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Chemistry Review Notes:

Chapter 1:

?Scientific Method – a systematic approach to research

?Qualitative – consisting of general observations about the system

?Quantitative – comprising numbers obtained by various measurements of the system

?Law – a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relationship

between phenomena that is always the same under the same condition ?Theory – a unifying principle that explains a body of facts and/or those laws that are based on them.

?Matter – anything that that occupies space and has mass, and chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.

?Substance is matter that has definite or constant composition and distinct properties.

?Mixture is a combination of two or more substances in which the

substances retain their distinct identities

?Homogenous mixture - Composition of mixture is the same throughout the solution

?Heterogeneous mixture – composition is not uniform

o Homo/Hetero can be created and then separated by physical means

into pure components without changing the identities of the


?Element – a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means

?Compound – as a substance composed of atoms of two or more elements chemically united in fixed proportions

o Unlike mixtures, compounds can be separated only by chemical

means into their pure components

?Physical property: can be measured and observed without changing the composition or identity of a substance

?Chemical Property - to observe this property we must carry out a chemical change

?Extensive property – depends on how much matter is being considered

?Intensive property – does not spend on the amount of matter being


?Macroscopic properties – can be determined directly

?Microscopic properties – on the atomic or molecular scale, must be determined by an indirect method

?Mass – measure of the quantity of matter in an object

?Weight – is the force that gravity exerts on an object

?Significant figure – are the meaningful digits in a measured or calculated quantity

?Accuracy – tells how close a measurement is to the true value of the quantity that weas measured

?Precision refers to how closely two or more measurements of the same quantity agree with one another

Chapter 2:

?Democritus expressed the belief that all matter consists of very small, indivisible particles, which he named atomos (meaning uncuttable or


?1808 – an English scientist and schoolteacher, John Dalton, formulated a precise definition of the indivisible building blocks of matter that we call


?Dalton’s atomi c theory:

o Elements are composed of extremely small particles, called atoms.

All atoms of a given element are identical, having the same size,

mass and chemical

o Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element. In

any compound, the ratio of the numbers of atoms of any two of the

elements present is either an integer or a simple fraction

o A chemical reaction involves only the separation, combination, or

rearrangement of atoms; or does not result in their creation or


?Dalton’s first hypothesi s states that atoms of one elements are different from atoms of all other elements.

o Dalton made no attempt to describe the structure or composition of

atoms-he had no idea what an atom is really like. But he did realize

that the different properties show by elements such as hydrogen

and oxygen can be explained by assuming that hydrogen atoms are

not the same as oxygen atoms

?The second hypothesis suggests that, to form a certain compound we need not only atoms of the right kinds of elements, but the specific numbers of

these atoms as well.

o This idea is an extension of a law published in 1799 by Joseph

Proust, a French chemist.

Proust’s law of definite proportions states that different

samples of the same compound always contain its

constituent elements in the same proportion by mass.

?Dalton’s second hypothesis also supports another law, the law of multiple proportions. According to this law, if two elements can combine to form

more than one compound, the masses of one element that combine with a

fixed mass of the other element are in ratios of small whole numbers.

o Dalton’s theory explains the law of multiple proportions quite

simply: the compounds differ in the number of atoms of each kind

that combine.

?Dalton’s third hypothesis is another way of stating the l aw of conservation mass, which is that matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Because

matter is made of atoms that are unchanged in a chemical reaction.

?Atom – the basic unit of an element that can enter into chemical combination.

?Radiation – the emission and transmission of energy through space in the form of waves.

?Cathode – negatively charges plate, emits an invisible ray

?Anode – positively charged plate, produces a strong fluorescence, or bright light

? C – coulomb = -1.6022 x 10-19 C

?1895 – German physicist Wilhem Rontgen noticed that cathode rays caused glass and metals to emit very unusual rays. The highly energetic radiation penetrated matter, darkened covered photographic plates, and caused a variety of substances to fluorescence. Because these rays could not be deflected by a magnet, they could not contain charged particles as cathode rays do. Rontgen called them X Rays.

?Radioactivity – spontaneous emission of particles and/or radiation.

o Any element that spontaneously emits radiation is said to be radioactive

?Alpha rays – consist of positively charged particles, are deflected b y the positive plate

?Beta rays – are electrons that are deflected by the negatively charged plate. ?Gamma rays – high-energy rays

?Protons = 1.67262 x 10-24 g / Neutrons 1.67493 x 10-24 g

?Atomic number – number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of an element


?Mass number – is the total number of neutrons and protons present in the nucleus of an atom of an element.

o Mass # = (# of protons) + (# of neutrons)

?Number of neutrons in an atom is equal to the difference between the mass number and the atomic number

?Atoms that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called isotopes.

?The chemical properties of an element are determined primarily by the protons and electrons in its atoms neutrons do not take part in chemical changes under normal conditions. Therefore, isotopes of the same element have similar chemistries, forming the same types of compound and

displaying similar relativities.

?Periodic Table

o Horizontal rows called periods

o Vertical columns known as groups/families

?Elements can be divided into three categories – metals, nonmetals, and metalloids

o Metal – good conductor of heat and electricity

?Group 1A – alkali metals

?Group 2A – alkaline earth metals

o Nonmetal – usually a poor conductor of heat and electricity

?Group 7A – halogens

?Group 8A – noble gases (rare gases)

o Metalloid – has properties that are intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals

?Noble gases are called monatomic (meaning a single atom) gases

?Molecule is an aggregate of at least two atoms in a definite arrangement held together by chemical forces.

o Molecule may contain atoms of the same element or atoms of two or more elements joined in a fixed ratio, in accordance with the

law of definite proportions.

o Molecule is not necessarily a compound – made up of two or more elements

o Molecules are electrically neutral

?Diatomic molecule – contains only two atoms

o Can contain atoms of different elements

?Vast majority of molecules contain more than two atoms. They can be atoms of the same element or they can be combinations of two or more different elements. Molecules containing more than two atoms are called polyatomic molecules.

