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step by step 3000第二册12单元答案

step by step 3000第二册12单元答案
step by step 3000第二册12单元答案

Step by step 3000 Book 2

Unit 12 Dictation

Item one

Judith Wallerstein studied 93 children over a generation. Her findings haven’t been published in a medical journal, only in her book. She says children of divorce are more likely to abuse drugs, and that 40 percent of them avoid marriage themselves. When they do marry, fail at nearly twice the usual rate. Wallerstein’s families divorced a generation ago. Times have changed and with them the attitude toward divorce and the attention to divorce’s innocent victims. “In our parents’ generation people who got divorced didn’t talk about it, they were embarrassed by it.” Programs like Kid’s Turn try to mitigate some of the effects of divorce with family counseling. So the next generation more aware of the trauma may be better equipped to handle it.

Item two

Mondays are generally seen as the worst day of the week because people feel grumpy and tired at having to go back to work after a weekend with a different sleep pattern. However, it’s not all bad! Many peo ple feel optimistic at this time, that things can only get better. Psychologists offer suggestions of how to combat feeling blue. These include spending 15 minutes doing “gratitude exercises” thinking about and writing down what you are grateful for, such as health, family, friends and so on. Taking up a new hobby, doing some exercise, going to bed earlier, eating a healthy breakfast, and listening to some uplifting music, are all recommended as ways to feel more cheerful.

Item three

We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of your fears are brought on by your own experience, by what someone has told you, or by what you’ve read in the papers. Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy relationships. Fears, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what’s holding you back, what’s keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.

Item four

College graduation brings both the satisfaction of academic achievement and the expectation of a well-paying job. But for 6,000 graduates at San Jose State this year, there’s uncertainty as they enter one o f the worst job markets in decades. Ryan Stewart has a freshly minted degree in religious studies, but no job prospects. When the class of 2003 entered college the future never looked brighter. But in the four years they’ve been here, the world outside th ese gates has changed dramatically. Ryan Stewart may just end up going back to school.

“I’d like to teach college some day and that requires going to more school, which would be great in a bad economy.” To some students a degree may not be the ticket to instant wealth. For now, they can only hope that its value will increase over time.

Item five

On February 28th, 2003, the Vietnam-France Hospital in Hanoi asked Carlo Urbani for help. The Italian doctor was an expert on communicable diseases. He was based in Vietnam for the World Health Organization. The hospital asked Doctor Urbani to help

identify an unusual infection. He recognized it as a new threat. He made sure other hospitals increased their infection-control measures. On March 11th, Doctor Urbani developed signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Four days later, the World Health Organization declared it a worldwide health threat. Carlo Urbani was the first doctor to warn the world of the disease that became known as SARS. He died of it on March 29th, 2003. He was 46 years old.

Item six

Lance Armstrong was born on September 18, 1971. Athletic from the start, Lance became a professional athlete by the age of 16. Lance entered this first Tour de France in 1995. Unfortunately, in October of 1996, everything changed. Lance was diagnosed with testicular cancer. With chances of recovery less than 50%, Lance began a course of treatment that would include two surgeries and chemotherapy. Remarkably, though, just five months after his initial diagnoses, Lance was back on a bike rebuilding the strength he had lost. Lance went on to fully recover and, amazingly, win the Tour de France a record seven times since his bout with cancer. He is a beacon of hope and source of inspiration.

Item seven

The latest fashion on British TV is Reality TV. Reality TV means that shows follow and film ordinary people in artificial situation. This could be at work, or in some kind of competition. One of the first and most popular Reality TV shows is Big Brother. In this show, 15 complete strangers have to live together in a house for 11 weeks. They are filmed 24 hours a day, and shown on television. Each week, the viewers vote to evict one of the housemates. Finally, only one is left, and they win the prize money –50,000 pounds! The snow was an instant hit, and runs in several countries. The housemates often become stars as a result of the show, and appear in national newspapers and on other shows.

