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1) We refused to take the advice and failed.


2) They are all of an age.


3) I was shanghaied in Shanghai.


4) Don’t ride the high horse.


5) The teacher is popular with his students.(主动形式,被动意义)


6) He had a fast life, drinking and gambling.


7) Man has to fight his way through life on earth!


8) He would be quite a likeable fellow if only he wouldn’t act the goat so much.


9) John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game.


10) Nehru had evidently come to think of their country as the equal of China, or even her superior. 【译文】尼赫鲁显然认为他们的国家应该同中国平起平坐,甚至要高出中国一头。

11) It will soon rain itself out and then we can have our walk.


12) She was eighteen and beautiful.


13) There are some beautiful Chinese girls in the picture.


14) He was a good father, within his limitations.


15) “Look at that old lady, she’s doing everything wrong.”



In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone call made after 11 :00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it’s a mater of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. 【译文】在美国,人们通常不在清早打电话给别人。如果你在早晨别人刮脸或吃早餐的时候打电话来,那就意味着你有非常重要而紧急的事请。晚上11点之后打来电话也一样。人们在睡觉的时间接到电话时就会以为发生了生死攸关的事。打电话所选择的时间表示事情的重要程度。



1.I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile.


3.They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries.



3.He is not so ill but he can come to school.


4.She is at home in English.


5.He and he alone could control the situation.


6.It is raining cats and dogs outside.


7.It is not half bad for a beginner.


8. Don’t make light of their design.


9.He is a foreign-language student.


10.I came to the university this day 25 years ago.


11.We’ll be there this time next month.


12.I’m something of a carpenter.


13.Xiao Gao is anything of a gentleman.


14.He is nothing of a musician.


15.We sang the old year out and the New Year in.



1.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.


2.I closed my eyes and said a prayer of thanks before putting the car in gear and returning to the highway.


7.He accomplished this by getting rid of the irons with which his wrists and ankles were shackled, cutting through a double grille of oak and iron bars, descending twenty-five feet by a knotted sheet and blanket, and climbing a twenty-two-foot wall.(按照空间顺序)




课堂互动2:翻译下列句子, 注意词性和词义搭配(参考译文)

1. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain.


2. We shall never see his match.


3. The vote was 35 to 25, a margin of 10.


4. The report is thoroughly sourced.


5. This hotel can’t be matched for friendliness.


6. She was rather advanced in years for a maiden.


7. Every one of us poured forth his expertise.


8. I’ll not abuse your hospitality.


9. I long for you terribly. The moment we say good-bye and I close the door, my torment begins.


10. Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess I was either generally in the right, or else a better debater, because the judgment was usually in my favor.



1) The sales of the book went deeply into the millions.


2) He is four going on five.


3) A pound does not go far these days.


4) I’ll give you £50, but I can't go any further.


5) This will go a long way toward world peace.


6) A fine appearance and comfort do not usually go together.


7) She has the qualities which go to the making of a good teacher.


8) A foreign language will go far towards widening our mental horizon.


9) What he says goes.


10) He made a promise and then went back on it.


课堂互动4: 翻译下列句子,注意词义的近似、深化、升华(参考译文)

1.How they bow to that Creole because of her hundred thousand pounds!

【译文】瞧她们对那个克里奥尔奉承讨好的样儿,还不是看她有成千上万的财产吗!(深化)2.The custom had its spring in another country.


3.David is swollen in everything, in body and in mind.


4.The high-ceilinged room, the little balconies, alcoves, nooks and angles all suggest sanctuary, escape, creature comfort.


5.…and she held honour—a cheque for twenty thousand pounds with his signature —quite firmly in her hands.


课堂互动5: 翻译句子, 注意具体词义抽象化和抽象词义具体化(参考译文)

1.The newspaper claims to be the mirror of the public opinion.


2.Application of laser in medicine is still in its infancy.


3.But no one forces you to go to sea. It gets in your blood.


4.She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.


5.As far as the head goes, at least, she does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment. 【译文】不说别的,就智力才能而论,她确实能为本校所遵循的教育制度争光。

6.He gave up the sword for the plough.


7.Behind him I see the long grey rollers of the Atlantic at work.


8.But, if public dissatisfaction continues to grow, or appears to do so, politicians may conclude that they have to do something, usually in the name of reform.


9.A mixture of fear of the unknown and fear of disenchantment was tormenting her.


10.But it is best not to be intimate with gentlemen of this profession, and to take the calculations at second-hand, as you do logarithms, for to work them yourself, depend upon it, will cost you something considerable. (W. Thackeray: Vanity Fair)


课堂互动6:翻译下列句子, 注意原文的语言风格(参考译文)

1.How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart?


2.He has a very satirical eye. And if I do not begin by being impertinent myself, I shall soon grow afraid of him. (Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice)


3.It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen.


4.They exhibited neither their glory nor superiority.


5.A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts.


6.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the terrorists.


7.During the war, he was an embryo surgeon, and joined the mobile medical team.


8.Honesty pays itself.


9.“You don’t look like a magician.”

“What do I look like?”

“A musician.”

“I did saw away at a fiddle once.”

“You did? Well, what’s the difference what you do so long as you make, you know what.”And she rubbed her thumb in her palm.






10. In a surprising display of accessibility, Beijing's top leaders have been meeting with almost every American visitor, right down to the lowliest junior congressional representative in town.


课堂互动7:翻译下列句子, 注意比喻与典故(参考译文)

1.Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.


2.I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse.


3.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.


4.He speaks as if there were a frog in his throat.


5.Andrea thought her mother’s ideas about dating were old hat.


