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Unit 1

Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car.

Section A

Oblige vt.迫使,使负有义务

Exclaim v. (由于惊奇、激动、气愤等)呼喊,惊叫

Proclaim vt.宣称,声明

Bulk n. 大部分,多数the bulk of sth. Scandal n. 令人震惊的事,丑闻Moreover adv. 而且,此外,再者Evidently adv. 显然

Span n. 时期=phase=session the span of sth. Nail down 确定下来,明确,解决Thruststh. upon sb. 迫使某人做(接受)某事,归因于Section B

Household n. 家庭,一家人adj.家用的,家庭的,家喻户晓的

Sketch v. 画素描,速写,概述n. 概况,概要

Devise v. 想出,设计,发明

Scheme n. 计划

Moist adj. 潮湿的,湿润的moisture n. Crude adj. 粗制的,粗糙的;天然的,未经加工的

Marvelous adj. 极好的,绝妙的,了不起的Launch sb. on sth. 让某人开始做某事Leave sth. behind 离开,把某物留在原处,脱离与某事物的关系

Unit 2

From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over. Historians, architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, landscape and traditions. These men and women developed artistic “languages” that helps us understand these aspirations and also e ducate generations. This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities.

Section A

Calculate vt.预测,估计,估算,核算Prospect n. 前景,可能的事情

Defectvi. 叛逃,背叛;缺点,不足之处=deficit n./deficiency n. 不足(的状态)

Compel vt.强迫,迫使

Speculate vt.思考,推测,猜测speculate about/on sth.=indicate=suggest=imply Spectacular adj. 引人入胜,相当壮观Fertile adj. 富有成果的,富有想象力的,肥沃,富饶

Elegant adj. (想法或计划)巧妙地,简洁的;优雅的

Scope n. 范围scope of knowledge Reservoir n. 积蓄,储备;(人造)水库,蓄水湖

Invest sb. with sth. 赋予某人某物

Section B

Revise vt..修订,校订;校阅;再检查;修正,改变(意见等)

Quiver vi. 颤抖,发抖

Motive n. 动机,原因,目的

Ratio n. 比率

Likewise adv. 同样的

Gloomy adj. 沮丧的,悲观的

Cynical adj. 愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲热讽的,悲观的

Recruit v. 招聘,吸收,招收

Orient vt.重视,定位,使某物向东方;adj. 东方的,新生的;n. 东方,东边的天空

Equation n. 影响(平衡),综合体;方程式,等式;平衡,均衡

Compelsb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事Be stacked against 对某人不利

For its own sake 没有别的原因for the sake of sth. 因为

Unit 3

The Odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly. As the sole heir and focus of their parents’ expectations, hopes and dreams, some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents. They often resent the pressure they’re feeling and keep a distance from their parent s or even run away from home. Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and the fluid journey of discovery they need in the phase of their lives. To get away from this confusion and upset, many young people resort to computer games, iPhones, or iPads to help distract them from their pain and stress.

Section A

Peculiar adj. 特有的,奇怪的,奇异的Induction n. 就职(仪式),入门

Radical adj. 彻底的,根本的,激进的,前卫的

Frame n. (小心措辞以)表达,边框,框架Static adj. 不动的,停滞的,无变化的

Heir n. 继承者,接班人

Rebel n. 造反者,反抗者,vi. 反抗,造反rebellious adj.

Resent vt.对……感到不满

Resortvi. 采取,诉诸resort to sth. n. 旅游胜地

Status n. 社会地位

Saddle vt.给……装上马鞍,使承担saddle sb. withsth. n.马鞍,(自行车,摩托车等)座椅Implicit adj. 不清楚的,闪烁其词的,不明说的(oppo)explicit adj. 清晰地,明确的,直截了当的

Deceivevt.欺骗+ into doing sth.