Item eight

A number of big chain stores in China are trying to popularize cotton shopping bags to reduce the amount of plastic ones being thrown away. However, the China Youth Daily reports that the cotton shopping bags are not selling well, because people still prefer free plastic ones. The paper says it’s not wise to charge for the se cotton bags, and supermarkets should think about how to encourage customers to use them by making it more convenient and cheaper. The paper suggests that supermarkets provide the cotton bags for free and encourage people to reuse them. Meanwhile, the paper also gives advice on how to reduce costs for supermarkets selling these cotton shopping bags. It says they should encourage donations from businesses to print advertisements on the sides.

Item nine

More than 160,000 people died or disappeared in northern Sumatra on December 26, 2004, when towering waves battered the coast. Tens of thousands more perished in a dozen countries surrounding the Indian Ocean. With the help of international donors and aid organizations, Indonesia has built more than 100,000 houses to replace those destroyed in the disaster. That puts housing reconstruction three months ahead of schedule. Teams are on target to finish 20,000 more by next April. Other new

construction includes 2,000 kilometers of roads and about 800 schools. International donors have spent $4.6 billion to rebuild Aceh. The Multi-Donor Fund was scheduled to finish it’s activities in 2010, but now plans to extend work until 2012 to help with the transition.

Item ten

A new report says the number of boys born in the United States and Japan has decreased every year since 1970. The report says the reason for the decrease is unclear. But is says environmental and other influences might be involved. American and Japanese researchers studied thirty years of birth records from the two nations. The researchers say they found fewer boys were born in comparison to girls. They say the decrease in births was equal to 135,000 white males in the United States. In Japan, the decrease was equal to 127,000 fewer males.

Item eleven

People around the world have been invited to take part in an unusual experiment this month. People of all ages are being asked to look at the sky from October first to the fifteenth. They are looking for one of two groups of stars called constellations. The event is called the Great World Wide Star Count. It is part of an effort to make a map of stars seen around the world. It is also educating those taking part about the stars. The Great World Wide Star Count is free to anyone who wants to be involved. Planetariums and scientific groups around the world are also taking part.

(人教版)初中英语九年级 Unit 12单元测试卷(附答案)01

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元测试 第一卷听力部分(15分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案(5分) 6. Why was Fred exhausted? A. Because he kept studying all night. B. Because he kept singing all night. C. Because he kept watching TV all night. 7. How did Jimmy go to school this morning? A. His parents gave him a ride. B. He ran to school. C. He went to school by bike. 8. Did Mary show up at the meeting this morning? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. It’s not mentioned. 9. When did the movie start? A. At 8: 15. B. At 8: 30. C. At 8: 45. 10. What was the matter with the man yesterday? A. He was late for the costume party. B. He was very cold. C. He was ill. Ⅲ. 听短文和短文后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)


Unit 3 All can succeed Part I-A 1. in your imagination think into the future, possibilities, a positive way, the starting point 2. expect to win fulfill the vision 3. opportunity recognize, grab, a risk taker Part I - B 1. organizational skills 2. results oriented 3. open-minded 4. in the decision process 5. parental and citizen 6. innovation and excellence 7. the develpment 8. Cooperation 9. students needs 10. ideas and plans 11. high quality performance 12. directly and clearly 13. continuous professional development 14. their background or position 15. a consensus builder 16. leardship skills 17. your bond, trustworthy 18. the position 19. personal integrity 20. work well with others Part I- C Escaped poverty, master's degree, worst slums, overwhelming odds, English university Prospectus leaflet, discarded, set his heart, violent, crime-ridden, 13, principal breadwinner, drugs, beaten, attacked, came close, overdose, gaining a place, a visa, had doubts, genuine student, be rewarded Part II - A A1 mum, bringing up 3 children physical disabilities, physical difficulty of arthritis, hold her back a headmistress an actor energy, self-publicist

