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英语四级词典word list 1


sin?cere/s?n?s??(r); NAmE -?s?r /

adj. (superlative sin?cerest no comparative )

1. (of feelings, beliefs or behaviour 感情、信念或行为)showing what you really think or

feel 真诚的;诚挚的;诚恳的

SYN genuine

a sincere attempt to resolve the problem


sincere regret


Please accept our sincere thanks.


a sincere apology


2. ~ (in sth) (of a person 人)saying only what you really think or feel 诚实的;坦率的

SYN honest

He seemed sincere enough when he said he wanted to help.


She is never completely sincere in what she says about people.


OPP insincere

sin?cer?ity /s?n?ser?ti / (noun) [U] 真诚,诚挚,坦率

She spoke with total sincerity.


I can say in all sincerity that I knew nothing of these plans.


sin?cere?ly/s?n?s??li; NAmE -?s?rli / adv.

in a way that shows what you really feel or think about sb/sth 真诚地;诚实地

I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.


‘I won't let you down.’ ‘I sincerely hope not.’


IDM收起↑Yours sincerely (BrE) (NAmE Sincerely (yours) ) (formal)

used at the end of a formal letter before you sign your name, when you have

addressed sb by their name (正式信函署名前的套语,只用于以收信人姓氏相称


mood/mu:d / noun

1. [C] the way you are feeling at a particular time 情绪;心情

She's in a good mood today (= happy and friendly) .


He's always in a bad mood (= unhappy, or angry and impatient) .


to be in a foul/filthy mood


Some addicts suffer violent mood swings (= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug.


I'm just not in the mood for a party tonight.


He was in no mood for being polite to visitors.


2. [C] a period of being angry or impatient 坏心境;坏脾气

I wonder why he's in such a mood today.


She was in one of her moods (= one of her regular periods of being angry or impatient) .


3. [sing.] the way a group of people feel about sth; the atmosphere in a place or among a group

of people 气氛;氛围

The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.


The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly.


4. [C] (grammar 语法) any of the sets of verb forms that show whether what is said or written is

certain, possible, necessary, etc. 表达语气的动词屈折变化

5. [C] (grammar 语法) one of the categories of verb use that expresses facts, orders, questions,

wishes or conditions (动词的)语气

the indicative/imperative/subjunctive mood


static/?st?t?k /


1. not moving, changing or developing 静止的;静态的;停滞的

Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again.


a static population level


2. (physics 物) (of a force 力)acting as a weight but not producing movement 静力的

static pressure


OPP dynamic

noun [U]

1. noise or other effects that disturb radio or television signals and are caused by particular

conditions in the atmosphere 天电(干扰)

2. (also ?static elec?tricity ) electricity that gathers on or in an object which is no t a conductor

of electricity 静电

My hair gets full of static when I brush it.


3. statics the science that deals with the forces that balance each other to keep objects in a state of

rest 静力学—compare dynamic n. (2)

4. (NAmE) (informal) angry or critical comments or behaviour 抨击;指责;愤慨

sen?ator/?sen?t?(r) /

noun often Senator (abbr. Sen.) a member of a senate 参议员

Senator McCarthy


He has served as a Democratic senator for Texas since 2000.



sen?at?or?ial /?sen??t?:ri?l / (adj.) [only before noun]

a senatorial candidate


sen?ate/?sen?t /

noun usually the Senate

1. [sing.] one of the two groups of elected politicians who make laws in some countries,

for example in the US, Australia, Canada and France. The Senate is smaller than the

other group but higher in rank. Many state parliaments in the US also have a Senate. 参



a member of the Senate


a Senate committee


—compare Congress国会House of Representatives 众议院

2. [C, usually sing., U] (in some countries) the group of people who control a university


the senate of London University


3. [sing.] (in ancient Rome) the most important council of the government; the building

where the council met (古罗马的)元老院

hobby/?h?bi; NAmE ?hɑ:bi / noun

(pl. -ies ) an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working 业余爱好Her hobbies include swimming and gardening.


I only play jazz as a hobby.


→note at interest

SYNONYMS 同义词辨析hobby

game ? pastime ? interest

These are all words for activities that you do for pleasure in your spare time. 以上各词均涉及闲暇活动。

interest an activity or subject that you do or study for pleasure in your spare time指业余爱好(活动或科目):

Her main interests are music and gardening.


hobby an activity that you do for pleasure in your spare time指业余爱好(活动):

His hobbies include swimming and cooking.


game a children's activity when they play with toys, pretend to be sb else, etc.; an activity that you do to have fun指儿童游戏、玩耍、娱乐:

a game of cops and robbers


He was playing games with the dog.


pastime an activity that people do for pleasure in their spare time指消遣、休闲活动:

Eating out is the national pastime in France.


interest, hobby or pastime?用interest、hobby 还是pastime?

