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当前位置:文档库 › xcode4破解与免费真机调试和转成ipa的方法





XCode 4.0.2 + iTouch 4_iOS_4.3.3(已越狱)

(据说iTouch需要用Cydia安装AppSync for 4.0+)




2.1. 应用程序-> 实用工具->钥匙串访问

2.2. 菜单:钥匙串访问->证书助理->创建证书

2.3. 输入证书名称:iPhone Developer(请原样输入,不要试图自己乱改名字),并选择覆盖默认值,其他默认

2.4. 点击继续

2.5. 序列号填1,有效期365(不要试图超过365),点击继续

2.6. 输入电子邮件,随便乱填,比如(此电子邮件拥有者要红了) ,点击继续

2.7. 2048\RSA,点击继续

2.8. 保持默认(1级2级打钩,3级…签名?打钩),点击继续

2.9. 勾选代码签名,继续




3.「XX XCode」

3.1. 复制以下内容到文本编辑中,保存为xx.sh

view sourceprint?#!/bin/bash

cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/

dd if=iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support of=working bs=500 count=255

printf "\x8f\x2a\x00\x00" >> working

dd if=iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support of=working bs=1 skip=127504 seek=127504

/bin/mv -n iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support.original

/bin/mv working iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support

chmod a+x iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support

mkdir /Developer/iphoneentitlements30

3.2. 在终端中执行该sh脚本

3.3. Finder中打开/Developer/iphoneentitlements30文件夹,复制以下内容,保存为gen_entitlements.py view sourceprint?#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

import struct

if len(sys.argv) != 3:

print "Usage: %s appname dest_file.xcent" % sys.argv[0]


APPNAME = sys.argv[1]

DEST = sys.argv[2]

if not DEST.endswith('.xml') and not DEST.endswith('.xcent'):

print "Dest must be .xml (for ldid) or .xcent (for codesign)"


entitlements = """





f = open(DEST,'w')

if DEST.endswith('.xcent'):


f.write(struct.pack('>L', len(entitlements) + 8))



3.4.将该py文件属性修改为777:打开终端,cd /Developer/iphoneentitlements30回车,chmod 777 gen_entitlements.py回车

至此,XCode XX完毕。


4.1. 用文本编辑打开Info.plist,将以下内容加在第一个下面一行





4.2. 搜索Info.plist中的XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext,全部替换为XCCodeSignContext,保存plist


5.1. 用XCode打开你的项目,找到你项目的xxx-Info.plist文件,添加”SignerIdentity”项,其值为”Apple

iPhone OS Application Signing”.保存。

5.2. 找到你项目的Build Settings-Code Signing Identity,把Debug和Release下面的分支都删除,然后将Code

Signing Identity的值改为iPhone Developer

5.3. Build Settings-Code Signing Entitlements的值改为xxx/Entitlements.plist。其中xxx是你的工程文件夹


5.4. 在你的工程目录,右键New File -> iPhone OS -> Code Signing -> Entitlements,新建一

个“Entitlements.plist”,点Finish,然后打开此文件,里面只有一项:Can be debugged,将其Value改为YES,保存

6. 至此所有步骤完成,接下来就是连接你的iOS设备了。如果第一次连接,XCode还不认识你的设备,需要什么Collect一下

信息之类。总之连接上后,你可以发现XCode的build scheme里面可以选择到你的iOS设备。然后直接debug 即可。

Have Fun!


音标练习——判断发音 英语音标试题(小学生) 一、写音标(共50空,25分) 1、写出20个元音 ①写出12个单元音 1)________2)________3)________4)________5)________6)________ 7)________8)________9)________10)________11) ________12)________ ②写出8个双元音 1)________2)________3)________4)________ 5)________6)________7)________8)________ 2、写出28个辅音 ①写出10对成对的清浊辅音 清:1)_____2)_____3)_____4)____ 5)_____6)____7)____ 8) ____ 9)_____ 10)_____ 浊:1)_____2)_____3)_____4)_____5)_____6)____7)____ 8) ____ 9)____ 10)_____ ②清辅音还有1个:________ ③浊辅音还有7个: _________________________________________________ 3、写出2个半元音

