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2019高考英语三轮冲刺大题提分大题精做3阅读理解议论文 含答案解析

2019高考英语三轮冲刺大题提分大题精做3阅读理解议论文 含答案解析
2019高考英语三轮冲刺大题提分大题精做3阅读理解议论文 含答案解析



【2018·全国II】We’ve all been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.

What’s the problem? It’s possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us start a conversation because it’s awkward and challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find y ourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits.

Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease(润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. “Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”

In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop e xperience. “It’s not that talking to the waiter is better than talking to your husband,” says Dunn. “But interactions with peripheral(边缘的) members of our social network matter for our well-being also.”

Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk. “Small talk is the basis of good manners,” he says.

1. What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?

A. Addiction to smartphones.

B. Inappropriate behaviours in public places.

C. Absence of communication between strangers.

D. Impatience with slow service.

2. What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?

A. Showing good manners.

B. Relating to other people.

C. Focusing on a topic.

D. Making business deals.

3. What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?

A. It improves family relationships.

B. It raises people’s confidence.

C. It matters as much as a formal talk.

D. It makes people feel good.

4. What is the best title for the text?

A. Conversation Counts

B. Ways of Making Small Talk

C. Benefits of Small Talk

D. Uncomfortable Silence

【答案】1-4 CBDC


1.C主旨大意题。题干问的是:第一段描述了什么现象。在公共场合(比如在电梯里,在银行排队,或在飞机上)人们深深地专注于他们的智能手机,或者更糟糕的是,与不舒服的沉默抗争。由此可知,陌生人之间缺乏沟通。A项意为:沉迷于智能手机。B项意为:在公共场所不适当的行为。C 项意为:陌生人之间缺乏沟通。D项意为:对缓慢的服务不耐烦。故选C项。

2.B推理判断题。题干问得是对于Carducci来说,成功的闲聊中重要的是什么。根据第三段最后一句“The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them”(成功闲聊的关键是学习如何与他们交流,而不仅仅是与他们沟通。)由此推断B符合题意。A项意为:表现出良好的礼貌。B项意为:与他人有关的。C项意为:专注于一个话题。D项意为:做商业交易。故选B项。





【2018·江苏】In the 1760s, MathurinRoze opened a series of shops that boasted(享有)a special meat soup called consomme. Although the main attraction was the soup, Roze’s chain shops also set a new standard for dining out, which helped to establish Roze as the inventor of the modern restaurant.

Today, scholars have generated large amounts of instructive research about restaurants. Takevisual hints that influence what we eat: diners served themselves about 20 percent more pasta(意大利面食) when their plates matched their food. When a dark-colored cake was served on a black plate rather than a white one, customers recognized it as sweeter and tastier.

Lighting matters, too. When Berlin restaurant customers ate in darkness, they couldn’t tell how much they’d had: those given extra-large shares ate more than everyone else, but were none the wiser—they didn’t feel fuller, and they were just as ready for dessert.

Time is money, but that principle means different things for different types of restaurants. Unlike fast-food places. fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend. One way toencourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart(莫扎特).Whenclassical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more. Fast music hurried diners out.Particular scents also have an effect: diners who got the scent of lavender(薰衣草) stayed longerand spent more than those who smelled lemon, or no scent.

Meanwhile, things that you might expect to discourage spending—"bad" tables, crowding,high prices —don’t necessarily. Diners at bad tables — next to the kitchen door, say — spent nearly as much as others but soon fled. It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not "be overly concerned about ‘bad tables,’ given that they’re profitable. As for crowds, a Hong Kong study found that they increased a restaurant’s reputation, suggesting great food at fair prices. And doubling a buffet’s price led customers to say that its pizza was 11 percent tastier.

5. Th e underlined phrase “none the wiser” in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the

customers were .

A. not aware of eating more than usual

B. not willing to share food with others

C. not conscious of the food quality

D. not fond of the food provided

6. How could a fine dining shop make more profit?

A. Playing classical music.

B. Introducing lemon scent.

C. Making the light brighter,

D. Using plates of larger size.

7. What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. Tips to attract more customers.

B. Problems restaurants are faced with.

C. Ways to improve restaurants' reputation.

D. Common misunderstandings about restaurants.

【答案】5-7 AAD


5. A词义猜测题。根据该句中“…they didn’t feel fuller, and they were just as ready for dessert”可知,他们没有感觉更饱,想要再吃一点甜点;据此可以判断,划线词表示“他们没有意识到比平时吃得多”,故选A项。

6. A 细节理解题。根据第四段第三、四句“One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart (莫扎特). When classical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more.”可知,在餐馆播放古典音乐能延长顾客在餐馆的时间,从而促进餐馆赢得更多的利润,故选A项。

7.D 主旨大意题。通读尾段可知,该段第一句“Meanwhile, things that you might expect to discourage spending —“bad tables, crowding, high prices —don’t necessarily”为该段的主题段;结合全段内容可知,该段主要论述了人们对餐馆的常见误解,故选D项。


【中原名校2018-2019学年高三第四次质量考评英语试题】I have an entrepreneur friend, Arthur, who always wears a suit. I take the mick that I’ve never seen him in casual clothes and his response is: “The suit is the uniform of business.” But in my business, the uniform has often been torn jeans and glitter or computer programmer T-shirts. Either way, work clothing can be flexible, as long as it’s appropriate. At WAH Nails, many of the team say that one of the special benefits is that they don’t have to suppress(抑制) their identity at work. But when we opened in a new location, I thought we needed a uniform to make the nail artists easily identifiable. In the team meeting showing potential branded T-shirts, one of the artists, Holli, said sheepi shly: “But when I’m wearing a plain black logo T-shirt, I just don’t feel my ‘Stylebrat’ self.” (Stylebrat is her Instagram name.) She was right. We hired women with unique taste, so why was I trying to turn them into a homogenous(同类的) worker army? We got rid of the shirts and everyone was relieved.