A hobby is often more active than an interest.hobby 常较interest 主动、积极:

His main hobby is football (= he plays football).


His main interest is football (= he watches and reads about football, and may or may not play it).


Pastime is used when talking about people in general; when you are talking about yourself or an individual person it is more usual to use interest or hobby.pastime 泛指一般人的消遣活动,指自己或个人的业余爱好较常用interest 或hobby:

(错)Eating out is the national interest/hobby in France.

(错)Do you have any pastimes?


a popular interest/hobby/pastime

Do you have any interests/hobbies?

to take up/pursue a(n) interest/hobby

to do sth as a hobby

lad/l?d / noun

1. [C] (old-fashioned) or (informal) (BrE) a boy or young man 男孩儿;少年;男青年;小伙

Things have changed since I was a lad.


He's a nice lad.


—compare lass

2. the lads [pl.] (BrE) (informal) a group of friends that a man works with or spends free time

with 伙伴;哥们儿

to go to the pub with the lads


3. [C, usually sing.] (BrE) (informal) a lively young man, especially one who is very interested

in women and having sex, drinks a lot of alcohol and enjoys sport (精力旺盛的)放荡小伙子

Tony was a bit of a lad —always had an eye for the women.


—see also laddish

4. [C] (BrE) a person who works in a stable 马夫;马倌—see also stable boy

equip/??kw?p /

verb (-pp- ) ~ yourself/sb/sth (with sth) (for sth)

1.[VN] to provide yourself/sb/sth with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or

activity 配备;装备

SYN kit out

to be fully/poorly equipped


She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.


He equipped himself with a street plan.


The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.


2. to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know 使


The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.


[also VN to inf]

equip?ment/??kw?pm?nt / noun [U]

1. the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity 设备;器材

a useful piece of equipment for the kitchen


office equipment


new equipment for the sports club


2. the process of providing a place or person with necessary things 配备;装备

The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.


SYNONYMS 同义词辨析equipment

ma terial ? gear ? kit ? apparatus

These are all words for the things that you need for a particular purpose or activity. 以上各词均指特定目的或活动所需的材料、设备、器材。

equipment the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity指特定目的或活动所需的设备、器材:

camping equipment

野营装备a piece of equipment

一件设备material things that are needed for a particular activity指特定活动所需的材料:household cleaning materials

家用清洁剂teaching material

教学材料equipment or material?用equipment 还是material?

Equipment is usually solid things, especially large ones. Materials may be liquids, powders or books, CDs, etc. containing information, as well as small solid items.equipment 通常指固体材料,尤其是大型设备器材;material 除可指小型固体材料外,还可指液体、粉状材料、书籍、信息光盘等。

gear the equipment or clothes needed for a particular activity指某种活动所需的设备、用具、衣服:

Skiing gear can be expensive.

滑雪用具有时会很昂贵。kit a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose指用于特定目的的成套工具、成套设备:

a first-aid kit

一套急救用品a tool kit

一套工具apparatus the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task指特定活动或任务所需的仪器、器械、装置:

breathing apparatus for firefighters

消防员用的呼吸器laboratory apparatus

实验室仪器equipment or apparatus? 用equipment 还是apparatus?

Apparatus is used especially for scientific, medical or technical purposes.apparatus 尤作科学、医学或技术等方面的用途。


sports/skiing/camping equipment/gear/kit

household equipment/materials

electrical/electronic equipment/gear/apparatus

medical/breathing equipment/apparatus

a piece of equipment/apparatus

VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充objects you can use可以使用的物体

It is useful to know some general words to help you describe objects, especially if you do not know the name of a particular object.有些一般性词汇可用于描述物体,尤其是不知道名称的东西。

A device is something that has been designed to do a particular job. device 指为特定用途设计的装置、器具、器械:

There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead.


A gadget is a small object that does something useful, but is not really necessary. gadget 指有用、但不一定必需的小器具、小装置:

His kitchen is full of gadgets he never uses.


An instrument is used especially for delicate or scientific work. instrument 尤指做精密或科学工作的仪器、器械、器具:

‘What do you call the instrument that measures temperature?’ ‘A thermometer.’


A tool is something that you use for making and repairing things. tool 指制造或修理用的工具、用具:

‘Have you got one of those tools for turning screws?’ ‘Do you mean a screwdriver?’


A machine has moving parts and is used for a particular job. It usually stands on its own.

machine 指有特定用途的机器,通常为独立设备:

‘What’s a blender?’ ‘It’s an electric machine for mixing soft food or liquid.’