______________ 选出划线部分与其他三项发音不同的一项 ( )1.A.cake B.take C.map D.wave ( )2.A.bread B.eat C.tea D.meat ( )3.A.never B.leg C.red D.he ( )4.A.good B.too C.book D.wood ( )5.A.father B.dadC.star D.car ( )6.A.cokeB.hot C.box D.not ( )7.A.bike B.five C.my D.his ( )9.A.what B.water C.walk D.talk ( )10.A.go B.no C.to D.nose ( )12.A.lot B.not C.to D.hot ( )13.A.tea B.idea C.ear D.dear ( )14.A.flower B.lowC.how D.brown ( )15.A.nice B.hi C.hit D.bike ( )16.A.youB.house C.mouth D.trousers ( )17.A.study B.cut C.bus D.duty ( )20.A.street B.coffee C.meet D.see ( )21.A.let B.apple C.vegetableD.noodle ( )22.A.bad B.hand C.pair D.have ( )23.A.pigB.together C.goose D.sing ( )25.A.sofa B.off C.pot D.lot


国际音标期末测试题 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

7、() A、[ m ] B、[ ] C、[ n ] D、[ l ] 8、() A、[ l ] B、[ r ] C、[ j ] D、[ n ] 9、() A、[ u ] B、[ w ] C、[ j ] D、[ v ] 10、() A、[ s ] B、[ z ] C、[ ts ] D、[ dz ] 四、从下面四个选项中选出你听到的单词音标。 ( ) 1. A、[bα:θ] B、[bs] C、[b:s] D、[b:θ] ( ) 2. A、[si] B、[θi ] C、[ ∫i ] D、[zi ] ( ) 、[mi:] B、[wi:] C、[ni:] D、[ ti: ] ( ) 、[t∫ip] B、[ kip] C、[ θi:p] D、[ ni:p] ( ) 5. A、[bif] B、[tif] C、[dif] D、[pif ] ( ) 6. A、[biz ] B、[vis ] C、[pin] D、[tiz] ( ) 7. A、[lait ] B、[nait ] C、[leit ] D、[neit] ( ) 8. A、[∫i] B、[ t∫i] C、[ pin ] D、[ bin] ( ) 9. A、[drai] B、[trai] C、[i] D、[tai] ( ) 、[l?ut] B、[ɡ?ut] C、[b?ut] D、[k?ut] 五、从B栏找出与A栏对应的单词或音标并连线。 1、 A B hurry [baik] hurt [keik] look [hΛri] cake [luk] bike [h:t] 2、 A B [θi ] goat

英语国际音标 小学入门考试卷

国际音标测试卷 姓名得分 听力部分(共30分) 一. 选出你所听到的单词,每题听两遍。(10 分) 1.()A. Pea B. Kid C. Eat D. kick 2.()A. Dig B. Ticket C. Bit D. deep 3.()A. Pig B. Key C. TV D. Egg 4.()A. Bread B. Hamburger C. Daddy D. Bat 5.()A. Beef B. Gift C. Happy D. Hat 6.()A. Crab B. Monkey C. Rabbit D. Red 7.()A. Bird B. Sir C. Girl D. Leg 8.()A. Leaf B. Sun C. Milk D.map 9.()A. Corn B. Ball C. Door D. Sheep 10.()A. Ship B. Cheese C. Hit D. Peach 二. 选出划线部分发音与你听到的音标相同的选项(10 分) 11.()A. Vision B. Garage C. Chick D. Peach 12.()A. Bag B. Beef C. Star D. Car 13.()A. Monkey B. Finger C. Cheese D. happy 14.()A. Chocolate B. Dress C. Draw D. Truck 15.()A. Class B. Boot C. By D. Get 16.()A. Fourth B. Eat C. Dish D. No 17.()A. Lion B. Kite C. Nice D. Quick 18.()A. Party B. Old C. Open D. potato 19.()A. Pea B. Rich C. Five D. good 20.()A. Symbol B. Car C. Ten D. Three 三.为听到的单词选择正确的汉语意思(10分) 21.( ) A. 苹果 B. 桃子 C. 香蕉 D. 蛋糕 22.( ) A. 鸟 B.猴子 C. 猪 D. 狗 23.( ) A. 船 B.靴子 C.盒子 D. 卡片 24.( ) A. 小汽车 B.公交车 C. 小船D飞机. 25.( ) A. 面包 B.牛奶 C.巧克力 D.饼干 26.( ) A. 小鸡 B.公鸡 C. 肉 D. 玉米 27.( ) A. 甜点 B.盘子 C. 羽毛 D. 冰箱 28.( ) A. 手指 B.风筝 C.芒果 D. 夜晚 29.( ) A. 老虎 B.线 C. 活泼的 D.手表 30.( ) A. 背心 B. 蔬菜 C. 拜访 D. 西红柿 笔试部分(共70分) 四.选出发音部分相同的两个单词(20分) 31. ( )( ) A. Student B. Supermarket C. Computer D. Yellow