On the other hand, without a uniform or loose dress code, I personally struggle to keep the style bar high every day. I love going into offices where I see that the founder has a distinct style that has moved slowly down to the team. In the fashion industry especially, this appropriation of crew style shows harmonious, which is essential for business success. Work clothing can unite you in your goals. It also removes distraction.

I have no hesitation wearing the same(clean) outfit two days in a row. I’d say my look is Busy Working Style Mom, mixing sportswear with suiting. I have 10 black jackets that I pair with one of 20 blue Zara jeans. Sometimes you’re just there to get the job done, not to worry a lot about your appearance.

8.What is the clothing style of the staff at WAH Nails?

A.It is formal.

B.It is fashionable.

C.It is characteristic.

D.It is traditional.

9.What does the paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A.A style loved by all workers in a company.

B.The benefits of wearing a uniform in work.

C.The importance of the founders’ taste in fashion.

D.The importance of a friendly atmosphere in business.

10.What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraph?

A.Women should have their own style.

B.Workers can wear jeans instead of dresses.

C.People can wear the same clothes for several days.

D.People should not care too much about their appearance.

11.Who may the text be intended for?


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dd14257875.html,puter programmers.

C.Working staff.

D.Women teachers.



8.C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“We hired women with unique taste, so why was I trying to turn them into a homogenous(同类的) worker army?”可知,我们雇佣了有独特品味的女性,所以我为什么要把她们变成同质的工人大军?由此可知,WAH Nails 的工装风格是有特色的,故C项正确。

9.B主旨大意题。根据第二段内容,特别是“Work clothing can unite you in your goals. It also removes distraction.”可知,工装能让你们在目标上团结一致,还能消除干扰,由此可知,本段主要介绍了穿工装的好处,故B项正确。

10.D细节理解题。根据最后一段“Sometimes you’re just there to get the job done, not to worry a lot about your appearance.”可知,有时候你在那只是为了完成工作,而不是太在意自己的外表,由此可知作者建议人们不必太在意自己的外表,故D项正确。



【江苏省南通泰州七市2019届高三第一次调研考试】When a driver slams on the brakes to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing the road illegally, she is making a moral decision that shifts risk from the pedestrian to the people in the car. Self-driving cars might soon have to make such ethical (道德的)judgments on their own —but settling on a universal moral code for the vehicles could be a tough task, suggests a survey.

The largest ever survey of machine ethics, called the Moral Machine, laid out 13 possible situations in which someone’s death was unavoidable. Respondents were asked to choose who to spare in situations that involved a mix of variables: young or old, rich

or poor, more people or fewer. Within 18 months, the online quiz had recorded 40 million decisions made by people from 233 countries and territories.

When the researchers analysed these answers, they found that the nations could be divided into three groups. One contains North America and several European nations where Christianity has been the dominant (占支配地位的)religion; another includes countries such as Japan, Indonesia and Pakistan, with strong Confucian or Islamic traditions. A third group consists of countries in Central and South America, such as Colombia and Brazil. The first group showed a stronger preference for sacrificing older lives to save younger ones than did the second group, for example.

The researchers also identified relationships between social and economic factors in a country. They found that people from relatively wealthy countries with strong institutions, such as Finland and Japan, more often chose to hit people who stepped into traffic illegally than did respondents in nations with weaker institutions, such as Nigeria or Pakistan.

People rarely face such moral dilemmas, and some cities question whether the possible situations posed in the online quiz are relevant to the ethical and practical questions surrounding driverless cars. But the researchers argue that the findings reveal cultural differences that governments and makers of self-driving cars must take into account if they want the vehicles to gain public acceptance.

At least Barbara Wege, who heads a group working on autonomous-vehicle ethics at Audi in Ingolstadt, Germany, says such studies are valuable. Wege argues that self-driving cars would cause fewer accidents, proportionally, than human drivers do each year—but that people might focus more on events involving robots.

Surveys such as the Moral Machine can help to begin public discussions about these unavoidable accidents that might develop trust. “We need to come up with a social consensus,” she says, “about which risks we are willing to take.”

12.Why is it difficult to set universal moral rules for programming self-driving cars? A.Social values always change with the times.

B.Moral choices vary between different cultures.

C.Drivers have a preference for sacrificing the weak.

D.Car makers are faced with decisions of life or death.

13.The researchers conducted the study by_____.

A.using a massive online quiz worldwide

B.comparing different cultures and customs

C.dividing the respondents into three groups

D.performing a series of controlled experiments

14.According to the study, in which country are drivers more likely to hit a pedestrian crossing the road illegally?

A.Nigeria B.Colombia

C.Finland D.Indonesia

15.Barbara Wege would probably agree that _____.