An appliance is a large machine that you use in the house, such as a washing machine.appliance 指大型家用机器,如洗衣机。

Equipment means all the things you need for a particular activity. equipment 统称某项活动所需的设备、装备:

climbing equipment


Apparatus means all the tools, machines or equipment that you need for something. apparatus 统称做某事所用的设备、用具、器械、装置:

firefighters wearing breathing apparatus


frown/fra?n /


~ (at sb/sth) to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead 皱眉;蹙额[V]

What are you frowning at me for?


She frowned with concentration.


[also V speech]


?frown on/upon sb/sth(to disapprove of sb/sth) 不赞成;不同意;不许可

In her family, any expression of feeling was frowned upon.


noun[usually sing.] a serious, angry or worried expression on a person's face that causes lines on their forehead 皱眉;蹙额

She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face.


a slight frown of disapproval/concentration, etc.


VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充expressions on your face面部表情

To beam is to have a big happy smile on your face.beam 指笑逐颜开。

To frown is to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.frown 指皱眉、蹙额。

To glare or glower is to look in an angry, aggressive way.glare 和glower 指怒目而视、咄咄逼人地瞪眼。

To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.grimace 指因痛苦、厌恶等扭曲着脸。

To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way.scowl 指怒视。

To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know something that other people do not know, etc.smirk 指傻笑、得意地笑以示


To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lip upwards.sneer 指翘起上唇嗤笑、讥笑以示轻蔑。

These words can also be used as nouns. 以上各词亦可作名词:

She looked up with a puzzled frown.


He gave me an icy glare.


a grimace of pain


brown/bra?n /

adj. (brown?er, brown?est )

1. having the colour of earth or coffee 棕色的;褐色的

brown eyes 褐色的眼睛

brown bread 黑面包

dark brown shoe polish 深棕色鞋油

a package wrapped in brown paper 用牛皮纸包扎的包裹

2. having skin that is naturally brown or has been made brown by the sun (皮肤)棕色的,


I don't go brown very easily. 我不容易晒黑。

After the summer in Spain, the children were brown as berries . 在西班牙度过了一个夏天之后,孩子们晒得黝黑。

IDM in a brown ?study (old-fashioned) (BrE) thinking deeply so that you do not notice what is happening around you 出神;沉思默想(以致没注意到周围情况)

noun[U, C] the colour of earth or coffee 棕色;褐色

leaves of various shades of brown 深浅不一的棕色叶子

Brown doesn't (= brown clothes do not) suit you. 你不适合穿棕色衣服。

Verb to become brown; to make sth brown (使)变成棕色,成褐色


Heat the butter until it browns. 把黄油加热,使之呈棕色。

The grass was browning in patches. 草地一片片地变成褐色。


Brown the onions before adding the meat. 把洋葱炒成褐色,然后放进肉。

IDM ?browned ?off (with sb/sth) (BrE) (informal) bored, unhappy and/or annoyed (对某人)厌倦,不快,烦恼SYN fed up

By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay. 此时乘客们对延误


fas?ten/?fɑ:sn; NAmE ?f?sn / verb

1. ~ (sth) (up) to close or join together the two parts of sth; to become closed or joined together

(使两部分)系牢,扎牢,结牢,扣紧SYN do up


Fasten your seatbelts, please. 请系好安全带。

He fastened up his coat and hurried out. 他扣好大衣就匆匆出去了。


The dress fastens at the back. 这件连衣裙是在后背系扣的。

OPP unfasten

2. to close sth firmly so that it will not open; to be closed in this way (使)关紧,盖好


Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open. 把大门闩好以免被风吹开。


The window wouldn't fasten. 这扇窗子关不严。

OPP unfasten

3. [VN, adv./prep.] to fix or place sth in a particular position, so that it will not move 使牢固;


He fastened back the shutters. 他把活动护窗拉开系紧。

4. [VN] ~ A to B, ~ A and B (together) to attach or tie one thing to another thing (使两物)系


He fastened the papers together with a paper clip. 他用回形针别好了文件。

5. if you fasten your arms around sb, your teeth into sth, etc., or if your arms, teeth, etc. fasten

around, into, etc. sb/sth, you hold the person/thing firmly with your arms, etc. 握住;抓牢;



The dog fastened its teeth in his leg. 狗死死咬着他的腿。


His hand fastened on her arm. 他用手牢牢抓住她的胳膊。

6. if you fasten your eyes on sb/sth or your eyes fasten on sb/sth, you look at them for a long

time 盯住


He fastened his gaze on her face. 他盯着她的脸。

[also V]

PHR V ?fasten on(to) sb/sth(to choose or follow sb/sth in a determined way )抓住;对…锲而不舍;坚决跟随;纠缠

SYN latch on to sb/sth

soft?ware/?s?ftwe?(r); NAmE ?s?:ftwer / noun[U] the programs, etc. used to operate a computer 软件

application/system software 应用/系统软件

design/educational/music-sharing, etc. software 设计、教育、音乐共享等软件

to install/run a piece of software 安装/运行一个软件

Will the software run on my machine? 这个软件在我的机器上能用吗?

