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小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 A Spring outing Lesson 6教学设计及反思

小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 A Spring outing  Lesson 6教学设计及反思
小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 A Spring outing  Lesson 6教学设计及反思


2019年五年级下册英语试卷及答案 姓名:得分: 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(20分) ()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner ()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman ()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing ()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work ()10 A、first B、second C、third 二、选出不同类的单词。(20分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third ()5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June 三、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1.spring A.春天B.季节 C.夏天 ( ) 2.morning A.下午B.中午 C.上午 ( ) 3.May A.五月B.三月 C.六月 ( ) 4.write a letter A.写报告B.写信 C.写电子邮件 ( ) 5.swim A.游泳 B.荡秋千C.跑步 ( ) 6.usually A.通常 B.一般 C.经常 ( ) 7.evening A.晚上 B.早上 C.中午 ( ) 8.have a picnic A.数昆虫 B.举行野餐 C.做实验 ( ) 9.drink water A.打架 B.讲话 C.喝水 ( ) 10.twelfth A.十二 B.第十二 C.第二十 四、选择填空。(共20分) ( )1. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40. A. on B. in C. at


PEP人教版小学英语三年级下册精品教案全册教学内容:Unit one WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL(1) 教学目标和要求: 1、Learn the names. 2、Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.” 3、Learn to introduce yourself. 教学重点:Learn to say “I am from America/Canada/China.” 教学难点:Learn to introduce yourself. 教学用具:word cards/pictures。 教学过程: Step1: 1、Look at the picture: WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL 2、Say out the English in the pictures Step2: Learn the names. 1、Look at the people. 2、Learn the names:Amy 3、Look and say. Step3: Learn to say : WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. Step4: Introduce yourself Step5: Summary Step6: homework

板书设计: Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. 作业布置: 1、Revise the names ; 2、Say “I am from America/Canada/China.” 教学后记: 学生对英语的学习兴趣很浓。 教学内容:Unit one Hello!(2) 教学目标和要求: 1、Learn Part A(Let’s talk Let’s learn). 2、Learn the new words 教学重点:Let’s talk Let’s learn 教学难点:The new words and sentences. 教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures。 教学过程: Step1: Revision 1、Revise the names. 2、I am from America/Canada/China. Step2: Learn the sentences of Part A 1、Look at the pictures. 2、Listen to the recording 3、Look at the sentences and read them after the recording


(人教版)小学五年级英语下册期末测试卷 听力部分:(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分) ()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner ()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman ()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing ()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work ()10 A、first B、second C、third 二、听音,完成句子。(10分) 1、Look, what is my mother doing? She’s________________ 2、Chen Jie and Amy are ___________________. 3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ? 4、Her grandpa is _____________________ 5、When is your birthday?______________________. 三、听问句,选答句。(10分) ()1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favourite season. ()2. A. It's June 21st. B. It's Thursday. ()3. A. No. He's playing football. B. Yes. He's very tall. ()4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please. ()5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone. 笔试部分:(共70分) 一、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third


新人教版五年级下册英语第一单元测试卷 姓名 ________ 分数_________ 一、找出不同类的单词。(5分) 1.( ) A:Saturday B:Sunday C:Thursday D:weekend 2.( ) A:play football B:play basketball C:play the piano D:play baseball 3.( ) A:go to school B:go home C:get up D:in the morning 4.( ) A:when B:what C:why D:we 5.( ) A:usually B:often C:English D:sometimes 二、选择,并将序号写在括号里。(30分) 1.()I usually go _____ with my mother. 2.()We have Chinese, English and PE ______ the morning. 3.()Thank you for ______ me about your day. 4.()Can I ask you_____ questions? 5.()---What do you do? ---______ am Chinese. ’m ten. ’m a student. 6.()---When do you go to bed at night? ---I go to bed ___ 9:30. 7.()The weather report ____ it’s going to rain tomorrow. 8.()---_____? ----It’s 10:30. ’s the time? the time? ’s time? 9.()______ books do you have? about many much 10.()---Thank you. ---_____ 're welcome. thanks. . 11.()What do you do on the weekend? 10:00 . often visit my grandparents. the morning. 12.( )Let's go shopping together next Saturday. ,I do. . .

