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当前位置:文档库 › ※长泰情景交际练习(七年级;八年级;九年级)(1)





Topic 1









8.你要把一个东西递给另一个人,你可以这样说:_____________________________________! Topic2










15.假设对方向你表示谢意,你可以这样回应:______________________________________. Topic 3















25.当你看到Miss Wang搬了很多东西,你想帮她,你可以这样说:



2.Are you Michael?

3.Mr. Brown,this is Tina.

4.Nice to see you!

5.How do you do?

6.Welcome to Fujian!

7.How are you?

8.Here you are!

9.What’s your name?

10.Where are you from?

11.I am from China./I come from China.

12.Kangkang,who is she?

13.Is she from Canada?

14.What’s your name?

15.That’s OK./You’re welcome.

16.How old are you?

17.What class are you in?

18.Are you in Class Four?

19.I’m in Class Four,Grade Seven.

20.What grade are you in?

21.What’s this in English?

22.How do you spell it?/Can you spell it,please?

23.Is that a toy?

24.What are these?

25.Let me help you.


Topic 1










8. 你想表达他们有圆脸,你可以这样说:___________________________________________.




11.你想告诉对方自己十三岁,你可以这样说:_____________________________________. Topic 2




















______________________________________________________________________________. Topic 3











1.Who is your favorite actor?

2.I have a big nose and small eyes.

3.Dose he have long legs?

4.We are in the same school,but in different grades.

5.Yes,you’re right.

6.Who am I?

7.Can you guess?

8.They have round faces.

9.I have a big nose,but she has a small nose.

10.His Chinese name is Cheng Long.

11.I’m thirteen years old.

12.What does she look like?

13.You look the same.

15.Linda doesn’t have a red ruler.

16.Look at this photo.

17.His pants are blue.

18.I’m a student in Beijing International School.

19.What color is that cap?

20.Please give this letter to Maria.

21.Sorry,I don’t know her.

22.She is tall and she has short brown hair.

23.I want to buy a T-shirt,a cap and a pair of shoes.

24.The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.

25.Whose cap is it?

26.Is this your cap?

27.Whose bananas are those?

28.I have a new classmate.

29.I think it’s Kangkang’s.

30.We look the same,but we are in different clothes.

31.Please help me find him/her.


Topic 1



Could you please










Topic 2












Topic 3














1.Could you help me with my English?

2.Could you please tell me your name?

3.Do you come from America?/Are youfrom America?

4.Do you like Chinese?

5.No problem.

6.Who is the letter from?

7.Does Sam speak English?

8.Does Sam live in England?

9.What does he say in the letter?

10.You are right.

11.I like Chinese very much/a lot.

Topic 2

1.Welcome to my home.

2.Mom,I'm home.

3.What does your mother do?

4.My mother is a teacher.

5.Where does your father work?

6.My father works in a hospital.

7.This is a photo of my family.

8.My sister is cute.

9.I love my familly.

10.Who is the boy in red ?

11.The woman in red is my mother.

Topic 3

1.What do you usually have for breakfast?

2.I had noodles for lunch.

3.Jiaozi is my favorite food.

4.Ilike Chinese food very much.

5.May I take your order?

6.Would you like something to drink?

7.What would you like to eat?

8.Help yourself(单数)/ Help yourselves(复数)

9.Would you like some eggs?

10.I would like an egg and some fish.

11.Let me see.

12.Would you like to have dinner with me?


Topic 1










Could you please




Topic 2



3.请告诉Maria这件事, 你可以这么说:



I’m sorry




Could you ask her to





Topic 3













Topic 1

1.Can/May I help you? /What can I do for you?

2.How do you like the coat?/What do you think of the coat?

3.Can I try the coat on?

4.How much is the coat?

5.Are you kidding?

6.I'm just looking,thanks.

7.I don’t like it at all.

8.I’ll think about it.

9.Thank you all the same.

10.Could you please help me do some shopping?

11.What do we need?

12.Hou much rice do we need?

13.Is that all?

1.Would you like to go to the park for a picnic?

2.Are you free this Sunday?/ Do you have any time this Sunday?

3.Please tell Maria about it.

4.Would you like to cook with us?

5.I’m sorry I have no time./I don’t have any time.

6.May I speak to Maria?

7.Who is this,please?

8.Could you ask her to call me back this evening?

9.Maria isn’t in./ Maria isn’t at home.

10.I’m not happy.

11.I want to take some bread.

12.Would you like to go fishing?

13.How about having some apple juice?

Topic 3

1.What’s up?

2.Would you like to go with us?

3.I have to cook.

4.What time is it?/ What’s the time?

5.It's time to go home .

6.What’re your favorite animals?

7.I have to go now.

8.Let me help you.

9.Thank you. / Thank you for your help.

10.Are you free tomorrow?/Do you have any time tomorrow?

11.Let’s meet at 9:00 at my home.


Our School Life

Topic 1

1.有人对你说:Happy New Year!,你应该礼貌地回答:______________________________

2.有人对你说“You new bike looks very nice!”你应该礼貌地回答:______________________________













Topic 2





5.你想问Maria在哪里,你可以这样问:Excuse me,______________________________?

6.你想借一些英语练习册,你可以这样问:Excuse me,______________________________?




