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We all have a clear picture of the story about crows drinking water, but in the picture given, it shows another story. A crow surprisingly saw its fellow drinking water easily with a sucker/straw instead of filling the bottle with stones. After seeing the picture, I am totally deep in thought.

Actually, we are just like the crows. Many of us strive to drink the water with our mouths, which is painful and unsuccessful. However, there are few people thinking from a new angle and achieving twice the result with half the efforts. Our life is just like drinking water in the bottle. We all spare no efforts to achieve what we want but eventually end up in failure. So how can we break the stereotype and become accomplished?

First and foremost, never always believe in books. An old saying has it that “It’s better to walk ten thousand miles th an to read ten thousand books.” Admittedly, we can acquire knowledge from books. But what we should do is to apply what we have learnt to practice. In addition, we should think from a new angle so that a unique idea may strike on us. Last but not least, we should learn from others, thus adopting the experiences and skills in our own ways.

As a student, I should pay more attention to creating new ideas instead of just referring to the books. Only when I have a clear mind and be more innovative can I make greater

contributions to the society in the future.


As is vividly depicted in the picture, a crow is drinking water from the bottle in its own way, while a bird nearby thinks the crow should have drunk water as the book told them. As far as I'm concerned, the picture actually reveals a thought-provoking problem.

It's self-evident that in the current exam-oriented educational system, we tend to believe everything we acquire from our text book. The knowledge we learn from the books is bound to be theory. Admittedly, theory can help us solve the problems in our test papers, it could not always be useful in our daily life. It's no exaggeration that practice sometimes carries more weight than theory. Thus, I will give priority to combine theory with practice. Besides, what our text books say is true in most cases, however, it's not always the case. From my perspective, it's crucial for us to have a critical attitude towards the books since searching for truth is an ongoing process. If we blindly believe our books, chances are that we may be deprived of the opportunity to make new findings.

In a nutshell, it's undesirable to believe everything in our books. I'm in the hope that we could cultivate critical spirit towards our books and develop our potential to the full.


As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are two crows hoping to drink the water in the bottle. One crow keeps throwing stones into the bottle, acting exactly what he learnt from the book, while the other uses a more brilliant measure and successfully gets access to the water.

Laughing at the former crow, ironically, most of us may have a hard time applying theory and experience in books to practice, only to find those so-called geniuses succeed in developing a shortcut. The key is to think and work creatively.

Indeed, there’s no denying that books are the heaven of knowledge, the ocean of wisdom where our minds swim and our souls are enriched. But depending on them too much and automatically copying theories will eventually make Jack a dull boy.On the other hand, by thinking innovatively, we cease to cling to old rules told by books. Our spirits are no longer confined and we can manage to embrace universal possibilities. Try observing and approaching something in another way like what Einstein did to classical physics and what Darwin did to the Origin of Species. Only by then our future will not be so blurry and vague.

If everyone stuck to books, no new flames of innovation would be born. Please think outside the box.


1高考英语作文范文 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 【答案】 Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 【亮点】本文是一篇较为优秀的范文。格式正确,要点全面,语言通顺流畅,很好地完成了写作任务。在本文中开头提出写信的目的,然后具体讲述自己的困难,再提出请求,最后表达自己的感激之情。所以在内容上逻辑性较强。此外,作者还使用了不定式短语In order to get some practical experience,、现在分词短语hoping you can give me some help、宾语从句if there are something to pay attention to等。经典句式this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume也是文章的亮点所在。


2010年山东高考英语作文 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150; 2. 可适当增加细节。 【范文】 Dear Tom, I am indeed very sorry that I can not go to Beijing with you next week , which I have promised .I feel sorry for about it and want you to know what happened . Just now ,my cousin , Li Qiong , who left home to Australia for his further study last year , informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family . You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year . I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing .Once again ,I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused . Sincerely yours, Li Hua 2011年山东高考英语作文 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件: 1.询问Tom的生活和学习情况; 2.谈谈你的困难并请Tom帮忙; 3.告诉Tom你打算赛后去看他。 注意:1.词数:120-150;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【范文】 Dear Tom, It’s a month since you studied in Beijing. How is everything going with you? I am really happy to spend such an unforgettable experience with you here. I am going to take part in an English speech contest for middle school students in July this summer. I think the chance is of great importance for me. To have a very good performance, I am making preparations for it. However, I still have some trouble in collecting useful materials. Meanwhile,I find it hard to use English properly. I would appreciate it if you could offer me a


