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Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Passage One

Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保护区) (ANWR) to help secure America’s energy future ? President Bush certainly thinks so . He has argued that tapping ANWR’s oi l would help ease California’s

electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country’s energy independence . But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth . with the last government survey , conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels .

The oil industry goes with the high end of the range , which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years . By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall(意外之财)in tax revenues, royalties(开采权使用费)and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. Best of all , advocates of drilling say , damage to the environment would be insignificant . “ We’ ve never had a document case of oil rig chasing deer out onto the pack ice .” says Alaska St ate Representative Scott Ogan .

Not so far , say environmentalists . Sticking to the low end of government estimates , the National Resources Defense

Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease America’s energy problems . And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits , because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases , environmental permits and regulatory review . As for ANWR’s impact on the California power crisis , environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden State’s electricity output –and just 3% of the nation’s .

21. What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR ?

A) It will exhaust the nation’s oil reserves .

B) It will help secure the future of ANWR.

C) It will help reduce the nation’s oil imports

D) It will increase America’s energy consumption

22. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry _______

A) believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields

B) tends to exaggerate America’s reliance on foreign oil

C) shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR

D) expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia

23. Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that _________

A) it can cause serious damage to the environment

B) it can do little to solve U.S. energy problems

C) it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region

D) it will not have much commercial value

24. What do the environmentalists mean by saying “ Not so fast “ (Line 1, Para .3)?

A) Oil exploitation takes a long time

B) The oil drilling should be delayed

C) Don’t be too optimistic

D) Don’t expect fast returns

25.It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWR’s frozen earth ________

A) remains a controversial issue

B) is expected to get under way soon

C) involves a lot of technological problems

D) will enable the U.S. to be oil independent

Passage Two

“Tear ‘em apart!”“Kill the fool!” “ Murder the referee ( 裁判)!”

These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events . At the time they are made , they may seem innocent enough . But let’s not kid ourselves . They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed . Volumes have been written about the way words affect us .It has been shown that words having certain connotations (含义) may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to

be our usual humanistic behavior . I see the term “ opponent “ as one of those words . Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms .

The dictionary meaning of the term “opponent “ is “adversary “ : “enemy “ ; “one who opposes your interests .” “ Thus , when a player meets an opponent , he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy. At such times, winning may dominate one’s intellect, and every action, no matter how gross, may be considered justifiable. I recall an incident in a handball g ame when a referee refused a player’s request for a time out for a glove change because he did not considered then wet enough. The player proceeded to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then exclaimed. “Are they wet enough now?”

In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way.

I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent’s international and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which departs from normal behavior.

Therefore, I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs thereby setting an example to the rest of the sporting world . Replacing the term “opponent

“ with “ associate” could be an ideal way to start .

The dictionary meaning of the term “associate “ is “colleague” ; “friend” ; “companion.” Reflect a moment ! You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term “associate” rather than “opponent.”

26. Which of the following statements best expresses the author’s view ?

A) Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences

B) The words people use can influence their behavior

C) Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes

D) Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field

27. Harsh words are spoken during games because the players _______

A) are too eager to win

B) are usually short-tempered and easily offended

C) cannot afford to be polite in fierce competition

D) treat their rivals as enemies

28. What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves ?

A) He refused to continue the game

B) He angrily hit the referee with a ball

C) He claimed that the referee was unfair

D) He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt

29. According to the passage , players , in a game , may _______

A) deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their way

B) keep on screaming and shouting throughout the game

C) lie down on the ground as an act of protest

D) kick the ball across the court with force

30. The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved by _______

A) calling on players to use clean language on the court

B) raising the referee’s sense of responsibility

C) changing the attitude of players on the sports field

D) regulating the relationship between players and referees

Passage Three

Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge (大杂烩) of environmental claims made by household products, according to a “green labeling” study published by Consumers International Friday .

Among the report’s more outrageous (令人无法容忍的) findings-a German fertilizer described itself as “ earthworm friendly” a brand of flour said it was “non-polluting” and a British toilet paper claimed to be “environmentally friendlier”

The study was written and researched by Britain’s National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International . It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the

European Commission .

“ While many good and useful claims are being made , it i s clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy,” said Consumers International director Anna Fielder .

