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A proverb allegedly (据说) from ancient China was widely spread in the West:“If you want to be happy for a few hours,go to get drunk;if you want the happiness to last three years,get married:if you want a lifetime happiness,take up gardening.”The reason for the last option is this:Gardening is not only useful;it helps you to identify yourself with nature,and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health.

A research of a US university that I've read gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortably pleased. To put it specifically, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one's life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than transitory.

Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure. But according to the study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not spell gains one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not cherish what they already have but yearn for what they cannot get. That is somewhat like a man indulging in dreams of numerous lovers while reluctant to settle down with the woman beside him.

Happiness is a game balancing between two ends -- what one has and what one wishes for, i.e. one's dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion: A happy man is one who aims high but never forgets his actual situation; one who meets challenges that tap his ability and potentiality; one who is proud of his achievements and the recognition given to him. He has self-respect and self-confidence; treasures his own identity and loves freedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide-range communication with others; he is helpful and ready to accept assistance. He knows he is able to endure sufferings and frustrations; he is sensible enough to get fun from daily chores. He is a man capable of love and passion.

1.Gardening can bring lifelong happiness because

A.it is a profitable business.

B.it can improve a gardener's ability to remake nature.

C.a gardener can enjoy a very happy relationship in marriage.

D.nature is an unexhausted source of joy

2.The research of the US university found that most people feel happy when they

A.are at leisure.

B.take the job of gardening.

C.are after their goals.

D.own great properties.

3.Why does the writer mention "a man indulging in dreams of numerous lovers" (Lines 5 --6, Para. 3)?

A.To demonstrate the problem in marriage in modern society.

B.To illustrate a radical way to achieve happiness.

C.To criticize those who do not value what they already have.

D.To indicate that happiness covers something besides the desire to gain

4.What kind of person is more likely to be unhappy according to the study?

A.The one who has self-respect and confidence.

B.The one who is ambitious without consideration of his actual situation.

C.The one who can take pleasure in communicating with others.

D.The one who are ready to render help and accept help from others.

5.What is happiness?

A.A transitory state of mind.

B.Getting everything what one desires.

C.An all-working and no-leisure life.

D.A desire based on our actual situation.

参考答案:1D 2C 3D 4B5D



职称英语考试卫生类(C类)试题及答案6 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to tile United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for