小学英语优秀课例 What can you see-教案

小学英语优秀课例 What can you see? 教案 What can you see? Teaching aims: 1.能听懂、会说本课新单词。 2.能听懂、会说本课对话。 3.能运用“What can you see?”“I can see…”询问及提供所见事物的信息。 Teaching points: 1.熟练地运用句型谈论所见事物。 2.a和the的区别。 Teaching procedures: Step 1Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.表演唱英语童谣。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. 出示课文A部分教学挂图。 T: What can you see? You can hear this sentence very often in the class. Mis…always show you a picture and ask you what you can see in the picture. Do you remember? Now you can learn how to answer the question in this

unit. Look at the picture and tell me what you can see here. 从课堂中常用到“What can you see?”一句入手,引导学生们轻松地掌握句型,并帮助他们完整地回答:“I can see…”。 2. 出示单词卡片the sky,板书单词,并解释其含义。带读。 T: Why do we say“the sky”,but not “a sky”? 启发学生思考此处the与a表示的涵义有何不同。说明当某事物是独一无二地存在时,一般使用定冠词the。 T: What can you see in the sky? Ss: We can see birds in the sky. T: Have you ever been to the sea? It’s a very beautiful place. It’s bigger than the lake. 板书单词the sea,解释其含义,说明与lake的区别,并带读。让学生练读。 3. 听录音,跟读。 4. 分组练习。分角色表演。 Step 3 Practice 游戏——Dragon game(接龙游戏) T: What can you see in the classroom? S1: I can see a blackboard. What can you see in the


五年级下册英语试卷 班别_________ 姓名____________分数___ ______ 一、补全对话。(每空2分,共10分) A: ________________________________ B: I like summer best. Because my birthday is in summe r. A:_________________________________ B: It’sin June. A:_________________________________ B: I often go shopping withmymotheronmyb irthday. SometimesI goswimming.______________________________ A: Mybirthday isin winter.So I like winter best. B:_______________________________ A: It’s very cold. yat home.Many friends come to my home.We singand dance.SometimesI have a picnic with my parents. Tomorrow is my birthday. I amcleaning the roomnow.Mymomis making a birthday cake for me.I will be happytomorrow. ( )1.Jack’s birthday isin summer. ()2.Usually I have a birthday party on my birthda


小学英语优秀教研活动案例 山西省运城市稷山县稷峰镇西街小学冯倩茹 一、背景说明 小学英语课标指出:英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。课程特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神。 二、活动主题:如何有效的听课 三、研讨时间:每周五早上8:00---10:00 四、研讨方式:主题教研、观看名师课例、听课评课、交流反思。 五、参与人员:小学英语教研组全体成员 六、研究步骤 1.抓理论学习 校本教研是“一种理论指导下的研究”。不掌握一定的教育理论,不可能进行真正意义上的校本教研。为此,我们要定期组织本校教师学习教育教学理论或要求教师利用课余时间自觉学习有关教育教学理论,特别是学习《课程标准》的一些新理念、新课程实施过程中的一些新经验等。 2.抓教材培训

教材是教师赖以施教的依据,而对于教材,很多教师还不懂怎么教,这就急需进行教材培训。通过培训,使教师能够吃透教材,用好教材。 3.抓课题研究 课题研究是将教研与科研有机融合的教研活动形式,其操作程序大致为:(1)选择课题。应以问题为中心,从学校或教师实际需要出发。把教学实践中的疑问、困惑进行归纳、筛选,确定一个讨论专题,组织交流讨论,求得问题的解决。(2)围绕课题搜集材料,选择、整理材料。(3)开展课题研究。在学习和研究中注意理论与实践、教学与科研、教师研究与同伴互助等相结合。(4)课题研究结题。教师要完成课题的研究报告或论文,总结教育教学经验,并反思教学中的不足,今后进一步进行探讨。 4.抓课例研究 课例研究是以一两节课例展示的形式开展的一种教研活动。研讨内容包括:听课、说课、评课,肯定好的、可借鉴的地方,提出建设性意见等。 5.抓教学反思 反思是一种教师改进教学策略、不断提升自己教学水平的好方法,是不断提高自身教育教学素养的过程。为此,我们强调教师勤写教后反思或随笔,及时记录教学过程成功、失败之处,记录课堂意外收获,做好课后“备课”。教后反思书写形式上灵活多样,篇幅上有话则长、无话则短,但一定要有实效性。 6. 抓评价激励