?Ion is an atom or a group of atoms that has a net positive or negative charge.

o Number of positively charged protons in the nucleus of an atom remains the same during ordinary chemical changes, but negatively

charged electrons may be lost or gained. The loss of one or more

electrons from a neutral atom results in a cation, an ion with a net

positive charge.

o Anion is an ion whose net charge is negative due to an increase in the number of electrons.

?Ionic compound – formed from cations and anions

o Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

?Monatomic ions – contain only one atom.

o Very few exceptions, Metals tend to form cations and nonmetals from ions

?Polyatomic ions – ions containing more that one atom

o OH- (hydroxide ion), CN- (cyanide ion) and NH4+ (ammonium ion) o Two or more atoms can combine to form an ion that has a net positive or net negative charge

?Chemical formulas – express the composition of molecules and ionic compounds in terms of chemical symbols

?Molecular formula – shows the exact number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of a substance

?Allotrope – one of two or more distinct forms of an element

?Empirical formula – tells us which elements are present and the simplest whole-number ratio of their atoms, but not necessarily the actual number of atoms in the given molecule.

o They are the simplest chemical formulas; they are written by reducing the subscripts in molecular formulas to the smallest

possible whole numbers. Molecular formulas are the true formulas

of molecules.

?Formulas of ionic compounds are usually the same as their empirical formulas because ionic compounds do not consist of discrete molecular units.

?Ionic compounds, the actual structure may be different, but the arrangement of cations and anions is such that the compounds are all

electrically neutral. Note that the charges on the cation and anion are not shown in the formula for an ionic compound

?In order for ionic compounds to be electrically neutral, the sum of the charges on the cation and anion in each formula unit must be zero.

o If the charges on the cation and anion are numerically different, we apply the following rule to make the formula electrically neutral: The subscript of the cation is numerically equal to the

charge on the anion, and the subscript of the anion is

numerically equal to the charge on the cation. If the charges

are numerically equal, then no subscripts are necessary

?Many ionic compounds are binary compounds, or compounds formed from just two elements.

?Ternary compounds – meaning compounds consisting of three elements

?Certain metals, especially the transition metals, can form more than one type of cation. The accepted procedure for designating different cations of the same element is to use Roman numerals.

?Unlike ionic compounds, molecular compounds contain discrete molecular units. They are usually composed of nonmetallic elements. Many

molecular compounds are binary compounds. Naming them is similar to naming binary ionic compounds. We place the name of the first element in the formula first, and the second element is named by adding “-ide” to the

?Acids that contain hydrogen, oxygen, and another element (central element) are called oxoacids

?Often two or more oxoacids have the same central atom but a different number of O atoms. Starting with the oxoacids whose names end with “-ic” we use these rules to name these compounds

o Addition of one O atom to the “-ic” acid: the acid is called “per…-ic” ac id. Thus adding an O atom to HClO3changes chloric acid to

perchloric acid, HClO4.

o Removal of one O atom from the “-ic” acid: the acid is called “-ous” acid. Thus nitric acid, HNO3 becomes nitrous acid, HNO2.

o Removal of two O atoms from the “-ic” acid: the acid is called “hypo…-ous” acid. Thus when HBrO3 is converted to HBrO, the

acid is called hypobromous acid

?The rules for naming anions of oxoacids, called oxoanions are: o When all the H ions are removed from the “-ic” acid, the anion’s name ends with “-ate”

o When all the H ions are removed from the “-ous” acid, the anion’s name ends with “-ite.”

o The names of anions in which one or more but not all of the hydrogen ions have been removed must indicate the number of H

ions present. For example, consider the anions derived from

phosphoric acid:

?H3PO4 : Phosphoric acid

?H2PO4-: Dihydrogen phosphate

?HPO42-: Hydrogen phosphate

?PO43-: Phosphate

o Note: we usually omit the prefix “mono-“ when there is only one H in the anion

? A base can be described as a substance that yield hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water

o NaOH : Sodium hydroxide

o KOH : Potassium hydroxide

o Ba(OH)2 : Barium hydroxide

?Note: as long as a substance yields hydroxide ions when dissolved in water, it need not contain hydroxide ions in its structure to be considered a base. Example: NH3 is a base because NH3 + H2O → NH4+ + OH-


无机化学读书笔记 【篇一:无机化学学习心得】 《普通化学》培训总结 本人作为化学专业的一名普通老师,有幸参加了高等学校教师网络 在线培训课程,同济大学吴庆生教授主讲的《普通化学》生动形象,他渊博的知识、严谨的态度、丰富的经验以及独特的教学艺术,给 我留下深刻的印象,使我受益良多。 本门课程的培训视频以在校的普通化学及其相关课程的授课老师为 对象,主要介绍了普通化学的课程定位、课时安排、教学理念、难 重点教学设计、主要的教学方法、示范教学、考核与评价、教学前 沿等内容。通过主讲教师对其多年课程教学经验的分享,经过面对 面交流,为我们指点迷津,提高了我们对本门课程教学能力。 我作为一名老师队伍当中的新人,需要从学生的学习思维模式和立 场迅速切换到老师的授课思维状态,经过本门课程的学习,使我有 了一定的感悟。我初步明白,作为一名老师,要竭尽所能的将知识 传授给学生,但用何种教学方式才能更好地激发学生的学习热情与 潜能,这是我目前以至于以后都要不断思考、总结的问题。经过此 次的培训,给我提供了一些思路,我打算从以下几方面着手: 第一,丰富教学形式。以丰富多样的课堂教学模式,充分结合当代 学生的性格特点,不拘泥于枯燥的理论教学,而要采用富有激情、 生动形象、理论结合实际的教学方式,把理论化学与生活中的化学 结合在一起,使学生能更好地运用到生活的方方面面,做到理论与 实践完美结合。当然,除了课堂教学之外,还要适当增加实践教学,激发学生的学习热情。 第二,充分利用多媒体教学与板书教学相结合的方式。对一些无机 化学当中抽象的内容,要采用动画的方式,具象地展现在学生面前,以便于他们更好地理解。 第三,教学要详略得当,对于重难点问题,要深入解析,以具体的 教学案例深入分析问题,使学生更好地掌握所学内容和解决问题的 方法,同时,要将所学内容完美结合,前后串起来,在学习新知识 的同时,复习旧知识,而且便于更好地理解所学内容。 以上就是我本次学习的心得体会,我非常感谢吴教授的精彩授课, 同时非常荣幸有这次机会可以跟吴教授面对面交流学习,使我我受 益匪浅,希望以后还有更多的交流、学习和提升的机会。