2016年上海市闵行区高三一模语文试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、现代文阅读 1. 阅读下文,完成下面小题。 说自己和说别人 赵汀阳 ①去年以来,有些最具知名度的大导演或娱乐明星纷纷表达了这样的观点,认为文化没什么雅俗之分,甚至认为没有雅的东西,其实全都俗。这是一个重要的信号。如果说俗文化受众多,更为火爆,这不奇怪。但是如果俗文化成为主旋律之后,还要进一步彻底否定雅文化的存在,问题就有点大了。有位西方著名学者比较关心中国,他对中国当下文化的“不健康”感到吃惊,中国现在的艺术家和导演往往用很猥亵很脏的眼光去看人、看生活、看各种事物。 ②现代社会有一个特征叫做平等,平等就要向某种标准对齐,古人说要见贤思齐,这是往更高更好的事物看齐而形成的平等,比如说,优秀作品应该成为公共资源,让一切人有机会看到优秀作品,良好的教育不能被某些人霸占,应该是开放的、平等的,人人有机会接触更好的文化,然后都能得到提高,最后大家都在更好更高的层面对齐,这是人人得到优化的平等。像现在的这种向低看齐、向下看齐的平等是一种集体堕落的平等。看来文化重建这个问题值得考虑。 ③文化重建是个大问题,有两件事情值得关心,一是重新说自己,重建中国自己的思想和文化叙事。另一方面要去说别人,要面对世界,用中国思想去解释世界各种事情。 ④说自己,中国自身的思想和文化重构,目前还是初步的。从目前的话语主流来说,还是用西方的观念看中国的多,这是替西方人看中国,不算中国自己独立思想。现在已经有一些中国学者开始创作新的中国观念,或者重构中国叙事,比如汪晖重新叙述的中国思想史,还有许多人的工作,诸如此类的努力,观点都可以商榷,但关键是要把事情做起来。 ⑤说别人,也是很重要的事情。目前,说自己不多,说别人就更少了。按照西方人的想说西方人的故事,这还是等于翻译。问题是我们关于西方有什么自己的独立见解。假如中国的事情用西方观点看,西方的事情乃至世界的事情也用西方观点看,那我们自己在做什么?最多就是西方观点的编译工作。这也是一种文化工作,但显然不是文化重建工作。能够分析自己,也能够分析他者,这才算有一种文化。


2016上海高考理科数学真题及答案 一、填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1、设x R ∈,则不等式13<-x 的解集为______________________ 2、设i i Z 23+= ,期中i 为虚数单位,则Im z =______________________ 3、已知平行直线012:,012:21=++=-+y x l y x l ,则21,l l 的距离_______________ 4、某次体检,6位同学的身高(单位:米)分别为1.72,1.78,1.75,1.80,1.69,1.77则这组数据的中位数是_________(米) 5、已知点(3,9)在函数x a x f +=1)(的图像上,则________)()(1 =-x f x f 的反函数 6、如图,在正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面ABCD 的边长为3,1BD 与底面所成角的大小为3 2 arctan ,则该正四棱柱的高等于____________ 7、方程3sin 1cos2x x =+在区间[]π2,0上的解为___________ 学.科.网 8、在n x x ??? ? ? -23的二项式中,所有项的二项式系数之和为256,则常数项等于_________ 9、已知ABC ?的三边长分别为3,5,7,则该三角形的外接圆半径等于_________ 10、设.0,0>>b a 若关于,x y 的方程组1 1ax y x by +=?? +=? 无解,则b a +的取值范围是____________ 11.无穷数列{}n a 由k 个不同的数组成,n S 为{}n a 的前n 项和.若对任意*∈N n ,{}3,2∈n S ,则k 的最大值为. 12.在平面直角坐标系中,已知A (1,0),B (0,-1),P 是曲线21x y -=上一个动点,则BA BP ?的取值范围是. 13.设[)π2,0,,∈∈c R b a ,若对任意实数x 都有()c bx a x +=?? ? ? ? - sin 33sin 2π,则满足条件的有序实数组()c b a ,,的组数为. 14.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,O 为正八边形821A A A Λ的中心, ()0,11A .任取不同的两点j i A A ,,点P 满足0=++j i OA OA OP ,则点 P 落在第一象限的概率是. 二、选择题(5×4=20) 15.设R a ∈,则“1>a ”是“12 >a ”的( )