10.你想问对方有一些英文报纸吗,你可以这样问:Excuse me,______________________________?





15.你想告诉对方,有许多学生正坐在那里观看比赛,你可以这么说:______________________________ Topic3




















1.Happy New Year!/The same to you.

2.Thank you.

3.How do you usually come to school,Helen?

4.It’s time for class.

5.What time do you usually get up on weekdays?

6.The early bird catches the worm.

7.What do you usually do after school?

8.Do you often read books in the library?

10.I’d like to know about the school life of American students.

11.Where do you usually have lunch?

12.What time is school over?

13.What do you do in your free time?

14.I’m sorry I have no more time.

15.Nice talking to you.


1.What are you doing now?

2.Are you watching TV?

3.Would you like to play basketball?

4.Good idea!

5.Where is Maria?

6.Excuse me,may I borrow some English workbooks?

7.Of course.

8.How long can I keep the book?

9.Sure,I will .Thank you!

10.Excuse me,do you have any English newspapers?

11.Thank you all the same.

12.Can/May I help you?

13.What colour is it?

14.What’s in it?

15.Many students are sitting there and watching.


1.What day is it today?

2.What class are they having?

3.What time is the class over?

4.What time does the next class begin?

5.How many lessons does he have every weekday?

6.How many English lessons does he have every week?

7.What lessons does he have on Wednesdays?

8.What book are you reading?

9.What do you think of it?/How do you like it?

10.It’s easy and interesting.

11.It’s a little difficult.

12.It’s time for class.

13.Which subject do you like best?

14.Do you think you school life is very interesting?

15.Can you tell me something about it?

16.I can learn a lot from it.

17.Thank you for your hard work.

七下Unit6 Topic1-3 情景交际


My bedroom ________________________________________________.



_______________________________________ in your study?




_________________________________________ in the bottle?


_________________________________________ your things.


________________________________________ on the desk?










How _____________________________________________________?


Which _____________________________________________________?

14你想知道去Dinghao Building 怎么走,你可以这样问:

Could you tell me _____________________________________________________?


__________________________________ Xinhua Street.








_____________________________________ from here?


My home is ___________________________________________________________.



22. 你要告诉学生必须遵守交通规则,你可以这样说:

You ___________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ 24你告诉对方别在这里停车,你可以这样说:



There the classroom.





29. 有人向你问路,你告诉他应该在Liyuan 站换乘108路公共汽车,你可以这样说:

You ________________________________________ at Liyuan Stop.


Excuse me, ___________________________________Beitai Road?


You _________________________________________________________________.

32. 有人向你问路,你告诉他向右转,你可以这样说:

33. 你想告诉大家帮助老人和小孩过马路是好的。

It’s ____________________________________ children and old people ______ the street. 34.你告诉对方有许多老人居住在这里,你可以这样说:

_________________________________________________________________________ here.

35. 你告诉对方我们可以向它求助,你可以这样说:


答案:1.is on the second floor. 2. What’s in your study? 3. Are there any English books

4.Put your shoes away/Put away your shoes. 5 How much water is there

6.You must look after

7.How many model planes are there

8.What kind of home do you live in?

/What’s your home like? 9.Could you help me? 10.Do you like living there?

11.Is there a bank near here?12. can I get to the library? 13.is the way to the library

14.the way to Dinghao Building 15 Go/Walk along 16Turn left at the second crossing

17.Go across the bridge 18.You need to take Bus No.718. 19How far is your school

20.15 kilometers away from here. 21. play on the street. 22.must obey the traffic rules.

23.Be careful 24.Don’t park here. 25.Don’t drive too fast.26.is a tree in front of

27.The traffic here is heavy. 28.The cost of living here is high.

29.You should change to the No.108 bus 30.Where is 31. must obey the traffic rules.

32.Turn right 33. good to help to cross 34. There are many old people living

35. can call it for help

七下U n i t7T o p i c1



2.K a n g k a n g想要知道L i M i n g什么时候出生,他可以这样问:,L i M i n g?

3.M i c h a e l想要了解J i m的出生地点,他可以这样问:,J i m?

4.你想要了解L i l y生日的时间,你可以这样问她:,L i l y?




8.你想要邀请朋友来参加你的生日聚会,你可以这样说:w o u l d y o u?

9.你想要知道朋友L i l y为T o m的生日准备什么礼物,你可以这样问:

f o r T o m,L i l y?

10.你想要了解L u c y的礼物是什么形状的,你可以这样问她:,L u c y?

11..你想要了解L u c y的礼物是什么颜色的,你可以这样问她:,L u c y?



14.J i m想要知道这朵花像什么,他可以这样问:?

15.你想要问朋友它之前是否像只小鸟,你可以这样问:b e f o r e?

16.你想知道之前它是什么形状,你可以这样问:b e f o r e?

17.你向张老师打听教室的宽度,你可以这样说:,M r.Z h a n g?




U n i t7T o p i c1A n s w e r s:

1.d o y o u k n o w t h e w r i t e r

2.W h e n w e r e y o u b o r n

3.W h e r e w e r e y o u b o r n

4.W h e n i s y o u r b i r t h d a y

5.W h a t’s t h e d a t e t o d a y?

6.H o w d o y o u p l a n t o c e l e b r a t e y o u r b i r t h d a y

7.M y b i r t h d a y i s c o m i n g.

