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1.The iron gate needs three c________ of paint for rust protection.

2.It was a cold room, but it a________ a fine view of the Old City.

3.I would strongly advise a________ going out on your own.

4.She wants to be involved in every a________ of your life.

5.She didn't a________ in the slightest surprised at the news.

6.Turn the heat down or your cake will b________.

7.The new NBA season hasn’t begun yet because c________ and labour are still in great disagreement on salary.

8.This discovery is highly appreciated in the c________ of science.

9.This sentence does not seem to c________ with the content.

10.Police say they believe the attacks were c________ out by nationalists.

11.I must say, in c________ with Helen, that I strongly oppose the proposal.

12.She later d________ a taste for expensive clothes.

13.These old photos c________ up memories of his childhood.

14.How is Martin c________ along with his English?

15.The d________ was proud to have such a painting in his museum.

16.Thanks to our Taiwan brothers, who d________ generously during Wen Chuan earthquake.

17.With such d________, there's no difficulty that they can't overcome.

18.If you ever d________ call me that name again, you will be sorry.

19.Just d________ the matter if he doesn't agree to it. Don't force him.

20.If you don't eat less, you'll e________ up looking like a whale!

21.He was 58, and his health was f________ rapidly.

22.Though we didn’t do well in the last exam, I thought that we still had a lot of f________in us.

23.He bought a pocket computer which is small enough to f________ into pocket.

24.'Do you f________ any particular religion?' — 'Yes, we're all Hindus.'

25.They f________ a circle and sang 'Auld Lang Syne'.

26.Why don't you f________ your new girlfriend over?We'd like to meet her.

27.Daisy had six g________ at her driving test before she passed.

28.The sound of footsteps g________ died away in the corridor.

29.She still hasn’t g________ over the shock of her mother’s death.

30.He was g________ all his collection away to the museum for nothing.

31.I just d________ by to see how you were getting on.

32.There's no question that the hamburger was a h________.

33.We consider Sha Tin as a luxurious place to h________ out.

34.He turned a deaf ear to the i________ given by his teacher.

35.I________ my amazement when a 70-year-old man beat me at tennis.

36.These men are criminals, but they must be dealt with j________.

37.Transport has always been the k_______ to developing trade.

38.He didn’t expect to k________ into some of his friends here.

39.Our reporters will keep you up to the minute with the l________ developments in Florida.

40.Let this accident be a l________ to all of you!

41.I’ll l________ you to choose which film we see.

42.We must drive home to him where the difficulties l________.

43.I’ve l________ through all my papers but I still can’t find the letter.

44.I don't know how they m________ to bring up four children — they're as poor as church mice.

45.He m________ in finance at Claremont Men's College in California.

46.Fights between police and m________ lasted for three hours outside the city hall.

47.They tried every m________ to hold down the workers on strike.

48.Don't m________ out your brothers when you send round the invitations.

49.The details of today's flights are displayed on the m________.

50.You don't get rich, but you can get a m________ living out of it.

51.I think it's very unkind of you to m________ up stories about him.

52.I always m________ him up with his brother. They look so much alike.

53.I’m sorry. I m________ you for a friend of mine.

54.Eric’s got a lovely easygoing n_________.

55.He received four years of n________ education at college.

56.A man in my position has nothing to fear from a n________ like you.

57.O________ opened, this product should be kept refrigerated.

58.This is a new model machine which is very easy to o________.

59.He has a very expensive wristwatch and he misses no o________ to show it off.

60.Jeff is an o________ boxer and will probably become a champion.

61.You look rather p________. What's wrong with you ? -- No matter. Just got

a cold.

62.Harry stepped into the p________ and closed the door behind him.

63.Mr Nowell had p________ ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London.

64.I p________ you if you can't answer such a simple question!

65.Protests have p________ the President under serious pressure.

66.The pop songs she sings are very p________ to the ear.

67.Teachers need to p________ their students to deal with real-world situations outside the classroom.

68.Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the p________ of gravity.

69.His parents always have to p________ him to do his homework.

70.If you put yourself in his place , you will r________ what he is feeling and trying to do.

71.It's surely possible for them to r________ an agreement.

72.I hear with r________ that your father is ill.

73.Thanks for your gift—it will always r________ me of you.

74.The book received a favorable r________.

75.Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial r________ in 1956.

76.The ink had r________ on the wet paper.

77.Fire fighters led the children to s_________.

78.Will you do the shopping for me? It'll s________ me a trip.

79.Now most people begin taking advantage of low s________ airfares.

80.After reading the news, my s________ of justice was offended.

81.Raw meat must be kept s________ from cooked meat.

82.To my s________, I never had a chance to thank him for his kindness.

83.A good teacher helps s________ a child's character.

84.I don't s________ at tennis.

85.These figures s________ an increase of over one million in unemployment.

86.The girl tried to s________ herself off from the world.

87.The snow showed no s________ of melting.

88.Their house is very s________ to ours, but ours is bigger.

89.Role-play allows students to practise language in a safe s________.

