3-4-6
B. Listen again. Then complete the chart about each syndrome and its treatment in your own words. If a
treatment is not mentioned, write NV. I in the chart.
Unit 4, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Getting better
Alejandra: Unfortunately, I get colds a couple of times a year. Whenlget a cold, I feel very weak and my"'
I've got headaches, my throat aches, and Ijust don't want to get out of bed. So I stay home. I take
medicines and try to drink a lot of liqruds.
When I get sick----and I mean really sick---- the first thing I do is run to the machine
cabinet and try to find something to make me feel better. And if I'm not feeling better after a
little u hile, I'Il call the doctor and trudge in to make sure that I'm really OK, and it's just a
matter of time.
When I xx-as younger and I had a sore throat, my mother would always make me gargle with
hot water and salt. Surprisingly, it worked.
I have an aunt in Mexico that believes that toothpaste can cure everything. Toothpaste can
cure burns---bee stings---uh-- bites-- it's... amazing. "I got a bee sting---- ah, put toothpaste

n it." "I got burnt---- ah, put toothpaste on it." "I have cancer---- ah, put toothpaste on it."
I use aloe vera. I use it for burns and things on the skin. I think it really xvorks.
My father's been recentl}.f veryf interested in acupuncture. lIe's been having a lot of
headaches and backaches so he's been studying up on acupuncture and he realized that if he
puts a needle right here for his headache and a needle right here for his back it eases his pain.
I think it works for him. For me I'm a little skeptical but I think if you really believe in it, it
w, orks.
City Living
It must be a miracle!
Tara: (opening the door to find Takeshi and Mike) Hi-- hi.
Takeshi: Hi.
Tara: Thank goodness v. ou're here! This morning she almost fainted, then she felt very tired, and
now she says she feels very lightheaded. I don't knox\ w hat to do.
Takeshi: Has she seen a doctor?
Tara: She won't go. She says just needs to get some rest.
Vlike: Did anything happen?
Tara: x. Jothing out of the ordinary. The worst thing is, she has this big meeting with the president of
the university tonight. She's been pretty anxious about it.
OK. Let's take a look.
Sun-hee, Vlike and Takeshi are here
Il. 25
Takeshi: Hi.
Sun-hee: (wakes up) IIey.
Takeshi: How are you feeling‘?
Very tired-- and I feel dizzy-- and my stomach is killing me"' (sighs) I think I might even
have a fever. Oh-- why do I have that meeting with the president tonight? I can't stop thinking
about it...
Eat something, you'Il feel better.
Are you kidding? I can't eat. I'm not hungry.
Maybe you should go for a walk-- you know, get some fresh air--
No, I just need to rest.
(phone rings) Hello'l Yes ... no, this is her roommate, Tara. Whatrl OK-- I'll let her know.
Thanks. (to Sun-hee) That was the president's secretary,
What did she sa}f?
She told me to tell you that tonight's meeting has been canceled.
Oh, thank goodness. Uh-- Mike, can you hand me that orange juice'l
(to Takeshi) I don't knoxv maybe we should call a doctor.
(to Tara as Sun-hee starts eating and drinking) Yeah, maybe we should.
What's the matter? Ilaven't >rOU ever seen anyone eating before?
(to Sun-hee) I take it y-ou're feeling better?
I am feeling pretty good. It must be a miracle, or something.
(to Takeshi) Or a lucky phone call.
Track 3-5-1
A. Listen to the conversation
alread}-? Check the boxes,
Counselor: Hello, Kai. Have
Kai: Hi, Ms. Danielson.
Unit 5, Lesson A
between Kai and his high school gLudance counselor. What has happened
a seat.
llow's it going? Are you excited about graduating?
I guess so. B

ut there's so much to do between now and then.
Well, let s talk about that-- I)et me check your file here. So, what's new? Have you researched
any colleges or universities?
Well, I researched three-- like you told me to.
Good, good. Which ones'l
Let's see ... California State University, Harvard University, and City College.
