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Unit 9 Section A Why Does Beauty Matter? Background Information:

1.Egypt: officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, a country in northeastern Africa. Most of

the country lies in Africa, but the easternmost portion of Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, is usually considered part of Asia; it forms the only land bridge between the two continents. Most of Egypt’s terrain is desert, divided into two unequal parts by the Nile River. The valley and delta of the Nile are the main centers of habitation. The capital and largest city is Cairo. The web site https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d517683491.html,/egypt/egypt_contents.html offers information on the country’s history, culture, government, and tourist attractions and services.

2. Roman Empire: a political system established by Rome that lasted for nearly

five centuries. Historians usually date the beginning of the Roman Empire from 27 BC when the Roman Senate gave Gaius Octavius the name Augustus and he became the undisputed emperor after years of bitter civil war. At its peak the empire included lands throughout the Mediterranean world. Rome had first expanded into other parts of Italy and neighboring territories during the Roman Republic (509-27 BC), but made wider conquests and solidified political control of these lands during the empire.

The empire lasted until Germanic invasions, economic decline, and internal unrest in the 4th and 5th centuries AD ended Rome’s ability to dominate such a huge territory.

The Romans and their empire gave cultural and political shape to the subsequent history of Europe from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the present day. The web site

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d517683491.html,/ contains information about the emperors of the Roman Empire, including biographies, images from works of art, and other resources.

3. Shakespeare: (1564-1616), an English playwright and poet, recognized in

much of the world as the greatest of all dr amatists. Shakespeare’s plays communicate a profound knowledge of the wellsprings of human behavior, revealed through portrayals of a wide variety of characters. His use of poetic and dramatic means to create a unified aesthetic effect is recognized as a singular achievement.

And his use of poetry within his plays to express the deepest levels of human motivation is considered one of the greatest accomplishments in literary history. The web site https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d517683491.html,/Shakespeare/works.html has searchable hypertext versions of the complete works of Shakespeare, a glossary, Shakespearean quotations, and other resources.

Detailed Study of the Text:

attractive people do better. (Para.1)

Meaning: We may claim, as if it is true, that the matter of beauty is not particularly important, but the shocking fact is that attractive people are more successful.

2.We may pretend that beauty is only skin deep ... (Para.1)

pretend: v. give a show of (sth. that is not true) 假装

Jane’s not asleep. She is just pretending. 简不是真的睡着了,只是装睡而已。

She walked past pretending she hadn’t seen me. 她走过的时候,假装没有看见我。3.… but the sad truth is that attractive people do better. (Para.1) attractive: a.

1) having good looks 漂亮的

He fell in love with an attractive young girl. 他爱上了一个漂亮的女孩子。

Our campus looks most attractive at this time of the year. 我们校园一年之中此时最美。

2) being exciting or pleasant 有吸引力的

I found the idea of travel very attractive. 我觉得旅游这个主意很吸引人。

She had an attractive smile on her face. 她面带动人的微笑。

4.… where they receive more help and are punished less … (Para.1) punish: vt. cause sb. to suffer for wrongdoings 处罚;惩罚

The mother punished her child for his lying. 母亲因为孩子说谎而罚他。

5.… where they g et better pay and higher positions … (Para.1)

position: n.

1)[C] a particular place or state in an organization 职位;地位

Whether or not you’re given a car depends on your position in the company. 是否配车要根据你在公司里的职位而定。

Much against his will he accepted this position. 他不得已接受了这一职位。

2) [C;U] a place where sb. or sth. is 位置

I can’t see the ship from this position. 我从这个位置看不见那艘船。

All the dancers were in position waiting for the music to begin. 所有舞蹈演员已各就各位,等候音乐开始。

6.… and among strangers, who think them to be more … (Para.1)

stranger: n.

1) [C] a person who is not familiar 陌生人

I had to ask a total stranger to help me with my suitcase. 我不得不请一个我完全不认识的人帮我拿手提箱。

He is a perfect stranger to me. 他对我来说完全是个陌生人。

2) [C] a person in a new place 异乡人

He is a stranger to this part of the country. 他对该国的这个地区不熟悉。

I’m a stranger in a strange land. 我是个身处异乡的异客。

7.After all, in most stories the characters are divided into heroes that are

handsome … (Para.2)

after all: anyway 毕竟;还是

She can’t understand. After all, she’s only two. 她是不会理解的。毕竟她只有两岁。Andrew said he would not go to the party because he had too much to do, but he went after all. 安德鲁说他手头有许多事要做,所以不准备参加晚会。但是后来他还是去了。

8.…the characters are divided into heroes that are handsome … (Para.2) character: n.

1) [C] a person (in a book, play, etc.) 人物

All the characters in his book are well drawn. 他书中所有的人物都刻画得很好。

The film has a female dancer for its leading character. 这部电影的主人公是一名女舞蹈演员。

2) [C;U] all the qualities by which a person is judged 性格

He is a man of fine character. 他是个品性良好的人。

He has a strong character. 他个性很强。

9.…the characters are divided into heroes that are handsome … (Para.2) divide into: separate into parts or groups 把……分成……

The house was divided into flats. 这幢房子划分为若干套房间。

The class were divided into three groups when they went on their outing. 外出郊游时,全班分成了三组。

10.…the characters are divided into heroes that are handsome … (Para.2) handsome: a. good-looking 英俊的

She’s dreaming that she will marry a handsome young man. 她梦想嫁给一位英俊小伙。He’s a handsome lad, the most handsome in the town. 他是个漂亮的小伙子,全镇最英俊的。

11.Perhaps it’s not surprising that a judge is more likely to give ... (Para.2) surprising: a. that causes surprise 令人惊奇的

It’s surprising that so many adults can’t read or write. 有这么多成人文盲真是令人意想不到。

12.… likely to give an attractive criminal a shorter sentence ... (Para.2) criminal: n.[C] a person who has done some crime 罪犯

Prison is a place for punishing criminals. 监狱是处罚罪犯的地方。

13.… different photographs were attached to the same job application …


be attached to: be fixed to another thing 附在……上

A photo was attached to the letter. 信里附有一张照片。

14.… different photographs were attached to the same job application …


application: n.

