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上外 09 英综 阅读
上外 09 英综 阅读

2009英语语言文学英语综合阅读理解Passage 1


The birth of modern plastics

In 1907, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, a Belgian scientist working in New York, discovered and patented a revolutionary new synthetic material. His invention, which he named 'Bakelite', was of enormous technological importance, and effectively launched the

modern plastics industry.

The term 'plastic' comes from the Greek plassein, meaning 'to mould'. Some plastics are derived from natural sources, some are semi-synthetic (the result of chemical action on a natural substance), and some are entirely synthetic, that is, chemically engineered from the constituents of coal or oil. Some are 'thermoplastic', which means that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can then be reshaped. Others are 'thermosetting': like eggs, they cannot revert to their original viscous state, and their shape is thus fixed for ever., Bakelite had the distinction of being the first totally synthetic thermosetting plastic.

The history of today's plastics begins with the discovery of a series of semi-synthetic thermoplastic materials in the mid-nineteenth century. The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors - immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of 'luxury' materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory.

Baekeland's interest in plastics began in 1885 when, as a young chemistry student in Belgium, he embarked on research into phenolic resins, the group of sticky substances produced when phenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluid similar to alcohol). He soon abandoned the subject, however, only returning to it some years later. By 1905 he was a wealthy New Yorker, having recently made his fortune with the invention of a new photographic paper. While Baekeland had been busily amassing dollars, some advances had been made in the development

of plastics. The years 1899 and 1900 had seen the patenting of the first semi-synthetic thermosetting material that could be manufactured on an industrial scale. In purely scientific terms, Baekeland's major contribution to the field is not so much the actual discovery of the material to which he gave his name, but rather the method by which a reaction between phenol and formaldehyde could be controlled, thus making possible its preparation on a commercial basis. On 13 July 1907, Baekeland took out his famous patent describing this preparation, the essential features of which are still in use today.

The original patent outlined a three-stage process, in which phenol and formaldehyde (from wood or coal) were initially combined under vacuum inside a large egg-shaped kettle. The result was a resin known as Novalak, which became soluble and malleable when heated. The resin was allowed to cool in shallow trays until it hardened, and then broken up and ground into powder. Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton, which increase strength and. moisture resistance, catalysts (substances to speed up the reaction between two chemicals without joining to either) and hexa, a compound of ammonia and formaldehyde which supplied the additional formaldehyde necessary to form a thermosetting resin. This resin was then left to cool and harden, and ground up a second time. The resulting granular powder was raw Bakelite, ready to be made into a vast range of manufactured objects. In the last stage, the heated Bakelite was poured into a hollow mould of the required shape and subjected to extreme heat and pressure; thereby 'setting' its form for life.

The design of Bakelite objects, everything from earrings to television sets, was governed to a large extent by the technical requirements of the moulding process. The object could not be designed so that it was locked into the mould and therefore difficult to extract. A common general rule was that objects should taper towards the deepest part of the mould, and if necessary the product was moulded in separate pieces. Moulds had to be carefully designed so that the molten Bakelite would flow evenly and completely into the mould. Sharp corners proved impractical and were thus avoided, giving rise to the smooth, 'streamlined' style popular in the 1930s. The thickness of the walls of the mould was also crucial: thick walls took longer to cool and harden, a factor which had to be considered by the designer in order to make the most efficient use of machines.

Baekeland's invention, although treated with disdain in its early years, went on to enjoy an unparalleled popularity which lasted throughout the first half of the twentieth century. It became the wonder product of the new world of industrial expansion -'the material of a thousand uses'. Being both non-porous and heat-resistant, Bakelite kitchen goods were promoted as being germ-free and sterilisable. Electrical manufacturers seized on its insulating: properties, and consumers everywhere relished its dazzling array of shades, delighted that they were now, at last, no longer restricted to the wood tones and drab browns of the prepfastic era. It then fell from favour again during the 1950s, and was despised and destroyed in vast quantities. Recently, however, it has been experiencing something of a renaissance, with renewed demand for original Bakelite objects in the collectors' marketplace, and museums, societies and dedicated individuals once again appreciating the style and originality of this innovative material.