Well, I applied to two: Harvard and City College. Cal State is just too far away.
Sounds like you've been thinking about this seriously. That's good.
Any news yet?
Well, I got accepted to City College. I haven t heard anything from IIarvard. I probably won't
get accepted there.
Why do you say that?
You know-- it's so competitive. I don't think my grades are good enough.
Well, let's wait and see.
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Kai: I'II probably go to City College. I\4y brother went there. I visited the campus and I like it.
Track 3-5-2
B. Listen again. I\4atch each statement to the college or university it describes. Then circle the place Kai
W ill probably attend.
Track 3-5-3
B. Listen to the conversation. Underline the expression IIans doesn't understand.
Hans: Hi. Tom. What's new?
Tom: Well, I'm going to start at a nex\~ high school this fall.
Hans: Which one?
Tom: Essex Academy. It's a boarding school. lt's a five-hour drive from my parents' house.
Hans: Does boarding school mean you live there'l ()n campusrl
Tom: F.xactly.
Hans: That sounds awesomer
Tom: Yeah. I think it's going to be cool.
Track 3-5-4
D. I.isten to two people talking about their plans after graduation. Pay attention to the expressions they
use. Then talk about your own plans after graduation.
1. After I finished my Ph.D., I would like to go back to Senegal and start my own business in agriculture.
2. After graduation I plan to find a good job. I also plan to start a famil}f and buy a house.
Track 3-5-5
B. No\\y listen to the interview. Was your guess about her summer plans correct?
Interviewer: We now have a winner! Stephanie Lee from Vancouver, Canada answered our questions
and won the top prize: She will be our youth travel reporter in Europe! She's going to travel
for three months and write about her experiences for our website.
Interviewer: Do you have any international travel experience?
Stephanie Lee: Yes, I do. Tvkro years ago, I spent the summer in IIong Kong, China, I stayed with m\-
grandmother and worked in the family business. I also xisited Africa last year.
Interviewer: W, hat do your travel experiences tell us about you?
Stephanie Lee: I stayed in Hong Kong for about two months. I think that shows I can sta}.r awa}' from
home for a long time. I don't get homesick at all. In Africa, I went to Tanzania. The highlight
was climbing I\40unt Kilimanjaro. It s t

he highest mountain in Africa. The climb was ver}-
hard. Two people turned back before they reached the top, I made it all the way! Once I
start something, I never give up.
Interviewer: This job gives you a digital camera and pays your travel expenses. It doesn't pay a salary
How will you get your spending money'l
Stephanie Lee: I had a part-time job in a restaurant. I had worked there for two v. ears. I;ortunatel}, I
saved a lot of money, so I w on't have to worry about money for my trip to Europe.
Inrerviewer: Why should xve choose you?
Stephanie Lee: Because I love to travel! I'm a hard worker and \\rill have no trouble filing reports on
time-and I hax-e a lot of energy!
Track 3-5-6
C. Listen again. Then complete the sentences about Stephanie's new job with vvords from the box
Global Viewpoints
After graduation
Unit 5, Lesson B
13. 25
Five years
Woo Sung
After I finish my Ph.D. I would like to go back to Senegal and start my own business in
After I graduate I w ill move to Washington, D.C., to work for \Jational (;eographic.
After I graduate I'd like to have a good job that pays a lot of money, and to travel and see the
After I graduate from college I will go to graduate school and I'm going to study art.
After graduation I plan to find a good job. I also plan to start a family and buy a house.
I want to start my own business, an import-export business.
My students work very hard and get good grades to get into university. After finishing t,heir
degrees in the United States they will go home and either work with their families or open a
from now ...
Fix-e years from now I will still be studying and I don t knox\ W here I'm going to live.
I'd like to become a lawyer and I'd like to specialize in cyberlaw. I think c:yfberlaw will be
pretty big within five, six }rears or so.
I'II probably be married. I xvant about three kids, a dog, my own house, and a job that I enjoy.
And you know most of all I just want to be-- just I guess enjoy my life.
