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a good man is hard to find

a good man is hard to find
a good man is hard to find

美国当代作家期末考试,山大的Symbols in A Good Man is Hard to Find

In A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O'Connor depicts an age of mental vacancy. Her work absolutely refreshed the post-war Americans. What interests me more is her talent in symbolism. The plot development is always hinted or foreshadowed by some symbols.

The Granddaughter's Hat

The grandmother's hat is a symbol of her moral values.

It is a blue straw sailor hat decorated by white violets. She wears it only to show that she is a lady. In case of an accident, the others would know that she was a lady and would respect her. Her only concern is the identity as a lady, even if it is after her death. Her moral conceptions fall apart gradually with her hat being broken. Wearing her delicate hat, she frequently criticizes the others, regarding herself as superior for she is the only "lady". Her selfishness and self-deceit is revealed. After the accident, the front brim is broken. When Bailey is asked to go toward the woods, she wants to adjust the brim, but it comes off. Meanwhile, her family are killed and her hypocritical good-heartedness is confronted with real evil. She realizes that her usual way of communication does not work. Only when she is facing death does she realize that she is not that good like everyone. Her hypocrisy is finally broken just like the hat. No wonder the Misfit says that she would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.

The Sky and the Weather

The sky and the weather symbolize the trend of the plotline and character development.

At first, the weather is "neither too hot nor too cold", a good day for the family's travel. But when danger is approaching, the weather becomes weird. The children run

into white sunlight to look at the monkey and the family drives off Red Sammy's barbecue into the hot afternoon. A conflict is rising when the family argue about going to the old house or not and an accident happens. Then the description of the sky comes from the Misfit: There is no sun and no cloud. In reality, if there is no sun and no cloud, it can only be in the night because the sun can only be covered by clouds in daytime when it disappears. But there is no cloud. The sky is empty. Everything is so still and depressing. Here comes the family's extreme end —they are wiped out, leaving nothing. On the other hand, the grandmother thinks that it is a beautiful sky and she dies with her face smiling up at the sky. Her life finally gets forever peace and she is transformed.

The Old House

The old house is a symbol of the grandmother's nostalgia. She seems always wants to live in the past because she constantly expresses that people were better in the past. But the house is not there. It is in Tennessee, so things in her memory are not there; It is a different world today; her perception of the past is crashed. This indicates that the grandmother's values has been distorted.

The symbols of Death

There are many symbols for the family's doom.

First, the cat. Cats are mysterious in western world.They are symbols of deaths and predict something unpeaceful. It is not rare cats approaching people who are at the door of heaven. The grandmother's cat predicts the fate of the family when it jumps out to Bailey's neck, the family are shot to death beginning from Bailey.

Second, the graves. They "passed a large cotton field with five or six graves". The number echoes with the family members' number. The graveyard of the plantation is there, but the plantation is gone. This scene is Gothically dark and foretells their future.

Third, the name of Tombsboro. It is outside of Tombsboro that the grandmother recalls the old house, and her insistence leads the family to death. The name with "tomb" in which seems to be saying "Welcome to the death area".

Fourth, the woods. They go into a road with increasing trees. When the accident happens, they are surrounded by "more woods, tall and dark and deep". Besides, all in the family except the grandmother die in the woods.

In addition, automobile of the Misfit. It is described as " big black battered hearse-like ". This directly indicates that it is this automobile that leads the family to death. As the car slowly approaches, their doom gradually comes.

To conclude, the symbols are ingeniously woven with the plotline. They are composed into an axis which the characters revolve around.The atmosphere is colored, climaxes strengthen, Gothic elements added, and themes more obviously conveyed.


电机特性曲线 Revised as of 23 November 2020

如何绘制性能曲线图 作者:刘小鑫 性能曲线图的四个要点 1、空载转速(N0)—指电机不受任何机械阻力或负载时的电压,在轴枝上测得的速度,单位为rpm(每分钟内旋转的圈数)。 2、空载载电流(I0)—指在电机无任何负载的情况下测得的电流量。 3、堵转转矩(Ts)—指因加载引致电机停止旋转时测得的转矩。但建议阁下不要如此操作,因“退磁”或过载可能损坏电机。 4、堵转电流(Is)—指在电机因过载而停止旋转时测得的电流量。 绘制性能曲线图 1、速度曲线—是连接N0(空载转速)点及Ts(堵转转矩)点的曲线,其标示出电机在不同情况下的速度。 2、电流曲线—是连接I0(空载电流)点及Is(堵转电流)点的曲线,其标示出电机在不同情况下的电流量。 3、输出功率曲线—用以表示电机的输出功率,并可用以下公式计算:P=(速度x转矩)/9500(速度单位为rpm,转矩单位为mNm)。

