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11.23 小马机经


1.Hard--‐working,intelligence和highly m otivated 哪个更重要?


3.Which o f t he f ollowing d o y ou t hink i s t he m ost i mportant f or m aintaining g ood h ealth?

Doing e xercises, e ating h ealthy f ood, o r g oing t o b ed e arly?

4.What is the most important quality the teacher should have? 你认为作为老师最重要


5.Your university is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is

your o pinion? W hat a re t he a dvantages a nd d isadvantages o f w atching T V i n d ormitories?

Include r easons a nd e xamples t o s upport y our r esponse.

6.Which of the following activity do you prefer to do alone rather than in a group? Study,

shopping, e xercise.

7.Suppose you are doing volunteer work at a hospital, which of the following jobs would

you c hoose? 1. T alk t o p atent 2. R ead t o p atient 3. L ook a fter p atients’ f amily m embers

8.Some schools require students to take part in community service activities after school.

Which of the following do you think is the best activity for students? 1. planting flowers in t he c ommunity 2.doing c lean--‐ups i n t he g arden 3. r ecycling w aste

9.Describe a p resent y ou h ave g iven t o o thers. E xplain w hy y ou t hink i t i s i mportant.

10.describe a t ime w hen y ou l earned a n ew s ubject. s teps

11.Some people think students should study in the classroom while others believe they

should v isit t he m useum o r t he z oo. W hich d o y ou p refer a nd w hy?

12.What d o y ou t hink w e s hould d o t o d ecrease t he u sage o f c ar o r o ther v ehicle a nd s olve

the t raffic p roblems?

13.Choose O NE o f t he f orms o f t he t echnology i n t he l ist a nd t ell w hy i t h as g reat i mpact o n

people's l ives i n y our c ountry? A irplane, c omputer o r t elevision. U se s pecific r easons a nd examples t o s upport y our r esponse.

14.Your f riend o ften f eels n ervous w hen s peaking i n f ront o f a l arge g roup o f p eople. W hat

suggestions w ould y ou g ive t o y our f riend t o o vercome t his f ear?

15.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular

and h ow t hey a re d ifferent.

16.Describe h ow c ellphones c hange p eople’s l ives.Please g ive y our a nswer w ith s pecific e xa

mples a nd d etails

17.What do you think is the most significant benefitthat internet brings to our life? Explain

why you think this benefit isimportant. Please include reasons and details to support your r esponse.

18.Talk about an important decision that you have made.Explain why this decision was

important f or y ou i n d etails。

19.Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more

about t his p erson i n d etails.

20.The person I’d like to learn more about is my teacher Tony for the following reasons.

First, i t s eems t o m e t hat h e k nows a bout e verything. H e c an a nswer a ll o f o ur q uestions, math, s cience, l iterature, y ou n ame i t. I’d l ike t o f ind o ut w hat k inds o f b ooks h e r eads s o

I can be as knowledgeable as him. Second, he’s the funniest guy I know. He’s always

telling jokes in class. We never get bored because he gets our full attention. Lots of the stories h e t ells a re f rom h is l ife. I h ope I c an l ive a n a mazing l ife w hen I g row u p, j ust l ike him.

21.Talk a bout a n a ctivity y ou e njoyed d oing w ith y our f amily w hen y ou w ere a c hild, e xplain

you a nswer i n d etails.

22.Describe a good study habit that is different from other students.类似题目: Do you

agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score? 你是否同意,迟交作业应当得低分?






23.Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest

contribution t o s ociety?



选择elementary school teacher:因为她们负责教育孩子,而孩子又是祖国的未来,所以她们的工作很重要。


24.Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must

do a j ob t hat y ou l ove.你是否同意以下观点:要想快乐,你需要做一个自己喜欢的工作?

分 :活动


然后才能把工作做好。而且同时还能够have fun,很轻松。



25.Describe a s pecial f riend o f y ou i n y our c hildhood.

26.Students w ould l ike t ake p art i n s ome f ree v olunteer w ork, w hat k ind o f v olunteer w ork

do y ou p refer? E xplain w hy i t i s i mportant?

27.If a h igh s chool i s p laning t o o rgannize a n a fter--‐school a ctivity f or i ts s tudents,what k ind

of a ctivity w ould y ou r ecommend a nd w hy?

28.Which of the following transportation methods do you think is the most enjoyable?

Bicycle, a utomobile o r t rain. E xplain y our a nswer i n d etails

29.Describe a special event or occasion that you had with your family or friends. Explain

why i t w as s pecial.


1.Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it.

what's y our p reference?


3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Yong people today know more

about w orld e vents t han t heir p arents d id b efore.

4.Would you like to make friends with the same interests or the one with different

interests? 你同不同意找朋友要选择有相同的爱好的人?

5.Agree or disagree:students should do part--‐time job before attending college. 有人认为,

在上大学之前应该有work experience,such as doing a part--‐time job。你是否同意这


6.Do y ou a gree o r d isagree w ith t he s tatement? T eachers s hould m ake t heir l essons f un.

7.Do y ou t hink g overnment s hould s pend f unding t o s ave t he a nimals w hich o n t he a ge o f

extinction o r o nly f or p rivate s ource?