City Living
The letter
Mike: Do you think he was accepted?
Sun-hee: I don't know ...
Mike: Any news from Ilarvard?
Sun-hee: He was rejected. He also applied to the IJniversity of Southern California, and they didn't
accept him either. It's too bad. He studied so hard in film school. And he got reall} good
grades ...
V. Iike:
V. Iike:
I know. And he researched all those schools and
gets in. Hey, do you know what he's going to do
No, what?
applied for all those scholarships ... I hop

e he
if he doesn't get into grad school'l
He's going to hit the road.
I don t understand. What do you mean?
He's going to buy a nice camera and travel around Europe taking photos for his brother's
Now that would be an experience, but it'II be sad if he goes
Ile'II get in ... I just know it!
(enters front door) Hi!
There's a letter for you from the Columbia
(takes letcer from Vlike) Uh, uh, uh! I\ow
going to do if you aren t accepted'l
Well, like I said, I'm going to travel around
school in a few years ... and I Will get in!
graduate school!
let's think about this for a moment. What are you
Europe for a while. And then I'Il apply to graduate
(takes letter from Sun-hee) What will you do if you are accepted?
Oh, that's easy. I'm going to become a film director.
(gives letter to Takeshi) All right then ... here. (w aits for Takeshi to open letter) Well! What are
you waiting for? Open it!
IIere goes ... (opens letter)
14. 25
V. Iike: Were }'fou accepted?
Takeshi: I'm going to grad school!
Unit 6, Lesson A
Track 3-6-1
A. IJisten. Who is making the telephone call in each situation? Check the name.
Conversation 1
Trey: Mindy, I need to make a phone call. Is there a pay phone around here?
Vlindy: Here. LJse my cell phone. Trey.
TreyT: Really?
V. Iindy: Sure. I have free service on nights and weekends.
Trey: OK-- thanks. I\ow, what do I do?
Vlindy: You have to turn it on. Press the power button.
Trey: OK. I did that. Wait there's no dial tone.
V. Iindy: That's OK. Remember, it's a cell phone. It's different.
Treyr: Gotcha.
VIindy: Enter the area code and then the telephone number.
Trey: IJet's see ...
V. Iindy: Now just press 'send' and you'Il be connected.
Trey: Got it! Thanks!
Conversation 2
Jerry: Do you know Maria's phone number? She left a message on the answering machine but didn't
leave her telephone number.
Carla: IImm, I don't know it ... Look in the telephone directory-.
Jerr}:: I did. It's not listed.
Carla: Oh ... VVhy don't you call director}r assistance, then?
Jerryr: Good idea. Let's see ... 4-1-1 ...
Operator: What city?
Jerry: Boston.
Operator: What listing?
Jerr}.r: I need the number for Maria Gomez on North Street.
Operator: One moment, please. Thank you. Ilere's }rour number. The number is ... area code 617-524 ...
Track 3-6-2
B. Listen again. Circle the phrase that correctly completes each sentence.
Track 3-6-3
B. Yuka is calling Tony at his office. Listen to the conversation.
Receptionist: Good morning. Barr Incorporated.
Yuka: (,ood morning. Tony White, please.
Receptionist: One moment, please. I'm sorry. He's not in. May I take a message?
Yuka: Yes, please. Tell him that Yuka called.
Receptionist: Yuka. Ilow do you spell that?
Yuka: It's spel

led Y-IJ-K-A.
Receptionist: OK. Does Mr. VVhite have your telephone number?
Yuka: Yes, he does.
Receptionist: OK, Yuka. I'Il give him the message.
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Yuka: Thanks a lot.
Track 3-6-4
D. Listen to two people talking about their attitudes towards cell phones. Pay attention to the expressions
they use.
1. I don't like cell phones that much. They're necessary ... and they're very usefulin emergencies ... but in
general, I think that they're not a good thing.
2. I like cell phones because they connect you with people. Wherever you are people can reach }rOU. What
I don't like about cell phones is when they ring at the most unexpected times.