The 10-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain . Western Europe , Scandinavia and the United States . It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average .

The report focused on claims made by specific products , such as detergent (洗涤剂) insect sprays and by some garden products . It did not test the claims , but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September ,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

“Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly , but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing ,” said report researcher Philip Page .“Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims . while paints were third on our list with 73 .The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading .” he said .

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging , because terms such as “environmentally friendly” and “non-polluting” cannot be verified . “ what we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO .” said Page.

31. According to the passage , the NCC found it outrageous that ______

A) all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards

B) the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving

C) co nsumers would believe many of the manufactures’ claim

D) few products actually prove to be environment friendly

32. As indicated in this passage , with so many good claims , the consumers _____

A) are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buy

B) are still not willing to pay more for products with green labeling

C) are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environment

D) still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment

33. A study was carried out by Britain’s NCC to _______

A) find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standards

B) inform the consumers of the environmental impact of the

products they buy

C) examine claims made by products against ISO standards

D) revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization

34. What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products ?

A) They are likely to lead to serious environmental problems

B) Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false

C) They could arouse widespread anger among consumer

D) Consumers will be tempted to buy products they don’t need

35. It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to _______

A) make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements

B) see all household products meet environmental standards

C) warn consumers of the danger of so-called green products

D) verify the efforts of non-polluting products

Passage Four

Two hours from the tall buildings of Manhattan and Philadelphia live some of the world’s largest black bears . They are in northern Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains , a home they share with an abundance of other wildlife .

The streams , lakes , meadows ( 草地) , mountain ridges and forests that make the Poconos an ideal place for black bears have also attracted more people to the region . Open spaces are

threatened by plans for housing estates and important habitats (栖息地) are endangered by highway construction . To protect the Poconos’ natural beauty from irresponsible development . The Nature Conservancy (大自然保护协会) named the area one of America’s “Last Great Places”

Operating out of a century-old schoolhouse in the village of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, t he conservancy’s bud Cook is working with local people and business leaders to balance economic growth with environmental protection. By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.

Altemose’s family has farmed in the Pocono area for generations. Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program. As a result, his family’s lan d can be protected from development and the Altemoses will be better able to provide a secure financial future for their 7-year-old grandson .

Cook attributes the Conservancy’s success in the Poconos to having a local presence and a commitment to working with local residents

“The key to protecting these remarkable lands is connecting with the local community,” Cook said . “ The people who live there respect the land . They value quite forests , clear

streams and abundant wildlife . They are eager to help with conservation efforts .

For more information on how you can help The Nature Conservancy protect the Poconos and the world’s other “ Last Great Places,” please call 1-888-564 6864 ,or visit us on the World Wide Web at

36. The purpose in naming the Poconos as one of America’s “ Last Great Places “ is to ________

A) gain support from the local community

B) protect it from irresponsible development

C) make it a better home for black bears

D) provide financial security for future generations

37. We learn from the passage that _______

A) the population in the Pocono area is growing

B) wildlife in the Pocono area is dying out rapidly

C) the security of the Pocono residents is being threatened

D) farmlands in the Pocono area are shrinking fast

38. What is important in protecting the Poconos according to Cook ?

A) The setting up of an environmental protection website

B) Support from organizations like The Nature Conservancy

C) Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders

D) Inclu sion of farmlands in the region’s protection program

39. What does Bud Cook mean by “ having a local presence “ (Line 1, Para. 5) ?

A) Financial contributions from local business leaders

B) Consideration of the interests of the local residents

C) The establishment of a wildlife protection foundation in the area

D) The setting up of a local Nature Conservancy branch in the Pocono area

40 .The passage most probably is ________

A) an official document

B) a news story

C) an advertisement

D) a research report

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

41. A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and edit your text more easily .

A) register B) edit C) propose D) discharge

42. We don’t know why so many p eople in that region like to wear dresses of such dull colors .

A) low B) humble C) mild D) dull

43. The news has just come out that the president is going to visit China next month .

A) come down流传下来 B) come up发生,上升C) come out D) come about

44. The tension that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed .

A) tension紧张(状态) B) strain紧张 C) stress D) intensity强度

45. The other day , Mum and I went t o St. James’s Hospital , and they did lots and lots of tests on me , most of them horrible and frightening .