A.Self-driving cars will greatly improve the traffic environment

B.Accidents caused by self-driving cars might receive more attention

C.Problems involving self-driving cars might shake the public trust in society D.Car makers needn’t take the risk of solving self-driving car ethical dilemmas



12.B推理判断题。根据题目定位到第一段but settling on a universal moral code for the vehicles could be a tough task,suggests a survey. 看到下一段讲了这个survey,第三段揭示了研究结果:nations could be divided into three groups,第四段also identified …in a country,通过nations,country可知实验结果按照不同国家划分,可见是文化差异different cultures,故选B。

13.A细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二行online quiz可知A正确;B选项作者只是展示不同文化的moral choices,未提及比较;C选项根据第三段开头analyzed these answers, they found that nations could be divided into three groups说明divided是研究结果得出的,而非conduct the study使用的方法;D选项文章未提及experiment,research是通过analyzed these answers 得出的,故选A。

14.C细节理解题。根据题目定位到第四段第三行Finland and Japan, more often chose to hit people who stepped into traffic illegally可知根据这项研究,芬兰的司机更有可能撞上非法穿越马路的行人,故选C。

15.B细节理解题。根据人名定位到最后两段,最后一段Surveys…can help to begin public discussions about these unavoidable accidents可知Barbara Wege可能会同意无人驾驶汽车引发的事故可能会受到更多关注,B正确;A选项倒数第二段只提到cause fewer accidents, proportionally不等于greatlyimprove;C选项最后一段that might develop trust可知C错误;D选项car makers needn’t take risk文章完全没有提及,故选B。


【2017·江苏卷】A new commodity brings about a highly profitable,fast-growing industry, urging antitrust (反垄断) regulators to step in to check those who control its flow. A century ago, the resource in question was oil. Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants (巨头) that deal in data, the oil of the digital age. The most valuable firms are Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft. All look unstoppable.

Such situations have led to calls for the tech giants to be broken up. But size alone is not a crime. The giants’ success has benefited consumers. Few want to live without search engines or a quick delivery. Far from charging consumers high prices, many of these services are free (users pay, in effect, by handing over yet more data). And the appearance of new-born giants suggests that newcomers can make waves, too.

But there is cause for concern. The Internet has made data abundant, all-present and far more valuable, changing the nature of data and competition. Google initially used the data collected from users to target advertising better. But recently it has discovered that data can be turned into new services: translation and visual recognition, to be sold to other com panies. Internet companies’ control of data gives them enormous power. So they have a “God’s eye view” of activities in their own markets and beyond.

This nature of data makes the antitrust measures of the past less useful. Breaking up firms like Google into five small ones would not stop remaking themselves: in time, one of them would become great again. A rethink is required—and as a new approach starts to become apparent, two ideas stand out.

The first is that antitrust authorities need to move from the industrial age into the 21st century. When considering a merger (兼并),for example, they have traditionally used size to determine when to step in. They now need to take into account the extent of firms’ data assets (资产) when assessing the impact of deals. The purchase price could also be a signal that an established company is buying a new-born threat. When this takes place,

especially when a new-born company has no revenue to speak of, the regulators should raise red flags.

The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of online services have over data and give more to those who supply them. Companies could be forced to reveal to consumers what information they hold and how much money they make from it. Governments could order the sharing of c ertain kinds of data, with users’ consent.

Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy. But if governments don't want a data economy controlled by a few giants, they must act soon.

16.Why is there a call to break up giants?

A.They have controlled the data market.

B.They collect enormous private data.

C.They no longer provide free services.

D.They dismissed some new-born giants.

17.What does the technological innovation in Paragraph 3 indicate?

A.Data giants’ technology is very expensive.

B.Google’s idea is popular among data firms.

C.Data can strengthen giants’ controlling position.

D.Data can be turned into new services or products.

18.By paying attention to firms’ data assets, antitrust regulators could ________.

A.kill a new threat

B.avoid the size trap

C.favour bigger firms

D.charge higher prices

19.What is the purpose of loosening the giants’ control of data?

A.Big companies could relieve data security pressure.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dd14257875.html,ernments could relieve their financial pressure.

C.Consumers could better protect their privacy.

D.Small companies could get more opportunities.

【答案】16-19 A C B D


16. A细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants (巨头) that deal in data, the o il of the digital age.”和第二段第一句“Such situations have led to calls for the tech giants to be broken up.”可知,人们呼吁打破垄断的原因是数据信息垄断机构控制了数据市场,故选A项。注意B项中的private data,文中并没有提到私人数据,此题易误选B项。

17. C推理判断题。根据第三段第四、五句“But recently it has discovered that data can be turned into new services:translation and visual recognition, to be sold to other companies.Internet companies control of data gives them enormous power.”可知,数据可以转化为新的服务和商品,被卖给其他公司;因特网公司对数据的控制给了它们巨大的权力。据此可以判断,数据可以增强垄断公司的控制地位,故选C项。

18. B推理判断题。根据第五段第二、三句“When consider ing a merger (兼并),for example, they have traditionally used size to determine when to step in. They now need to take into account the extent of firms' data assets (资产) when assessing the impact of deals.”可知,传统意义上的反垄断组织用公司的大小来决定何时介入,而现在评估时则要考虑公司的数据资产规模。据此可知,关注数据评估,旨在避免陷入传统的“以公司大小”评估的陷阱,故选B项。

19. D推理判断题。根据第五段中的“The purchase price could also be a signal that an established company is buying a new-born threat. When this takes place, especially when a new-born company has no revenue to speak of, the regulators should raise red flags.”以及对第六段的理解可知,反垄断部门应该采取行动,使几大因特网巨头放松对数据的控制,使新生的小公司得到更多的发展机会,故选D项。


【2017·天津卷】I read somewhere that we spend a full third of our lives waiting. But where are we doing all of this waiting, and what does it mean to an impatient society like ours? To understand the issue, let’s take a look at three types of “waits”.