—compare hardware (1)

stir/st?:(r) /

verb (-rr- )

mix 使混合1. [VN] ~ sth (into sth), ~ sth (in) to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly 搅动;搅和;搅拌

She stirred her tea. 她搅了搅茶。

The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot. 趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。

Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens. 把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。

→note at mix

move 移动

2. to move, or to make sth move, slightly (使)微动


She heard the baby stir in the next room. 她听见婴儿在隔壁动弹。


A slight breeze was stirring the branches. 微风吹动着树枝。

A noise stirred me from sleep. 响声把我从睡梦中惊醒。

3. to move, or to make sb move, in order to do sth (使)行动,活动


You haven't stirred from that chair all evening! 你坐在那把椅子上一晚上没动了!


Come on, stir yourself. You're late! 快,快走吧。你要迟到了!

Their complaints have finally stirred him into action. 他们的抱怨最终促使他采取了行动。

feelings 感觉

4. [VN] ~ sb (to sth) to make sb excited or make them feel sth strongly 打动;激发

a book that really stirs the imagination 很能激发人的想象力的书

She was stirred by his sad story. 他那悲惨的故事打动了她。

5. [V] (of a feeling or a mood 感情或情绪)to begin to be felt 开始感到;逐渐产生;萌动;被唤起

A feeling of guilt began to stir in her. 她心里渐渐生出了内疚感。

cause trouble 引起麻烦6. (BrE) (informal) (disapproving) to try to cause trouble 拨弄是非[VN]

You're just stirring it ! 你这不是搬弄是非吗!

[also V] —see also stirrer

IDM stir the ?blood (to make sb excited )使人兴奋;激起热情

stir your ?stumps (old-fashioned) (BrE) (informal) (to begin to move; to hurry) 起



?stir sb??up(to encourage sb to do sth; to make sb feel they must do sth)激励;鼓动

?stir sth??up

1. to make people feel strong emotions 激起(感情)

to stir up hatred 激起仇恨

2. to try to cause arguments or problems 挑起,煽动(争执或事端)

to stir up a debate 挑起争论

Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble . 什么时候只要有


We've got enough problems without you trying to stir things up . 我们麻烦事已


3. to make sth move around in water or air (水或空气中)搅起;吹起

The wind stirred up a lot of dust. 风吹起大量尘土。


1. [sing.] excitement, anger or shock that is felt by a number of people (一些人感到的)激

动,愤怒,震动SYN commotion

Her resignation caused quite a stir . 她的辞职引起很大震动。

2. [C, usually sing.] the action of stirring sth 搅动;搅和;搅拌

Could you give the rice a stir? 你把米饭搅一搅好吗?

SYNONYMS 同义词辨析stir

mingle ? blend ? mix

These words all refer to substances, qualities, ideas or feelings combining or being combined. 以上各词均指物质、品质、想法或情感的混合、掺合、融合。

mix to combine two or more substances, qualities, ideas or feelings, usually in a way that means they cannot easily be separated; to be combined in this way指(使)两种或以上物质、品质、想法或情感等混合、掺合、融合:

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.把所有的配料放在碗里,搅和一下。

Oil and water do not mix.油和水不相融。

stir to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly指搅动、搅和、搅拌(液体或物质):

She stirred her tea.她搅了搅茶。

mingle to combine or be combined [NOTE] Mingle can be used to talk about sounds, colours, feelings, ideas, qualities or substances. It is used in written English to talk about how a scene or event appears to sb or how they experience it.指(使)混合、掺合、融合*?mingle 可用以指声音、颜色、情感、想法、品质或物质等交织在一起,用于书面英语表示对某一场景或事件的感受或经历:

The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.笑声和歌声交织在夜空中。

He felt a kind of happiness mingled with regret.他感到既高兴又遗憾。

blend to mix two or more substances or flavours together; to be mixed together指(使)两种或以上物质或味道混合、掺合:

Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste.把面粉和牛奶调成均匀的面糊。mix or blend?用mix 还是blend?