课堂互动8:翻译下列句子, 注意褒义译法(参考译文)

1.Common sense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult to a light woman.


2.The sea adds something to the appearance of Qingdao.


3.You’re the only girl I’ve ever seen that actually did look like something blooming.


4.The boys went back to camp, a good deal awed, but they found there was still something to be thankful for, because the great sycamore, the shelter of their beds, was a ruin now, blasted by the lightnings and they were not under it when the catastrophe happened.

(Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


5.If you are a man,you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals.


课堂互动9 :翻译下列句子, 注意贬义译法(参考译文)

1.There is safety in numbers.


2.When he tossed a much-ballyhooed party in Persepolis three years age to celebrate Persia’s 2500th anniversary, he invited virtually everybody who was anybody —but mostly nobodies showed up.


3. Rip was, moreover, a kind neighbour, and an obedient hen-packed husband.


4.Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.


5.When I first knew you, I tingled. I would have washed your feet and drunk the bathwater. But when I knew you better, I told myself, Zeftel, it’s a waste—all this trembling.





1)The house is over against the university.


2)We’re up against all sorts of difficulties.


3)The huge waves hurling themselves against the rock broke into clouds of spray.


4)The factory has produced 85,000 tons of sugar this year, as against the 60, 000 tons of last year.


5)He saves money against the rainy day.


6)Charge it against my account.


7)She drew a check against her bank balance.


8)We must not cross the street against the light.


9)His appearance is against him.


10)He was helpless against such forces.



1) He can mature alcohol electrically.


2) He had his ups and downs.


3) And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.


4) He was watching me or something for an hour or two.


5) Theory is something but practice is everything.


6) In learning English, grammar is not everything.


8) Is Jane a possibility as a wife for Richard? (=a suitable person)


9) I was not one to let my heart rule my head.


10) She didn’t think of that the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in

her family. Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.



1)There is something behind, I think.


2) They are nameless nothing.


3) He is really something!


4) She is as fair as Helen.


5) They predicted the youth would have a bright future.


6) The adoption of the new policies will surely lead to some striking results.


7) The enemy killed one of our comrades, and we killed an enemy agent.


8) There would have been more painful result but for the drastic measures.


9) Mr Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture.


10) He thinks himself to be something, but actually he is nothing.


4. 短文翻译

About ten o’clock on the following morning, seedy and hungry, I was dragging myself along Portland Place, when a child that was passing, towed by a nurse-maid, tossed a luscious big pear—minus one bite —into the gutter. I stopped of course, and fastened my desiring eye on that muddy treasure. My mouth watered for it, my stomach craved it, my whole being begged for it.


But every time I made a move to get it, some passing eye detected my purpose, and of course I straightened up then, and looked indifferent, and pretended that I hadn’t been thinking about the pear at all. This same thing kept happening and happening, and I couldn’t get the pear. I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window behind me ws raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: “Step in here, please.” (Mark Twain: The ?1,000,000 Bank-note)



















Very timid


Very strong


Keep quiet


Do evil things openly




We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water.


No one is satisfied with his favoritism in his work.


More and more people have realized the necessity of learning computer. 越来越多的人认识到了学习计算机的必要性。

His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness.


Her jealousy is the cause of her failure.


Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.


The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.


There had been too much violence in that region.



Lick sb’s boots 巴结

Keep sth. under one’s hat 保密

be in irons 被监禁

Break the ice破冰

Turn thumbs down on sth

I was practically on my knees but he still refused.


He is a rolling stone, I don’t think he can go far.


I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad!


The society held its meeting behind closed doors.


He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together.



I had imagined it to be merely a gesture of affection, but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own.



Earl and I decided to walk our dog. Somehow our path took us toward the park, across the footbridge high above the rolling waters of the Los Angeles River. It is like a dream to me now, floating through my mind in slow motion. Many children were playing close to the waters.



After the football match, he’s got an important meeting.



He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech.



Ideally, one day, researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly.( the economist)



The resounding success of the Curacao experiment whetted the appetites of Florida livestock

raisers for screw-worms.



Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for me, “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers”.( Helen Adams Keller: The story of My life)



This great scientist was born in New England.




He is not well today, but he still comes to class.


If I learn to drive a motorcycle, I will certainly buy a new one.


He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.


In September 1939, the Second World War broke out.


One hundred thousand citizens in Hiroshima of Japan were killed by the first atomic bomb in the world.



You'll supply financial power, and we'll supply manpower. Isn't that fair and square?


In our workshop there is a hard and fast rule against smoking.


He is dead and gone.




I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.


(原文中以for引导的的介词词组在译文中被处理成连接词“因为”,定语his转译成了主语“他”,定语continuous转译成了状语“不断地”,名词encouragement转译成了动词“鼓励”,定语during my childhood转译成了状语“在我小时候”。


You think she will come if it is fine tomorrow. But I don’t think so.


You say he works hard; so he does.



The bandits robbed him of his ox, but it was his only family property.


The whole project was completed in a quarter of a year.



It took them two decades to do the job.



He was in New York in the first ten days of March.



A dozen and a half aeroplanes poured into the airport during that five minutes.



He is over sixty years old.



My mother is in her seventies.



He is well over forty years old.



The boy is appreciated by all his teachers for his carefulness in his homework.


In fact, it is his meticulousness that is preventing him from making any progress in his research work.


Her husband was a brave pilot during the Second World War.


The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.


These boys are big enough to be self-respecting.


She is quite unpopular among her colleagues for she is so egotistic.


We need tough-minded soldiers in our army.


He did not yield in the face of the ruthless enemies.


