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总是关心穷人和病人) often providing them with free medical care.

military spending.

(扩大了它的影响力)in world affairs.

4. Why should anyone ______want to read digest of books by great authors._____________(要读那些大作家的作品文摘)when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals?

5. He wears a pair of sunglasses ____for fear that he should be recognized(唯恐被别人认出)

1.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play indispensable roles_____________(所起作用不可或缺)in raising children.

2.He ___was depressed about his failure in his exam____________________________(对自己考试不及格感到沮丧)and couldn’t concentrate on his work.

3.Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, ___they have acute vision_____(它们有敏锐的视觉)

4.Our neighbor said that if we made any more noise he’d complain about us to the police_____________(向警方投诉我们).

5.I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel _deserve a good rest_______________________(也该好好休息一下了).

1. All passengers _______departing for New York_________________(出发前往纽约) on flight UA179 should go to Gate 7.

2. Lang Lang ______has been acknowledged as/ to be____________________(被公认为) one of the greatest pianists in the world.

3. They __are competing with foreign countries__________________________(正与外国公司竞争) to get the contract.

4. Every member of society has to __make a pledge to struggle for the freedom of the country__(发誓为国家的自由而战).

5. Another big issue ____confronting /facing the new republic______________(摆在新共和国面前的) is the problem of the education of its citizens.

1.Some researchers may edit their observations ___to accord with their theory_(以使其与他们提出的理论相一致)

2. The 20-storied building is one of the most challenging projects ____they have ever undertaken____(他们承担过的).

3. I got very drunk at the party, and ___i feel really embarrassed about it__ (为此我真的感到很尴尬)

4. When are you going to marry and ___settle down_(过上安定的生活)?

实现了自己的抱负) to start her own business.

1.It’s good to know that quite a few popular English expressions _actually derive from the Bible__________.(其实来源于《圣经》)

2.Remember to ___ask for a receipt____(相商店索取收据)when you pay the bill.

3.The adventurer ___found the treasure by accident________________(意外地发现了那些宝藏)

4.If workers believe inflation ____is likely to accelerate_(很可能加快速度), they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.

5.Your behavior is in contradiction to__ (相互矛盾) your principle.

1. Mrs. Smith was so particular about everything__(对每件事都非常挑剔) that no servants could please her.

2. The candidate is speaking ____on behalf of his party_______________(代表自己的政党)

3. The workers of the factory were striking ______for more/higher wages/ for a wage rise_______________(以争取加工资).

4. Some people criticize doctors for ____prescribing too many medicines_________(开出太多的药品) for minor illnesses.

5. Cordon ___announced his resignation to staff member/ announced to staff members that he

向员工宣布了自己辞职的事) on Wednesday.

1.Being out of work, Jane can no longer ____treat friends to dinners and movies______________(请朋友吃饭和看电影)as she used to.

2.__But for their help__(要不是他们帮忙), we would not have succeeded in the investigation.

3.I have had a great deal of trouble _____keeping up with the rest of the class__________________.(跟的上班上其他同学)。

4.We desire that the tour leader __(should) inform us immediately______________(立即告诉我们) of any change in plans.

5.If you smoke in a non-smoking section __people will object________________________(人们会抗议的).

1. His hand shook a little as he ___________inserted the key in the lock__________(把钥匙插入门锁).

2. This is not an economical way to get more water. ___on the contrary ,it is very expensive________________________(相反,非常贵).

3. The manager urged his staff not to __miss the splendid opportunity_____________(错过这个大好机会)

4. That young man still ______denies having started the fire behind the store____________________(否认在店铺后面放过火).


1.Eating too much fat can _contribute to heart disease_________(促发心脏病)and cause high blood pressure.

2.Jack is good, hard-working and intelligent, _______in a word I can’t speak too highly of him__________(总之,我怎么夸奖他都不过分)

3.When the whole area _____was cut off by the flood________________ (被洪水阻断,与外界隔绝), the government sent food there by helicopter.

4._____My gross annual income________________(我每年的总收入)is $50,000.

5.Many offices _____are located in the city center_____________________(位于市中心).

1. “You try to get some sleep. __I’ll see to_____________(我会照管好)the patient’s breakfast.”Said the nurse.