2017年高考英语作文 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷) 使用地区:考听力:山西、河南、河北、湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、福建、山东; 不考听力:广东 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:(1)时间和地点;(2)内容:学习唐诗;(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Leslie, How are you? Glad to s ee you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing to tell you something about our next lesson. The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class. If there is anything that I can help you, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua. 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷) 使用地区:考听力:海南、宁夏、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、新疆、内蒙古、青海、重庆、陕西; 不考听力:甘肃 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:(1)展览时间、地点;(2)展览内容。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Henry, I'm Li Hua, the leader of the paper-cutting club in our school. Last time you told me you looked forward to learning more about traditional Chinese culture. Now I'm glad to tell you there will be a Chinese paper-cutting exhibition held by our school. I sincerely hope you can set aside some time for the art feast. The exhibition, the theme of which is "beauty of China", will take place in the school hall from 2 to 5 on the afternoon of June 21. Not only will our club's works be displayed, but we also have a valuable set of paper-cutting created by a famous artist of this field. Besides, there will be a lot of useful and interesting activities, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture. I would appreciate it if you accept my invitation. I'm sure it can leave a wonderful impression on you! I'm looking forward to your reply. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷) 使用地区:考听力:四川、广西、西藏; 不考听力:云南、贵州 第二节书面表达(满分25分)


. 长宁区2015学年第一学期高三质量检测数学试卷2015/12/21 一、填空题(本大题有14题,满分56分)考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分 1、不等式35x -<的解集是___________. 2、方程9320x x +-=的解是___________. 3、若复数z 满足210z z -+=,则z =___________. 4.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若61420a a +=,则19S =___________. 5、若1 sin cos 5 θθ+=,则sin 2θ的值是___________. 6、若函数()f x 是定义域在R 上对偶函数,在(],0-∞上是单调递减的,且()10f =,则使()0f x <的x 的取值范围是____. 7、设函数()y f x =的反函数是()1y f x -=,且函数()y f x =过点()2,1P -,则()11f --=___________. 8、设常数0a >,4 2ax ?+ ? 展开式中3x 的系数为32,则() 2lim n x a a a →∞+++=L ___________. 9、某校要求每位学生从8门课程中选修5门,其中甲、乙两门课程至多只能选修一门,则不同的选课方案有___________种(以数字作答) 10、已知数列{}n a 和{} n b 的通项公式分别是22322n an a bn n +=-+,1 13n n b b a -?? =- ? ?? ,其中a b 、是实常数,若 1 lim 3,lim 4 n n x x a b →∞→∞==-,且a b c 、、成等差数列,则c 的值是___________. 11、已知函数()221f x x x =++,如果使()f x kx ≤对任意实数(]1,x m ∈都成立的m 的最大值是5,则实数k =___________. 12、在ABC V 中,点M 满足0MA MB MC ++=u u u r u u u r u u u u r r ,若0AB AC mAM ++=u u u r u u u r u u u u r r ,则实数m 的值为___________. 13、设命题:p 函数()21lg 16f x ax x a ? ?=-+ ?? ?的值域为R ;命题:q 不等式39x x a -<对一切正实数x 均成立,若命题p 和 q 不全为真命题,则实数a 的取值范围是___________. 14、定义:关于x 的两个不等式()()0,0f x g x <<的解集分别为(),a b 和11,a b ?? ??? ,则称这两个不等式为对偶不等式,如 果不等式 2cos 20x θ-+<与不等式224sin 10x x θ++<为对偶不等式,且()0,θπ∈,则θ=___________. 二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答