小学六年级课外阅读训练题 冬日暖阳

冬霜暖阳 ①上午,我坐在客厅的日影里,剥平包菜,一片一片撕碎,放到洗菜盆里……做这些零碎琐屑的事,一屋子都是安宁……因为专心,无杂念,情绪也随之平和。宛如一些美好的时光,因为短暂,让人贪恋。把平包菜撕完,日影移走——大概因小区前面起了三四十层的高楼,冬天的日光贵重,但凡投罩下来,必然暖融融的,所以美好。 ②儿时,我们村里老人集体坐在背风的草堆旁,无别事,也就为晒晒太阳,老蓝布对襟褂子,黑裤黑鞋,双手笼在袖子里,缩脖,垂头,发丝不乱,一齐在阳光里打盹,他们脸上的皱纹深如沟壑。不知他们在日光下想些什么,但,那一刻是安宁的。 ③一年里也没有多少次机会,可以望见蓝天了。 ④近来冷空气过境,把天洗了一遍,天蓝得有一份失而复得的贵重。常年的失眠纠缠,让人感叹青春岁月一去不还。医生建议,唯锻炼,方能缓解一二。于是,清早买菜,特意拐弯去屋后的荒坡走了走。 ⑤荒坡上的枯草仍有霜迹,寒光凛凛,踩上去格外清脆。水渠里倒伏的莽草身上,霜意犹深,迎着光,直刺人眼。这些自然界中的东西,比如雾呀,霜呀,总是招人喜爱。 ⑥小时候特别喜欢下雾天,白茫茫,一个人走在上学路上,前后均不见人,到了学校,头发能拎出水。我妈妈每次去一个叫作“横埠河”的集

镇买柴,总是有雾的天气。站在村口,我望着她去时的方向,渐渐地,渐渐地,茫茫白雾里,一个妇女挑柴的身影终于显现出来,她把一担柴来回换着肩,一点一点地出现在圩埂上……我总是幻想,她或许会带一根油条回来,或许别的好吃的呢,总会有的吧。我站在原地,仿佛胜券在握。 ⑦只是,每次都落空。也不介意,至少望着她一点点自白雾里现身——那么漫长的等待过程,我起码是快乐的,充满着企盼和渴念的。 ⑧后来,长大了,才明白过来——人最幸福的,是期盼的过程,得到与失去,并无两样。。有时,更甚至,失去未必比得到更沮丧。失去,可以让灵魂痛苦;得到时的狂喜,永远那么浅薄轻飘,不值一提。生命只有在一次次失去时的煎熬里,才会慢慢强大无摧。 ⑨失败也是升华,如浊浪淘沙,日日年年,总有一天成就你珍珠或者金子,只要自己不先撒手放弃。 ⑩所以,一直喜欢雾天,天地同白,湿了山川草木,以及行走其中的人。如今,雾已难见,雾霾常有。幸而还有霜,让我魂牵梦绕。 (11)相比雾来说,霜更美,满身寒气,萧杀而来,又呼啸而去。小时候村庄里每一户人家的鱼鳞瓦,都是霜的同谋。童年,每到严冬,屋头上皑皑一片浅白,不是雪,是霜。泡桐树被冻僵了,生在原地一动不动。在日光下,唯有霜是跳跃的,麻雀一样忽东忽西。最疼爱的事情是,不小心掉在地上的稻草,被霜上上下下里里外外裹起来,呵护备至——你说霜为何这么疼惜掉在地上的一根稻草呢?夜里,一根稻草独自躺在地上,孤


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 七年级下册Unit 12单元测试题(附答案) 一、单选题(30分) ( )1. He ______ his mom ______ dinner last night. A. helps, cook B. helped, cooked C. helps, cook D. helped, cook ( )2. We can’t _______ others, but we must ______ the old to make them hear us. A.shout to, shout at B. shout at, shout at C.shout to,shout to D.shout at,shout to ( )3. “You did a good job.” “ ____.”A. Don’t say that B. No, I didn’t. C. It’s nice of you to say that. Thank you. D. You did better than I. ( )4.Everyone in our class their holidays.A. enjoyB. enjoying C. enjoys ( )5.____ sheep on the farm last year.A.There was many B. There were much C. There was much D. There were many ( ) 6. ______ you ______ snakes? A. Do, afraid B. Are, afraid of C. Are, afraid D. Do, afraid of ( )7. The first morning, I played soccer on my computer.A. In B. At C. On ( )8. My father often ______ us stories under the moon when we were young. A. tell B. told C. say D. said ( )9. The old song made me ______. A. smile B. to smile C. smiling D. smiled ( )10. –Where did you go on Mid-autumn Day?—I wasn’t out. I just ______ at home. A. stayed B. was C. stay D. am ( )11. Mr. and Mrs. Green went _______ the mountain ________ the weekend. A. to climb, in B. climbed, over C. climb, in D. to climb, over ( )12. ______ your brother ________ your aunt 2 days ago? A. Does, visit B. Did, visit C. Did, visited D. Does, visits ( )13. It’s interesting, _______ difficult for me. A. but little B. and a little C. but a little D. and little ( )14. He with his uncle ______ away from the city two years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were