8.Do you prefer to do a job which requires you to travel a lot, or a job that allows you to

work a t a f ixed l ocation?

9.Do you prefer a job which requires you to communication with others, or do you prefer

a j o

b w here y ou w ork a lone.

10.Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town.

Others, h owever, b elieve t hat i t’s b etter f or t hem t o g row u p i n a b ig c ity. W hich d o y ou

think i s b etter?

11.Should employees be required to wear suits in the workplace, or should they wear

casual c lothes?

12.When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take

pictures a nd k eep a j ournal?

13.Do you prefer to have fast food in a fast--‐food restaurant, or do you prefer to have food

in o ther k inds o f p laces?

14.Some p eople p refer t o g o t o t he s ame p lace f or a v acation.Others p refer t o g o t o d iffere

nt p laces a nd s pend l ess t ime a t e ach p lace.Which d o y ou p refer?

15.Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: people live healthier lives now

than they did 100 years ago? Pleaseuse specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

16.Do y ou a gree o r d isagree w ith t he s tatement t hat i t's i mportant f or s tudents t o s tudy A rt

and M usic i n s chool.Explain y our a nswer i n d etails.

17.Do y ou a gree o r d isagree w ith t he s tatement t hat a ll c hildren u nder t he a ge o f 16 s hould

attend s chool. E xplain y ou a nswer i n d etails.

I strongly believe schooling is a must for children under the age of 16 for the following

reasons. First, children of this age need adult supervision. They are not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong. If they don’t go to school, they might hang out with the wrong crowd. Who knows what kind of trouble they will get themselves into.

Second, home schooling can be unreliable. I don’t think all parents are capable of teaching children all the subjects they need to know about. Besides, it’s impossible for children t o d evelop n ecessary s ocial s kills i f t hey d on’t g o t o s chool a nd w ork w ith o ther kids.

18.While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places, others prefer to visit familiar

places. W hich d o y ou t hink i s b etter? E xplain w hy.

19.是否同意it i s b etter t o b e a m ember o f a t eam t han t o b e a l eader o f a t eam.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e42608551.html,rge g rocery d epartment s tore o r s mall s pecial s tore, w hich o ne d o y ou p refer.

21.你是愿意参与sports,还是看别人play. W hich o ne d o y ou p refer? B e a p art i n s ports o r

watch o ther p eople p lay. U se s pecific e xamples a nd d etails t o s upport y our a nswer.

I p refer t o p articipate i n s ports i nstead o f j ust w atching o thers t o p lay. T here a re s everal

reasons for this. First, I personally enjoy playing sports as my hobby and interest. I feel relaxed after a hard day’s work every time I’m playing basketball or soccer. It’s just a great feeling to do something I enjoy and get the frustration I built up in the day out of my system. Second, playing sports allows me to stay fit in the process as well, it helps me to lose weight and maintain my health. Lastly, it is actually easier to make friends through playing sports together. I’m a person that is always interested in meeting new people that share the same interests as me. These are the reasons why I prefer to play the s ports i nstead o f w atching i t.

22.People’s p ersonality w ill c hange a s t hey g row u p o r r emain t he s ame a s t he t ime g oes b y.


23.Some one prefer the traditional way of working, like going to the office setting, others

prefer t o w ork a t h ome? w hich o ne d o y ou p refer?

24.Some people like to spend their spare time with family members and friends,some

people l ike t o s pend i t a lone.which d o y ou p refer?

25.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people will read less in the

future? G ive e xamples a nd d etails i n y our a nswer.

26.When t hey m eet a p roblem, s ome p eople p refer t o s eek a dvice o r h elp f rom p eople w ho

are older than they are, while others prefer to seek advice or help from people of the same a ge. W hich d o y ou p refer a nd w hy?



jazz b and 要在afternoon在校园的 lawn 开 concert

woman 不满意 因为

1. 学生要学习, 会打扰, evening 更好

2. 很多人聚堆会踏坏草坪










2、课间教授问题是一个比较private事情,好像对于大多数学生比较unfair,所以完全可以在课下通过Email交流,因为professor有regular o ffice h our,可以在那时候去问。 Question:Explain t he m an’s o pinion t owards t he s uggestion a nd w hy h e h olds t hat o pinion.


学校要 energy s aving p lan 两个途径:什么 light;把图书馆的 air c ondition 在大热天 cut 掉。女学生的反应:不好。第 一:light b right e nough, s tudents 走的时候灯还开着(不太记得了)第二: 抱怨说,无法想象现在图书馆有多热。这样根 本解决不了问题,本来图书馆是 best p lace t o study 这下好了,学生都不去图书馆了,都留在 cooler 的 dorm 里了。而且图 书馆 comfortable a nd q uiet,而宿舍 noisy, b usy.