He is respected by his people for his foresightedness.


I always considered him calculating and mercenary and did my best to avoid him. 我一向认为他这个人工于心计又唯利是图,所以总是尽力设法避开他。= Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times.


Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work.


The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parents’advice.


The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people .


She is fidgety and restless.


All the inventors have a restless mind.


As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.


As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic.


The old couple made a persistent effort to search for their daughter lost in the war. 这对年老的夫妇执着地寻找着他们在战争中丢失的女儿。

She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.



You’ll be sorry if you try anything funny in class.


She is a bit funny sometimes.


Don’t get funny with your boss!


It’s always something that you are the owner of so many wonderful books.


He has a strong desire to be somebody.


Everybody who was anybody in Labor politics turned up.


“She is my horse, my dog, my anything,”the male chauvinist husband said. “她是我的马,我的狗,反正是属于我的东西”,那个大男子主义的丈夫说。They are nameless nothing.


He is always saying the usual polite nothings.


I am a mere nobody.





例1:——Why do you say the river is rich?

——Because it has two banks.



例2:——What flower does everybody have?




【解析】这是因为郁金香“tulip”的读音恰巧和人的双唇“two lips—tulips”的读音相似,此处正好借用这一发音巧妙造成双关。

例3:Once a pretty girl student came to the room for the interview. It was the first time that she had taken the exam. She was so excited and nervous during the interview that she left her bag on the desk. When she came back for it, my colleague, Mr. Smith, handed her the bag.

“Thank you very much,”she said.

“You are welcome,”Mr. Smith replied, smiling.




【解析】“You are welcome”在这里有双重意思,一是“不客气,不用谢”,二是“欢迎下次再来”。女学生向史密斯先生表示感谢,是因为他给她递了包,而史密斯先生巧用“You are welcome”向学生表示客气,应译为“不客气”,这样才能和“谢谢你”一致,可译为“不客气”,反倒失去了考官之本意;同时向学生开了个玩笑“欢迎你再来”,让学生也这样理解,两个意思都存在,一语双关。由此可见,这种双关产生的幽默就体现在语境之中。

例4:Bruce hit something hard when eating a meat pie. He found that it was a piece of human nail. He felt annoyed and went to the owner of the snack bar.

“You really surprised me, sir,”he began. “I found something foreign in the food,”Bruce complained.

“What?”the owner looked confused.”We’ve got nothing from other countries.


“这太令人吃惊了,先生,”他说,“我在你的馅儿饼里发现异物(something foreign),”布鲁斯表示不满。


【解析】“foreign”有两个意思,一个是“外国的”,一个是“异质的”,即不属于某个地方的,不应该在某个地方出现的。店主显然是按第一种意思把“something foreign”理解车成了“外国货”,而顾客指的是“异物”。这种用法在此出现,显得风趣幽默,滑稽可笑。



例1:New York has the poorest millionaire, the littlest great man, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw.



“——That time is past,

And all its aching joys are now no more,

And all its dizzy raptures.”

(Wordsworth: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey)






例1:I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here.



例2:Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horsepower scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards.


【解析】这里运用了一连串夸张性的数字“a two hundred horsepower,three miles, two hundred yards”, 淋漓尽致地写出了奶酪香味之浓烈,有效地烘托了氛围,给人以身临其境之感。这种夸张用法常用以渲染气氛、烘托意境,给人留下深刻而鲜明的印象。



例1:The chess-board is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is a1ways fair, just, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.

(Thomas Henry Huxley: A Liberal Education )


例2:The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is... not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improved by a mere command of the will. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. The seeds must be carefully chosen they must fall on good

ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed. (Winston Churchill )




例1: A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form. 【译文】形体美胜于容貌美,行为美胜于形体美。


例2: They left me at the gate, not easily or lightly; and it was a strange sight to me to see the cart go on, taking Paggoty away, and leaving me under the elm tree looking at the house in which there was no face to look at me with love or liking any more.


【解析】他们在门口分手时的情景是“not easily or lightly”,要表达这种感觉,用了“当时的气氛”来说明那时的心情“既不凝重,也不轻松”。

例3: My first quarter at Lowood seemed an age, and not the golden age either; it comprised an irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot, though these were no trifles. (Charlotte Brontee: Jane Eyre)





例1:His mother described him at two as “round and fat and strong as a five-year-old.”

【译文】母亲描绘他两岁时的情景时说: “圆圆胖胖, 结结实实, 象个五岁的孩子”。

例2:I teach because I like the peace of the academic calendar …

I teach because teaching is a profession built on change …

I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students …





I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer …

I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real life …(《大学英语》, Unit 3, B.III)



【解析】这里使用重复“I teach because I…”,译为“我教书,是因为我……”,和英语的修辞手段一致,由浅入深,哲理深远,说理透彻,层层递进,逻辑性强。

例3:It doesn’t matter what you learn, but once you learn something, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It doesn’t matter what you look into, but once you look into something, you must never give it up until you have completely understood it. It doesn’t matter what you try to think of, but once you think of something, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It doesn’t matter what you try to carry out, but once you try to carry out something, you must never give it up until you have done it completely and well.




例1:Their sunburned faces were dark, and their sunwhipped eyes were light.


例2:It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning; its quiet stretches as well as its rapids; its periods of drought as well as fullness.


例3:The din of the stall-holders crying over their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining makes you dizzy.


例4:And raising good cotton, riding well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one’s liquor like a gentleman were the things that mattered.




例1:And I have loved thee, Ocean! And my joy of youthful sports was on thy breast to be borne onward.