2.We are quite sure that we can __get over our present difficulties ______________(克服目前的困难)and finish the task according to schedule.

3.Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronaut is _affected by the problem of weightlessness_____________________(受到失重问题的影响).

4.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered ___are now out of stock___________(现在没有货).

5. He _misled me into thinking_______________________(使我误以为)he was rich.

1. All the key words in the article are printed in bold type___(用黑体字印刷) so as to attract readers’ attention.

2. It will cost us a fortune _to furnish our new house______(买家具布置我们的新房子).

3. Flowers will develop only if the plants __are exposed to sunshine_(晒到阳光) daily.

4. Without proper lessons, you could __________pick up a lot of bad habits((养成很多坏习惯) when playing the piano.

5. She ____was reluctant to admit./ Reluctantly admitted______________(很不情愿地承认了)the truth.

5. It took him several months to ______tame the wild horse_(驯服这批野马)

4. The bed ____has been handed down in the family_(是家传之物).It was my great-grandmother’s originally.

3. Medical care reform has become this country’s most important ___public health matter___(公众健康问题).

2. It does not alter the fact that he _____was responsible for the death of the little girl__(对小女孩的死负有责任).

1. There was a big hole in the road which ____held up the traffic___(阻塞了交通).

1. ___Every one should be entitled to___(每个人都应享有) a decent standard of living and an opportunity to be educated.

2. In Disneyland, every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to _____put up signs___(竖起告示牌) asking his “guests” not to step on them.

3. She was so absorbed in her job/work_(如此专心于工作) that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.

4.They ______took effective measures__(采取了有效措施) to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.

5. In developing countries people ___are pouring into __(正大批涌入) overcrowded cities in great

1.With the increasing unemployment rate, workers who are 50 to 60 years old are usually the first to be laid off (通常先被解雇).

2. Our manager is _calling on an important customer_(拜访一位重要的客户) now and he will be

back this afternoon.

3. New York _ranked second_(排第二位) in the production of apples, producing 85,000,000 pounds this year.

4. A well-written composition _calls for good choice of words_(选词要正确) and clear organization among other things.

5. Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they _resort to violence_(使用暴力) in order to escape.

1.Although a teenager, Fred could resisit _being told (抗拒被告知)what to do and what not to do.

2.Last year the advertising rate ___rose/increased by 20 percent_(上涨了20%)

3.It is not easy to learn English well, _____but if /as long as you hang on/insist on_(但只要你坚持下去), you will succeed in the end.

4.Mr. Morgan _may be sad in private__(私下里可能会悲伤)though in public he is extremely cheerful.

5.Children who are over-protected by their parents _may be spoiled__.(会被宠坏).

1. Computer technology will 带来变革) in business administration.

2. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he __insisted on /stuck to his own opinion______________(坚持自己的看法).

3. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches round the island


4. In the advanced course students must take performance tests


很多新的机会) will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

1. Joe is not good at sports, but _when it comes to maths_______(说起数学) , he is the best student in the class.

2. She was complaining that the doctor was (向她收取得治疗费太高了)____charging too much for the treatment___he was giving her.

3. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to __regardless of the color of his skin_________(不论肤色).

4. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not ____working to their full capacity_________(充分施展自己的才能).

赞成改方案) raise their hands?

1.When she was criticized , she claimed that it was outside __________her range of responsibility(她分内的责任).

2.These surveys indicate that many crimes go unrecorded by the police _(没有被警方记录)mainly because not all victims report them.

3.The car broke down抛锚了halfway for no reason.

4.The olde New England villages changed relatively little _except for a gas station or two in

recent decades___________除了最近几十年修建了一两个加油站之外

5.I suggest he (should) adapt himself to 使自己适应his new conditions.

1. A lorry _ran over __________(碾过了)her cat and sped away.

2. The thief tried to opened the locked door ___but in vain__(但却徒劳)

3. I can’t give you an order (我不能像你们定购)for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.

4. you can’t afford to let the situation get worse, you must take steps(你必须采取措施) to make it right.

5. The new appointment of our president ___takes effect from the very beginning of next semester / term______________(从下学期开始生效).