90.Wounded s_____ should be sent to the battlefield hospital in no time.

91.I like your down - to - earth and hardworking s________.

92.When you start a job, you must s________ to it.

93.Don't move—stay perfectly s________.

94.He was fed up with the lies being s ________about him.

95.I can't s________ this job a minute longer — I want out!

96.We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come s_________ back.

97.Only thirty people s________ up for the meeting.

98.I want to s________ off early in order to avoid the traffic.

99.Mr. Smith s________ up a company with very little money when he was young.

100.I expected him to be early and was s________ enough he arrived five minutes before the others.

101.She tried to educate her son's t________ in music.

102.An American President's t________ of office is four years.

103.The sauce is t________ and rich so don't bother trying to diet.

104.Quebec has always had particularly close t________ to France.

105.The t________ cost of the project would be more than $240 million.

106.The next meeting will t________ place on Saturday.

107.She was u________ to keep back her tears, and wept freely.

108.House prices are easily u________ by factors which have nothing to do with property.

109.I would like to express my w________ thanks to the doctors.

110.Children must be w________ to stay away from main roads.

111. In spite of his disappointment, he managed a w________ smile.

112. It goes without saying that health is above w________.

113.When we drove through the gates, she w________ a look of amazement. 114.It is easy to be w________ after the event.

115.We all w________ you're still alive.

116.This restaurant is well w________ a visit.

117.I wake at 6 am as the sleeping pill doesn't w________ for more than nine hours.

118.The insurance company should not be responsible for the w________ of one of its agents.

119.The first two services are free, w________ the third costs £35.00.

120.Up to 10 million tons of w________ are produced every year in the UK.


初中文言文一词多义归纳整理 具 1.政通人和,百废具兴 ②具答之 3.此印者才毕,则第二板已具(a动词:齐备、准备好b副词:通“俱”,全、都) 绝 1.以为妙 ②群响毕绝 ③往来而不绝者,滁人游也(a动词:完全没有b动词:断绝c形容词:陡峭的、无路走的d形容词:独特、独一无二) 君 ①问君能有几多愁 ②了却君王天下事,赢得生前死后名以君之力,曾不能损魁父之丘(a代词:妻子对丈夫的尊称b代词:古代对主人、对上司的尊称c代词:彼此相称,或自指d代词:古代各级据有土地的统治者的通称,后指君主制国家元首) 空 1.长烟一空,皓月千里 ②莫等闲,白了少年头(a副词:白白地b动词:消失,消散,没有了) 乐

此乐何极 ②山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也 ③而不知太守之乐其乐也(a形容词:快乐b作动词用c使用用法,“感到……快乐”、“以……为快乐”) 疠 呼嘘毒疠 ②可以已大风、挛踠、瘘、疠(a名词:瘟疫、疫气b名词:恶疮) 临 ①峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也 ②渐近临之 ③把酒临风(a动词:面对、面临b介词:靠近、从高处往下看) 虏 ①壮志饥餐胡虏肉 ②虏太子申以归(a动词:俘获b名词:俘虏) 旅 商旅不行,樯倾楫摧(a动词:外出(的)、在外作客(的)b作名词用:指外出旅行的人) 履 ①直堕其履圯下

②父曰:“履我!” 因长跪履之 良业为取履 下取履(a名词:鞋子b动词:替……穿鞋) 妙 ①众妙毕绝 ②以为妙绝(a形容词:奇妙b名词:妙处) 名 ①不能名其一处也 ②了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名 ③命之者谁?太守自谓也 ④此“双龙”之名所由起(a名词:名字、名称b动词:说出c动词:命名d名词:名声) 命 ①其命使各有所主 ②太医以王命聚之(a名词:命令、指示b名词:命运c动词:派遣) 能 ①肉食者鄙,未能远谋


蚅历年高考英语“一词多义”重点词汇大全 肀A 荿1.accident: 蒅①事故(n.) I saw an accident when I walked in the street. 莄②意外、偶然的事(n.) (accidentally) 膀2.appear: 螀①出现(vi) A ship appeared on the horizon. ?(disappear消失) 膆②好象, 似乎(vi) She appears to have many friends. 膃3.apply: 芀①申请(for)(vi) Mr.Wang decided to apply for the job. 膁②运用、应用(to)(vt.) Our teacher applies this teaching method to his class. 蚄4.arm?手臂?(n.)? ? ? ? ? ?武装(v)

膅Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! 莀Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。 芇5.area: 莆①地区(n.) Do you like the area where you are living? 羄②面积(n.) The city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer. 蒀6.ask?(熟义:问)vt.要求 蚈The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom. 老师要求所有学生呆在教室 肈7.attend?(熟义:出席)vt.参加;vi.看护,治疗 螃Mr.Park attended a summer course.帕克先生参加一个暑期课程。? 蕿If you go out,who'll attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?? 聿B 薆1.break:


