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第23卷第1期西安邮电大学学报Vol. 23 No. 1 2018 年1 月JO U R N A LO FX I'A N U N IV ERSITY O FPO STSA N D TELEC O M M U N ICA TIO N S Jan. 2018

d o i:10. 13682/j. issn. 2095-6533. 2018. 01. 009

移动G P U可重构背面剔除单元设计与实现






计。所设计的可重构背面剔除单元,能够对不可见的背面进行正确剔除,工作频率为121. 18 M H Z,与专用硬



中图分类号:TP302 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-6533(2018)01-0059-06

Design and implementation of

reconfigurable backface culling unit in mobile GPU

JIANG Lin,GUOJiale,DENGJunyong,

TIAN Rujia,ZHANG Xueting,FAN Meng

(School of Electronic Engineering,Xi?an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Xi?an 710121, China)

Abstract:In view of the dem and for high efficiency and flexibility of m obile g

a design m ethod o f a reconfigurable backface culling unit is proposed. A ccordin

realization form s of backface culling algorith m,using the reconfigurable array stru ctu re,the

m ultiplication and addition operations are processed in parallel b y4X 4 m ulti-core processing

u n its,w hich includs disassem bly and preparation of d ata,operations of m ultiplying and add in g,and reconfigurable sw itching of different com puting m eth o d s,to com plete the design of the

reconfigurable backface c ulling unit. T he designed reconfigurable backface culling unit can

rem ove the invisible back correctly,a nd the w orking frequency is 121. 18 M H z,w hich is m ore

flexib le than the special hardware im plem entation.

Keyw ords:m obile graphic processing u n it,reconfigurable array stru ctu re,backface culling

随着手机、P D A、掌上游戏机、便携式G P S等移 动设备的普及[1],移动图形处理器(graphic process-ing u m t,G P U)得到了飞速发展[2],但因受功耗和体 积限制,其对能效和灵活性有着严格要求3。

无论图形处理器绘制管线是处在固定绘制管线、可编程绘制管线还是统一着色器绘制管线[46],出于保证图形正确显示、增强图形真实感、减少G P U绘制过程中的处理量和提高执行效率的目的,对其都需要进行“背面剔除”[79]。通过剔 除不可见的背面,可以降低G P U的计算量,并减 少扫描转换和染色过程的处理复杂度,然而,背面 剔除算法实现形式较多,需要针对不同计算形式



作者筒介:蒋林(1970 —),男,博士,教授,从事专用集成电路设计研究。E-mail:l@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e44547372.html,. cn

郭佳乐(1992 —),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为电路与系统。E-mail:315762794@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e44547372.html,