三下 MODULE1 song 歌曲 TV 电视台 favourite 最喜欢的 colour 颜色 Here you are. 给你。 MODULE2 they 他(她/它)们 they’re= they are他(她/它)们是monkey 猴子 baby 幼兽,幼畜 all 每个,全体 zoo 动物园 tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 elephant 大象 fat 胖的 man人,男人 short 矮的 tall 高的 small小的 thin 瘦的 big 大的 MODULE 3 like 喜欢 football 足球 them他(她/它)们 (宾格) ouch 哎哟 basketball 篮球 table tennis 乒乓球 morning exercise 早操 ride 骑 bike 自行车 swim游泳 skip 跳绳

MODULE 4 meat 肉 pass 传递 rice 米饭,米 mum 妈妈 noodles (常复)面条 fish 鱼肉,鱼 but 但是 milk 牛奶 mm 呣 does do 的第三人称单数形式 orange 橙;柑;橘 apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 pear 梨 doesn’t= does not 不 MODULE 5 go (go的第三人称单数形式)去,到 go to school 上学 on 在……的时候;通过……,以……的方式Monday 星期一 play 参加(体育活动、比赛等) phone 电话;电话机 on the phone 通电话 with 与……在一起,同,跟,和 friend 朋友 at 在...... home 家 at home在家 who 谁 only 只,仅仅 year 年龄,岁数 work 工作地点 go to work 上班 Saturday 星期六 shopping 购物


2016-2017 年人教版小学英语五年级下册期中测试卷 一、单项选择。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) ( ) 1. do you do on the weekend? A. When B. What C. How ( ) 2..I usually have Chinese class ____ the morning and eat lunch ___ noon . A. at ; at B.in ;in C. in; at ( ) 3.I like spring. Because I can . A. sleep B. swim C. plant trees ( ) 4.It '__s ___ . It 'co s ld and snowy . A. spring B. fall C. winter ( ) 5 .A: _______ do you have lunch ? B: At noon . A. How B. What C. When ( ) 6. What 's the date ? -- _____ A. Tuesday B. November C. May 4th ( ) 7. --Why do you like summer? -- _______ I can swim . A. Because B. What C. Which ( ) 8.-What are you doing ? - _______ . A. I 'm read a book . B. I 'm sending grandpa an e-card . C. I can make a birthday card. ( ) 9. There are three ________ in June. A. birthday B. month C. birthdays ( ) 10.--When is _______ ? --- It ' s September 10th . A. Mother ' sDay B. woman 's Day C. Teacher 's Day 二、连词成句。 (每题 3 分,共 15 分) 1. weekend do What do on the you ? 2. I play sports usually the in afternoon. Today is June 2nd..It 's Sunday .It 's Amy 's birthday. She gets up early at 6:00 in the morning . A fter a quike breakfast ,her parents take her to the People 's Park. They take many photos.In th e afternoon,her father buys( 买 ) a big birthday cake for her .Chen jie and Sarah make a beautif ul card for her . They eat the birthday cake together . Amy is very happy. ( ) 1.What day is it today ?A. It 'S s unday . B.It 'Ju s ne. C.It 'A s my 's birthday. ( )2. What 's the date ? A. It 'Ju s ne . B. It 'S s unday . C.It 'Ju s ne 2nd. ( )3. What do Chen jie and Sarah make for Amy? A. a big birthday cake . B. a beautiful card. C. Many photos ( )4.Is it Chen jie 's birthday today?A. Yes , it is B. No, sheisn ' tC. . No , it isn ' t. ( )5. Is Amy very happy today? A. No, she isn ' tB.. Yes, she is C. Yes, shiesn 't 五年级下册英语试题答案 一、 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分) 3. do you best Which season like ? 5. your birthday when is ? 三、从右栏中找出 正确的答案填入括号内。 ( ) 1.When do you eat breakfast ? 2. What 'sthe date today ? 3. Why do you like winter ? 4. What 's your favourite season ? 5. Is your birthday in July ? 四、阅读 理解。 (每题 3 分,共 15 分) 4. I sleep a long time because can . (每题 2 分,共 10 分) A.It 's April 30th. B. Because I can skate . ( ) C. I eat breakfast at 6:30 ( ) D. Yes , it is . ( ) E. Summer .