阅读:学校图书馆因为空间有限,将 reference 和 journal 改成 online,不再提供纸本的材料。这样一来节省空间,二 来方便学生。 听力:一男一女两个学生讨论,她们听到后都很高兴。男生表示赞同说 (1)图书馆这个措施很好,因为他 在里面工作过,保存资料很占地方,扩建的话

要花很多钱,放到网络上的话可以节约经费。(2)另外,这个举措也能方便 学生,因为学生宿舍很多都有计算机,可以直接在宿舍上网查阅资料。



【原 因】有两个好处:(1)更efficient;(2)会有更少的学生自己开车。




【公开信】:学生 propose 学校应该新生在第一年开学之前, 给他们 future r oommate 的 contact i nfo:email 地址和电话: 好处 1、可以让新生们早点互相认识,省的到时候开学没人认识。好处 2、还可以 Plan 到时候带去的东西,省下空间以免 浪费。【学生议论】:woman 很赞成:第一点是能让学生在进学校之前就和自己的 future r oommate 联系 这样进学校就不

会 太生疏 谁都不认识 能感觉舒服点儿(减轻压力,适应环境)。第二点是能让学生提前和自己的 future r oommate 商量。因 为学校的宿舍很小,如果带了很多行李 stuff 就放不下,能提前商量以便于整理自己的行李(还可以商量带什么东西,避 免带重复的东西)。


学校要把 concert 举办到校外去,一来给学生多一些机会锻炼,二来可以提高学校的 reputation,引起 schoolchild 学 音乐的兴趣。男的支持,因为一来现在每年只有一次的 concert,二来可以帮助孩子们提高音乐兴趣。


阅读,学校希望更多学生购买报纸,两种方法提高读者数量,降价和送货上门。 听力, 女学生不同意, 1 价格已 经很便宜了 50 分, 价格没什么影响。2 没有那么多工作人员,没有人力和车。


【公开信】学生写信给学校,提议应该允许学生在图书馆喝饮料。理由1,学生需要咖啡或茶来提神。理由2,学生 都是成年人了,会很小心,不会弄脏图书馆和学校的书的。【学生对话】女生反对,理由1,图书馆的不远处就有咖啡 店,可以去那里喝完后再回图书馆,而且学习中间休息一下也很好。理由2,就算再怎么小心,饮料还是有可能洒到书 上,长此以往,学校就得换书和其他设备了。


proposal: a s tudent s uggest 图书馆限制同学们借书,最多借十本,因为 1. 大多数人一次借的太多,看不过来 2. 许多人借的时间太长,都丢了,这样可以减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。女生反对:1 要给好几个科目写 paper,喜欢 用很多书,至少 20 本,而且所借的书都会看。2 从来没丢过书。


A l etter f rom a s tudent s ays t aht t he u niversity s hould i mpose o n m onetary p enalties f or p eople who l itter o n c ampus f or t he f ollowing t wo r easons. F irst, i t c an m ake u niversity c leaning. S econd, the u niversity c an g et l ot o f e xtra m oney. I n t he c onversation, t he w oman s upports t his p lan f or the f ollowing t wo r easons. F irst, h er h ome t own w as d irty a t f irst b ut w hen h er t own i ssued s uch policy , t he t own b ecome c leaner. S econd, t he u niversity c an s ave a l ot o f m oney s ince i t d oes

not h ave t o p ay e mployees t o c lean u p t he u niversity.

听力说同意,首先拿自己的家乡做例子,家乡也有同样的问题,家乡采用了相同的政策,现在家乡很干净,不是钱让他们干净,二十扔东西被警察看到很羞愧。 第二,干净后学校不用雇人打扫校园,还可以还钱.


文章: 说要把一个 on c ampus 剧院关掉,移到外面的一个地方,这样的好处有:1. 外面的剧院更大,就有更多 的人去。2. 外面的 light 和 sound 系统更好。听力: 男生不同意,说 1. 太远了,不方面,同学们不想去 2. 我们不是 PROFETIONAL 的,所以没有受训练,去用更好 SYSTEM 也许还更差。


【学校通知】:信里建议把 math b uilding 的一层改成 cafeteria。Convert l arge e mpty r oom i n Maths b uilding i nto s mall c afeteria. S tudent c an e at b etween c lasses 2) i nstall r echarge o utlets i n new c afeteria s o s tudent c an r echarge t heir l aptops.

【学生意见】:女的赞成,说好啊,现在吃饭的地方在student c enter,离building好远,上课间隙来来回回很

赶,要是能在一层吃东西会朋友该多好,然后又说数学系的楼太旧了,cafeteria可以recharge laptop这样很方便,而且还可以在那干点别的事。(students a lways u se l aptops d uring c lasses --‐ allows s tudents t o r echarge



后引入 online t ickets s ystem

【学生意见】:听力里女生同意。第一学校礼堂音响系统确实非常烂,她有时候自己组织读诗 会,学校麦克风经常不 work。第二,online s ystems 也非常有效,能解决问题她自己很难找


In t he s et o f m aterials, t he r eading p art m entioned t hat t he s chool’s h all n eeds t o b e r enovated. And t here a re t wo w ays o f i mproving. O ne i s t o i mprove t he s tereo s ystem; a nd a nother o ne i s t o introduce t he o nline t ickets s ystem.