论述类文本阅读测试题 (一)、阅读下面的文字,完成6~8题。 初期的书法只是作为一种记事手段,但古代许多信札、碑文、书稿等,现在看来大都是很好的书法作品。我们今天考察茶的起源、发展等情况,除了从茶的物种、历史和社会学等角度出发外,历史遗留下来的书法作品也可作为难得的一手资料。 一般认为,唐代之前均以“荼”字表示茶,所以对“荼”字,茶文化研究者总是抱着浓厚的兴趣去探讨、研究。目前看来,“荼”字字形的较早遗迹,是在古玺印中。唐代是书法艺术盛行时期,也是茶叶生产的发展时期。书法中有关茶的记载也逐渐增多,有代表性的是唐代著名的狂草书家怀素和尚的《苦笋帖》。这是一幅信札,上曰:“苦笋及茗异常佳,乃可径来,怀素上。”全帖虽只十四字,但通篇章法气韵生动,从中可以看出怀素对茶的渴望。茶文化的杰出贡献者“茶圣”陆羽所作的《僧怀素传》,有几段是记述怀素、颜真卿等讨论书法艺术的言语。其中颜真卿与怀素所言“屋漏痕”“壁折之路”等比喻,启迪了后来书家对运笔妙法的领悟,至今为书法家津津乐道,对书法创作和理论产生了重大影响。陆羽在另一篇《论徐颜二家书》,认为学书应重神似,而不应为外表形态所囿,持论颇有见地。纵观陆羽一生的成就当推《茶经》为首,我们也可认为陆羽还是一位有造诣的书论家。 在中国茶文化和书法史上,宋代都是极为重要的时代,可谓茶人迭出,书家群起。茶叶饮用由实用走向艺术化,书法从重法走向尚意。不少茶叶专家也是书法名家,有代表性的是“宋四家”之一的蔡襄。他一生好茶,作书必以茶为伴,任福建路转运使时,改进了制茶工艺,采用更为细嫩的原料,制成精美细巧、价值黄金的小龙团。欧阳修在《龙茶录后序》中说:“仁宗尤所珍惜,虽辅相之臣,未尝辄赐。”其珍贵程度可见一斑。蔡襄不仅在制茶实践上有独到之处,而且有一部影响甚大的理论著作《茶录》。《茶录》是对《茶经》的发展,且是一幅有名的书迹佳作,历代书家多有妙赞。此外,蔡襄还有《北苑十咏》《精茶贴》等有关茶的书迹传世。 唐宋以后,茶与书法的关系更为密切,有关茶叶内容的作品也日益增多。流传至今的佳品有苏东坡的《一夜帖》、米芾的《苕溪诗》、郑燮的《竹枝词》、汪巢林的《幼孚斋中试泾县茶》等等。其中有的作品是在品茶之际创作出来的,近代的佳品则更多了。 (节选自《生活百科》岚韵的《茶与书法》,有删改) 6. 下列对本文主旨的概括,正确的一项是() A.历代遗留下来的书法作品可作为我们考察茶的起源、发展等情况的一手资料。 B.唐、宋是书法艺术盛行与重要的发展时期,也是茶叶文化的发展与关键时期。 C.茶文化研究者对书法名家品茶之际创作书法作品,有浓厚的探讨、研究兴趣。 D.唐宋以后,茶与书法的关系更为密切,茶叶专家同时是书法名家的日益增多。 7.根据文章,下列不属于中国“茶文化”体现的一项是() A.唐画《调琴啜茗图卷》中画有主人端坐倾听琴音、仆人送茶茗的内容,整个画面表现出唐代贵族妇女悠闲自得的情态。 B.陆游的七律《临安春雨初霁》中有“矮纸斜行闲作草,晴窗细乳戏分茶”的诗句,体现了作者对茶与书法美的欣赏。 C.明朝禁止茶叶私自出关,用中原地区的茶叶来交换西蕃地区的马匹,驸马欧阳伦因“数遣私人贩茶出境”牟利而被赐死。 D.清朝时,凡是营业性的戏剧演出场所,一般统称之为“茶园”或“茶楼”,人们边喝 茶边听戏,其乐融融。 8.下列表述,不符合原文内容的一项是() A.《苦笋帖》章法气韵生动,表达了怀素对茶的渴望,是书法中有茶记载的代表作品。 B.《僧怀素传》中颜真卿与怀素所言“屋漏痕”等比喻,对书法创作和理论影响重大。 C.蔡襄在著作《茶录》中表达了“茶叶饮用从实用走向艺术化、书法从重法走向尚意”的主张。 D.《一夜帖》《苕溪诗》《竹枝词》等有茶叶内容的书法作品流传至今,成为了佳品。(二)、阅读下面的文字,完成6~8题。 礼学与理学


2017高考论述类文本阅读解题技巧 一、通读全文,思考四个问题 ①文本主要谈的是什么问题或就什么事情阐述道理;②作者的基本立场、观点、情感和态度是怎样的;③本文依照怎样的顺序布局谋篇、组织文章,其段落之间的关系如何;④行文中为突显立意主要运用了哪些手段和材料 二、选择题解答一般方法 1、比照原文弄清概念把握句意辨析筛选。 设题情形有三种:形同意同(信息吻合直接判断)形异意同(有所转换实质一致)形似意异(迷惑性大格外留意) 2、懂得审辨标志性词语。 可以作为标志性词语的有:顺序词、关联词、指代词、范围词,类别词、过渡词。此外还有文中不同地方反复出现的同义或近义的词语。 三、抓关键词 关键词在读文本时要圈划出来: 1、有助于理解文章内容、提示信息的词语(1)年代时间(多次出现时间)、数据(多个数据)及其概语(如多数、少量、部分、凡、凡是、所有、都、全、几乎、仅仅、等表范围的词语) 2、重要的修饰限制词语(基本、根本、重要、最、十分、非常、总共等表程度的词语) 3、已然未然(迄今为止、到目前为止、现在所见的等表时间的词语)或然必然(如果、可能、也许、一定、必然等表判断的词语) 三、简答题解答一般方法 1、把握文章基本思路,切分语段层次;准确把握、分析概括文章的观点;快速搜寻答题区间;组织表达语言,做到规范作答。 2、具有全文整体意识:分析归纳时,要从全文出发、整体把握。 利用顺序词或数字号列清思路要点 2、把握观点类题目解答方法