If you blend things when you are cooking you usually combine them more completely than if you just mix them. Mix can be used to talk about colours, feelings or qualities as well as food and substances. In this meaning blend is mostly used in the context of cooking. It is also used to talk about art, music, fashion, etc. with the meaning of ‘combine in an attractive way’.烹饪时用blend 表示把各种材料完全掺和到一起,用mix 只表示将这些东西混合在一起。mix 可指将食物、物质混合在一起,也可指颜色、情感、品质融合在一起。在这一含义中,blend 主要用于烹饪语境。blend 亦可用以表示艺术、音乐、时尚等融合和协调。


to mix/mingle/blend (sth) with sth

to mix/stir/mingle/blend sth into sth

to mix/stir/mingle/blend sth together

to mix/stir/blend sth thoroughly/well/gently

to mix/stir/blend ingredients

to mix/mingle/blend flavours

to mix/blend colours

mixed/mingled feelings

dis?tri?bu?tion/?d?str??bju:?n / noun

1. [U, C] the way that sth is shared or exists over a particular area or among a particular

group of people 分配;分布

the unfair distribution of wealth 财富分配不公

The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.


They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.


2. [U] the act of giving or delivering sth to a number of people 分发;分送

the distribution of food and medicines to the flood victims


He was arrested on drug distribution charges.


3. [U] (business 商) the system of transporting and delivering goods (商品)运销,经销,


distribution costs 经销成本

worldwide distribution systems 全球经销系统

marketing, sales and distribution 营销、销售和经销

DER dis?tri?bu?tion?al /-??nl / (adj.)

1. ADJ 形容词配销的;运销的Distributional means relating to the distribution of


What they're doing is setting up distributional networks.


2. ADJ 形容词(国家财富)分配的,分布的FORMAL 正式Distributional effects

and policies relate to the share of a country's wealth that different groups of

people have.

...the distributional effects of free markets, which lead to inequalities in income.


flex?ible/?fleks?bl /


1. (approving) able to change to suit new conditions or situations 能适应新情况的;灵活


a more flexible approach 更灵活的方法

flexible working hours 弹性工作时间

Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.


You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.


We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.我们需要更有弹性的外交政策。

2. able to bend easily without breaking 柔韧的;可弯曲的;有弹性的

flexible plastic tubing 挠性塑料管

OPP inflexible

DER flexi?bil?ity /?fleks??b?l?ti / (noun) [U]


Computers offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized.


exercises to develop the flexibility of dancers' bodies 增加跳舞者身体柔软度的训练


flex?ibly ['fleks?bli] adv. 易曲地,柔软地;灵活地

It would seem more sensible to apply standards flexibly rather than rigidly


His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his

work flexibly. 他死记硬背的学习方法使他在工作中不能灵活处理问题。

Information systems should flexibly and quickly adapt to variable requirements.


so?lu?tion/s??lu:?n / noun

1. [C] ~ (to sth) a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 解决办法;处

理手段SYN answer

Attempts to find a solution have failed. 试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。

There's no simple solution to this problem. 这个问题没有简单的解决办法。

Do you have a better solution? 你有更好的解决办法吗?

2. [C] ~ (to sth) an answer to a puzzle or to a problem in mathematics 答案;解;谜底

The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. 上星期测验的答案在第81页。

3. [C, U] a liquid in which sth is dissolved 溶液

an alkaline solution 碱溶液

saline solution 盐溶液

4. [U] the process of dissolving a solid or gas in a liquid 溶解(过程)

the solution of glucose in water 葡萄糖在水中的溶解

panel/?p?nl /


1. [C] a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface

such as a door or wall (门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块

One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. 前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。

—see also solar panel

2. [C] a piece of metal that forms part of the outer frame of a vehicle (车身的)金属板,板金

3. [C] a piece of cloth that forms part of a piece of clothing (衣服上的)镶条,嵌条,饰片

The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.


4. [C + sing./pl. v.] a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of

people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio 专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组

an advisory panel 顾问组

a panel of experts 专家组

We have two politicians on tonight's panel. 今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。

a panel discussion 专家小组讨论

5. [C] (also ?jury panel ) (both especially NAmE) = jury (1) 陪审团

The panel has/have returned a verdict of guilty. 陪审团已作出有罪裁定。

6. [C] a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments

are fixed (汽车或其他机械的)控制板,仪表盘

an instrument panel 仪表盘

a control/display panel 控制/显示面板

verb(-ll- , (NAmE) -l- ) [VN] [usually passive] to cover or decorate a surface with flat strips of wood, glass, etc. 镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)

The walls were panelled in oak. 墙壁镶了橡木饰片。

a glass-/wood-panelled door 镶玻璃/木板的门

min?is?try/?m?n?stri / noun (pl. -ies )

1. [C] (BrE) a government department that has a particular area of responsibility (政府的)

the Ministry of Defence 国防部

a ministry spokesperson 部发言人

2. the Ministry [sing. + sing./pl. v.] ministers of religion, especially Protestant ministers, when

they are mentioned as a group (尤指基督教新教的)全体牧师

So what prompted him to enter the ministry? 那么,是什么促使他成为牧师的呢?

