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当前位置:文档库 › 2017--2018学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors learning about language课时作业(3)

2017--2018学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors learning about language课时作业(3)

2017--2018学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors learning about language课时作业(3)
2017--2018学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors learning about language课时作业(3)

Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课时作业

learning about language


(2018·昆明模拟)The terror attacks are occurring worldwide.They have aroused countless thoughts __1__ me down.What can I do for those __2__ people, the very victims and refugees?

Yesterday I boarded a train and took my seat __3__ the carriage so I would be facing forward. Soon, a mother and her three children, two boys and a little girl, __4__ into the row of seats in front of me.The woman was wearing clothes that were __5__.I don’t think you could ever find any __6__ of the clothes at any store.I was __7__ by the beautiful simplicity of these garments.They weren’t expensive, fancy, or from a famous designer, __8__ they were priceless.

The little girl’s eyes and mine met and locked.She smiled __9__ and gazed at me.I would receive a gift I had been hoping for. I had __10__ to connect with people from a culture that was currently suffering and in my __11__ was a warm Pakistani family. We had a conversation.I used standard conversation __12__:How old are you?Where do you study?This was a child but the depth and breadth of our conversation took it to amazing __13__. What was even more remarkable was the __14__ conversation.Her smile, her gaze and her trust __15__ touched me.

Our 45 minutes together __16__ quickly but we will always be in each other’s hearts.During the time, I was in the __17__ that to do something for those unlucky people, I just needed to open my door __18__ they could come in.It is amazing what happens when you __19__ to others.People come in __20__ beautiful gifts.It’s likely to start with just a kind smile.


1.A.pulling B.weighing

C.breaking D.cutting

解析:选B根据下文的“What can I do for those ... refugees”可知,恐怖袭击使作者心绪翻腾,忧心忡忡。weigh down“使忧心忡忡”,符合语境。pull down“贬低,使扫兴”;break down“破坏,消除,砸破”;cut down“杀死,砍倒”。

2.A.disabled B.confused

C.disturbed D.offended

解析:选C根据语境及下文中的“do something for those unlucky people”可知,此处指的是作者在想自己能为那些不幸的(disturbed)人做些什么。disturbed除了常见的“心神不安的,烦恼的”这些意思外,还表示“不幸的,坎坷的,多灾多难的”。confused“糊涂的,迷惑的”;offended“被冒犯的”。

3.A.at the end of B.on the top of

C.in the center of D.in the front of

解析:选A根据空后的“so I would be facing forward”可知,作者坐在车厢的后面。at the end of“在……后面”,符合语境。

4.A.looked B.broke

C.ran D.squeezed

解析:选D根据“a mother and her three children”“the row of seats in front of me”可知,一位母亲和她的三个孩子的座位在作者的座位的前面,而火车上的一排座位一般可坐两至三个人,所以这位母亲和她的孩子都坐的话,显然空间是不够的,他们得挤进去。squeeze“(使)挤入,挤过,塞入”符合语境。

5.A.shabby B.different

C.funny D.fashionable

解析:选B根据下文中的“I don’t think you could ever find ... by the beautiful simplicity of these garments”可知,这位母亲的衣服是特别的、与众不同的。different“与众不同的,别致的”,符合语境。shabby“破旧的,破烂的”;funny“滑稽的,奇怪的”;fashionable“流行的,时髦的”。

6.A.inspiration B.account

C.trace D.decoration


7.A.struck B.shocked

C.excited D.moved

解析:选A根据语境可知,作者被这位母亲的衣服所呈现的一种简单的美所折服。be struck by/on/with sb./sth.“迷恋(某人或某物),被(某人或某物)打动”,符合语境。

8.A.though B.so

C.and D.yet


9.A.broadly B.hopefully

C.occasionally D.gratefully

解析:选A根据下文中的“a warm Pakistani family”“Her smile ... touched me”以及“start with just a kind smile”可知,此处指她的脸上露出了一个开心的微笑。smile broadly“咧开嘴笑,开心地笑”。hopefully“满怀希望地”;occasionally“偶然,偶尔”;gratefully“感激地”。

