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Unit 5 There is a big bed(第四课时)学案

Unit 5 There is a big bed(第四课时)学案
Unit 5 There is a big bed(第四课时)学案

Unit There is a big bed(第四时)













































T:Let’svisitgrandparents’huseL,it’stheirhusehat’sinfrntfthehuse?The’reflersThe’reltsfflers 教师把新词汇写在黑板上,带领学生学习。
































T:ThereisalisteningaterialListentthetapeandtrtfindu thatisinthelivingrTitherightanser













③Thetrashbinis_________thedr Aver























Thisisthelivingr Therearesanpitureshere grandparentshaveagardeninfrntftheirhuse Thereareltsfflersinit

牛津译林模块五 Unit 2重点句型及语法学案

一、重点句型梳理 词汇-1. I have to pick up rubbish where I am going to sit... 我不得不捡起在我要做的地方的垃圾。(P29) pick up (1)捡起/ 拿起(某物);扶起(某人);跌倒后(自己)站起来To his credit, he formed the habit of picking up waste paper in public places. 值得表扬的是,他养成了在公共场所捡废纸的习惯。 (2)(在无线电中)收听,接收 It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programme. 必须有一台短波收音机才能收听到这些节目。 (3)(用车)接(既可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便带走) I’m willing to pick you up at your apartment if possible. 如果可能的话,我愿意开车去你的公寓接你。 (4)加快(速度) The wild horses picked up speed, so the hunters couldn’t catch up with them.

那些野马加快了速度,因此猎人们追不上它们了。 (5)恢复精神/ 健康,(生意)好转,恢复 It is clear that the injured are beginning to pick up now. 很明显,现在这些伤员开始恢复健康。 (6)(偶然)习得,学会 The businessman made the acquaintance of a young waiter and picked up a few words of Greek when he was there last year. 去年,这名企业家在希腊的时候结识了一名年轻的服务员,并学会了几个希腊单词。 词汇-2. impress v. 使钦佩,使敬仰,使印象深刻,使铭记 【教材原句】When I heard what you said about the environment and the economy needing to work together more, I was very impressed. 当我听你说到环境和经济需要更加协调时,我印象非常深刻。 【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分 (1)In the debate, the girl impressed us with her sense of humor. ________________________ (2)We were most impressed with your committed attitude towards adolescents world wide. _____________________


古鲁板蒿小学“以导促学,同伴互助,构建有效课堂”模式的活页教案执笔人:授课人:审阅人:李淑荣李银峰 Unit 4 What Can You Do ? 温馨寄语:Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 学习内容(Learning contents): Unit 4 PartB Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time. 学习目标(Learning aims) 1.听懂、会说、正确读写句型:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill.We can help her.Just do it. 3.总结字母结合or,all,pl,pr的发音规律,并能朗读Pronuciation 部分的例词 4 .听懂,理解Story time中的故事 知识链接: 1.“Mother Goat ”可译为:山羊妈妈。 2. “just do it ”可译为:就这么干吧。 学习指导(Learning guide) 1.自主学习对话内容(试读,试翻译,理解对话的含义并完

成句子填空。) 2.正确书写Read and write中的四会句子 3.理解Pronunciation 中字母组合的发音规则,读出相 应的单词。 4.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中 注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流) 自主学习(Self-learning) 你能读懂Read and write部分的内容吗?你能正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思吗?来试试吧! Mother Goat is ill. ( ) What can you do ?( ) I can water the flowers.( ) Just do it .( ) 合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐二人在全班展示。) 1.你能读懂P48页的对话吗?小组内自由读。找出不懂的词句。 2.你能用本节课所学的知识完成课本48页Read and write 部 分的填空吗? (1)在小组里完成Let’s play 部分的内容。 (2)在小组里总结字母组合的or all pr 的发音规律。并朗读Pronunciation 部分的例词。 小组展示(Group show)