例2:Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change.


例3:That freedom of the soul, which looks straight onward in its path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those that it has already taken, is true simplicity. (Fran?ois Fénelon: True and false Simplicity)




例1:Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and middle-sized are alone entangled in.


例2:Those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times require) may flay the carcass; the skin of which artificially dressed will make admirable gloves for ladies, and summer boots for fine gentlemen. (Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal )


例3:They were, in fact, very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited. ( J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice)


课堂互动1 :考考你,看谁能译出歧义和双关?(参考译文)

1.He went to see the artist himself.


【译文二】他去看画家本人。(himself是the artist的同位语。)

2. He is capable of doing anything.



6.She didn’t do that to please her mother.


(=She didn’t do that in order to please her mother.)


(=She did that not to please her mother.)

9.They can fish.



10.They are visiting friends.



课堂互动2 :考考你,看谁能译出矛盾修辞格?(参考译文)

3.painful pleasure


4.Bad Good News (Time)


6.I like sweet-sour apricots.



1.He sat perfectly quietly, and never spoke a syllable.


课堂互动5 :根据逻辑关系翻译下列句子(参考译文)

1.He is lying on his side.


3.A smile would come into Mr Pickwick’s face, the smile extended into a laugh, the laugh into a roar, and the roar became general. (Charles Dickens: Pickwick Papers)


课堂互动6 :运用重复手法翻译下列句子(参考译文)

3.The law should meet with your approval because it is simple, because it is enforceable, and because it is just.


1.The weatherman said it would be warm. He must take his readings in a bathroom.


2.This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.


3.He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need.





例1:Practically every river has an upper, a middle, and a lower part.


例2:We won’t retreat; we never have and never will.


【解析】英语原文“never have”和“never will”之后都省略了“retreat”,汉语补译出“后退”,使表达完整。

例3:Presently there came a quivering glow that vaguely revealed the foliage for a moment and then vanished. By and by another came, a little stronger. Then another.

(Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


【解析】“another”指“glow”,“a little stronger”还是指“glow”,英文省略,中文增补译出。例4:I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom.




例5:This is largely a manifestation of strong black identity, forged from experience of extensive discrimination and a consequent rejection of the values of mainstream British society. 【译文】这主要表现了一种强烈的黑人个性,这种黑人个性是由他们普遍受歧视的经历以及随之而产生的对主流英国社会价值观念的否定态度而造成的。

【解析】“forged”的逻辑主语是“strong black identity”。把逻辑主语“这种黑人个性”重复补译,强调主语,使译文意义更加清楚,再次说明黑人的个性是由两种情况形成的,即“感到普遍受歧视”和“否定主流英国社会价值观念”。“consequent”意思是“随后的;作为结果(后果)的,随之发生的”,“consequent”所引起的结果是由前一件事造成的。



例1:Water evaporates more rapidly when the temperature is higher than when it is low.


【解析】根据“温度高,水蒸发得快”这一点,那么,“when it is low”就是“温度低”,原文省去了“water evaporates slowly”,汉语增译“水蒸发得慢”也就很自然了。

例2:Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it.


例3:You cannot build a ship, a house, or a machine tool if you do not know how to make a design or how to read it.




例1:They went to Beijing by a Shanghai.



例2:And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.


【解析】这句话的翻译增加了一个“虽然”从句,不但打破了原文的语法结构,而且又将“growing minority”拆开分别译成“越来越多”但“数量上是少数”。

例3:His speech was Irish throughout,versatile,witty and occasionally pointed.




第一章 汉英语言对比 相关参考: 翻译教学和研究的经验表明:翻译理论和技巧必须建立在不同语言和文化的对比分析基础上。英汉互译的几项基本原则和技巧,如选词(Diction)、转换(Conversion)、增补(Amplification)、省略(Omission)、重复(Repetition)、替代(Substitution)、变换(Variation)、倒臵(Inversion)、拆离(Division)、缀合(Combination)、阐释(Annotation)、浓缩(Condensation)、重组(Reconstruction),以及时态、语态、语气、习语、术语等的译法,都集中地体现了英汉的不同特点。机器翻译是让计算机按照人们所制定的程序和指令进行不同语言的对比转换,也离不开对比分析。翻译之所以困难,归根结底是因为语言差异和文化差异。因此,对比、分析和归纳这些差异,便是翻译学的重要任务。 不同语言的对比分析不仅有利于教学和翻译,也有助于语言交际。通过对比分析,人们可以进一步认识外语和母语的特性,在进行交际时,能够有意识地注意不同语言各自的表现方法,以顺应这些差异,防止表达错误,避免运用失当,从而达到交际的目的。 ——连淑能,《英汉对比研究》 纪德是最理解莎士比亚的法国作家之一。在他看来,“没有任何作家比莎士比亚更值得翻译”,但同时,“也没有任何作家比他更难翻译,译文更容易走样”。纪德对莎士比亚的理解是双重的,既是精神的,也是语言的。他在与莎士比亚的相遇与相识中,经历了一系列的考验。对他在翻译中经历的这番历史奇遇,他曾在为七星文库出版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》撰写的前言中作了详尽的描述:描述了两种文化与两种语言之间的遭遇,也揭示了翻译中译者所面临的种种障碍。 纪德首先看到的,是语言与文化层面的逻辑性,这涉及到不同语言的思维方法。他说:“莎士比亚很少考虑逻辑性,而我们拉丁文化缺了逻辑性就踉踉跄跄。莎士比亚笔下的形象相互重现,相互推倒。面对如此丰富的形象,我们可怜的译者目瞪口呆。他不愿意对这种绚丽多彩有丝毫遗漏,因此不得不将英文原本中用仅仅一个词表示的暗喻译成一个句子。原来像蛇一样紧紧盘成一团的诗意,如今成了松开的弹簧。翻译成了解释。逻辑倒是很满意,但魅力不再起作用。莎士比亚的诗句飞跃而过的空间,迟缓的熊虫一瘸一拐才能走完。”在紧密的逻辑与丰富的形象之间,英语与法语的天平有所侧重,在两者的遭遇中,译者的无奈与局限源于文化与语言的巨大差异。 头脑清醒的纪德没有丝毫责备英语或莎士比亚的语言的意思,相反,在翻译莎士比亚的戏剧中,他充分意识到了母语的缺陷。他说:“只有在接触外语时,我们才意识到本国语言的缺陷,因此,只会法语的法国人是看不到缺陷的。”他的这一观点与德国作家歌德的观点几乎是一致的。异之于我,可作一明镜,从异中更清楚地照清自身。在这个意义上,与异语文化的接触,有助于认识母语与母语文化的不足。看清了自身的不足,便有可能从异语异文化中去摄取营养,弥补自身,丰富自身。 在艰难的翻译中,纪德亲历了种种障碍,他结合翻译中的具体例证,作了某