A) cheerful B) horrible C) hostile敌对的 D) friendly

46. In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great worth.价值

A) are B) payment C) worth D) expense

47. The writer was so absorbed in her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room .全神贯注

A)absorbed in B) abandoned C) focused on D) centered

48. Actually , information technology can bridge the gap between the poor and the rich .

A) link B) break C)ally结盟D) bridge

49. Some research workers completely ignore all those facts as though they never existed .

A) ignore B) leave C) refuse D) miss

50. Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime scene .犯罪现场A) stage B) scene C) location D) occasion

51. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to retain a culture .

A) retain保留 B) relate叙述 C) remark D) review

52. Companies are struggling to find the right balance between supply and demand , but it is no easy task .

A) equation B) formula C) balance D) pattern

53. Mass advertising helped to shift the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption .转移重点

A) vary B) shift C) lay D) moderate

54. Because of his excellent administration , people lived in peace and content and all previously neglected matters were taken care of .满意中

A) conviction B) contest C) consent D) content

55. I know you’ve got a smooth tongue , so don’t talk me into buying it。Talk sb into doing sth说服某人做某事

A) away B) down C) out D) into

56. Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) effective way to deal with some stressful situation .

A) effective B) efficient有效率的 C) favorable赞许的 D) favorite

57. The situation described in the report sounds terrible , but it may not happen .

A) inclines倾向 B) maintains C) sounds D) remains残余

58. The company is trying every means to bring down the wholesale price of its products .

A) pull down B) put down C) set down D) bring down降价

59.The mayor awarded the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.

A) rewarded奖赏B) awarded授予 C) credited信用 D) prized珍视

60.The native Canadians lived in harmony with nature , for they respected nature as a provider of life .和大自然相处和谐

A) coordination B) acquaintance C) contact D) harmony

61. Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future at all .

A) at all B) so far C) in all D) on end

62. I was impressed with the efficiency of the work done in the company .be impressed by/with/at:被感动

A) in B) about C) with D) for

63. Now in Britain , wines take up four times as much space in the storehouse as both beer and spirits .

A)block B) land C) patch D) space占据4倍的空间距离

64. His hand shook a little as he inserted the key in the lock .

A) squeezed B) inserted插入 C) stuffed D) pierced

65 For professional athletes , _______ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books .

A) access B) attachment C) appeal D) approach

66 In the long view, the new information technologies may fundamentally alter out way of .从长远角度来看

A) view B) distance C) jump D) run

67. All the arrangements should be completed _______ your departure .

A) prior to B) superior to C) contrary to D) parallel to

68. We need to create education standards that prepare our next generation who will be _______ with an even more competitive market

A)tackled B)encountered C) dealt D) confronted

69. In the late seventies , the amount of fixed assets required to produce one vehicle in Japan was ______ equivalent to that in the United States.

A)rudely B) roughly C) readily D) coarsely

70 Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ______ we radically change way we live .

A) but B) although C) unless D) lest

Part IV Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)

We commonly think of sportsmanship in connection with athletic contests, but it also applies to individual outdoor sports. Not everyone who picks up a fishing rod or goes out with a gun is a sportsman. The sportsman first of all obeys the fish and game laws, not because he is liable to be punished as a violator, but because he know that in the main these laws are made for his best interests.

The following are some of the things that those who would qualify for membership in the sportsmanship fraternity (圈内人) will do.

1.Take no more game than the bag limit provided for by the fish and game laws. The person who comes back from a trip boasting about the large number of fish or game taken is not a sportsman but a game hog (贪得无厌的捕猎者) .

2.Observe the unwritten rules of fair play. This means shooting game birds only when the birds are “on the wing”. For the same reason, do not use a shotgun to shoot a rabbit or similar animal while it is sitting or standing still.

3.Be careful in removing illegal or undersized fish from the hook . This should be done only after wetting the hands . This is necessary because the body of the fish is covered with a thin , protective film which will stick to your dry hands . If the hands are dry when the fish is handled , the film is torn from the body of the fish . Without the protective film , the fish is more easily attacked by diseases. If you wish to release a fish that is hooked in such a way that it will be impossible to closed to the hook as convenient . In a remarkably short time , the hook will break down and the fish will remain almost unharmed . Fish have been known to feed successfully while hooks were still in their lips .