2020-2021学年七年级英语电子导学案 Self Check 知识目标 类别课时要点 重点词组sports center 运动中心 play popular music 播放流行歌曲 重点句式You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 仅仅用五元钱就得到一大盘饺子。 课堂环节 §自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材P32的单词),看谁记得又快 1.sports center 运动中心 2.play popular music 播放流行歌曲 【新词自查】 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.—Where are you going? —I am going to sports center (运动中心). 2.—Why do you like the station best? —Because it plays popular music (播放流行歌曲). §课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 参考案例 Teacher: Who is the funniest teacher you know? Who is the most creative writer you read? Which is the most boring lesson you take? Which is the quietest park you visit? Teacher: Well, in our city there are many well-known big stores.Discuss the following three questions I give you in pairs. (1)Which has the best service/ quality? (2)Which is the cheapest/ the most expensive? (3)Which has the worst service/ quality? 环节说明:通过谈论本单元所学的话题来复习本单元所学的目标语言。让学生巩固已学的语言基础知识,更好地灵活运用所学的语言知识。 Step 2完成教材“1”部分的任务 【操作案例】 1.完成“1”部分的任务。(2分钟) Teacher: We have learned many new adjectives and adverbs in this unit.Look at the five words given in the box.Can you use them to complete the sentences? 2.让学生朗读“1”部分中的句子,老师及时纠正学生的发音。(3分钟) Teacher: Make your own sentences with each of the five words in the box. 环节说明:通过本单元重点词汇的灵活运用,让学生掌握其意义和常见用法。 Step 3完成教材“2”部分的任务 【操作案例】 Teacher: Here are some information and five sentences.There are some mistakes in the sentences.We should correct the mistakes in the sentences according to the information. 1.让学生快速阅读课文,熟知大意,然后让同学们讨论完成“2”部分的任务。(3分钟) 2.先邀请几位同学朗读短文(可以一人一段),并进行翻译。教师要注意语音和翻译的准确度,及时纠正错误。(3分钟) 3.巩固练习。(5分钟) 句子翻译: 1.我想要一盘饺子。 I want a______ ______ ______ . 2.三元钱你能得到一本字典。 You can_______a dictionary_______ three yuan. 3.他舒服地坐在这个座位上。 He ______ on the seat______ . 【答案】1.plate of dumplings 2.get;for 3.sits; comfortably 环节说明:通过阅读训练,培养学生的阅读技巧与能力,巩固本单元所学的语言知识和语法知识。 §当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)


主备人:审核人:用案人:用案时间:NO. 课题:Module7 Unit3 Project(1)(第13课时) 学习目标1. Learn about two search services and what should be ta ken into consideration while researching on the Internet. 2. Use the Internet to do research on a topic by using the information and instructions in the text. 学习重点Learn to use some language points, and improve their overall ability. 学习难点Make a poster explaining how they have searched and what they have found. 课堂类型Project新授课总课时数 2 periods 学习过程用案人个案补充 【问题导引】 一、自主复习project部分的词汇知识,试读project课文并弄懂其大意。 二、认真阅读P46-47的课文后完成下表。 The Internet has enjoyed increased popularity among people all over the world. Therefore, doing online is common among net users. There are some tips you can follow to get satisfactory results. First of all, before you get down to searching information, you should . a search service between search engines and subject directories. Search engines can show you the pages that contain the word(s) you have typed in. Subject directories are by subjects and provide information that has been . by people. Secondly, when searching online you must take the following into . Is the up to date? Is it correct? Usually you have to other web pages to it. How to type the key words? Try to use some , such as “+”and “-” to make your search more accurate. Thirdly, after finding the information, do not copy the words just as you found them. This is cheating and is . The right thing you should do is to write an of the information in your own words and never forget to a list of the websites you have referred to when your report is finished. 【语言点学习】 三、短语翻译。


课题Unit4 Where is my car? 第一课时 一、学习内容: A. Let’s learn . Let’s do 二、学习目标: 1.能听、说、认读on in under chair desk. 2.听懂含有形容词的几个指令,并按指令做动作. 三、重点难点: 1、能听、说、认读单词on in under chair desk. 2、能听、说、认读on in under chair desk,并在句子中应用. 3.能根据指令做动作. 四、学习过程: 学案导案 (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(2’) (1)日常口语会话展示. (2)教师播放歌曲录音,师生边唱边做动作. 自主学习1、听录音,读一读 Where is m y car? It’s under the chair. 2、拼一拼,写一写 on in under chair desk 3、听录音,跟读课文,与小组内同学互相评读,看一看, 比一比,谁读得好. (二)呈现新课(Presentation)