初三化学笔记整理(一) 1、碳素钢可分为三种:高碳钢、中碳钢、低碳钢。 2、常用于炼铁的铁矿石有三种:(1)赤铁矿(主要成分为Fe2O3);(2)磁铁矿(Fe3O4);(3)菱铁矿(FeCO3)。 3、炼钢的主要设备有三种:转炉、电炉、平炉。 4、常与温度有关的三个反应条件是:点燃、加热、高温。 5、不饱和溶液变饱和溶液有三种方法:降温、加溶质、恒温蒸发溶剂; 饱和溶液变不饱和溶液有两种方法:(1)升温、(2)加溶剂; (注意:溶解度随温度而变小的物质如:氢氧化钙溶液由饱和溶液变不饱和溶液:降温、加溶剂;不饱和溶液变饱和溶液有三种方法:升温、加溶质、恒温蒸发溶剂)。 6、收集气体一般有三种方法:排水法、向上排空法、向下排空法。 7、水污染的三个主要原因:(1)工业生产中的废渣、废气、废水;(2)生活污水的任意排放;(3)农业生产中施用的农药、化肥随雨水流入河中。 8、通常使用的灭火器有三种:泡沫灭火器;干粉灭火器;液态二氧化碳灭火器。 9、固体物质的溶解度随温度变化的情况可分为三类:(1)大部分固体物质溶解度随温度的升高而增大;(2)少数物质溶解度受温度的影响很小;(3)极少数物质溶解度随温度的升高而减小。 10、CO2可以灭火的原因有三个:不能燃烧、不能支持燃烧、密度比空气大。 11、单质可分为三类:金属单质;非金属单质;稀有气体单质。 12、当今世界上最重要的三大矿物燃料是:煤、石油、天然气。 13、应记住的三种黑色氧化物是:氧化铜、二氧化锰、四氧化三铁。 14、氢气和碳单质有三个相似的化学性质:常温下的稳定性、可燃性、还原性。 15、教材中出现的三次淡蓝色:(1)液态氧气是淡蓝色(2)硫在空气中燃烧有微弱的淡蓝色火焰、(3)氢气在空气中燃烧有淡蓝色火焰。 16、与铜元素有关的三种蓝色:(1)硫酸铜晶体;(2)氢氧化铜沉淀;(3)硫酸铜溶液。 17、过滤操作中有“三靠”:(1)漏斗下端紧靠烧杯内壁;(2)玻璃棒的末端轻靠在滤纸三层处;(3)盛待过滤液的烧杯边缘紧靠在玻璃捧引流。 18、三大气体污染物:SO2、CO、NO2。 19、酒精灯的火焰分为三部分:外焰、内焰、焰心,其中外焰温度最高。 20、取用药品有“三不”原则:(1)不用手接触药品;(2)不把鼻子凑到容器口闻气体的气味;(3)不尝药品的味道。 初三化学笔记整理(二) 1、木炭在氧气中燃烧:C+O2=点燃=CO2 2、硫在氧气中燃烧:S+O2=点燃=SO2 3、镁在空气中燃烧:2Mg+O2=点燃=2MgO 4、铁在氧气中燃烧:3Fe+2O2=点燃=Fe3O4 5、磷在氧气中燃烧:4P+5O2=点燃=2P2O5 6、铜在空气中加热:2Cu+O2=△=2CuO 7、氢气在氧气中燃烧:2H2+O2=点燃=2H2O 8、一氧化碳在空气中燃烧:2CO+O2=点燃=2CO2 9、碳不充分燃烧:2C+O2(不充分)=点燃=2CO 10、二氧化碳通过灼热的碳层:CO2+C=高温=2CO 11、二氧化碳与水反应:CO2+H2O=H2CO3 12、生石灰和水化合:CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2



初中化学课听课记录中学化学评课笔记 听课时间:2010年9月24日,第二节。 听课地点:C159教室 听课年级:九年级 听课班级:C159 听课学科:化学 上课教师:廖建红 上课内容:课题3 制取氧气(第一课时) 教学过程记录: 教师:提出问题 1、请同学们描述一下氧气的物理性质。 2、氧气有哪些化学性质? 3、根据氧气的性质说明氧气有何重要用途。 师生归纳引入:氧气有很多重要用途,那你们想知道氧气是如何制得的吗?教师:你认为有哪些方法可以获得氧气? 学生:讨论交流 教师演示:展示实验室制取氧气的药品:过氧化氢溶液、高锰酸钾、氯酸钾、二氧化锰,学生观察颜色和状态。 学生演示,教师指导: 1、在试管中加入约5ml5%的过氧化氢溶液,用带火星的木条伸入试管。 观察:木条没有燃烧。 师生分析原因:

①无氧气放出②有氧气放出,但是量太少,不足以让木条复燃。 2、向上述试管加入少量二氧化锰,用带火星的木条伸入试管。 观察:木条复燃 师生分析原因: ①过氧化氢和二氧化锰发生反应,有氧气生成。 ②二氧化锰没有参与反应,但它是过氧化氢发生化学变化的条件,也可能是促进者。 重新加入过氧化氢溶液: 观察:①木条复燃②试管底部二氧化锰的量好象没有变化 师生分析原因:二氧化锰没有参与反应,它不是反应物,它的量如果用精密仪器称量,我们会发现并没有发生变化,且还可继续使用,说明二氧化锰的质量、化学性质并没有改变。 学生活动:学生阅读教材,进行小结。 催化剂:在化学反应里能改变其他物质的化学反应速率,而本身的质量和化学性质在反应前后都没有发生变化的物质,也叫触媒。例:汽车排气管有一个尾气处理装置,里面加入了一种催化剂,使会污染空气的一氧化碳和一氧化氮反应生成了无污染的氮气和二氧化碳。 催化作用:催化剂在化学反应中所起的作用。 催化剂用途: 老师强调: 1、改变(加快或减慢)速率,不能片面说是加快。