The w oman t otally a greed w ith t his p roposal. F irst, f rom h er e xperience, i t i s r eally a g iant problem f or t he s tereo s ystem. T he m icrophone o ften d oesn’t w ork d uring t he p oem competition, w hich g ave a b ad a mbiance f or t hem. I n a ddition, s he b elieves t he o nline s ystem should b e v ery e ffective, w hich c an e asily s olve t he p roblem. T his i s b ecause t he h all i s q uite f ar from t he c lassroom, n ot c onvenience. A nd s ometimes t he q ueue w as a lso q uite l ong.


Reading—Announcement: t he s chool i s p lanning t oprohibit s tudents r ide b icycles o n c ampus b ec ause t here c ould b e a ccidents.Instead, t he s chool w ould p rovide f ree b us s ervice. Listening—Attitude: 女生反对

Listening—Reason 1: 事故都是晚上发生的,白天很安全

Listening—Reason 2: B us一小时才来一班,太浪费时间



School w ill r emove t he p osters o n t he c oncrete w all o utside t he s tudent c entre. f irst i t c an improve t he a ppearence. s econd,posters c an b e p ut i n t he d ining h all o n t he b ulletin b oard. listening:


first,the c oncrete w all w ould b e b oring w ithout t he c hanging p osters. D ifferent p osters c an show d ifferent p ersonalities.

second,not e verybody e ating i n t he d ining h all. s tudents m ay c hoose t o e at i n t he s nack b ar o r on t he s treet. S o p osters i n t he d ining h all w ill n ot b e n oticed b y t hem.



【Proposal】Students s hould b e a llowed t o u se c ell p hones i n t he l ibrary.


1. Students c an t alk w ith a l ower v oice a nd w hisper.

2. Occasionally, s tudents n eed t o m ake e mergency c alls.


The g irl d isagrees. I t d oesn’t w ork.


1. The l ibrary s hould b e q uiet. I f s tudents t alk w ith a l ower v oice o r w hisper, t hey c annot b e heard, s o t hey w ould h ave t o t alk l oudly a nd m ake n oise, w hich w ill c ause t he d istractions t o other s tudents.

2. If s tudents g et e mergency c alls, t hey c an g o o ut t o c heck m essages. N ormally, u rgent c alls will b e d elivered b y m essages.


Topic s entence:

The U niversity i s p lanning t o i nstall c omputers i n e very d orm b uilding a nd w oman i n t he conversation s upports t his p lan.


First, t he u niversity b elieves t hat w ith c omputers a vailable i n e very d orm b uilding, s tudents w ill be a ble t o r eceive a nd s end t heir a ssignments o r e mails t o t heir p rofessors m ore e fficiently. B ut there’s a r ule t hat e ach s tudent c ould o nly u se c omputers n o m ore t han 10mints, w hen s omeone else i s w aiting.


The w oman t otally a grees w ith t his p lan b ecause f irstly, s ometimes s he f orgets t o c heck directions o nline w hen s he h as a lready w ent o ut t he d orm. S o i f t here i s a c omputer i n t he l obby, she d oesn’t h ave t o g o b ack t o t he f ourth f loor. S econdly, l imiting t he u sing t ime w ill p revent students f rom t yping t heir e ssays a nd o ccupying t hese c omputers f or a l ong t ime.


【个人倡议】一学生建议关闭 coffee h ouse. 因为这个地方很少有人来不是一个聚会的好地方并且灯光很差不适宜学习。

【学生态度】女生和男生讨论反对这建议:理由 1:很多学生白天有课,但晚上有时间经常在 coffee h ouse 聚会, h ang o ut o r d o s ome r eading.理由 2:after r enovation, 这个地方灯光变好,每张桌子上灯光很足。


Newspaper t o P ost O ff c ampus J ob O pportunities

The n ewspaper w ill f eature a j ob l isting o f l ocal o ff--‐campus b usinesses

1 s tu c omplain a bout s hortage o f j obs

2 h elp s tu f ind j obs r elated t o t heir m ajors

She a grees.

1. W hen s he w as f reshman s he w ent t o m any p laces l ike a b ookstore t o a pply f or a j ob. S he didnot g et o ne. T he o ffers g iven b y t he u niversity a re t aken t oo f ast. I t i s v ery f rustrating. A s a freshman, s he w as n ot f amiliar w ith t he a rea. S he d idnot k now w here t o g o t o f ind a j ob

2 H er f riend w ho m ajoys i n l aw w ants t o k now h ow a l awyer w orks. B ut s he w orks i n a b ookstore which i s n ot b eneficial f or h er c areer i n t he l ong t erm. I f s he c an f ind a j ob a s a l awyer, s he w ill have s th g ood o n h er r esume.







【阅读】学生写信建议学校应该有自己 museum.理由一、可以多 opportunity 欣赏好作品; 理由二、让毕业学生赞助修。

【听力】男同学不同意。理由一、downtown 的 museum 很近,而且 by b us 半小时就到 了。而且还经常邀请特 NB 的艺术家来搞 exhibition。学生证有优惠而且周一(周末)免费; 理由二、最近学校的毕业生已经捐钱盖了两个东西,一个是图书馆,另一是 student c enter。 学校没钱,校友们也不可能捐钱了


【学校通知】:化学专业 top s tudent 应该拿奖学金: 1. 可以让学生们更好学习;

2. 对学院获得的钱可以很好利用。

【学生态度】:The m an h olds a n egative i dea.