2016年高考上海数学试卷(文史类) 考生注意: 1.本试卷共4页,23道试题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟. 2.本考试分设试卷和答题纸.试卷包括试题与答题要求.作答必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分. 3.答卷前,务必用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名. 一、填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.设x ∈R ,则不等式31x -<的解集为_______. 2.设32i i z += ,其中i 为虚数单位,则z 的虚部等于______. 3.已知平行直线1210l x y +-=: ,2210l x y ++=:,则1l 与2l 的距离是_____. 4.某次体检,5位同学的身高(单位:米)分别为1.72,1.78,1.80,1.69,1.76,则这组数据的中位数是______(米). 5.若函数()4sin cos f x x a x =+的最大值为5,则常数a =______. 6.已知点(3,9)在函数()1x f x a =+的图像上,则()f x 的反函数1 ()f x -=______. 7.若,x y 满足0,0,1,x y y x ≥?? ≥??≥+? 则2x y -的最大值为_______. 8.方程3sin 1cos2x x =+在区间[]0,2π上的解为_____. 9 .在2 )n x 的二项展开式中,所有项的二项式系数之和为256,则常数项等于____. 10.已知△ABC 的三边长分别为3,5,7,则该三角形的外接圆半径等于____. 11.某食堂规定,每份午餐可以在四种水果中任选两种,则甲、乙两同学各自所选的两种水果相同的概率为______. 12.如图,已知点O (0,0),A (1.0),B (0,?1),P 是曲线y =则OP BA ×uu u r uu r 的取值范 围是 .


忙绿的高考已经结束了,全国各地高考英语满分作文也相继出来了,下面是整理的全国各地高考英语作文题目及范文翻译,仅供参考。 高考英语作文范文一 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 范文: Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grate ful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 译文: 我是李华,我写信告诉你我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。 为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做兼职工作。我已经完成了我的工作申请和个人简历。但这是我写的申请和个人简历的第一时间,我甚至不知道有什么要注意。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。 期待你的回复。我真的很感激。 高考英语作文范文二 第二节书面表达(满分25分)


Sample 1 Recently we have launched a survey among the students in our school and their parents to find out whether parents are proud of their children. It turns out that 80% of the parents take pride in their children, while only 60% of the students think their parents are proud of them. The difference indicates that from the students’ perspective, they are not that good to live up to their parents’ expectations. One reason may be that parents are often strict with their children. They expect their kids to be outstanding, to be better and better. Even if their children fulfill a goal, they will not give their children any chance to be carried away by the temporary success. Therefore, what children hear is mostly criticism and requirements from parents. As for another reason, we Chinese people typically tend to contain our feelings. This is the nature of our nation, to some extent. We are not used to expressing our feelings, especially compliments, directly. So most parents do not praise their kids or sa y al oud " I’m proud of you" even when they do love their children deeply and think they have done a great job. As we can see, many factors contribute to the result. We appeal to parents to express their feeling frankly and we hope a better understanding between parents and children can be formed. After all, family is a place for love and expressing love! Sample 2


2016年上海高三语文一模汇编·文言文一 【宝山区】 (五)阅读下文,完成16—20题。(17分) 苏廷评行状① (宋)苏轼 ①公讳序,字仲先,眉州眉山人。公幼疏达不羁,读书,略知其大义,即弃去。谦而好施,急人患难,甚于为己。衣食稍有余,辄费用,或以予人,立尽。以此穷困厄于饥寒者数矣,然终不悔。旋复有余,则日:“吾固知此不能果困人也。”益不复爱惜。凶年鬻.其田以济饥者,既丰,人将偿之,公曰:“吾固白有以鬻之,非尔故也。”人不问知与不知,径与欢笑造极,输发府藏。小人或侮欺之,公卒不惩,人亦莫能测也。 ②李顺反,攻围眉州。公年二十有二,日操兵乘城。会.皇考病没,而贼围愈急,居人相视涕泣,无复生意。而公独治丧执礼,尽哀如平日。太夫人忧甚,公强施施③解之曰:“朝廷终不弃,蜀贼行破矣。” ③庆历中,始有诏州郡立学,士欢言,朝廷且以此取人,争愿效职学中。公笑曰:“此好事,卿相以为美观耳。”戒子孙,无与人争入学。郡吏素暴苛,缘.是大扰,公作诗并讥之。 ④闻之,自五代崩乱,蜀之学者衰少,又皆怀慕亲戚乡党,不肯出仕。公始命其子涣就学,所以劝导成就者,无所不至。及涣以进士得官西归父老纵观以为荣教其子孙者皆法苏氏。自是眉之学者,日益至千余人。然轼之先人少时独不学,已壮,犹不知书。公未尝问。或以为言,公不答,久之,曰:“吾儿当忧其.不学耶?”既而,果自愤发力学,卒显于世。 【注】①苏廷评:即苏序,苏轼之祖父。行状:古文体名,一般叙述一个人的生平轶事。 ②输发府藏:袒露胸襟。府藏:通“腑脏”③施施:形容语调平缓。 16.解释下列加点词语。(4分) (1)凶年鬻.其田以济饥者()(2)会.皇考病没() (3)郡吏素暴苛,缘.是大扰()(4)吾儿当忧其.不学耶()17.下列句子中加点词不是古今异义的一项是()(2分) A.居人相视涕泣,无复生意 ..,卿相以为美观耳 .. B.此好事 C.又皆怀慕亲戚 ..乡党,不肯出仕 D.自是眉之学者,日益 ..至千余人 18.把第①段中的画线句译成现代汉语。(5分) 衣食稍有余,辄费用,或以予人,立尽。以此穷困厄于饥寒者数矣,然终不悔。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 19.第④段画线句的句中应有两处停顿,请用“/”加以标出。(2分) 及涣以进士得官西归父老纵观以为荣教其子孙者皆法苏氏 20.用自己的话概括苏序的性格特点。(4分)