1) [C;U] the act of asking a request, esp. officially and in writing 申请

I wrote three applications for jobs but didn’t get a single reply. 我写了三份求职申请书,可是连一份答复都没有收到。

2) [C;U] the practical use of 应用

The lecture was about the application of educational theory to the classroom. 这节课讲的是如何将教育理论应用到课堂中去。

15.… the more attractive person was hired. (Para.3)

hire: vt.

1) employ 雇用

They have hired several workers to repair the roof. 他们雇了几名工人来修理屋顶。

We hired an advertising company to push the sale of our new product. 我们雇了一家广告公司来推销我们的新产品。

2) get the use of sth. on payment of money 租用

I hired a suit for the wedding. 我为婚礼租了一套礼服。

score: n. [C] the marks on a test 成绩

The top score in the English test was 80. 这次英语测试的最高分是八十分。

His score in the reading test last year was very disappointing. 他去年阅读课的考试成绩实在令人失望。

v. gain marks in a test 得分

Our team still hadn’t scored by half-time. 我们队在上半场结束时仍未得分。

He scored the highest marks in the exam. 他这次测验得了最高分。

He scored high in the IQ test. 他在智商测验中得分很高。

17.… their good looks fetch more praise from adults. (Para.3)

fetch: vt.

1)lead to 使得;引出,使发出

His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的话使在场的人都笑了。

2) go and get sth. or sb.(去)拿来,取来;请来,接来

They fetched out their best wine for us. 他们取来了最好的酒给我们喝。

18.Shocking as the results of these experiments might be, they tell us just

what we’ve already k nown for ages: ... (Para.5)

Meaning: Although the results of these experiments might be worrying, they tell us just what we have already known for a very long time.

Note: 在正式文体中,从属连词as亦可用于一种不以其为首的让步状语从句。


Old as I am, I can still work. 我虽老,但仍能工作。

Tired as she was, there was no hope of her being able to sleep. 她虽然很累,但却无法入睡。

19.…what we’ve already known for ages: ... (Para.5)

for ages: for a very long period of time 很久

Collecting stamps may have been a hobby for ages. 收藏邮票可能是一个由来已久的嗜好了。

20.… able to climb up to a higher social class … (Para.5)

climb up to: move up to; reach 往上爬;到达

It took me three or four hours to climb up to the top of the hill. 我花了3、4 个小时爬上了山顶。

21.A beautiful woman is often able to climb up to a higher social class by

marrying a man with education, wealth or position. (Para.5)

Meaning: A beautiful woman is often able to move up to a higher social class if she marries an educated and rich man or a man of high rank in society.

22.… were promoted faster … (Para.6)

promote: vt.

1) place in a higher position 提升;提拔

He’s been promoted from department manager to general manager. 他已由部门经理晋升为总经理。

He has been promoted over my head. 他已经被提到我上面去了。

2) help in the growth or development 促进

The meetings of the leaders have helped to promote good relations between the two countries. 两国领导人的多次会晤有助于增进两国间的友好关系。

We should make efforts to promote the cause of world peace. 我们必须为促进世界和平

23.But the face has always attracted a person’s first glance. (Para.7) Meaning: But beautiful appearance has al ways attracted a person’s attention first. 24.… made from various plants and minerals … (Para.8)

plant: n. [C] a living thing that has leaves and roots, usu. growing in the earth 植物That plant’s in the wrong position; it doesn’t like too much sun. 那棵植物放错了位置,它并不需要多晒太阳。

Roots help plants get food and water from the ground. 根能帮助植物获取地里的养分和水。vt. put into the ground to grow 种植

It takes a lot of hard work to plan and plant a new garden. 设计和种植一个新花园很费心思。

We planted trees round the factory. 我们在工厂周围种了树。

25.… made from various plants and minerals … (Para.8)

mineral: n. [C;U] things like coal, gold, salt or oil that come from the ground and that people use 矿物

Gold, silver, coal, salt and oil are minerals. 金、银、煤、盐、石油都是矿物。

This country is rich in mineral resources. 这个国家矿物资源很丰富。

26.Drawings show that the Egyptians … (Para.8)

drawing: n. [C] a picture that has been made with a pencil, etc. 图画

The drawing is from the brush of a lady painter. 这幅画出自一位女画家之手。

27.… put green eye shadow above their eyes. (Para.8)

shadow: n.

1) [C;U] sth. used to color the skin around the eyes 眼影

She has no interest in eye shadows, lipsticks and so on. 她对眼影、口红之类的东西毫无兴趣。

2) [C] a dark image that is made by sth. that blocks a source of light 影子

As the sun set, the shadows lengthened. 随着太阳消失在地平线,影子变长了。

He’s always lived in the shadow of his elder brother. 他一直生活在他哥哥的影响下。28.… colored their fingers and feet red with juice from a plant. (Para.8) juice: n. [C;U] the liquid from plants, fruit, etc. 汁;液

I like cooked vegetables with all the natural juices still in.我爱吃烹调后仍保持原汁的蔬菜。

29.… and army commanders had their hair brushed ... (Para.9)

commander: n. [C] an officer in charge, esp. of a group of soldiers 指挥官

The Queen is commander-in-chief of the British armed forces. 女王是英国武装部队的最高统帅。

Could I have a word with your commander in private? 我可以和你们的指挥员单独说几句话吗?

30.…had their hair brushed and their nails painted before they went into battle.


brush: vt. clean or smooth with a brush 刷;梳

Brush your teeth, and brush your hair. 刷刷你的牙,再梳梳你的头发。

In front of a mirror she was brushing her hair. 她对着镜子梳头。

n. [C] a tool for cleaning, smoothing, or painting 刷子

We want a brush to paint these boxes. 我们要一把刷子油漆这些箱子。

I took a brush and swept the snow from the path. 我拿起扫帚把路上的积雪扫走。

31.… and their nails painted before they went into battle. (Para.9)

nail: n.

1) [C] the hard covering at the end of each finger 指甲;趾甲

Does your Mum let you paint your nails? 你妈妈让你染指甲吗?