The very purest form of waiting is the Watched-Pot Wait. It is without doubt the most annoying of all. Take filling up the kitchen sink(洗碗池) as an example. There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it’s full. During these waits, the brain slips away from the body and wanders about until the water runs over the edge of the counter and onto your socks. This kind of wait makes the waiter helpless and mindless.

A cousin to the Watched-Pot Wait is the Forced Wait. This one requires a bit of

discipline. Properly preparing packaged noodle soup required a Forced Wait. Directions are very specific. “Bring three cups of water to boil, add mix, simmer three minutes, remove from heat, let stand five minutes.”I have my doubts that anyone has actually followed the procedures strictly. After all, Forced Waiting requires patience.

Perhaps the most powerful type of waiting is the Lucky-Break Wait. This type of wait is unusual in that it is for the most part voluntary. Unlike the Forced Wait, which is also voluntary, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen.

Turning one’s life into a waiting game requir es faith and hope, and is strictly for the optimists among us. On the surface it seems as ridiculous as following the directions on soup mixes, but the Lucky-Break Wait well serves those who are willing to do it. As long as one doesn’t come to rely on it, wishing for a few good things to happen never hurts anybody.

We certainly do spend a good deal of our time waiting. The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you’ll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don’t be desperate. You’re probably just as busy as the next guy.

20.While doing a Watched-Pot Wait, we tend to ___________.

A.keep ourselves busy

B.get absent-minded

C.grow anxious

D.stay focused

21.What is the difference between the Forced Wait and the Watched-Pot Wait?

A.The Forced Wait requires some self-control.

B.The Forced Wait makes people passive.

C.The Watched-Pot Wait needs directions.

D.The Watched-Pot Wait engages body and brain.

22.What can we learn about the Lucky-Break Wait?

A.It is less voluntary than the Forced Wait.

B.It doesn’t always bring the desired result.

C.It is more fruitful than the Forced Wait.

D.It doesn’t give people faith and hope.

23.What does the author advise us to do the next time we are waiting?

A.Take it seriously.

B.Don’t rely on others.

C.Do something else.

D.Don’t lose heart.

24.The author supports his view by _________.

A.exploring various causes of “waits”.

B.describing detailed processes of “waits”.

C.analyzing different categories of “waits”

D.revealing frustrating consequences of “waits”



20.B细节理解题。根据第二段的句子“During these waits, the brain slips away from the body and wanders about until the water runs over the edge of the counter and onto your socks.”可知我们在等待一壶水煮开的时候我们总是心不在焉的。故选B。

21.A细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“A cousin to the Watched-Pot Wait is the Forced Wait. This one requires a bit of discipline”可知,被迫的等待和留意的等待之间的区别在于被迫的等待需要纪律即自控,故选A。

22.B细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“which is also voluntar y, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen.”可知等待你的好运不一定意味着就会发生,即不一定带来渴望的结果。故选B。

23.D细节理解题。根据最后一段中“The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you’ll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don’t be desperate.”。可以判断出当我们下一次等待的时候我们不要绝望,不要灰心。故选D。



2019 高考英语作文牛师点评及满分范文汇总 1. 全国Ⅰ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请 写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1 .写信目的:2.个人优势:3 .能做的事情。 1 .词数100 左右; 2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.结束语已为你写好。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I'm Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I ' m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I ' m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What ' s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I' d


高中作文素材:家国情怀(时事热点) 高考全国新课标卷越来越注重对家国情怀特别是对时事热点的考查。下面给大家分享2019必须关注的时政热点! 改革开放 1「命题关键词」 改革、开放、科技、自信、实干、创新、继往开来、创新思路、生机活力、实践积累、因地制宜、不断完善、实事求是、特色道路、学习借鉴、先进科技、解放思想、勇于开拓、合作共赢 2预测题目 作文试题 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60分) (1)穷则变,变则通,通则久。(《周易·系辞》) (2)镜里朱颜都变尽,只有丹心难灭。(文天祥《念奴娇》) (3)四十年来,中国从计划经济走向市场经济,从中国制造走向中国智造,从跟随世界走向引领世界。 (4)某居委会主任由“致富带头人”蜕变为贪污腐败分子;某演员由知名明星变成了偷税漏税“名人”。 (5)“退休干部楷模”杨善洲,用二十年时间改变荒山,但不变的是他一生为民的执着和信念。 (6)十九大报告中主题词:不忘初心,牢记使命。 要求:综合材料内容及含意,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得