1. 系里已经给优秀生 certificate 了,enough 了;

2. 可以花那笔资金完善设备,造福所有 chemistry s tudents。


【学校通知】:announcement 学校计划要搞 library e xpansion:把图书馆旁边的 student center 改造成 new l ibrary, 从而 increase l ibrary s pace。好处 1、有更多的空间摆放更多书 shelves、存放更多媒体 materials。好处 2、摆放更多桌 椅,让学生有更多地方自习。

【学生态度】:男生反对。理由 1、学校应该用 technology 手段而非扩建图书馆以节省 space, 比如将资料扫描成 electronic c opy 储存到电脑里可以节省空间。理由 2、同学们爱去 student c enter 自习,不爱去图书 馆。学校减小学生中心只能导致学生自习空间更少。


A s tudent w rites a l etter s uggesting t hat s chool s hould b an t he f ood c art.两个原因,一是Not clean二是为了学生的健康着想。

对话中女生不同意 一是校园不干净不是food c art的问题而是not e nough g arbage c an的问题,学校应该多放置几个垃圾 桶。二是学校的食堂也不见得有多Healthy,而food c art除了提供hot d og之外还提供fruit 和juice的健康食品。女生可以买 东西吃而不会在课堂上hungry.


plan: university w ill n o l onger s erve p oetry w riting c ourse

R1:class s mall, e nrollment d ecline ,not w orthwhile

R2: s tudent c an t ake a s imilar c lass i n s tate u niversity

man: he t hinks i t's t errible

R1: 就是因为人少才更加的worthwhile, 因为你就可以more a ttention f rom p rofessor, g et important f eedback, 而individual t alk w ith p rofessor是 important的 大班的话 they c annot learn t hat m uch.

R2: s tate u niversity 不方便,own c ar的还行, 需要花费more t han 1 h ours o n t he b us, f or student w ho t akes p ublic t ransportation i s i nconvenient.






Reading: A s tudent s uggests t hat s chool s hould p ost p rofessors’ e valuation o nline. T hus, t hey could f irst p rofessor t o i mprove t hemselves a nd s tudents c ould s ee t hese e valuations t o j udge who t o t ake c lass w ith.

Listening: S tudents d o n ot a gree w ith t he p roposal. F irst, t he p rofessor w ill n ot b e h appy t o s ee the c omments o nline.

Students f ocus o n t heir s tudy a nd t hey w ill n ot t ake t he e valuations s eriously.



【学生意见】男的认为建议很好。第一, 导游会有帮助,另外男的是学历史的,可以去当导游,




anticipated e motion。人们采取行动之前会对自己做了这个事情之后会有一个怎样的心情有一个估测,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。lecture里,教授举例子说有一次去给妹妹买生日礼物,发现一件很想买的jacket,但是买了jacket之后就只能给妹妹买很便宜的小礼物,于是他就想如果真的买了jacket的话他肯定会很愧疚,所以最后决定还是不买了



刺激区辨(stimulus d iscrimination)。

有一些动物会通过sound, m ovement等等来作为stimulus,另外的动物会接受这些信息,但是有很多动物都要传递信息,他们怎么分辨是自己人在发出信息。动物们依靠听辨不同的声音,来判断危险和安全。


lecture里,教授以海豹的主要predator即海獭为例,说并不是所有的海獭都吃海豹。只有一个物种吃海豹,其他的对海豹无害。而这种吃海豹的海獭发出的sound 是单一的,over a nd o ver a gain. 而其他的发出的则 more c omplex,like m usic。所以海豹可以通过区别这个声音来判断是不是它们的predator。如果是的话就赶快run a way,如果不是就不会escape,因为会消耗能量。

Question:用听力的例子解释对stimulus d iscrimination的理解。


Behavior c haining,就是说有时候教小孩子一件事,就把这件事情拆开来一步一步教。教授的 lecture 很简单,就一个 例子,教他3岁的女儿 wash h ands,不要认为,这就是 one a ction,要分开教,5步,turn o n t he w ater, w et t he h ands, p ut o n s oap, w ash h ands, t urn o ff w ater.每天教一步,渐渐的小孩子自己就把这几步连起来了,过几天就能自己洗手了。


阅读:讲了生态学中的 cyclic p opulation c hange,说在一个生态系统(ecosystem)中,生物之间的数量(population) 是互相影响的,捕食者(predator)和被捕食者(prey)的数量有一个均衡点。听力:教授举了一个例子来说明。讲一种 mice 和它的 predator(可能是某种 wolf)之间互相影响。分三个阶段: (1)prey (mice)多,predator 食物充足,population 增加; (2)prey 少了,predator 食物减少了,population 减少;(3)predator 少了,prey 又开始多起来了,如此循环,population