五年级下册 数学作业

五年级数学作业 姓名: 一、填空: 1、长方体和正方体都有( )个面,( )条棱,( )个顶点。 2、长方体的长是8厘米,宽是6厘米,高是5厘米,它的棱长和是( ) 厘米;六个面中最大的一个面积是( ) 平方厘米,表面积是( )平方厘米。 3、2850平方厘米=( )平方分米( )平方厘米 12.8米=( )分米=( )厘米 4、一个棱长是1分米的正方体,锯成2个小长方体,其中一个长方体的表面积是( )平方分米。 5、一个正方体的棱长为a 厘米,它的棱长和是( )厘米,表面积是( )平方厘米 6、用棱长1厘米的小正方体拼成一个棱长1分米的大正方体,需要( )个小正方体,把这些小正方体排成一排,长( )米。 7、平角的21 是( )度,是( )角。 8、一段公路每天修全长的121 ,4天修全长的( )。 9、七折指现价是原价的( ),一套原价75元的书,现八折出售,每套( )元。 10、正方形的边长34 米,它的周长是( )米,面积是( )平方米。 11、在“女生占全班人数的59 ”这一数学信息中,( )是“一个整 体”,写出求女生人数的数量关系式是:( )×59 =女生人数。 12、一根铁丝长58 米,截去14 ,还剩下( )( ) ;若截去14 米,还剩下( )米。 13、 1吨的58 等于( )吨的18 。 二、火眼金睛 1、将一个长方体切成两个相等的正方体,每个正方体的表面积是长方 体表面积的一半。( ) 2、有一组相对的面是正方体的长方体,其他四个面的面积相等。( ) 3、把一个长方体的长、宽、高都扩大2倍,表面积也扩大2倍。( ) 4、2个长方体表面积相等,棱长之和也一定相等。( ) 5.一件商品打六折是指现价是原价的106 。( ) 计算 109-53 134 - 51 117+158 1-198 158-3 2


pep小学英语三年级下册电子课本 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/da11216193.html,/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 pep小学英语三年级下册电子课本 体积较大,完整清晰版请点击下列地址直接下载 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/da11216193.html,/showtopic-7570.aspx 五年级上学期英语期末试卷 Class Name 同学们,寒假又来临啦!现在就让我们在几十分钟内进行一次奇异之旅吧! 听力部分 1、Listen and choose. (旅行即将拉开序幕,想赢取免费机票吗?只要把听到的正确图片选出来,就有机会哦!) 2.Listen and circle. (登机啦!戴上“伸缩耳”,听听广播,把有用的信息圈出来!) 1)A. young and active B. strict and tall C.smart and active

2)A.over the bed B.near the closet C.over the end table 3)A.cabbage and fish B.potatoes and pork C.mutton and potatoes 4)A.make the bed B.clean the bedroom C.put away the clothes 5)A.There is a lake. B.There is a forest. C.There is a mountain. 3. Listen and tick. (机长哈利`波特终于出现啦!他要宣布什么呢?仔细听,判断,记得用?和?表示。) 1)I’m a university student. 2)I don’t like Saturdays and Sundays. 3)I do housework on Saturdays. 4)I often do sports and watch TV on Sundays. 5)My favorite food is green beans. 4. Listen and write. (哈利`波特送你的第一件礼物是“魔杖”,赶快试试!把空中飞舞的单词定格在纸上。) thin tree meals cook eggplants