1. Almost all job applicants are determined to __make a good impression on_______________(留个好印象) a potential employer.

2. For more than 20 years, we’ve been supporting educational programs that ______ranging from kindergartens to colleges___________(范围从幼儿园到大学).

3. The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary __take on too much work__________(承担太多工作) last week.

4. _________Unlike his sister___(不想他姐姐) , Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.

5. The president ____made a vigorous speech___________(做了铿锵有力的演讲) at the opening

1.The suggestion that the mayor (should) present the prizes (由市长颁发奖品)was accepted by everyone.

2.I didn’t know the word. __I had to refer to / consult a dictionary_____________(我得查阅词典)

3.In the event of the project not being a success(万一这个项目不成功), the investors stand to lose up to $30 million.

4.The British Constitution is __to a large extent_______(很大程度上)a product of the historical events described above.

5.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should present his findings (把研究发现陈述出来)in logical order and clear languages.

1..Many people are asking ___whether traditional research universities __have any future at all_______(传统的研究形大学到底有没有前途)

2. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. ____Above all________(尤其重要的是), it has affected the traditional role of men.

3. __I’d take into account_________________(我会考虑) his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

4. When I go out in the evening I __use the bike rather then the car______________(骑自行车而不开车) if I can.

5. Wouldn’t you rather ______your child went to bed early___________________(你的孩子早


1. I don’t mind your __delaying making the decision___(推迟做决定) as long as it is not too late.

2. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europw until Columbus found it ____being cultivated_(有人培育) in Cuba.

3. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___seated /sitting on beaches, chairs or boxes__________(坐在沙发,椅子或箱子上)

4. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ___wears comfortably___________(戴上去很舒服).

5. He will surely finish the job on time ___so/as long as he’s left to/ you let him_____________(只要你让他) do it in his own way.


翻译大纲样题: 中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。Chinese New Year, known as Spring Festival in China, is the most important one among all traditional Chinese festival.新年的庆祝活动从除夕开始 一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festival),即从农历(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。New Year celebrations start on Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month in Chinese lunar calendar, and last to the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the first month (of the next year).各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from

place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.为驱厄运、迎 好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们 还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets),对联的主题为健康、发财 和好运。其他的活动还有放鞭炮、发红 包和探访亲友等。People also stick the red couplets on the door which topics are health, wealth, and fortune, and do other activities such as setting off firework, sending red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends. 首先,这段关于中国春节的小文章 难词较多,比如“传统”、“庆祝活动”、“除夕”、“延续”、“习俗”、“年夜饭”、“厄运”、“大扫除”“主题”、“放鞭炮”、“发红包”等等, 这些词有的比较抽象,有的不太常见, 或者有的是中国特有的说法,英文中没


英语四级翻译模拟试题及解析 英语四级翻译模拟试题及解析 孙武是春秋末期(thelateSpringandAutumnPeriod)杰出的军事家(strategist)。他所著的《孙子兵法》(SunZi'sArtofWar)是中国古 代最著名的兵书,也是世界上现存最早的兵书。《孙子兵法》现存 13篇,共6000字。在这不长的篇幅中,孙武全面论述了自己对战 争的看法,提出了诸如知彼知己、集中优势兵力打败敌人等许多作 战思想。《孙子兵法》已被译为多种文字,在世界上也享有很高的 声誉。 参考译文: SunWuwasanoutstandingstrategistinthelateSpringandAutumnP eriod.Hiswork,SunZi'sArtofWar,wasthemostfamousworkofmilitar yscienceinancientChina,alsotheearliestoneexistingintheworld .SunZi'sArtofWarconsistsof13characters.Inthislimitedspace,S unWuelaboratedhiswide- rangingviewsonwar.Heputforwardmanymilitaryphilosophies,such asknowingyourselfandknowingyourenemy,andconcentratingsuperi orforcetothoroughlydefeattheenemy.SunZi'sArtofWarhasbeentra nslatedintomanydifferentlanguagesandenjoysahighinternationa lreputation. 题目解析: 1.在第2句中,两个并列的谓语部分较长,因此定语“他所著的”不宜再后置,而采用“减词”译法把“所著”省略,用hiswork也 能表达原意。翻译“是……,也是……”结构时,可以承前省略第 2个系动词be,将“也是......”的内容作为同位语,使句子更简 洁明了。