平衡。 教授说实际上第三阶段就是第一阶段,因为是 cyclic,不断重复这三个阶段。


【名词解释】attribution e rror。就是说在判断某人的行为的时候,人们倾向于把该事件归结于个人的 personality,而没 有考虑到外界的客观情况。【教授举例】教授说他曾经参加一个会,

14年11月23日托福考试机经(红色标亮为小范围)迟到了,会议中他向 chief 提了个关于 new c ourse 的 问题,chief 很生气因为在会议开始时他说过这次会不讨论这个问题,他认为教授是故意忽略他的 announcement,但教授 其实是迟到了没听见


【名词解释】Close c ommunication b ias 是讲你跟你很熟悉的人反而交流有障碍,因为你对熟悉的人不会再去可以解 释你的习惯和习性。【教授举例】一个学生和以前的教授很熟悉,他们经常去意大利餐馆吃饭。他决定和新来的教授和 以前的教授一起去吃个饭。跟新来的教授讲餐馆的信息很清楚,位置、时间都很详细,跟以前的教授直说去经常去的餐 馆的老位置。新来的教授准时出现在餐馆,但是以前的教授却去了另外一家餐馆。请你根据例子解释一下。


【名词解释】natural c onsequence 阅读讲的小孩做错事,大人口语不用惩罚,由着做错事的结果来惩罚孩子。 【讲 座举例】教授给了个例子,教授 5 岁的女儿经常把玩具放在后院,平常教授都帮女儿收拾。 一天女儿还是把玩具放在 后院,教授没有帮收拾,那天晚上下雨,把她的玩具损坏了,女儿在这件事后认识到自己的错,以后再也不帮玩具放后 院了。


【名词解释】:place m arketing,一个地方利用当地特色来吸引游客。【讲座举例】:例子是一个临海的 town 不仅 有美丽的海滩,还有一个特点是可以骑单车,所以这个 town 就用这个特点吸引一些喜欢运动的游客,主打运动项目 牌。集中宣传来这个 town 不仅可以欣赏美丽的海滩,还能打排球,骑单车,参加各种运动项目。这么做的结果就是吸 引了很多 active 的年轻人,town 里的旅馆,饭店都蓬勃发展了。最后自然这个 town 的经济也发展了。


vertical m igration: A nimals t ravel f rom t he s urface t o t he b ottom i n t he o cean. 例子:squids:夜里在水表面,为了 feed o n t iny c reatures. 白天光照强,水面上透光,可以引来 predator a ttack. 晚上天黑了,在水面 squids i nvisible, 就 来水面吃东西。


名词解释:interest b oosting:教学中常用的一种技巧(technique),就是教学的时候,要把教授的

知识和学生现有兴 趣联系起来(connected w ith w hat t he s tudents a re i nterested i n),学生就能学的更有效率。教授举例:他老婆是学校里的老师, 教化学的。有一次要讲 Marie C urie.但开始学生们都不感兴趣也不能集中精力,后来他老婆找到一个关于居里夫人的电影, 说了一些她的发明和故事, 而且电影里还有演员是很 popular 学生很喜欢的。所以很多对电影感兴趣的同学也就开始对 居里夫人感兴趣,注意力很容易就集中了。问题:用教授的例子解释什么是 interest b oosting


c 开头的 feeding。 两种物种的共生关系。其中一种能从这种关系取得 好处,另一个不受影响。给例子是给了一种鸟和 cattle 的例子。这种鸟吃一种昆虫。这种鸟跟随 cattle。当 cattle

14年11月23日托福考试机经(红色标亮为小范围)吃草 的时候鸟就容易找到那个昆虫,cattle 不受影响。


Assimilation a nd A ccomondation

阅读里说:When c hilren l earn n ew o bject, i f t he o bjects f it i n t he c oncept t hey k new, t hey w ill f ill it i n t hat c ategory, t his i s a ssimilation. A ccomondation 的我记不清了,就不误导了。

听力里说:The p rofeesor's d aughter,Jenny, a lways w atches b irds t hrough w indows. W hen s he saw a b ird s he w ould s hout":bird!bird!"since i t h as w ings a nd f eathers a nd i t c an f ly. L ater, w hen the p rofsesor t ook J enny t o t he z oo a nd s aw o stirch, s he d id n ot k now i t w as a b ird. T he professor a sked h er:"what i s i t?" S he h esitated t o s ay:"it i s a b ird".

教授女儿很小,当看见有鸟飞的时候,让小孩说BIRD, 在她的脑子里,鸟的概念就是小的翅膀的飞的东西。一天教授带女儿去动物园,看见ostrich也有翅膀,问孩子这个是什么,小孩犹豫下说是鸟,在这个事中,女儿改变了鸟的定义


【名词解释】diffusion e ffects。就是做实验设两个对照组,但如果对照组收到实验组的干扰这个实验就失败了。

【讲座举例】 一个想要research一个exercise可不可以缓解office w orker的疲劳。把一个 building 分成两组,并告知做 ex 的那一组不准告诉不做的那一组。结果几星期过去了,实验组的有人就跟对照组的人感叹啊,说做了这个 ex 神清气爽啊,结果对照组的人也去做那个 ex 了。 实验失败。