4、() A、[ u ] B、[u: ] C、[ ] D、[ : ] 5、() A、[ i ] B、[u ] C、[e ] D、[u ] 6、() A、[t∫] B、[ ∫] C、[ s ] D、[ z ] 7、() A、[ m ] B、[ ] C、[ n ] D、[ l ] 8、() A、[ l ] B、[ r ] C、[ j ] D、[ n ] 9、() A、[ u ] B、[ w ] C、[ j ] D、[ v ] 10、() A、[ s ] B、[ z ] C、[ ts ] D、[ dz ] 四、从下面四个选项中选出你听到的单词音标。 ( ) 1. A、[bα:θ] B、[bs] C、[b:s] D、[b:θ] ( ) 2. A、[si] B、[θi ] C、[ ∫i ] D、[zi ] ( ) 3.A、[mi:] B、[wi:] C、[ni:] D、[ ti: ] ( ) 4.A、[t∫ip] B、[ kip] C、[ θi:p] D、[ ni:p] ( ) 5. A、[bif] B、[tif] C、[dif] D、[pif ] ( ) 6. A、[biz ] B、[vis ] C、[pin] D、[tiz] ( ) 7. A、[lait ] B、[nait ] C、[leit ] D、[neit] ( ) 8. A、[∫i] B、[ t∫i] C、[ pin ] D、[ bin] ( ) 9. A、[drai] B、[trai] C、[i] D、[tai] ( ) 10.A、[l?ut] B、[ɡ?ut] C、[b?ut] D、[k?ut] 五、从B栏找出与A栏对应的单词或音标并连线。 1、 A B hurry [baik] hurt [keik] look [hΛri] cake [luk]


六年级期末 - 英语音标练习题—判断发音 ( 含答案 )

音标练习——判断发音 英语音标试题(小学生) 一、写音标(共50 空, 25 分) 1、写出 20 个元音 ①写出 12 个单元音 1) ________ 2)________ 3)________ 4)________ 5)________ 6)________ 7)________ 8)________ 9)________ 10)________ 11)________ 12)________ ②写出 8 个双元音 1) ________ 2)________ 3)________ 4)________ 5) ________ 6)________ 7)________ 8)________ 2、写出 28 个辅音 ①写出 10 对成对的清浊辅音 清: 1)_____2)_____3)_____4)____ 5)_____6)____7)____ 8)____ 9) _____ 10 ) _____ 浊: 1)_____2)_____3)_____4)_____5)_____6)____7)____ 8)____ 9) ____ 10 )_____ ②清辅音还有 1 个: ________ ③浊辅音还有 7 个: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ - 2 -