议论文的观点表述一般来说有以下几种方法:(1)文题即观点。一般议论文的文题只是个“话题”,它的观点围绕着这一话题来展开,但有的话题 往往就是作者的观点。 (2)开门见山提出观点。因为议论文必须要达到“观点明确”这一最起码要求,所以有很大一部分的议论文都是开门见山提出观点,这就给我们一个提示:阅读这种文章时我们一定要注意文章开头一内容。 (3)有的议论文观点的提出必须要通过几个分论点来表述,所以观点往往会在文章的最后提出,带有一定的总结性和归纳性。 (4)有的议论文因为话题范围较大,内容多,形式散,它的观点提出分散在文章的几个部位,而非集中在某一处。这种的观点概括就有一定的难度,需要有较强的综合分析与概括能力。注重提炼概括观点: ①注意辨析文本中不同的论点(区分“我论”、“他论”) 一、设题形式 命题方式常是单选,4选1。命题人在编写选项肢时,文字表述不可能与原文完全相同;有时也不可能完全集中,也有前后勾连的情况,这就容易造成选项模糊。选项模糊的主要类型有五种: (1)范围上的混淆,以偏概全,以“全”代“点”。选项在概念的外延上做文章,或者是外延过小,以偏概全;或者是外延过大,判断过宽,以“面”代“点”。阅读时要特别留心材料和选项中的“凡”“一切”“全”“都”等修饰词语。 (2)指代上的混淆,颠倒主客,偷换概念。选项偷换概念,用形同义异词或形近义异词来迷惑考生。解答时,要注意选项是否混淆了概念的所指对象,是否颠倒了陈述主体与修饰语,是否忽略了一些关键的修饰词,是否犯了偷换概念的错误。 (3)现实和设想的混淆,未已不分,或必不清。选项在概念、判断上时间超前或滞后。把已经成功的现实和没有成功为现实的设想或可能性混为一谈。阅读中特别留意“如果”“一旦”“将要”等词语,从而做出准确判断。 (4)肯定和否定、主要和次要关系上的混淆,无中生有,牵强附会。把肯定说成否定,或把否定说成肯定,有些混淆主要和次要关系,有些属于无中生有、牵强附会的选项设置。解答时,一定要在原文中找到依据,忌主观臆断,望文生义。 (5)条件和结果、原因和结果的关系上的混淆、颠倒。有些选项在设置时,将条件说成结果,或把结果说成原因,或强加条件及因果关系。要重点辨别,找准答案。


2016年职称英语卫生类考试重点词汇整理 1 / criticize / find fault with / 批评 2 / cultivate / foster / 培养 3 / cure / remedy / 治疗,补救 4 / damaging / harmful / 有损害的 5 / danger / distress / 危险 6 / danger / hazard / 危险,危害 7 / deadly / fatal / 致命的/8 / deadly / lethal / 致命的 9 / decent / honest / 正派的10 / decide / make up one's mind / 打主意 11 / deduce / derive / 推出,演绎12 / deliberately / intentionally / 故意地 13 / demand / insist on / 坚持14 / depend on / rely on / 依靠 15 / depict / describe / 描写,描绘16 / deter / inhibit / 阻止 17 / dimly / faintly / 昏暗地/18 / disappear / vanish / 消失,失踪 19 / discuss / talk over / 讨论20 / doctor / physician / 大夫 21 / draft / formulate / 起草,设计22 / dying out / extinction / 灭绝 23 / effect / result / 结果24 / elicit / provoke / 引起,诱发 25 / eligible / entitled / 有资格(权利)的26 / encourage / spur / 促进,激励27 / endeavor / try / 设法28 / especially / particularly / 特别地 29 / eternal / everlasting / 永恒的30 / exhibit / show / 表现,显示 31 / explore / investigate / 调查32 / explore / probe / 研究,考察 33 / extensive / massive / 大量的34 / extract / take out / 取出,拔出 35 / fail / omit / 失败36 / fascinate / intrigue / 使……着迷 37 / final / last / 最后的38 / framework / skeleton / 框架 39 / frightened / scared / 受惊的40 / fulfill / realize / 实现,完成 41 / gain / put on / 增加42 / gangster / violent criminal / 歹徒 43 / gently / mildly / 温和地,适度地44 / grasp / take hold of / 抓住 45 / hard / severe / 艰苦46 / harness / utilize / 利用 47 / healthy / wholesome / 健康的48 / immediately / right away / 马上 49 / imprecise / vague / 模糊的,不确切 50 / inadequately / poorly / 贫乏,不足 51 / isolated / solitary / 孤立的52 / know / realize / 知道/ 53 / lately / recently / 最近54 / laugh at / mock / 取笑,嘲笑 55 / lawful / legal / 合法的56 / limited / small / 小的或少的 57 / location / scene / 地点58 / look for / try to find / 寻找 59 / manual / physical / 体力的60 / mighty / very strong / 强大的,强壮的