普通化学 1、化学反应的半衰期 A A kc dt dc u =- = 注意积分计算。 2、关于化学反应的吉布斯自由能的计算 (1)、计算公式:G=H-TS (2)、关于H 的计算:所有稳定单质在标准状态下的焓变为0。系统吸热焓变0>?H ;放热反应0?G ,反应向逆方向自发进行。0=?G ,表示反应达到平衡。 (5)、f y w s c w RT G G m r m r ln +?=?Θ (注意:生成物用标准状态,压强100KPA )。 3、关于化学平衡 (1)、压力对化学平衡的影响:用平衡常数计算。 (2)、温度:注意吸热及放热。 4、关于缓冲溶液的计算: -++=Ac H HAc B 0 A B-Ba Ba A+Ba -++=Ac K KAc A A A [A+Ba][Ba]/[B-Ba]=Ka 5、关于氧化还原反应和电化学 (1)、失去电子的反应:氧化反应;充当电池的负极。 (2)、得到电子的反应:还原反应;充当电池的正极。 记住:还原剂被氧化,氧化剂被还原。 (3)、原电池负极写在左边,(-)Zn|Zn 2+(CZn 2+)|| Cu 2+(Ccu 2+)|Cu(+)。 (4)、标准电极:氢电极为0V 。 (5)、能特斯方程:氧化态(1)+ne=还原态(2) )21lg(0.059 -1/21/2-+ =n E E 应用能特斯方程应注意的情况:若电极中有气体,则用相对压力解决。若有难容固体及液体,则不用写进方程。关于有氢离子的反应,写在氧化态一边,就作为氧化态处理,写在还原态一边就作为还原态处理。 关于用电动势的大小表示可以判断氧化剂的强弱:电动势越高,高价氧化性越强,低价还原性越强。


ACT3: ACT 3-1 “你觉得他怎么样?” 【故事梗概】 Harry离开后,Susan把他们点的饭菜打包回家里和Marilyn共享。她和Marilyn一边吃东西,一边谈论Harry。虽然Harry在第一次约会时就中途离开,Susan却对他的印象不错。突然,有人敲门,来访者居然是Harry。Marilyn: What happened? Susan: The baby-sitter called. His daughter is sick. Marilyn: What's wrong? Susan: I think she has a stomachache. He's a good father. Marilyn: So...what do you think of him? Susan: He's very nice. But I think he was nervous tonight. It was his first date in two years. Marilyn: Will you see him again? Susan: I hope so. Marilyn: This food is delicious. Susan: He didn't get a thing to eat. Marilyn: You ordered enough for three or four people, but I'm not complaining. The food is delicious. Susan: Who is that? Marilyn: Do you think it's... Susan: No. [She goes to the door and looks through the peephole] You won't believe it, Marilyn! Marilyn: I believe it. Even without looking. 【语言点精讲】 1. What happened? 怎么了?出什么事了?Marilyn随后问的"What's wrong?"也是同样的意思。


初中化学笔记大全 初三化学常见物质的性质和用途气体类: 物质物理性质化学性质用途 氧气O2 通常情况下,氧气 是一种无色、无味 的气体。不易溶于 水,密度比空气略 大,可液化和固化。 氧气是一种化学性质 比较活泼的气体,能与 许多物质发生化学反 应,在反应中提供氧, 具有氧化性,是常用的 氧化剂 (1)供呼吸。如高空飞行、潜水、登 山等缺氧的场所,其工作人员都需 要供氧;病人的急救。(2)利用氧气 支持燃烧并放热的性质,用于冶炼 金属(吹氧炼钢)、金属的气焊和气 割、作火箭发动机的助燃剂、制液 氧炸药等。 空气1、空气的成分按体积分数计算:氮气78%, 氧气21%,稀有气体0.94%,CO2 0.03% 2、环境污染知识:排放到空气中的气体污染 物较多的是二氧化硫、二氧化氮、一氧化碳 3、测定空气成份或除去气体里的氧气,要用 易燃的磷,磷燃烧后生成固体,占体积小易 分离。 不能用碳、硫代替磷。碳、硫跟氧气反应生 成气体,难跟其他气体分离。 分离液态空气制取氧气,此变化是物 理变化,不是分解反应 氢气H2通常状况下,纯净 的氢气是无色、无 气味的气体,是密 度最小的一种气体 (1)氢气的可燃性 注意:点燃氢气前一定 要先检验氢气的纯度。 (2)氢气的还原性 (1)充灌探空气球。(2)做合成盐酸、 合成氨的原料。(3)做燃料有三个优 点:资源丰富,燃烧后发热量高, 产物无污染。(4)冶炼金属,用氢气 做还原剂。 二氧化碳CO2 无色无味气 体,密度比空气大, 能溶于水,易液化, 固化。(固态二氧化 碳叫“干冰”) 1、既不能燃烧,也不 支持燃烧。2、不供给 呼吸3、与水反应 4、与石灰水反应 可用于灭火,植物的气肥,制饮料, 干冰用于人工降雨,保鲜剂等。但 大气中二氧化碳的增多,会使地球 产生“温室效应”。 一氧化碳CO 无色、无味、比空 气的密度略小、难 溶于水。 ⑴可燃性⑵还原性 ⑶毒性:一氧化碳易与 血液中的血红蛋白结 合,且不易分离,使人 体因缺氧而死亡 CO是煤气的主要成分,还可用于冶 金工业。 甲烷CH4 沼气,天然气的主 要成分,是最简单 的有机物。难溶于 水,密度比空气的 小 可燃性 动植物的残体可分解出甲烷,可用 作燃料。