10.A.refused B.expected

C.pretended D.decided

解析:选B作者即将收到他一直想要的一份礼物。他曾期望(expected)自己能与受苦的人们接触。上文中的“hoping for”是提示。

11.A.seat B.heart

C.life D.presence

解析:选D在作者面前的是一个热情的巴基斯坦家庭。in one’s presence“当着某人的面,在某人面前”。

12.A.techniques B.pieces

C.starters D.stoppers

解析:选C根据上文中的“standard conversation”和下文中的“How old are you?Where do you study?”可知,作者使用了常见的谈话开场白(starters)。conversation piece“(因不寻常)成为话题的东西,谈资”;conversation stopper“噎人的话,令人瞠目结舌的话”。

13.A.heights B.facts

C.changes D.conclusions


14.A.meaningful B.unspoken

C.valuable D.casual

解析:选B根据下文中的“Her smile, her gaze and her trust”可知,更让作者感到有意思的是他们之间无声的谈话。unspoken“未说出口的,未表达的”,符合语境。meaningful“有意义的”;valuable“很重要的”;casual“随便的”。

15.A.obviously B.suddenly

C.deeply D.eventually

解析:选C根据空前的“Her smile, her gaze and her trust”,空后的“touched me”及下文的“we will always be in each other’s hearts”可知,她的微笑、对作者的凝视及她的信任深深地触动了作者。deeply“深深地”,符合语境。

16.A.flew away B.flew past

C.came along D.came apart

解析:选B此处指作者与小女孩在一起的45分钟转瞬即逝。fly past“(时间)逝去,过去”,符合语境。fly away“飞走”;come along“出现,进展,赶快”;come apart“破裂”。

17.A.hope B.point

C.condition D.knowledge

解析:选D在那期间,我知道了,要为那些不幸的人做些什么,我只需打开心门,以便他们能进来。in the knowledge that 是固定用法,意为“知道,了解”。

18.A.now that B.as if

C.so that D.in case

解析:选C参见上题解析。so that“以便”,符合语境。now that“既然”;as if “好像”;in case“以防万一”。

19.A.give over B.go over

C.open up D.make up

解析:选C根据文中内容可知,一个人要去关注他人,就要敞开心扉与别人交谈,这种感觉很让人惊叹。open up “畅所欲言,直抒胸臆”,符合语境。go over to sb.“向某人走过去”;make up to sb.“讨好,奉承,巴结”。

20.A.packing B.bearing

C.designing D.recommending



(2018·南宁统考)When you smile, not only do you feel happy, __1__ you also bring a ray of light into the lives of others.Someone once__2__ (say), “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight, by increasing your face value.” Know that a smile is a little thing th at can produce great results.__3__ it takes is a smile to make short work of many __4__ (difficulty), for just being happy can help others.I’ve often thought of a smile__5__ the touch of God given to his people.

A day without a smile is a day wasted. Some people grin (咧嘴笑) and bear it, while__6__ smile and change the world.Don’t you love the feelings of a __7__ (return) smile? It can move into the soul and release good into the world. It can make friends with__8__ (strange).It can bring friends closer together. It can bridge the generation gap. It can fill the heart with love.

A smile is a light in the window of the soul, __9__ (indicate) that the heart is at home.God puts a smile on our faces so that we would see that the world needs that breath to__10__ (light) the darkness in our life.