8.l i k e t o c o m e t o m y b i r t h d a y p a r t y

9.W h a t’s y o u r p r e s e n t

10.W h a t’s t h e s h a p e o f y o u r p r e s e n t/W h a t s h a p e i s y o u r p r e s e n t

11.W h a t c o l o u r i s y o u r p r e s e n t

12.Y o u’r e r i g h t.

13.M a y I(h a v e a)l o o k a t t h e c a l e n d a r

14.W h a t i s t h e f l o w e r l i k e

15.W a s i t l i k e a b i r d

16.W h a t s h a p e w a s i t b e f o r e

17.H o w w i d e i s t h e c l a s s r o o m

18.W h a t d o w e u s e t h e c o m p u t e r f o r

19.M y c o m p u t e r i s27c e n t i m e t e r s w i d e.

20.M y p r e s e n t i s a s q u a r e.

七下U n i t7T o p i c2

1.你想了解J i m在K a n g k a n g的生日聚会上想要做些什么事,你可以这样问:

a t K a n g k a n g’s

b i r t h d a y p a r t y?


4.你告诉朋友你确信大家将会在聚会上玩得开心,你可以这样说:I’m s u r e w e.

5.你想知道对方想要唱中文歌还是英语歌,你可以这样问:C h i n e s e s o n g s o r E n g l i s h s o n g s?

6.T o m想知道L i l y会不会弹钢琴,他可以这样问:,L i l y?


8.J a n e想要把这些花带到教室去,她可以这样说:.

9.你想知道A n n会跳舞还是会画画,你可以这样问A n n的朋友:?


11.你向别人介绍M a r i a一点也不会讲日语,你可以这样说:.


U n i t7T o p i c2A n s w e r s:

1.W h a t w o u l d y o u l i k e t o d o

2.I w o u l d l i k e t o p l a y t h e g u i t a r./I w a n t t o p l a y t h e g u i t a r.

3.W o u l d y o u l i k e t o s i n g w i t h m e

4.w i l l h a v e a g o o d t i m e a t t h e p a r t y

5.D o y o u w a n t t o s i n g

6.C a n y o u p l a y t h e p i a n o

7.Y o u a r e s o s m a r t.

8.I’d l i k e t o t a k e t h e s e f l o w e r s t o t h e c l a s s r o o m

9.C a n A n n d a n c e o r d r a w

10.I c a n s i n g E n g l i s h s o n g s,b u t I c o u l d n’t s i n g a n y E n g l i s h s o n g s a m o n t h a g o.

11.M a r i a c a n’t s p e a k J a p a n e s e a t a l l

12.I c a n s w i m v e r y w e l l

七年级下学期U n i t7T o p i c3
















七下U7 Topic3 answers

1.How was Kangkang’s birthday party ?

3.Did you sing a song at the party?

4.Did you sing a Chinese song or an English song?

5.Did you have a good time? / Did you enjoy yourself?

6.I am good at performing some magic tricks.

7.Go and wash your hands at once.

8.This way ,please!

9.I will not do that again.

10.I made a wish on my birthday.

11.W h a t’s t h e m a t t e r w i t h y o u r b i k e?/W h a t’s w r o n g w i t h y o u r b i k e

12.I’m a f r a i d i t i s t o o l a t e

13.T h i n g s a r e g o i n g v e r y w e l l./E v e r y t h i n g g o e s w e l l.

14.D i d y o u h u r t y o u r s e l f?

七年级U n i t8T o p i c1









9.女儿打电话问妈妈在干什么,妈妈此时正忙于做家务,她可以这样回答:?U n i t1T o p i c1A n s w e r s:

1.W h a t’s t h e w e a t h e r l i k e i n E n g l a n d?/H o w i s t h e w e a h e r i n E n g l a n d?

2.W h a t’s t h e t e m p e r a t u r e t o d a y

3.W h a t’s t h e b e s t t i m e t o f l y a k i t e

4.C a n y o u t e l l m e s o m e t h i n g a b o u t Y u n n a n

5.W h a t p l a c e s o f i n t e r e s t s h o u l d I v i s i t i n B e i j i n g

6.W h i c h s e a s o n d o y o u l i k e b e s t,s p r i n g,s u m m e r,f a l l o r w i n t e r

7.H o w a r e t h i n g s g o o i n g?/H o w i s e v e r y t h i n g g o i n g?

8.P l e a s e r e m e m b e r t o t a k e a n u m b r e l l a w h e n y o u g o o u t

9.I’m b u s y d o i n g m y h o u s e w o r k


1.你想知道L i l y暑假有什么计划,你可以这么问:______________________________,L i l y?





6.你想让W e i l u n告诉你一些关于他的家乡的情况,你可以这么问:____________________.



10.你要建议对方最好带一部相机和一张地图等,你可以说:__________________________. 11.你想知道什么时间去北京最好,你可以这么问:__________________________________.





七下U8T2K e y s:

1.W h a t a r e y o u r p l a n s f o r t h e s u m m e r h o l i d a y s?

2.I p l a n t o g o t o t h e U S A.

3.W h a t’s t h e w e a t h e r l i k e i n B e i j i n g?

4.I h o p e t o g e t t o g e t h e r w i t h m y p a r e n t s.