抄袭。不少于800字。 3高分思路 试题由材料和要求两部分组成。所选材料都是与“变”和“不变”相关的。 材料从“变”的角度选材。材料(1)从正面选材,表明了“变”的必要性和重要性;材料(3)则是中国改革开放四十周年来取得的伟大成就的具体体现,这是“变”(改革开放)的结果,正所谓“穷则变,变则通,通则久”,然而,这“变”的背后则蕴含着不变,那就是共产党人的初心——为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴。材料(4)从反面选材,用“致富带头人”和某演员的蜕变,警戒我们:社会可以变革、时代可以变化,但理想、信念不可丧失。 材料从“不变”的角度选材。其中材料(2)(5)用文天祥“朱颜改尽”“丹心难灭”和杨善洲一生为民两个事例,一古一今,蕴含着“赤诚之心”“远大抱负、美好信念”等应当坚守也必须坚守;材料(6)十九大报告主题词“不忘初心,牢记使命”,启迪我们,无论时势如何变化,初心须不忘,使命须牢记。 在改革开放四十周年的特定时间节点,弄清“变”与“不变”的含意及两者关系,对于个人的发展、社会的进步和国家的复兴都是极具现实意义的。 要求“综合材料内容及含意”,与以往不同,不再是选择其中的几则材料,更不能只选择其中之一。这一要求非常重要。 4学霸范本 求变浮云意不变磁针情 山高月小,水落石出,世间一切事物都在变。“穷则变,变则同,通则久”,当今中国正在变,正走向引领世界,变通,让我国的命运柳暗花明,让我们的各条战线获得硕果。“镜里朱颜都变尽,只有丹心难灭。”文天祥笔下的一个“难”字道出了中国人走向世界的坚定,几多刚毅,几多信念呵!因此,在社会进步的今天,我认为“变”是智慧,“不变”是信念。


2018高考英语作文五大热点预测 热点预测1:传统文化 传统文化是近几年高考的热点,今年考它的可能性会很大。 预测考题 假定你是李华,你校的交换生Tom对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,本周五学校将要举办”校园文化周",请你写一份封电子邮件,邀请Tom去体验编织艺术,内容包括: 1.提出邀请并简述原因 2.活动的内容(了解编织艺术的历史:1000多年;观看编织艺术的展览;用竹子编椅子,窗帘,装饰品) 3.约定与Tom见面的时间和地点 4.期待对方的回复 参考范文 Dear Tom, Here comes a piece of good news. The Campus Culture Festival will be hosted this Friday. Since you have a strong passion for Chinese folk art, it’s a great pleasure for me to invite you to join us. The activity is scheduled to last approximately two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall. It covers a wide variety of content. Not only can we appreciate numerous appealing weaving works ranging from chairs to decorations,

but also we’ll watch the documentary concerning the history of the weaving art. In addition, some distinguished professors will be invited to deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of the weaving art, during which time you will be definitely gain a better understanding of it. By the way, if you are available, we’ll meet at three outside the school gate. How I hope you can take my invitation into consideration! Your timely reply will be highly appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 热点预测2:共享单车 共享单车无疑是热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。 预测考题 假设你是李华,你校的新高一交换生TOM对共享单车感到新奇,请你写一份邮件,邀请他去体验共享单车。 内容包括: 1. 现象 2. 共享单车兴起的原因 3. 约TOM周末骑共享单车 参考范文 Dear Tom,


2019年全国高考语文作文题目汇总 每年高考,语文作文都是大家热切关注的话题,今年,小编认为江苏卷的作文题最难,有网友说江苏的就像是自由体操,看似自由发挥,稍有不慎就会出线......大家怎么看? 2019年全国Ⅰ卷作文题目 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 民生在勤,勤则不匮,劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。夙兴夜寐,洒扫庭内,热爱劳动是中华民族的优秀传统,绵延至今。可是现实生活中,也有一些同学不理解劳动,不愿意劳动。有的说:我们学习这么忙,劳动太占时间了!有的说:科技进步这么快,劳动的事,以后可以交给人工智能啊!也有的说:劳动这么苦,这么累,干吗非得自己干?花点钱让别人去做好了!此外,我们身边也还有着一些不尊重劳动的现象。 这引起了人们的深思。 请结合材料内容,面向本校(统称复兴中学)同学写一篇演讲稿,倡议大家热爱劳动,从我做起,体现你的认识与思考,并提出希望与建议。要求:自拟标题,自选角度,确定立意;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 适用地区:山东、广东、山西、江西、河南、湖南、河北、湖北、福建、安徽

2019年全国Ⅱ卷作文题目 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 1919年,民族危亡之际,中国青年学生掀起了一场彻底反帝反封建的伟大爱国革命运动。1949年,中国人从此站立起来了!新中国青年投身于祖国建设的新征程。1979年,科学的春天生机勃勃,莘莘学子胸怀报国之志,汇入改革开放的时代洪流。2019年,青春中国凯歌前行,新时代青年奋勇接棒,宣誓强国有我。2049年,中华民族实现伟大复兴,中国青年接续奋斗 请从下列任务中任选一个,以青年学生当事人的身份完成写作。 ①1919年5月4日,在学生集会上的演讲稿。 ②1949年10月1日,参加开国大典庆祝游行后写给家人的信。 ③1979年9月15日,参加新生开学典礼后写给同学的信。 ④2019年4月30日,收看纪念五四运动100周年大会后的观后感。 ⑤2049年9月30日,写给某位百年中国功勋人物的国庆节慰问信。 要求:结合材料,自选角度,确定立意;切合身份,贴合背景;符合文体特征;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 适用地区:陕西、甘肃、青海、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、内蒙古、新疆、重庆、海南


2019年高考英语阅读理解专题复习10篇(名师精选真题实战训练+详细解题过程,值得下载练习) [一] As cultural symbols go, the American car is quite young. The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago, with the first rolling off the assembly line(装配线) on September 27,1908.Only eleven cars were produced the next month. But eventually Henry Ford would build fifteen million of them. Modern America was born on the road, behind a wheel. The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects o f American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger. For most of the last century, the car represented what it meant to be American—going forward at high speed to find new worlds. The road novel, the road movie, these are the most typical American ideas, born of abundant petrol, cheap cars and a never-ending interstate highway system, the largest public works project in history. pot and In 1928 Herbert Hoover imagined an America with“ a chicken in every a car in every garage.” Since then, this society has moved onward, never looking back, as the car transformed America from a farm-based society into an industrial power. The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster. In America the demand for oil has grown by 22 percent since 1990. The problems of excessive(过度的)energy consumption, climate change and population growth have been described in a book by the American writer Thomas L.Friedman. He fears the worst, but hopes for the best. Friedman points out that the green economy(经济)is a chance to keep American The ability to design, build and export green technologies for producing strength.“  clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant food is going to be the currency of power in the new century.”