第一章 一、概述 1.(1)英语:是语法型,重语法结构,注重以形显意,靠关联词,用显性连接 (2)汉语:是语义型,重语义结构,通过逻辑纽带或语序间接地表现出来,隐形连接。 2.英语的形式接应手段:除关系代词、关系副词、连接代词、连接副词之外,还有若干连词和为数众多的介词。英语的句子通常均有各种关联词来表示多种语法关系。 3.翻译特点(意合与形合): (1)英语译为汉语:形合转为意合类似松绑(注意汉语意合表现力、句法特点) (2)汉语译为英语:意合转为形合类似(注意符合英语句法结构),要求上下文中语义搭配合乎事理,强调的是语言结构内部意义关系的“意合”,即造句注重意念连贯,具体表现是关联词的大量省略,很多成分也经常隐去。 4.关于形合与意合的说明:虽然英语和汉语句法中有形合与意合的 特征以及两者相互转换的必要,但不能由此推断英语中的形合结构必须一律转换为汉语的意合,或汉语的意合一律转成英语的形合。因为每一种语言都有自身的伸缩性,形合与意合两种句法在英语和汉语中同样是存在的,只是在汉语中意合更为普遍,而英语中形合更为普遍。 二、例句 1.形合到意合的转换: (1)I may be wrong and you may be right,and by an effort ,we may be nearer to the truth.也许我是错的,你是对的。我们做出努力,就会更接近真理。 (2)Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genius delight in what one is able to accomplish with one’s own hands.现在美国有一个奇特的现象:一方面人们为上升到不在需要靠体力劳动谋生的地位而感到自


汉英翻译基础教程 第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 (2) 第二章词法翻译的一般技巧 (4) 第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 (9) 第四章动词的翻译 (11) 第五章数词和冠词的翻译 (12) 第六章成语的英译 (13) 第七章修辞格的翻译 (17) 笫八章文化词语的翻译 (19) 第九章汉英句子比较与翻译 (20) 第十章换序和转态译法 (23) 笫十一章断句合句译法 (25) 笫十二章长句的翻译 (27) 第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译 (29) 第十五章风格与翻译 (30) 第十六章语用与翻译 (32)

第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now 第二节翻译中的选词 一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。 1. That depends upon circumstances.


《英汉翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲 (英文名称E-C Translation: Theory and Practice) 一、课程说明 课程编码 22110280 课程总学时 32 周学时 2 学分 1.5 课程性质专业必修课适用专业英语专业1、教学内容与学时安排(见下表): 教学内容与学时安排表

2、课程教学目的与要求: 本课程是高等学校英语专业三年级学生开设的一门专业必修课。它是理论与实践相结合的一门课程,其主要目的在于使学生具备笔头英汉翻译的基本能力。通过介绍各类文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握英汉翻译的基本理论,掌握英汉词语、长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英译汉的能力。要求译文比较准确、流畅,翻译速度达到每小时250-300字。 3、本门课程与其它课程关系: 本课程为英语专业本科三年级学生开设。学生在修该课程之前已修完综合阅读,综合英语,语法学,词汇学,英美文化等课程,这些课程都为学生修该课程奠定了扎实的语言基础。该课程又是学生综合英语语言运用能力的体现和反映,它的开设不仅能提高学生的翻译能力,而且它与英美文学,语言学,口译,高级英语等都能帮助学生进一步提高他们的综合英语语言运用能力。 4、推荐教材及参考书: 教材采用孙致礼编著的《新编英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社(2003年4月第1版)教学参考书 Baker, Mona. 2001. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Bassnett S, Lefevere A. 2001. Constructing Cultures: Essays On Literary Translation.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Brown Gillian & Yule George. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000 Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. Hatim B. 2001. Communication Across Cultures:Translation Theory and Contrastive Text


高等教育自学考试冲刺模拟试卷一 (英语专业) 英汉翻译教程(三) Part One I.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份把这带到了家。 B.对英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份使我们如鱼得水。 2.So now he contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. A.因此他就装出急切的、迷人的笑,并投向史奎尔先生。 B.因此他就装出殷切的、拍马的笑,并把这笑赠予史奎尔先生。 C.因此他就对史奎尔先生装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 D.因此他就给史奎尔先生设计了一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 3. People disappear in that river every year, one of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A. 这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 B. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D. 年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 4. As recently as the early 1960s, the phrase environmental law ” would probably have produced little more than a puzzled look, even from many lawyers.