2020年职称英语《卫生类》阅读判断练习5 They Say Ireland's the Best Ireland is the best place in the world lo live for 2005.according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain.s Economist magazine last week. The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the World is based ol3 the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being. The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes.health.unemployment.climate,political stability,job security,gender equality as well as what the magazine calls "freedom,family and community life". Despite the bad weather,troubled health service.traffic congestion(拥挤),gender inequality,and the high cost of living.Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of l0. That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland,which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe. troubled by political insecurity and hunger,is rated the gloomiest(最差的),picking up only 3.89 points. "Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued,"the report said. "some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown(崩溃)in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact." "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of


2017学年—2018学年上学期高三语文期末复习题(一) 论述类文本阅读要求: 阅读论述类文本时,要求大家做到: 第一步阅读全文,勾画文中信息要点 1.勾画出文中重要词语 (1)表述中心论点的关键词语 (2)体现论证对象转换的词语,即往往体现论证思路的词语 ①因果。如:因为、因此、……原因在于、因而、由于、从而,等等。 ②转折。如:但是、反而、其实、实际上,等等。 ③并列或递进。如:也、又、不是……而是……、不仅……还……,等等。 ④分类分层。如:第一……第二……、首先……其次……、一方面……另一方面……、不仅如此……、此外,等等。 ⑤举例子。如:例如、如,等等。 (3)修饰、限制性词语 ①年代(时间多次依序出现)。 ②程度。如:最、基本、根本、十分、非常,等等。 ③范围。如:部分、全部、总共、所有、都、全、少量、多数、几乎、仅仅,等等。 ④数量(具体数据、比例等)。 ⑤已然、未然,或然、必然。如:目前为止、迄今为止、将、正在、假如、可能、如果、一定、必然,等等。 ⑥代词。如:这、那、它、其、此,等等。 2.勾画出文中重要句子 (1)统摄全篇的句子——论点句、中心句、总结句。 (2)作论据的句子——论述类文章作论据的材料分为两种:一种是事实论据,另一种是理论论据。 (3)揭示文章脉络层次的句子——论证的思路是沿着逻辑思维的过程展开的。段落与段落之间有明显的逻辑关系:或总分,或并列,或对比,或递进,或点与面。这些逻辑关系往往有一些标志性的语句,如“首先、其次”等语句。如果没有这样的语句,可标记每一自然段的开头句或结尾句,然后提取每一段的主要信息,把握文脉。 3.简短批注 对重要词语,对表因果关系的句子,起表明中心、理清结构、区分层次、暗含材料与观点关系等作用的句子,作简短批注,为下一步操作起警示作用。 第二步提取要点,整体把握:勾画诸多要点是为整体把握文章内容作铺垫的。 1.梳思路,明结构