3. [C, usually sing.] the work and duties of a minister in the Church; the period of time spent

working as a minister in the Church 神职;牧师职位;神职任期

His ministry is among the poor. 他是穷人的牧师。

su?preme/su:?pri:m; BrE also sju:- / adj. [usually before noun]

1. highest in rank or position (级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的

the Supreme Commander of the armed forces 武装力量的最高统帅

the supreme champion 绝对冠军

It is an event in which she reigns supreme . 这个比赛项目她所向无敌。

supreme court 最高法院

2. very great or the greatest in degree (程度)很大的,最大的

to make the supreme sacrifice (= die for what you believe in)


a supreme effort 最大的努力

She smiled with supreme confidence.她充满自信地微微一笑。

de?scribe/d??skra? b / verb

1. ~ sb/sth (to/for sb), ~ sb/sth (as sth) to say what sb/sth is like 描述;形容;把…称为


Can you describe him to me? 你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?

The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.


Jim was described by his colleagues as ‘unusual’. 吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。

[V wh-]

Describe how you did it. 谈谈你是怎样做这事的。

[V -ing]

Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky.


[also VN -ing]

2. [VN] (formal) or (technical 术语) to make a movement which has a particular shape; to

form a particular shape 做…运动;画出…图形;形成…形状

The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish. 这条鲨鱼围绕着鱼群游动。

DER de?scrib?able [dis?kraib?bl] adj. 可记述的,可描写的

describably adv.

describability n.

in?des?crib?able/??nd??skra?b?bl / adj.so extreme or unusual it is almost impossible to describe 难以形容的;无法言传的

The pain was indescribable. 疼痛得无法形容。

DER in?des?crib?ab ly /-?bli / (adv.)

indescribably beautiful/boring 无法形容地美丽/乏味

limb/l?m / noun

1. an arm or a leg; a similar part of an animal, such as a wing 肢;臂;腿;翼;翅膀

an artificial limb 假肢

For a while, she lost the use of her limbs. 好一会儿她四肢都动弹不得。

2. -limbed (in adjectives 构成形容词)having the type of limbs mentioned 有…肢(或翼、


long-limbed 四肢细长

loose-limbed 四肢柔软灵活

3. a large branch of a tree (树的)大枝,主枝

IDM out on a ?limb (informal) (not supported by other people)无人支持;孤立无援Are you prepared to go out on a limb (= risk doing sth that other people are not

prepared to do) and make your suspicions public?


tear/rip sb ?limb from ?limb (often humorous) (to attack sb very violently)猛烈攻击某人—more at risk v. (risk life and limb )

cir?cum?stance/?s?:k?mst?ns; -stɑ:ns; -st?ns; NAmE ?s?:rk?mst?ns / noun

1. [C, usually pl.] the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an

event or an action 条件;环境;状况

The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.


changing social and political circumstances 正在变化的社会和政治环境

I know I can trust her in any circumstance. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。

Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.


The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. 那艘船神秘地沉没了。

She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth. 她从未弄清她身世的真相。

→note at situation

2. circumstances [pl.] the conditions of a person's life, especially the money they have 境况;


Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances .


family/domestic/personal circumstances 家庭/个人经济状况

3. [U] (formal) situations and events that affect and influence your life and that are not in your

control 命运;客观环境

a victim of circumstance (= a person who has suffered because of a situation that they

cannot control) 客观环境的牺牲品

He had to leave the country through force of circumstance (= events made it necessary) .


IDM in/under the ?circumstances (used before or after a statement to show that you have thought about the conditions that affect a situation before making a decision or a

statement )在这种情况下;既然如此

Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.


She did the job very well in the circumstances.


in/under no circumstances (used to emphasize that sth should never happen or be

allowed )决不;无论如何不

Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.


Don't open the door, in any circumstances.


—more at pomp (pomp and circumstance ) reduce (reduced circumstances )

core/k?:(r) /


1. the hard central part of a fruit such as an apple, that contains the seeds (苹果等的)果心,


2. the central part of an object (物体的)中心部分

the earth's core 地核

the core of a nuclear reactor 核反应堆的活性区

3. the most important or central part of sth 最重要的部分;核心;要点;精髓

the core of the argument 争论的核心

Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.