I still bite my nails sometimes when I’m nervous. 当我紧张的时候,有时仍然会咬指甲。

2) a thin pointed piece of metal with one flat end that is used to join pieces of wood together 钉子

These nails are not of good quality. 这些钉子质量不好。

He hit the nail hard. 他使劲钉钉子。

32.… before they went into battle. (Para.9)

go into:

1) enter as a job 参加;从事

Mr. Alexander is going into business himself. 亚历山大先生打算自己经商。

2) enter a state 进入……状态

Robert went into a rage when he didn’t get his own way. 由于没有按他的意思做,罗伯特发火了。

33.… before they went into battle. (Para.9)

battle: n. [C;U] a fight between opposing forces 战斗

They won the battle, but they lost the war. 他们那一仗打赢了,但还是输了整场战争。

It was one of the most crucial battles in the whole war. 那是整个战争中最关键的战役之一。

34.… was the first to make cold cream … (Para.9)

cream: n. [C;U](乳)霜;膏

Put some of this cream on that burn. 在烫伤处涂点这种药膏。

35.We can comfort ourselves with the fact that beauty is relative. (Para.10) Meaning: We can feel better when we think of the fact that beauty must be examined in relation to other things.

36.I’ve watched this work the other way. (Para.12)

the other way: by another means 以另一种方式

Look at the matter the other way and you will understand differently. 如果换一种方式来看待这问题, 你的理解会有所不同。

37.Thank heavens for the qualities … (Para.12)

heaven: n. (H~) God 上帝

Heaven knows what would have happened if the police hadn’t arrived. 警察要是不来,天晓得会发生什么事。

heavens 指上帝及众神;thank heavens: 感谢上帝;谢天谢地

“Your son’s alive.” “Thank heavens!”“你儿子还活着。”“感谢老天爷!”

Thank heavens I’ve got my homework done at last. 谢天谢地我总算把作业做完了。Thank heavens that we weren’t late for the flight. 谢天谢地我们总算赶上飞机了。38.… whilst good looks may awake one’s attention … (Para.12)

whilst: conj. although 尽管;虽然

Whilst I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 尽管我能理解你所说的,但却无法赞同。

39.… whilst good looks may awake one’s attention, a true sense of a person's

beauty comes out in stages. (Para.12)

Meaning: … while good looks may attract one’s first glance, one can only gradually realize a person’s real beauty.

40.… good looks may awake one’s attention… (Para.12)

awake: v.

1) cause to become active in mind 唤起,激起

His words awoke her anger. 他的话激起了她的愤怒。

His words awoke fear in the boy. 他的话使那个男孩害怕。

2) cause to stop sleeping 使醒来

The sudden loud noise awoke us all. 突然一声巨响把我们都吵醒了。

I awoke late this morning. 我今天早上醒得很迟。

awake one’s attention: make one’s mind active 唤醒某人的注意

She’s been quiet all the time. Perhaps this is her way to awake our attention. 她一直缄默无言。也许这是她引起我们注意的方式。

41.… whilst good looks may awake one’s attention, a true sense of a person’s

beauty comes out in stages. (Para.12)

come out

1) become known; appear 显露;出现

The truth finally came out when the man revealed what he knew. 那个人把他所知道的都说出来后,真相终于大白了。

2) be introduced into society 初入社交界

Usually girls come out at about eighteen. 通常女孩在18岁左右正式进入社交界。42.… whilst good looks may awake one’s attention, a true sense of a person’s

beauty comes out in stages. (Para.12)

in stages: in different states at different times 有阶段地

Learning takes place in stages. 学习的过程是有阶段性的。

Section B Making Yourselves More Attractive

Detailed Study of the Text:

1.… that aims to change the way a person looks by giving a part of the body a

new shape. (Para.1)

Meaning: … that is intended to improve a person’s appearance by changing a part of the body.

2.Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine … (Para.1)

cosmetic: a. for making the skin or hair more beautiful 美容的,美发的

She uses a certain cosmetic cream every day. 她每天都用美容霜。

Cosmetic cream is used to improve the appearance of the skin. 美容霜用来改善皮肤表层的状况。

Something that is cosmetic improves the outward appearance but does not change its basic character. 美容用品治表不治根。

3.Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine that aims to change the way…


surgery: n.[U] the performing of medical operations 外科(手术)

Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve a person’s appearance rather than his health. 整容外科手术并非是为了治病,而是为了改善一个人的外表。

4.Cosmetic surgery is a branch of medicine that aims to change the way…


branch: n. [C] a part or division of a larger area of knowledge, an organization, etc. 分支

Surgery is an important branch of medicine. 外科是医学的一个重要分支。

The Bank of China has branches all over the country. 中国银行在全国各地都有分行。5.… a branch of medicine that aims to chang e the way… (Para.1)

aim: vi. direct efforts 致力于……;打算

The factory aims for an increase in production. 工厂把增加产量作为自己的目标。

We aim to leave after breakfast. 我们打算吃过早餐后离开。

n. [C] a purpose 目标,目的

His only aim in life is to make money. 他人生的惟一目标是赚钱。

The aim of the meeting was to reach an agreement about next year’s prices. 这次会议的目的是就明年的价格达成协议。

6.… by giving a part of the body a new shape. (Para.1)

shape: n. [C;U] the form or figure 外形;身材

The shop sells clothes to fit women of all shapes and sizes. 这家商店出售适合各种体形和尺寸的女装。

The cake is in the shape of a heart. 这只蛋糕是心形的。

7.The science of beauty has changed with time, but the desire for beauty

remains the same. (Para.1)

Meaning: The knowledge of beauty has changed as time passed, but people still want to look more beautiful.