2009英语语言文学英语综合阅读理解 Passage 3

The Truth about the Environment

For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more


But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural resources have become more abundant, not less so, since the book 'The Limits to Growth' was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. Second, more food is now produced per head of the world's population than at any time in history. Fewer people are starving. Third, although species are indeed becoming extinct, only about 0.7% of them are expected to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%, as has so often been predicted. And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exggerated, or are transient - associated with the early phases of industrialisation and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. One form of pollution - the release of greenhouse gases that

causes global warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem.

A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it.

Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between

perception and reality.

One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research. Scientific funcing goes mainly to areas with many problems. That may be wise policy, but it will also create an impression that many more potential problems exist than is the case.

Secondly, environmental groups need to be noticed by the mass media. They also need to keep the money rolling in. Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the World Wide Fund for Nature issued a press release entitled: 'Two thirds of the world's forests lost forever'. The truth turns

out to be nearer 20%.

Though these groups are run overwhelmingly by selfless folk, they nevertheless share many of the characteristics of other lobby groups. That would matter less if people applied the same degree of scepticism to environmental lobbying as tehy do to lobby groups in other fields. A trade organisation arguing for, say, weaker pollution controls is instantly seen as self-interested. Yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as altruistic, even if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest they are doing more harm than good.

A third source of confusion is the attitude of the media. People are clearly more cuirous about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. That, however, can lead to significant distortions of perception. An example was America's encounter El Nino in 1997 and 1998. This climatic phenomenon was accused of wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the ski-slopes and causing 22 deaths. However, according to an artical in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the damage it did was estimated at US$4 billing but the benefits amounted to some US$19 billion. These came fromhigher winter temperatures (which saved an estimated 850 lives, reduced heating costs and diminished spring floods caused by meltwaters).

The fourth factor is poor individual perception. People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste. Yet, even if America's trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the entire 21st centurey will still take up only on 12,000th of the area of the entire United States.

So what of global warming? As we know, carbon dioxide emissions are causing the planet to warm. The best estimates are that the temperatures will rise by 2-3°C in this century, causing considerable problems, at a total cost of US$5,000 billion.

Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to be done about such a costly problem, economic analyses clearly show it will be far more expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs of adaptation ot the increased temperatures. A model by one of the main authors of the United Nations Climate Change Panel shows how an expected temperature increase of 2.1 degrees in 2100 would only be diminished to an increase of 1.9 degrees. Or to put it another way, the temperature increase that the planet would have experienced in 2094 would be postponed to 2100.

So this does not prevent global warming, but merely buys the world six years. Yet the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the United States alone, will be higher than the cost of solving the wolrd's single, most pressing health problem: providing universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Such measures would avoid 2 million deaths every year, and prevent half a billion people from

becoming seriously ill.

It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make the best possible decisions for the future. It may be costly to be overly optimistic - but more costly still

to be too pessimistic.



A fairly standard consensual definition is "a relatively permanent change in behavior (sic.; it's American of course) that results from practise." This is of

course arguable, particularly the "practice" criterion. Others would accept changes in "capability" or even simple "knowledge" or "understanding", even if it is not manifest in behaviour. It is however an important criterion that "learned" behaviour is not pre-programmed or wholly instinctive (not a word used much nowadays), even if an instinctual drive underpins it. Behaviour can also change as a result of maturation-simple growing-up-without being totally learned. Think of the changing attitude of children and adolescents to opposite-sex peers. Whatever the case, there has to be interaction with the environment.

Even if psychologists ever agree about what learning is, in practice educationalists won't, because education introduces prescriptive notions about specifying what ought to be learnt, and there is considerable dispute about whether this ought only to be what the teacher wants the learner to learn (implicit in behavioural models), or what the learner wants to learn (as in humanistic models).