4. a small group of people who take part in a particular activity (参加某项活动的)一小群人

He gathered a small core of advisers around him. 他的周围聚集了一帮谋士。

—see also hard core

IDM to the ?core (so that the whole of a thing or a person is affected) 直至核心;十足;


She was shaken to the core by the news. 这消息使她大为震惊。

He's a politician to the core (= in all his attitudes and actions) . 他是个十足的政客。

adj.1. most important; main or essential 最重要的;主要的;基本的

core subjects (= subjects that all the students have to study) such as English and

mathematics 诸如英语和数学等核心科目

the core curriculum 核心课程

We need to concentrate on our core business . 我们需要集中在核心业务上。

The use of new technology is core to our strategy. 运用新技术是我们策略的关键。

2. ~ beliefs, values, principles, etc. the most important or central beliefs, etc. of a person or

group 核心(信念、价值、原则等)

The party is losing touch with its core values. 这个党正在逐渐偏离其核心价值观。

3. used to describe the most important members of a group 核心成员的;骨干的

The team is built around a core group of players.


verb[VN] to take out the core of a fruit 去掉(水果)的果心;去(水果)的核儿as?sist?ant/??s?st?nt /


1. a person who helps or supports sb, usually in their job 助理;助手

My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.


a senior research assistant 高级研究助理

—see also PDA personal assistant teaching assistant

2. (BrE) = shop assistant

a sales assistant in a department store 一名百货公司售货员

3. (BrE) a student at university or college who spends time in a foreign country teaching

his or her own language in a school 助教(在国外留学的大学生,教授本国语)adj.[only before noun] (abbr. Asst) (often in titles 常用于头衔)having a rank below a senior person and helping them in their work 助理的;副的

the assistant manager 协理

Assistant Chief Constable Owen 助理警察局长欧文

Assistant Attorney General William Weld 助理检察总长威廉?韦尔德MORE ABOUT 补充说明gender

Ways of talking about men and women表示男女的方法

When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes both men and women equally. Some people may be very offended if you do not. 说写英语时,重要的是用词要把男女都包括在内,否则可能会冒犯某些人。

The human race人类

Man and mankind have traditionally been used to mean ‘all men and women’. Many people now prefer to use humanity, the human race, human beings or people.man 和mankind 传统上用以指所有男性和女性,不过,现在许多人喜欢用humanity、the human race、human beings 或people。


The suffix -ess in names of occupations such as actress, hostess and waitress shows that the person doing the job is a woman. Many people now avoid these. Instead you can use actor or host, (although actress and hostess are still very common) or a neutral word, such as server for waiter and waitress.后缀-ess 在职业的名称如actress、hostess 和waitress 中表明从事此职业的是女性。目前,许多人避免用这些词。取而代之的是actor 或host (尽管actress 和hostess 仍然很常见)或用中性词server 取代waiter 和waitress。

Neutral words like assistant, worker, person or officer are now often used instead of -man or -woman in the names of jobs. For example, you can use police officer instead of policeman or policewoman, and spokesperson instead of spokesman or spokeswoman.

Neutral words are very common in newspapers, on television and radio and in official writing, in both BrE and NAmE.现在职业名称常用中性词assistant、worker、person 或officer 取代-man 或-woman。例如可用police officer 代替policeman 或

policewoman,用spokesperson 代替spokesman 或spokeswoman。在报刊、电视、广播和公文中,英国英语和北美英语都常用中性词。

When talking about jobs that are traditionally done by the other sex, some people say a male secretary/nurse/model (NOT man) or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver.

However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is, or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/woman. 谈及传统上由另一性别干的工作时,有人用male secretary/nurse/model (不用man)或woman/female doctor/barrister/driver 表示。不过现在这种用法不多见,除非是强调此人的性别,或由某性别干此工作仍然少见:

My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.我的女儿喜欢让女医生看病。

They have a male nanny for their kids.他们有个男保姆照料孩子。

a female racing driver女赛车手


He used to be considered to cover both men and women;he 过去被认为既指男性也指女性:

Everyone needs to feel he is loved.人人都需要有被爱的感受。

but this is not now acceptable. Instead, after everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, etc. one of the plural pronouns they, them, and their is often used. 不过现在此用法不获认同。取而代之的是在everybody、everyone、anybody、anyone、somebody、someone 等之后常用复数代词they、them 和their:

Does everybody know what they want?人人都知道自己需要什么吗?

Somebody’s left their coat here.有人把外衣丢在这儿了。

I hope nobody’s forgotten to bring their passport with them.