精品文档 五年级下册英语第六单元测试卷姓名___________ 分数 ________________一、找出下面单词中不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(12分)( )1.A.swim B. swimming C. swing D. run ( )2.A.season B. spring C.summer D. fall ( )3.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D.orange ( )4.A.kangaroo B. ant C.butterfly D.aunt ( )5.A. we are B. they are C.he is D. you are ( )6.A. morning B. afternoon C. sun D. evening 二、选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的括号里。(20分) 1.( ) What ____ John doing? A.is B.am C.are 2.( ) Is he ________ a report? A.writeing B.write C.writing 3.( )Where are they? A.Yes , they are. B.They are in the woods. C.They're picking up leaves. 4.( ) Are you eating lunch? A. Yes , you are. B. Yes, I can . C. No , we aren't. 5.( ) Is she counting insects? A. No,he isn't. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn't. 6.( ) Do you like sweet food? A.Yes , she does. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, I am. 7.( ) Are you flying kites? A.Yes , she does. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, I am. 8.( ) Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching butterflies ,___. A. too B. yes C. not 9.( ) It's time _____ go to school. A.to B.for C.on 10.( ) Let's do an experiment. A. Goodbye. B. OK. C. Thank you. 三、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(16分) ()1.What are you doing? A. It's running. ()2. What's the date? B.No,she isn't. ()3.Where is Zhang Peng ? C.He is in the woods. ()4.Are they reading a book? D.He's playing chess. ()5.What is John doing? E. I like apple . They are sweet . ()6.What's your favourite fruit? F. I am talking to you.. ()7.Is she writing a report? G .Yes,they are. ()8.What is it doing? H. It's May 1st. 四、连词成句。(10分) 1、playing is he chess . _____________________________________ 2、she insects is counting . _____________________________________ 3、he doing what is ? _____________________________________ 4、have today picnic a Let's . _____________________________________ 5、reading a book are they ? _____________________________________ 五、看一看下面的句子,根据汉语意思写一写单词。(8分) 1.They are _______ _______ . (下棋) 2. Today is Sunday , Mike and Chen Jie are ______ __ _______(野炊)in the park. They have a good time.


班级:姓名:学籍号: 整除具备的条件: 1、被除数、除数(0除外)都是整数; 2、商是整数; 3、商后面没有余数。 (说一说一个整数除法算式中,谁能被谁整除?谁能整除谁?) 整除的算式的特征: 1.除数、被除数都是自然数,且除数不为0。 2.被除数除以除数,商是自然数而没有余数。 整除的意义: 一个整数除以另一个不为零的整数,商是整数而没有余数,我们就说第一个整数能被第二个整数整除。 除尽包括整除。能除尽的不一定能整除,能整除的一定能除尽。 一个整数a除以整数b,除得的商正好是自然数,且没有余数,我们就说,a能被b 整除。b能整除a 。如15÷5=3、80÷20=4、24÷4=6 。自然数都是整数。a÷b=c (a、b、c均为自然数且b≠0) 0和任何数相乘都等于0;0除以任何数都等于0。 为了方便,我们在研究整除、因数和倍数时,所说的数一般都是指除0以外的自然数。 在整数除法中,如果商是整数而没有余数,我们就说被除数是除数的倍数,除数是被除数的因数。例如,12÷2=6,我们就说12是2的倍数,2是12的因数。12÷6=2,所以12是6的倍数,6是12的因数。 因数与倍数是相互依存的。(说一说一个整数除法算式中,谁是谁的因数?谁是谁的倍数?)a×b=c (a,b,c都是不为0的整数) a和b是c的因数,c是a的倍数,也是b的倍数。例如,3×6=18 ,3和6是18的因数,18是3的倍数,也是6的倍数。

班级:姓名:学籍号:家长签字: 练一练: 1.下面各题哪些是整除?哪些是除尽?哪些都不是?为什么? 32÷8=4 40÷30=1 (10) 35÷0.7=50 51÷17=3 20÷9=2……2 4.8÷1.2=4 4.2÷6=0.7 60÷5=12 2.如果数a能被数b整除,a就叫做b的(),b就叫做a的()。 15能被5整除,我们就说,15是5的(),5是15的()。 a、b、c都是非0的整数,如果存在ab=c,那么()是()的因数,()是()的倍数。 5×4=20,则()是()的因数,()是()的倍数。 3.说一说:20和10 7和3 5和5 2.1和0.7 1和17 1.哪组数中有因数和倍数的关系?为什么? 2.说出谁是谁的倍数,谁是谁的因数? 用5个同样的小正方体,摆出了这个立体图形,如果再增加1个同样的小正方体。 (1)从正面看是,你可以怎样摆? (2)从左面看是,你可以怎样摆? (3)从上面看是,你可以怎样摆? 现阶段俱乐部存在的问题