一词多义归纳(三) 1.work作品 2.yield:屈从于或者妥协 3.plague:烦扰,肆虐 4.plain:十足,彻底,浅显易懂,平凡。 5.plant:(重工业)工厂,电站;造纸厂 paper plant;power plant 发电厂 6.Play:戏剧 7.plug away at something:埋头。 8.plunge:急速下降,下跌。 9.point:目的,意义。 10.poke fun at someone:拿… 寻开心。 11.policy:原则。 12.p olish:雕琢,完善。 13.pop:pop up含义为“突然出现”。 14.pose:造成,形成,通常表达消极的含义 15.post:“岗位,职位”。v.邮寄,寄送;刊登,发布在 poster海报 16.power:电力,动力。 Power failure 断电; 17.practice:惯例,(长期一贯的)做法。 18.practise:长期,大范围地开展。 19.prescribe:规定,命令。 20.press:“出版社,新闻界”。 The Press Conference 记者招待会 21.present:出席的,在场的 be present at the conference. 22.preserve:n. 权利,所专有的东西 special preserves 特殊的权利 25.program:“教学或其他重要的活动和项目”。 26.project:作为名词的含义是“ 大型建设项目”,与program “大型活动性项目”正好相对。 27.promise:动词是“有前途,有指望”,因此“ promising ”是形容词,“有前途的”含义。 28.prompt:“敦促,鼓励”。 29.propose:动词是“提议”,比如“ propose a toast ”是“提议大家干一杯”。 30.provided that:连词,“只要”。 31.province n. 领域,范围 34.panel n. 面,板;控制板,仪表盘;专门小组 Judge panel 裁判团。 35.proceeding n. [pl.] 会议录,学报 36.pattern:样式v. 模仿,仿制 37.particular:特别的引申:讲究的,挑剔的 be particular about:对…讲究 38.pool:水池v. 集资合资 40.provision:供应,提供条款或规定according to the provision’s contract:根据合同的条款 42.property:财产; 性质,性能 Many plants have medical properties. 很多植物有药性/医疗性能。 43.quarrel:吵架,争吵,中文可以翻译成“争论”。 46.rate:“速度,比率”。at any rate:“无论如何”。


初中文言文一词多义集录 1.安:①怎么—— (安求其能千里也) ②养—— (衣食所安) 2.卑:(①低下—— (非天质之卑) ②身份低微—— (先帝不以臣卑鄙) 3.备:①周全,详尽—— (前人之述备矣《岳阳楼记》) ②具备—— (一时齐发,众妙毕备《口技》) ③准备—— (犹得备晨炊《石壕吏》) 4.被:①影响—— (被于来世) ②同“披”,穿—— (皆被绮绣) ③被子——(唯见布被覆尸) ④盖,覆盖——(流血被面) 5.鄙:①边境—— (蜀之鄙有二僧《为学》) ②鄙陋,目光短浅—— (肉食者鄙《曹刿论战》) ③出身鄙野—— (先帝不以臣卑鄙《出师表》) 6.毕:①尽—— (毕力平险《愚公移山》) ②全部—— (群响毕绝《口技》) 7.薄:①迫近,接近—— (薄暮冥冥《岳阳楼记》) ②轻视—— (不宜妄自菲薄《出师表》) ③厚度小—— (薄如钱唇《活板》) 8.策:①马鞭—— (执策而临之《马说》) ②鞭打,——驱使(策之不以其道《马说》) ③记录—— (策勋十二传《木兰诗》) ④计谋—— (成语“束手无策”)

9.长:cháng①长度——(舟首尾长约八分有奇《核舟记》) ②与“短”相对——(北市买长鞭《木兰诗》) ③长久,健康——(但愿人长久《明月几时有》) ④永远——(死者长已矣《石壕吏》) ⑤zhǎng,排行最大——(木兰无长兄(《木兰诗》) ⑥zhǎng,头领——(吴广皆次当行,为屯长《陈涉世家》) 10.称:①相当,配合——(称其气之小大/不能称前时之闻) ②称赞——(先帝称之日能) 11.诚:①诚心——(帝感其诚) ②的确,实在——(此诚危急存亡之秋也) ③果真——(今诚以吾众诈自称公子扶苏、项燕/诚如是,则霸业可成,汉室可兴) 12.惩:①苦于——(惩山北之塞《愚公移山》) ②惩罚 13.驰:①骑——(愿驰千里足) ②驱车(追赶)——(公将驰之) 14.出:①发,起——(方其出海门) ②拿出——(皆出酒食) ③来到——(每岁京尹出浙江亭教阅水兵) ④产生——(计将安出) 15.辞:①推辞——(蒙辞以军中多务) ②语言——(未尝稍降辞色) 16.次:①编次(吴广皆次当行《陈涉世家》) ②旅行或行军在途中停留——(又间令昊广之次所旁丛祠中)