(1)出示课件,教师说:You will see a beautiful picture. Look at it carefully and tell us: What’s in it?/Where is the bird? 教师快速展示系列图片:on in under学生根据看到的图片说说位置单词.培养观察力和记忆力. (2)继续展示图片:书桌和椅子.T: What is it? It’s a chair.教师教学生认读单词chair 同样出书桌图片,引出单词,教师领读学生跟读学习单词; 教师也可关闭声音, 让学生看动画读单词. (3)播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生单词跟读. 合作探究我能流利朗读“Let’s learn” 1) 自由读. 2)小组长或推荐优秀组员领读. 3)其他方式. (三)趣味操练(Practice)(8’) (1)教师将Let’s learn 部分的单词卡举起,带读,学生以“开火车”的形式练习.如chair. chair,也可以让学生拼读单词. (2)Let’s do 部分的内容. a. 教师播放Let’s do 部分的动画,学生边听边说边做此部分的活动. b. 教师使用Let’s do 部分的动作图卡,让学生看图说图卡上画的是什么动物做的动作.

牛津译林版高中英语模块5 Unit 2 The Environment Project 导学案 2

Unit 2 The Environment Project 导学案2 自主学习 1.尽自己的职责 2. 依靠,指望 3.建立 4.在进行中 5.关于 6.排放 7.特别,尤其8.全神贯注于 9.大量的 10.最后但不是不重要 11.把…归咎于 12.第三长河流 13.解决问题的方法14.引起国内外的关注 一、合作探究 1. 【原句回放】As the third longest river in the world,the health of the Yangtze River has raised concern both in China and abroad. 句中raise的意思是________,词性________。 raise one’s family _ ____;raise pigs _ ___raise one’s glass to sb.__ ___ _ raise a new point/ a quesiton _______raise money _______ raise one’s hand ___________ raise one’s voice _____________ raise doubts in people’s minds _____________________ raise standards of service __ _____________________ raise one’s concern _____ ____ raise one’s awareness of_________ 这次活动旨在唤起人们保护环境的意识。 【辨析】raise/rise House prices are likely to rise by 10% the end of this year. The polar ice caps will melt and the sea level will rise. ___________ Charlotte rose from the table and went over to the window. ___________ The sun rose and the sea turned gold. ________________ (归纳总结)raise和rise 的区别_ rise意思是“上升,升起”,词性是不及物动词,无被动语态。常指日、月、云、雾、烟、水蒸气、物价、温度、河水、湖水及人的职位等,也表示起身,起立,起床等含义_ raise 是及物动词,后面带宾语,有被动语态。(如提高政治觉悟、生活

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater 单元学案(共7课时)

Unit 4 what’s the best movie theater? 本单元围绕“What’s the best...? ... is the best.” 等话题谈论“preference”并进行比较,以小镇为话题,主要语法是形容词最高级的用法。 单元教学内容分析 本单元的核心语言项目是“Discuss preferences and make comparisions”。从Section A 的“Movie theater, clothing store, radio station”到Section B的才艺表演,谈论最喜欢的东西,阅读篇章,做出选择,循序渐进,逐步扩展。 单元教学重点 1.进行比较,学会如何表达最喜欢什么东西 2.正确运用What’s the best...?和Why do you think so? 句型,并作出相应的回答。3.掌握重点词汇的意义和用法:Theater, cinema, seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio, station, trendy, quality, comfortable, close to. 4.能在情境中正确运用以下日常交际用语: What’s the best...? Why do you think so? Showtime cinema. It’s the cheapest. Jason’s has good quality clothes. It’s better than Trendy Teens. Jason’s is the best store in town. Danny’s is the closest. Let’s go there. 单元教学难点 1. 形容词的比较等级在句中的运用; 2.学会比较事物的相同和不同之处 3.能了解as for 的意义并能正确运用。 4.能根据调查,写出以“比较”为话题的调查报告。 学困生教学重难点突破措施 选择学生熟悉与喜欢的事物进行“比较”内容的教学,提高学困生的学习兴趣。精简重点词汇与句型,分层次记忆与操练。加强学困生课后的个别辅导,使他们在理解的基础上,能进行重点句型的朗读与仿写。 单元课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1a-1c; Period 2 Section A 2a-2c; Period 3 Section A 2d Period 4 Section A 3a-3c; Period 5 Section B 1a-1e Period 6 Section B2a-2e, Period 7 Section B3a-selfcheck