1.but考查并列连词。根据句中的“not only”可知,该句考查not only ...but(also) ...结构。




5.as考查固定搭配。think of ...as ...“认为……是……”。

6.others考查代词。分析句子可知,该句考查some ...others ...意为“一些人……其他人……”。



高中英语 选修8 unit4 单词

高中英语选修8 unit4 单词 I.课内探究 1.hesitate vi犹豫,踌躇hesitation n. 踌躇,犹豫不决 hesitate to do 犹豫/踌躇干某事not hesitate to do 毫不犹豫干某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 There is no room for hesitation.没有犹豫的余地了。 1)She hesitated before replying.她犹豫了一会才回答。 2)She agreed without the slightest hesitation .她毫不犹豫就同意了。 3)If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to ask.你如果有什么问题,请尽管问。 without hesitation,Meng Xiangbin jumped into the river to save the drowning young woman .孟祥斌毫不犹豫地跳下河去救落水的年轻女子。 2.Classify vt分类,归类,把……分等级 People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books.在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类。 classified adi. 分类的,归类的classify…as …把……归类为…… be classified as 分为……类classified ad 分类广告 3.condemn vt.判刑,处刑,谴责 It is illegal to condemn a man wothout a hearing.不进行审问就给人判刑是违法的。 be condemned to death 被判死刑condemn sb for 因……而责备、指责某人 Anybody who loves peace will ________ the evil deeds of attacking the Olympic torch. A. condemn B. challenge C. t olerate D. accuse 4.remark vi 谈论,评论,说 remark in/upon as/sth 对……加以评论n. 评论,评述,注意(notice) pointed cutting remarks 直言不讳的,尖刻的评论 make a few remarks about /on a subject 讲几句有关某人、某问题的话 1)The editor remarked that the article was well written.编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。 2)It is rude to remark on / upon the appearance of other people.评论别人的外表是粗鲁的行为。 3)He made a number of rude remarks on/upon the food here.对于哪里的食品,他说了很多无礼的话。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d312837308.html,promise n .妥协,折中vi.妥协,折中,违背 agree on a compromise 同意妥协arrive at /come to /reach a compromise 达成妥协compromise with 和。……妥协compromise on 在……妥协 In a _________ between management and unions, a 4% pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity. A. compromise B. rule C. way D.discipline 6.overlook vt. 俯瞰,俯视,未看到,未注意到,忽视,忽略(某人/某事),不理会 overlook the valley 俯视山谷overlook a spelling error忽略了一个拼写错误overlook sb.不理会某人 My room overlooked the garden. 我的房间俯瞰花园。 They overlooked the enormous risks involved. 他们忽略了暗含的巨大危险。 Henry went through the documents again carefully for fear of overlooking any important data. 7. superior adj.更好的,更强的,有优越感的,傲慢的(职位级别)更高的,上级的 n.上级,上司,长官be superior to “比……好”eg: 1)Today’s computers are superior to anyone we had ten years ago. 如今的电脑比十年前的任何一台电脑都好。 2)She always acts so superior to everyone else.她总是表现得比别人优越。 8.Fade vi.凋谢,枯萎;(颜色)退去;(声音等)变为弱;(光等)变暗淡;逐渐消失 1)The flowers faded for want of water.花儿因缺水而凋谢了。 2)The colour fades when esposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。 3)The sound of the footsteps faded away.脚步渐渐消失。