【名词解释】leader p rice,就是搞个商品降价,打广告吸引顾客来买,这就是领导产品...别人来了不仅会买这个





主题:promotion r isk

14年11月23日托福考试机经(红色标亮为小范围)听力:例子是software d esigner因为工作很好,就升职做了supervisor o f x xx d epartment,但是这个人很擅长设计软件,但是不擅长管理,不能在deadline之前完成工作,不能motivate 其他员工,但是又不能给他降职,会让他很没面子,因而公司要承担给他升职的风险。


Reading—Test C ustomer: i n o rder t o s ee w hetheremployee’s p erformance, t he e mployer m ight hire a ‘customer’ t hat m akespurchases i n t he s tore j ust l ike r egular c ustomers d o, t hen t he h ired‘customer’ r eports t o t he e mployer a bout t he e mployee’s p erformance.

Listening—一个餐厅的manager找一个人当test c ustomer,来测试员工的服务是否到位。


Reading—Coloration w arning: A nimals h avespecial c olor o r o ther f eatures t hat s urprise/startle the p redators, s o t henext t ime w hen p redators s ee t hem, t hey w ouldn’t c ome c lose. Listening—Skunk【臭 鼬】 The p redator o f s kunk i s w olf. W hen w olves a pproach, t hey w ould emita u nique s cent t o d rive t he w olves a way. S kunk h as b old b lack a nd w hitecoloration w hich makes t heir a ppearance m emorable. S o t he n ext t ime w hen w olvessee s kunk, t hey k now t o s tay away i n o rder t o a void b eing s prayed b y t he s cent.


convergent e volution t he p rocess i n w hich u nrelated a nimals d evelope s imilar t raits. E xample used w as t he a arkvard, a p ig l ike a nimal, a nd e chidna, a s mall a nimal i n A frica. B oth a nimals e at the s ame i nsects w ho l ives i n c omplexly m ud h oles. B oth d eveloped l ong s ticky t ongues t hat c an be u sed t o e at t he i nsect.


Learn t ransfer

阅读部分:学习过程中,以前学习的东西对后来学习的东西的作用,分两种:a. Negative transfer. b. P ositive t ransfer.

教授分别举例,Positive t ransfer. 举了教授自己的例子。小时候学习钢琴,不看琴键,只看乐谱。后来到高中学习打字,只看屏幕,不看键盘。很Helpful。

听力部分: Negative t ransfer 举了教授朋友的例子。以前是舞台剧演员,习惯了大声念台词,后来做movie a ctor,不需要大声了,但还总是大声。此为negative t ransfer. 学习过程中,以前学习的东西对后来学习的东西的作用,分两种:Negative t ransfer, P ositive t ransfer. 教授分别举例:Positive t ransfer. 举了教授自己的例子。小时候学习钢琴,不看琴键,只看乐谱。后来到高中学习打字,只看屏幕,不看键盘。很Helpful。Negative t ransfer 举了教授朋友的例子。以前是舞台剧演员,习惯了大声念台词,后来做movie a ctor,不需要大声了,但还总是大声。此为negative t ransfer。


【名词解释】:记忆心理学。轨迹法(method o f l oci)。借助轨迹法按顺序 image 记忆东西的方法。选的东西要 vivid,更 好记。

14年11月23日托福考试机经(红色标亮为小范围)【教授举例】:教授举了个记 names o f p lanets 的例子。记 names o f p lanets 时可把每一个

行星的名字当作一个去 student c enter 路上的标志去记忆:比如你要 from y our d orm t o student c enter. T he f irst t hing y ou s ee i s t he f ront d oor, t hen t he t ree, t hen t he s tatus i n f ront o f library t hen t he b uilding。再一一对应,比如 to m emorize n ames o f p lanets i n s olar s ystem, m ake Mercury a s f ront d oor, V enus a s t ree e tc。当考试时你就 do t he s ame t hing,用这些 door, t ree 帮助自己回忆起 names。



例子:教授有个A牌相机,但不小心把变焦镜头摔坏了。后来在街上看到个价 格合理、各方面性能比A还好的B牌镜头,打算买,但结果发现没法安在自己的A牌相机上。所以教授








【阅读】讲 optimal f oraging,动物捕猎时会用 energy--‐efficient a pproach 去捕食, m inimize t he energy t o g et w hat t hey n eed. L ecture。

【听力】例子是一种鸟,Croak 之类,如何节约能量捕食 shellfish,先是潜到水里找最大的, p ick up t he b iggest f ish i n t he l ake ,然后把鱼从水里抓出来后在离水面 5 米高的地方把 鱼摔下去。太低的话,鱼死不了还得再摔一次。太高的话有点浪费体力飞那么高,fly 5 m eters, n o m ore n o less, t o d rop t he f ish, c rack t he s hell.因为是一种 shell f ish,不能直接吃。 if h igh, w aste e nergy. if l ow, n eed t o d o i t m any t imes, a lso w aste e nergy.5 米就是 不高不低正合适。


Aggressive r ecuiting即商家在推广期间给与顾客一些实惠,积累顾客,推广期过后开始收费增加收入。

lecture举了一个gym的例子在说明 这种策略的有效性。具体是,gym在推广期让消费者免费获得健身指导,一个月以后取消免费政策,结果大部分人都继续使用该服务,于是增加了gym的customer b asis,是有效的


【名词解释】: e motion d isplay(情绪表达规则):

It m eans t he e xpression o f e motion d epends o n t he s ociety i n w hich w e a re l ive i n.