中学生英语阅读新视野①词组 go without 没有, 缺乏, 将就 In those days we often had to go without supper. tell … apart It's difficult to tell the two girls apart. 这两个女孩很难分辨。 Without question 毫无疑问 He is without question the best man for the job. 毫无疑问, 他最适合干这份工作。 A number of 一些 A great number of problems have arisen. 出现了许多问题。 Take off 1.拿走, 取下; 去掉 Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off! 昨夜的大风差一点把屋顶刮掉了。 2.脱去 I can't take my boots off, they're so tight! 靴子太紧了, 我脱不下来! 3.截断, 切除 I'm afraid the disease can't be stopped, so we shall have to take your leg off. 恐怕这病情控制不住了, 我们得把你的一条腿截肢。 4.(使)离开 I think I'll take myself off now. 我想我现在就得走。 5.起跳; 起飞 Watch that bird taking off from the branch! 注意看那只鸟从枝头飞起来! 6.(飞机)起飞 It's exciting to feel the plane taking off. 感觉到飞机起飞令人兴奋。 7.减轻(体重) I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again! 我的体重终于减轻, 那些漂亮的衣服又合身了, 我真高兴! Around the world 世界各地 By accident 偶然地 He made this mistake by accident. 他犯这个错误纯属偶然。 Now and then


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


日语二级文法全集 第一部分(1-20) 1 体言の|た+あげく(に)最后,结果是~~~ 往往用于不好的结果 例:いろいろ考えたあげく、学校をやめることにした(经过多方面考虑最后决定退学)。 長い苦労のあげく、とうとう死んでしまった。(长期辛劳最后终于死了) 2 体言の|用言連体形+あまり因过于~~~ 往往用于造成不好的结果 例:嬉しさのあまり、彼は泣いた(他因过于高兴而流下了眼泪)。 3 である|用言連体形+以上(は)既然~~~就~~~ 例:約束した以上はまもらなければならない(既然约好了就得守约) 学生である以上、よく勉強すべきだ(既然是学生就应该好好学习)。 4 ~~~一方(では)~~~一方面~~~另一方面~~~ 例:情熱も大切である一方、冷静(れいせい)な判断(はんだん)も必要です(热情很重要,另一方面冷静的判断也很需要)。 5 用言連体形+一方だ一直~~~,越来越~~ 例:人口は増える一方だ(人口一直在增加)。 これからは寒くなる一方だ(今后将会越来越冷了)。 6 体言の|用言連体形+うえに而且,又 例:道に迷った上に雨に降られた(他迷了路,而且又被雨淋了)。 彼女は美人で、そのうえやさしい(他即漂亮又温柔)。 7 体言の+うえで(は)在~~~方面 例:健康の上では別に問題はない(在健康方面没有什么问题)。 8 体言の|たうえで~~~之后 例:詳しいことはお目にかかった上で、またご相談いたしましょう(详细情况等见了面再商量吧)。 9 たうえは既然~~~就~~~

例:こうなったうえはしかたがない(事情既然到了这种地步就没有办法了)。 10 うちに趁~~~ (趁着现在的状态未变~~~)テレビを見ているうちに(在看电视的时候,看啊看啊)/明るいうちに(性格开朗而且)/暗くならないうちに(趁着,在还没变暗当中之前) 例:熱いうちに、召し上がってください(请趁热吃)。 11 動詞未然形+う|ようではないか(じゃないか)让我们一起~~~吧(向大家发出呼吁号召) 例:もう一度よく考えてみようではありませんか(让我们一起再好好考虑一下吧)。 お茶でも飲もうか(让我们一起去喝点茶什么的吧)。 12 動詞連用形+得る(うる)|得ない(えない)可能,会|不可能,不会 例:それはあり得ることだ(那是可能有的事)。 そんなことはあり得ない(那种是不可能有)。 13 名詞の|用言連体形+おかげで(おかげだ)托~~的福,多亏(用于好的结果)よい結果の理由 例:傘を借りたおかげで、雨に濡れずにすんだ(多亏借了把伞才没被雨淋着)。 あの人のおかげで、私も合格した(托他的福我也及格了)。 14 ~~~恐れがある(おそれがある)恐怕~~,有~~~的可能|危险 例:努力しなかったら、落第する恐れがある(如果不用功的话,恐怕会考不上)。 15 用言連体形+かぎり只要~~~就~~~ 例:私が生きている限りは、あなたに苦労はさせません(只要我活着就不让你受苦)。 16 用言連体形+かぎりでは在~~~范围内,据~~~所~~~ 例:われわれの知っているかぎりでは、其の製品は国内でしか生産していない(据我所知,那种产品只在国内生产)。 17 動詞連用形+かける ①刚~~(表示动作刚刚开始); ②还没~~~完(表示动作进行到中途) ③“就要~~~”表示动作即将开始。