Track 3-6-5
B. Now listen to the passage "Ilow do you feel dbout all phones?"
Hox\ do you feel about cell phones'l
It can't be derued: there has been a ceU phone boom in the last decade. Everywhere you go, people seem
to be talking on the telephone. How do people feel about cell phones? Our on-the-street survey found some
interesting answers.
Sixty-nine percent of the people xve asked think cell phones are convenient and save time. I\ineteen
percent use cell phones only w hen they have to. A small percentage----only three percent----think cell
phones are unnecessary. Another three percent say they are addicted to their cell phones!
There have been some problems associated with cell phones. Some cities have passed la\v s affecting
cell phone use. For example, in some places, it is nox\~ illegal to drix-e and use your cell phone at the same
time. A survey asked people about cell phones and laws. Here is how they answered.
There should be laws about cell phone usage ...
in classrooms, theaters, and restaurants. 57%
while driving. 4')t7c.
on public transportation. 34%
One thing is sure about cell phones: everyone has an opinion about how and w hen t,hey should be used!
Listen to w hat these four people had to say:
Phil: I'm Phil, I love talking on the phone. I keep my phone next to my bed. I even take it with me into
the bathroom! My friends say that I am "ce// phone crazy."
Sherry: I'm Sherry, I live in the country. I\4y nearest neighbor is 25 miles awax'f. VIy cell phone makes
me feel safe. I can call someone in an emergency.
Eric: I'm Eric, I think cell phones are unnecessar}'r. Why do people use them so often, especially in
public places? I think it's a form of noise pollution!
Carmen: I'm Carmen, I'm v-ery busv. Sometimes I have to cancel an appointment at the last minute. I use
my cell phone to do that. It's good for business.
Track 3-6-6
C. Listen again. Then circle T for true or F for false after listening to the passage about cell phone usa

Unit 6, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Cell phones
Catherine: I think these days you can't live without a cell phone.
Brad: I always have my cell phone xx:ith me so I can call my friends. I also can browse the inr,ernet
and download music.
My cell phone has a camera on it. It's ver}r useful w hen I don't have
there's something funny happening, there I can take a picture.
I think that sometimes cell phones are unnecessar)r, however,
16 7 25
a camera with me and if
they're very good for
What I like about cell phones is yOU can contact anybody you want an}:time }rOU want.
I feel like I lost some privacy because of cell phones.
I don't like cell phones that much. They're necessar}'r "' and they're ver}- useful in
emergencies ... but in general, I think that they're not a good thing.
I like cell phones because they connect you with people. Wherever you are, people can reach
you. What I don t like about cell phones is、、 hen they ring at the most unexpected times.
I like cell phones because they allow me to call people w hen I'm running late and let them
know that I'm running late. I don't like when cell phones ring in theaters, or movie theaters, or
important talks, or even in the classroom. That's ... I think-- a lack of respect, so that's when
I hate cell phones.
City Living
I can't stand cell phones!
Woman: (talking loudly on cell phone) No! No, no, no ... Go ... the taxiline find the taxiline-- there's
one just outside. It's right outside. No-- it's right outside of the airport. Go inside and ask
someone. OK? All right. We'll see you soon ... twenty minutes or so .-- OK. Bye!
Roberto: I can't stand cell phones. Why do people use them so often ---- especially in public places?
V/Iike: I know. I only use my cell phone when I need it. I find it to be a form of noise pollution.
( Mike's phone rings)
Roberto: See what I mean:>
V. Iike: (into phone) Hello?
V -lr. Johnson: Hi, h,4ike!
\/Iike: IIi, Ddd! Ilow's it going?
Vlr. .Johnson: ()h, great. Listen, son, I just got a new cell phone and I called to give you the nLimber.
\./Iike: Oh, you just need to give me your new number ...
\rlr. Johnson: Yeah. You know, I really love these cell phones. They're so convenient! Your mother's
V. Ir. Johnson:
V. Iike:
Vlr. Johnson:
V. Ir. Johnson:
V. Iike:
Vlr. Johnson
VIr, Johnson
V. Ir. Johnson:
addicted to hers. She's on it all the time ...