一词多义造句答案 骄傲(1):骄傲,不谦虚。我们班的笑人同学是一个既骄傲又自作自受的人。 意思(1)指意义、含义。这段话的意思,我终于搞懂了。 (2)指趣味。这篇文章挺有意思。 (3)指意见,愿望。你说这话是什么意思? 结果(1)果树长出果实。学校柿子树结果无数。 (2)事情最后的情况。晓人同学不听教诲,四个月过去了,结果呢?连作文都不会写。韧性 1、有弹性,2、不易折断: 藤是一种极有韧性的植物。 这鞋底很有韧性,不容易坏。 暑假里,妈妈在超市里给我买了一包牛皮糖。我边看电视边嚼着这韧性的牛皮糖,感觉很有滋味! 韧性(坚韧的性格)造句: 小白杨挺拔着身姿陪着军人守卫着边关,它是具有韧性的。 运动员们凭着无所畏惧的勇气,百折不回的韧性,终于登上了珠穆朗玛峰。 他的性格很有韧性,百折不挠。 笨:①理解能力、记忆力差。②不灵巧。③费力气。 1、中国人并不比外国人笨。() 2、他显得笨手笨脚。() 意思:①指意义、含义。②指趣味。③指意见,愿望。 1、你这句话是什么意思。() 2、这棵柏树长得像座宝塔,真有意思。() 一尘不染 (1)(指环境)____________________________ (2)(指人品)____________________________ 欣欣向荣 (1)(指花草树木)________________________ (2)(比喻事业)__________________________ 他担着百十斤的担子快步如飞。当总经理,这副担子可不轻啊! 根据下列词语的不同意思造句。 1.丰收 (1)指农业取得好成绩。 (2)指工作和学习的收获多。 2、见识(1)接触事物,扩大见闻。(2)见闻,知识。 3、锐利(1)尖而快,指刀刃锋利等。(2)尖锐(多指目光、言论、文笔等)。


2010英语中考词汇表常用一词多义词 A 1. abou t (prep) 关于Why not talk about the Chinese culture for tomorrow’s lecture? (ad) 到处,四处Watch out! Bears about! 大约Let’s meet at about 4 o’clock at the school gate. 2. absent (a)缺席的--Who is absent today?--Daming. He had an accident on the school trip. absent-minded健忘的My grandpa became absent-minded with age. 心不在焉的He was so absent-minded in class that the teacher became angry with him. 3. after (prep)在…后面My best friend Peter sits after me . (conj)在…以后I will tell her the news after she comes back. 4. against (prep)倚在……上The piano is against the wall. 对We played against a team from the No.2 Middle School and won the game. 反对Don’t do anything against the law. 5. around大约See you around 7:30. 向各处I like to travel around the world someday. 环绕The earth moves around the sun. 6.as(ad)像…一样,如同He is as tall as his father. as (conj)由于,因为As you weren’t there, I left a message. 在……期间,当……的时候Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decker’s house, explaining as we went that I was now one of Santa’s helpers.(朝阳期末完形) as(prep)作为,当作He had a job as a teacher three years ago, but now he worked in a company. B 1. bear (n)熊He ran away as quickly as possible when he saw the bear in the forest. bear (v)忍受He can’t bear to be laughed at. 2. bill(n)账单;--Have you paid the bill? 钞票,纸币--Yes, I paid the bill with a ten-dollar bill. 3. book (n) 书,本子There are a lot of books in the library.


模糊:①不分明,不清楚②混淆 1.信纸被雨水打湿,字迹模糊的很。() 2.不要模糊荣辱观。() 勉:①努力②勉励,使人努力③能力不够而尽量做 1.是什么力量使他们这么勤勉的帮忙呢?() 2.这项工作我还能勉强坚持下来。() 3.老师对那位同学说:有则改之,无则加勉。() 失:①失掉,丢掉②没有把握住③找不着④没有达到目的⑤改变⑥背,背弃 ⑦错误,过失 1.在大森林里,我迷失了方向。() 2.答应别人的事,就应该照办,不能失信。() 3.他失神地望着公安人员。() 4.遇到困难,我们不能失去信心,应当努力克服。() 5.智者千虑,必有一失。() 6.这次比赛,我们班没有得第一,我们都很失望。() 故:①原因②故意③事故④原来的⑤朋友⑥死亡 1.故作镇静() 2.病故() 3.缘故() 4.沾亲带故() 剩下两个义项可分别组词为:()() 漫:①水过满,向外流②到处都是③不受约束,随便 1.我漫不经心地一脚把象鞍踢下楼去。() 2.瞧,盆里的水漫出来了。() 剩下的一个义项可以组词为() 号:①大声呼喊②大声哭③号令,命令④标记,记号 1.打暗号() 2.哀号() 3.发号施令() 4.狂风怒号() 岔:①主干的分支②事故③打断别人说话或转移话题④互相让开 1.岔开时间() 2.打岔() 3.岔道() 4.出岔子() 折:①损失,挫败②对叠,叠起来③弯曲,使弯曲④断,弄断 1.打折()2折叠()3.百折不挠()4.损兵折将() 意思:①语言文字等的意义②思想内容③意见④愿望⑤礼品所代表的心意⑥表示一点心意⑦某种趋势或苗头⑧情趣,趣味 1.小花的意思是不想去九寨沟了。() 2.同学们通过仔细阅读,已经能够正确理解这篇文章的中心意思了。() 3.小表弟说话很有意思。() 4.天阴沉沉的,有要下雨的意思。() 5.这是我的一点小意思,请你一定要收下。() 6.益友就是对自己的工作、学习、生活有帮助的朋友的意思。()