8.The science of beauty has changed with time, but the desire for beauty

remains the same. (Para.1)

change with time: sth. changes as time passes 随时间而变化

Clothing changes with time; people wear different clothes in different seasons. 服装随时间而变化。不同的季节人们穿不同的衣服。

9.People have almost always had the desire to look more beautiful. (Para.2) almost: ad. nearly 几乎

She said almost nothing at the meeting. 她在会上几乎一言不发。

By nine o’clock almost everyone had arrived. 到了九点钟,差不多所有人都到齐了。10.… people have followed fashion in order to look more attractive. (Para.2) fashion: n. [C;U] the dress, way of living, etc. that is popular 流行;时髦

She looks as if she’s just stepped out of a fashion magazine. 她看起来就像刚从时尚杂志里走出来似的。

It’s the fashion to send children to boarding schools. 现在时兴把小孩子送到寄宿学校去读书/

follow fashion: chase after what is popular 追寻时尚; 赶时髦

Research shows that men are beginning to follow fashion just as women do. 研究显示,男性也开始像女性那样追求时尚。

11.… it became common amongst well-known American tailors … (Para.2) amongst: prep. between or through the group of; in the middle of (very formal usage, means among) 在……中间; 在……当中

She was soon lost amongst the crowd. 她很快就消失在人群中。

There was a strong dissatisfaction amongst the workers. 工人们中存在着强烈的不满情绪。

12.… amongst well-known American tailors … (Para.2)

well-known: a. known by many people 众所周知的

We invited some well-known singers to our program. 我们邀请了一些著名的歌唱家来参加我们的节目。

13.… amongst well-known American tailors … (Para.2)

tailor: n. [C] a person who makes clothes 裁缝

This tailor knows how to make clothes for special needs. 这个裁缝知道如何按特殊需要来裁制衣服。

14.… change to their names to French ones! (Para.2)

change ... to: move from one state to another 改变为……

His name was changed to Richard when he got the job. 在得到这份工作时,他把名字改为理查德。

15.… height and weight became an important part of beauty. (Para.3) weight: n. [C;U] the heaviness of sth. 重量

Can you guess its weight? 你猜得出它有多重吗?

16.During the time of the French Revolution … (Para.3)

revolution: n.

1) [C;U] a great, usu. sudden, social and political change 革命

Reform was one thing, but this was revolution. 改革是一回事,但这是革命。

2) [C] a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working, etc. 彻底的变革There has been a revolution in printing techniques. 印刷技术上有一场彻底的变革。17.… in an attempt to have a narrow waist. (Para.3)

attempt: n. [C] an effort made to do sth. 努力;企图

He made an attempt to escape, but failed. 他企图逃跑,但失败了。

v. make an effort at 试图; 尝试

He attempted to leave but was stopped. 他试图离开,但被阻止了。

18.… in an attempt to have a narrow waist. (Para.3)

in an attempt: in an effort 企图; 努力

Mr. Liu stationed himself in West China for a long time in an attempt to shoot a variety of beautiful scenes there. 刘先生长期驻扎在中国西部,为的是多拍一些那里的美丽风景。19.… in an attempt to have a narrow waist. (Para.3)

narrow: a. of small size, not wide 小的; 窄的

She has a narrow circle of friends. 她交游不广。

20.… in an attempt to have a narrow waist. (Para.3)

waist: n. [C] the narrow part of the human body below the chest 腰

She wears a belt round her waist. 她腰间束了一根皮带。

21.We still think of the ideal person as tall … (Para.3)

think of sb. as: regard sb. as 把某人看作是……

His English is so good that we think of him as a native speaker of English. 他的英语如此之好,以至于我们以为英语是他的母语。

22.… clothes that makes them ache. (Para.3)

ache : vi. have or suffer a continuous, but not violent pain 痛

I ache all over. 我浑身痛。

n. [C;U] a continuous, but not violent pain 疼痛

He’s always full of little aches and pains. 他经常不是这里疼就是那里痛。

23.… paint their faces white and their cheeks a rose color. (Para.4)

paint sth. a color: cause sth. to have a color 给……涂颜色

In order to perform the play, the performers painted their faces a color. 为了演出这个


24.… and their cheeks a rose color. (Para.4)

rose : a. (of a color) pale to dark pink 玫瑰色的

He painted her room rose. 他把她的房间漆成玫瑰色。

n. [C] a beautiful and sweet-smelling flower玫瑰花

He sent her roses on her birthday. 他在她生日那天送了玫瑰花。

25.… who want to look their best … (Para.4)

look one’s best: look perfect看上去最好

Beautiful clothes and heavy cosmetics do not always make one look one’s best. 浓妆艳服不一定能取得最美的效果。

26.… who want to look their best at all times… (Para.4)

at all times: at every moment 任何时候;永远

We must be ready at all times. 我们应当时刻准备着。

27.… have started using permanent make-up … (Para.4)

permanent: a. lasting for a long time 永久的

It’s not my permanent address; I’m staying there for only a short time.这不是我的永久住址,我只是临时住在那里。

28.… in order to weigh less and feel better. (Para.5)

weigh: v. to have a particular weight 重……

I weigh less than I used to. 我的体重比过去轻了。

29.The popularity of riding bikes even led to a change in fashion. (Para.5) Meaning: Many people enjoyed riding bikes, which resulted in a change in the style of clothes.

30.The popularity of riding bikes even led to a change in fashion. (Para.5) bike: n. [C] a machine for riding with two wheels, one behind the other 自行车

A lot of people in Shanghai still prefer bikes. 在上海,很多人还是喜欢以自行车作为交通工具。

31.The popularity of riding bikes even led to a change in fashion. (Para.5) lead to: bring about; cause 导致,引发

Chocolate provides a large quantity of heat energy and it leads to an increase in weight. 巧克力提供大量的热量,由此会增加体重。

32.In the past, Americ an women used to … (Para.6)

in the past: in the old days 在过去

In the past, the telegram was an important means of sending secret information. 电报在过去是传送秘密情报的一种重要的工具。

33.… used to spend weeks repeating poems having words … (Para.6)

poem: n. [C;U] a piece of writing, arranged in patterns of lines and sounds, expressing strong thoughts and feelings 诗

Some poems are difficult to read. 有些诗歌很难读懂。

34.People, wherever they are, want to look better. (Para.7)

wherever: conj. to or at whatever place 无论在哪里

I’ll find him wherever he is. 不管他在哪儿,我都要把他找到。

ad. where 究竟在哪儿

Wherever did you get that idea? 你那个想法究竟是从哪儿来的?