5.I h o p e y o u a l l h a v e a w o n d e r f u l t i m e.

6.W e i l u n,c a n y o u t e l l m e s o m e t h i n g a b o u t y o u r h o m e t o w n?

7.W h a t w o u l d y o u l i k e t o k n o w?

8.T h e w e a t h e r t h e r e i s a l w a y s f i n e a l l y e a r r o u n d.

9.W h a t s h o u l d I t a k e w i t h m e?

10.Y o u’d b e t t e r t a k e a c a m e r a,a m a p a n d s o o n.

11.W h a t’s t h e b e s t t i m e t o g o t o B e i j i n g?

12.W h a t p l a c e s s h o u l d I v i s i t i n s p r i n g?

13.Y o u’d b e t t e r n o t s m o k e.

14.D o n’t g o t o d a n g e r o u s p l a c e s.

15.D o n’t f o r g e t t o t a k e a b o t t l e o f w a t e r,L i L e i.


1.你想知道什么时候是春节,你可以这么问:_________________________________. 2.你想知道人们在春节通常做什么,你可以这么问:____________________________. 3.L i l y想告诉别人“他们互相赠送礼物”,她可以这么说;_______________________. 4.你想问别人是否能够告诉你一些关于春节的情况,你可以这么问:_______________. 5.你想表达某事很有趣,你可以说:________________________________.

6.你想感谢某人送你漂亮的贺卡,你可以这么说:________________________________. 7.你想在信中请收信人替你向其父母致以最美好的祝愿,你可以这么说:


8.你想问L u c y最喜欢什么假日或节日,你可以这样问:___________________________. 9.你想告诉别人你一年中最喜欢的节日是圣诞节,你可以这么说:_____________________.

10.你想问T o m是何时去大连,你可以这么问:______________________________.

11.你想问J i m是怎么去北京的,你可以这么问:______________________________.


七下U8T3K e y s:

1.W h e n i s t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l?

2.W h a t d o p e o p l e u s u a l l y d o i n t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l?

3.T h e y g i v e g i f t s t o e a c h o t h e r.

5.I t’s v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g.

6.T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r b e a u t i f u l c a r d.

7.P l e a s e g i v e m y b e s t w i s h e s t o y o u r p a r e n t s.

8.W h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e h o l i d a y o r f e s t i v a l?

9.M y f a v o r i t e f e s t i v a l o f t h e y e a r i s C h r i s t m a s.

10.W h e n d i d y o u g o t h e D a l i a n?

11.H o w d i d y o u g o t o B e i j i n g,J i m?

12.I’m l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o y o u r l e t t e r.

八上Unit 1 Topic 1


, Jack?


, Rose?

3.有人对你说Would you like to go to the zoo with us?如果你想要去你应该这么回答:





, Mary?






, Lucy?



that Lucy can’t come to the party.







, Lucy?


1.Would you like to come and cheer us on

2.What are you going to do tomorrow

3.Sure, I’d love to

5.What’s your favorite sport/What sport do you like best

6.What are you going to be when you grow up?

7.I like Yao Ming best./My favorite player is Yao Ming.

8.I am going to be a scientist in the future.

9.How often do you do sports

10.Swimming is a good way to keep fit/healthy.

11.It’s a pity

12. How are you going to get there

13. There is going to be a football game between Class 3 and Class 4 tomorrow

14. Football is popular all over the world

15. How long do you spend doing your homework every day

八上Unit 1 Topic 2



3.如果别人对你说Would you mind passing me the ball? 如果你不介意,你可以这么回答:

4.如果你乱放自行车,别人对你说Do you mind not putting your bike here?你应该如何回答:







Practice more, and

11.Lucy对你说I am sorry for what I said?你原谅她了,你可以这么说:


Football in England.





2. Would you mind helping me with my English?/Would you mind helping me learn English?

3. Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not.

4. Sorry. I’ll put it somewhere else.

5. I’m not good at football/playing football.

6. I am going to try my best to study hard.

7. We had a lot of fun/enjoyed ourselves/had a good time at Sally’s birthday party.

8. Would/Do you mind passing me the book?/Would/Do you mind passing the book to me?

9. I am sorry what I did.

10. you will do better next time.

11. It’s nothing.

12. is one of the most popular sports

13. It’s dangerous for you to swim in the river.

14. Would you mind if I try it again?

15. Basketball has a history of over one hundred years./Basketball has a history of over a century.

八上U n i t1T o p i c3

















A n s w e r s:

八上U n i t1T o p i c3:

1.I t’s m y f i r s t t i m e t o t a k e p a r t i n t h e O l y m p i c G a m e s.

2.I’m p r e p a r i n g f o r t h e f i n a l e x a m.

3.W h a t a r e y o u t a l k i n g a b o u t?

4.I’l l c o m e t o c h e e r y o u o n.

5.W h i c h s p o r t w i l l y o u t a k e p a r t i n,J a n e./W h a t w i l l y o u d o i n t h e s p o r t s m e e t,J a n e.

6.I b e l i e v e y o u w i l l w i n.

7.H e w a n t s t o b e a b a s k e t b a l l p l a y e r w h e n h e g r o w s u p.

8.W h a t s h a l l w e t a k e f o r t h e s p o r t s m e e t?

9.S p r i n g F e s t i v a l i s c o m i n g.