2013年12月: 段落翻译: 试卷一:中餐 【真题原文】许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看,烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。 【翻译答案】Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Although cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Since food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between cereal, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy. 试卷二:信息技术 【真题原文】信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 【翻译答案】As China citizens attaching great importance to the rapidly development of Information Technology, some college even set it as a compulsory course. Regarding to this phenomenon, people holding different views. Some people think it is not necessary, for students should learn the traditional curriculum. Another part of people think it is a need, because China should keep pace with the times. Anyway, it is a good thing that Information Technology aroused public concern. 试卷三:茶文化 【真题原文】"你要茶还是咖啡?"是用餐人常被问到的问题,许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶,相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(the qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美,如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝。也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 【翻译答案】"Would you like tea or coffee?" That’s a question people often asked when having meal. Most westerners will choose coffee, while the Chinese would like to choose tea. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor five thousand years ago, and then was used to cure disease. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea houses were all over the country. Tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not until the 18th century does it spread to Europe and America. Nowadays, tea is one of the most popular beverage in the world, and it is not only the treasure of China but also an important part of Chinese tradition and culture. 试卷四:中国结


- 1 - 2012年6月 87. Those flowers looked as if they (好长时间没有浇水了) 答案: had not been watered for quite a long time. 考点:look as if 虚拟语气后接过去完成时。 88. Fred bought a car last week. It is (比我的车便宜一千英镑) 答案: 1000 pounds cheaper than that of mine. 考点:比较级,不要漏掉指代词that。 89. This TV program is quite boring. We might (不妨听听音乐) 答案:listen to the music as well. 考点:固定搭配may as well:不妨。 90. He left his office in a hurry, with (灯亮着,门开着) 答案:the lights on and the door open. 考点:with后的伴随结构。 91. The famous novel is said to (已被译成多种语言) 答案:have been translated into several languages. 2011年12月 87. Charity groups organized various activities to raise money for the survivors of the earthquake. (为地震幸存者筹款) 88. Linda couldn’t have received my e-mail (不可能收到我的电子邮件), otherwise, she could have replied. 89. It’s my mother who/that keeps encouraging me not to lose heart (一直鼓励我不要灰心) when I have difficulties in my study. 90. The publishing house has to consider the popularity of this novel. (考虑这本小说的受欢迎程度)。


大学英语四级翻译模拟试题及答案 Test1 1. The soldier_______________________________(被指控逃跑)when the enemy attacked. 2. Had he worked harder, ____________________________________ (他就会通过考试). 3.In the U.S., 88% of smokers had started before they were 18, _____________________ ______________________(尽管他们知道贩卖香烟是违法的)to anyone under that age. 4.Ann never dreams of _________________________________(有机会把她送出国)very soon. 5._______________________________(考虑到所有的情况), the planned trip will have to be called off. Test2 1.Americans eat _____________________________(两倍的蛋白质)they actually need every day. 2.What he said just now ___________________________________(与正在讨论的问题没什 么关系). 3.Floods cause ___________________________________(上亿美元的财产损失)annually. 4. Many personnel manager say it is getting harder and harder to________________________ ______________________________(区分诚实的和不诚实的求职者). 5. We agreed to accept _______________________________________(任何一个他们认为是 最好的导游). Test3 1._______________________________(直到天黑她才发现)it was too late to go home. 2.It is essential that _________________________________(这些申请表被送回)as early as possible. 3.It is important that the hotel receptionist ______________________________________ _______________(确信客人们已经正确的登记). 4.In recent years ________________________________________________________(工作重 点大多被放置在)developing the students’ productive skills. 5.The president promised to keep all the board members informed of_________________ _________________________(协商进行得怎样了). Test4 1. Eating too much fat can __________________________________(导致心脏病和高血压). 2. Not until the game had begun ___________________________________(他到达运动场). 3. Sometimes children have trouble ___________________________________(把现实和小说故事分开)and may believe that such things actually exist.