35.… used in many countries to mend the appearance of people … (Para.7) mend: vt.

1) repair to a sound condition 修补,缝补

Can you help me (to) mend the hole in my shirt? 你能帮我缝补一下衬衫上的洞吗?

2) improve, make better 使好转

Relations between these two countries are being mended. 这两国的关系正在改善中。36.… or who were born with physical problems. (Para.7)

physical: a. of or for the body 生理的,身体的

I think you should have a complete physical examination. 我认为你有必要做一个全面的身体检查。

37.Is it possible that in the future … (Para.8)

it is possible that: 有可能……

It is possible that one’s faith has something to do with one’s hobby. 一个人的信仰有可能与他的嗜好有关。

38.It is also no bargain for the average person. (Para.8)

Meaning: It is also beyond the means of the ordinary people; it is also too expensive for the ordinary people.

39.It is also no bargain for the average person. (Para.8)

bargain: n. [C] sth. acquired or offered cheaply 便宜的东西

She showed me how to shop for bargains. 她教我怎样买便宜货。

vi. try to buy or sell sth. at a good price 讨价还价

If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price. 如果你和他们讲价钱,他们可能会降价。

40.For these reasons, cosmetic surgery is not as … (Para.8)

for these reasons: because of these 由于这些原因

For these reasons, the club and the league were united into one organization. 由于这些原因,俱乐部和联盟被合并成一个机构。

41.Whether or not doctors find safer, faster, and less expensive techniques …


whether: conj.

1) no matter if 不管,无论

Whether right or wrong, he usually wins the argument. 无论是对是错,在争论中获胜的总是他。

2) if …or not 是否

I couldn’t decide whether to do it. 我不能决定是否要做这件事。

42.Whether or not doctors find safer, faster, and less expensive techniques …


whether or not: 不管……是否

Whether or not he agrees, I’ll do it. 不管他是否同意,我都会做。

43.… find safer, faster, and less expensive techniques … (Para.8)

technique: n. [C;U] a method or skill of doing sth. 技术; 方法

He has no trouble getting lots of girl friends; I wonder what his technique is. 他不费什么事就结交了许多女友,我真奇怪他用的是什么方法。

44.… still continue their search for beauty. (Para.8)

search for: the act of looking for 寻找

The police tailed him to continue their search for more information about the murder.警察跟踪他,想找到有关那宗谋杀案的更多信息。

Unit10 Section A San Francisco on Fire

Detailed Study of the Text:

1.On Wednesday morning at a quarter past five came the earthquake.


quarter: n. [C]

1) fifteen minutes of an hour 一刻钟

This clock strikes the quarters. 这座钟每15分钟敲一次。

2) a period of three months 三个月;一季

I pay my rent by the quarter. 我三个月付一次租金。

2.On Wednesday morning at a quarter past five came the earthquake.


earthquake: n. [C] a sudden strong shaking of the ground 地震

Thousands of people were killed and many more were left homeless by the earthquake. 成千上万的人死于地震,无家可归的更不计其数。

3.In a dozen different places south of Market Street fires started climbing

upward. (Para.1)

upward: ad. toward a higher level, position, price, etc. 向上地,上升地

She lay on the bed, face upward. 她仰面躺在床上。

4.There was no organization, no communication. (Para.1)

communication: n. [U]

1) the act of sending or receiving information 通讯

We are in radio communication with the plane. 我们用无线电与飞机保持联络。

2) talking or writing to sb. 交流;沟通

There was little real communication between the father and the daughter. 这对父女之间很少有真正的交流。

5.The streets were bent like the body of a snake … (Para.1)

bend: v. (cause to) become curved(使)弯曲

Bend your legs when you pick up something heavy. 拿起重物时要屈腿。

The old lady was nearly 90 and was bent with age. 那位老妇人已经年近90,背都驼了。

6.The streets were bent like the body of a snake … (Para.1)

snake: n. [C] 蛇

She let out a cry of fear when she saw a snake. 她见到一条蛇,吓得大叫了一声。

v. move like a snake 像蛇一样移动

The road snakes its way through mountain villages. 那条路弯弯曲曲地穿过山村。

7.The telephone system was out of order. (Para.1)

out of order: not working 出故障;不工作

The communication system was completely out of order because of the earthquake. 由于地震,通讯系统完全瘫痪了。

8.… and even the fountain in front of the museum had no water. (Para.1) fountain: n. [C] a place where water shoots up into the air and then falls down again 喷泉

The parks of this city are famous for their beautiful fountains. 这个城市的公园以其美丽的喷泉闻名。

9.…in front of the museum had no water. (Para.1)

museum: n. [C] a building or room where people can see old or interesting things 博物馆;博物院

There is an exhibition of animals at the Natural History Museum. 在自然历史博物馆内有一个动物展览。

10.By Wednesday afternoon, inside of twelve hours, half the heart of the city

was gone.(Para.2)

Meaning: By Wednesday afternoon, in less than twelve hours, half of the city center had disappeared.

11.By Wednesday afternoon, inside of twelve hours ... (Para.2)

inside of: in less time than; within (时间)少于;在……之内

Your photos will be ready inside of an hour. 你的照片一个小时内就会好。

12.At that time I watched the vast fire from out on the bay. (Para.3)

vast: a. very great in area, size or quantity 巨大的;大量的

The soldiers struggled for several days to put out the vast forest fire. 士兵们花了几天时间才扑灭了森林大火。

13.… I watched the vast fire from out on the bay. (Para.3)

bay: n. [C] a place where the land goes inwards and the sea fills the space 海湾

We sailed for the Bay of Bengal. 我们启航向孟加拉湾驶去。

14.The city was dead calm. (Para.3)

Meaning: The city was very quiet.

calm: a.