Reinforce vt.加强,强化=enhance/strengthen Make allowances for sth. 体谅,原谅,估计,为……留余地

Acquaint oneself with sth. 让自己了解

Back off 放弃,退出Section B

Exile n./vt.流放,放逐

Code n.(行为)规范,准则,密码,代码Feasible adj. 可行的,可能的

Snap vi. 突然(发怒,出错,崩溃,关上,咬住)

Deck n. 甲板

Banquet n. 宴会

Refine vt.完善,改进,净化,提炼refined adj. 优雅的,有教养的,精致的

Coarse adj. 粗鲁的,粗俗的,粗糙的Porch n. 走廊

Demonstrate vt.论证,证明,示范,演示Rouse vt.激励,振奋,唤醒

Integrity adj. 耿直的,正直的

Soak adj. /n. 浸泡,湿透

Torture n. 折磨,煎熬,严刑拷打逼供Cane n. 枝条,藤条,木本植物的枝干,甘蔗

Not amount to much/anything/a great deal


Drift off 慢慢入睡

Resign oneself to sth. 安于,苟且,顺从于Be tired of 厌烦,厌倦

Unit 4

I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were col lege sweethearts. Linda, who’s 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry, but they’re not together anymore. Melissa, who’s 19, hasn’t had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet “The One”, their great love. They think their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. Perhaps, they’re right but it didn’t seem so at the time. In a way, love just happens when

you least expect it. Who would have thought that Butch and I would end up getting married to each other? He became my boyfriend because of my shallow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend!

Section A

Consequently adv. 结果是,因此,所以Disgust n. 厌恶,气愤,反感Coordinate v. 调节,协调

Palm n. 棕榈树

Blur n. 模糊记不清楚的事v.使模糊,看不清

Weave v. 编造,编织weave-wove-woven =make up

Kneel down 跪下,跪着

Propose vt./n. 提议,建议,向……求婚


Commencevt./vi. 开始,着手+on 着手做/+with 从……开始做

Expel sb. from sp. 开除

Proceed to sth. 进而做某事

Take the liberty of doing something 擅自Go along with sb. =stand up for sb. 支持

Be immune to 不受……影响

Section B

Be inclined to do=tend 倾向于,有意于Impulse n. 冲动,突然的欲望

Notion n. 概念,观点,看法

Initiative n. 主动权,主动性,自主决断能力Spark n. 生机,活力,火花,火星Reckon vt.以为,估计+as/to be/that……Leisure n. 空闲,闲暇

Forgevt.形成,缔结;伪造,假冒Alternate v. 使轮换n. 替补(人或物)adj. 间隔的

Preliminary adj. 初步的,预备性的,开端的(formal)

Plural adj. 多数的,多元的,多种多样的plurality n. 大多数,各种各样的事物+of sth. Whip vt.突然移开

Definite 肯定的,明确的,清楚的

Frown vi. 皱眉头

Hasty adj. 仓促的,飞快的

Exceedingly adj. 非常,极其

Nonsense n. 胡话,废话,无用的东西Take the initiative 先发制人,先采取行动Thrive on 乐意做(别人不愿做的事情)thrive vi. 繁荣,兴旺=prosper vi.

strive for争取,求取

in the pit of one’s stomach 在胸口,在心窝

Unit 5

How can you be a smart and educated consumer? Many schools, community organizations, and even some banks offer financial literacy classes. Consider consulting with your school financial aid office or seek input from your parents or other respected adults in setting up a budget. An additional potion is finding a partner to help you stay on track and find pleasure in the administration of your own financial affairs. Most importantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, don’t let your ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling your problem before it spins out of control and lands you in legal troubles.

Section A

Manipulate vt.操纵,控制(思想行为等等)Defy vt.违反,不服从,抵抗

Recession n. (经济)衰退,萧条

Grave adj. 严重的,重大的,严峻的n. 坟墓

Nasty adj. 恶毒的,不友善的,不好的Resume vi./vt.(中断以后)继续,重新开始,取回n. 简历

Perspective n。(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法

Upright adj. 垂直的,笔直的,正直的Suspend vt.暂停,责令……暂时停学(停职)Disguise vt.装扮,假扮

Utmost n. 极限,最大可能do one’s utmost 尽其所能

Cement vt.加强,巩固cement into sth. 铭记n. 水泥

Derive vt.得到,获得vi. 源自,来源于derive (sth.) from sth.