今年考的三套翻译题均是跟中国的公共交通相关的内容,介绍了公交车、飞机、地铁服务的提升,以及市民生活水平的提高。展现了我国社会的发展和人民幸福水平的提升。 交通方式这一话题是考生日常所熟知的,也比较贴近考生的生活,词汇对于考生来说不是问题,“公交车”、“航空”等都是小学初中就接触到的词汇,但是需要考生去积累一些组合词汇,例如:“私家车private car”、“老年市民senior citizens”等。 对段落内容的理解也不是难事,毕竟交通方式是生活中老生常谈的话题,主要的难点在于一些固定的句式和搭配,例如“随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高”是考生耳熟能详的“万金油”句式。 诸如此类句式还有:“曾是……used to be…”、“越来越……more and more…”这些表达应该是考生在平时的学习中慢慢积累的。 此外,时态语态也是考生容易出错的点,由于汉语和英语表达习惯的不同,汉语中不常用被动,或者即使表达被动的意思也不会体现在句式上,例如:“公交车设施不断更新”,从字面并没有任何提示是被动,但语义的理解却带有被动的含义,翻译成英语时一定要体现出“be+过去分词”的结构。 又如“许多城市……一直努力……”,需要判断,这个动作发生在过去的某个时间节点,一直持续,并还可能持续下去,最后确定此处应选用现在完成进行时,在平时的学习中,应理解每种时态对应的情况,才能更加贴切地表达出原文所要传达的意思 句子的语序调整仍值得考生注意。时间状语、地点状语、原因状语、目的状语和方式状语仍然是重要的考点,一般情况下都要后置。 其次是句型的变化。注意运用被动语态(从中英文语用习惯以及动词发出者的逻辑主语去改句子)、插入语(例如,“包括许多农民和外出务工人员”)、there be 句型(非人主语+有/存在。例如,中国有越来越多的城市开始建设地铁)和It为形式主语的句子(例如,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的)进行改句,防止句式单一。 过去,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的。 In the past, travelling by airplane was unimaginable for most Chinese.

最新 大学英语四级翻译新题型模拟练习及答案:喝茶-精品

大学英语四级翻译新题型模拟练习及答 案:喝茶 在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶。也是为了议论当地的新闻或对话题进行激烈的(furious)争论。 参考译文 Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea, people also take delight in the essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates. 难点注释 1.汉语形散神聚,英文结构紧凑。处理第一句时,可以将几个小短句合译为一句结构严谨的英文。先确定句子的主谓宾,其中Tea thinking作句子主语,is可作系动词,本句中有两个并列表语,即“仪式”和“展示”,分别译为:ritual,demonstration。 2.第二句中,“领略”可以译为:take delight in;“品茶的情趣之意”可以译为:the essence of tea itself。 3.第三句中的“打发时间的方式”可以理解为“消遣、娱乐方式”,可译为:a way of pastime. 4.第四句中的“相当于”可以用短语be the equivalent of来表达。 搜索公众微信号"",获取最新四六级报名、备考信息!


2019年下半年大学英语四级模拟试卷及答案:翻译Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes) Direction: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 87. The price of beer_______________________________________________________(从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season. 88.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______________________________________________(正在研制) and perfected now. 89. He wears a pair of sunglasses ____________________________________________(唯恐被别人认出来). 91.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you__________________________________________(不采取任何措施) about it for the time being. 92.The substance does not dissolve in water_______________________________________ (不管是否加热). 87. 【答案】ranges / varies from 50 cents to 4 dollars 88.【答案】are being developed 89.【答案】for fear that he should be recognized 90.【答案】didn’t do anything 91.【答案】whether ( it is ) heated or not


第四章翻译 Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Part 1. 1. __________________________(有机农业已变得更受欢迎) as people’s awareness of environmental protection rises. 2. Many college students _______________________________(已从 政府大规模的救助获得好处) to complete their studies . 3. College students ______________________________(占了自愿者 总数的百分之八十七) in this rual teaching program. 4. This _________________________________(灌溉系统将提高粮 食产量)even in drought seasons. 5. The stock broker is___________________________(由于被指称的 诈骗正接受调查) 6. ___________________________________________(数百名着装警 察沿街站立) as the marathon match was going on. 7. In the USA, people who are_________________________ ( 再也无法忍受 压力和紧张) can take part in pillow fight in some cities in April. 8. Natural gas prices are____________________________ (与去年相比降了 近两元). 9._______________________________________(在一个装饰着熊猫画的大厅里), the teacher was giving a lecture on conservation of the rare animal. 10. The money manager has _______________________(明显死于自 杀)amid a cheating scandal. Part 1. Translations: 1. Organic farming has become more popular 2. have benefited from massive government aid 3. account for 87 percent of the total number of volunteers 4. irrigation system will improve crop yields