高中英语 M5 词组总结学案 牛津译林版必修5

牛津高中英语模块五词组总结 unit 1 1. make friends with sb. 2. develop friendships with sb. 3. What do you think the proverbs tell us about ? 4. Beijing is well worth a visit. Beijing is well worth visiting. 北京值得一游。 Beijing is worthy to be visited. Beijing is worthy of being visited. 5. get along well with sb. 与某人友好相处 6. feel betrayed 感到背叛了 7. betray sb. to sb. 把某人出卖 8. a surprise maths test 一次突然的数学考试 9. be / feel ashamed of … 对……感到惭愧 10. be proud of/ take pride in 以…为自豪 11. feel like (doing) sth /clause. 想、感觉像…… 12. be determined to do / determine to do sth. make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心去做某事 13. I admitted that I had made a mistake I admitted having made a mistake. 我承认我犯了错误。 He has been admitted to Beijing University. 他被北京大学录取。 14. keep one’s secret 保守秘密 15. keep one’s word / keep one’s promise 信守诺言 16. go straight to 直奔 17. break one’s word 食言 18. forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人所做的事 19. yell at sb. 对着某人大叫 20. laugh at / make fun of / play a joke on/ tease sb 嘲笑、取笑,跟某人开玩笑、取笑某人 21. focus one’s attention on 集中精力于 22. as a result of / because of/ owing to/ due to/ thanks to 由于;因为 23. can’t stand (doing) sth. 不能忍受(去做)某事 24. apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉 25. lead to / contribute to / result in/ cause 导致 26. turn into a horrible argument 转变成可怕的争论 27. feel guilty about… 因为……感到内疚 28. feel jealous of 嫉妒 29. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 30. an unforgettable experience 一次难以忘怀的经历 31. have every right to do sth. 完全有权利做某事 32. embarrass sb. in public 当众使某人尴尬 33. mean to do= intend to do = plan to do 打算干某事 34. mean doing 意味着

unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案

一、学习目标: 1、能听说认读写下面单词和短语:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers 2.能在句型中运用上述词汇。 二、自主学习: 1、我会认。scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers 2、我会写,记忆三分钟,开始默写。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.我会用。我会造句。 (1).Where is my s________? (2). Where are my r_______ b______? (3). Where are my g_______? (4). I wear a sweater on a windy day. 除了以上句子,我还会说___________________________________________________. 三、合作交流。 1、小组内互读单词(采取组长领读、自读、互读的方法) 2、小组PK.(拼读单词,并且造句) 四、课堂检测 1、补全单词及短语并翻译。 sc_ _f, w_ll_t, s_ngl_sses, gl_ves, w_ _m j_ck_t, r_ _n b_ _ts, school b_g, sk_ _t, sw_ _ter, dr_ss, T-shirt, sh_ _ts, tr_ _sers 2.用所学节介词填空。 in, on, under, behind, beside. (1).The shoes are _______ the bed. (2).The desk is ________ the bed. (3).There is a computer ________ the desk. (4). There are some flowers _______ the computer. (5).------- Where are the ruler and the pen? ------- They are _______ the desk