10.I a m t r y i n g m y b e s t t o c a t c h u p w i t h o t h e r s.


专题一 情景交际之攻关训练 ( )1.Excuse me, _______ ——It ’s near the park. A.How do you go to the hospital? B.May I ask you the way ? C. How can get to the hospital? D.Where is the hospital? ( )2.I don ’t pass the final exam. ——_____ A.Well done B.I ’m sorry to hear that. C.Really D.Don ’t worry.( )3.Thank you for your help. ——_______ A.No,thanks. B.It doesn ’t matter. C.You are welcome D.It ’s kind of you.( )4. Don ’t be late again,Liu Fang.——__________ A.No, I will. B.Yes,I won ’t . C.Sorry,I won ’t. D.Yes,I will.( )5. I ’ll go to Mount Huang for my summer holiday. —— _________ A.Be careful B.You are luck C.Have a good time . D.Help yourself. ( )6.Could you finish the task in a day? ——______,I have something else to do. A.I could not. B.Yes,I think so. C.I ’m not afraid so. D.I ’m afraid not.( )7.—Would you mind opening the door? It ’s hot outside.________. —_____________. A. Certainly not B. Yes, please C. Sorry, I won't D. Thank you ( )8.—I ’m sorry for bei ng late, Miss Green. —___________. A. That's right B. You are welcome C. It doesn't matter D. You should be sorry ( ) 9. —Hello! May I speak to Lily, please?—_____,I ’ll go and get her. A. Speaking B. Hurry up C.I don't think so D. Hold on, please ( )10.—What's the woman in a white hat? —____________. A. She is my teacher B. She is a cook C. She is thirty D. She is a girl ( ) 11.—Your new sweater looks very beautiful, it fits you very well. —__________.A. I ’m glad to hear that B. Thank you C. No, no, yours is better D. You are right ( ) 12.—I am nice talking to you, thanks a lot. —____________.Bye. A. Me, too B.A11 right C. So do I D. Thank you ( )13.—Nice to meet you ! —___________ A. Thank you! B. How do you do ? C. Nice to meet you, too! D. The same to you! ( )14.—Where is Sally from, Mike? —_____________ A. I am from China B. She is from America C. He is from England D. You are from Japan ( )15.—Would you like to go shopping with me, Kangkang? —_____________ A. No, I ’d like to B. No, I can ’tC. Sorry, I ’m afraid not , I have to do my homework D. Yes, I like ( )16. —_____________ —It ’s sunny today.A. How was the weather yesterday? B. How are you doing? C. What fine weather! D. What ’s the weather like today?( )17. —What does your mother do?—_____________ A. She is a teacher. B. She is fifty. C. She likes reading. D. She works in a hospital. ( )18. —Hello, who ’s that speaking?—_____________ A. That is Jane. B. This is Kangkang speaking. C. I ’m Mike. D. She is Maria. ( )19. —Your T-shirt looks beautiful, Judy! —_____________ A. Don ’t say that. B. Thank you very much. C. It ’s not beautiful. D. I don ’t think so. ( )20. —Are you sure you can do well in the final exam? —_____________, I ’ve got everything ready. A. No, I ’m not sure B. It ’s hard to say C. Yes, I think so D. I hope not ( )21. —_____________ —It ’s a nice city. A. Where is Xingyi? B. How do you go to Xingyi? C. How far is it? D. How do you like Xingyi? ( )22. —Happy new year. —_______________. A.That ’s OK B. All right C.The same to you D. Right ( )23.—May I speak to Mary, please ? —_______________. A.Yes, you are right B. Speaking C.Thank you D. She is fine ( )24. —Sorry, Sir. I made a mistake again. —_________. Practice more and you will do better. A.Never mind B. I ’m not sure C.You ’re welcome D. Don ’t mention it ( )25. —My father is ill in hospital, I ’m looking after him. —___________. A. Not at all B. I ’m afraid C.I ’m sorry to hear that D. It doesn ’t matter ( )26. —Don ’t smoke here, please. —_____________. A. No problem B. Never mind C. Sorry, I won ’t D. Sure ( )27.. —___________ is it from here to Xing Yi Hotel ? —About twenty minutes ’ walk. A.How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon ( )28. —Could you please pass me the dictionary ? —_______________. A. Yes, could B. Sure, here you are C. No, I couldn ’ t D. No, that ’s no problem ( )29.—Let ’s go swimming __________ going hiking, shall we ? —Good idea. A.as well as B. in order to C. in addition to D. instead of ( )30.—Hello, may I speak to Jane? —_________ A. Who are you? B. What ’s wrong? C. This is Jane speaking. C. She is Jane. ( )31.—I ’ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend. — Great! _______ A. Good luck! B. Have a good time! C. Best wishes! D. Glad to see you again. ( )32.—You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs. —____________ A. No, I ’m not. B. Thank you. C. It ’s OK. D. That ’s all right. ( )33.—Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9, Yangyang? —_________ I ’ve got everything ready! A. Of course not. B. It ’s hard to say. C. Sure, I am. D. I am afraid not.