4.Be sure of the identity of your target before you shoot . Many useful and harmless species of wildlife are thoughtlessly

killed by the uninformed person who is out with a gun to kill whatever flies within range .

S1 In what respect does the author think individual outdoor sports are similar to athletic contests? __________

S2 A person who goes out fishing with a fishing rod or hunting with a gun is not necessarily _________

S3 What’s the most important thing a true sportsman should bear in mind when he goes fishing or hunting _______

S4 Those who violate the fish and game laws will not be ______ for membership in the sportsmanship fraternity

S5 What are people called when they break the bag limit and boast about their big catch ?_________

S6 A true sportsman will not shoot an animal which is not ______

S7 What are people advised to do before they remove illegal or undersized fish from the hook?_______

S8 What should sportsman do to avoid killing rare species of wildlife ?________

Part V Writing (30 minutes)

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay [IN honour of teachers on the occasion of Teacher's Day]. You

should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




Teacher's Day


1-5 DCBDA 6-10 ACBCD 11-15 DABCA 16-20 BBACB

21-25 CABCA 26-30 BDDAC 31-35 BDCBA 36-40 BACDD

41-45 BDCAB 46-50 CADAB 51-55 ACBDD 56-60 ACDBD

61-65 ACDBA 66-70 DADBC

S1. Sportsmanshhip

S2. a sportsman

S3. Obeying the fish and game lawas.

S4. qualified

S5. Game hogs

S6. Moving/on the move

S7. Wet their hands.

S8. Identify the target./Be sure of the identity of their target.


2005 年-2012 年六级作文真题及范文 2012 年6 月英语六级作文题 题目:The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication 要求:commenting on "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad" The impact of the Internet on interpersonal communication In contemporary society, our life is filled with a variety of anecdotes or stories, and the following is no exception: "Dad:Hi sweetie, how was school, today? Daughter: You can read all about it on my blog, Dad." Funny as it seems, this conversation can be naturally associated with the impacts of Internet on our life: In an era of Internet, the time for interpersonal communication is impaired by online chats or blogs. Apparently, the impacts of the Internet on interpersonal communication are diverse. For one thing, as a vital invention, Internet brings great convenience to our communication, eliminates the barrier of distance, and helps humans to keep in touch wherever and whenever. For another, it is Internet that does not enables family members, friends or classmates to communicate more in a face-to-face way. One case in point is that youngsters may spend hours chatting with acquaintances through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Unfortunately, it we let this trend to continue as it is, the interpersonal relationship will, definitely, become alienated. To my understanding, it is advisable for people to communicate more with their families, friends and acquaintances in real life instead of merely through the Internet. Do bear in mind: Internet is just a tool. 2011 年12 月英语六级作文题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln s famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Way to Success What is success? In fact, success is a positive feeling, it is a state of confidence after we achieve our ideals So all of us will try our best to get success."If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z..Hardworking is x; y is good methods and z is stop talking and get down to work."It is said by Einstein, who is used to be a winner of the Nobel Prize. According to this Wisdom, we known that if we want to do everything successful, we must follow these ways. When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success, is necessary for us. Hardworking, which means we should try our best to do the things. Besides, if you want to get success, we not only need hardworking, but also have some useful methods. If you have some useful methods, you will feel that it is easier to achieve your goals. What ' s more, we must stop talking and get down to work. Success is base on the actions. Actions, may not let we get success. But if we not action, it can never be successful. Regardless of the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action. In my opinion, if you follow these important ways to do every things, you will get success at last. 2011 年6 月英语六级作文题 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同


2006年12月大学英语六级CET6真题及答案 part i:writing (30 minutes) 1.阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要 2.现在愿意鱼肚经典的人却越来越少,原因是...... 3.我们大学生应该怎么做 part ii reading comprehension (skimming and scanning ) (15 minutes) space tourism make your reservations now. the space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going for a mere $20 million for a one-week stay in space. despite reluctance from national air and space administration (nasa), russia made american businessman dennis tito the world's first space tourist. tito flew into space aboard a russian soyuz rocket that arrived at the international space station (iss) on april 30,2001. the second space tourist, south african businessman mark shuttle worth, took off aboard the russian soyuz on april 25, 2002, also bound for the iss. lance bass of'n sync was supposed to be the third to make the $20 million trip, but he did not join the three-man crew as they blasted off on october 30,2002, due to lack of payment. probably the most incredible aspect of this proposed space tour was that nasa approved of it. these trips are the beginning of what could be a profitable 21st century industry. there are already several space tourism companies planning to build suborbital vehicles and orbital cities within the next two decades. these companies have invested millions, believing that the space tourism industry is on the verge of taking off. in 1997, nasa published a report concluding that selling trips into space to private citizens could be worth billions of dollars. a