M5U1 Getting along with others 一、课前自主预习——课文重建 根据本单元reading 课文在下面短文空格中填入所缺单词(每空一词)。 Dear Sarah, You have every right to feel _________ by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others, but it seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should___________ for blaming her. If you still have doubts, you should think about why you don’t believe her. Was it because you were ashamed of your______ or your behavior? Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her. Try not to sound too ______ of yourself when discussing your marks in front of others. However, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping ________ and likes to embarrass you in public, you had better find a new friend. Dear Andrew, It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! Don’t forget that some things are important to people, even when they don’t shout about them. The _______was probably very important to Matthew and he felt ______ about losing, and bad about not being as gifted at football as you are. A football team needs all the players to work together and help each other. Each player should play to their strengths. Shouting at your teammate was unfair and just made him feel worse. Although you both said ________ things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Don’t be stubborn. You say that your __________ is as important as football. Well, then you should be __________ to get your friendship back. Don’t let a small disagreement ruin your friendship. Do not delay. Talk to your friend and I’m sure that before long, you’ll be back playing football together. 二、课内合作探究 I、考点导练 一、根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(每空限 填一词) 1. A good friend never b his friends even in time of danger.


模块5 Unit 3 全单元语言点详备教学案(教师版)(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 1. Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 科学发展如此之快,以致于超出了我们的想像。 beyond prep. (表范围)越出(某事物)范围;超越: (表位置)在或向(某物)的远处: *beyond one’s power非某人能力所能及的 *beyond praise 夸不胜夸的 *be beyond sb. 使人无法想像/理解/做等 ①自行车没法修理了。The bicycle is beyond repair. ②We can’t see anything beyond the river because of the fog. 由于有雾,河的那边我们什么也看不见。 ③ The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou is _________ description. A. with B. in C. beyond D. on Reading : The perfect copy 1. A recent announcement by scientists that … announcement n. 宣告,通告 *make an announcement announce v.宣布; 宣告; 发表 *announce sth. (to sb.) *announce (to sb.)that ①She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience. 她向激动的观众宣布了比赛的冠军。 ②宣布比赛什麽时候开始了吗? Have they announced when the race will begin? 比较declare v. 正式宣布(某事); 表明: declare sth./that/ sb. (to be) ①declare `war (on/against sb) 向… 宣战 ②declare the meeting open/closed 宣布会议开始/结束 ③She was declared (to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪. 2. …has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. shock v [尤用於被动语态] 使(某人)震惊; *sth. shock sb. *sb. be shocked at/by sth./ to do

五年级英语Unit4第三课时 导学案

PEP五年级上册 Unit 4 What Can You Do? 温馨寄语:Nothing is difficult, if you put heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 [学习内容](Learning contents) 人教版五年级上册Unit 4What Can You Do? PartB Read and write ,Let’s play, Part C Let’s check. 学习目标(Learning aims) 1.听懂、会说、正确读写句型:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill. We can help her. Just do it. 3 .能完成Part C Let’s check的任务. 知识链接:(Knowledge Links) 1.“Mother Goat ”可译为:山羊妈妈。 2. “just do it ”可译为:就这么干吧。 学习指导(Learning guide) 1.自主学习对话内容(试读,试翻译,理解对话的含义并完成句子填空。) 2.正确书写Read and write中的四会句子 3.完成Part C Let’s check的任务 4.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流)

自主学习(Self-learning) 1.听“Read and Write’’录音两遍,正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思。现在来试试吧! Mother Goat is ill. ( ) What can you do ? ( ) I can water the flowers. ( ) Just do it . ( ) 2,学生自由读对话,找出不懂的词句。 合作探究(Group work) 1.你能用本节课所学的知识完成课本48页Read and write 部分的填空吗? (1)What can the monkey do? He can (2)What can the rabbit do? She can (3)What can zip do? She can (4)What can zoom do? He can 2.你能分角色读P48页的对话吗?小组内先分配角色再自由读。 3.你能正确书写P48页对话中的四会句型吗?