2017职称英语《卫生A级》仿真试题及答案 2017职称英语《卫生A级》仿真试题及答案 Uncooperative Patients Need Psychological Therapy By refusing to take essential medication after a kidney transplant, a 49-year-old woman drives her doctors and nurses to distraction—to no avail, because the organ has in the end to be removed____(1)_____ Patients refusing to cooperate with medical professionals cause damage not only to themselves but also impose substantial costs on the community. The pharmaceutical company Glaxo Welcome estimates the costs to the German taxpayers of this kind of negative behaviour at around five billion dollars a year. A recent conference of medical professionals, health insurers, the pharmaceutical industry and patient representatives revealed a wide range of factors behind non-compliance. Not all defiant behaviour in a patient can be characterized as non-compliance. Greater stress should be placed on psychology during medical training, delegates said.____(2)_____ Psychologist Sibylle Storkebaum told of an eight-year-old boy who ran amok in a hospital before undergoing a heart transplant, threatening to rip out his drip tubes.____(3)_____“Doctors and nurses failed to see that they had downgraded a boy already conscious of his own responsibilities into a small child,” Storkebaum said, explaining that the boy merely wanted to be taken seriously and to be involved in his own treatment. “Once this was acknowledged, the anger attacks subsided.____(4)_____” Jan-Torsten Tews of Glaxo Welcome highlighted the problem of excessive medication, with patients having to take a wide range of medicines at short intervals. Educating patients and self-management were the key to treating patients with chronic conditions, he said. Health insurers also expressed interests in better cooperation between doctor and patient. “The fact that non-compliance exists is a result of patient dissatisfaction with their treatment,” Walter Bockemuehl, a senior executive in the statutory medical insurance scheme. said. According to one study, half of all patients did not want medication, but had drugs prescribed nevertheless.____(5)_____ 词汇: medication 药物治疗,药剂kidney 肾transplant 移植 distraciton 心烦意乱avail 用处non-compliance 不顺从,固执 professional 专业人员impose把……强加给…… pharmaceutical 制药的,药学的characterize表示……的性格特征 insurer 承保人,保险公司defiant 反抗的,无礼的 therapy 治疗,疗法insecure 缺乏安全感的 amok 狂怒的,狂暴的fit 发作rage 盛怒,狂怒 assert 主张,坚持,维护downgrade 贬低,小看 noticeably 明显地highlight 使显著,强调,把注意力集中于…… dissatisfaction 不满意statutory 法定的额 注释: 1.to no avail:徒劳无功 2.be characterized:被描绘成…… 3.run amok:变得勃然大怒。run在这里是系动词,有“变”的意思。 4.to rip out his drop tubes:把他的点滴管扯下rip out 扯掉,扯出 drip:水滴,点滴


2020年职称英语考试卫生类B级阅读判断练习及答案 (3) “We hire talent. ” Those are the words of Rod Franz, a civil service computer technology director, responding to the question of opportunities for women who are interested in pursuing careers as computer technicians. On at least one of three shifts in his operation, the male-female ratio is 50-50. That is not surprising because government and educational institutes are required by the law to make every effort to open hiring opportunities to women and minority workers. What may be even more interesting to young women is that,according to Franz, private industry is hiring women and minorities away from us. And, since private industry pays more, it succeeds. Managers in the rapidly growing computer service field are quick to agree. They strongly encourage women to train for technician jobs, and they actively recruit female technicians across the country. They believe that this career field offers a wealth of possibility for women. A recent study by the Devry Institute of Technology that involved 100 employment managers in the Chicago area showed,too, that the number of women entering the field of computer science is on the rise, and that those already in the field are moving up. A significant increase in the number of women