一字多义专项训练 (附参考答案) 修辞手法练习题 (一) 1、桂林的山真秀啊,像翠绿的屏障,像新生的竹笋,色彩明丽,倒映水中。(比喻排比) 2、每条岭都是那么温柔,自山脚至岭顶长满了珍贵的树木,谁也不孤峰突起,盛气凌人。(拟人) 3、漓江的水真静啊,静得让你感觉不到它在流动;漓江的水真清啊,清得可以看见江底的沙石;漓江的水真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无暇的翡翠。(排比) 4、危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。(夸张) 5、海底有声音吗?海底有各种动物发出的细微的声音。(设问) 6、生我养我的故乡,我怎么能忘怀呢?(反) 7、四海皆春春不老,九州同乐乐无穷。(对偶或者对仗) (二) 1、一串串宝石般的水珠飞腾着,飞腾着,落进深潭。(比喻) 2、听了这感人的故事后,你不觉得我们的战士是可爱的吗?(反问) 3、别看小草的身躯是那样的柔弱,却有着惊人的生命力。狂风暴雨休想催垮它;洪水、干旱不能灭绝它;即使是车轮将它碾得粉身碎骨,不用多久,它又会从地下挺直身躯,开始新的生活。(拟人) 4、蒲公英妈妈为孩子们准备了降落伞,把自己的娃娃送到四面八方。(拟人) 5、芦苇,一片片,一蔟蔟,远看犹如一朵朵绿色的轻云在地平线上飘拂着,给乡村平添了一道风景。(比喻) 6、工人叔叔吼一吼,地球也要抖三抖。(夸张) 7、是什么?这是我们中国人的志气。(设问) 8、您说这比山还高比海海深的情谊,我们怎么能忘记?(反问) 9、远远地望见了一条迂回的明如玻璃的带子--河!(比喻) 10、当春风刚刚吹谢雪花,故乡的芦苇就迫不及待地从泥土里探出尖尖的靛青色的脑袋。(拟人) 11、有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。(对偶) 12、杜甫川唱来柳林铺笑,红旗飘飘把手招。(拟人)


初中文言文知识点:一词多义180个精编(91-134) 初中文言文知识点:一词多义 91、穷:1)穷尽,动词(穷山之高而止/穷回溪/欲穷其林)2)尽头,名词(而不知其所穷)3)穷尽,形容词(乐亦无穷)4)深(穷冬烈风)5)贫穷(所识穷乏者得我与) 92、屈:1)委屈(猥自枉屈)2)弯曲(手指不可屈伸) 93、去:1)走开,离去(一狼径去)2)距离(我以日始出时去人近/西蜀之去南海。) 94、阙:1)宫殿(不知天上宫阙今夕是何年)2)同缺,中断(略无阙处) 95、容:1)许、让(虽席地不容闲)2)神色(视端容寂)3)容貌(花态柳情,山容水貌) 96、乳:1)喂奶(妇抚儿乳《口技》)2)奶头(儿含乳啼《口技》) 97、善:1)专长,名词(岂爱人之善)2)好(善哉,

吾请无攻宋矣)3)擅长,动词(罗敷善蚕桑) 98、尚:1)尊重、推崇(而使后人尚之如此)2)还(而君前途尚可)3)尚且 99、少:shǎo 1)一会儿(少时)2)稍微(意少舒)3)不多(饮少辄醉)4)sho,年轻(陈涉少时) 100、舍:1)学舍、书馆、房屋(至舍/屋舍俨然)2)舍弃(舍文轩而窃敝舆/便舍船,从口入)3)丢开、离去(意难决舍/故决然舍去)4)shě,施舍(舍与你的《范进中举》) 101、射:1)射箭(尝射于家圃《卖油翁》)2)射术(尔安敢轻吾射《卖油翁》) 102、甚:1)超过、厉害、严重(所恶莫甚于死者)2)十分(流辈甚称其贤) 103、胜:1)取胜,胜出、超过(此时无声胜有声)2)优美、美好(予观夫巴陵胜状)3)忍受,能承受(高处不胜寒/驴不胜怒)4)尽(跨州连郡者不胜数)

104、施:1)shī,施实。(然后施行《出师表》)2)y,(施施)慢步徐行的样子。(施施而行,漫漫而游《始得西山宴游记》) 105、食:1)sh,吃。(食不饱,力不足《马说》)2)s,通饲,喂养。(食之不能尽其材) 106、使:1)派(秦王使人谓安陵君)2)出使(使于秦)3)使者(使子为使) 107、始:1)曾(未始知西山之怪特)2)才(始指异之)开始(游于是乎始) 108、市:1)集市(东市买骏马《木兰词》)2)买(愿为市鞍马《木兰词》) 109、恃:1)凭借、依仗(天下之所恃以无忧《上枢密韩太尉书》2)子何恃而往《为学》) 110、是:1)判断动词,是(我是鬼《宋定伯捉鬼》)2)代词这样(如是再三《宋定伯捉鬼》) 111、适:1)往(抱而适市)2)正好(而此地适与余近)