4、效率曲线—用以表示电机的效率,可用以下公式计算:Eff(%)=(输出功率/(电压x 电流))x100 影响电机性能的主要因素 1、输入电压—在保持I0不变的情况下,输入电压增大会令N0、Is及I0增大。 2、串接电阻—在保持N0不变的情况下,串接电阻增大会令Ts及Is减小。 3、绕组的匝数—在保持Ts不变的情况下,绕组匝数增加将令N0、I0及Is增大。 4、绕组的线径—在保持I0及N0不变的情况下,绕组直径增大将令Ts及Is增大。 5、磁通量—在保持Is不变的情况下,磁通量增大将令N0及I0减小。 6、温度—在Is及Ts 减小的情况下,环境温度的上升将令N0及I0增大。


%不同转速下的燃油消耗率与扭矩的曲线拟合 clear all be1=[222.8,220.4,232.4,228.5,227.8,232.6,248.5,245.9,272.4,329.7]; Ttq1=[399.8,354.1,318.5,278.1,236.2,203.6,185.3,157.2,117.2,80.8]; T1=80:320/9:400;%转换矩阵格式 Be1=interp1(Ttq1,be1,T1,'spline');%n=1400r/min时燃油消耗率与扭矩的曲线拟合 be2=[222.0,221.7,235.4,226.5,230.5,236.8,249.1,276.1,407.9,487.0]; Ttq2=[409.1,365.7,328.3,284.1,243.7,203.2,164.3,123.9,83.5,39.7]; T2=39:371/9:410; Be2=interp1(Ttq2,be2,T2,'spline'); be3=[226.0,225.3,226.4,233.9,242.1,283.3,253.9,271.4,323.5,468.6]; Ttq3=[408.3,368.3,328.3,289.0,244.4,208.8,167.7,132.1,89.5,46.1]; T3=46:363/9:409; Be3=interp1(Ttq3,be3,T3,'spline'); be4=[206.5,231.1,231.1,233.0,242.0,244.9,265.0,299.8,398.0,596.8]; Ttq4=[425.6,380.3,332.7,290.9,244.4,205.1,160.2,114.5,68.8,30.7]; T4=30:396/9:426; Be4=interp1(Ttq4,be4,T4,'spline'); be5=[234.7,259.8,235.5,237.6,242.8,292.3,277.9,308.7,396.2,605.9]; Ttq5=[420.7,379.6,334.6,291.6,244.4,202.8,157.5,116.0,74.1,37.8]; T5=37:384/9:421; Be5=interp1(Ttq5,be5,T5,'spline'); be6=[174.2,242.2,252.1,287.4,253.6,263.6,290.6,316.8,378.0,518.8]; Ttq6=[404.6,360.5,322.7,283.0,243.3,205.5,162.1,124.7,86.8,52.4]; T6=52:353/9:405; Be6=interp1(Ttq6,be6,T6,'spline'); be7=[256.9,253.7,253.5,260.0,303.8,280.7,300.6,346.6,435.6,812.9]; Ttq7=[378.0,344.7,310.3,264.3,226.1,186.8,154.2,115.3,76.3,34.1]; T7=34:344/9:378; Be7=interp1(Ttq7,be7,T7,'spline'); be8=[257.9,295.3,282.4,288.7,301.9,329.7,357.0,475.4,580.3,1080.1]; Ttq8=[315.6,275.5,242.5,210.3,178.5,145.6,118.6,72.6,52.8,22.4]; T8=22:294/9:316; Be8=interp1(Ttq8,be8,T8,'spline'); B=[Be1';Be2';Be3';Be4';Be5';Be6';Be7';Be8']; N=[1400*ones(10,1);1600*ones(10,1);1800*ones(10,1);2000*ones(10,1);2200*ones(10,1);2400*ones (10,1);2600*ones(10,1);2800*ones(10,1)]; Ttqn=[T1';T2';T3';T4';T5';T6';T7';T8']; G=[ones(80,1),N,Ttqn,N.^2,N.*Ttqn,Ttqn.^2]; A=G\B;%A为6*1矩阵 [n,Ttq]=meshgrid(1400:2800,100:600);%生成n-Ttq平面上的自变量“格点”矩阵 be=A(1)+n.*A(2)++Ttq*A(3)+n.^2*A(4)+n.*Ttq*A(5)+Ttq.^2*A(6); Pe=Ttq.*n/9550;