高考英语作文万能模板全汇总 图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)V-ing, with______________(补充说明)。Recently it has become common for people in many ways of life to_____________(进一步阐释)It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明)。 He seems to be saying that_____________(给出细节)。 In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述)。 This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race)。Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to ___________(问题所在)。 One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一)。 It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明)。 On the other hand, _______________(建议二)。 Only in this way can we___________(展望前景)。 图表作文、 The chart gives us an overall picture of the __________(图表主题)。 The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点)。 This means that __________,(进一步说明)。 We can see from the statistics given that ___________(图表细节一)。 After v-ing_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the ____ (紧跟着的变化:幅度+时间)。 The figures also tells us that______________________(图表细节二)。(数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述)。 Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论)。 The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因)。 / It is high time that we should _________ (发出倡议) 利弊型作文 Recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major arguments that can be made for_______(讨论话题)。 For one thing, __________can bring ____ to_____________(优点一)。 For another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when _________________(优点二)。 But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to___________(缺点)。 For instance, it can bring __________to _____________(举例说明)。 In addition, many people find it ________(形容词)to _______________(第二个缺点) When asked to __________, I tend to ________. This is because I _________(原因一)。Furthermore, ______________(原因二)。 Finally, ______________(原因三)。 展望未来型 With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, _____________(引出现象)。 However,_______ has______________, as____________(提出问题)。 As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响)。 The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones.