3、写出 2 个半元音 _______ _______ 选出划线部分与其他三项发音不同的一项 ( )1.A.cake B.take C.map D.wave ( )2.A.bread B.eat C.tea D.meat ( )3.A.never B.leg C.red D.he ( )4.A.good B.too C.book D. wood ( )5.A.father B.dad C.star D.car ( )6.A.coke B.hot C.box D.not ( )7.A.bike B.five C.my D.his ( )9.A.what B.water C.walk D.talk ( )10.A.go B.no C.to D.nose ( )12.A.lot B.not C.to D.hot ( )13.A.tea B.idea C. ear D.dear ( )14.A.flower B.low C.how D.brown ( )15.A.nice B.hi C.hit D.bike ( )16.A.you B.house C.mouth D.trousers ( )17.A.study B.cut C.bus D.duty ( )20.A.street B.coffee C.meet D.see ( )21.A.let B.apple C.vegetable D.noodle ( )22.A.bad B.hand C.pair D.have - 3 -


英语国际音标测试题 姓名:____________ 评分:________________ 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同打“/”,不同打“X” 。(100 分) ()1、meat green ()2、happy_ sit ()3、me decide ()4、bag hand ()5、hat head ()6、bird actor_ ()7、car bus ()8、talk tall ()9、room tooth ()10、orange hot ()11 、door room ()12、cake late ()13 、day try_ ()14、nine like ()15 、house out ()16、toy_ oil ()17 、sure there ()18、ship peach ()19 、skirts_ _shirts_ ()20、mouth sing 、with three ()22、words students () 21 ()23 、China tree ()24、big bye ()25 、very well ()26、drink dress ()27 、sing English ()28、near bear ()29 、coat now ()30、love ask ()31 、beef see ()32、sweater breakfast ()33 、shirt under ()34、mother glass ()35 、lot not ()36、do dose

()37、()39、()41、()43、()45、()47、()49、()51、()53、()55、()57、()59、()61、()63、()65、()67、()69、()71、()73、()75、()77、good foot ()38、would push four floor ()40、please miss map black ()42、lesson yes nurse her ()44、father word walk watch ()46、could blue rain night ()48、here dear king_ run_ ()50 、 milk come orange drive ()52、three mouth bike kite ()54 、 cake bag nose box ()56 、 bed egg blue two ()58 、bear pear there here ()60 、race have ju§t mu§t ()62 、mobile pocket ground cousin ()64 、ball_ roll_ video diary ()66 、there where year hear ()68、dear bear where hair ()70、pear near first her ()72、fifth there blow touch ()74、May Monday tea meat ()76、back have warm garden ()78、look cook pu^h fun ()80、cold hot ()79、


译林7A英语音标期中专项练习 Class: Name: Score: 一写出下列单词划线部分的音标 (开音节,闭音节) 练一练 A write wrote rode hate hope gate those phone shine shone he she hi jade lace Shade cube mute prose nude we 练一练 B sand tact shack stung deck kept spell cut thresh chin chip thin hind pitch duck dog pick lift hot shock rush slum 练一练 C 1. blade 2.shack 3. mute 4. crave 5.brick 6. gene 7. theft 8.crime 9. prose 10. welsh 11. mule 12. Cube 13.mute 14.catch 15.quack 16.flint 17. limb 18.prick 19.twitch 20.scrape 21.wring 22.broth 23.prod 24.suck 25.quote 26 strike Aa ----- 开音节:// Ee ----- 开音节://I i ----- 开音节:// 闭音节:闭音节://闭音节://

Oo ----- 开音节:// Uu -----开音节:/ / 闭音节:/?闭音节:// 二写音标 (辅音音标) 1. pen 2. bed 3. tea 4. home 5. map 6. late 7. call 8. read 9. week 10. date 11. back 12. kite 13. En glish 14. sin g15. know 16. nice 17. drink 18. uncle 19. rin g20. oran ge 21. year 22. cry 23. study 24. jump 25. fly 26. get27. geography catch 28. who 29. which 30. cute 31. nice 三、写音标 1. We 2. but 3. hide 4. shock 5. pen 6. name 7. bone 8. cute 9.hit 10.food 11. Thursday 12. dark 13. horse 14. sir 15. tea 16. Keep 17. match 18. fur 19. call 20. ready 21. player 22. term 23. team 24. cook 25. room 26. word 27. warm 28. car 29. good 30. book 四、写音标 1. map 2. desk 3. run 4. lot 5. hit 6. horse 7. skirt 8. good 9. after 10. world 11. teacher 12. player 13. weather 14. uncle 15. quarter 16. year 17. jump 18. know 19. study 20. which