Chapter one 2012-3-27 ?翻译可分为口译interpretation和笔译translation。 ?Interpretation can be divided into two types: one is consecutive interpretation, another is simultaneous interpretation. ?翻译三原则(George Washington Campbell,Alexander Fraser Tytler) 1.原作的意义、意思 2.原作的思想、精神 3.流畅、通顺 ?翻译方法1.直译literal translation 2.意译free translation 3.音译transliteration ?山雨欲来风满楼The coming events cast their shadows before. 才学最差,叫喊最多The worst wheel of a cart creaks most. 与……狼狈为奸hand in glove with… 乱七八糟at sixes and sevens 千载难逢once in a blue moon 路必有弯,势必有转机It is a long lane that has no turning. 家丑不可外扬It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. ?The main principles of TRANSLITERA TION 1.准确读音 2.正确拼写姓名拼写中姓与名要空一格首字母要大写eg. Pu Songling 地名拼写中首字母大写不空格eg. Fujian Guangdong Xi’an 一般来说除地名人名之外其他专有名词英译时首字母要大写如汉Han; 一般名词要小写 3.弄清词源有些词需要追溯到最初发音以利于音译eg.菩萨Bodhisattva 4.约定俗成eg. 孙中山Sun Y at-sen 宋庆龄Soong Ching Ling 陈嘉庚Tan Kah Kee 5.准确回译eg. 纽约New Y ork 6.缩略语复原eg. 闽Fujian 武大Wuhan University Chapter two 2012-3-28 ?The classification of CULTURE 1.物质文化material culture 2.制度文化institutional culture 3.心理文化mental culture ?中英思维方式对比 1.中国人注重伦理,英美人注重认知 2.中国人注重整体、偏重综合性思维;英美人注重个体、偏重分析性思维 3.中国人重直觉,英美人重实证 4.中国人重形象思维,英美人重逻辑思维 Chapter three 2012-3-31 ?词语的指称意义与蕴含意义的对比 1.指称意义是词语在交际过程中所表达的字面的最基本的意义,相当于一种约定俗 成的认知 2.蕴含意义的理解与表达eg:His wife was unfaithful to him, and he became a cuckold. 他老婆红杏出墙,给他戴了顶绿帽子。此处注意红和绿。?词语英译与语言语境 1.根据语言语境确定原文词义:“醉心于……”be engrossed in褒be infatuated with 贬 2.根据语言环境选择译文用词:①Mum gave a book as my birthday present .


翻译理论与实践课作业 天津科技大学外语学院 作业一:字词的翻译 一、词的理解 1.一词多义: wet She had a wet nurse for the infant Elliot. If you think I am for him, you are all wet. She wet her pants at the news. State state and revolution, state of the union the united states. 3.词义引申:抽象化、具体化 Every life has its roses and thorns. She stood there chewing over the strange thing. The engine sounds good. At 23, he had first learned what it is to be a Negro. 4.词的褒贬:comment Alice was excited as a child, delighted to be once more the center of the comment. But what a comment, she could not help reflecting, on her own charms. He walked around the room. He then stopped and looked around, “comment” ? 5.词的轻重:看词类、看场合、看句型、看习惯等等。Through;free He slept the night through. There is a through train to Beijing. Through this way, they finished the task. She is free with her money. I made her free of my library. 二、词义的表达 1.直译法 dark horse Hot dog Forbidden fruit 暴发户半边天红卫兵 2意译法 blue jacket the yellow leaf Wet blanket 炒鱿鱼下海白拿 3.直译意译结合法 the apple of one’s eye as dull as a goose Once in a blue moon as cool as a cucumber Black sheep as timid as a rabbit 4.音译法

《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(课文-演 讲)【圣才出品】

第10单元演讲(Speeches) 10.1 复习笔记 翻译理论选读 一、 A New Concept of Translating by Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. T aber Each language has its own genius.1 In the first place, it is essential to recognize that each language has its own genius. That is to say, each language possesses certain distinctive characteristics which give it a special character. 尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)博士是美国圣经学会翻译部主任。他不仅在美国主持《圣经》的英译工作,还在世界各地指导许多其他语言的翻译工作。 奈达认为,过去人们在翻译过程中过于重视与原文在形式上保持一致,而他主张着重考虑读者对译文的反应,应使译文的读者和原文的读者产生同样的感受。 关于原语,就《圣经》而言,也就是希伯来语和希腊语,奈达认为它们也不过是工具,被人们用来表达《圣经》里包含的意思而已。 关于译语,奈达认为每一种语言都有自己的特点,在构词法、语序、句子结构、谚语诸方面各不相同。各个民族的文化背景不同,对各自的语言也产生不同的影响。译者不必因为译语缺少某种表达方式而抱怨;相反地,他应该尊重这一语言的特点,最大限度地发挥其潜

力,以找出适当的表达方式。他的结论是,要想使译文保持原作的内容,就必须在形式上有所改变。 word-building capacities, unique patterns of phrase order, techniques for linking clauses into sentences, markers of discourse,2 and special discourse types of poetry, proverbs, and song. Each language is rich in vocabulary for the areas of cultural focus, the specialties of the people, e.g., cattle (Anuaks in the Sudan), yams (Ponapeans in Micronesia), hunting and fishing (Piros in Peru), or technology(the western world). Some languages are rich in modal particles.3Others seem particularly adept in the development of figurative language, and many have very rich literary resources, both written and oral. To communicate effectively one must respect the genius of each language. Rather than bemoan the lack of some feature in a language, one must respect the features of the receptor language4and exploit the potentialities of the language to the greatest possible extent. Unfortunately, in some instances translators have actually tried to “remake” a language. For example, one missionary in Latin America insisted on trying to introduce the passive voice of the verb into a language which had no such form. Of course, this was not successful. One must simply accept the fact that there are many languages which do not have a passive voice. They merely choose to report actions only as active. Rather than force the formal structure of one language upon an- other, the effective translator is quite prepared to make any and all formal changes5 necessary