2016年普陀区高三一模语文试卷 一、阅读(80分) 一、阅读下面的文章,完成1—6题(17分) ①随着追求GDP的发展模式暴露出越来越多的问题,政府近来反复强调转换经济增长方式,强调经济和社会的“又好又快”发展,明确把“好”的标准提到首位,而不再简单地重复“发展是硬道理”。这是一个信号:中国的经济增长方式和社会发展模式将发生重大转变。面对这一历史性的转变,思想文化界必须回答的问题是:这种转变需要什么样的文化支持?没有相应的文化转型,经济和社会发展模式的转变能够独立完成吗? ②很长一段时间以来,我们对于“好”的理解主要集中在环保、低耗、节能等方面,是环境、能源等物质方面的指标。节能、低碳、绿色、宜居等等已经被确立为经济和社会发展的重要考核指标。转变经济增长方式、优化产业结构、大力发展文化产业,建设宜居城市等,也成为政治家和知识分子的口头禅。 ③这些当然都是必要的,但是还不够。因为这些指标基本上还是着眼于经济,“转变经济增长方式”的核心概念依然是“经济”:如果高能耗、高污染的增长方式继续下去,中国的经济就无法持续增长。但是经济的持续增长是“好”的全部含义么?换言之,如果高能耗、高污染的发展能够持续下去,它就应该坚持吗?我以为不是。在经济增长的“好”背后还有一个更加根本性的标准,这就是“好生活”。“好生活”的“好”是一个综合的评价指标,它当然应该包括好的经济增长方式,但是又不仅仅是好的经济增长方式,它还应该包括:好(合理)的政治体制,好(优良)的道德环境,好(正确)的价值观和世界观,好(和谐)的人际关系,好(愉快)的心情等。也就是说,好的经济增长方式之所以好,是因为它和社会生活的其他方面是协调一致,相互支持的。 ④因此,这个问题不是单纯的经济问题,也不是光靠经济学就能够解决的问题。“好生活”的问题是一个文化的问题。好生活的问题是一个社会及政治、经济、道德、哲学等诸多层面的问题,能够概括这些层面的最适合的术语,我以为是文化。因此,好生活的问题从根本上讲是一个文化问题。 ⑤由于经济理性属于工具理性,它关心的核心问题是效益问题,因此它无法从根本上回答何谓好生活的话题。或者说,它对好生活的理解只是停留在物质计量、工具理性、绩效考核的层次,无法进入实质理性、价值理性的层次。从经济理性层次理解和判断一个社会的发展模式或国民的生活质量,很难对其好坏作出实质性的价值判断。比如,一种以牺牲环境、浪费资源、践踏人权、漠视正义、忽略心灵感受为代价的发展模式是好的还是坏的?如果说它是不好的,可它的效率不是很高吗?它的速度不是很快么?再比如,为什么保护环境、资源、人权、正义乃至好心情那么重要呢?经济学回答不了这个问题。这是一个文化的问题。享乐主义者就可能认为,以牺牲环境和资源为代价的竭泽而渔的发展模式是好的,因为它能够迅速致富,在很短的时间内尽情地消费、挥霍、享乐,至于子孙后代则不在考虑之列。比如中国古代的享乐主义者杨朱就认为:我此时此刻的身体的瞬间快乐才是最重要的,生命的质量表现为肉体感官刺激的强度,因此,此时此刻能够最大程度地满足我的贪欲的发展模式和生活方式就是好的。只有当你对这个世界的持久存在(阿伦特说的“尘世永恒”)和后代的福祉抱有深切的关怀,当你觉得在身体享乐之上还有更高的好生活的标准,你才会警惕和批判竭泽而渔式的发展模式。 ⑥至于正义、人权等和发展的关系,则是一个政治哲学的问题,但从根本上说也是文化的问题。我们说以牺牲人权和正义为代价的发展模式是不好的,是因为我们认为人不是动物,不能把金银珠宝装饰的笼子当作自由的天空,把奢侈的物质享受当作幸福的全部。人要活得像个人,要有人的尊严,单是奢侈品无法给你这样的尊严。这就要有合理的政治制度,要有民主和法制,要能够保障公民的人权。之所以说这是一个文化的问题,是因为并不是所有的文化都认为人权、正义和尊严是好生活的基本条件。享乐主义者和发展至上主义者可能嘲笑说“什么叫活得像一个人?难道不就是住豪宅、开好车、戴名表、抱美女么?人


2016年上海市春季高考(学业水平考试)数学试卷 2016.1 一. 填空题(本大题共12题,每题3分,共36分) 1. 复数34i +(i 为虚数单位)的实部是 ; 2. 若2log (1)3x +=,则x = ; 3. 直线1y x =-与直线2y =的夹角为 ; 4. 函数()f x = 的定义域为 ; 5. 三阶行列式1 354 001 2 1 --中,元素5的代数余子式的值为 ; 6. 函数1 ()f x a x = +的反函数的图像经过点(2,1),则实数a = ; 7. 在△ABC 中,若30A ?=,45B ? = ,BC = AC = ; 8. 4个人排成一排照相,不同排列方式的种数为 ;(结果用数值表示) 9. 无穷等比数列{}n a 的首项为2,公比为1 3 ,则{}n a 的各项和为 ; 10. 若2i +(i 为虚数单位)是关于x 的实系数一元二次方程2 50x ax ++=的一个虚根, 则a = ; 11. 函数2 21y x x =-+在区间[0,]m 上的最小值为0,最大值为1,则实数m 的取值范围 是 ; 12. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点A 、B 是圆2 2 650x y x +-+=上的两个动点,且满足 ||AB =||OA OB +的最小值为 ; 二. 选择题(本大题共12题,每题3分,共36分) 13. 满足sin 0α>且tan 0α<的角α属于( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限; 14. 半径为1的球的表面积为( ) A. π B. 4 3 π C. 2π D. 4π 15. 在6 (1)x +的二项展开式中,2 x 项的系数为( ) A. 2 B. 6 C. 15 D. 20


2019高考英语作文真题及满分范文全汇总 1. 全国Ⅰ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1.写信目的:2.个人优势:3.能做的事情。 注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, Li Hua 2. 全国Ⅱ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是校排球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris球队近期将参加比赛,内容包括: 1. 比赛信息; 2. 赛前准备; 3. 表达期待。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

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