48个英语国际音标元音辅音及发音规则应用方法练习题. 音标是我们学习英语的有利助手,通过音标的学习,能帮助我们更轻松的记忆英语单词、更好地学习英语知识、,望同学们力学之。 音素:指语音的最小单位(指发音) 音标:用来记录音素的符号(写在/ / 之间) 音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位. 第I部分:元音<20个> 发音特点:发音时声带振动,气流在通路上不受发音器官阻挡。 单元音:(12个) / i:/ / ?/ / e / / ? / / ?:/ / ? / /?:/ / ?/ /?:// ?/ / u:/ / ?/ 双元音:(8个) /e?//a?//??//??//a?//??//e?//??/ 第II部分:辅音<28个> 发音特点:发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官的阻挡,同时声带不振动是清辅音,声带振动是浊辅音。 清辅音:(11个) / p // t // k // f // θ / / s / / ?/ / t?/ / tr / / ts / / h / 浊辅音:(17个) / b / / d / / g / / v / / e / / z / / ?/ /d?/ /dr/ /dz/ / r / / m / / n / / ? / / ?/ / w/ / j / 说明:1、几组常用音节:①/?n / un der ②/?n / Englan d ③/ ?n / man ④/ v?n / seven ⑤/ a?n / down ⑥/ j u: / you ⑦ / kw/quiet 2、[ l ] 有两种发音:在元音前读清晰[ l ],在辅音前或词尾读含糊[ l ]eg: lake[leIk],little[li:tl ] 3、清音浊化:/sp/→ /sb/ spring, /st/→/sd/ stay, /sk/→ /sg/ skirt, /str/→ /sdr/ street. 巩固部分:


9. There are two ________ in my pencil-box. A. knive B. knifes C. knives D. a knife 6. -- Is this your sweater, Joy? -- No, it's not _______ sweater. _________ is yellow. 10. It's getting dark. Please _____ the light. A. turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn up 11. -- Must they clean the classroom now? -- No, they _______ . A. can't B. needn't C. don't D. mustn't 12. -- Who cleans the room every morning? -- Jimmy ______ . A. cleans B. does C. is cleaning D. is doing 13. -- Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Nick? 小伦敦英语《新概念英语 1》期中 试卷 (Lesson61-72)班级: 姓名: ______ (满分 100分,时间 80 分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 核分人 得分 A. my/My B. my/Mine C.mine/ Mine D. mine/ My 7. Oh, boys and girls, come in please. And make ____________ at home. A. yourself B. us C. you D. yourselves 8. There are __________ on the table. A. 3 bottles of oranges B. 3 bottle of orange C. 3 bottle of oranges D. 3 bottles of orange 1. ( ) [s] A . cook B. corner C. cousin D. city 2. ( ) [ai] A. l ift B. fish C. ice D. d ish 3. ( ) [ei] A. l ake B. any C. fact D. a rt 4. ( ) [θ] A. father B. thanks C. mother D. brothe r 5. ( ) [?u] A. cold B. once C. hot D. f ox 小题;每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 第 I 卷 ( 选择题, 共计 70分) 一、找出划线部分与给定音标相符的单词(共 得分 评卷人 得分 评卷人 15小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 二、单项选择(共


英语国际音标测试题TTA standardization office


英语国际音标测试题 姓名:英文名:评分: 一、把下列的音标分类。 [ i: ] [ d ] [dz ] [ e ] [ s ] [ g ] [u: ] [ m ] [ai ] [ w ] [ ] [ v ] [: ] [ ] [ ei ] [z ] [ i ] [t∫] [ b ] [a: ] [:] [f ] [au ] [θ] [u ] [ l ] [Λ] [ j ] [З ] [ e ] [tr ] [ h ] [ i ] [dЗ] [t ] [ ] [ ts ] [u ] [p ] [e ] [ n ] [∫ ] [ ] [k ] [i ] [r ] [u ] [ dr ] 元音: 辅音: 二、从下面四个音素中选出你听到的音素。 1、() A、[ i: ] B、[ i ] C、[ ] D、[ei ] 2、() A、[Λ] B、[ ] C、[a: ] D、[ai ] 3、() A、[ ei ] B、[ai ] C、[i ] D、[ i ]