商丘市一高2010-2011学年下学期 高三生物 选修1 1.1果酒和果醋的制作 编制:秦伟 审定: 备课组长: 使用时间: 总第 期 1 1.有细胞结构而没有核膜的一组生物是 ( ) A .噬菌体、细菌 B .变形虫、草履虫 C .蓝藻、酵母菌 D .放线菌、圆褐固氮菌 2.酒厂用酵母菌酿酒时,经检测活菌数量适宜但却不产生酒精,应采取的措施是 ( ) A .降低温度 B .隔绝空气 C .加缓冲液 D .加新鲜培养基 3.将葡萄汁制成果酒和果醋后 ( ) A .能量减少,有机物种类变化 B .能量增加,有机物种类不变 C .能量不变,有机物种类变化 D .能量减少,有机物种类不变 4.细胞结构是原核细胞、生长繁殖过程不需氧、体内不含有氧呼吸酶的微生物是 ( ) A .酵母菌 B .醋酸菌 C .乳酸菌 D .变形虫 5.在醋酸菌利用葡萄酒生产葡萄醋的过程中,因为培养环境的改变,醋酸菌也可能出现变异现象,这种变异来源是 ( ) A .染色体变异 B .基因突变 C .基因重组 D .等位基因分离 6.(多选)若在制作葡萄酒时,在发酵液中同时生成了葡萄醋,可能的原因是 ( ) A .密封不严,有氧气进入 B .有空气中的醋酸菌进入 C .发酵罐消毒不彻底 D .发酵液灭菌不彻底 7.(多选)制作葡萄酒的过程中,涉及的操作过程有 ( ) A .发酵装置的消毒 B .接种菌种 C .通人氧气量和酸碱度的控制 D .发酵过程高温加热 8.下列关于果酒和果醋制作的叙述,错误的是 ( ) A .制作果酒时瓶口需密闭,而制作果醋时中断通氧可能会引起醋酸菌死亡 B .温度对酵母菌酒精发酵的影响很大,而对醋酸菌的发酵影响不大 C .在变酸的果酒的表面观察到的菌膜可能是醋酸菌在液面大量繁殖形成的 D .制作果酒和果醋时都应用70%的酒精对发酵瓶消毒并注意无菌操作 9.利用微生物发酵制作果酒,该过程利用的微生物是___________,其代谢类型是 ____________,与生产实际相关的反应式是_______________ , 在不灭菌的情况下,如何使酵母菌成为优势菌种?____ ________________________ _____________________________ ___________。 10.酵母菌是自然界中常见的一类真菌. (1)从细胞核的结构看,酵母菌属于_______________________ 生物. (2)酵母菌常进行___________________生殖,在基因工程中,也常用酵母菌作为转入基因的受体细胞,是因为___________________________________________________。 (3)用染料使染色体着色,发现一酵母菌细胞核中有17条染色体,该酵母菌是______倍 体.在自然环境中,酵母菌属于生态系统中的___ ___成分. (4)酵母菌体内遗传物质主要在 上,而醋酸菌的遗传物质主要在________上. 11.下面是果酒和果醋制作的实验流程和某同学设计的果酒和果醋的发酵装置。根据图示回答下列问题: (1)完成图1中的实验流程。 (2)冲洗的主要目的是_________,冲洗应特别注意不能____________,以防止菌种的流失。 (3)图2装置中的充气口在________时关闭,在_______时连接充气泵,并连续不断地向内________________________________________________________________________。 (4)排气口在酒精发酵时排出的气体是由_______产生的______,在醋酸发酵时排出的是________________________________________________________________________。 (5)写出与(4)题有关的反应方程式: ①________________________________________________________________________; ②________________________________________________________________________。 (6)若在果汁中就含有醋酸菌,在酒精发酵旺盛时,醋酸菌能否将果汁中的糖发酵为醋酸?说明原因_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________。 (7)在酒精发酵时瓶内温度一般应控制在________。醋酸发酵时温度一般应控制在________。 1.1答案 1—8 DBACB ABCD ABC B 9、酵母菌 异养兼性厌氧型 C 6H 12O 6 2C 2H 5OH+2CO 2+能量 将混合菌置于缺氧,酸性环境下,利用酵母菌兼性厌氧的特点,而绝大多数其他微生物都无法适应这一环境受到抑制 10、真菌 出芽 酵母菌繁殖快 遗传物质相对少 单 分解者 细胞核 拟核 11、(1)醋酸发酵 (2)洗去浮尘 反复冲洗 (3)酒精发酵 醋酸发酵 泵入空气(氧) (4)酵母菌 CO 2 ( 含氧量少的)空气、CO 2 (5)C 6H 12O 6―→2C 2H 5OH +2CO 2 C 6H 12O 6+2O 2―→2CH 3COOH +2CO 2+2H 2O , C 2H 5OH +O 2―→CH 3COOH +H 2O (6)不能。因为酒精发酵时的缺氧环境能抑制醋酸菌生长,且醋酸菌发酵条件是氧气充足 (7)18 ~25 ℃ 30 ~35 ℃ 作 业 班级: 学号 : 姓名: 高三生物 酶


人教版八年级英语上册Unit4单元检测卷 (考试时间:100分钟卷面分值:130分) 一、语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列各题,从A、BC、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 ( )1. --Do you like _______TV show The Reader? --Yes. I think it's _______most interesting TV show. A. the; / B. a: the C. the: the D. a; / ( )2. _______interesting for us to watch game shows. A. He B. That C. This D.It ( )3.- -Li Hua speaks English _______XiaoLin. -- I don't think so. I think Li Hua does better than Xiao Lin. A. as good as; a lot B. as well as; much C. as good as; a little D. as well as; more ( )4.--_______ is it from your home to school? --It's about two kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often ( )5. --How does your father go to work?--On foot. Our house is_______ his office. A. far from B. different from C. similar to D. close to ( )6. --Is there a cinema around here? --_______ A. Yes, please B. Yes. Sun Cinema is around here. C. Go down this street D. Sounds good ( )7. --Why did you _______Mike for the job? --Because he is serious enough. A. dislike B. act C. share D. choose ( )8. There are_______ books in this bookstore. And they are cheap. A. all kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of ( )9. Parents play an important role in_______their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching ( )10. --What do you think of the movie Zootopia? --It is _______one I've ever seen. A. more exerted B. more exciting C. the most excited D. the most exciting ( )11. Which is_______ the sun, the moon or the earth? A. smaller B. smallest C. the smaller D. the smallest