Uh ... Dadtl The number'?
Oh, I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Here it is. The new area code is six five one ..
Did you say six nine one?
No "' no"' six five one ... five. "F" ... like in "Frank"--
Got it.
And the telephone number is 555-232

(phone beeps) Dad? Can you hold on a minute?
to mom) Ilello?
Hi, sweetheart, it's v. our mom!
Hi, Mom! I'm on the other line with Dad.
Oh that's nice, dear. I need to talk to him, too.
to come in September, but your father wants
Mom's calling on the other line. (into phone
I'm planning our trip to Nevv York. I'd prefer
to come during the holidays. Now you tell
Wait a minute, I can't stand sending messages. Can you hold on a second'l I'm going to try to
connect },ou two ... (into phone to both mom and dad) Hello? Is everybody here?
Yeah, I'm here (mom laughs) Oh this is what I call a family reunion!
(all laugh) Yeah!
(to V. Iike) Shh! Do you mind'l (to her friend) I can't stand cell phones ---- especially in
public places!
17 7 25
Unit 7. Lesson A
Track 3-7-1
A. Spencer and Greta are guests on a TV show called How Much Is It Worth? They have brought objects
to the TV studio. Listen to conversations l and 2, and write "S" for Spencer's object and "G" for
Greta's object.
Conversation 1
Host: Hello, Spencer. How are you?
Spencer: Fine, thank you. I'm excited to be here.
Ilost: Great! I see a photo in your hand. What is it?
Spencer: Well, it's a picture of something that's famous worldwide.
Host: Wovr! I,ook at that! Is it }rours?
Spencer: It certainly is. I didn't buy it, though.My fat,her gave it to me.
Ilost: IIow did your father get it?
Spencer: lIe carried it in the 1984 0ly-mpics. Ile was one of the runners. After the Olympics finished, he
bought the torch and gave it to me.
Host: You must be athletic, too, right?
Spencer: No, not at all. I'm terrible at sports.
Host: Well, what was your father's event'l
Spencer: He ran the 800 meters. He won his first race, but lost the second one.
Host: Fascinating ... Well, your father wasn't only a strong athlete ---- he was also a good collector.
Do you have any idea how much the torch is worth?
Spencer: I\ot at all,
Host: It's a good item to have. It's probably worth several thousand dollars.
Spencer: Wo\N-!
Host: What are you going to do with it?
Spencer: For now. I'm going to keep it. Someday I'II give it to a museum.
Conversation 2
Host: Hi, Greta, it's nice to see you've brought us a fun object.
Greta: Yeah. I really like it.
Ilost: Did you play with it when you were a kid?
Greta: A little, but not so much. My brother played with it all the time. I played with my teddy bear
Do you know anything about this toy?
I did some research. I know it was make in Germany by the Lehmann Company. I'm not sure of the
OK-- anything else?
That's about it.
Well, let me tell }rou a little bit about the Lehmann Company. Their toys were very popular in the
first ha

lf of the twentieth century. They're still making toys today,
I didn't know that.
How much did you pay for this toy?
I\othing. A neighbor gave it to us before he moved away.
Oh, that's good news because unfortunately, this toy is not a Lehmann toy
It's not?
Nope. I'm sorry, but it's a fake.
You're kidding!
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Host: No, I'm not. Look at the bottom of the toy. A Lehmann toy will have the letter "e" marked on ir.
Yours doesn't have that.
(;reta: ()h, how disappointing!
Host: Well, it's st川 in good condition.
Greta: Yes, that s true. It may not be worth anything, but I'II always keep it for my children.
Track 3-7-2
B. Listen again. Check the correct column.
Track 3-7-3
B. Read and listen to Roshan and Olivia talking about cricket. Underline anything you leam about cricket.
Olivia: Where are you rushing off to?
Roshan: I've got cricket practice. It starts at 5:()().