精选2019高考英语作文训练(10)报告(情况描述 分析原因 表达观点)(含范文)

2019高考英语作文训练 作文训练之报告(情况描述+分析原因+表达观点)

句型提示: 1、书信功能句: 2、英语作文万能句: 1)I am writing to you to …(谈写信目的) 2) I am looking forward to your reply. (写信结束语) 3) I would appreciate it if you could …如果你能…,我将非常感激。 4) I wonder if you could …我想您是否能…. 5) Would it be possible for you to …? 您是否可以。。。? 6) Would it be convenient for you to …? 您是否方便…? 7) I would like to …我想要… 8) It would be better for you to …您最好…

9) You might as well …您最好… 10) If I were you, I would …. 如果我是你,我会… 11) Would you please …? Could you …? 请您… 3、英语作文常用句式: 1) 主+谓+…,doing/done … 2) 主+谓+…,which/who 从句 3)主,同位语,+谓+… 4)主+谓+…,with 结构 5)What +从句 is that 从句 6)强调句或倒装句(起强调作用,需要强调时,用) 7)其他:so/such …that…; It is …before …; too … to …等 写作训练(10) 手机(cellphone)深刻影响着我们的生活。你校将要举办一场关于手机“为了社交还是反社交?”的讨论。请你参考上面图片以Cellphones, Social or Anti-social?为题写一篇英语短文表达自己的观点。 写作要点:1. 简述手机如何影响人们的日常生活; 2. 表达你的观点并说明原因。 写作要求:1. 文章中不得出现个人真实信息;2. 词数100左右。 思路点拨:1、人称:第三人称为主;时态:一般现在时为主; 2、要点:1)引入话题,手机如何影响生活,侧重对社交生活的影响;2)表达 自己的观点;3)2-3点原因,支撑自己的观点。 参考句型:1 have an impact on … 2. bring sb great convenience; make it easy for sb to communicate 3. have both social and anti-social effect 第一稿


2019高考作文素材热点汇总: 为中国制造点赞,2019考生必看! 近日,一篇关于“中国制造”的人民日报微博被人们疯狂转载…… 中国制造再一次震撼人心,作文君看了,心情也澎湃不已。每一次震惊国人的背后,都有一个振奋人心的故事。每一份故事背后,都是一份非常棒的作文素材! 1、“人造太阳” 据央视新闻客户端11月12日报道,中科院等离子体所今天发布消息,我国大科学装置“人造太阳”日前取得重大突破,实现加热功率超过10兆瓦,等离子体储能增加到300千焦,等离子体中心电子温度首次达到1亿度,获得的多项实验参数接近未来聚变堆稳态运行模式所需要的物理条件,朝着未来聚变堆实验运行迈出了关键一步,也为人类开发利用核聚变清洁能源奠定了重要的技术基础。 东方超环(EAST)是等离子体所自主设计、研制并拥有完全知识产权的磁约束核聚变实验装置,是世界上第一个非圆截面全超导托卡马克,也是我国第四代核聚变实验装置,它的科学目标是让海水中大量存在的氘和氚在高温条件下,像太阳一样发生核聚变,为人类提供源源不断的清洁能源,所以也被称为“人造太阳”。 人造太阳的研制是解决能源问题的一个巨大的转折点,我们国家大部分用化石能源供能,如果核能聚变可控的话,就会给世界的能源解决巨大问题。 可控核聚变技术一旦实现,能源将会取之不竭、用之不尽。 可控核聚变技术一旦掌握,人类将从地球文明跨越到恒星际文明,星际大航海时代将随之开启。 2、“推力矢量技术”取得重大突破 11月6日,第十二届中国国际航空航天博览会在珠海开幕。由我国自主研制的歼-10B推力矢量验证机在珠海上空成功进行了过失速机动飞行表演。展示的“榔头”机动,“大迎角360度滚转”“落叶飘”“眼镜蛇”“赫伯斯特”等典型过失速机动飞行动作,充分体现了歼-10B推力矢量验证机优异的飞行性能。 据歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目现场总指挥、航空工业副总经理杨伟介绍,实现过失速机动飞行,不仅要拥有带推力矢量技术的发动机,同时,飞机必须具有优良的大迎角气动性能、良好的进发匹配特性、以及独特的飞行控制技术。近几年,在军委装备发展部、空军、科工局等上级领导的亲切关怀和大力支持下,我国推力矢量技术取得重大突破,成为世界上少数几个掌握此项关键技术的国家之一。 “歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目,成功实现了推力矢量这一航空关键领域的创新突破,这是飞发一体综合设计与应用的典型范例,也是航空核心技术自主创新的又一次成功实践,为后续的技术创新和型号发展奠定了坚实的基础。”歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目总设计师、航空工业成都所总设计师王海峰说王海峰说。 3、第41颗北斗卫星成功发射 2018年11月1日23时57分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,成功发射第四十一颗北斗导航卫星,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。 这颗卫星属于地球静止轨道卫星,是我国北斗三号系统第十七颗组网卫星,也是北斗三号系统首颗地球静止轨道卫星。年底之前,长三乙运载火箭还将与“老搭档”远征一号携手发射两颗北斗三号组网卫星。 近日,随着北斗三号工程第三、四颗组网卫星成功发射,2018年北斗卫星进入密集发射期。计划到2018年年底我国将发射18颗北斗三号卫星,服务“一带一路”沿线国家,到2020年,35