Some people prefer to use he or she, his or her, or him or her in speech and writing. 有人在口语和书面语中喜欢用he or she、his or her 或him or her:

Everyone knows what’s best for him or herself.


He/she or (s)he can also be used in writing. he/she 或(s)he 亦可用于书面语中:If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/she can give you more information.


(You may find that some writers just use ‘she’.) These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying 有些人只用she。这种用法太多可能显得别扭。最好尽量改动句子,用复数名词。避免说:

A baby cries when he or she is tired.you can say 可以说:

Babies cry when they are tired.婴儿疲倦时会哭。

mess/mes /


untidy state 不整洁

1. [C, usually sing.] a dirty or untidy state 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁

The room was in a mess . 这个房间杂乱不堪。

The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。

‘What a mess !’ she said, surveying the scene after the party.


My hair's a real mess! 我的头发太乱了。

difficult situation 困境

2. [C, usually sing.] a situation that is full of problems, usually because of a lack of

organization or because of mistakes that sb has made (组织欠佳等导致的)麻烦,困境,混乱

The economy is in a mess . 经济陷入了困境。

I feel I've made a mess of things. 我觉得我把事情搞糟了。

The whole situation is a mess. 整个情况都是一团糟。

Let's try to sort out the mess. 我们来收拾一下残局吧。

The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place.


person 人

3. [sing.] a person who is dirty or whose clothes and hair are not tidy 不整洁(或邋遢、不修


You're a mess! 你真邋遢!

4. [sing.] (informal) a person who has serious problems and is in a bad mental condition 遇到


animal waste 动物粪便

5. [U, C] (informal) the excrement (= solid waste matter) of an animal, usually a dog or cat (狗、猫等的)粪便

a lot 许多

6. [sing.] a ~ of sth (NAmE) (informal) a lot of sth 许多;大量

There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water.


armed forces 武装力量

7. [C] (also ?mess hall especially in NAmE ) a building or room in which members of the

armed forces have their meals (军队的)食堂,餐厅

the officers' mess 军官食堂


make untidy 使不整洁

1. [VN] (informal) (especially NAmE) to make sth dirty or untidy 使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱

Careful—you're messing my hair. 小心—你弄乱我的头发了。

of an animal 动物

2. [V] to empty its bowels somewhere that it should not 随地便溺


?no ?messing (informal) (used to say that sth has been done easily)毫不费力;不费吹灰之力;轻而易举

We finished in time, no messing. 我们不费吹灰之力,就按时完成了。

not mess a?round (BrE also not mess a?bout ) (informal) (to do sth quickly, efficiently or in the right way)不磨蹭;不拖沓;麻利地做;妥善处理

When they decide to have a party they don't mess around.



mess a?round(BrE also ?mess a?bout )

1. to behave in a silly and annoying way, especially instead of doing sth useful 胡闹;瞎

闹SYN fool around

Will you stop messing around and get on with some work?


2. to spend time doing sth for pleasure in a relaxed way 逍遥自在地做事

We spent the day messing around on the river. 我们在河边闲逛了一整天。

?mess a?round with sb(BrE also ?mess a?bout with sb ) (to have a sexual relationship with sb, especially when you should not )勾搭;与某人调情;随便与人发生性关

?mess a?round w ith sth(BrE also ?mess a?bout with sth )

1. to touch or use sth in a careless and/or annoying way 乱弄;玩弄

Who's been messing around with my computer? 谁瞎动过我的电脑?

2. to spend time playing with sth, repairing sth, etc. 花时间摆弄(或修理等);瞎忙活

?mess sb a?bout/a?round(BrE) (to treat sb in an unfair and annoying way, especially by changing your mind a lot or not doing what you said you would)粗鲁地(或轻


?mess ?up | ?mess sth??up(to spoil sth or do it badly )把…弄糟;胡乱地做I've really messed up this time. 这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。

If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements.


?mess sb??up

1. (informal) to cause sb to have serious emotional or mental problems 使心情恶


2. (NAmE) (informal) to physically hurt sb, especially by hitting them 使身体受


He was messed up pretty bad by the other guy.


?mess sth??up(to make sth dirty or untidy)使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱

I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.


?mess with sb/sth(usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句)

to get involved with sb/sth that may be harmful 卷入有害的事;与某人有牵连

I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. 我要是你就会离他远点儿。

minus/?ma?n?s /


1. used when you subtract (= take away) one number or thing from another one 减;减去

Seven minus three is four (7?–?3?=?4). 七减去三等于四。

the former Soviet Union, minus the Baltic republics and Georgia


2. used to express temperature below zero degrees 零下

It was minus ten. 气温为零下十度。

The temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees centigrade (?28°C).