Ⅰ. 语言知识及应用(共两节满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I’m going to share my most embarrassing experience in life with you. It turned out to be one of my life’s most valuable 1 . This summer, I 2 a dance camp organized by the high school dance team. We went to learn new tricks, techniques and knowledge about the art of dance. I arrived at the camp, being very 3 of my ability to be a good dancer; of course I was 4 high marks and praise. My rich experience and long time in the dance team qualified me for the top class, which I felt was a right 5 . However, when the class began I 6 that I did not know as much as I thought I did. My over-confidence 7 me to fall flat on my face. It seemed as if every girl in the class could perform challenging jumps, leaps and other 8 tricks except me. All of that ―former experience‖got me nowhere. Because of that I became discouraged and wanted to 9 immediately. My frustration kept me from doing my best. As a result the final performance was nothing but embarrassing. On the stage I 10 forgot how to dance and most of the time I just stood there, looking 11 , while the other girls performed like professionals. How embarrassing it was! From this experience I 12 that people are sometimes not as good at something as they think they are; there is always someone out there that can do it 13 than you. I also learned that there is always room for 14 , and I should do my best whatever the situation is. I know if I do not try my best, I will 15 even before I begin. 1. A. lessons B. jokes C. lectures D. expressions 2. A. attended B. checked C. supported D. started 3. A. worthy B. confident C. fond D. aware 4. A. showing B. expecting C. receiving D. wasting 5. A. suggestion B. method C. decision D. style 6. A. hoped B. pretended C. realized D. explained 7. A. caused B. allowed C. cheated D. advised 8. A. strange B. difficult C. simple D. funny 9. A. perform B. struggle C. survive D. quit 10.A. completely B. quickly C. probably D. hardly 11.A. happy B. stupid C. amazed D. surprised 12.A. remembered B. lied C. concluded D. wondered 13.A. better B. deeper C. faster D. wider 14.A. improvement B. experienced C. success D. creation 15.A. fall B. fear C. hesitate D. fail 二、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格注填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 Somebody once asked me how to be peaceful and happy. I thought the question was easy to answer: Don't attach yourself to anything__16_____ you will be peaceful and happy. But then quite some time later, I discovered this direct and simple answer may not work for all people.

最新人教版高中生物选修一导学案(全册 共85页)

最新人教版高中生物选修一导学案(全册)专题1 传统发酵技术的应用课题1 果酒和果醋 的制作 【学习目标】 1.说明果酒和果醋制作的原理 2.设计制作果酒和果醋的装置 【重点难点】 重点:说明果酒和果醋的制作原理,设计制作装置,制作出果酒果醋。 难点:制作过程中发酵条件的控制。 【预习案】 任务一、果酒制作的原理 1.菌种是,属于生物,新陈代谢类型,有氧时,进行,大量繁殖,反应式为;无氧时,能进行,反应式为。 2.酵母菌繁殖的最适温度℃左右,且为有氧条件; 酒精发酵一般控制在℃,缺氧酸性条件。(原因:) 3.自然发酵过程中,起作用的主要是附着于上的野生型酵母菌。也可以在果汁中加入人工培养的酵母菌。 4.葡萄酒呈深红色的原因: 任务二、果醋制作的原理 1.菌种是,属于生物,新陈代谢类型为。只有在氧气充足时,才能进行旺盛的生命活动。变酸的酒表面观察到的菌膜就是在液面大量繁殖形成的。 2.当氧气、糖源都充足时,醋酸菌将葡萄汁中的分解成,当缺少糖源时,醋酸菌将变为,再将乙醛变为,反应简式为。 3.醋酸菌的最适合生长温度为℃。 任务三、实验设计 流程图 葡萄发酵发酵 任务四、操作提示 (一)材料的选择与处理

选择______的葡萄,榨汁前先将葡萄进行_______,然后再除去_______。 (二)防止发酵液被污染 1.榨汁机要清洗_______,并_______。 2.发酵瓶要清洗_________,用体积分数________的酒精消毒。 3.装入葡萄汁后,_________充气口。 (三)控制好发酵条件 1.葡萄汁装入发酵瓶时,要留出大约______的空间。 2.制作葡萄酒过程中,将温度严格控制在_________℃,时间控制在_________d左 右,可通过出料口对发酵的情况进行及时的监测。 3.制作葡萄醋的过程中,将温度严格控制在__________℃,时间控制在_______d 左右,并注意适时通过充气口_______。 任务五、课题延伸 果汁发酵后是否有酒精产生,可以用____________来检验。在________条件下, 重铬酸钾与酒精反应呈现____________。 检测时,先在试管中加入发酵液2mL,再滴入物质的量的浓度为3mol/L的 _______3滴,振荡混匀,最后滴加常温下______________________3滴。 【探究案】 探究点一 你认为应该先冲洗葡萄还是先除去枝梗?为什么? 探究点二 你认为应该从哪些方面防止发酵液被污染? 探究点三 制葡萄酒时,为什么要将温度控制在18~25 ℃?制葡萄醋时,为什么要将温度控制在30~35 ℃?