上海外国语大学日语语言文学考研经验 上外考研日语综合: 相信大家对上外近几年的考试真题已经很熟悉了,整体分析下来,变化不是很大,除了文学常识和古文考场形式会有点变化和分值的分布上略有调整外,其余的地方基本是没有改变的,因此不断练习真题、熟悉题型和出题的套路是很重要的。试卷开头的三道题目分别是汉字标假名、假名写汉字和外来语中文释议,这是所有日语试卷开头的基本题目,这类题可以说是送分题,但是很多同学容易在这里混淆一些读音相似或少见的单词,所以在平时背单词时,就要认真再认真的区别单词的意思,不要把单词记乱了,更不要把单词意思想的太复杂,其实很多时候考核的就是简单的汉字填写,所以大家要认真看题,不在这里丢分。 重点要说的是外来语中文释义,外来语本身就是日语中的记忆难点,可以直接通过联想外来语的来源背诵记忆。在考试中如果遇到没见过的外来语,可以多读几遍,联想一下英文的发音,试着写出意思。 选择题部分,考的是语法方面的内容,在备考时,要把语法内容从基础到难从头看一下,多做些模拟题或者是N1的语法题,看一下自己在哪方面还比较薄弱。填空题和翻译题,实际上并没有很难,打好基础,翻译时注意句子翻译通顺。 阅读题大家要看历年的真题出的都是哪些类型的文章,有针对性的练习,回答问题时语句不要太啰嗦,找到问题的中心点,写出正确的回答。 古文和文学常识,这里可能大部分同学都对这类题目不是很擅长,但是这里分值也是很高的,建议大家平时可以多看一些文学资料,适当的背诵部分选段,记忆作者信息和部分重点段落。 写作就不和大家多说了,第一要求字迹清楚公正、第二语法句子结构不要出错,第三内容不要枯燥无味,最后提醒:多多练习! 上外考研日汉互译 看了2017年考研的真题,日译汉和汉译日各2篇文章,其实翻译真的没什么技巧,就是要在日常的翻译练习中不断积累翻译经验,不断积累词汇量,在练习时将自己的翻译内容和答案对比,总结经验,长期坚持下来,翻译水平会有很大的提升。 考研二外英语 上外日语语言文学的初试技术分的计算方法是两门专业课相加再乘以总分的10%,所以很多同学对二外就没那么重视,如果非英语专业的考研报考二外的话,大家基本都会选择考二外英语,但是毕竟是考研二外,也是要高度重视的。2017年二外英语的题型难度接近专四的水平,因为没有听力,题量不是很大,大家平时可以做一些专四的题目和真题,打好基础,确保英语在65分以上, 因为之前的每一篇文章都有提到过政治的复习,在这里就不和大家细说了,再次强调:政治要过国家线。 10月已经过半,大家的备考也进入了紧张阶段,小编也提醒大家,复习是要努力认真的,但是要适当的给自己放松一下,端正心态,才能让自己更加自信,大家加油哦!