1)peaceful and quiet 安静的,宁静的

He found a calm hotel room and started to write the music for the film. 他在旅馆找了间安静的房间,开始为那部电影作曲。

2) not worried or angry; quiet 镇静的,冷静的

Keep calm— there is no need to panic. 要冷静,没什么可惊慌的。

n. [C; U] the state of being peaceful and quiet 安静, 宁静

The wind broke the calm of the lake water. 风吹破了平静的湖水。


1)make quiet 使镇静;使安静

She calmed the little boy by giving him some candy. 她给了那个小男孩一些糖果,让他安静下来。

They tried to calm down the angry man. 他们试图使那个发怒的人冷静下来。

2)become quiet 变得镇静;变得安静

The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不一会儿就安静下来了。


The storm of super strength destroyed everything in its path. 威力极大的风暴摧毁了沿途的一切。

We feel this is a super place for a holiday. 我们觉得这里是度假的绝佳去处。

blow upon: send out a strong current of air on 吹;刮

The wind is blowing hard upon the window. 大风猛烈地吹在窗户上。

16.The heated air rising from the fire gathered more air from the sides.


Note: rise (vi.)是指从较低的位置移到较高的位置,例如:

I rose from my seat. 我从座位上站了起来。

raise (vt. )是指设法把某物提到较高的位置,例如:

We raised the ship from the seabed. 我们把那条船从海底捞了起来。

17.The fire of itself built its own huge chimney. (Para.3)

Meaning: The rising fire was like a chimney pouring smoke into the air.

18.The fire of itself built its own huge chimney. (Para.3)

chimney: n. [C] a pipe through which smoke, etc. can get out of a building 烟筒,烟囱Santa Claus (圣诞老人) climbs down the chimney at Christmas to bring children presents. 圣诞节,圣诞老人会从烟囱里爬下来给孩子们送礼物。

19.Day and night this dead calm continued, ... (Para.3)

day and night: for twenty-four hours; round the clock 日日夜夜

They are working hard day and night. 他们夜以继日地努力工作。

20.Remarkable as it may seem, Wednesday night, while the whole city went to

ruin, was a quiet night. (Para.4)

Meaning: Although the whole city was being destroyed, Wednesday night was unusually quiet.

21.…while the whole city went to ruin, …(Para.4)

ruin: n. [U] a state of being badly damaged or destroyed 毁灭

The old house where he was born has fallen into ruin. 他出生的那栋老房子已经破旧不堪了。vt. damage badly; destroy 破坏;毁灭

The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁掉了庄稼。

22.There were no great masses of people running in fear. (Para.4)

mass: n. [C] a large amount or number 大量,大批

There were masses of people at the market today. 今天集市上人山人海。

23.There were no great masses of people running in fear. (Para.4)

in fear: feeling that sth. bad might happen 恐惧地,害怕地

He listened to the footsteps of the guards in fear. 他恐惧地听着卫兵们的脚步声。

24.There was no shouting, yelling, or begging for help. (Para.4)

beg: v.

1)ask sb. for sth. strongly 请求,恳求

We begged him to let the children go free. 我们恳求他放了孩子们。

2) ask sb. for food, money, etc. 行乞,乞讨

There are people begging for food in the streets of London. 在伦敦街头有人乞讨食物。25.I passed Wednesday night in the path of the advancing flames … (Para.4) advance: v.

1) move forward 推进;前进

I saw flames advancing out of that building. 我看到火苗从那幢楼里窜出来。

2) make progress 进展

She’s not really concerned about this issue —she’s just trying to advance her own interests. 她不是真的关心这个问题,她只是想为自己多谋取一些利益。

26.I walked through miles and miles of towering buildings. (Para.5) towering: a. very tall 高耸的;高大的

There are many towering buildings in New York. 纽约有许多高耸入云的大楼。

27.All was in perfect order. (Para.5)

in order: in the condition in which laws and rules are obeyed 秩序井然地

Chairs were arranged in order. 椅子排得整整齐齐。

28.And yet it was all just more fuel for the fire, ... (Para.5)

Meaning: But all the tall buildings would only add more fuel to the fire.

fuel: n. [C; U] a kind of material that is used for producing heat or power 燃料Wood, coal and oil are different kinds of fuel. 木头、煤炭和石油是不同类型的燃料。

29.From both the southern and northern sides, fires were sweeping down upon


southern: a. in or from the south 位于或来自南方的

She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。

30.… fires were sweeping down upon it. (Para.5)

sweep: v.

1)move quickly and smoothly over the area 席卷,横扫

The disease swept the country within weeks. 这种病在几个星期内蔓延到全国。

2) clean by moving dust or other things away 清扫,打扫

I am going to sweep the leaves off the path. 我正准备清扫小路上的树叶。

31.A rain of ashes was falling. (Para.6)

ash: n. [C; U] the gray or black dust which is left after sth. has burned 灰烬,灰

They found the ring in the ashes of the fire. 他们在灰烬中找到了那只戒指。

32.The district was completely empty of people. (Para.6)

district: n. [C] an official division of a town or country 地区,区域

The Lake District in northern England is a tourist attraction. 英格兰北部的湖区是一个游览胜地。

Note: area 所指的范围可大可小,并非是固定地区,例如:

I find the people in this area very friendly. 我发现这一带的人很友好。


33.Kearney Street was deserted. (Para.6)

desert: vt. leave empty; leave completely 离弃;丢弃

They deserted the old house and left for another city. 他们离开了老房子,去了另一座城市。deserted: a. with no person 无人的

They walked along the silent deserted street of the city. 他们走在空寂无人的城市街道上。The office was quite deserted. 这个办公室里没有人。

34.He was in charge of a truck piled high with bags from some hotel. (Para.7) in charge of: in control of 主管

I’d like to speak to the person in charge of your company. 我想跟你们公司的负责人谈谈。

35.He was in charge of a truck piled high with bags from some hotel. (Para.7) truck: n. [C] a wheeled vehicle, usu. for carrying heavy things 运货马车;卡车

In the city, there is a garage that sells new and used trucks. 城里有一家销售新旧卡车的

36.It had been brought here into what was considered safety and the horses

had been taken out. (Para.7)

Meaning: The truck had been brought into a place at the Square, which was thought to be safe from fire, and then the horses were taken out of the place.