A 1. about (prep) 关于Why not talk about the Chinese culture for tomorrow 's lecture? (ad) 到处,四处Watch out! Bears about! 大约Let 's meet at about 4 o 'clock at the school gate. 3. after (prep)在… 后面My best friend Peter sits after me . (conj)在… 以后I will tell her the news after she comes back. 4. against (prep)倚在 .. 上The piano is against the wall. 对We played against a team from the No.2 Middle School and won the game. 反对Don'tdo anything against the law. 5. around 大约See you around 7:30. 向各处I like to travel around the world someday. 环绕The earth moves around the sun. 6. as (ad)像…一样,如同He is as tall as his father. as (conj)由于,因为As you weren 'there, I left a message. 在…… 期间,当…… 的时候he was seven as i was ten. as(prep)作为,当作He had a job as a teacher three years ago, but now he worked in a company. B 1. bear (n) 熊He ran away as quickly as possible when he saw the bear in the forest. bear (v)忍受He can'tbear to be laughed at. 2. bill(n) 账单;--Have you paid the bill? 钞票,纸币--Yes, I paid the bill with a ten-dollar bill. 3. book (n) 书,本子There are a lot of books in the library. book (v) 预订You'd better book tickets if you want to watch the movie. 4. break (n) 休息It'stime to take a break. break(v) 打破It'sreally bad to break the valuable china vase. 终止She broke the silence by coughing. 已坏I don 'tthink my watch is broken. 6. brush (n)刷子,画笔,毛笔It's good for us to change our tooth-brush regularly. (v)刷You'd better brush your teeth after meals. 7. burn (v) 着火The house was burned to the ground.(ie completely destroyed by fire) 使晒黑His face was badly burnt by the hot sun. ( 他的脸被烈日晒伤了) Her skin burns easily. (她的皮肤不禁晒) (n) 烧伤,晒伤 8. but (conj)但是It' not cheap, but it's good. (prep)除了I want nobody but you to finish the work. 9. by (prep) 靠近,在.... 旁We had a picnic by the lake. 通过He entered the room by the back door. 经过(某人、某物) He walked by me without speaking. 不迟于Can you finish the work by five o ' clock? 由The play is written by Shakespeare. 乘(车) Let'stravel to Shanghai by car. 通过… ..的方式 He earns his living by writing. C 1. can 能够,可以He can speak English very well. (n) 金属或塑料的容器;罐头a Coke can 2. cap (n) 帽子British schoolboys sometimes wear caps. (钢笔、瓶子等的)帽、盖 3. capital(n) 首都Beijing is the capital of China. 大写字母The world BIG is in capitals. 资本He set up a business with a starting capital of $100,000. 4. care (n) 照料She watered the flower with great care. 小心Care is needed when crossing the road. (v) 介意,在乎He failed the exam but he didn 'tseem to care at all. 关心His parents really cares about him. 5. carry (v) 携带,搬运;She carried her baby in her arms. 持有,带有;I never carry much money with me. 6. catch (v) 接住I threw a ball to her and she caught it. 捉住We tried our best to catch the thief. 赶上He got up too late to catch the early bus. 染上(疾病)④--What' wrong with you?—Oh, I catch a cold. 听见(某事物),理解Sorry,I didn 'tcatch what you said. 7. change (n) 零钱,找头I have no small change. 改变Are you for or against change? ( 你是赞同还是反对改动?) (v) 改变It is not easy to make him change his mind. 8. class (n)班级I am happy I study in Class Six. 等级This is a second-class compartment. 课I have a math class at 9o'clock. 9. close (v) 关闭Don'tforget to close the door when you leave the room. (a) 亲密的I have a close friend called Joy. 接近The church is close to the school. (ad) 接近,靠近They quite close. close by 离(某人或某 事物)不远 10. cold (a) 寒冷的It's so cold in winter in Beijing. 冷却的I' d like a cold drink. 不友好的The cold look on her face made me sad. (n) 寒冷Don'tstand outside in the cold. 伤风,感冒He didn 'tcome to school because he had a bad cold. 11. cover (v) 覆盖The ground is covered with snow. (n) 盖子;罩;封面 12. cross (v) 横穿Don 'tcross the road when the traffic light is red. 交叉He crossed his leg and sat down. (n) 十字架; 十字形或叉形记号Mark the place with a cross on the map. (a) 生气I was cross with him for being late. D 1. date(n) 日期What's the date today? 约会Tonight I have a date with Mike. up to date 时新的,现代的out of date 过时的 2. draw (v) 绘画He can draw a horse in ten seconds. 向某方向移动Christmas is drawing near.(圣诞节日渐临近) 拉,拖I drew my chair up to the table. 获取(知识经验等) At the end of the class I drew a conclusion. (得出结论) 提取(金钱) I drew 50 pounds in the bank last Sunday. 3. dress (v)穿衣Hurry up and get dressed! Is she old enough to dress herself ? (n)连衣裙 4. drive (v) 驾驶He can drive very well and he drives to work every day. 使或逼(某人)处于某种状态或做某事He almost drives me crazy. (n) 乘汽车等之行He took her out for a drive. 5. drop (v)使(某物)意外地落下The bottle dropped and broke. 放弃I found it difficult to learn physics so I decided to drop it. (n)(液体的)珠,滴;rain-drops E 1. earth (n)地球;泥土 on earth 究竟 2. easy(a) 容易的The exam yesterday was really easy. 舒适的,安心的Now I am leading an easy life. Take it easy 别着急 3. excuse(v) 原谅Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the airport? (n)借口,辩解There is no excuse for his mistake. 4. express (v) 表达;It is hard for him to express himself in English. 用快邮寄出(信、邮包等) (n)快车The 8:00 am express to Beijing is always crowed. 快邮,速递He sent the book to me by express. F 1. face(n) 脸face to face (v) 面对He faced the difficulties bravely. 2. fan (n) 迷The famous singer has millions of fans. 扇子Most old people prefer fans to air conditioners. 3. fat (a) 肥胖的If you eat too much chocolate, you will get fat. (n) 脂肪This ham has too much fat on it.