如何查询往年的英语六级成绩 如何查询往年的英语六级成绩 导读:我们知道本次的英语六级成绩查询一般都是查询当年的成绩,那么怎么查到往年的英语六级成绩呢,具体内容请看如下信息。想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 方法一:通过学校教务处 方法二:联系四六级考委会,从它那GET之前考试成绩。 下面我们来看看四六级考委会的具体地址以及申请方式和时间吧! 【通讯地址】全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会办公室上海邮政信箱 30-14 上海市华山路1954号,200030 【申请】提供 1)学籍所在院校教务处出具的证明(说明参加考试时间、考试级别、准考证号、成绩并加盖公章)的原件;2)身份证复印件。 【受理时间】每年3月15日至6月15日;9月15日至12月15日。其他时间不予办理。 【申请方式】以挂号信将条款规定的申请材料邮寄至大学英语四、六级考试委员会办公室。同时附寄【特别提示】所要求的`贴足邮资的回函挂号件信封。 【特别提示】为使考生能够及时收到回函,除提交所规定的书面申请材料外,请务必同时附寄回函信封。注意事项如下: a. 回函信封必须填妥回函通讯地址、收件人姓名、邮政编码及个人的联系方式。 b. 回函信封并贴好邮票(根据现行的不超重的邮资标准:上海市内为 3.80;上海市外为 4.20元)。 不符合上述条件的申请一律不予办理! 【相关阅读】 英语六级成绩查询忘记准考证号怎么办 英语六级成绩查询忘记准考证号,如下几种方法供你参考: 第一:用99宿舍或者推算法找回英语六级准考证号。

第二:你可以询问一下考场上坐在你前后的同学的英语六级考号,再推测一下自己的考号,再进行英语六级成绩查询。 第三:可以通过进入自己的学校网站,来查询自己的成绩,学校会核对成绩,将成绩输入到自己的网站,你可以在那里寻找自己的成绩。(一般在教务处栏目)。 第四:学校有统一的英语六级报考名单,在那里可以查到自己的考号,再进行英语六级成绩查询。这是最最方便,最准确的方法。但是也是需要等待的一个办法,就是回学校查询,学校的程序员会准确的告诉你是否通过六级考试。


六级翻译 helj 2011/4/12 令狐采学 10/12) 82.There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter. 83.Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的). 84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶), the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected. 85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了). 86. I ____________________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工) than go to the beach for a holiday. (10\06) 82.___(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leavethem and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties. 83.Before you take any action, please remember to ___ (权衡你的决

定会产生的后果).84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances ___ (他会违背还钱的承诺).85. Most educators advise that kids ___ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).86. Business major as he is, he has ___ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作). (09\12 ) 82. How long does a jacket like this last me? — (这要看你多长时间穿一次). 83. The theory he advanced has proved (对许多传统概念的一种挑战). 84. The manager (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called away for some urgent business abroad. 85. Both research and practical experience have shown that a (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的). 86. Much (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time. (09/06) 82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ________ (说服他不买车). 83.________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.. 84.When confronted with the evidence, ________ (他不得不坦白


2000年1月大学英语六级CET6真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) 2 hours. B) 3 hours. C) 4 hours. D) 5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. A) To cancel his trip. B) To go to bed early. C) To catch a later flight. D) To ask for a wake-up call. 2. A) They have different opinions as to what to do next. B) They have to pay for the house by installments. C) They will fix a telephone in the bathroom. D) The man’s attitude is more sensible than the woman’s. 3. A) Sh e will save the stamps for the man’s sister. B) She will no longer get letters from Canada.