6 It’s important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us: 1. Reduce If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely (明智地). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste. 2.Reuse You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters. 3.Recycle Bottles, cans (罐子) and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat (压平) and melted (融化) and the metal things are made for new coke cans. 4.Recover When you buy a box of apples, there may be few rotten (腐烂的) apples, you have two choices: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food. 5.Repair If one of the begs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a “throw-away”society, but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best. 1.The “Reduce”rule mainly requires (要求) us _______. A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many trees C. to use a lot of paper D. to throw away your old clothes 2.What’s the right order (顺序) of recycling coke cans? a. collect the used cans b. melt them c. smash them flat d. send them to a factory A. a b c d B. a d c b C. d b c a D. c a b d 3.The “Recover”rule mainly requires us _______. A. to throw waste things away B. to cover waste things with earth C. to get back the useful parts D. to throw the whole things away 5.Which is the best way to do with your broken tables? A. Throwing them away. B. Requiring them. C. Selling them. D. Putting them away. 7 To: President Bush, the White House From: Saddam Hussein, in Baghdad Dear President Bush, Well, you sure ruined (毁掉) my birthday…. OK, you won, and your prize is Iraq. Are you


中考英语阅读目录 Crazy Reading 1 The Sphinx (2) Crazy Reading 2 Blogging (6) Crazy Reading 3 Blockbuster Movies (10) Crazy Reading 4 Body Language (14) Crazy Reading 5 The Tour de France (18) Crazy Reading 6 Left-Handedness (23) Crazy Reading 7 Jennifer Lopez (27)

Crazy Reading 1 The Sphinx Answer the following questions. 1.What do you know about the famous monument in Egypt? ______________________ 2.Do you know any other Egyptian monuments? _______________________________ 3.What are some famous monuments in your country? ____________________________ Match each word with the best meaning. 1._____ archaeologist a.to make something look like it did when it was new 2.____ cane b.easy to see 3.______ crawl c.a stick made of wood or metal used to help a person walk 4.______ monument d.to move slowly and close to the ground 5.____ restore e.a person, animal, or thing made from wood, stone, or metal 6.____riddle f.to show great respect for 7.____ statue g.a question that requires cleverness to answer 8.____ strangle h.to kill someone by squeezing their neck so they can’t breathe 9.______visible i.a sculpture or building built in memory of a person or historical event For any tourist visiting Egypt, there are two things that everyone must see. The first is the 173-meter-high Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of all the pyramids in Egypt. The second is the Great Sphinx of Giza, a sculpture with the body of a lion and the head of a man, which stands 20 meters tall and 73 meters long. The origin of the Great Sphinx of Giza goes back 5,000 years, Although many sphinx sculptures have been found over the years, researchers believe that the Great Sphinx which guards the pyramids in Giza was actually the first one to be made (around 2600-2500B.C.). The head of the Sphinx represents Khafre, the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt at the time. About two thousand years later, around 570 B.C., sand had covered all but the head of the Great Sphinx. The people living in the area had forgotten the history of the statue, so they imagined that the head represented the sun god Ra and began worshiping it. The son of Pharaoh Amenhotep II heard the head speak to him in a dream. The Sphinx’s head made him promise to clear the sand from the statue’s body. The son, Thutmose, kept his word and did what he was told in the dream. He also built walls around the statue to prevent the sand from covering it again. After all of the sand was cleared away, Thutmose made a large stone tablet that told the story of his dream. He placed this tablet between the two front feet of the Sphinx, where it stands to this day. For hundreds of years, the Sphinx attracted people both as a religious monument and as a work of art. But eventually, the desert sand once again covered the Sphinx, leaving only