一、论述类文本阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 家园的失落是时代病症 作为普通人,历数我们的种种焦虑,为基本保障、为生活条件、为梦想实现、为人与人之间的关系。我们没有安全感、缺乏确定性、觉得得不到承认和肯定、体会不到信任与支持,凡此种种,这不正是我们“无家”的感觉吗?尽管在家和家园之中我们还会面临其他的问题,但是我们知道我们是安全的,我们不会遭受恶意的伤害甚至不会感受到敌意,我们可以得到呵护,在遇到困难时会获得照顾与支持。 人类从乡村走向城市,从农业生产迈入工业化,从传统礼俗社会进入现代科学理性与法律社会的过程,也是人类一步步失落家园的过程。现代的工业市场生产、大规模的城市生活、科技理性支配和无情的科层制与形式主义法律统治,将人类从与自然界密切联系的共享天地之中抽离,而将其投入以功利效率的工具理性为核心的逻辑组织和运作的各个“系统世界”中,人类身处自己打造的机器般的“铁笼”之中,既失温馨家园,又怎能免得恒久的焦虑?从赋予政府更多的福利保障职能,到重新看待与科学的关系、发挥信仰的功能,或以人本主义来平衡科学精神,直到重建公民社会与“公共领域”。然而,在个人主义和工具理性的核基石上,这一切看来并未从根本上解决问题。人类的家园并未真正得以恢复,家园失落之痛和如影随形的普遍焦虑之感,至多只能说是稍有缓和而已。 到了全球化阶段,情形变得更为复杂。借助全球流动性增长的各种媒介手段突破时空界限将全世界的人更近距离地聚拢在一起,经济市场、科学技术、科层组织这些系统世界以前所未有的速度更进一步和深入侵吞蚕食人们的家园,大到各国,中到各地方、各种人群共同体,小到各个家庭,其所能提供的保护屏障一一被穿透,个体越来越深地被卷入其普遍的支配逻辑中。而焦虑中的人们也将逐渐明了,如果曾经是为了正当的梦想而宁愿舍弃家园、离家逐梦,那么,该到重新回家的时候了。因为,我们的天性是社会的存在,我们决不可没有家园。 我们不是简单地返回最初的家和家园。人类要往前走,我们不可能退回到过去。现代化过程不可逆转,人类文明发展的长河不可能倒流。但是,我们的确需要不时地停下匆促的脚步,反问和澄清这一切的初衷,明白有哪些我们要继续坚持,又有哪些我们必须纠正,哪怕需要为此付出十分艰巨的努力。之所以说我们正面临重建家园的重大机遇,在于焦虑的普遍性和日益被人们认识到的焦虑的深沉性。如今,焦虑是普遍的、持续的、深刻的,不独属于某一个