八年级上英语unit4单元测试题 放城中学刘奎斌 一、选择填空。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. Peter is ________of the three boys, but he’s _______than the other two. A. the tallest, younger B. taller, older C. tallest, younger D. tall, oldest ( ) 2. ________ the best movie theatre?—Showtime Cinema A. Where’s B. How’s C. What’s D. Who’s ( ) 3. This theatre has _______ seats than that one. A. comfortable B. the most comfortable C. more comfortable D. the more comfortable ( ) 4. The People’s Cinema is close _______ my home. A. in B. out C. to D. of ( ) 5. —These moon cakes are delicious. —Yes. But I think the ones with nuts are __ of all. A. delicious B. the most delicious C. more delicious D. the delicious ( ) 6. The weather in Beijing is colder than ________. A. in Hainan B. Hainan C. that in Hainan D. that of Hainan ( ) 7. You can buy ticket _________ here. A. the most quick B. the more quick C. the most quickly D. the more quickly ( ) 8. _________ talent show was a great success. A. Last week’s B. Last weeks C. Last weeks’ D. Last week ( ) 9. —Who do you think is actor? —I think Zhao Benshan is. A. the most funny B. most funny C. the funniest D. funniest ( ) 10. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _______ one. I think you can find her easily. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest ( ) 11. —The weather is _________ today than yesterday. A. bad B. worse C. badder D. badly ( ) 12. Shu-how Lin is now one of _________ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B, more popular C. the most popular D. the popularest ( )13. .We decide _________ to Beijing tomorrow. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes ( )14. They make the little boy_ _________ the room every day A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning ( )15. What do young people think places in town ? A. for B . over C. of D. out 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Book8Unit5语法导学案(A) 学习目标: 知识目标:掌握十大常用时态的基本用法及其被动结构。 能力目标:能够总结现在完成进行时和现在完成时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。 情感目标:自主、合作、探究,激情展示,大胆质疑,分享成果。激发学生对语法的学习热情。学习重点:掌握十大常用时态的基本用法及其被动结构。 学习难点:能够总结现在完成进行时和现在完成时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别 第一部分:预习案 一:动词时态语态基本知识: 二.例句呈现:请同学们在括号内写出各句所使用的时态。 1. I always sleep with the window open.( ) 2. I was reading an interesting book at this time yesterday.( ) 3.I will be having a gathering party with my friends at this time tomorrow.( ) 4.I saw the famous film Pearl Harbor yesterday evening.( ) 5.The plane takes off at 5 o’clock.( ) 6. He will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.( ) 7.The workers are building a garden these days.( ) 8.He has taught Chinese for 20 years.( ) 9.He told me that he had read the book twice.( ) 10.The boy has been reading a book for almost two hours. ( ) 11. He told me that he would take an important exam the next week. ( ) 我的疑惑:_______________________________________ _________________ 我的收获:_____________________________________ _______________ 第二部分:探究案 探究一: 1) 观察下面两组句子,理解它们的语法形式和语意。 Scene 1 (A girl complained to the boy who hurried up near to her breathlessly.) G: I have been waiting here for ages. B: I have been hurrying here all the way Scene 2 (You plan to play basketball with friends, but the rain is on and on.) Y: It has been raining all the morning 2) 从38页课文中找出使用现在完成进行时的句子并理解其意义。 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________2. 用法归纳 现在完成进行时的基本表达式_______ ______ 现在完成进行时表达的意义 (一)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到_______的动作,并且还将持续下去。 The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国有2000年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去) I have been learning English since three years ago. 自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去) (二)表示在说话时刻之前到现在____________的动作。 We have been waiting for you for half an hour. 我们已经等你半个钟头了(人还没到,如同在电话里说的,还会继续等) 3)注意事项 (1) 不能用现在进行时的动词,如be, have, like, love, know, see, hear等,也不能用现在完成进行时 时态构成(以do为例)语态时间状语 一般现在时do/does am/is/are+done sometimes,every day, always, often, on Sundays, usually, never 一般过去时did was/were done yesterday, last week, three years ago, the other day, in 1990 现在进行时am/is/are doing am/is/are being done look, now, at present,at this moment, these days 过去进行时was/were doing was/were being done then, at this/ that time+过去时间, at...o’clock+过去时间, those days 一般将来时will/shall do will/shall be done next week, tomorrow, before long, in the future, next week/month/year 过去将来时would/should do would/should be done the next day/year/month 现在完成时have/has done have/has been done Lately, recently, so far, yet, by now, up to now, since then, in the last/ past few days/years ,since+时间点,for+时间段 过去完成时had done had been done by then, by that time, until then, by the end of 2012, before 1999, 现在完成进 行时have/has been doing _________ all this morning, these few days, all night, this month, recently 将来进行时will be doing _________ at this time tomorrow/the day after tomorrow, from...to...tomorrow