高一情景交际专项练习题 一、单项选择情景交际 1.—Jane, which color do you prefer, red or blue? —______. I prefer to buy a green one. A.Either will be OK B.Both will be OK C.To be honest, neither D.Generally, I’m not sure 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查交际用语和不定代词。句意:—Jane,你更喜欢什么颜色,红色还是蓝色?—老实说,都不喜欢,我宁愿买一个绿色的。both表示两者都,either表示两个中任一个,根据句意说明他两个都不喜欢,使用neither表示两者都不的全部否定。To be honest是一个口语中常见的固定搭配。故C正确。 2.—Have you heard that more flights from WuXi to Beijing are available this year? —Of course. Many citizens are ____ for it’s quite convenient for them to travel. A.green with envy B.feeling blue C.over the moon D.hot under the collar 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用语。A. green with envy非常嫉妒;B. feeling blue心情压抑;C. over the moon欣喜若狂;D. hot under the collar怒不可遏。句意:—你听说今年从无锡到北京的航班增加了吗?—当然。许多市民欣喜若狂,因为旅行非常方便。故C选项正确。 3.-Could you be so kind as to close the window? -____ A.With pleasure B.My pleasure C.Yes, please D.Go ahead 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. With pleasure愿意效劳;B. My pleasure不用谢;C. Yes, please好的,请; D. Go ahead干吧。句意:——请把窗户关上,好么?——愿意效劳。With pleasure是对could/would you的回答,结合句意,故A项正确。 【点睛】 很多同学分不清With pleasure和My pleasure的区别,注意:With pleasure表示“愿意效劳”,是对could/would you的回答,My pleasure表示“不用谢”,是对than you的回答。


英语情景交际专项训练 一、单项选择情景交际 1.— Are you going to take part in the speech contest? —________ It’s too good an opportunity to miss. A.No problem. B.That’s for sure.C.Why me? D.How come? 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查交际用语。句意:——你准备参加演讲比赛吗?——那当然,这是个不容错过的好机会。A. No problem. 没问题;B. That’s for sure. 那当然,毫无疑问;C. Why me? 为什么是我;D. How come? 为什么,怎么回事。根据后半部分他做出的回答,可知该处应做出爽快的肯定式回答,故选B。 【点睛】 本题有两个易错点,应引起注意。一是回答中的“too…to…”结构,学生可能会据此直接判定为否定,但结合miss(错过)的含义,应为“不容错过的好机会”,类似于双重否定表肯定;二是No problem.与That’s for sure.的辨析,虽然两者都是一种爽快的肯定,但前者更多用于答应别人提出的请求,而后者则用于给予别人问题一个肯定的回答(对别人的说法表示赞同),两者应注意区别。 2.--Was he _____when he got an A+ in the English exam? --Absolutely! He even went to the cinema with his classmates to celebrate it . A.On cloud nine B.hot under the collar C.Down in the dumps D.as cool as a cucumber 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用语。句意:——当他在英语考试中得了A+时,他是不是非常高兴?——当然!他甚至和同学一起去看电影院庆祝。A. On cloud nine乐不可支;B. hot under the collar愤怒的;C. Down in the dumps气馁;D. as cool as a cucumber冷静沉着。故选A。 3.— Shall we stay at home or go fishing? — ______. A.That’s not th e point. B.So what? C.Oh, come on! D.It’s up to you. 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. That’s not the point.那不是重点;B. So what? 那又怎么样;C. Oh, come on!加油;D. It’s up to you.完全由你决定。句意:——我们是呆在家里还是去钓鱼?——完全


情景交际 1.---Would you like to go out for a walk with us? ---_________, but I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not B. That’s all right C. I’d love to D. Yes, I do 2.---I haven’t seen Jack for three days. I s he ill? ---________. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I don’t expect D. I am afraid not 3.---Thank you for your delicious dinner. ---__________. A. Don’t say that B. It’s nothing C. I don’t think so D. I’m glad you enjoyed it 4.Turn the box over, please. Can’t you see the words “________”? A. DANGER B. MENU C. THIS SIDE UP D. FRAGILE 【2013江西】31.—I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. —_____. They often use them to play games instead. A. I hope so B. I don't agree C. No problem D. Good idea 【2013江西】40. —I' m very sorry, Allen. I can't find your favorite CD. ——_____, Torn. I'll go and buy another one. A. It doesn't matter B. Don't say that C. Sure D. You are kidding . 【2013 湖北黄冈】40.—Could I borrow your camera? —___________,but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks 【2013山东潍坊】27. —I’ll go to France for a holiday next month. —Great! __________! A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Glad to see you again D. Have a good time 【2013江苏南京】15.—You won the first prize in the Physics competition. —. I made several terrible mistakes. A. I think so B. You must be joking C. You are welcome D. It doesn’t matter 【2013 甘肃白银】42. —She used to have long straight hair, but now she’s got short curly hair. —_________! A. Thanks B. People sure change C. Don’t worry D Good idea 【2013 甘肃白银】48. —Would you like to go for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon? —_______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait! A. Sorry, I can’t B. Sure, I’d love to C. Not at all D. Forget it 【2013 甘肃白银】54. —Oh! We’ve just missed the 8 o’clock film. —________. It’ll be on again in one hour. A. My pleasure B. Have fun C. Don’t worry D. Good idea 【2013江苏泰州】14. —I'm sorry that I shouted at you this morning. —________,but please don't get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasure 【2013江苏泰州】8. —Don't keep water running when you wash hands. —________. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid not C. Sorry, I won't D. It's nothing 【2013四川宜宾】31.—I have just got my driver’s license. —______! A. Good luck B. That’s right C. Just so-so D. Congratulations