Part VI Translation (5 minutes) 1. 虚拟语气 ?(CET4-2006.12) The victim might have had a chance to survive / would have survived (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time. ?(CET4-2009.06) If she had returned an hour earlier, Mary would not have been caught in the heavy rain (就不会被大雨淋了). ?(CET4-2009.12) You would not have failed if you had followed my instructions (按照我的指令去做). ?(CET4-2010.06) It is suggested that the air-conditioner (should) be installed by the window (要安装在窗户旁). ?(CET4-2010.12) There would be no life on earth but for / without its unique environment (没有地球独特的环境). ?(CET4-2010.12) They requested that books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday. ?(CET4-2011.06) Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wishes that she could be assigned (to) another job (能被分配做另一项工作). ?(CET4-2012.06) Those flowers looked as if they had not been watered for a long time (好长时间没有浇水了). ?(CET4-2012.12) We could have avoided making this silly mistake (本来可以避免犯这个愚蠢的错误), but we didn’t follow his advice. ?(CET4-2012.12) Yesterday Jane left the meeting early. Otherwise, she could have said something she would regret later (可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话). ?(CET4-2012.12) If the reaction were to take place, a tremendous amount of energy would be released (巨大的能量就会被释放出来). ?(CET6-2010.06) Most educators advise that kids (should) not be addicted to / obsessed with computer games (不要沉溺于电脑游戏). ?(CET6-2011.12) You shouldn't have run across the road without looking. You would have been knocked down by a car (也许会被车撞倒的). ?(CET6-2012.06) But for the survival instinct which nearly all creatures have, more species would have been extinct from the earth (更多的物种就可能已经在地球上灭绝了). ?(CET6-2012.12) Without the atmosphere, we would be forced to look for the shelter which helps us hide from the sun (将被迫寻找躲避太阳的藏身处), as there would be nothing to protect us from its deadly rays. ?(CET6-2012.12) If only they were here right now (他们要是此刻在这儿就好了), we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary. 2. 倒装结构 ?(CET4-2008.06) Not until he had finished the mission (直到他完成使命) did he realize that he was seriously ill. ?(CET4-2010.06) The manager never laughed; neither did she lose her temper before (她也从来没有发过脾气). ?(CET4-2011.06) The university authorities did not approve the regulation, nor did they give any reason / make any explanation (也没有解释为什么). ?(CET4-2012.12) I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never before in my life had I felt so excited (我感到如此激动)! ?(CET4-2012.12) Hardly had John finished his introductory remark when he was interrupted by the audience (他就被听众打断了). ?(CET4-2012.12) Only when you have passed the tests required can you apply for a driver’s license (你才能申请驾驶执照). ?(CET6-2009.12) Much regretted as I felt (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time. ?(CET6-2010.06) Never has their only son thought (他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties. ?(CET6-2010.06) He assured his friend that under no circumstances would he break his promise / commitment to repay / pay back the money (他会违背还钱的承诺). ?(CET6-2010.12) Only when I reached my thirties did I realize that reading can not be neglected / is unignorable (我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的).


全国外语翻译证书考试英语四级笔译 【打印】【字体:大中小】【关闭】 I.Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1. Australia has a well-developed education system with participation among the highest in th e world. 2. The growing potential of China’s tourism market is most lucrative not only to European cou ntries but also to the whole world. 3. With more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based in London, it is a city with a voi ce that is heard all around the world. 4. In general, enterprises with foreign investments established in special economic zones are eligible for a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%. 5. Frequent scheduled flights from international airports located throughout the country prov ided direct access to other countries. II.Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. 1. 中国的春节在农历正月初一,是举家团圆的时刻。 2. 北京市作为一个旅游胜地,其特点是人文景观与自然景观最巧妙的结合。 3. 奥林匹克公园的独特设计体现了21世纪“新北京”的城市风貌。 4. 上海是中国的经济、金融和国际贸易中心,它交通便利、东西方文化交融。 5. 在腹地经济持续快速发展的推动下,广州港货物吞吐量持续增长。