ゴールデンウイーク黄金周 「風薫る1五月」といわれるように、この時期、野山は新緑に包まれ、さわやかな五月晴迎える。四月下旬から五月上旬にかけて休日が続いているため、ゴールデンウイークと呼ばれている。この休みを利用して、国内旅行や海外旅行をする人もたくさんいる。 译文 正如人们所说的“香飘五月”一样,这个季节野山新绿满目,气候宜人。人们可以从4月下旬休息到5月上旬,所以把这段时间叫做“黄金周”。很多人利用这段时间在国内或去国外旅行。 注释: 風薫る:熏风送香2、野山:田野山川 3、新緑:新绿,嫩绿 4、ゴールデンウイーク:golden week 黄金周 東京での生活費 世界一物価が高いといわれている東京で留学生活をおくろうと思ったら、まずしっかりとした資金計画が必要だ。学費や生活費は来日後の?ルバイトで賄える3と宣伝する留学斡旋業者もいるようだが、?ルバイトだけに頼った留学生活は実際には不可能と考えてください。その上、最近の景気の低迷の影響で、?ルバイト先4を見つけること自体が極めて困難な状況だ。 译文 如果你想要在号称世界物价之最的东京度过自己的留学生活的话。首先,要有可靠的自己的计划。似乎有一些留学生斡旋者在宣扬学费和生活费都可以来日后靠打工赚取,然而事实上单靠打工的留学生已无法维持。更由于受日本社会最近的经济不景气的影响,现状是连打工机会都很难寻找。注释送る:度日2、しっかり:好好的,充分的3、賄える:可以维持 先:去处,目的地 渋谷 渋谷はおしゃれな若者文化が生まれる場所だ。渋谷での待ち合わせの目印によく使われるのが「ハチ公」という犬の像だ。なくなった主人の帰りを渋谷駅でじっと待っていたという話から1934年に像が建てられた。渋谷駅ハチ公口を一歩出ると、109のビルを中心に商店やデパートが立ち並び、最新のフ?ッションを身につけた若いグループやカップルでにぎわっている。 译文 涩谷是产生时髦年轻人文化的场所。涩谷有个八公犬像,经常被用来作为等待的标记。来自一直在涩谷站等待死去的主人归来的故事,建于1934年。一走出涩谷站的八公口,就可以看见以109大厦为中心的商店和商场,穿着最时髦时装的年轻人和情侣,十分热闹。注释 1、おしゃれ:装饰打扮,好打扮的(人) 2、目印:标记 3、じっと:一动不动,安稳,平静 4、身に着ける:穿着 6、浅草 東京の浅草は、浅草寺の門前町として発展した街だ。江戸時代(1603-1867年)中ごろには多くの見世物小屋や芝居小屋が立ち並び、娯楽の中心として栄えた。浅草寺は、今から1300年以上も前、628年に建てられた古い歴史を持つ建築物だ。 译文 东京的浅草是以浅草寺的门前町发展起来的。江户时代(1603-1867年)中期这里曲艺场和剧院林立,发展成为娱乐中心。浅草寺是建于628年的古老历史建筑物,距今已1300年以上。 注释 1、門前町:(日本中世末期后)在神社,寺院门前附近形成的城镇 2、見世物小屋:曲艺场,杂耍场 3、芝居小屋:戏院,茶园,剧场


上海外国语大学日语语言文学专业备考资料 芸能関係: 日本語→中国語 1アクション(Action)映画动作片 2ギャング(Gangster)映画警匪片 3ホラー(Horror)映画恐怖片 4ミステリー(Mystery)映画侦探片 5オカルト(Occult)映画鬼怪片 6ドキュメンタリー(Documentary)纪录片 7映画監督(えいがかんとく)电影导演 8モンタージュ(Montage)蒙太奇 9エキストラ(Extra)临时演员 10吹き替え(ふきかえ)配音 11芸能プロ(Production)/プロダクション(Production)经纪公司 12ブルース(The blues)布鲁斯黑人音乐 13マニア(Mania)发烧友 14芸能人の追っかけファン(Fan)追星族 15ラップ说唱乐曲 16民謡(みんよう)民歌;民谣 17子守歌(こもりうた)摇篮曲 18レパートリー(Repertory)经典剧目 19コメティアン(Comedian)笑星 20ライブコンサート(Live concert)现场演唱会 中国語→日本語 1武打片カンフー映画(えいが) 2愛情片恋愛映画(れんあいえいが) 3科幻片SF(Science fiction)(サイエンス·フィクション)映画4西部片;牛仔片西部劇(せいぶげさ) 5动画片アニメーション/アニメ(Animation) 6电视连续剧テレビドラマ(TV drama) 7歌剧オペラ(Opera) 8芭蕾舞バレエ(Ballet) 9歌舞剧ミュージカル(Musical) 10卡拉OKカラオケ(Karaoke) 11智力竞赛节目クイズ(Quiz)番組(ばんぐみ) 12嘻哈族;街舞ヒップホップ(Hip hop) 13剧照スチール(Still)写真(しゃしん) 14管弦乐团オーケストラ(Orchestra)