Olivia: Cricket?
Roshan: Are you familiar with it? It's really popular in m}" countrv.
Olivia: Is it a sport?
Roshan: Yes. It's played with a ball and bat. There are 11 players on each team.
Olivia: I didn t know our unix-ersity even had a cricket team!
Roshan: They do. We have players from all over the world.
Olivia: You must reallyf like it.
Roshan: I do. It s fun. I'we been playing it since I vvas a teenager.
Track 3-7-4
D. Work in groups of four. Each student reads about a different game. Ask if your group members know
the game you read about. If not, explain the game. Try not to read the description、、hile you are
explaining. You may follow the model below.
A: Are you familiar with the game of darts?
B: Not really. How do you play it?
A: You throw a dart at a target to score points.
B: Where is the game played'l
A: In pubs in F.ngland mostly.
Track 3-7-5
D. Listen to two people talking about their favorite activities. Pay attention to the expressions they use.
1, I've been drawing for the last three years. And Ilike drawing because it lets me --- puts my mind at ease
and lets me think about other things, as opposed to what's going on in the news and the troubles that I
might be having.
2. Sports have always been an important part of my life. I have been horseback riding since I was a kid.
I go skiing quite often and I learned how to scuba dix-e w hen I was eight years old.
Track 3-7-6
B. Now listen to the passage "A sr,ar in the X Games." Then add at least one example to each time in the
chart below.
A star in the X (iames
There's a new kind of competition happening worldwide. No, it's not the World Cup. It's the X Game.
In different areas of the world, athletes train and complete in their own versions of the X Games. The
best athletes can advance to the global championship. At r.he championship, teams from six regions (Asian
Australia, Cdnada, Europe, South America, a

nd the United States) face each other. There are summer
sports (in-line skating, biking, and skateboarding) and winter ones (skiing and snowboarding). Most "X
Gamers" are male, but there are a few women. One woman, in particular, stands out from the crowd. Her
name is Fabiola da Silx a. She's an in-line skater and she comes from Brazil.
There are two different in-line skating categories: park and vert. In the park event, skaters compete on
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a course r.hat has ledges, handrails, and other obstacles. In the vert event, skaters do tricks in a half pipe.
They try to fly high in the air and spin. Fabiola competes in both events. She has been skating for years
and she has always dominated the women's events.
Fabiola would like to see more women in the X Games, but she's not afraid of the guys. F.ver since she
received her first pair of skates at the age of 12, she's played with boys. Ixow she skates in competitions
with them and she beats many of them.
Fabiola's mother was a housekeeper. It was hard, but she saved her money to buy Fabiola's skates. It
was a good investment. Fabiola has traveled abroad for events and become famous in the skating world.
Success hasn't gone to her head, though. She's a typical young woman of the world: She has a boyfriend
likes to listen to rock music, and prefers health}- foods. She doesn't seem to care much about the attention
she gets.
Track 3-7-7
C. Read these statements about Fabiola. I\ow listen r.o the passage again and find information that
supports each statement.
Unit 7, Lesson B
Global Viewpoints
Favorite activities
Natalie: Some of my favorite actMties are going to the movies, hanging with my friends, playing with my
daughter. I also like to do arts and crafts.
Jonat.han: I like skiing, snowboarding, surfing the I\et, and playing video games.
Catherine: I've been making jewelr}- for about five years. Ever since I、、-as little I alxvays was interested
in jewelry. I always looked at other people's jew, elry and drex\ designs on it, but I just started
about five years ago. I like to give the jewelr}- to my friends as presents.
Calum: I've been drawing for the last r,hree years. And I like drawing because it lets me ...puts my
mind at ease and lets me think about other things, as opposed to what's going on in the news
and the troubles that I might be having.
Favorite sports
Alejandra: Sports have always been an importanL part of my life. I have been horseback riding
since I was a kid. I go skiing quite often and Ilearned how to scuba dix-e when Iu as eight years
Gian: My favorite activity is in-line skating. I've been doing it for about fifteen

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