初中英语情景交际练习 (一) A: Hello, Ken. How was your summer holiday? B: Too terrible. A: 51.________________________________ ? B: I planned to go to Guilin for my holiday. But it rained heavily there, so I had to stay at home. A: 52.! Then what did you do at home? B: I just did my homework every day. It was very boring.53.___________________ , Alice? A: I went to Qingdao with my parents. B: That sounds good.54.______________________________________? A: It was hot and humid but sometimes it was cool. B: 55._________________________________? A: Yes, we had great fun. (二) (The entrance exam for secondary school (中考)is over. Now Laura is talking to Kate.) K: Hi, Laura, You look so sad today. Why? L: My father told me that our head teacher Mr. Chen was ill in hospital. K: I’m so sorry to hear the bad news. 87.? L: He fainted(昏倒)from long hard work.


高考英语情景交际及习惯表达知识点专项训练(1) 一、选择题 1.––Can you tell me the subtle difference between the words “fragile” and “delicate”? ––______. Let’s refer to the dictionary. A.You’ve really got me there.B.You bet. C.You can say that again.D.You don’t say. 2.—I used to make my father angry but now we’re getting along very well. —So I bet you were ________when young. A.a black sheep B.a real weed C.a man in the street D.a real little devil 3.---Great! You look smart in that suit. ---My mother gave it to me for the Spring Festival. You know, ______. A.it is the thought that counts B.beauty is in the eye of the beholder C.each bird loves to hearhimself sing D.the outsider sees the most of the game 4.— We got through the most difficult times with their help. — . Those days are gone. A.You said it B.Keep it up C.That’s terrible D.Take your time 5.—It’s too complex, I think. —________. So we’d better make it easier for students to get involved. A.That’s ridiculous B.That’s the point C.That’s settled D.That’s all right 6.—What kind of career would you like, Tom? —Well, ______. Being a writer could be interesting. A.Sounds amazing B.I'm not sure exactly C.You got it D.I couldn't agree more 7.—Dad is always that busy. —_______ . But he is a wonderful doctor and he treats his patients kindly. A.I can’t complain B.That’s all right C.He just can’t help it D.Don’t mention it 8.—The movie we saw last night was ridiculous. —Well, _______. I would probably see it again. A.I couldn’t agree more B.I can’t believe it is true C.I thought it was pretty good D.I should have left early 9.—Why don't we go for a swim? I hear there are lots of tropical fish. —_________. I can use my new video camera; it's waterproof. A.My pleasure B.Good idea C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome 10.—I have just made great progress in learning to drive. —______! A.How lucky B.You bet C.Cheer up D.Keep it up 11.—I’m so sorry for what I said to you yesterday. — Forget it! I know you were just letting off ______.


初中英语情景交际题 单选题情景交际: 考点一感谢 1. 表示感谢的常用语 Thank you (very much). Thank you for ... Thanks (a lot) / (a million). 2. 对感谢的应答 You’re welcome. Not at all. It’s a / my pleasure. I’m glad I could do it. That’s OK / all right. 【典例精析】 — Congratulation. Your performance is excellent! — __________. A. Oh, no B. Many thanks C. It’s okay D. No problem 考点二道歉 1. 表示道歉的常用语

I’m really sorry for ... 2. 打扰或麻烦别人时的常用语 Excuse me, please. Excuse me, ... 3. 对道歉的应答 That’s OK / all right. It doesn’t matter. Never mind. It’s / That’s nothing (serious). 【典例精析】 1. —I’m very sorry. I broke your tea cup. — __________. A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better not C. Take it easy D. It’s too bad 2. —I’m sorry that I shouted at you this morni ng. —__________, but please don’t get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasure 注意: 1. All right. 的三种用法。


专项训练 中考英语情景交际50题 根据语境,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择恰当的答案。 ( )1.— Nice to meet you, Miss Green. — A. Very well. B. Thank you. C. Nice to see you, too. D. How are you? ( )2.When you want to introduce Mary to others, you should say “_________” A. This is Mary. B. She is Mary C. Mary is. D. It’s Mary. ( )3.—Your English is quite good. —________ A. No, my English is still poor. B. I don’t think so. C. Do you really think so? D. Thank you. ()4. —I’m glad to see you. — _________. A. Thank you B. So am I C. See you later D. That’s all right ()5. —How are you? —Fine. Thank you. And you? —________ A. Fine. B. Fine. And you? C. Thank you. D. How are you? ()6. —Hi, Mike. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. — _________. A. Good luck B. That’s great C. Nice to see you again D. Best wishes to you ()7. — How do you do, Kate? — ________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. How nice to see you. D. I’m OK. ()8.—Jack. I’d like you to meet my mother, Mrs. Brown. —Hello, Mrs. Brown, _________ —Hello, Jack, pleased to meet you, too. A. how do you do! B. are you OK? C. very pleased to meet you. D. the same to you. ()9. —Hello, I’m Lily .We’re in the same class. — ________ A. Yes, we are. B. Glad to meet you. C. I’m sorry,but l don’t know you. D. Hello, may l introduce myself? ()10. —I’d like you to meet my new friend, Jim. — _________ A. Hello, there. B. How do you do, Jim? C. Nice to see, Jim. D. How are you, Jim? ()11.—Gould I have your name please, sir? —_________. A. Oh, no B. You’re polite C. Call me Mary D. It’s kind of you ()12.—Lucy, ________. —Glad to meet you . Jack Wilson. A. that’s my friend, Jack Wilson B. this is Jack Wilson C. he is Jack Wilson D. introduce Jack Wilson to you ()13.— Thank you for having us. We had a very good time today. — ________. Bye! A. No, thank you B. I’m afraid not