4、() A、[u ] B、[u: ] C、[ ] D、[ : ] 5、() A、[ i? ] B、[u? ] C、[e? ] D、[ u ] 6、() A、[t∫] B、[∫] C、[ s ] D、[ z ] 7、() A、[ m ] B、[ ] C、[ n ] D、[ l ] 8、() A、[ l ] B、[r ] C、[ j ] D、[ n ] 9、() A、[u ] B、[ w ] C、[ j ] D、[ v ] 10、() A、[s ] B、[z ] C、[ ts ] D、[dz ] 三、从下面四个选项中选出你听到的单词音标。 ( ) 1. A、[ten ] B、[tem ] C、[tn] D、[tm ] ( ) 2. A、[si] B、[θi? ] C、[∫i? ] D、[zi? ] ( ) 3. A、[mi:] B、[wi:] C、[ni:] D、[ti: ] ( ) 4. A、[t∫ip] B、[ kip] C、[θi:p] D、[ ni:p] ( ) 5. A、[bif] B、[bif] C、[dif] D、[pif] ( ) 6. A、[b?iz ] B、[v?is ] C、[pin] D、[tiz] ( ) 7. A、[lait ] B、[nait ] C、[leit ] D、[neit]



3、() A、[ ei ] B、[ ai ] C、[ ?i ] D、[ i? ] 4、() A、[ u ] B、[u: ] C、[ ? ] D、[ ?: ] 5、() A、[ i? ] B、[u? ] C、[e? ] D、[?u ] 6、() A、[t∫] B、[ ∫] C、[ s ] D、[ z ] 7、() A、[ m ] B、[ ? ] C、[ n ] D、[ l ] 8、() A、[ l ] B、[ r ] C、[ j ] D、[ n ] 9、() A、[ u ] B、[ w ] C、[ j ] D、[ v ] 10、() A、[ s ] B、[ z ] C、[ ts ] D、[ dz ] 四、从下面四个选项中选出你听到的单词音标。 ( ) 1. A、[bα:θ] B、[b?s] C、[b?:s] D、[b?:θ] ( ) 2. A、[si?] B、[θi? ] C、[ ∫i? ] D、[zi? ] ( ) 3.A、[mi:] B、[wi:] C、[ni:] D、[ ti: ] ( ) 4.A、[t∫ip] B、[ kip] C、[ θi:p] D、[ ni:p] ( ) 5. A、[bif] B、[tif] C、[dif] D、[pif ] ( ) 6. A、[b?iz ] B、[v?is ] C、[p?in] D、[t?iz] ( ) 7. A、[lait ] B、[nait ] C、[leit ] D、[neit] ( ) 8. A、[∫i?] B、[ t∫i?] C、[ pin ] D、[ bin] ( ) 9. A、[drai] B、[trai] C、[??i] D、[tai] ( ) 10.A、[l?ut] B、[ɡ?ut] C、[b?ut] D、[k?ut] 五、从B栏找出与A栏对应的单词或音标并连线。 1、 A B hurry [baik] hurt [keik]