Step by Step 3000 第二册Unit6答案(全)

Unit 6 It’s Great to Be a Champion Part I Warming up A. Preparatory Movements straight/ apart/ by your sides/ Relax Exercise Steps breath/ your arms to shoulder height/ them out sideways/ your right arm down to touch your left toes/ your left arm stretched out/ your knees/ Your left arm down to touch your right toes/ Up again B. Nationality Record Date Jamaica 9.69s. Aug. 16, 2008 USA 10.49s. July 16, 1988 Morocco 3min. 26s. July 14, 1998 China 3min. 50.46s. Sep. 11, 1993 Cuba 12.87s. Jun. 13, 2008 Bulgaria 12.21s. Aug. 20, 1988 Russia 1h. 17min. 16s. Sep. 29, 2007 Russia 1h. 25min. 41s. Aug. 7, 2005 Ethiopia 2h. 4min. 26s. Sept. 30, 2007 Great Britain 2h. 15min. 25s. April 13, 2003

Cuba 2.45m. July 27, 1993 Bulgaria 2.09m. Aug. 30, 1987 USA 8.95m. Aug. 30, 1991 the former Soviet Union 7.52m. Jun. 11, 1988 Czech Republic 98.48m. May 25, 1996 Cuba 71.70m. Aug. 14, 2005 C. China/ 110-meter hurdles/ Switzerland/ finish line/ 12.88 seconds/ shared with/ three one hundredth/ old record/ 12.90 seconds/ 13.02 seconds/ in 1993/ 22-year-old/ gold medalist/ 2004 Part II They are the champion A. A1: 1. The round-the-world journey lasted 13 years. 2. The journey covered 46, 000 miles (75, 000km). 3. The traveler Jason is 40 years old. 4. He crossed 5 continents. 5. He crossed 2 oceans. 6. He crossed 1 sea.


CANoe 入门Step by step系列(一)基础应用 CANoe是Vector公司的针对汽车电子行业的总线分析工具,现在我用CANoe7.6版本进行介绍,其他版本功能基本差不多。 硬件我使用的是CAN case XL. 1,CANoe软件的安装很简单,先装驱动,再装软件。安装完成,插上USB,连接硬件,这样在控制面板中,Vector Hardware(硬件)进行查看 通过查看信息可知,CANcaseXL中的两个piggy,一个是251(高速CAN),一个是7269(LIN),另外常用的还有1054(低速CAN,或称容错CAN),因为CANcaseXL(can情况XL最大)中只能支持两路通讯,这样piggy可以自由组合 2,硬件连接正常,打开CANoe软件 File->New Configuration(新配置)可以选择新建工程的模版,我们这里选择 CAN_500kBaud.tcn,这样新建了波特率为500K CAN工程,可以File->Save Configuration (保存配置),进行保存 3,接下来就要使用CAN db++ Editor(编辑)工具对总线网络节点,消息,信号,进行定义了。 点击工具栏的这个图标,或开始菜单中找这个工具启动 启动后,File(文件)->Create Database(创建数据),选择CANTemplate.dbc(模板),选择目录及文件名,进行保存

