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当前位置:文档库 › 应用电子鼻评价加工型辣椒果实辣度的方法





摘要:辣椒果实辣度的快速量化检测是加工企业辣椒原料选择的前提,制定鲜椒辣度评价标准是加工辣椒的品质保障三试验以9个已知辣度的辣椒品种果实为材料,通过感官评定和电子鼻测定建立快速量化的辣度评价方法三结果表明,电子鼻主成分分析贡献率大于99%,可以反映样品的综合信息,并有效区分辣椒果实的辣味;负荷加载分析结果表明,电子鼻对辣味最为敏感的传感器是W5S 二W1W 和W2W 三通过电子鼻传感器W5S 二W1W 和W2W 对辣椒果实的响应值,




中图分类号:TS207.3一一一文献标志码:A一一一doi :10.3969/j .issn.1000-9973.2018.12.028文章编号:1000-9973(2018)12-0146-05A pp l ication of Electronic Nose in Evaluatin g the Pun g enc y

De g ree of Processin g -t yp e Pe pp er Fruit

LI Yin g -hui ,WANG Hui ,YANG Yan -j ie ,LIN Duo ?,MA Jin g (Colle g e of Horticulture ,Qin g dao A g ricultural Universit y ,Qin g dao 266109,China )Abstract :The ra p id q uantification of p e pp er fruits is the basis for selection of raw materials for p rocessin g enter p rises.The p un g enc y de g ree evaluation criterion of fresh p e pp er raw material is the g uarantee for p rocessin g q ualit y .In this p a p er ,a ra p id q uantification method for p e pp er taste evaluation is established throu g h sensor y evaluation and electronic nose measurement b y usin g 9varieties of p e pp er fruits with known p un g enc y de g ree.The results show that the contribution rate of the p rinci p al com p onent anal y sis of electronic nose is g reater than 99%,which can reflect the

com p rehensive information of the sam p les and effectivel y distin g uish the p un g enc y de g ree of p e pp er

fruits.Loadin g anal y sis shows that the most sensitive sensors of electronic nose for p e pp er taste are W5S ,W1W and W2W.The p un g enc y de g ree evaluation method is established b y the res p onse value of electronic nose sensors W5S ,W1W and W2W on p e pp er fruits.The p un g enc y de g ree of p e pp er fruits is divided into 4g rades ,which are not s p ic y (1~10),sli g htl y s p ic y (10.1~20),s p ic y (20.1~50)and stron g s p ic y (50.1~70).This method is used to test the p e pp er raw materials from 11raw materials bases ,which could si g nificantl y distin g uish the p un g enc y de g ree differences amon g the p e pp er fruits.Ke y words :p rocessin g -t yp e p e pp er ;p un g enc y de g ree ;electronic nose ;evaluation method 收稿日期:2018-07-03一一一一一一一一?通讯作者


;科技创新工程协同创新项目(CAAS -XTCX2018021)作者简介:李颖慧(1995-),女,山东青岛人,硕士,研究方向:蔬菜栽培与营养品质三 641 分析检测一一

第43卷第12期2018年12月一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一中国调味品China Condiment 万方数据