小伦敦英语《新概念英语1》期中试卷 (Lesson61-72)班级:姓名:______ (满分100分,时间80分钟) 第I卷 (选择题, 共计70分) 一、找出划线部分与给定音标相符的单词(共5 小题;每小题1分,共5分) 1. ( ) [s] A. cook B. corner C. cousin D. city 2. ( ) [ai] A. lift B. fish C. ice D. dish 3. ( ) [ei] A. lake B. any C. fact D. art 4. ( ) [θ] A. fa ther B. thanks C. mother D. brother 5. ( ) [?u] A. cold B. once C. hot D. fox 二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分) 6. -- Is this your sweater, Joy? -- No, it's not______sweater. _______ is yellow. A. my/My B. my/Mine C.mine/ Mine D. mine/ My 7.Oh, boys and girls, come in please. And make ________ at home. A. yourself B. us C. you D. yourselves 8.There are _______ on the table. A. 3 bottles of oranges B. 3 bottle of orange C. 3 bottle of oranges D. 3 bottles of orange 9.There are two _______ in my pencil-box. A. knive B. knifes C. knives D. a knife 10.It's getting dark. Please _____ the light. A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn up 11.-- Must they clean the classroom now? -- No, they_______. A.can't B. needn't C. don't D. mustn't 12.-- Who cleans the room every morning? -- Jimmy______. A.cleans B. does C. is cleaning D. is doing 13.-- Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Nick? -- John______. A.cleaned B. does C. did D. Is 题号一二三四五六七八总分核分人得分 得分评卷人 得分评卷人


语音的基本常识 1. 关于语音的几个概念 1. 1) 字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母a, e, i(y), o, u, 2) 音标:词的语音形式。 3) 音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。 4) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。ap'ple, stu'dent, tea'cher, un'der'stand 5) 元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20元音。 6) 辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28辅音。 7) 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due; b) 辅音+元音he, go, hi 8) 闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音bad, bed, sit, hot, cup; b)元音+辅音it 9) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。 2. 读音规则 1) 重读音节(见元音和辅音的例句) 2) 非重读音节[ ] banana, student, today, after, [i] orange, secret, evening, very, Monday 3. 特殊读音 1)音的连读:前面的词以元辅音结尾,后面的单词以元音开头,这样结尾的辅音要和开头的元音连读。例如:not at all, half an hour, I love you and all. after all 2)失去爆破:辅音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。例如:good girl, good student, good job, expression, school, extreme 3)音的同化:两个特殊的音碰到一起,会发出变异成特殊的音。例如:Would you do it? I am glad to meet you. Can't you see it? last year, this year, 4)浊化音 以sp__, st___, sk___开头的单词清辅音/p/ /t/ /k/分别要发浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/。 4. 重音 1)单词重音 A)双音节词 a)一般在第一个音节重读。letter, sorry b)有a-, be-, de-, re-, res-, in-, im-, en-, em-, es-, ex-, con-, com-, dis-, mis-, pre-, per-, pro-, trans- 等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音。a'bout, be'lieve, ad'dress, de'cide, re'port, con'demn, res'pect, com'pare, in'form, dis'cuss, im'press, mis'take, en'force, pre'pare, em'ploy, per'mit, es'cape, pro'duce, ex'claim,trans'late c)有de-, in-, re-, con-, pre- 等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关, 一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的词性在第二个音节上。'record, re'cord; 'insult, in'sult; 'conduct, con'duct; 'present pre'sent; 'content, con'tent d)有些复合词和带有前缀re-, ex-, un-, pre-, post-, 等的词,有两个重音。'out'side, 're'tell, 'well-'known, 'un'real, 'fif'teen, 'Chi'nese, 'pre-'war, 'post-'war B)多音节词 a)一般倒数第三个音节是重音。'difficult, 'communist, 'family, e'conomy, oppor'tunity,de'mocracy.