2017年高考语文试题(新课标Ⅰ卷)论述类文本阅读参考答案 【参考答案】 1.D. A,“为了应对气候变化”无中生有,强加因果。“非政府组织提出气候正义的概念”,张冠李戴,文章并不能确定是非政府组织提出了“气候正义”的概念。必然代或然。B,以偏概全。C,文意理解错误。 2.C .文意理解错误。 3.B.绝对化错误。 2017年高考语文试题(新课标Ⅱ卷)论述类文本阅读参考答案 1.【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:B项“此时青花瓷与外来文化已无关系”说法错误。C项“但青花瓷的风格表明当时社会比较开放和进步”无中生有,原文只是说“明初往往被认为是保守的,那么青花瓷的例子,则可以使人们对明初文化的兼容性有一个新的认识”。D项,“从而推动了当时的社会向多元转型”说法错误,原文只是说“青花瓷以独特方式昭示了明代文化的演变过程,成为中国传统社会从单一走向多元的例证”。 2.【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:A项“论证了瓷器发展与审美观念更新的关系”说法错误,文章第一段通过元明两代瓷器的比较,证明青花瓷崛起是郑和航海时代技术创新与文化交融的硕果。 3.【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:B项“可见青花瓷兴盛的成化年间社会变化很快”文中没有体现这一内容。 2017年高考语文试题(新课标Ⅲ卷)论述类文本阅读参考答案 【文本评析】 本文,论题是“乡村的城镇化进与乡愁”,体现了作者对当今我国乡村在如火如荼的城镇化进程中所突现问题的批判性思考,体现了鲜明的时代性,也体现了以人为本的城镇化建设新理念。而时代性和人文性,是高考论述类文本选料的重要特征。 本文思路明晰。首段总领全文,既指出主要问题(一些乡村在变为城镇的过程中,虽然面貌焕然一新,但很多曾经让人留恋的东西却荡然无存。人们或多或少有这样的担忧;快速的、大规模的城镇化会不会使?乡愁?无处安放?),也提出了基本观点(要在城镇化进程中留住乡愁,不让?乡愁?变成?乡痛?,一个重要措施是要留住、呵护并活化乡村记忆)。作者观点中有三个针对“乡村记忆”的关键词:“留住”、“呵护”、“活化”。 第②③④段分论。每个分论,都分why和how两个逻辑方向。 第②段扣“留住”,论说要“留住乡村记忆”。先论及“乡村记忆”的两种形态(“物质文化记忆”、“非物质文化记忆”)及两者间的关系,再论及“乡村记忆”的功能(这些乡村记忆是人们认知家园空间、乡土历史与传统礼仪的主要载体。在城镇化的过程中留住它们,才能留住乡愁。),从而论述了“留住乡村记忆”的必要性。然后,简要论述了如何“留住乡村记忆”(至于哪些乡村记忆真正值得保留,这一方面可以借助一些科学的评价体系进行合理的评估,另一方面可以广泛听取民意,然后进行综合甄选)第③段扣“呵护”,论说要“呵护乡村记忆”。先略及必要性(仅仅留住乡村记忆而不进行呵护,乡村记忆会逐渐失去原有魅力),再着重谈“呵护乡村记忆”的做法。谈做法,先概括(呵护乡村记忆,使其永葆?温度?,就要对相关记忆场所做好日常维护工作,为传统技艺传承人延续传统技艺创造条件,保持乡村传统活动的原有品质),再举例论说。 第④段扣“活化”,论说要“活化乡村记忆”。先通过比较“活化”与“留住”、“呵护”的不同(是一种积极型的留住乡愁),借此论说了“活化乡村记忆”的必要性,再论及“活化乡村记忆”的做法(活化乡村记忆,就是在新型城镇化进程中深度挖掘乡村记忆与乡村传统产业,进行精细化、产业化升级,将?文??人??居?与?产?融合在一起,让原来的乡村记忆在新型城镇化进程中充满生机活力) 【题目解析】 社科文阅读,做题前必须潜心读文,完成整体感知——读清论题,读清主要观点,理清各段各层大意。可用笔在试卷将这些要点划出。总有考生未完成整体感知就直接上手做题,这样做,由于缺乏整体感、大局观的支撑,错误率高。还应潜心读题,并将选项内容放回原文相关信息区仔细、冷静地核对。 总体上看,本大题难度偏低。 [第1题]正确答案C C项信息区在第③段中间——?比如,对一些乡土景观、农业遗产、传统生产设施与生产方法等有意识地进行整理维护。对于乡村中的集体记忆场所,如村落的祠堂、乡村的入口、议事亭、祭祀场所等,不可因为城镇化就让其全部消亡,而应对这些承载着人的情感和记忆的场所定期维修?。这里举例论说“呵护乡村记忆”的一些做法,有?对一些乡土景观、农业遗产、传统生产设施与生产方法等有意识地进行整理维护?,有?对于乡村中的集体记忆场所┄┄定期维修?。可见,说“在城镇化过程中,定期维修乡村的集体记忆场所,是呵护乡村记忆的一种方式”是正确的。 A项信息区在第①段末——?要在城镇化进程中留住乡愁,不让‘乡愁’变成‘乡痛’,一个重要措施是要


职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 2011年职称英语考试已于今天结束,2011年职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 一、词汇选项 1. urging (pushing) 2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking) 5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes) 9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying ) 11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintained) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid) 15. vigorous (energetic ) 二、阅读判断 16-22参考答案BCABACB 标题:Relieving the Pain 主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处 16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around

答案:B(wrong:错) 17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 18. Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain 答案:A(right:正确) 19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients 答案:B(wrong:错) 20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain 答案:A(right:正确) 21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely 答案:B(wrong:错) 三、概括大意与完成句子 23-26参考答案DECA 标题:Owls and Larks 主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因 23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?) 24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?) 25. 答案:C ( which is better,being an owl or a lark?) 26. 答案:A (What should we avoid ?) 完成句子 27-30参考答案:FDAB


2020年职称英语卫生类阅读判断练习(3) Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net Cancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap stories and share experiences on how to cope with such a devastating disease. But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference: it has an information safety net. This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue "cancer cures" or scientifically unsound information. Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat but if people wish to post a message they will need to register. And Rebekah Gibbs,cancer patient and star of TV's Casualty has pledged her support for the new project."I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea," she said."I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart-warming response from other people going through the same thing. "The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family.And with Cancer Research UK monitoring the forum people can be reassured about the quality of information being exchanged."

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