风力发电机组功率曲线考核初探 汕头华能南澳风力发电有限公司张秋生 摘要:当前全国风电事业蓬勃发展,众多实力雄厚 的大公司正在投资或正准备投资大型风电场。面对 国际风电市场纷乱复杂的风机产品,在引进的过程 中应特别注意机组性能考核办法的谈判。本文就风 力发电机组安装现场进行性能考核的一些问题作了 粗略探讨,以期抛砖引玉,在国内风电界尽快形成 系统的、切实可行的考核办法。 象大多数电厂一样,发电机组效率曲线的考核是整个电厂考核验收的重点。在考核过程中,火力发电机组较容易控制一个特定功率点所对应的工况条件,对那些有如大气压力、温度、湿度、燃料热值之类的参数也可以简便地从非标准状态折算成标准状态。总的来说,火力发电机组的效率曲线考核较为简单明了。 同样,对风力发电机组的功率曲线的考核也应引起足够的重视,它是衡量整台机组经济技术水平的最佳尺度。所谓功率曲线,就是一条风力发电机组输出功率随风速变化的关系曲线。然而,要在风机安装现场较准确地考核机组的功率曲线却不是那么容易。而对任何一个投资商来说,

这恰恰是他们最为关心的一件事,也就是说,他们投资购买的设备的性能指标是否达到他们的期望值。下面就影响风力发电机功率曲线测绘的一些因素谈几点粗浅看法: 1、风力发电机自身测绘的功率曲线的偏差 一般上风向的水平轴风力发电机的机舱尾部都装有风速计,风机在运行过程中,其计算机根据这个风速计测得的十分钟平均风速和相对应的十分钟平均有功功率自动绘制生成该机组的功率曲线。 众所周知,功率曲线的确切含义是表征风机风轮前远方的来风风速V1与发电机输出的有功功率的关系。而风力机上安装的风速计测得的风速却是来风V1在风轮上做功后气流流速降低的风速。风通过风轮后风速减弱的机理实质是来风损失了动能而风轮获得了机械能,根据能量守恒定律,来风V1通过风轮后的气流流速肯定降低。所以用尾流绘制的功率曲线一定存在较大偏差。 要知道这个偏差值有多大,首先要弄清楚风轮前远方风速V1同风轮后远方风速V2以及气流通过风轮时的风速V′之间的关系。值得注意的是,由于风能同风速的三次方成正比,所以风速的微小偏差会造成功率的很大偏差。在此如果不加修正就用风机上风速计测得的风速进行功率分析,那么得到的功率曲线一定比实际上好得多。下面举一个例子进行说明:


【设计研究】 基于 M AT LAB 的发动机万有特性曲线绘制方法 周广猛 1 , 郝志刚 2 , 刘瑞林 1 , 陈东 3 , 管金发 1 , 张春海 4 (1. 军事交通学院汽车工程系 , 天津 300161;2. 军事交通学院训练部 , 天津300161; 3. 军事交通学院基础部 , 天津 300161;4. 兰州军区军械汽车技工训练大队 , 陕西 710111 摘要 :利用 MAT LAB 数学运算能力 , , , 有曲线直观明了 , 把等燃油消耗率曲线、 , 拟合程度较高。 关键词 ; :A文章编号 :1673-6397(2009 02-0034-03 U niversal Characteristics Curve Plotting Method based on MAT LAB Z H O U G uang -m eng 1 ,H A O Z hi -gang 2 , L I U Rui -lin 1 ,CHE N D ong 3