小学二年级英语阅读理解 why 为什么because 因为 drop 落下poor 可怜的 Poor man Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not?Because the box is too full and too heavy. Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man! Exercise: 1. Read carefully and write “T” for true and “F” for false beside the statements. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(T)对或(F)不对。 ()1. The box is not very big. ()2. The box is full of apples. ()3. He puts the apples in the bag. ()4. He can carry the box home. 2. Choose the best answer: ()1. What is the man doing? He is ______________ A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box ()2. What’s in the box? A. some books B. some bikes C. some apples D. some boxes ()3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t D. No, he isn’t ()4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full.


2007 年日本語能力試験2 級 文字?語彙 (100 点35 分) 問題Ⅰ次の下線をつけたことばは、どのように読になすか。その読に方をそれぞれの1、2、3、4 から一つ選びなさい。 問1 ?登山の途中、山小屋で休憩をとった。 (1). 登山1. とうやま2. とざん3. とうざん4. とやま (2). 途中1. とうちゅう2. とっちゅう3. とんちゅう4. とちゅう (3). 休憩1. きゅうけい2. きゅうか3. きゅうよう4. きゅうそく 問2 ?幸いなことに、父の心臓の手術はうまくいった。 (4). 幸い1. ゆかい2. とくい3. さいわい4. あいまい (5). 心臓1. しんぞう2. しんそう3. じんぞう4. じんそう (6). 手術1. しゅじゅつ2. てしゅつ3. しゅしゅつ4. てじゅつ 問3 ?住民は高層マンションの建設に反対している。 (7). 高層1. こうそ2. こうそう3. こうぞう4. こうぞ (8). 建設1. けんとう2. けんちく3. けんこう4. けんせつ (9). 反対1. はんだい2. ほんだい3. はんたい4. ほんたい 問4 ?わたしたちは、20 年ぶりに故郷に帰ってきた友人を温かく迎えた。 (10). 故郷1. ごきょう2. こきょう3. ごうきょう4. こうきょう (11). 温かく1. あたたかく2. やわらかく3. こまかく4. わかく (12). 迎えた1. ささえた2. むかえた3. そろえた4. おさえた 問5 ?彼は、年齢を重ねるにしたがって、性格がおだやかになった。 (13). 年齢1. ねんれい2. ねんりょう3. ねんりん4. ねんれん (14). 重ねる1. かさねる2. おもねる3. まねる4. かねる (15). 性格1. しょうしつ2. しょうかく3. せいかく4. せいしつ 問6 ?まくが開くと、舞台では、スピ-ド感あふれる踊りが展開された。 (16). 舞台1. まいたい2. ぶだい3. まいだい4. ぶたい (17). 踊り1. まつり2. まづり3. おとり4. おどり (18). 展開1. ぶんかい2. しょうかい3. てんかい4. かいかい 問7 ?あの人は正直な人で、みんなから信頼されている。 (19). 正直1. せいちょく2. せいじき3. しょうじき4. しょうちょく (20). 信頼1. しんこう2. しんらい3. しんだん4. しんよう 問題Ⅱ次の文の下線をつけたことばは、どのような漢字を書きますかその漢字をそれぞれの1、2、3、4 から一つ選びなさい。問1 ?ほうせきは、みがけばみがくほど、かがやきをますものだ。 (21). ほうせき1. 玉石2. 宝石3. 玉岩4. 宝岩 (22). みがけば1. 灯けば2. 照けば3. 磨けば4. 触けば (23). ます1. 憎す2. 僧す3. 増す4. 贈す 問2 ?近ごろ火事が多いので、しょうぼうしょでは、きんちょうがつづいている。 (24). しょうぼうしょ1. 消防署2. 消妨著3. 消防著4. 消妨署 (25). つづいて1. 縁いて2. 続いて3. 経いて4. 継いて 問3 ?それを見た彼女は、きょうふのあまり大声でさけびながら、にげていった。 (26). きょうふ1. 恐布2. 怒怖3. 怒布4. 恐怖 (27). さけびながら1. 吸びながら2. 呼びながら3. 叫びながら4. 吹びながら (28). にげて1. 退げて2. 追げて3. 迷げて4. 逃げて 問4 ?きょうしは、せいとのせいせきだけではなく心の問題にも目を向けたほうがよい。 (29). きょうし1. 教受2. 教師3. 教授4. 教帥 (30). せいと1. 制従2. 制徒3. 生従4. 生徒