右键Network nodes(网络节点)->New(新的),进行网络节点的定义,这里只需要填写Name(名字)即可,例如:Node_A(节点A) 然后添加Node_B(节点B),完成后如下图,这样在Network nodes(网络节点)目录下面添加出来两个节点 节点添加完成后,下一步添加CAN消息,右键Messages(信息)->New(新的),这是需要定义名称,ID(身份证件),DLC(数据链路控制)等信息,如下:


新部编版六年级语文下册短文阅读专项训练 一、课外阅读。 蚂蚁是世界上分布最广、数量最多的生物之一它们的足迹几乎遍布世界任何一个角落。我曾仔细观察过这种神奇的小动物发现它有一套简单、实用的生存哲学。正是这一套哲学让蚂蚁家族永远繁荣昌盛、生生不息。我管这套哲学叫蚂蚁四重奏。 第一重:永不放弃。如果我们试图挡住一只蚂蚁的去路,它会立刻寻找另一条路,__________翻过或钻过障碍物,__________绕道而行。总之,不达目的不罢休。第二重:未雨绸缪。整个夏天蚂蚁都在为遥远的冬天做准备。刚一入夏,蚂蚁就开始储备冬天的食物。这样在万物凋敝的冬季,蚂蚁同样可以丰衣足食。第三重:满怀期待。整个冬天蚂蚁都憧憬着夏天。在严冬中,蚂蚁们时刻提醒自己严寒就要过去了,温暖舒适的日子很快就会到来。__________是少有的冬日暖阳,__________会吸引蚂蚁们倾巢而出,在阳光下活动活动筋骨。一旦寒流袭来,它们立刻躲回温暖的巢穴,等待下一个艳阳天的召唤。第四重:竭尽所能。一只蚂蚁能在夏天为冬天做多少准备?答案是,全力以赴地工作。小小的蚂蚁给我们上了一堂多么生动的哲学课啊。它用实际行动告诉我们:永不放弃、未雨绸缪、满怀期待、竭尽所能才是成功的秘诀。 1.在文字横线处填上合适的关联词语。 2.联系上下文理解“未雨绸缪”这个成语,再列举生活中一个这样的事例。未雨绸缪:________ 事例:________ 3.小蚂蚁告诉我们成功的秘诀是什么? _______________________________________________ 4.读到“万物凋敝”这个词语你的眼前出现了一幅怎样的景物?请写一段来描述。 _______________________________________________ 5.世界万物都充满了灵性,给我们生活许多启迪,作者从小蚂蚁身上发现了成功的秘诀,在我们学过的课文中,也有不少的作者有这样的发现,请你列举出

Unit 12 单元同步测试题(附答案)

Unit 12 单元同步测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. He took a walk with her under _______ moon. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Mary was late for school _______ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of ( )18. _______ are important to us. We mustn’t cut them down. A. Animals B. Forests C. Vegetables D. Rivers ( )19. I heard him say so with my _______. A. eyes B. nose C. ears D. mouth ( )20. Mike is _______ after the long trip. He needs to sleep. A. tired B. busy C. dirty D. strict ( )21. My mother started _______ the kitchen at 3:00 p.m. A. to cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. cleaned ( )22. I saw Jim _______ the violin in the music room. A. to play B. plays C. to playing D. playing ( )23. _______ your brother at home last night? A. Did B. Was C. Is D. Does ( )24. —Did your cousin go to the zoo yesterday? —_______. He saw many animals. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —_______? —He went swimming. A. How was his vacation B. What did he do on vacation C. Why did he go on vacation D. Where did he go on vacation Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Yesterday was my grandmother’s 60th birthday. My parents and I got up early in the morning, and then we took the subway to 26 home. After we arrived, my mother 27 lunch in the kitchen. My father played 28 with my grandfather in the living room. They like to play chess and they are in a chess club. I 29 with my grandmother about my school life. She was very interested in it. At lunchtime we gave our 30 to my grandmother. My parents 31 a beautiful dress for her. I drew 32 picture as her birthday gift. We sang the birthday song (歌) together (一起), 33 she made a wish before blowing out the candles. We had a very delicious lunch. 34 lunch, we went to the park and took many photos. How 35 we were!