37.He was all but trapped by several fires. (Para.8)

all but: nearly; almost 差不多;几乎

I found learning Arabic an all but impossible task. 我觉得学阿拉伯语比登天还难。

38.He was all but trapped by several fires. (Para.8)

trap: vt. keep in a place where one can hardly escape 困住, 关住;(使)陷于困境

They tried to save the children trapped by the fire. 他们设法救出被火困住的孩子。

He didn’t want to be trapped by marriage. 他不愿受婚姻的束缚。

39.Today is my birthday. (Para.8)

birthday: n. [C] the day of the year on which one was born 生日

When it is a person’s birthday, we say “Happy Birthday!”祝贺别人生日时,我们说“生日快乐!”

40.… I sat on the steps of a small house at the peak of Nob Hill. (Para.9) peak: n. [C]

1) the pointed top of a mountain 顶峰

The peaks in the distance are covered by snow all the year. 远处的山顶常年被白雪覆盖。

2) the highest level 顶点

In the early evening demand for electricity is at its peak. 傍晚时候的用电量最高。

41.He pointed to a set of shelves. (Para.9)

point to: show where sth. is with one’s finger, a stick, etc. 指着,指向

“I’ll have that one,” she said, pointing to a big chocolate cake. “我想要那个,”她指着一大块巧克力蛋糕说。

She pointed to the house on the corner and said, “That’s where I live.”她指着拐角处的房子说:“我就住在那里。”

42.He pointed to a set of shelves. (Para.9)

a set of: a number of things of the same kind 一套

She has a set of gardening tools. 她有一套园艺工具。

43.He pointed to a set of shelves. (Para.9)

shelf: n. [C] a long, flat and narrow piece of wood for putting or storing things on 搁板;架子

The product is sold so badly that it isn’t worth the shelf space given to it in the shop. 这种商品销路很差,不值得占用商店的货架。

44.There is not even a bucket of water. (Para.9)

bucket: n. [C] a round open container with a handle for carrying water, etc. 桶

The children carried water from the river in their buckets. 孩子们用水桶从河里提水。

Section B Saving Rare Animals

Background Information:

1. Bengal: a region in southern Asia. The western part of the region is occupied by West Bengal, a state of India, and the larger eastern section is occupied almost entirely by Bangladesh. Bengal covers an area of about 224,500 sq km (about 86,680 sq mi). The

web site https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d517683491.html,/maps/westbengal/ contains information on the culture and geography of the region.

2. Rome: the capital city of Italy and of Lazio Region and Rome Province, on the Tiber River, in the central part of the country near the Tyrrhenian Sea. For centuries, Rome has been called the Eternal City, a title earned through its importance as one of the greatest cities of Western civilization, as the capital of the Roman Empire, and as the world center of the Roman Catholic church. Since 1871 it has been the capital of the united Italy. The web site http://www.alfanet.it/welcomeitaly/roma/default.html offers more information on Rome.

Detailed Study of the Text:

Saving Rare Animals (Title)

rare: a. not found or seen very often 稀有的,少见的

White tigers are rare animals protected by the state. 白色老虎是受国家保护的珍稀动物。

1. A two-faced approach is keeping tigers off people’s backs in Bengal.


M eaning: A method that uses a false face, or a mask tied to the back of one’s head, prevents tigers from attacking people from behind.

2. A two-faced approach is keeping tigers off people’s backs in Bengal.


keep ... off: cause to leave; stay away from 使不接近;避开

Draw the curtain to keep the sun off. 拉上窗帘遮住阳光。

We’re not yet able to keep mosquitoes off although we’ve sent men onto the moon. 尽管我们已经能够把人送上月球,但还无法驱除蚊子。

3.Noting that the terrible Sunderban tiger in western Bengal attacks men only

from behind, ... (Para.1)

western: a. in or of the west 西部的

He hoped to find a western route to India. 他希望找到一条由西边去印度的路。

4.Noting that the terrible Sunderban tiger in western Bengal attacks men only

from behind, ... (Para.1)

attack: vt. fight against or harm 袭击

The old man was attacked and his money was stolen. 那位老人遭到袭击,钱也让人偷走了。

5.… send people who collect honey from wild bees … (Para.1)

honey: n. [U] sweet, sticky liquid that is made by bees and can be eaten 蜂蜜

Can you taste the honey in the milk? 你尝到这牛奶里的蜂蜜味了吗?

6.… send people who collect honey from wild bees … (Para.1)

wild: a. living or growing in natural conditions 野生的;野性的

In the forest, we saw some wild animals and very beautiful birds. 我们在森林里看到一些野生动物和非常美丽的鸟。

bee: n. [C] a flying insect that makes honey蜜蜂

The bee kept on this farm makes good honey. 这个农场养的蜜蜂能酿出上好的蜂蜜。7.… into the forest with rubber masks tied to the backs of their heads.


rubber: n. [U] a kind of soft material that comes from a tree and can be used to make things like car tyres 橡胶

I tried on a nice pair of rubber shoes but they didn’t fit. 我试穿了一双很漂亮的胶鞋,可惜不合脚。

8.… into the forest with rubber masks tied to the backs of their heads.


mask: n. [C] sth. that one wears to cover one’s face 面具;面罩

In some sports, the player must wear a mask to protect his face. 在一些运动项目中,运动员必须带面罩保护面部。

9.… not a single worker equipped with a mask has been attacked ... (Para.2) equip ... with: supply sb. or sth. with what is needed 装备;配备

Before you go climbing, you must equip yourself with things like boots and ropes. 登山前得准备好靴子、绳子之类的东西。

10.… but 30 of their comrades who preferred to put their faith in traditional

gods … (Para.2)

comrade: n. [C] sb. who shares one’s activities 伙伴;同志

On seeing his own comrades running away, he tried to stop them. 看到自己的同伴们逃跑,他想阻止他们。

11.…who preferred to put their faith in traditional gods … (Para.2)

put one’s faith in: firmly believe in; trust 信奉;对……有信念

Had she not put her faith in the cause, she would have given up. 要不是对这项事业有坚定的信念,她早就放弃了。

12.The masks, along with other methods such as sending workers into the

forest … (Para.2)

along with: together with 与……一起

Along with hundreds of others, she lost her job when the factory was closed. 工厂倒闭后,她和其他成百上千的人一样失去了工作。

13.… sending workers into the forest dressed in special suits … (Para.2)

be dressed in: be wearing 穿着

We went to the party all dressed in our Sunday best. 我们身穿节日的盛装去赴宴。14.…into the forest dressed in special suits … (Para.2)

suit: n. [C]

1) a set of special clothes (特殊用途的)一套服装

They went under water in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea. 他们身穿特殊的服装潜入海底行走。

2) a set of clothes made of the same material 套装

He is wearing a new, dark suit today. 今天他穿了一身新的深色套装。


1) satisfy; be right for 满足;适合

Would it suit you to come here at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? 你明天上午10点来方便吗?