【英语】情景交际专项练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择情景交际 1.— Betty, could I use your laptop? —Sorry. My laptop is_____.It keeps breaking down. A.over the moon B.in the black C.on paper D.on its last legs 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查短语辨析。句意:——Betty我可以使用你的笔记本电脑吗?——不好意思。我的笔记本电脑快不能用了,它老是死机。A. over the moon非常高兴;B. in the back盈余;C. on paper理论上;D. on its last legs奄奄一息、快不能用了。根据后文It keeps breaking down.可知,笔记本是快不能用了,故选D项。 2.—Have you heard that more flights from WuXi to Beijing are available this year? —Of course. Many citizens are ____ for it’s quite convenient for them to travel. A.green with envy B.feeling blue C.over the moon D.hot under the collar 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用语。A. green with envy非常嫉妒;B. feeling blue心情压抑;C. over the moon欣喜若狂;D. hot under the collar怒不可遏。句意:—你听说今年从无锡到北京的航班增加了吗?—当然。许多市民欣喜若狂,因为旅行非常方便。故C选项正确。 3.—Thank Goodness! We have completed our task before the deadline. It is very kind of you to help us. —______. A.With pleasure B.That’s all right C.By all means D.OK 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景对话。句意:——谢天谢地!我们在最后期限之前完成了任务。你帮助我们真是太好了。——没什么。A. With pleasure我很愿意;B. That’s all right没什么;C. By all means尽一切办法;D. OK好的,根据题意,故选B。 4.—Going to Bookuu this weekend? — ! Would you like to go with me? A.You bet. B.You know better C.You got me D.You there


情景交际练习(七年级;八年级;九年级汇总) 七上U1情景交际 Topic 1 1.当康康欢迎你来到中国,你可以这样回应:_______________________________________! 2.当你想知道对方是否是迈克尔,你可以这样问:____________________________________? 3.当你向Mr.Brown介绍Tina时,你可以这样说:______________________________________. 4.如果你想表达很高兴见到对方,你可以这样说:_____________________________________! 5.首次见面,你想向对方问候,你可以这样说:How____________________________________? 6.你在机场迎接第一次来福建的Jane,你要怎么说来表示对她的欢迎: ______________________________________________________________________________! 7.你想知道对方过得怎么样,你可以这样问:_______________________________________? 8.你要把一个东西递给另一个人,你可以这样说:_____________________________________! Topic2 9.如果你想知道对方的名字,你可以这么问:________________________________________? 10.当你对对方来自哪里感到好奇,你可以这么问:__________________________________? 11.当你要向对方介绍自己来自中国,你可以这样说:__________________________________. 12.当你看到一个女生,想知道她是谁,你可以这样问康康: ______________________________________________________________________________? 13.如果你不确定对方是否来自加拿大,你可以这样问其他人: ______________________________________________________________________________? 14.当警察遇到迷路的小孩,他想知道小孩的家庭电话,他可以这样问:


专项十四情景交际×练习题 1. (2013·) —Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition. — ! A. Good luck B. Not at all C. Good idea D. Congratulations 2. (2013·) —I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday. —Why didn’t you tell me earlier? A. You did? B. I hope so. C. Have a good time. D. Its kind of you. 3. (2013·) — Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? —________. A. It doesn't matter B. Thank you C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great 4. (2013·) —You won the first prize in the Physics competition. — . I made several terrible mistakes. A. I think so B. You must be joking C. You are welcome D. It doesn’t matter 5. (2013·) —Daddy, can you come home for supper with us this weekend? — , but I might be a little late. A.I'm busy B Hard to say C.Of course D.Never mind 6. (2013·) — Tim and I will visit the exhibition this weekend. Would you like to join us? — A. Well done. B. That’s right. C. You’re welcome. D. I’d love to 7. (2013·) —I feel really tired. — A. Lucky you! B. You’d better work harder. C. Congratulations! D. Why not go and have a rest? 8. (2013·) —How is everything going in the hospital, dear? — . A. I’m all right, thanks B. Not too bad, I guess C. Not at all D. That’s all right, thank you 9. (2013·) —Hi, Jack! How’s it going? — . We are having a great time in the water park. A. Terrible B. Pretty good C. It’s boring D. It’s a good idea 10. (2013·呼和浩特) —I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii. —What a lucky boy! And don’t forget to send me a postcard. A. That sounds good. B. Have a good time! C. Good luck! D. Can I go with you? 11. (2013·) —I' m very sorry, Allen. I can't find your favorite CD. — , Torn. I'll go and buy another one. A. It doesn't matter B. Don't say that C. Sure D. You are kidding . 12. (2013·义乌) —I must go now. My plane is ready to board.

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