细读理解,巧用方法 —低年级一词多义题 东坡底学校马丽娟典型题 读句子,选择带点词语的意思。(填序号) 白:①没有效果 ②无代价 ③清楚 1.这个问题我听明白.了。() 2.今天可把我累坏了!力气总算没白.费,禾苗都长高了 一大截。() 3.种田人急忙跑过去,没花一点力气,白.捡了一只又肥又大的兔子。() 易错答案及原因分析 易错答案:第二小题选②,第三小题选①。 原因分析:这是一道二年语文的练习题,考察的是“白”这个字在不同的语境中的意思,也就是一词多义。第一小题“明白”的白的意思是“清楚”,学生作答正确率高,第二小题和第三小题学生作答错误率高。“力气白费”指的是花了力气没有得到任何的成果,没有任何的效果,所以选“没有效果”这一意思,而

“没花一点力气,白.捡了一只又肥又大的兔子”指的是没有付出任何劳动、任何代价就得到了回报,所以选“无代价”这一意思。细想平时的学习和练习,学生对于这种类型的题目频频出错,结合学情分析有以下几点原因: 1.不能充分理解每个义项的意思。山区学校的学生基础薄弱,学习资料少,课外阅读量小,积累的词汇极度匮乏,对于新词一头雾水,根本不知道每个义项的意思。例如“没有效果”这一义项,大部分学生不明白“效果”是什么意思。另外,每个词语的义项专业术语强,对于二年级的学生更是难上加难。如“无代价”这一义项,出现“无”,专业术语强,如若换成“没有”,学生更容易理解。 2.不能灵活运用答题技巧。这种类型的题目初次出现在二年级下册中,学生初次接触,不懂做题的方法。有的学生甚至都不清楚一个词有几个义项。有的学生不同的语境会选同一个义项。如“特别”有三个义项:①十分,非常;②与众不同,不普通; ③特地。语境如下: ,市场上没见过。 (1)这件工艺品构思很特别 .. 显眼,我一眼就发现她了。 (2)妹妹的装扮特别 .. (3)六一儿童节那天,学校特别 请来了歌舞团的叔叔阿姨 .. 为我们表演。 有的学生前两道小题都是选择第二个义项:与众不同,不普通。第二道小题学生认为“装扮与众不同显眼”也是可以的,存


英语中考词汇表常用一词多义词 A 1. about (prep) 关于Why not talk about the Chinese culture for tomorrow’s lecture? (ad) 到处,四处Watch out! Bears about! 大约Let’s meet at about 4 o’clock at the school gate. 2. absent (a)缺席的--Who is absent today?--Daming. He had an accident on the school trip. absent-minded健忘的My grandpa became absent-minded with age. 心不在焉的He was so absent-minded in class that the teacher became angry with him. 3. after (prep)在…后面My best friend Peter sits after me . (conj)在…以后I will tell her the news after she comes back. 4. against (prep)倚在……上The piano is against the wall. 对We played against a team from the No.2 Middle School and won the game. 反对Don’t do anything against the law. 5. around 大约See you around 7:30. 向各处I like to travel around the world someday. 环绕The earth moves around the sun. 6.as(ad)像…一样,如同He is as tall as his father. as (conj)由于,因为As you weren’t there, I left a message. 在……期间,当……的时候Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decker’s house, explaining as we went that I was now one of Santa’s helpers.(朝阳期末完形) as(prep)作为,当作He had a job as a teacher three years ago, but now he worked in a company. B 1. bear (n)熊He ran away as quickly as possible when he saw the bear in the forest. bear (v)忍受He can’t bear to be laughed at. 2. bill(n)账单;--Have you paid the bill? 钞票,纸币--Yes, I paid the bill with a ten-dollar bill. 3. book (n) 书,本子There are a lot of books in the library. book (v) 预订You’d better book tickets if you want to watch the movie. 4. break (n) 休息It’s time to take a break. break(v) 打破It’s really bad to break the valuable china vase. 终止She broke the silence by coughing. 已坏I don’t think my watch is broken. 5. bring(v)带来,拿来 ①Please remember to bring your homework tomorrow. ②His energetic interest and ability brought an offer to become a line boss.(西城期末完形) 6. brush (n)刷子, 画笔,毛笔It’s good for us to change our tooth-brush regularly. (v)刷You’d better brush your teeth after meals. 7. burn (v) 着火The house was burned to the ground.(ie completely destroyed by fire) 使晒黑His face was badly burnt by the hot sun. (他的脸被烈日晒伤了) Her skin burns easily. (她的皮肤不禁晒) (n) 烧伤,晒伤 8.but (conj)但是It’s not cheap, but it’s good.