源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M 课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型新授课课时 A-1 教 学 目 标知识与技能:能听说单词Welcome,back,boy,and,girl,we,new, friend,today,from等;会运用句子I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。 过程与方法:创设情景,小组合作学习中巩固运用句型和单词。 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生尊重他人的良好品质。 重点 难点理解单词boy,girl,friend。 1.boy和from的读音不易掌握。 2.认识和理解英语中人名、地名及国家名称的写法和读 法。 学法 指导学生活动教具 学具单词卡片 通案个案 一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 师生问候,用英语打招呼 Welcome back to school!复习巩固学过的内容,创设英语学习氛围。 二、新课展示(Presentation) 1.教师借助Amy和 Zhang Peng的头饰向学生介绍引出单词:boy,girl,friend。 2.利用单词卡片生认读单词:boys and girls, today, new friends。 3.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Amy. I’m from the UK.借助国旗引导学生认识英国的英语名称。 4.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong.借助国旗引导学生认识英国、美国和加拿大的英语名称。

5.教师点拨:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首写字母大写的写法。the UK是英文缩写形式必须都大写,读作U和K。 (6)听课文录音,跟读对话。 三、趣味操练(Practice) 1.学生两人一组分角色练习对话。 2.小组展示:表演对话。 3. Look and say:看国旗,编对话运用句子:I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。理解What about you?的含义。 四、作业(Homework) 仿照课文对话,自己创编对话并表演。 课 堂 检 测一、看图连线。 boy friend girl 一、选择。 1. I_____Amy. A.am B.is C.are 2. I am _____ the UK. A.of B.from https://www.wendangku.net/doc/da11216193.html,e 3. We ____ two new friends today. A.has B.have C.having 4. 介绍自己来自美国时,应说:A.I’m from the USA.B.I’m the USA. 5. 介绍自己时应说:A.I’m Amy. B.This is Amy. 课题


小学五年级英语下册期末测试题 班级姓名分数 笔试部分:(共100分) 一、选出不同类的单词。(15分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third ()5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June 二、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。(30分) ( ) 1.spring A.春天B.季节C.夏天 ( ) 2.morning A.下午B.中午C.上午 ( ) 3.May A.五月B.三月C.六月 ( ) 4.write a letter A.写报告B.写信C.写电子邮件( ) 5.swim A.游泳B.荡秋千C.跑步 ( ) 6.usually A.通常 B.一般 C.经常 ( ) 7.evening A.晚上 B.早上 C.中午 ( ) 8.have a picnic A.数昆虫 B.举行野餐 C.做实验 ( ) 9.drink water A.打架 B.讲话 C.喝水 ( ) 10.twelfth A.十二 B.第十二 C.第二十 三、选择填空。(共30分) ( )1. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40. A. on B. in C. at ( )2 . ----What's the date today? ----____________ A. It's Tuesday. B. It's cool C. It's April 1st. ( )3 . ----Is Amy answering the phone? ----____________ A. Yes, he does. B. No, she is writing a letter. C. No, he isn't. ( )4. There is a call ____ you. A. for B. on C. at ( )5. ----__________? ----They are listening to music. A. What do they do? B. What are you doing? C. What are your grandparents doing? ( ) 6. This is __________________duck. A. my B. an C. you ( ) 7.He’s __________________ an e-mail. A. writing B. write C. written


HOME--全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录) 一、Warm—up 1、Have a great T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr . Ss: Wang. T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello!(老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello! Boys and girls.(老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Good! 2、 Do the actions. T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok? Ss: Ok! T do the actions and Ss say it after. Ss: Get up. T: You are first. One point. Ok! Ss: Brush teeth. T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one. Ss: Wash face. T: And this one. Ss: Have breakfast.

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