高中化学课堂笔记化学 选修笔记 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

化学选修4 第一章化学反应与能量 一、焓变反应热 1.反应热:一定条件下,一定物质的量的反应物之间完全反应所放出或吸收的热量2.焓变(ΔH)的意义:在恒压条件下进行的化学反应的热效应 (1).符号:△H (2).单位:kJ/mol 3.产生原因:化学键断裂——吸热化学键形成——放热 放出热量的化学反应。(放热>吸热) △H 为“-”或△H <0 吸收热量的化学反应。(吸热>放热)△H 为“+”或△H >0 ☆常见的放热反应:①所有的燃烧反应②酸碱中和反应③大多数的化合反应④金属与酸的反应⑤生石灰和水反应⑥浓硫酸稀释、氢氧化钠固体溶解等 ☆常见的吸热反应:①晶体Ba(OH) 2·8H 2 O与NH 4 Cl②大多数的分解反应 ③以H 2 、CO、C为还原剂的氧化还原反应④铵盐溶解等 小结: 1、化学键断裂,吸收能量; 化学键生成,放出能量 2、反应物总能量大于生成物总能量,放热反应,体系能量降低,△H为“-”或小于0反应物总能量小于生成物总能量,吸热反应,体系能量升高,△H为“+”或大于0 3、反应热数值上等于生成物分子形成时所释放的总能量与反应物分子断裂时所吸收的总能量之差

二、热化学方程式 1.概念:表示化学反应中放出或吸收的热量的化学方程式. 2.意义:既能表示化学反应中的物质变化,又能表示化学反应中的能量变化. 书写化学方程式注意要点: ①热化学方程式必须标出能量变化。 ②热化学方程式中必须标明反应物和生成物的聚集状态(g,l,s分别表示固态,液态,气态,水溶液中溶质用aq表示) ③热化学反应方程式要指明反应时的温度和压强。 ④热化学方程式中的化学计量数可以是整数,也可以是分数 ⑤各物质系数加倍,△H加倍;反应逆向进行,△H改变符号,数值不变 三、燃烧热 1.概念:25 ℃,101 kPa时,1 mol纯物质完全燃烧生成稳定的化合物时所放出的热量。燃烧热的单位用kJ/mol表示。 ※注意以下几点: ①研究条件:101 kPa ②反应程度:完全燃烧,产物是稳定的氧化物。C元素转化为CO2,而不是CO;H元素转化为H2O(l),而不是H2O(g), N元素转化为N2。如:H2(g)+ 1/2 O2(g) = H2O(l); △H =-285.8 kJ/mol ③燃烧物的物质的量:燃料是以1mol作为标准,因此书写热化学方程式时,其它物质的化学计量数可用分数表示; ④研究内容:放出的热量。(ΔH<0,单位kJ/mol)


说明:仅供参考! 北京大学化学学院考试专用纸 《普通化学》___级期终考试 姓名:学号:院系:班级: 考试时间:2007年1月9日14:00-16:00 命题教师:王颖霞

一、简要回答并填写(可能多选): 1.下列说法中确切的是: (1) 吸热反应都无法自发进行(2) ?Gθ < 0反应能自发进行 (3) 吸热熵增型反应高温有利(4) ?G < 0反应能自发进行 2.下列变化中熵增的过程有: (1) 一定量的气体所受压强增大(2) NaCl溶于水 (3) 水结成冰(4) 氧气变为臭氧 (5) 某一定物质受热温度升高(6) 晶体中产生缺陷 3.根据右图,下列说法正确的有: (2) Na和Ca是很好的还原剂,可以 还原其他金属氯化物 (3) Cu与氯气反应时,温度越高,越 有利于CuCl的生成 (4) 温度高于500K, 金属Al总是可以 还原ZnCl2 (5) 温度在600-1600K区间,Zn既可 以还原CuCl2, 也可以还原CuCl 4.(在括号给出判断)元素的电负性差值越大,所形成的化学键离子性越强();所以,所形成的化学键的强度也越大() 5. 在下列卤化物中,键的共价性最强的是,最弱的是 1) 氟化锂2) 氟化钠3) 氯化锂4) 氯化铍 6. 下列物质中,分子间存在取向力的是 (1) BF3 (2) PF3(3) SiF4(4) PF5 (5) SF6(6) SF4 7.第81号元素是, 其核外价层电子排布为, 它位于第周期第族, 该元素的离子在水中较稳定的氧化态为,原因是 8. 金属中,熔点最高的是,最低的是 9. Fe(H2O)63+显淡紫色,说明它吸收颜色的光,相应的跃迁类型是 10. HBrO4与HBrO3相比,酸性更强的是;HBr与HI相比,酸性更强的是


【走遍美国精讲笔记】第1课:林登大街46号 ACT 1 - 1 难度:容易作者:沪江英语来源:沪江英语评论:23 划词:已启用收藏 收藏喜欢的文章,日后复习吧!哎呀,可惜你是未注册用户! ACT 1-1 “我可以给您和您的小男孩拍张照吗?” 【故事梗概】 自由摄影艺术家Ric hard Stewart,正在为编出自己的影集《走遍美国》到处拍照。今天他在由纽约市曼哈顿区到斯塔滕岛的渡船上工作,回程中遇到了来自加州的一位黑人妇女M artha V ann和她的小儿子Gerald。Ric hard想要给他们拍照。 请先听下面的音频: Ric hard: E xc use me. M y name is Ric hard Stewart. I'm a photographer. M ay I take a pic ture of you and your little boy? M rs.Vann: What's it for? Ric hard: It's for a book. M rs.Vann: Y ou're writing a book? Ric hard: It's a book of pic tures. I c all it Family A lbum, U.S.A. M rs.Vann: O h, that's a nic e idea. Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm M artha Vann. Ric hard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Ric hard. What's your name? Gerald: Gerald. Ric hard: How old are you, Gerald? Gerald: Five. Ric hard: A nd where do you live? M rs.Vann: We live in C alifornia. Ric hard: Well, welc ome to N ew Y ork. OK, just a sec ond. I'm almost ready here. 【语言点精讲】 1. Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer. 这是Ric hard在与陌生人搭讪并介绍自己。

初中化学笔记完整 (1)