Unit 5 Creative Minds Part I-A Gasoline automobile, German, engineer, 1885 Barometer, Italian, physicist & mathematician, 1643 Polaroid camera, America, inventor & industrialist, 1947 Pendulum clock, Dutch, mathematician & physicist Diesel engine, German, engineer, 1892 Dynamite, Swedish, chemist, 1866 Kaleidoscope, British, physicist & natural philosopher, 1817 Piano, Italian, harpsichord maker, 1709 Sewing machine, American, inventor, 1846 Typewriter, American, inventor, 1867 Tapescript: 1.The gasoline automobile was invented by Gottlieb Daimler, the German engineer, in 1885 His construction of the first high-speed internal-combustion engine led to the development of the automobile industry. 2.The barometer, the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, was invented by Evangelista Torricelli, the Italian physicist and mathematician, in 164 3. 3.The polarod camera, which takes and prints photos in one step, was invented in 1947 by the American inventor and industrialist Edwin Herbert Land. 4.The pendulum clock was invented by the Dutch mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1657. 5.The diesel engine, which is heavier and more powerful than the gasoline engine and which burns fuel of oil instead of gasoline, was named after its inventor Rudolph Diesel, the German engineer in 1892. 6.Dynamite, the improved explosives with great safety, was invented in 1866 by the Swedish chemist Alfred Bernhard Nobel. He established a fund to provide annual awards called Nobel Prizes, in the sciences, literature, and the promotion of international peace. 7.He kaleidoscope was invented in 1817 by Sir David Brewster, the Scottish physicist and natural philosoper. 8.The piano, a key-board musical instrument, was invented in 1709 by the Italian harpsichord maker, Bartolomeo Cristofori. 9.The sewing machine, which greatly revolutionized clothes-making, was invented by Elias Howe, an American inventor in 1846. 10.The typewriter, its first practical commercial model, was invented in 1867 by the American inventor Christopher Sholes and was manufactured by the American gunsmith Philo Reminton 1874. Part I – B 1- a 2- d 3- e 4- i 5- f


s t e p b y s t e p第二册到答案解析和原文 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win


部编版四年级语文下册第三单元测试卷 一、看拼音,写词语。(8分) bái huàmàn mièténg luózhāo xiá píng zi xiùhuāméng lóng fán xīng 二、选字组词。(6分) [挥辉晖] 光( ) 指( ) 余( ) [徉洋羊] ( )群徜( ) 海( ) [炫眩舷] 目( ) ( )彩船( ) 三、照样子,写词语。(7分) 1.例:绿浅绿墨绿淡绿 红 ______________________________________________________ 黄 _____________________________________________________ 2.例:毛茸茸 _______________ _______________ ______________ 四、在括号里填上合适的词语。(6分) ()的回忆()的枝头()的流苏()的金晖()的雪花()的树枝 五、给下列句子中的加点词换个说法。(4分) 1.炫耀 ..着新绿的小草,一下子洗净了污垢。() 2.在朦胧的寂静 ..中,玉立着这棵白桦。() 3.白桦四周徜徉 ..着姗姗来迟的朝霞。()

4.不再胆怯 ..的小白菊,慢慢地抬起它们的头。() 六、选词填空。(6分) 炫耀夸耀夸奖 1.孔雀常常在其他动物面前( )自己的美丽。 2.小明受到了老师的( ),心里非常高兴。 3.王阿姨总是喜欢在别人面前( )自己的儿子。 寂静安静平静 4.老师来了,教室里立刻( )下来。 5.一丝风也没有,湖面( )得像一面镜子。 6.冬天的夜晚,山村里( )得很。 七、判断下列句子所运用的修辞手法。(4分) 1.突然一阵风,好像舞蹈教练在指挥,所有的绿就整齐地按着节拍飘动在起……() 2.在我的窗前,有一棵白桦,仿佛涂上银霜,披了一身雪花。() 3.哪一颗星没有光?哪一朵花没有香?哪一次我的思潮里没有你波涛的清响?() 4.不再胆怯的小白菊,慢慢地抬起它们的头。() 八、填一填。(6分) 1.诗和__________________一样,生命全在___________________。 2.诗是人类向未来寄发的___________________,诗给人类以朝向理想的_______________________________。 3.诗是______________的自然流露,它源于__________________的情感。 九、按顺序重新整理下列句子,在括号内填上序号,使短文前后连贯有序。(5分)