小对话常见特色规律: 从考试的角度来说,听力小对话中存在着大量的美式思维跟规律,在考生实力不足以把握每一个信息点的情况下,适当的运用美式思维和一些规律,可以起到事半功倍的作用,但是思路必须紧跟主题,即要从学生的角度出发多想想会出现什么样的情况,尤其是沿着国外学生的思维去想想。才能得到解题的正确思路。 1. 老师要求严格 在听力小对话的学校上课场景里面经常会涉及到对于老师的对话,无外乎对于上课的评价,对于讲座的评价,对老师要求的评价这么几种。而在听力里面出现的老师总是要求很严格的,不仅仅对学生,对自己也是要求严格,主要体现在:对学生要求严格,上课准时,讲座很精彩等,但有时候也会有学生说课程很难,讲座听不懂等情况。 典型题目 Test 18 no 9 M: Erh-erh… Looks like I'm going to be a little late for class. I hope Pro. Clark doesn't start on time today. W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class. Q: What can be inferred about Pro. Clark? A) He wants his students to be on time for class. B) He doesn't allow his students to tell jokes in class. C) He is always punctual for his class. D) He rarely notices which students are late. 解析:这是一个典型的老师要求严场景,在对话中男生说:可能我得迟到一会儿了,我希望Clark教授今天没有准点开课。女生回答:开玩笑吧,他每次开始上课你都可以对你的表。因此答案选<C> Test 19 no 6 W: Professor Smith, I really need the credits to graduate this summer. M: Here at this school the credits are earned, not given. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) The man thinks the woman can earn the credits. B) The woman is begging the man to let her pass the exam. C) The woman has to attend a summer course to graduate. D) The woman is going to graduate from summer school. 解析:这是一个典型的老师要求严场景,在对话中女生说:教授,我需要这些学分才能暑假顺利毕业。男生回答:这个学校的学分是挣来的而不是给的。因此答案选<B>


心之所向,所向披靡 大学英语四、六级考试分数解释 大学英语四、六级考试(CET)分为四级(CET-4)和六级(CET-6)两个级别。大学英语四、六级考试的设计参照了《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称教学要求)。四级参照《教学要求》中规定的“一般要求”;六级参照《教学要求》中规定的“较高要求”。大学英语四、六级考试的分数报道采用常模参照方式,不设及格线。四级考试的常模群体选自全国16所高校的约三万名非英语专业的考生;六级常模群体选自全国五所重点大学的约五千名非英语专业的考生。每次考试等值后的卷面分数都参照常模转换为报道分。四、六级考试报道总分为710分,计算 公式为: 公式中TotSco表示总分,X表示每位考生常模转换前的原始总分,Mean表示常模均值,SD表示常模标准差。每次四级考试等值后的卷面分数都将参照此常模公式转换为报道分数。 四、六级考试单项成绩有四个部分,这四个部分以及所占的分值比例为:听力占35%,阅读占35%,综合占10%,作文占20%。各单项报道分的满分为:听力249分,阅读249分,综合70分,作文142分。各单项报道分之和等于报道总分。 每位考生的报道分在常模群体中都有一个相应的百分位位置。下面的表1和表2是大学英语四、六级考试报道分数常模百分位对照表。举例说明表1的使用方法如下(表2的使用方法和表1相同)。 例1:某考生四级报道总分是450分,从表1可以查到其在常模群体中的相应百分位是25%,表示这名考生的英语成绩优于常模群体中25%的人,但劣于75%的人。 例2:某考生四级报道总分是500分,从表1可以查到其在常模群体中的相应百分位在44%~55%之间,表示这名考生的英语成绩至少优于常模群体中44%的人,但不会优于55%的人。


大学英语六级阅读模拟试题及答案 第一篇 A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed. “It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review,” said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. “We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said. In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness. Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results. Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe, is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care, and helped many patients survive. But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties. Dr. Mardel said. One method is invasive ventilation. A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask. Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees. Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm. “There is a lack of shared information,” Dr. Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published. The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete. The world Health Organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines. Dr. Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return. Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations. 1. Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for _____. A. gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected B. conducting clinical studies of SARS patients C. determining treatment for SARS D. publishing all the information about SARS