( ) 8. A、[∫i?] B、[ t∫i?] C、[ pin ] D、[ bin] ( ) 9. A、[drai] B、[trai] C、[??i] D、[tai] ( ) 10.A、[l?ut] B、[ɡ?ut]C、[b?ut] D、[k?ut] 五、从B栏找出与A栏对应的单词或音标并连线。 1、 A B hurry [baik] hurt [keik] look [?hΛri] cake [luk] bike [h?:t] 2、 A B [θi? ] goat [ d?g ] pear [ g?ut ] thing [ feis ] dog [ pe? ] face 六、从下列四个选项中选出所给单词的正确读音。 ( ) 1.sit A、[set] B、[sit] C、[s?t] D、[s?t] ( ) 2.coat A、[kut ] B、[k?ut ] C、[k?:t] D、[sit] ( ) 3.desk A、[dΛk] B、[d?k] C、[desk] D、[du:k] ( ) 4.mouth A、[mauθ] B、[m?us] C、[mus ] D、[mΛs] ( ) 5.cry A、[srai] B、[krai] C、[kri ] D、[ krei] ( ) 6.wear A、[wi? ] B、[wi:] C、[ he?] D、[we? ] ( ) 7.deep A、[di:p] B、[dip] C、[dep] D、[d?p] 七、根据音标,选择正确的单词。 Apple feet bear keep head white desk elephant lamp mouse / be?/ / wait / / ??pl / / ki:p / / hed / / ?elif?nt / / maus / / fi:t / / desk / / l?mp / 八、根据音标写单词。 ['p?:pl] _________ ['ɡri:n] ________ [ten]___ _____ [fut]___ ____ ['wum?n]______ [biɡ]________ [d?:] _______ ['laibr?ri]____ [ɡ?ut] _________ G ____ J____ H____ W ____ X____ F____


国际音标期末考试卷 国际音标期末考试卷 (满分100) 姓名题号 I VII VIII 得分家长签字 II III IV V VI 得分 I. 填空(8分) 1. 英语音标共有____个,其中元音____个,辅音____个。。 2(元音分为____ 个短元音,____个长元音和____个双元音。 3. 辅音分为____个清辅音和____个浊辅音。 II(配对,把字母写在相应的题号前的括号内。(10分) A. [b?: d] B. [desk] C. [h?: s] D. [a: m] E. [b?s] F. [θri:] G.[?pikt??] H. [ti: m] I.[?h?pi] J.[greit] ( )1( three ( )2( Team ( )3( Picture ( )4( Happy ( )5( Desk ( )6( Bird ( )7( Arm ( ) 8( bus ( )9( Horse ( )10(great III.找出所给单词的音标。(10分) ( )1(thank A. [θ??k] B. [ s??k] C. [ e??k] ( )2(nice A. [mais] B. [rais] C. [nais] ( )3(vest A. [vest] B. [best] C. [west] ( )4(friends A. [frends] B. [frendz] C. [frens] ( )5(wrong A. [r??] B. [w??] C. [wr??] IV.将下列音标按元音和辅音分类。(32分) /p/ /?/ /t?/ /tr/ /e/ /l/ /d/ /d?/ /ei/ /?/ /h/ /e/ /ai/ /i:/ /j/ /?/ /t/ /?:/ /?/ /au/ /u:/ /r/ /f/ /?/ /dz/ /dr/ /θ/ /?i/ /u?/ /m/ /a:/ / ?:/


七年级英语下册期中试题 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1.Lingling can play piano, but she can't play football. A.the;/ B./;the C./;/ D.the;the 2. Tina is good writing stories and she is also good her friends. A.at;with B.at;at C.with;at D.with;with 3. —Do you like the called Aquaman? —Yes, I do. I will go to the cinema and watch it again. A.book B.movie C.song D.club 4.I have been in the USA for many years. I my friends in China. I really want to go back home. A.miss B.catch C.win D.lose 5.I don't like dogs at all. In fact, I'm a little of them. A.afraid B.friendly C.angry D.relaxed 6. April 23rd is World Reading Day. It's for us to read all life. A.important B.strict C.terrible 7.—Don't forget your history and Chinese books tomorrow morning. —Thanks. I won't. A.bring B.brings C.bringing D.to bring 8.The man wishes a new car, but he doesn't have enough money to buy one. A.has B.to have C.having D.had 9.My sister the piano very well, but she hasn't had time to play recently. A.will play B.has played C.played D.plays 10. There are two trees in my backyard. One is a Chinese date tree. is also a Chinese date tree. A.The other B.Other C.Another 11. —Can I sing here? —No, you can't. But you can music here. A.think of B.listen to C.ask for 12.(2017湖北孝感中考)Look at the “No Photos” sign. You take photos in the art museum.

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