大学英语四级翻译模拟试题及答案1 1.(被指控逃跑) . 2., (他就会通过考试). 3.., 88% 18, (尽管他们知道贩卖香烟是违法的) . 4.(有机会把她送出国) . 5.(考虑到所有的情况), . 2 1.(两倍的蛋白质). 2.(与正在讨论的问题没什么关系). 3.(上亿美元的财产损失). 4. (区分诚实的和不诚实的求职者). 5.(任何一个他们认为是最好的导游). 3 1.(直到天黑她才发现). 2.(这些申请表被送回). 3. (确信客人们已经正确的登记). 4.(工作重点大多被放置在) ’ . 5. (协商进行得怎样了). 4 1.(导致心脏病和高血压). 2.(他到达运动场). 3.(把现实和小说故事分开) . 4.’t (谁应该因打破玻璃而受责备). 5.(鼓励每个人都以他为榜样). 5 1., I (与其说允许不如说有更多的担心). 2.(价格高质量次). 3., 's (没有我们担心的那样严重).

4.(她把所有的精力都放在孩子们身上) . 5. a . (不必开车开得那么快). 6 1.I , I (可能正坐在舒适的办公室里). 2.(她被指控欺骗顾客). 3.(查明那位女士的身份) . 4.(航空公司之间的激烈竞争), . 5.(一个人是否适合这份工作). 7 1., (可能会准时到达目的地). 2.(提前支付). 3., (其中只有14种被认定是官方语言). 4.’s (他们的产品适应于新的软件) . 5.I (我宁愿骑自行车而不开车) I . 8 1.(为人们提供便利), . 2. A (可能较少染上吸烟的习惯). 3., (以牺牲他的家庭生活为代价的). 4.(那些能够承担经济损失的人) . 5.(绝无例外的适应于任何人). 9 (正致力于寻求供求平衡), . , (更不用说是出国). . (总是关心贫穷的和患病的人们), . , (太累而没有心情) . (决定你考试的表现) . 10


历年英语四级翻译真题及答案2012年6月翻译真题87. Those flowers looked as if they __ ___________________________(好长时间没有浇水了). 88. Fred bought a car last week. It is __________________________(比我的车便宜一千英镑). 89. This TV program is quite boring. We might ______________________(不妨听听音乐). 90. He left his office in a hurry, with___________________________(灯亮着门开着). 91. The famous novel is said to _____________________(已经被翻译成多种语言). 2011年12月翻译真题 87. Charity groups organized various activities to ___________________________________(为地震幸存者筹款). 88. Linda __________________________________(不可能收到我的电子邮件) otherwise, she would have replied. 89. It’s my mother _____________________________(一直在鼓励我不要灰心)when I have difficulties in my studies. 90. The publishing house has to ___________________________(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度). 91. It is absolutely wrong to __________________________________(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福). 2011年6月翻译真题


2013年12月大学英语四级考试翻译题目 许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看,烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。 Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill bu t also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Alth ough cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Sinc e food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between ce real, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy. 信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 As China citizens attaching great importance to the rapidly development of Informati on Technology, some college even set it as a compulsory course. Regarding to this ph enomenon, people holding different views. Some people think it is not necessary, for s tudents should learn the traditional curriculum. Another part of people think it is a nee d, because China should keep pace with the times. Anyway, it is a good thing that Inf ormation Technology aroused public concern. "你要茶还是咖啡?"是用餐人常被问到的问题,许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶,相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(the qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美,如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝。也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 "Would you like tea or coffee?" That’s a question people often asked when having meal. Most westerners will choose coff ee, while the Chinese would like to choose tea. According to legend, tea was discove red by a Chinese emperor five thousand years ago, and then was used to cure disease . During the Ming and Qing dynasties, tea houses were all over the country. Tea drin king spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not until the 18th century does it s pread to Europe and America. Nowadays, tea is one of the most popular beverage in the world, and it is not only the treasure of China but also an important part of Chine se tradition and culture. 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要是用于装饰的目的。“结”在中文里意味着爱情,婚姻和团聚,中国结常常作为礼物交换或

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