2) match or make sb. look good 与某人相配

The couple are well suited to each other. 这对夫妇非常般配。

That dress really suits you. 那件连衣裙你穿起来很合适。

15.… that the tigers couldn’t bite through … (Para.2)

bite: v. cut or attack with the teeth 咬

Don’t worry about the dog. It never bites. 不用怕那条狗,它从不咬人。

He bit a large piece out of the cake. 他从那块蛋糕上咬掉一大块。

16.… their numbers have doubled under a program … (Para.2)

double: v. make sth. twice as much or as many as before (使)加倍

The house has doubled in value since I bought it. 自从我买了这所房子以来,它的价值已翻了一番。

They double their production with the new machine. 他们使用新机器将产量提高了一倍。

17.The story is one of the successes in the mostly losing battle to save rare

animals as people destroy the animals’ homes to plow the soil for farming, ...


Meaning: The story is one of the successes in the almost fruitless attempt to save rare animals as their homes are destroyed by people farming the land...

18.… destroy the animals’ homes to plow the soil for farming … (Para.3)

plow (plough): v. break up or turn over the soil with a tool 犁(地),耕(地)

In the country oxen are kept for plowing. 农村里养牛是为了耕地。

The book was long and boring, but I managed to plow through it. 这本书又长又乏味,但我终于费力地看完了。

19.… destroy the animals’ homes to plow the soil for farming … (Para.3)

soil: n. [U] the top covering of the earth 土壤;泥土

In the northern part of China, the soil is rich, but the growing season is short. 中国北方的土壤很肥沃,但农作物生长期短。

Note: 植物生长在泥土(earth或soil) 中;室外的地面是the ground,室内的地面

是the floor;陆地(land)是相对于海洋而言,但land也指可供买卖的土地。

20.…or kill them through neglect or fear, or harvest them for meat or to ma ke

money. (Para.3)

Meaning: … or kill them because they do not care about them or are afraid of them, or kill them for meat or to make money.

21.... or kill them through neglect or fear, ... (Para.3)

neglect: n. [U] too little attention or care 忽视;疏忽

The machine is out of action through neglect. 由于疏于保养,这台机器不运转了。

Your neglect of duty is a matter between you and your boss. 你玩忽职守,这是你与你老板之间的事。

22.… or harvest them for meat or to make money. (Para.3)

harvest: vt.

1)kill wild animals捕杀(野生动物)

If you harvest wild animals, you must expect to be punished. 如果捕杀野生动物,你一定会受到惩罚。

2) cut, pick or gather a crop 收割(庄稼)

In our country crops are usually harvested in June. 我国一般是在6月收割庄稼。

n. [C; U] (the time of) cutting and picking of crops 收割;收获的季节

We all helped with the harvest. 我们都帮忙收割。

23.… or harvest them for meat or to make money. (Para.3)

meat: n. [U] the flesh of animals used as food(食用的)肉

What shall we have for the meat course? 我们吃什么荤菜?

24.… about 200 experts belonging to the Species Survival Commission …


belong to: be a member of (a group or organization) 是……的成员

Do you belong to any political party? 你是哪个政党的成员吗?

25.… about 200 experts belonging to the Species Survival Commission …


species: n. (单复数同形) [C] a group of animals or plants that are the same in some way (动植物的)物种

On this island there are more than one hundred species of bird. 岛上有一百多种鸟类。

26.They are to draw up a plan to protect some of the world’s rarest … (Para.4) draw up: prepare and write out 拟订;制定

The government is drawing up a plan to attract more foreign investment. 政府正在拟订一项计划,以吸引更多的外国投资。

27.… which include the elephant and lion, and also less beautiful animals such

as crocodiles. (Para.4)

lion: n. [C] 狮子

Male lions have a great deal of hair around their head and neck. 雄狮的头上和颈部有许多浓密的毛。

crocodile: n. [C] 鳄鱼

A crocodile is a dangerous animal because it has a large mouth with a lot of sharp teeth in it. 鳄鱼是一种危险动物,因为它的大嘴里有许多锋利的牙齿。

28.… director of field operations of the organization … (Para.5)

operation: n. [C]

1) the way in which sth. works 作业;操作

The company’s operations include selling new and used cars. 公司的业务包括经销新车和二手车。

2) the cutting of the body of someone who is ill to make them better 手术

She has just had an operation on her stomach. 她胃部刚动过手术。

29.… to get people to dig into their pockets … (Para.6)

dig into:

1) find money from 从……中找出钱

He dug into his pocket and bought a ring as a present for his wife. 他掏钱买了一只戒指作为礼物送给妻子。

With his girlfriend present he had to dig into his pocket and paid the bill. 因为女朋友在场,他不得不掏钱买单。

2) push into 把……插入

She dug her fingernails into my arm. 她用指甲掐我的手臂。

He dug his hand into the bag. 他把手伸进包里。

dig: v. break up and move earth 挖,掘

The dog has been digging in that corner for an hour. 那只狗已经在那个角落里刨了一个钟头了。

30.And one of the things that do poor credit to our work is to argue too much to

save any single particular species. (Para.6)

Meaning: And one of the things that is not worth praising is when we concentrate too much on saving a single particular species.

31.… do poor credit to our work … (Para.6)

credit: n. [U] praise or approval for sth. good that has been done 称赞,赞扬

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