《英汉翻译基础教程》 笔记及习题(篇章翻译)【圣才出品】

第7单元篇章翻译 7.1 复习笔记 语篇通常指一系列连续的语段或句子构成的语言整体。语篇包括“话语”(discourse)和“篇章”(text)。语篇特征为:连贯、衔接,且具有明确的论题结构。 一、衔接 根据Halliday和Hasan的著作《英语中的衔接》,衔接手段大致可分为两种:语法衔接手段(grammatical cohesion)和词汇衔接手段(lexical cohesion)。前者又可以包括指称(reference)、省略(ellipsis)、替代(substitution)和连词(conjunction)。 1. 指代 指代主要分为三类:人称指代、指示指代和比较指代。 英语中,为了实现衔接,一般尽量采用代词指代前面出现的名词。汉语倾向于重复前文出现的名词,或者采用“零式指称”,省略主语。例: My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time when he bought this big house, his children had all been at school. Now they had their own homes and jobs. 【译文】朋友有点不好意思地说,买这座房子时,孩子们还在上学,如今都成家立业了。 2. 省略

省略可以分为名词省略、动词省略和小句省略。例: I had many wonderful ideas, but I only put a few into practice. 【译文】我有很多美妙的想法,但是只把少数付诸实践了。 3. 替代 “替代”指用较简短的语言形式替代上文中的某些词语,使行文简练流畅。 (1)名词替代比较常见的是使用one代替前文出现的某个名词。例: Carrie picked out the new abode because of its newness and bright wood—work. It was one of the very new ones supplied with steam heat, which was a great advantage.(Sister Carrie, Dreiser, T) 【译文】嘉莉选中这套新居所,是因为它是新建的,而且房间的木质部分色泽鲜亮,屋里有暖气,这是当时最新的房子才有的。 【分析】原文中,ones替代了abode;译文中,“房子”与其前面的“居所”构成同义词。 (2)动词替代经常是用助动词do的几种形式来代替前文出现的某个动词或动作意义。例: And yet this John Openshaw seems to me to be walking amid even greater perils than did the Sholtos. 【译文】可是在我看来,这个约翰·奥彭肖似乎是正在面临着比舒尔托更大的危险。 【分析】原文中,did替代了walked amid peril;译文中,该处同样进行了省略处理。 (3)小句替代使用指示代词指代前文出现的某一小句或者某一概念。例: “Well, I’ve got twenty-two dollars, but there’s everything to be paid for this


英汉互译教程总复习 1.Joint military exercises have increased in the region, to the detriment of trust between countries. 联合军事演习在本地区有增无减,不利于国家间建立信任。 2.This old man gets up and goes to bed with the sun everyday. 这位老翁每天黎明即起,日落而息。 3.A nearby object falling into a black hole is never heard of again. 附近的天体一旦落入黑洞,就会销声匿迹。 4.我们应该抢时间赶任务。 We should work against the clock. 5.These hospital expenses made inroads on my savings. 这些住院费耗掉了我大部分积蓄。 6.They killed a bottle of Kaoliang between them. 他们二人对酌,把一瓶高粱酒喝得一干二净。 7.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. 一拿起书本,他们可都成了睁眼瞎了。 8.Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 9.人们笑贫不笑娼。 People ridicule poverty but not prostitutes. 10. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 11.They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 他们拼着命地逃跑。 12.People were born survivors. 人的生存能力是与生俱来的。 13.这个环境工程是个“民心工程”。 The environment-friendly project is a “popularity-winning” project. 14. 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。 The mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 15. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。 The meetings were marked by such absence of living discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up. 16. They pay lip-service to education but don’t work for better schools. 他们口惠而实不至,口口声声支持教育,却又不肯为改善学校条件做一些实际工作。 17.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. 失业人数高居不下,已经十多个年头了。 18.有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。 Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign. 19. 这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这村可没这个店啦。” The street peddler hawked, “Now or never!” 20. Why carry coals to Newcastle? 何必多此一举? 21.You’re just teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs. 你这是在班门弄斧。 22.His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness. 主人对他的冷淡使他更加不自在。 23.I could have laughed to hear him talk like this.


第三章名词的抽象和具体译法第一节名词的抽象译法(p68) 粗枝大叶to be crude and careless (with big branches and large leaves) 海阔天空to talk with random( with a vast sea and boundless sky) 灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious (with red lights and green wine) 纸醉金迷of life of luxury and dissipation (with drunken paper and bewitched gold) 单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth (with a solitary spear and a single horse) 赤胆忠心ardent loyalty (with red gut and heart) 无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness (to get into every hole) 扬眉吐气to feel proud and elated (to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath) 开门见山to come straight to the point (to open the door and see the mountain) 大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale (to make a great array of flags and drums) 风雨飘摇(of a situation) being unstable (the wind and rain are rocking) 二.翻译下列句子 (1)这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗? That’s a business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in? (2)别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. (3)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 I’m extremely terrified by the news. (4)她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。 She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. (5)我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。 I dare not show off in the presence of(在……面前)an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten(启发,启蒙)us on this matter. (6)敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder. (7)敌军军官听说后路已被切断,吓得目瞪口呆。 The enemy officer was stunned by the news that the route of retreat had been cut off. (8)这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.