【教授举例】:The p rofessor u ses a n e xample o f h is 4--‐year--‐old d aughter. S he h ad a b irthday p arty. Prior t o t he p arty, p arents t old h er t hat s he s hould h ide h er n egative e motion w hen s he d id n ot like t he g ift r eceived. H er g randmother g ave h er c ute c lothes a s a g ift. B ut t he g irl d id n ot l ike i t

14年11月23日托福考试机经(红色标亮为小范围)and f elt d isappointed. B efore h er n egative e motion b ecame t oo o bvious, h er m other s aid t he clothes w ere v ery c ute. T he g irl s uddenly r ealized t hat s he s hould s ay t hank y ou t o g randmother and s he d id t hat.


passive l ocomotion. A nimals c an b e c arried b y s th i n t he e nvironment w ithout u sing t heir o wn efforts t o s ome w here f ull o f r esources. 教 授举了spider的例子。spider可以通过jump 和walk来移动,但是走不了很远。因为它们身体很轻,环境中的风,可以带着它们到很远的地方 (lots o f i nsects ,fewer s piders)。


releaser: 一种initiated的behavior 天生不用学的通stimulate来发生的

eg1: toad,对于任何move l ike f ly的东西都会本能的attack,比如一只铅笔如果来回move 在toad 面前,他们就会攻击想去吃他。

eg2:geese 对于任何shaped l ike e gg的东西都会本能的保护,比如别的长得像蛋的东西在滚动,她就会本能的去保护它,这个叫做parenting。


【名词解释】:讲了search i mage



Reading: Concept o f r eactance, 当人们越不被允许做某件事情,人们却越想去做。 Listening:

Example 1: Kids p lay, i f t heir p arents d o n ot a llow t hem t o p lay, t hey a re m ore l ikely t o g o t o play.

Example 2: S oap c ontains a n p oisonous m aterial, b ut w hen s oap i s l imited t o b e u sed, p eople w ill miss i t.


动物发警报的声音会根据predator的不同而不同,同时引起的同胞逃跑反应也不同。听力里讲到meerkat,平时生活在地下, 但还是得上到地面去觅食。通常会有一个在那把风,当它看到 big b ird 的时候,会发出很响的噪音,这样别的兄弟姐妹就会躲到地 下去直到鸟飞走; 但当它看到蛇的时候,就会发出另外一种不同的声音,这是所有 meerkat 会聚集到一起来吓退蛇



【1 个问题】the m an c an't f ind h is c amera b efore h is t rip t o S pain. 男生在 spring b reak 要 去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了

【2 个建议】he c an e ither b uy a n ew o ne, o r b orrow o ne f rom h is f riend J ake. 女生让他买, 但是他说没有 enough m oney,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是 他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken 或者 stolen 就不好了

In t he c onversation, t he m an p lans a t rip t o S pain d uring t he s pring b reak, b ut u nfortunately, h e can't f ind h is c amera. H e i s s o u pset b ecause h e c an't t ake p ictures t here. T he w oman o ffers t wo possible s olutions. O ne i s t o b uy a n ew o ne, a nd a nother c hoice i s t o b orrow a c amera f orm h is friend. T he f irst c hoice s eems i mpossible b ecause h e c an't a fford a n ew c amera. A nd h e a lso doesn't w ant t o b orrow f rom h is f riend t hough i t's a vailable. T he w oman a grees w ith h im, because i f t he c amera i s b roken o r s tolen, i t w ill a lso b e a p roblem. A nd i f i t w ere m y c hoice, I w ill choose t he l atter o ne. I w ould l ike t o t ake p ictures v ery m uch d uring m y t rip, a nd n ow t hat I c an't afford a n ew c amera, b orrowing o ne b ecomes a g ood a lternative. T hough i t i s a t t he r isk o f b eing broken o r s tolen, a s l ong a s w e a re c areful e nough, i t w on't b e a p roblem.





女学生要做数学作业,但是过周末的时候把textbook忘在家厨房了,作业明天要交。 【解决方案】

1、晚上向她室友借text b ook,但室友也选了这门课,而且正在做,所以她只能等几个小时再借,所以她势必要熬夜。但她昨晚又没睡好,今晚要早点休息明天考试;



Briefly s ummarize t he p roblem a nd t wo p ossible s olutions. T hen s tate w hich s olution y ou recommend a nd e xplain w hy.


【1 个问题】 男生的朋友给了他一张今天晚上去演唱会的门票,这个演唱会有他最喜欢的 band 的演出,但是男生有 一个 history p aper d ue 明天,所以有一个时间冲突。

【2 个建议】他面临两个选择: 1. 去演唱会,回家再写 paper, 但是要 熬通宵。 2. 不去演唱

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