最新初中超级化学笔记大全 第一单元走进化学世界(2017年3月6日星期一) 课题1 物质的变化和性质 1.物理变化:没有生成其它物质的变化。 物理性质:物质不需要发生化学变化就表现出来的性质。 物理性质包含:物质的颜色、状态、气味、硬度、熔点、沸点、密度等。 2.化学变化:生成其它物质的变化。也叫化学反应。 化学性质:物质在化学变化中表现出来的性质。 化学性质包含:颜色改变、放出气体、生成沉淀等。 3.化学:是在分子、原子层次上研究物质的性质、组成、结 构与变化规律的自然科学。 课题2 化学是一门以实验为基础的科学 1.蜡烛燃烧实验(描述现象时不可出现产物名称) (1)火焰:焰心、内焰(最明亮)、外焰(温度最高) (2)比较各火焰层温度:用一火柴梗平放入火焰中。 现象:两端先碳化;结论:外焰温度最高 (3)检验产物 H2O:用干冷烧杯罩火焰上方,烧杯内有水雾 CO2:取下烧杯,倒入澄清石灰水(澄清石 灰水

(4)熄灭后:有白烟(为石蜡蒸气),点燃白烟,蜡烛复燃。说明石蜡蒸气燃烧。 2.吸入空气与呼出气体的比较 结论:与吸入空气相比,呼出气体中O2的量减少,CO2和H2O 的量增多 (吸入空气与呼出气体成分是相同的) 3.学习化学的重要途径——科学探究 一般步骤:提出问题→猜想与假设→设计实验→实验验证→记录与结论→反思与评价 化学学习的特点:关注物质的性质、变化、变化过程及其现象;课题3 走进化学实验室 1.化学实验(化学是一门以实验为基础的科学) 一、常用仪器及使用方法 (一)用于加热的仪器--试管、烧杯、烧瓶、蒸发皿、锥形瓶可以直接加热的仪器是--试管、蒸发皿、燃烧匙


初三化学笔记整理 一、基本概念 1.物质的变化:物理变化:没有其他物质生成的变化—如三态变化等 化学变化:有其他物质生成的变化—如燃烧,金属生锈等 2.物质的性质:物理性质:不需要发生化学变化就能表现出来—如颜色,状态,气味,熔沸点,硬度,密度,磁性,导电、热性等 化学性质:只有通过化学变化才能表现出来的—如助燃性,可燃性,毒性, 稳定性等 3.元素:具有相同质子数的一类原子叫做元素 分子:保持物质化学信纸的一种微粒 分子是由原子构成的 原子:化学变化中的最小微粒 根本区别:在化学变化中,分子能够再分,而原子不能 微粒的性质:微粒是真实存在的,体积小,质量轻 微粒在不断做无规则运动 微粒之间有间隙 同种微粒性质相同,不同微粒性质不同 4.化合价: 常见元素的化合价:+1 钾、钠、银、氢、亚铜 +2 钙、镁、铜、钡、锌、亚铁 +3 铁、铝 +4 硅 -1 氟、氯、溴、碘 —2 氧、硫 +2/+4 碳 -2/+4/+6 硫 计算——根据化学式求某一元素化合价:物质中,各元素化合价为0 5.质量守恒定律:参加化学反应的各物质的质量总和,等于反应后生成的各物质的质量总和 6.物质的量---单位:摩尔(mol) 质量(m)=式量(M)*物质的量(n) 微粒个数(N)=阿伏加德罗常数(NA)*物质的量(n) 7.反应类型: 化合反应:A+B C 分解反应:A B+C 置换反应:A+BC B+AC 复分解反应:AB+CD CB+AD 8.氧化还原反应:物质跟氧反应叫做氧化反应’含氧化合物中的氧被夺去的反应叫做还原反应失氧的物质发生还原反应,作氧化剂,具有氧化性 得氧的物质发生氧化反应,作还原剂,具有还原性


Chemistry Chapter 8 ?In 1864, English chemists john newlands noticed that when the known elements were arranged in order of atomic mass, every eighth element had similar properties. Newlands referred to this peculiar relationship as the law of octaves. Howe ver, this “law” turned out to be inadequate for elements beyond calcium, and newland’s work was not accepted by the scientific community. ?Representative elements are the elements in groups 1A through 7A, all of which have incompletely filled s or p subshells of the highest principal quantum number. With the exception of helium, the noble gases (the group 8A elements) all have a completely filled p subshell. The transition metals are the elements in groups 1B and 3B through 8B, which have incompletely filled d subshells or readily produce cations with incompletely filled d subshells (these metals are sometimes referred to as the d-blok transition elements). The group 2B elements are Zn, Cd, and Hg, which are neither representative elements nor transition metals. The lanthanides and actinides are sometimes called f-block transition elements because they have incompletely filled f subshells ?The outer electrons of an atom, which are those involved in chemical bonding are often called the valence electrons. Having the same number of valence electrons accounts for similarities in chemical behavior among the elements within each of these groups. ?Ions, or atoms and ions, that have the same number of electrons and hence the same ground-state electron configuration are said to be isoelectronic. ?Atomic radius of a metal is one-half the distance between the two-nuclei in two adjacent atoms. For elements that exist as diatomic molecules, the atomic radius is one-half the distance between the nuclei of the two atoms in a particular molecule. ?When looking at a periodic table: o The elements are increasing as in atomic radius as you go from right to left, and from up to down. **** ?Ionic radius is the radius of a cation or an anion. Ionic radius affects the physical and chemical properties of an ionic compound. ?When a neutral atom is converted to an ion, we expect a change in size. If the atoms forms an anion, its size increases, because the nuclear charge remains the same but the repulsion resulting from the additional electron enlarges the domain of the electron cloud. On the other hand, a cation is smaller than the neutral atom, because removing one or more electrons reduces electron-electron repulsion but the nuclear charge remains the same, so the electron cloud shrinks. ?Focusing on isoelectronic cations, we see that the radii of tripostive ions (that is, ions that bear three positive charges) are smaller than those of dipositive ions (that is, ions that bear two positive charges) which in turn are smaller than unipositve ions (that is, ions that bear one positive charge).