Nourish vt.滋养,为……提供营养

Echo v. 附和(别人的观点),回响,共鸣Stock n. 股份储备take stock of sth. 估量,估算,判断

Scatter v. 撒scattered adj. 分散的,散布的Retain vt.保留,继续拥有

Ingredient n. 要素,因素,组成部分,成分Ego n. 自我(意识)

Tackle vt.=address=handle=deal with 处理,对付(难题)

On track 在(通往成功或预定的)轨道上Get in one’s way 阻挡某人的道路

Section B

Scout sth. out侦查,搜索

Issue vt.发表,颁布(命令,声明,警告等)n. 议题Sheer adj. 重大的,重要的,大的(表强调)Probe n. 探索,调查,探究

Profile n. (人物或地方)简介,概况

Tame adj. 平淡,乏味,(动物)驯化的

Trifle n.小事,琐事;琐碎东西;无聊话,少量,些许;零钱

Ongoing adj. 继续进行的,不断发展的Penalty=sanction n. 惩罚,处罚

Impose sb. on/upon sth. 把……强加给某人,强制征税

Shrug off 耸肩,对……满不在乎

Cripple vt.损毁,削弱

Blend n. 融合

Dissolve v. (使)消失,毁灭,溶解

Illusion n. 幻觉,幻象

Stagger v. 使震惊,蹒跚(地走路)staggeringly adv. 极其震惊地,难以置信地Filter out 滤除,筛选去

Let sb./sth. down使失望,辜负

Out of the question 不可能out of question


Unit 6

So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives? One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue. He points to marriage as an example, “In marriage, we create a situation where we promise ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we’ve closed doors.-`

Section A

Rival adj./n. 竞争(者),对手

Raid n. 突袭

Territory n. 领土,版图

Vessel n. 船,舰

Conviction n. 坚定的信仰/主张

Validate vt.证实,使生效valid adj. 有效,合法、

Veteran n. 老手,老兵,退伍军人adj. 熟练的

Enlightening adj. 具有启发性的Investigate vt.查明,调查,侦查investigation n.

Marshal vt.整理(思路,想法等)Fluctuate vi. 波动,起伏,涨落

Protest v. 反对,抗议,力言+against Cling to sth. 坚持,坚守,牢牢抓住


Modify vt.改动,修改

Restore vt.恢复

Implement vt.执行,实施,贯彻Underneath prep. 在……里面/后面/下面Delegate vt.下放(权力),授权n.代表人~sth. to sb.

Prune vt.(为缩减规模或成本而)裁减,削减

Discard vt.扔掉

Dose n. 一份,一点(药物的量)

Be featured in sth. 在……(专题,刊物)中被特写/专题介绍

Revolve around 围绕……的主题

Come in handy 能够派上用场

Be measured in sth. 用某个标准来衡量

Pay a big price to do sth. 花很大代价做某事Section B

Venture v. 小心谨慎地做,冒风险(去某地)Hint n. 提示,线索


v. 暗示=anticipate=suggest=imply

Provoke vt.激起,引起

Wreck n. 病重的人,疲惫的人Rendervt.使成为/变得/处于某种状态,给予,提供

Enforce vt.强制实行,执行,实施(法律)Verify v. 证明,证实

=demonstrate=affirm=confirm=convince Substractvt.减去,删掉

Penetrate v. 渗入,刺入,穿透(某层面或组织)penetrating adj. 有洞察力的,思维敏锐的+eyes/look/glimpse

Property n. 资产,所有物,财产Residence n. 住宅,宅邸,居住,留存Controversy n. 争论,争议Overwhelming adj. 难以抗拒,令人不知所措的,势不可当,压倒性的

Whatsoever adv. 无论什么(让步状语中),丝毫(否定句中)Whatsoever you are, ……Rejoice n. 喜悦

Precaution n. 预防,警惕

Stir vt.搅拌,激起(感情,反应)Renewvt.重新开始,继续,续期Withstand vt.承受住,顶住

Specify vt.具体说明,详细说明Prescribevt.说明,指定,规定,开药方prescription n. 处方

Trace vt.追寻……的方向trace a path of contentment

In haste 匆忙地,急促地

Settle for 勉强接受,将就

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