,G U A N Jin -fa 1 ,Z H A NG Chun -hai 4 (1. Autom obile Engineering Department , Academy of Military T ransportation , T ianjin 300161,China ; 2. T raining Department ,Academy of Military T ransportation , T ianjin 300161,China ; 3. G eneral C ourse Department , Academy of Military T ransportation , T ianjin 300161,China ; 4. Ordnance Mechanic T raining Brigade , Lan Zhou Theater , X i ’ an 710111,China Abstract :Taking advantage of MAT LAB mathematic operation , data from engine characteristic test was processed , the method is sim ple and credible , The universal characteristics curve plotted is intuitionistic and perspicuous ,and was in g ood fit with data g ot in test. K ey Words :MATLAB ;Universal Characteristics Curve ;Plot 作者简介 :周广猛 (1984- , 男 , 山东邹城人 , 在读硕士研究生 , 主要研究方向为动力机械特殊环境适应性。引言 为了能全面反映发动机的性能 , 把发动机的多 个参数画在一张图上而形成的多参数的特性曲线叫做发动机的万有特性曲线[1] , 传统用作图法制取万有特性曲线是将不同转速下的负荷特性曲线绘制在同一张坐标图上 , 形成曲线簇 , 然后从曲线簇上把等油耗点逐一投影到万有特性图上 , 并圆滑地连接成等油耗曲线 , 再做出等功率曲线 , 画出外特性曲线 , 进而得到发动机的万有特性曲线 , 这种万有特性曲线的手工绘制方法费时费力 , 难以保证数据和图形 的精度 [2]


保护用电流互感器的误差校核及10%误差曲线绘制方法 一、进行电流互感器误差校核的目的 确定当一次电流达到最大短路电流值时,电流互感器带现有二次负荷的情况下准确度是否能够满足要求。 二、电流互感器产生误差的原因 如上图为电流互感器的等值电路图。Z1为一次侧漏抗,Z2为二次侧漏抗,Ze 为励磁阻抗,Zen为负荷阻抗。I1为经过折算后的二次侧总电流,I2为实际二次电流,Ie为励磁电流,即I1=I2+Ie。 电流互感器的比误差为e f=Ie/I1 由此可见,励磁电流Ie的存在是造成电流互感器误差的直接原因。 三、励磁电流大小的影响因素 当I1增大时,由于铁芯饱和,Ze减小,Ie增大; 当Zen增大时,由于二次负荷阻抗分流减少,Ie增大。 因此,一次电流和二次负荷阻抗是影响电流互感器误差的主要因素。 四、误差曲线 1、误差曲线的概念 误差曲线描述的是当比误差e f为一定值时,一次电流I1与额定电流I的比值和二次负荷阻抗Zen的关系。即m=f(Zen)。

2、误差曲线的绘制 以变比为300/5,准确等级为10P的电流互感器为例。 首先将将电流互感器一次侧开路,在二次侧采用电流电压法做伏安特性。如下图 1)制作电流互感器的电势E和励磁电流Ie的关系曲线E=f(Ie) 由等值电路可知,E=U-Ie(Z2)=U-Ie(R2+jX2),R2可以用电桥测得,Z2可根据经验公式求取:对于油浸式LCWD型电流互感器,Z2=1.3~1.3R2;对套管式LRD型电流互感器Z2=2R。 根据U=f(Ie),可逐点计算,利用E=U-Ie(Z2)得出E=f(Ie)曲线。 2)计算励磁阻抗Ze 由于Ze=E/f(Ie),可得Ze=f(Ie)曲线。 3)计算一次电流倍数m10=I1/I。 当电流的比误差为10%时,励磁电流Ie应为一次电流I1的10%,则二次电流I2为90%。 所以,m10=I1/I=10Ie/I=10Ie/5=2Ie 根据Ze=f(Ie),可得Ze=f(m10)曲线。 4)计算允许的二次负荷阻抗Zen 由于Ze与Z2+Zen并联,故Ze/(Z2+Zen)=I2/Ie=9Ie/Ie=9 即Ze=9(Z2+Zen)。其中Z2已知,由Ze=f(m10)曲线可得m10=f(Zen)曲线,即10%误差曲线。


=设计研究 > 基于 MATLAB 的发动机万有特性曲线绘制方法 周广猛 1 , 郝志刚 2 , 刘瑞林 1 , 陈东 3 , 管金发 1 , 张春海 4 (1. 军事交通学院汽车工程系 , 天津 300161; 2. 军事交通学院训练部 , 天津300161; 3. 军事交通学院基础部 , 天津 300161; 4. 兰州军区军械汽车技工训练大队 , 陕西西安 710111 摘要 :利用 MATLAB 数学运算能力 , 处理发动机性能试验数据 , 方法简单可靠 , 绘制后的万有曲线直观明了 , 把等燃油消耗率曲线、外特性曲线 和等功率曲线较好地拟合在同一张图上 , 拟合程度较高。 关键词 :MATLAB; 万有特性曲线 ; 绘图 中图分类号 :TK402 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1673-6397(2009 02-0034-03 Universal Characteristics C urve Plotting Method based on MATLAB Z HO U Guang-me ng 1 , H AO Zhi-gang 2 , LI U Rui-lin 1