2019年天津高考英语作文答案预测 高考离我们越来越近了,你知道今年天津有哪些预测英语作文吗的?下面是橙子给大家精心挑选的20xx年天津高考英语作文答案预测,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 20xx年天津高考英语作文篇1 假设你是某中学学生会主席李华,你校与本地一所国际学样经常举办联谊活动。你计划在重阳节组织学生到养老院去慰问老人,拟邀请国际学校的学生参加,请你根据以下内容要点给国际学样的学生会主席Tony写一封信。 要点:向老人赠送礼物(鲜花、自制贺卡……);为老人提供服务(做清洁、陪老人聊天……);为老人表演节目(唱歌、跳舞……)。 注意: 1、词数为100左右; 2、信的开关和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数); 3、已给出的信的开头和结尾不得抄入答题卡。 Dear Tony, Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is coming around. We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the speeial day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us. Looking forward to your early reply. 1 / 4

We have planned several activities. When we get there, we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups, presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses. As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing, daneing, and so on. I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. 20xx年天津高考英语作文篇 2 英语中“please ,thank you, sorry”等礼貌用语等具有怎进友谊,改善关系,化解矛盾的神奇力量,因而被称为“magic words” ,请用”magic power of polite words “ 为题写一篇短文。 范文: magic power of polite words More and more people attach great importance to relationship in career success. Being polite is the first and most important step to develop good relationship among friends. Polite words can be easy yet very powerful in your daily life. 2 / 4


2019全国1卷高考语文作文题目及点评 2019年高考语文科目已经结束,今年高考全国1卷语文作文题目是:写一篇提倡劳动的演讲稿。 2019年全国1卷高考语文作文 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 “民生在勤,勤则不匮”,劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。“夙兴夜寐,洒扫庭内”,热爱劳动是中华民族的优秀传统,绵延至今。可是现实生活中,也有一些同学不理解劳动,不愿意劳动。有的说:“我们学习这么忙,劳动太占时间了!”有的说:“科技进步这么快,劳动的事,以后可以交给人工智能啊!”也有的说:“劳动这么苦,这么累,干吗非得自己干?花点钱让别人去做好了!”此外,我们身边也还有着一些不尊重劳动的现象。 这引起了人们的深思。 请结合材料内容,面向本校(统称“复兴中学”)同学写一篇演讲稿,倡议大家“热爱劳动,从我做起”,体现你的认识与思考,并提出希望与建议。要求:自拟标题,自选角度,确定立意;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 全国1卷语文作文点评及解析 今年普通高考语文作文题目是要求考生面向全校(复兴中学)同学写一篇演讲稿,倡议“热爱劳动,从我做起”。考题分为材料,导语和要求三部分。 考题贴近生活,开放性强,考题既有限定性因素,也包含了非常广泛的非限定性因素,有利于考生结合自身生活感受、情感经验挖掘材料内涵,拓展思路,充分表达对劳动的认识,彰显新时代青年的人生观、价值观、劳动观。 考题围绕劳动展开,但内容层次、思想逻辑有多元化蕴含,贴近考生实际。考生可以从身心、道德、社会、文化等多角度展开探究性思考,有利于考查学生创造性思维、开放性思维、辩证思维的能力。 考题包含自我反思意识,蕴含对科技进步、时代发展和个人成长的多方面展望。倡导社会主义核心价值观,体现了培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的教育方针。


2019高考英语阅读理解-推理判断题(含解析) 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 Here are six steps to better studying. Pay attention in class Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Tell your teacher or parents about any problem that is preventing you from paying attention. Take good notes Write down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board. Try to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. It's a good idea to keep your notes organized by subject. Plan ahead for tests and projects Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday's test will make it hard to do your best. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to plan ahead. Write down your test dates. You can then plan how much to do after school each day, and how much time to spend on each topic. Break it up When there's a lot to study, it can help to break things into several parts. Let's say you have a spelling test on 20 words. Instead of thinking about all of the words at once, try breaking them down into five-word groups and work on one or two different groups each night. Ask for help You can't study effectively if you don't understand the material. Be sure to ask your teacher for help. If you're at home when the confusion occurs, your mom or dad might be able to help. Sleep tight So the test is tomorrow and you've followed your study plan—but suddenly you can't remember anything! Don't panic. Your brain needs time to digest all the information you've given it. Try to get a good night's sleep and you'll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning. (1)We know from the passage that a loud person is ________. A. a student who always answers questions loudly in class B. someone who likes to talk with others in a loud voice C. a student who likes speaking with others in class D. a person who makes a lot of noise in public places (2)If you don't understand what you have learnt, you can ________. A. read your notes over and over again B. turn to people around you for help C. put aside the material for later review D. ask your teacher to explain it the next day (3)By saying “Sleep tight”, what does the author mean?