2011年12月英语六级作文范文 The Way to Success First essay—stream of thought type The Way to Success "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." And here comes our question, what is the way to success? A strong will and great efforts are the most essential two keys to the door of success. Why do people fail to achieve their goal? The reason is that most of them give up halfway due to their lack of a strong will once they encounter any difficulty. A man of a strong will always sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Would Thomas Edison be such a great man in history if he had done nothing but possessing a strong will? We are all familiar with his story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without hard effort, Edison might have been a nobody. Without efforts, no one can succeed. To sum up, a strong will and great efforts can help one open up the way to success. Where there is a will with efforts, there is a way. 【作文解析】 本次六级考试作文题为The way to success,与本次四级考试作文Nothing succeeds without a strong will遥相呼应,大同小异,都是在讨论成功这一话题。 此次六级考试作文的话题依然是老生常谈,即通往成功的道路,相信很多考生对此并不陌生,背过范文的同学写起来肯定也是得心应手。 该范文段落结构清晰,阐释说理也足以让人信服,是一篇不错的作文。 开篇作者通过引用爱迪生关于天才的一句名言来引出问题,吸引读者注意,引起读者的思考。紧随其后,作者就开门见山地亮出了自己的观点:只有坚强的意志和不懈的努力才能打开成功的大门。 第二段,作者同样以一个问题来引领全段,引发思考。然后通过对比不成功和最终成功的人的不同表现,来阐释坚强的意志对获得成功的重要作用。 第三段,作者进一步阐释“仅有坚强的意志,没有实在的努力,也能成功吗?”同样是先发问,然后举了爱迪生的事例,来证明答案是否定的。举名人的例子,而非个人的实例来作为文章的论据才更


大学英语六级考试(CET-6)评分标准 一、听力及阅读的标准分换算表(标准分=得分x10x0.35=101.5-248.5分) 备注:○1听力理解包括短对话、长对话、短文理解、复合式听写: 其中短对话、长对话、短文理解共25题,每题算1个,共25个;复合式听写共11题,其中单词填写8题,每2题算1个,句子听写3题,每题算2个,共10个。 ○2阅读理解包括快速阅读、短剧问答和篇章阅读: 快速阅读共10题,每题算1个,共10个;短句问答共5题,每题算1个,共5个;篇章阅读共10题,每题算2个,共20个。 二、综合测试的标准分换算表(标准分=得分x10x0.15=43.5-106.5分) 备注:综合测试包括完形填空和翻译:完型填空共20题,每2题算1个,共10个;翻译共5题,每题算1个,共5个。

三、写作的标准分换算表(标准分=得分x10x0.15=43.5-106.5分) 备注:写作 33分--条理不清、思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。39分--基本切题。表达思想不清楚连贯性差。有较多严重的语言错误。 45分--基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 57分--切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 67分--切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺。连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 从上面可以看出,我们的得分范围是290-710分之间,也就是说即使一道题都没答对,也可以得到290分的安慰分。但是你不要太高兴,细心地你可能会发现,即使听力,阅读,综合都只扣一分,作文满分,你也只能得到683分;如果听力,阅读,综合都只扣2分,作文扣一分,你只能得到650分;如果听力,阅读,综合都只扣3分,作文扣2分,你只能得到625.5分···所以,一般来说,想得到630以上的高分是非常困难的。


2020年大学英语六级考试词汇辅导资料(1) Ⅰ. A key process in interpersonal interaction is that of social comparison, in that we evaluate ourselves in terms of how we compare to others.(2020. 12 阅读 Text1) 【翻译】人际互动的关键过程是社会对照的过程。因为我们会通过将自己比作他人的方式来评估我们自己。 【词汇】1. interpersonal a. 人际的,人与人之间的 例:Interpersonal skills are important in business. 人际交往技巧在商业中十分重要。 2. interaction n. 合作,相互影响,互动 例:The teachers and students need interaction from time to time. 师生之间需要不时的互动。 3. comparison n. 比较,相似 例:I don't want to make comparison. 我不想做比较。 4. evaluate v. 评估,评价 例:Your responsibility is to evaluate his work. 你的责任就是评估他的工作。 【语法】compare A with B 将A和B作比较;compare A to B 将A比作B