, C HE N Dong 3 , GUA N Jin-fa 1 , Z HANG C hun-hai 4 (1. Automobile Engineering Department, Academy of Military Transportation, Tianjin 300161, China; 2. Training Department, Acade my of Military Transportation, Tianjin 300161, China; 3. General Course Department, Academy of Military Transporta tion, Tianjin 300161, China; 4. Ordnance Mechanic Training Brigade, Lan Zhou Theater, Xi . an 710111, China Abstract :Taking advantage of MATLAB mathematic operation, data from engine characteristic test was processed, the method is simple and credible, The universal characteristics curve plotted is intuitionistic and perspicuous, and was in good fit with data got in test. Key W ords :MATLAB; Universal Characteristics Curve; Plot :( , 男 , , , 引言 为了能全面反映发动机的性能 , 把发动机的多个参数画在一张图上而形成的多参数的特性曲线叫做发动机的万有特性曲线 [1] , 传统用作图法制取万


概念篇: 目录 概念篇: (1) 1、静态功率曲线: (1) 2、动态功率曲线: (1) 3、测试功率曲线: (2) 4、保证功率曲线: (2) 修正因素有以下几方面: (2) 1、静态功率曲线: 在风力发电机组的设计过程中,需要对风力发电机组的性能进行评估,这需要对风力发电机组的功率曲线进行设计仿真,这样得到的功率曲线称为理论功率曲线,也称静态功率曲线; 在风电场前期评估阶段,功率曲线的计算是假定风速不随时间变化,计算出不同风速对应的功率值,得到的数据是机组的静态功率曲线; 静态功率曲线忽略了风的湍流特性,是理想情况下得机组出力特性; 静态功率曲线一般用于估算机组的年发电量; 2、动态功率曲线: 动态功率曲线是考虑风的湍流特性和控制系统的影响之后得到的风速和功率的关系曲线,每种风速下的功率是一定时间内的功率平均值。 动态功率曲线是通过分析风场地形坡度等资料后,得到风场的湍流强度,按照IEC61400-1标准,采用冯卡门湍流模型来模拟平均风速为U10min的湍流风,得到U10min的10分钟平均风速湍流风稳健,然后计算10分钟内各时刻的功率值P(t),进而计算该10min内平均功率P10min,得到湍流风作用下的平均风速-功率的对应关系,从而生成机组的动态功率曲线,这种仿真方法考虑到风的随机

性,建立的风速文件和标准功率曲线的测试方法一致,因此相对于静态的功率仿真计算而言,更趋近于风力发电机组的实际运行情况。 3、测试功率曲线: 按照IEC61400-12标准的定义,测试功率曲线是机组的标准功率曲线。测试功率曲线是机组的动态功率曲线,对风力发电机组的功率曲线进行测试是个比较复杂的过程,需要对机组的运行进行较长期的观测、记录的数据包括连续的10min 平均风速及平均功率、大气压力、空气密度以及环境值、对测试得到的功率值进行修正,并把风速换算成轮毂高度处的值,再对修正后的数据进行分组、设计、最后绘制出功率曲线图。 4、保证功率曲线: 在风电项目合同中,风电制造商通常需要为投资方提供一条保证全年发电量的功率曲线,称之为保证功率曲线。在国际风电项目中通常采用的指标计算方法如下:P1/P2>95%, P2为根据整机厂提供的风电机组保证功率曲线与当年一整年风频曲线所计算的应达到的年发电量; P1为该风机对应的实测功率曲线与当年一整年的风频曲线所计算的发电量; 保证功率曲线一般会针对投标阶段提供的标准静态功率曲线进行修正,以提供满足机组运行要求的功率曲线; 修正因素有以下几方面: 1)湍流强度的影响; 2)风切变的影响; 3)叶片污垢和冰载的影响; 4)空气密度的影响(提供标准空气密度下的保证功率曲线,第三方测量时会根

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