间), when I ____________③____________ (什么事件). ____________④____________ (事件发生的过程). The smile shone in the whole day and the following days. A week later, ____________⑤___________ (事件的结果). Thanks to ___________⑥_____________, I ___________⑦_____________ (谈谈自己的看法). 明确“五个W和一个H”。 要写好记叙文,首先要确定先写什么,再写什么,最后写什么,然后开始布局谋篇。我们可以借用英语新闻写作中经常用到的“五个W和一个H”的概念,即what(什么事),who(什么人),when(什么时候),where(什么地点),why(什么原因),how(怎么样)。整个写作内容的确定、写作材料的筛选,都要围绕这五个W和一个H 进行。 典例01 (2017·北京卷)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,

请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录毕业前夕你们制作以“感恩母校”为主题的毕业纪念视频的全过程。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:视频 video (请务必讲作文写在答题卡指定区域内) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


2019高考英语二轮阅读理解归类练习—旅游交通(详解) (2012·江西卷)For those who make journeys across the world,the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villages.Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village.Jet planes fly people from one end of the earth to the other,allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago. Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far.A price has been paid,they say,for the conquest (征服) of time and distance.Travel_is_something_to_be_enjoyed,not_endured(忍受).The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey.A journey by train also has a special charm about https://www.wendangku.net/doc/dd14257875.html,kes and forests and wild,open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing.On board a plane,however,there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow windows of the airplane.The soft lighting,in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know,and the hours progress slowly. Then there is the time spent being “processed” at a modern airport.People are conveyed like robots along walkways;baggage is weighed,tickets produced,examined and produced yet again before the passengers move to another waiting area.Journeys by rail and sea take longer,yes,but the hours devoted to being “processed” at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent.No wonder,then,that the modern hi gh-speed trains are winning back passengers from the airlines. Man,however,is now a world traveler and cannot turn his back on the airplane.The working lives of too many people depend upon it;whole new industries have been built around its design and opera tion.The holiday-maker,too,with limited time to spend,patiently endures the busy airports and the limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days,relaxing in the sun.Speed controls people's lives;time saved,in work or play,is the important thing—or so we are told.Perhaps those first horsemen,riding free across the wild,open plains,were enjoying a better world than the one we know today.They could travel at will,and the clock was not their master. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,乘坐飞机旅行方便快捷,节省了出行旳时间,然而却也

2019高考(押题)英语作文训练(3)书信(信 文娱与课外生活)(含范文)

2019高考英语作文训练 李仕才 作文训练之书信(信+文娱与课外生活)

句型提示: 1、书信功能句: 2、英语作文万能句: 1)I am writing to you to …(谈写信目的) 2) I am looking forward to your reply. (写信结束语) 3) I would appreciate it if you could …如果你能…,我将非常感激。 4) I wonder if you could …我想您是否能…. 5) Would it be possible for you to …? 您是否可以。。。? 6) Would it be convenient for you to …? 您是否方便…? 7) I would like to …我想要… 8) It would be better for you to …您最好… 9) You might as well …您最好… 10) If I were you, I would …. 如果我是你,我会… 11) Would you please …? Could you …? 请您… 3、英语作文常用句式: 1) 主+谓+…,doing/done … 2) 主+谓+…,which/who 从句 3)主,同位语,+谓+… 4)主+谓+…,with 结构 5)What +从句 is that 从句 6)强调句或倒装句(起强调作用,需要强调时,用) 7)其他:so/such …that…; It is …before …; too … to …等 写作训练(3) 暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法。请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法。


2019年高考作文热点素材科技创新 为高质量发展提供更多生力军 (1) 新技术,占据创新制高点 (2) 应对新兴科技带来的伦理挑战 (3) 以坚实的精神支撑激发创新的力量 (4) 汪涛:颠覆式创新需要“科学伯乐” (5) 水氢发动机得证明成本可行,才有出路 (6) 复盘水氢车,辨识真假创新至关重要 (7) 政府“帮卖”一半,这样发展氢能源车逾越市场底线 (8) 观察“南阳神车”的两个向度 (9) “南阳水氢车”还要继续跑下去吗 (10) 为高质量发展提供更多生力军 赵婀娜 2019年05月27日04:49 来源:人民网-人民日报 进入5月,全国各地陆续组织首次高职扩招补报名,意味着高职扩招拉开了帷幕。高职扩招这一重要举措的落地,是职业教育改革发展的重大机遇,将对我国教育发展、经济高质量发展产生重大影响。 从今年《政府工作报告》提出高职院校大规模扩招100万人,到教育部下发《高职扩招专项工作实施方案》,再到高职扩招进入实施阶段,行动之迅速,落实之有力,令人欣喜。这也凸显出经济结构变革、职业教育跨越式发展、为学生提供多样化成才路径、营造人人皆可成才环境等需求的迫切性。 从宏观角度看,我国经济已经由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,但高素质技术技能人才的供需结构性矛盾仍相对突出。人社部2018年数据显示,我国技能劳动者超过1.65亿人,占就业人员总量的21.3%,但其中高技能人才只有4791万人,仅占就业人员总量的6.2%。高职扩招后,将为现代制造业、现代服务业、现代农业等产业一线输送更多高素质技术技能人才,进一步促进人力资源供给侧结构性改革,把人口红利更好地转变为人才红利,成为中国产业走向全球价值链中高端的生力军。

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