日语写作(课堂笔记) 2006/12/2 一、作文格式 在练习写作文时,最好是去文具店买专用的作文簿,一张500字或400字的作文簿都 可以,因为这样才可以最直观的知道自己在多少时间内写了多少字的文章。 1、标题—— 2种格式 ①第一行空3格后写标题 ②写在第一行的正中间 2、名字——在第二行从最后倒数2格处写上名字,名和字之间要空一格。 3、正文——开头空一格后开始写正文。(注意:每一次重起一行时,开头都是空一格。) 4、标点符号 日本的标点符号主要有:、。「」(表示说话内容)()(表示解释)『』(书的名字)??????(省略号) 注意:日语的标点符号中一般不出现“?” 「『』」这表示说话的内容里有引用了另一段说话的内容。 5、促音、片假名、长音等的书写方式:无论是促音还是片假名、长音都是占一个空格。 6、数字——一格里写2个数字 英语——一格里写2个英语字母 注意:在横向写文章时,通常数字都只写罗马数字,而不写大写数字。 7、如果写某某人说了什么,那么说话的内容要重起一行。 二、作文的注意事项 1、文体要统一 敬体:~です~ました 简体:~た~である

例:豫園は上海で人気のある観光地です/である。 園内は観光客でとても賑やかです/である。 敬体:~です简体:~だ~である ~ます~する ~なのです~なのだ ~だと思います~だと思う ~したことがあります~したことがある ~でしょう~だろう ~かもしれません~かもしれない ~でした~だった ~しました~した 2、先自己列出大纲,分出各段想写的内容 3、要注意,日语的文章,其段落和句子比起中文的要短很多,所以写日语作文的时候要注意调整句子与段落的长短。 4、用词的水平 注意:不要在正式的文章中使用“会話風”、“くだけた文” 例:* ~ですね ~だよ ~~。(笑) 等等类似于以上这些口语性的表达方式都不可以在正式的作文中出现。 另外,也要注意一些“既成表現”的正确用法。 5、写作文时一定要注意,需使用日文汉字,而不要写成中文的简体汉字。 6、要注意“送り仮名”的正确写法 例:


高中英语阅读理解30篇 1、To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit still before his class:he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality (音色) and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn’t mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher’s work and the actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand (预先). What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage. A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play:they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don’t understand something, they say so. The teacher therefore has to meet the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along. I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but were unable to take part in a stage-play because they could not keep strictly to what another had written. 1. What is the text about ? A. How to become a good teacher. B. What a good teacher should do outside the classroom. C. What teachers and actors could learn from each other. D. The similarities(相似处) and differences between a teacher’s work and an actor’s. 2. The word “audience” in the fourth paragraph means ____ . A. students B. people who watch a play C. people who not on the stage D. people who listen to something 3. A good teacher ____ . A. knows how to hold the interest of his students B. must have a good voice C. knows how to act on the stage D. stands or sits still while teaching 4. In what way is a teacher’s work different from an actor’s ? A. The teacher must learn everything by heart . B. He knows how to control his voice better than an actor . C. He has to deal with unexpected situations . D. He has to use more facial expressions . 5. The main difference between students in class and a theatre audience is that ____. A. students can move around in the classroom

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