汉英翻译基础教程 第1章 练习参考答案

第一章汉英词汇比较与翻译 第一节翻译中的选义 一、结合语境选择较贴切的译文 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 二、译出下列词语,注意词语的不同搭配 1. a swarm of bees a brood of chickens a litter of pups 2. a bevy of beautiful ladies a pack of hounds a team of ducks a herd of antelopes 3. unfailing support proactive fiscal policy make effective use of overseas resources 4. make a phone call take a taxi knit a woolen sweater fetch water play basketball spray insecticide 5. basic wage capital construction essential commodity primary industry fundamental interest 三、翻译下列句子,注意画线词语的理解 1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public. 3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan. 4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor's advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. There is still some unfinished business to settle. 9. We have consulted him about the matter. 10. Please go back. There is nothing of your concern now 第二节翻译中的选词 一、翻译下列各句,注意词的选择和搭配。 1. That depends upon circumstances. 2. This state of affairs must be changed. 3. How do matters stand with them?


第18章文学翻译 18.1 复习笔记 一、文学翻译的标准 对于文学翻译的要求是,“用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受”。 钱钟书把文学翻译的最高标准概括为一个“化”字。 二、文学翻译的过程 借鉴茅盾的有关解释,把文学翻译过程分为三个阶段: (1) 理解阶段; (2) 印证阶段; (3) 表达阶段。 在表达阶段强调的内容是: (1) 必须使用文学语言; (2) 尽量保持原作风格; (3) 力求内容和形式的辩证统一。 三、文学翻译须使用文学语言 这里仅介绍英文小说翻译的几个侧面:

1. 文学语言具有准确、形象、生动、自然等特征,译者应根据原作的艺术意境和语言特色,在译文里寻找适当的语言形式,使之文情并茂。 Daffodils all along the hedgerow swung like yellow, ruffled birds on their perches. 清风徐徐,沿灌木篱笆旁的水仙花轻轻地摇摆着,颇似栖息的鸟儿掀动着金黄色羽毛。 2. 运用娴熟的汉语,再现人物语言的形象化和个性化,使译文产生“如闻其声,如见其人”的艺术效果。 “Say, some tenderness, that!” This is reference to a smile or a melting glance on the part of a female. “唷,瞧那样多温存!”这说的是一位女性的嫣然一笑,或者回眸传情。 3. 凭借自己的审美体验,深刻理解原作的艺术美,进而形神兼备地再现这种艺术美。 四、加强文学翻译的基本功训练 有兴趣于或有志于从事文学翻译的青年,可在课内外分门别类地选做一些练习,以集中提高某些方面的表述能力。 18.2 课后习题详解 将下列英文译成汉语: 1. One morning, in the fall of 1880, a middle-aged woman, accompanied by a young girl of inquiry as to whether there was anything a- bout the place that she could do. She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and


《英汉翻译教程》 第一章总论 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。 (张培基等1983) 我国早期典籍《周礼·秋官司寇》篇里就有―象胥‖(谓通言语之官)这一名目,唐朝贾公彦所作的《义疏》里提到―译即易,谓换易言语使相解也。‖这条注疏,关于翻译的定义,足以给人不少启发。用现代文艺理论和语言理论,也许可以诠释为:翻译是把一种语言文字换易成另一种语言文字,而并不变更所蕴含的意义,——或用近年流行的术语说,并不变更所传递的信息,——以达到彼此沟通,互相了解的目的。 (罗新璋1984) 一、关于翻译 何谓翻译?关于翻译的定义很多。根据《现代汉语词典》,翻译是―把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来‖。根据《剑桥语言百科全书》,―翻译‖这个中性术语是指将一种语言(―原语‖)里的词句的意思转变为另一种语言(―目的语‖)的意思所做的一切,不论其手段是说话、写字还是做手势。美国著名翻译理论家奈达认为,所谓翻译,是指从语义到语体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。(《奈达论翻译》,1984)有人把翻译看作是一门科学(science),因为它有自身的规律可循;有人看作是一门艺术(art),因为它是译者对原文再创造的过程;也有人看作是一门手艺(craft),因为原语的信息需要用地道恰当的目的语再现。在自动化数据处理中,翻译又被定义为:―将计算机信息从一种语言转换成另一种语言,或将字符从一种表示转换成另一种表示。‖(《现代科学技术词典》上海科学技术出版社1980)凡此种种,不一而足。但是,在经济和文化日益全球化的今天,翻译的重要性是有目共睹的。 翻译是国际间理解的钥匙,据说西欧的文明归功于翻译者(据L·G·凯里1979)。季羡林教授也说,翻译是永葆中华文明青春的万应灵药。前中国驻联合国代表凌青先生说,从中国来讲,没有翻译工作,就没有中国***和中国近代的革命运动,就没有中国成功的对外开放和四个现代化;从世界范围来讲,没有翻译,就没有世界和平,就没有各种国际交往,就没有一个共同繁荣的美好世界的未来。中国加入WTO后,翻译的重要作用就更是不可忽视。经济竞争是在交际中进行,而没有翻译在场,交际就很难进行,交际不成,生意就做不成。因此,翻译的作用,再怎么强调也不过分。 关于翻译的种类可以从下面几个角度来划分: (1)从原语和目的语的角度来看,翻译可分为本族语译为外语,外语译为本族语两大类。 (2)从翻译的手段来看,可分为口译、笔译、手势翻译和机器翻译。

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