【走遍美国精讲笔记】 《走遍美国》是一套生活化美语教材,内容以住在纽约州的里弗代尔镇林登大街46号的Stewart一家三代人的生活为中心展开,内容涉及美国各地风土人情、社会生活的许多方面。这个幸福温馨的家庭是千百万美国白人中产者家庭的缩影。 【走遍美国精讲笔记】第2课:初次约会 ACT1: ACT 1-1 “伍斯特大街83号该怎么走?” 【故事梗概】 Harry Bennett在曼哈顿岛闹市区的一条街上,拿着一束鲜花。今晚他与Susan Stewart有一个约会。那将是他们的第一次见面。他找不到Susan的公寓所在的伍斯特大街83号,于是他向路边的一个卖热狗的小贩问路。小贩的指点并未帮他找到目的地。他试图拨打Susan的电话,却打不通。之后,他又向一位女士第二次问路。 Harry: Excuse me. Can you help me? Vendor: Sure, what do you want? Harry: Where is 83 Wooster Street? Vendor: That's easy. Walk to the corner. Then make a left turn . Then walk two blocksto the traffic light. Make another left to Wooster. Harry: Thank you. To the corner and then a left? Vendor: Yeah. A left. Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents. Harry: No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. Harry: 555-9470 ... and it's busy. ... Try again. 555-9470... and it's still busy. Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street. Woman: Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right, about two houses.


第三章物质构成的奥秘 第一节用微粒的观点看物质 一、物质是由微粒构成的 1、物质都有可分性。物质都是由许许多多肉眼看不见的微粒构成的。 2、构成物质的微粒有三种:分子、原子、离子 3、分割 物质(宏观)=============微粒(微观) 聚集 二、微粒的基本性质 1、微粒很小 2、微粒是不断运动的 实验: 现象:无色酚酞试液变红 结论:氨分子不断运动 3、微粒之间有空隙 ①不同物质微粒间的空隙大小不同。 ②固体、液体中微粒间的空隙较小,固体、液体不易被压缩;气体中微粒间的空隙较大,气体易被压缩。 ③物质的状态是由微粒之间的空隙大小决定的 例:用微粒的观点解释下列现象: ⑴湿衣服在太阳底下干得快 答:水分子是不断运动着的,水分子获得太阳的能量,运动加快。 ⑵糖放到水中不见了 答:糖分子运动到水分子之间的空隙里去了。 ⑶物体的热胀冷缩 答:受热,微粒之间的空隙变大;遇冷,微粒之间的空隙变小。 ⑷100mL水与100mL酒精混合后体积小于200mL 答:水分子之间有空隙。 第二节构成物质的基本微粒 分子:大多数物质由分子构成 构成物质的微粒原子:金属、稀有气体、金刚石由原子直接构成 离子:有金属元素的化合物一般由阴、阳离子构成 一、分子

1、概念:分子是构成物质的一种微粒(分子是保持物质化学性质的最小微粒)。 例如:保持水的化学性质的最小微粒是水分子。 2、分子相同,化学性质相同 例如:工业上用分离液态空气制得的氧气与实验室用高锰酸钾分解制得的氧气化学性质相同,是因为它们都是由氧分子构成的;一氧化碳(CO)和二氧化碳(CO2)的化学性质有很大差异,是因为它们的分子不同。 二、原子 1、概念:原子是构成物质的又一种基本微粒(原子是化学变化中的最小微粒)。 2、化学变化的微观过程(实质) 分解结合 ————→————→ 水分子氢原子氧原子氢分子氧分子 化学变化的过程,实质是原分子被破坏,分出原子,原子重新组合 ......成新分子的过程。 3、分子和原子的根本区别:在化学变化中 ......,分子可分成原子,而原子不能再分。 MnO2 例1:在2H2O2 ===== 2H2O + O2↑反应中,发生改变的微粒是过氧化氢分子(H2O2),没有改变的微粒是氢原子和氧原子,生成的新微粒是水分子和氧分子。 例2:用微粒的观点解释“水的蒸发”和“水的分解”的不同。 答:水的蒸发是水分子之间的空隙变大,水分子本身没有变,是物理变化;水的分解是水分子在通电的条件下,分出氢原子和氧原子,氢原子和氧原子重新组合成氢分子和氧分子,分子变了,是化学变化。 构成构成 5、原子————→分子————→物质 直接构成 6、人类对原子的认识 ①英国科学家道而顿提出了原子学说


-- ☆ SitMan 助您征服外语☆ -- [生词摘录] [要点摘录] ----难点句子记录于此 [我的听写] ----可在此处逐句听写 [原文] The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa. 邮差刚刚塞进一一些信件在我们的信箱爷爷 Probably a lot of advertising and bills. 大概是一大堆广广告和帐单 Why don't you write to me, Robbie, 你为什麽不给我我写信呢 Robbi so I can get some interesting mail? 那样我就可以收收到一些有趣的信件了 You were right, Grandpa. 给你说对了爷爷爷 Advertising, bills, bills, advertising. 广告帐单帐帐单广告 Yes. It's just like I said, Robbie. 正像我说的那样样吧 Robbie Nothing interesting. 没有什麽有趣的的 You won't believe it, Grandpa, 你绝不会相信爷爷 but there's a letter here addressed to you, 这确实有一封封信是寄给你的 Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter. Malcolm Stewarrt先生收而且看来是一封私人信件。 Oh, it must be a bill. 噢还不是帐单单 I don't think so. 我想不是吧。 The return name and address is 发信人姓名和地地址 Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters CChesterton 乡村免费邮递路一号。 You're joking. Pete Waters? 你在开玩笑吧。。Pete Water Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters 舷村免费邮递路一号Chesterton。 You know him? 你认识他吗 Do I know Pete Waters? 我可认识Pete Waters You bet I do! 你可以打赌我当当然认识 He was my roommate in college. 他是我大学时的的室友 He visited with Grandma and me in Florida 他到Florida看构祖母和我 about five years ago. 大约五年前。 What does he say? 他说了些什麽 Is he OK? 他还好吗 Yeah, he's fine. 是的他不错。 Just fine. 相当不错。 He's writing to invite me 他写信邀请我 to spend a weekend with him at his farm. 去他的农场跟他他一起渡个末