Ⅱ. First, we decide whether we are superior or inferior to others on certain dimensions, such as attractiveness, intelligence, popularity, etc.(2020. 12 阅读 Text1) 【翻译】首先,我们会在某些范围内,比如吸引力、才智、受欢迎水准等等来比较决定我们是胜过别人,还是不如别人。 【词汇】1. superior a. 上等的,优秀的 例:He is superior to me in English. 他在英语方面胜过我。 2. inferior a. 次等的,下级的 例:I’m infe rior to him in English. 我在英语方面不如他。 由此可见,上面两个单词是反义词,能够组合记忆。 3. dimension n.尺寸,规模,范围 例:They have bought a house of generous dimensions. 他们买了一间空间宽敞的房子。 4. intelligence n. 智力, 情报 例:She is absolutely a girl of high intelligence. 她绝对是一个非常聪明的人。 Ⅲ. At certain stages of life, especially adolescence, the pressure to be seen as similar to peers is immense.(2020. 12 阅读 Text1) 【翻译】在生命的某些时期,特别是青春期的时候,要看起来和同龄人相似的压力是很大。


请听我说:一个英语六级成绩552分的考生的自白 首先介绍一下自己的情况: 大二医科汪,去年十二月刚考过六级,英语六级成绩总分为552,听力190;阅读180;翻译和写作182。 港真,比起那些580往上的大神来说,这个成绩真的不算什么,但是我自己作为英语基础并不是多么好的人,能在三个月的准备之后取得552分的成绩我已经非常满意了,感觉已经用尽了自己体内蕴藏的“洪荒之力”。 之前考四级的时候我用的是巨微英语系列的辅导书,后来准备了三个月,一次性考过。四级成绩是总分644:听力225,阅读230,翻译和写作189,口语A。

这一次我又入手了一本巨微英语《六级真题/逐句精解》,因为书里会附带一份时间规划作为参考,我四级时也是按规划好的计划执行的,最后考的还算不错。 这一次我并没有完全按照计划,而是结合自己本身的薄弱项做了一些微调。听力在英语六级成绩中占了很大的比重,而我的听力并不是很好,而且六级的听力比四级的难度提升了很多,所以要用了更多的时间来准备。

下面给大家分享一下我为了提升英语六级成绩而用到了一些方法和经验。 首先还是词汇方面的积累,很多人觉得单词很难记,其实不然。我自己的办法是在真题里掌握核心词汇。任何一本真题都可以,你可以将真题文章中的生单词标注出来,然后在把它的近义词、反义词、派生词还用常用的固定搭配进行整理,然后再集中去背。 巨微土豪金的《逐句精解》主要是适合于我这种不想查单词的懒人,里面每一篇文章后都有关于词汇的精讲,非常之全面和详细。还有一个【逐句精解】版块,有一些关于语法结构的解释和图表说明,学一篇文章,又学了词汇又学了语法两者兼得。积累下来,不仅是词汇量,连语法都有了很大的提升。 六级的听力的语速比之前四级听力快了许多,单词量也有所增大,整体难度大概提升了1-2层次。 为此,我每天花在练习听力上的时间至少超过三个小时。只要一闲下来就戴着耳机不停的听,不断地磨耳朵。 在做听力真题时,我一般先猜想听力中可能设置的问题,然后再做题,不停的进行总结,知道听力材料中的那些部分会出细节,那些部分考查主题,等到差不多摸到听力出题的那个关窍就可以了。 阅读要能够保证每两天学习一套真题,消灭中间的生单词和长难句。还有加强对课外文章的阅读,至少每天一篇,主要选择


2006年——2014年六级听力真题及答案 200606 1. A) She met with Thomas just a few days ago. B) She can help with orientation program. C) She is not sure she can pass on the message. D) She will certainly try to contact Thomas. 2. A) Set the dinner table. B) Change the light bulb. C) Clean the dining room. D) Hold the ladder for him. 3. A) He’d like a piece of pie. B) He’d like some coffee. C) He’d rather stay in the warm room. D) He’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. A) He has managed to sell a number of cars. B) He is contented with his current position. C) He might get fired. D) He has lost his job. 5. A) Tony’s secretary. B) Paul’s girlfriend. C) Paul’s colleague. D) Tony’s wife. 6. A) He was fined for running a red light. B) He was caught speeding on a fast lane. C) He had to run quickly to get the ticket. D) He made a wrong turn at the intersection. 7. A) He has learned a lot from his own mistakes. B) He is quite experienced in taming wild dogs.

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