Language points in unit4 Module8 1. work out 计算出,设法弄懂,精心制定出,逐渐解决,按某种方式发展。 1) You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers. 2) I’m not telling you the answer-----work it out for yourself. 3) I haven’t worked out who is going to look after the kids tonight. 4) I hope it all works out between you and me. 5) We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it worked out very well. 2.…an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his/her position in society. 一位语音学专家,认定一个人的英语水平决定这个人的社会地位。 (1) Convince vt. to cause to believer or feel certain; to persuade 说服;使相信,说动(某人) 我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机去。 We convinced him to go by train rather than plane. 2)(be) convinced + of 短语/ that 从句意思是“坚信…”;“确信…”。例如: 我确信他有罪。 I am convinced of his guilt. =I am convinced that he was guilty. 3) convince (vt.) sb + of 短语/that 从句,“使…坚信…”; “使…确信…”。


Unit 4单元综合检测 (考试时间:100分钟, 满分:120分) 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ). Because they’re ou r friends. they’re dogs. we don’t have animals. ( ) year. 1921. the future. ( ) beautiful. hope not. , they did. ( ) must be fun. you think so ’m sorry to hear that. ( ) agree with you. . looks like a plate.Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分) ( ) are they going the park. the zoo. the farm. ( ) are they talking about . . countryside. ( ) was Alice’s sister doing when the UFO took off out of the window. TV. books.

( ) is the boy going to Egypt with parents. sister. friends. ( ) are they talking about map. . Great Wall. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( ) will our life be like without TV . . . ( ) many problems are there with TV in the passage . . . ( ) you get fatter if you watch TV too much , we will. , we won’t. don’t know. ( ) other things can we do according to the passage the Internet. pictures. football. ( ) can you make your life more interesting TV less. TV more. watching TV. Ⅴ. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分) The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders in the world. It is about 21 miles long. The 22 Chinese began to build such walls from 600 B. C. The first emperor, Qin Shihuang 23 the old walls together. Since then, people 24 the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall. But some sections of the wall are 25 out. People begin to protect and rebuild the Great Wall recently. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( ) used the computer for shopping, _______ she ’t she she ’t she ( ) must _______ the traffic lights when you cross the road. attention to attentions to attention on attentions on ( )3.—_______ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen. —You are right. ( )4.—How many students are there in your school —_______ students, I think. of thousands thousand thousands of ( )5.—Where are you going to work next year —_______ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing. ’m not so sure. think so. ’s a good idea. hope not. ( ) and Jane were talking in the kitchen _______ I was reading the newspaper.


Unit5 1. identify vt. ~ sb. /sth. as sb./ sth. 确认,证明某人/某物系某人/某物她认出那个男子就是袭击她的人。 The police are trying to identify the dead body. Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth. identification n. 鉴别;身份证明identification card 身份证identity n. 身份;特征identical adj. 完全相同的,一样的 2. alternative adj. (作定语)供选择的,可代替的 We recommend using alternative sources of fuel such as charcoal(木炭). As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of alternative energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. n. 可能的选择;替代物 Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport. I'm sorry, there 'sno alternative but to sell the car. 另?无选择只好做 . have no alter native but to do = have no choice but to do = have nothing to do but do 除了放弃那个计划,我另无选择I have no alternative but to give up the plan.

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