初中化学笔记(人教版) 第一单元走进化学世界 化学的发展阶段: 1. 古代:火的发现和利用,古代的工艺:造纸,烧瓷器,火药 2. 近代;创立了原子论,分子学说,化学成了一门独立的学科 3. 现代:纳米技术和绿色化学 物质是由元素组成的(宏观)物质是由分子, 原子构成的(微观) 1 物质的变化和性质(实验:蜡烛的燃烧) 蜡烛熔化- 物理变化;蜡烛燃烧- 化学变化 重点:检验CO2方法:将CO2通入澄清石灰水(Ca(OH)2)中,若石灰水变 浑浊则表明有CO2 的存在;反之,则没有。 2. 判断物质变化的方法: 1)凡是同种物质的状态,形状,大小的改变,都属于物理变化。 2)所有燃烧,金属生锈,酿造,腐烂都属于化学变化。化学性质:即物质在化学变化中表现出来的性质(可燃性,助燃性,氧化性,酸碱性,毒性,腐蚀性,活动性,稳定性??)物理性质:即不需要发生化学变化就表现出来的性质(导电性,导热性,延展性,磁性,溶解性,挥发性,吸附性,颜色,状态,气味,硬度,熔点,沸点,密度??)

区别O2 和CO2 方法: 1. 向两个集气瓶中分别倒入适量的澄清石灰水(Ca(OH)2),并振荡,其中 瓶内石灰水变浑浊的则是CO2 ,另一瓶内则是O2。 2. 将燃烧着的木条分别伸入两个集气瓶内,若木条燃烧更旺,则该瓶内气体是 O2,若木条熄灭,则该瓶内气体是CO2 小结;物质的性质决定用途,用途体现性质 2.化学是一门以实验为基础的科学 一.对蜡烛及其燃烧的探究: 1)蜡烛的特点:硬度小,密度比水小,熔点低 2)蜡烛火焰分为:外焰,内焰和焰心(外焰温度最高) 3)烧杯罩在燃着的蜡烛上方时杯底所产生的碳黑的原因是因为燃烧不充分。 4)蜡烛熄灭时出现的白烟具有可燃性。 5 )石蜡燃烧的文字表达式:石蜡和氧气在点燃的条件下会生成氺和二氧化 碳:即:石蜡+ 氧气点燃(这里应该是箭头,不过我打不来)水+二氧化碳(反应物)(反应条件)(生成物) 实验(科学探究)的步骤: 1. 提出假设 2. 搜集证据 3. 设计实验并进行操作 4. 得出结论


第一单元走进化学世界(2017年3月6日星期一) 课题1 物质的变化和性质 1.物理变化:没有生成其它物质的变化。 物理性质:物质不需要发生化学变化就表现出来的性质。 物理性质包含:物质的颜色、状态、气味、硬度、熔点、沸点、密度等。 2.化学变化:生成其它物质的变化。也叫化学反应。 化学性质:物质在化学变化中表现出来的性质。 化学性质包含:颜色改变、放出气体、生成沉淀等。 3.化学:是在分子、原子层次上研究物质的性质、组成、结构与变化 规律的自然科学。 课题2 化学是一门以实验为基础的科学 1.蜡烛燃烧实验(描述现象时不可出现产物名称) (1)火焰:焰心、内焰(最明亮)、外焰(温度最高) (2)比较各火焰层温度:用一火柴梗平放入火焰中。 现象:两端先碳化;结论:外焰温度最高 (3)检验产物 H2O:用干冷烧杯罩火焰上方,烧杯内有水雾 CO2:取下烧杯,倒入澄清石灰水(澄清石灰水:主要成 变浑浊 (4)熄灭后:有白烟(为石蜡蒸气),点燃白烟,蜡烛复燃。说明石蜡蒸气燃烧。 2.吸入空气与呼出气体的比较

结论:与吸入空气相比,呼出气体中O2的量减少,CO2和H2O的量增多(吸入空气与呼出气体成分是相同的) 3.学习化学的重要途径——科学探究 一般步骤:提出问题→猜想与假设→设计实验→实验验证→记录与结论→反思与评价 化学学习的特点:关注物质的性质、变化、变化过程及其现象; 课题3 走进化学实验室 1.化学实验(化学是一门以实验为基础的科学) 一、常用仪器及使用方法 (一)用于加热的仪器--试管、烧杯、烧瓶、蒸发皿、锥形瓶可以直接加热的仪器是--试管、蒸发皿、燃烧匙 只能间接加热的仪器是--烧杯、烧瓶、锥形瓶(垫石棉网—受热均匀)

【走遍美国精讲笔记】第一课:林登大街46号 ACT2

ACT 2-1 “能告诉我怎么去弗代尔镇林肯大街吗?” 【故事梗概】 Alexandra想把Richard 忘下的包还给他。包上挂着Richard的住址牌,Alexandra向一位警察询问该怎样去那里。警察叮嘱Alexandra要坐1路地铁,可是她却仍然坐错了车。 Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you help me? 打扰一下,警官。可以帮个忙吗? Policeman: Sure. 当然 Alexandra: Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 您能告诉我怎么去弗代尔镇林肯大街吗? Policeman: "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." You should take the number one subway. 纽约弗代尔镇林肯大街46号,理查德,你可以乘地铁一号线。 Alexandra: Is there a station near here? 这附近有站吗?Policeman: Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number one train to Van Cortlandt Park. 有的,地铁站在那边。你可以乘地铁一号线,到Van Cortlandt 公园下车。 Alexandra: Number one train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 乘地铁一号线,到Van Cortlandt公园下车,谢谢 Policeman: Anytime. Good luck. Remember, the number one train. The uptown platform. 不用客气,祝你好运,记住是地铁一号线,北线月台上车。Alexandra: Thank you. 谢谢 Policeman: You're welcome. 不客气 【语言点精讲】 1. Excuse me, officer. Can you help me? 当我们向别人寻求帮助时,可以说Excuse me. Can you help me?(劳驾,可以帮个忙吗?)

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