主备人:审核人:用案人:用案时间: NO. 课题:Module7 Unit3 Project(1)(第13课时)

高流中学高二英语导学案谨勤善诱 Keys: 一、: research; : choose; key; classified; evaluated; : things; consideration; information; consult; confirm; symbols; para4: illegal;outline;attach; 二、1-5:do research on; keep…in mind; sit down at a computer terminal; be classified by; search engine; 6-10: type in; be linked to; make a decision; be divided into; a bunch of titles; up to date; 11-15: take into consideration; as a general rule; be sure about; make a difference; search for; 16-20: special special subject category; a branch of; most often; generally speaking; not only...but also...; 21-24:. according to the key words; belong to sb.; follow these tips; a list of 【检测】 1-5:recommend for; As a general rule; made a difference; at the bottom of; do research on; 6-10: keep in mind; attached to; on the basis of; taken into consideration; were divided into;

五年级下册英语Unit4 第三课时

2. 正确运用“Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen”等句子介绍家人正在做什么。 3. 学会唱歌曲“What Are Y ou Doing?” 【学习过程】 一、旧知回顾 1. 下列是打电话常用语,你知道它们的意思吗?试着翻译一下吧! (1) Sorry, but(但是)my father is out. (2) Please hold on. (3) Can I speak to your mom? (4) There’s a call for you. (5) Who’s calling, please? (6) This is Zhang Peng speaking. 2. 翻译下列句子,注意书写句子的要求啊! (1) 我是张鹏。(打电话时用) (2) 你正在干什么? (3) 我正在读书。 (4) 你妈妈在干什么? (5) 你会干什么? 二、预习导航 1. 帮你学: (1)How’s everybody doing?是一句习惯用语,表示“大家都好吗?”在这段话中还表示“大家都 在干什么?”翻译时要注意语言环境。 (2)Just fine还不错,都很好,也是一句习惯用语。 2. 根据Read and write中的内容,创编新对话。 A:Hello! B:Hello. Uncle Lary. Who is ? A:It’s Amy. B:I speak your dad? A: . He’s the room. Dad, is a you. C:Thank you. 3. 跟读对话,然后模仿录音朗读对话,挑战自我,尝试背诵。 4. 小组内完成Group work. 5. 观察Let’s check中的图片,用英语写出每个人正在干什么。 ①A___________________________ B___________________________ ②A___________________________ B___________________________ ③A___________________________ B___________________________ ④A___________________________ B___________________________ 听录音,完成听音选图任务。 三、当堂达标 1. 连词成句。 (1) is What doing your mother (?) (2) am the I playing piano (.) (3) book is mother my a reading (.)

牛津版高三英语单元复习精品学案 模块5 Unit 2 The environment

牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案 Unit 2The environment 词汇导练 1.How do you analyze the present economic s____________? 2.A balloon e____________as it is filled with air. 3.The manager is greatly d____________ with the young man. 4.This medicine is highly e____________against cancer. 5.Smoking is p____________in all areas of the office building. 6.The____________(环境)problems must be paid much attention to. 7.We try our best to increase ____________(产量)by using better methods and tools. 8.I have enjoyed my visit very much,and would like to thank all(the people)____________(相关的). 9.He felt the floor shocked ____________(轻微). 10.The two workers have been____________(非法)discharged(解雇). 11.One or two glasses of wine a day can be____________(benefit). 12.They had been____________ (debate) for several hours without reaching a conclusion. 1.situation 2.expands 3.disappointed 4.effective 5.prohibited 6.environmental 7.production8.concerned 9.slightly10.illegally11.beneficial12.debating 短语汇集 1.________________对……有持久的影响 2.________________ 增长至 3.________________ 环保的生活方式 4.________________ 对……负责 5.________________ 经营这些工厂的人们 6.________________ 对……有害 7.________________ 自然灾害 8.________________ 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程 9.________________ 认识到做某事的重要性 10.________________ 引起国内外关注 11.________________ 偶遇 12.________________ 得出一个结论 1.have a lasting effect on/upon 2.grow to/climb to/rise to/increase to 3.an environmentally friendly way of living, 4.be responsible for(doing)sth./take responsibility for sth. 5.the people running these factories 6.do harm to/be harmful to/do damage to... 7.natural disasters 8.take steps to stop the process of desertification 9.recognize the importance of doing sth.10.raise concern both nationally and internationally/both at home and abroad11.run across/run into/come across12.draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion

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