高中英语词汇一词多义”重点词 1. stage: ①舞台②阶段 2.find: ①找到、发现 ②感觉、觉得 3.meet: ①遇见、遇到 ②满足 ③ (在车站、机场) 接(人) 4.赢得 4.course: ①课程②路线3.一道菜5.court: ①法庭、宫廷②球场3.求爱6.hold: ①掌握②举行③容纳④占据7.develop: ①发展②冲洗(相片)3.发育 4.培养 5.开发 6.研发 7.得一种病8.spare: ①业余的多余的②饶恕 ③备用的④腾出、让出9.support: ①支持②赡养 10.charge: ①负责②充电③收取(费用) ④指控5.冲向 11.realize: ①认识到②实现12.suppose: ①假设②猜想 13.expect: ①期待、期望②预计、预料14.defend: ①防御②辩解 15.drive: ①驾驶②驱使、驱赶16.treat: ①对待2.治疗3.处理4.请客款待17.accident: ①事故 ②意外、偶然的事(accidentally) 18.raise: ①提高、举起②饲养;抚养 ③筹集;集资4.种植19.stand: ①站②忍受③架 ④摊5.屹立 20.appear: ①出现②好象、似乎21.concern: ①关心、使担心、忧虑 ②与……有关 22. deliver: ①递送②发言、陈述、发表 3.接生孩子 23.still ①仍然、还②静的,不动的24.save: ①拯救、救②节约③储蓄 4. 保留 5.免得 25.lift: ①举起②电梯③搭便车 4.云雾等散去 5.提神 26:place: ①地方②放置 27.serve: ①服务、服役②招待、供应28.interest: ①兴趣、使感兴趣②利益③利息29.point: ①指(出)②点 ③时刻、瞬间④要点、论点30.check: ①核查②支票 31.try: ①尝试、试验②审问 32. break: ①打破、打碎②休息3违反 4.中止打断 5.兑开 6.破晓 7.传开7.垮掉 33.since: ①自从……(以来)2.既然34.fix: ①固定、安装②修理 ③确定④凝视


高考语文名师高效资料附答案解析 难点 28 正确理解一词多义
一词多义,即一个词在不同的语言环境中具有多种含义,乃至拥有不同词性。这种现象,在文言文中 尤为普遍,也是高考中文言实词考查的重点。词义的分化衍生是有规律的,后起义往往是以原有义为基础 扩展衍生的,与原有义有着直接或间接的联系。一般来说,词有本义,引申义,比喻义和假借义之分。词 的本义是指最初造字时表示的意义,如“兵”最初的意义是“兵器”,“走”最初的意义是“跑”等。词 的引申义是指由本义引申出来的意义,如“兵”的引申义有“军事,战争”“军队”“士兵”等,“走” 的引申义有“奔向,趋向”等。词的比喻义是由本义通过打比方产生的新义,如“爪牙”的本义是“兽类 的脚爪和牙齿”,比喻义是“武臣,重臣”。词的假借义是指借用已有的或音近的文字而表示的意义,如 “至莫夜月明”(《石钟山记》)中的“莫”通“暮”,意思是“晚上”。
振.巩昌、临洮饥民,抚安流移,绩甚著。是时败寇黑水口,又败之汤羊岭, 文言实词的考查主要有以下
勒.石纪之而还。进右都御史,总督漕运。淮、徐、和饥,移江南粮十万石、 三种方式:
行。帝耕藉田,教坊以杂戏进。文升正色曰:“新天子当使知稼穑艰难,此 文中选出四个语句,要求判
何为者?”即斥去。明年,为兵部尚书,督团营如故。承平既久,兵政废弛, 断出加点的实词解释不正确
西北部落时伺塞下。文升严核诸将校,黜贪懦者三十余人。奸人大怨,夜持 的一项。考查时,以单音节
弓矢伺其门,或作谤书射入东长安门内。为兵部十三年,尽心戎务,于屯田、 词居多。
尝以太子年及四龄,当早谕教,请择醇谨老成知书史者,保抱扶持,凡言语 词混合在一起考查。

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