星湾学校2009~2010学年第二学期五年级 英语学科第1、2单元练习 TheSecondT ermof2009-2010XingwanSchool---Grade5Unit12T est of English 班级(Class) 姓名(Name) ___ 学号(Number) 成绩(Mark) __2010.3 听力部分(30%) 一、听录音,选出与你所听到的单词同类的选项5% ()1.A. tooth B. head C. backache ()2.A. thirsty B. fever C. tired ()3.A. speak B. some C. better ()4.A. day B. Monday C. yesterday ()5.A. subject B. lesson C. Science 二、根据听到的问句,选择正确的答句5% ()1.A. I’ve got a fever. B.She’s got a fever.C. Mike’s got a fever ()2.A.I am ill. B.I hope you get better soon. C. I can get some fruit for you. ()3.A.This is Helen speaking B.Y es, I’m Helen. C. No, I’m not Helen. ()4.A.I feel hungry. B.I can get some fruit for you. C. I’ve got a bad cough. ()5.A.Y ou’ve got a headache. B.I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m sorry. 三、根据听到的对话,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s got a fever. B.Her mother is ill. C. She’s ill. ()2.A.He’s got a cold. B.He’s got a fever.C. He’s very high. ()3.A.it is 5710903. B.it is 5170309. C. it is 5710309. ()4.A.Monday. B.Tuesday . C. Sunday. ()5.A.I feel thirsty. B.I can get some water. C. It’s over there. 四、听短文,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s ill. B.Y es, she’s speaking. C. Mary is. ()2.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C. Y es, she does. ()3.A.She’s got a stomach ache. B.She’s at home. C. She wants to go to the supermarket. ()4.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she’s having a rest. C. No, she isn’t.()5.A. She’s Nancy’s teacher. B.She’s Nancy’s student. C. She’s Nancy’s friend. 五、听录音,填入所缺单词10% Today is _________. Helen’s got a _________. After _________, she

step by step 3000 第二册 Unit1-原文及答案

Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48, and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1.spending special time together. 2.specific, complain, request, praise. 3.fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4.distant 5.all marriages, Work together o understand 6.Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7.Understand, win Part I - C 40, excel, domestic argument, losing win-win, lose-lose, win, a gift, returns argue over, aren't, who, in control, fear, didn't need, ought not to , couldn't, tried to, destroy, marriage love, loved, secure, discover, garden, cultivate, the most precious, own self, bloom. obtain, our partner, loved and respected, control. Part II- A A2 1.similar social backgrounds. 2.the same race or same ethnic background. 3.the same religion. A3 Japan / 9.2% / arranged marriages 3% / between blacks and whites Many people in Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other countries, spouse are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and pre-industrial Europe, the man's family negotiated a "bride price" with the woman's family; the man's family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the bride's family paid a "groom's price" to the family of the man. These customs are weakening;for intance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese


STEP BY STEP 第一册词汇 UNIT 1 Part1: chime vt.& vi. 敲出和谐的乐声;报时;机械地重复;合节奏 n.合奏钟声,钟乐;谐音,韵律;和谐;[航]甲板上的沟 millennium n. 一千年;千年期;千禧年;全人类未来的幸福时代 prospective adj. 预期的;未来的;可能的;有希望的gala n. 节日;庆祝 adj. 节日的;欢乐的 count down 倒数到零或规定的时间 fanfare n. 喧耀;号角齐鸣 Kiribati n. 基里巴斯(西太平洋上一共和国) Vietnam 越南 Hanoi 河内(越南首都) Bangkok 曼谷(泰国首都) Egypt 埃及 Part2: install vt.安装;安顿,安置;任命;使…正式就职observatory n. 天文台;气象台;瞭望台revive vt. 使复活,使恢复;使振奋,复原;使再生,使重新流行;唤醒,唤起 vi. 复苏,恢复;振作,恢复;再生,重新流行;再生效力 sweep vt. 打扫,清理;扫除;彻底搜索;掠过 vi. 打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展 n. 打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜viable adj. 切实可行的;能养活的;能自行生产发育的;有望实现的 hoist vt. 升起,提起 vi. 被举起或抬高 n. 起重机,升降机;升起;<俚>推,托,举 gravity n. 重力;万有引力,地心引力;重要性,严重性;严肃,庄重 mechanism n.[生]机制,机能,[乐]机理;(机械)结构, 机械装置[作用],(故事的)结构;[艺]手法,技巧,途径;机械作用 alumi num n. < 美> 铝 flavor n. 味;韵味;特点;香料 vt.给…调味;给…增添风趣 sponsor n. 发起者,主办者;担保者;倡议者,提案人;后援组织 vt. 赞助 Greenwich n. 格林威治(位于英国伦敦东南部,为本初子午线所经之地,原设有英国皇家格林威治天文台),格林威治镇(位于美国康涅狄格州)Miami n. 迈阿密(美国佛罗里州达东南部港市) Atlanta n. 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府)Part3: hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;不愿;支吾;停顿 vt.对…犹豫;不情愿 era n. 纪元,年代;历史时期,时代;重大事件lexicographer


冬日暖阳阅读答案-工作总结范文 篇一:冬日暖阳阅读及答案 《冬日暖阳》阅读及答案 ①冬天风大,摇着树的影子。我看见了三十年前的我,和同学们挤在学校前的一面土墙上,用后背在砖块上蹭痒痒。昏黄的阳光笼罩大地。 ②操场一角有一位老人,戴绒线帽,穿黑色棉袄。他用红薯糖做糖塑,卖五分钱一只。一只火炉,火炉上一只铝锅,加热后的红薯糖,像柔软的琥珀,温润光泽。老人拿一只小勺,舀一勺糖,他抖动手腕,液体的糖从小勺中流出,流到铁砧上,铁砧上有一只竹片。围绕这只竹片,掌勺的手,时而浓墨重彩,时而惜墨如金。 ③竹片拿到手里,上端的糖塑栩栩如生,晶莹剔透。要么是花脸典韦,要么是手提哨棒的武松。这是位民间高人,他稔熟四大名著里的形象,用糖来一一勾勒。糖塑再好,无奈舌头贪婪,昔日英雄,几分钟后,终将在舌尖上落难。 ④一群孩子簇拥在周围,高举手中的五分钱。我挤在其中。突然,身后有人清晰地叫了一声:“查一路,你没有爸爸!”回身一看,竟是我的同桌,我踩了他的脚尖,没容我解释,他已经拔剑出鞘了。一下,就击中了我。 ⑤是的,这年的秋天,我父亲死了。这是我的疼痛和短处。我成绩优异,品行端正,长相清秀,老师喜欢。可是我没有父亲。我羡慕那些有父亲的同学,他们的父亲大都是农民,高大剽悍,孔武有力。扛着锄头在教室外巡视,透过破窗向教室里偷看,用目光打压他人,呵护儿子。 ⑥待在那里,我试图抓住什么来抵御内心的疼痛。我没有哭,因为我没有哭的习惯。但无力反击,因为说不出话来。这年我才八岁。 ⑦老人做出了激烈的反应。他用小勺敲打着锅沿,又用小勺指着我的同桌,大声呵斥:“臭小子,这么小就知道往人心窝里捅刀子,不要想吃我的糖塑,你滚一边去!”他最终没有给我的同桌糖塑。 ⑧轮到我时,他递给我两只。举起其中一只,是举棒的悟空。这只很大,悟空刚劲神武,一棒冲天,横扫阴霾,是送给我的。放学的路上,我把它举起来,对着太阳。阳光透过糖塑照过来,深红的,暖暖的。我看了很久,风很大,人并不觉得冷。

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